Would overturning abortion rights turn back clock to 1973?

  • 📰 AP
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Even if the Supreme Court were to overturn Roe v. Wade, women have more methods to avoid unwanted pregnancies, as well as safer, easier options for abortion than they did before the landmark case was decided in 1973.

FILE - In this Wednesday, April 26, 1989 file photo, Norma McCorvey, Jane Roe in the 1973 court case, left, and her attorney Gloria Allred hold hands as they leave the Supreme Court building in Washington after sitting in while the court listened to arguments in a Missouri abortion case. A wave of state abortion bans in 2019 has set off speculation: What would happen if Roe v.

In 1974, a year after Roe, there were about 899,000 abortions in the U.S., according to the Guttmacher Institute, a research organization that supports abortion rights. A woman can get the morning-after pill without a prescription and keep some in her medicine cabinet for emergencies. Her smartphone sends birth control reminders. Or, if she prefers, a matchstick-size implant gives her no-hassle contraception for years at a time.

Her experience contrasts with that of Vikki Wachtel, who as an 18-year-old attending school in Connecticut had an abortion in New York City’s Bellevue Hospital in October 1970. That was just a few months after New York became a pioneer in broadly legalizing abortion. Abortion-rights activists, at rallies supporting Roe v. Wade, often display images of coat hangers that were sometimes used in illegal abortions many decades ago.

“If the recent events have shown us anything, it’s that self-managed abortion is vital to current and future reproductive rights in the United States,” Adams said.One crucial change since 1973 is the development of ultrasound technology. For many Americans, the first image they now see of a son, daughter or grandchild is often a sound wave scan of the fetus.

“If someone is six weeks pregnant, that’s not a viable pregnancy,” Davis said. “And some fetuses will never be viable because they have a lethal abnormality and will die after birth.”In the aftermath of Roe, it took years for supporters and opponents of abortion rights to entrench themselves in the polarized camps of today.


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This tweet did not age well.

You were saying, trash news organization?

This is the most irresponsible, reprehensible article I’ve seen this week. dobetter

That’s NOT the point, It’s about women’s bodily autonomy. C’mon AP, don’t turn into the Times.

Sooooooooo not helpful.

No. No no no. Delete this. Christ.

'Losing your rights isn't so bad.'

Yeah, so, everything is fine. Jerks.

AP can be dumb as fuck sometimes I see. Nice nice nice

Who was the editor who approved this nonsense?

Shame, AP. You know better. So do better. 😡

Seriously you would think AP would have writers who actually read.

Even when the GOP passes stricter voting laws, minorities and women should just shut up and be thankful that they were allowed to vote in the first place.

by destroying PPFA in most states, poor women, uninsured women, young women cannot obtain those measures. AND - some abortions are for medical reasons unforeseen.. but dangerous, even fatal for the woman. this is most dangerously inaccurate tweet by AP ever.

Idiotic title/article


Even in Georgia and Alabamy where the penalty is 99 years? I note that this idiotic article doesn't even address that legislation; why not, one wonders? This article is a load of deluded lying con-manure.

Who bought you? Your reporting is stating to read like a rag.

Clearly a piece out of TheOnion, right? Good gag article AP!

Are these people legit journalists? Did they go to Trump U?

You are conflating medical advances over the past 45 years with regulating women's body parts today? Stupid move, . These are completely different issues, and I refuse to relax, be relieved or grateful about medical advances. Those are only available to women with money

W.T.F.? So much for “unbiased.”


What the hell is this?!

What is the reason for this article? Who paid you off to post it? Are you really so naive? Why do you hate women?

The people who are trying to outlaw abortions are also trying to outlaw the safest and most effective forms of BirthControl. States were free to ban birth control until 1971. (Eisenstadt Supreme Court case.) Sad for to tweet something so irresponsible and ill-informed.

...if they have money.


Maybe should hire an editor who prevents such drivel, rather than letting TWO people write opinion - I can write such junk alone, but AP needs two people?

*clears throat* SOME WOMEN The rich, privileged, often white, women will be fine. The others don’t, and won’t be safe.

Holy shit, AP... it's almost impressive how tone deaf this article is.

Wow...this is truly a terrible take. WTF?


No, we don’t, because they’re banning all of that, too!!! Wake up!!! Women are going to die because of this.

Holy Krikez...Stop drinking the KOOK-AID PEOPLE! It makes you stuck on stupid FFS!!!



Naw, fuck that.

Translation: Girls, let the men folk take care of everything, including your right to make decisions about your body. Sit quietly and smile while we do this.

You are missing or misrepresenting the point of Roe vs. Wade! No government should have the right to control anyone’s body.

Hey, you don't need ALL your rights. , do you have a clue?

I’m a gay man and I know more about women’s reproductive systems than the AP. That’s just wrong. The AP’s sexism is unacceptable.

False premise based on a poor argument. Women do have more methods to avoid pregnancy...once pregnant however, it's clear men are making all their choices with their overwhelming gov't majority. Women are 51 % of the population and are a by far the minority in gov't. You suck.

EXCEPT some of these fucking states do want to limit birth control too.

To the male coauthor - STFU. Abortion is none of your dammed business. To the female coauthor - SHAME ON YOU!


Also AP: “Even if we reinstitute Slavery, the farm tools are so much nicer these days, slaves probably wouldn’t mind”

I think is missing the point

Who approved this bs?

A woman put her name on that tripe? I'm amazed.

Dude. AP.

Absolutely palling... WTF is this supposed to be, because it sure as hell isn't journalism...

So it’s just fine and dandy that a corpse would have more rights to bodily autonomy than a pregnant human?

You may want to check the laws that are preventing access to reproductive care before reporting stories that support their war on women.

Yeah, just tell all the men to go F*** themselves.

AP you're coming off as rather misogynistic. You should apologize now before you spend an eternity being dissed by women all over this nation. I'm going to start right now. BLOCKING YOU!

Wtf?! you talk about women having more and 'easier' options for birth control then go on to layout a story about a woman whom had to drive 70 miles and pay $800 to get pills?! So easy! Really great journalism

This has got to be the most irresponsible tweet ever. Women in some areas have no access to affordable healthcare. And oh- there’s the whole personal choice thing.

There is obviously no rationale or medical objectivity in this statement ..nil.women's rights and freedoms should be limitless. the option given does not reduce risk of dying from an abortion. Why are media outlets run by idiots-can’t believe these people have a forum to write bs

DAVID CRARY and CARLA K. JOHNSON, what the actual hell were you both thinking ?! Abortions shouldnt just be done alone in our bathrooms with dangerous self medication! Wtf seriously? How out of touch are you both for putting this rationale out there?Shame on you.

And much faster, easier ways of ACHIEVING AN ORGASM by not involving a SELFISH PIG.

Reported for directing hate against women and being abusive & disrespectful! warOnWomen AntiAbortion

Now if only women had more options to avoid unwanted presidencies. SpeakerPelosi No wire hangers & no wire hangups. theIword ITMFA

You just made me puke.

Yeah, except that the same people have pushed for our insurance not to cover those things. So unless the government is going to regulate the price of contraception, women are being pushed into a corner.

Pretty tone deaf piece, guys.

We’d have to go back to pennyroyal and other ghastly herbs but I don’t want any forced birrhers to mistakenly think it will stop abortions. It won’t.

Dumbass. If Roe v Wade is overturned, there will be no 'safer' OR 'easier' abortion except for the rich who have always been able to afford a safer illegal abortion yet chastise poor women for abortions or for having a baby they can't afford or don't want. How completely ignorant

Congrats AP, you are still, a week later, assholes of the day with this article.


Wtaf? Or did you not realise that places that ban abortion will also make it impossibly hard to get birth control? And that women's health takes a nosedive in these states? What is wrong with the people who wrote this

Let me guess the person who wrote this, his name is Steve?

What the hell? You know abortion won’t stop. It’s only the end to safe abortions and women will die.


AP says what?

Butt that’s not the issue... they should be using those first and abortions when absolutely needed.. rape incest and life of the mother... only... Why? Even AP said it... so many other methods are available over or in spite of abortion

If Roe v Wade is overturned a whole hell of a lot of women will have zero options for abortion services even in the most dire cases you damn fools. Plus they will lose birth control options. Are the writers of this garbage paying any attention to the far right 🤬

Delete this.


This is true because it is legal. Roe v. Wade made it safer 🤦‍♀️

What is the point of this article, ? It comes off reeking of propaganda. To think you used to be respected for journalistic integrity. This librarian won’t be using you as a source anymore.

1995: telling teens not to have sex at all bc Abstinence was sex education. 2000... Whatever: safe sex bc we know you're going to do it anyway so here's all the ways we're going to help make sure you're safe abt it, have some free condoms, college medical care etc...

How naive this reporting is?

Are you kidding me with this?

How is this POS “article” still up after 3 days?!?! Seriously, and I’m not asking for a friend

oh word?

Fuck off.

From your own article: Julie Burkhart, a former colleague of Tiller’s who now runs an abortion clinic in Wichita, said Kansas — like many GOP-controlled states — now has an array of restrictions that make obtaining abortions more expensive, time-consuming and stressful.

Oh, FFS.

Women need to move away from Red States where they are treated like second class citizens by the Republican Taliban.

getting rid of roe v wade will be just the start, though

Shame on you shame

david crary and carla johnson wrote this shit


Jesus this is so fucked up.

If abortion was criminalized, it wouldn't be safe and easy to get one. There'd be an astounding number of hoops to jump through, to make sure you get the right medications, & don't leave behind a paper trail. & that's just medically-induced abortion. Surgery? Almost impossible

Whoa. Ratio.

Screw your garbage take on this one . Unless the same states who ban abortion, offer cost effective birth control & free medical care, fund social programs, get someone less idiotic than BetsyDeVosED to head education and mandate reversible vasectomies for males, we're...

Only if the woman is fcking a married repug congressman. He'll spend the money to fly to Canada for that 'easier option for abortion'. FFS

Gee, really? How lucky we women are! (🤨) Meanwhile, men still cause 100% of unwanted pregnancies. What has changed for them?

Hmmm “safer and easier” options that will have the added risk of being illegal and 99 year prison time. Roe v Wade is important for many reason. Legal protection is just one.

Jaysus. Morons

Even if you decided to present news without the patriarchal slant, , I have more options for news that help me avoid unwanted misogyny. I’ve unfollowed you, and I won’t be back. Your coverage of abortion rights stinks.

Whoever wrote this is stupid.

Kill all men?

What the hell

We are taxpayers and we DEMAND freedom of religion, and we DEMAND our rights to privacy, WE DEMAND THE RIGHT TO SAVE OUR OWN LIVES

Right? Because molested twelve year olds totally have access to reliable birth control, and abusive husbands never want to trap their wives...you need to shut up now. Rapists don't wear condoms since they found out that rape cases don't get prosecuted and rape kits sit untested

This is Ignorant and short Sighted. Be better.

What the hell are you talking about?

Making it real hard to defend journalism I see

Um, sure. Because once surgical abortions are outlawed the GOP won’t decide to come after abortion-inducing drugs or birth control. Nah, they’ll leave that alone because they’ll be tired from all that winning... See Justice Thomas’ opinion from today for proof... 🙄

Are you effing kidding me with this garbage take?

Pls delete

There is no end to how far folks will go to uphold their misogyny and bigotry. You, AP, are folks. 🤨😫😠🤫

What an incredibly horrible take on this issue. Please retract and issue an apology.

and guess what they'll go after next

How did this raving lunatic end up writing for the Associated Press?!?!? We had the pill and IUDs in ‘74, just as we do today, but how do we avoid unwanted pregnancies resulting from sexual assault?!? Does it matter how safe and easy abortions are if they’re ILLEGAL?!?

True, but it would save babies

OMG, I just can’t. 🖕🏾

You. Do. Not. Understand. My. Actual. Options.

You. Do. Not. Understand. How. My. Body. Works.

What the funky butt?

My mind is blown that you would allow this extremely ignorant piece to be published. Wow.

One more bad take on this level of awfulness, and I'm blocking you.

What?! Shame on you, AP!!!WeWillNotGoBack WomensRightsAreHumanRights

This is a horrible take. There is no 'even if' here. Reproductive rights are being taken away, and they will not stop with Roe.

So, DAVID CRARY and CARLA K. JOHNSON: how much did each of you get paid to write this propaganda? AP, you should be ashamed of yourselves. You were once the bastions of the unbiased press. No more. Looks like the Evangelicals bought your pens too. GOPevangelicalpropaganda

100% true the use in-large for surgical procedures to terminate human lives is outdated furthermore needs to be highly regulated and constantly assessed by policy makers to ensure topic is being addressed properly... it doesn’t matter what a bunch of radicals type in Twitter

Why is this not tagged as an anti-abortion editorial?

Inaccurate AF

That’s no silver lining. In many ways we will be worse off. The criminal penalties being put forth are far more harsh than before roe v wade.

When writers are disengenous af this is what you get. I guarandamntee it these touted forms of birth control and pill induced abortion will be banned. This is about controlling women's sexual agency...not 'options'

Some people still think that a woman is less than-that’s the 1/3 that watches. That’s were the evil lies, in people who think they know better. Womensreproductiverights

Your statement is incorrect. Also, “they” will try to criminalize the “easier options”, too.

Seriously, people? You ARE clueless, aren’t you?

. the point (☉ ‿ ⚆) --|-- you / \\

Not buying that

You've got to be kidding me! Who writes this crap with a paternalistic smugness. Who the hell are you to tell women it won't be that bad?

Oh greaaaaaaaaat, looks like problem solved.

what in the living fuck are you doing?


This is a horrible headline . What better way to drive women away from your pubkication?

damn AP is spreading propaganda now wow

For every man who supports this, gets automatic vasectomy, problem solved

Does this read like it was written by Artificial Intelligence in the 1980's? Reasoning applied in article doesn't make any logical sense to current abortion legistlature. (ie, how is getting abortion meds to take at home better if a state outlaws ALL abortions?).

Susan2Call What kind of BS headline is this?

Actually, yes it would. The very act of overturning Roe v. Wade would be all the proof that we need to show that we have have gone backwards as a country.

How much did you losers get paid to fall in line with the autocracy? Women will remember every media outlet that put out junk like this. Do better.

This is magical thinking. These forced-birth activists planning to eliminate access to BIRTH CONTROL OF ALL KINDS.

i can't believe this tweet is still up you should be ashamed

this article and are bullshit


Sure. We have options. BUT WE HAVE ALWAYS HAD OPTIONS. Get the f*** out of women’s bodies or we will come for legislation that regulates men’s bodies! First up, mandatory castration for rape that results in FORCED pregnancy. Next we will talk about reckless hand jobs

I don’t know about this one, guys

Thanks for missing the purpose of Roe v. Wade entirely.

Do you just let anyone post their ‘philosophies’ and guess work under your heading? No editors at the AP? If I join will you post my article? It’s about the death of responsible Journalism and the lack of fact checking in the era of Trump.

UNTILL they take it all away,and they will

Well, done with you. Block. 🖕

Breathe a big sigh of relief, ladies: if abortion is outlawed it will be safer and easier to get an abor... And omg I just realized how incredibly fucking stupid this headline is.

Um, did you miss the part where trying these 'safer, easier options' comes with a death sentence?

For instance, you can't get pregnant if it is rape...just ask the GOP!

That’s not even the main point, idiots. The point is the RIGHT TO CHOOSE WHAT HAPPENS TO OUR BODIES WITHOUT A MAN TAKING THAT POWER AWAY “FOR OUR OWN GOOD”. It doesn’t matter if it’s to get an abortion or a haircut. Stay in your own lane and out of ours. Not your subordinate. 💪🏻

Read crap like this and again, thank my lucky stars I do not live in America . Daily, I’m grateful to NOT be an American. Yes, yes I know you think you’re the best country in the world. You just keep believing that delusion sunshine. About time you renamed yourself to Gilead.

What the ever loving fuck, AP? Was this written by an 80s sitcom dad?

stuff this tweet in your ear

You're right it'll be worse now that doctors and women will be jailed with laws that are more draconian than in 1973 or possibly at any time in American history.

associated piss

Said 10 male journalists.

This abundance of options you refer to are probably not too available if you don't have the Money. Why is it some of you have a remarkable ability to underestimate extremism and the people it effects. Libertys are under attack 1 feather at a time

You are dead to me after this bull shit

Which they are also trying to do away with, so I’m not seeing the upside, here.

Fuck you . When abortion is illegal, there are no safe alternatives. Who came up with this absurd idea for an article?

Jesus, now is lost, too.

Wow. I once though AP was a legitimate news organization. I stand corrected...

Absolutely a piece of crap writing...

What the hell is wrong with y’all? Obviously no woman was consulted and no you can’t use incel websites as sources.

This piece is shameful and doesn't account for the attack on medical devices and pharmaceuticals that are being made inaccessible or illegal as these laws impinge on reproductive rights. CarlaKJohnson: this attitude is incompatible with your profession.

My god this is irresponsible

A screenshot of this tweet will feature in the winning category of Worst Takes 2019.

Bad restructure of the sentence in the article. Makes a big difference.

I call BS.

Good grief. When did the AP start disseminating fringe religious propaganda as news?

Uh, sorry, this is total bullshit. Women will die. Let’s not kid ourselves.

This article is disgusting and makes so many assumptions, you really should be ashamed for publishing it.

Who is writing your tweets?

I'm old enough to remember 1973 and I can tell you that things haven't improved much for women since then. You also forgot to mention that states are also trying to outlaw those other methods you speak of. So tell me again that outlawing abortion doesn't matter.

Hey um, painting a silver lining around a turd doesn’t turn it into a cloud.

Even if the 21st Amendment which repealed Prohibition were to be repealed, alcoholics have more methods to acquire alcohol than they did under Prohibition, as well as safer and easier options for getting fucking hammered than they did before Prohibition was ever instituted.

What a load of 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩

I mean without Roe V Wade there literally won’t be safe abortions because of all the laws going into effect but sure, roll with this “hot take”

Shame on you.

What about a 12 year old rape victim? Is your answer to put all girls on pills once they start their cycle? That is laughable at best.

You mean a small number of rich, white women? This is a disgraceful headline and your organization should be embarrassed.

Serisouly who the F$%k right this bullshhert

Has the penis clamp been released.


In related news, new labor rules to be introduced allowing children back into factories. But don't worry! Thanks to medical advances, now we have much better ways of treating severed limbs, crushed extremities, extensive burns, and heat exhaustion. Win-win!

Delete your account, .

This is an opinion. Where are the quotation marks on this headline? This is why people can’t recognize fact from editorializing. Shame on you.

What complete BS! May as well say: “Even IF Scotus Struck Down BrownVsBoardOfEducation Minorities have more opportunities now than they did in 1954” Misogyny Precedent

Calling BS on this take.

There was abortion before 1973, everyone knew where to go.. but if women had a problem, well ... 🤐😲. This is just making women go BACKWARDS

Wow, thanks! Guess I don’t need to worry or complain then! you’re the best! 👍🏼

So misleading...

Oh! And that justifies states having autonomy over women’s bodies? That we now have more (still super sketchy) methods to end pregnancies? Oh that’s great!

The person that wrote this is a sociopath

What happened to separation of church and state? Its time for r̶i̶c̶h̶, o̶l̶d̶ w̶h̶i̶t̶e̶ m̶e̶n̶ the establishment to stop telling women what we can and can’t do with our bodies.

Hey, just want to thank you for putting the blame 100% on women for unwanted pregnancies. I mean, without shitty reporting and pro-birthers constantly throwing this in our faces, we would never have known that it's our fault. Nevermind that I can't fertilize my own eggs.

Did a bunch of liars write this

Fix this, you fools.

HARD PASS on the AP after this.

omg it's still up

My husband is a newspaper editor. He'd like to know what you are smoking.

Specifically, what are these 'more methods'?

This is shameful. WTF were you thinking?

Here’s some current and scary news for your failed research.

This is beyond stupid.

Paging infinite_scream.

How about a nice profile of Hope Hicks being pensive instead? That would be less obnoxious than this.

Even if AP does hire women to write about reproductive health, the story will still go through a male editor who doesn't give a shit about other people and/or only knows people who can easily travel for a few days for a medical procedure.


What is wrong with you?

'So you see little ladies, there's nothing to get your pretty panties in a twist, its not like you're very humanity is in question.'

Not after they ban birth control, which is probably next in their agenda.

Seriously AP? This is bullshit. Why would you even publish this crap?

THIS is your take?!

'Moore had to drive 70 miles to pick up her prescription and, lacking insurance, paid $800 out of pocket. But she welcomed the outcome, and wrote thank-you cards to the clinic.' WTF? You even admit that enormous barriers exist now & would only grow worse if Roe is overturned.

WTF is this crap? None of that would make overturning Roe v Wade okay.

This is assuming that all women (or people with uteruses) have access to birth control or 'methods to avoid unwanted pregnancies.' And it's also assuming that these lawmakers aren't also trying to ban all forms of birth control. , retract this now.

Oh look, AP generates clickbait too, I’m shocked


What an outrageous piece of lies. The authors and the AP should apologize for this piece of BS calling itself journalism.

Uh, AP, maybe you missed this story.

I don’t even have to ask Chief. I know this ain’t it.

That is bull. Those will all be outlawed, or do you just choose to be ignorant?


What magical world do you live in? I’m an Obgyn and I see women’s BC options limited and rejected by insurance every day. Please share with us how to have better access bc in the 12 years I’ve been doing this it is a struggle for many patients.

Your statement is 🐂💩

Ugh why haven't you deleted this yet

it's become a fight to control your own body than control reproduction exclusively. talk about the real issues.


Oh sure, lets just get rid of womens' autonomy and right to decide over their own bodies, right? What a disgusting piece of non-factual crap this 'article' is. WomensRightsAreHumanRights

Talk about being obtuse. Women STILL need that option regardless what else is available.

This is true. But it's not the g-d f*cking point.

When volunteers and the average citizen are more knowledgeable than the press on this issue we have a BIG problem. Get your shit together. We need you.

A woman has more contraceptive choices now so it’s no big deal that a male-majority Congress/conservative-male majority SC be allowed to decide what a woman can do with their own bodies? The irony of anyone-especially a man-having more control over my body than I do. Insanity.

The thing about abortion is this, employers have , for decades used the excuse that women require more time off work for birth related medical reasons as well as child care, and use it to excuse paying women less. You would think they would support abortion. But no...

So out of touch it’s embarrassing

Go to hell

What, When, Where, Why, How the fuck was this allowed to be written & editor-approved? Not Journalism, this is Shit.

this is a failure to think properly

Stop. Just stop.

This just in, I wpn't link tp you again and I will take your app of my phone. This is most moronic, uninformed, anti-woman shit I have seen ANYWHERE but Faux News. APsucks

really bad take. Not sure why you think you need to take any other side than that reversing ANY abortion legislation is deadly. Full stop.

Oh foh

asnorm Can you say tone deal...kill order please

Right, because once they outlaw abortion they’re not going to come for our Plan B or birth control pills, oh no they wouldn’t do that, perish the thought.

This is an incredibly bad take and you might want to take it down.

Yes, we are so lucky to have a few rights and freedoms left, why should we complain at all, after all, women in Saudi Arabia... get real people, the world belongs to women, the more you deny it, the harder you’ll fall and you will fall hard in 2020.

So u believe iuds are safe and all women with conditions that make it impossible should be on bc from first period onward in case of an untimely rape like it’s a given they can take them ( I have heart prob I can’t) and I haven’t pencilled in my morning after pill trauma schedule

Are...are you seriously serious right about now? You published that? You...FFS are there any women even working there? Ring ring...its the clue phone, please pick up.

Stock up on the Morning After my sisters. For yourself and if you can afford, every woman and girl who cannot. THIS IS NOT A TEST. We. Are. In. Grave. Danger

This is an incredibly stupid take.

This is why NOBODY should trust what ANY mainstream media puts out.



Jesus, AP. I don’t even know where to start with how badly you flubbed this.

How is this still up?

Women should have access to the safest methods when it comes to reproductive health. Yes, there are other options but they are dangerous. It is irresponsible to tell women that there will be 'safer, easier options' if Roe v Wade is overturned.

You obviously don't have many women working at . Maybe you should hire some.

Why are you conflating abortion and birth control?

Absolute garbage. Delete your account.

mccunecicki Who else is screaming right now? 🤬😡🤨🤬🤬🤬

So regulating our bodies is fine because we might have access to other procedures or meds? What an absoluley irresponsible spin!

I interned at . I know fine journalists who work there. My physical stylebook has had a place of honor on my desks for 25 years. How in the hell does something like this see print? Please, for the love of journalism, kill this and issue a remorseful retraction. Now.

Just deleted the AP from all my device because this article is pure crap.

You know, when enough bad takes get approved for whole articles, you officially turn into BuzzFeed.

WTF CraryAP and CarlaKJohnson? Terrible, dangerous take.

Delete this tweet. Its irresponsible bullshit.

Dishonest media. There will still be abortions if it is made illegal. Yes, there's options before conception, but pregnancies will still be aborted. Not safe. AP can eat it.

Shitty take, AP.

Delete this crap.

Is... This supposed to be a comfort? You may lose body autonomy but... Really?

This is not journalism. This is propaganda. You know better. ShameOnAP

I mean, we have so many great new options these days, let’s just ban the thing!

David and Carla should get informed before passing off clueless nonsense as fact.

The clinics that help women get affordable birth control (thus reducing the need for abortion) are closing at an alarming rate. After they overturn Roe they are coming after Griswold (legalized birth control). This is about making women property again.

When you think you're publishing a hot take but it's really just hot garbage.. 🙄😒

Do you have brain worms?

Babies in garbage bags and dumpsters is a couple of alternatives.

There goes your credibility

Just here for the ratio. Ridiculous story & headline ap. Had to rub my eyes and read it twice to believe it

Well, then everything is just hunky dory, eh? What moron wrote this?

Maybe more methods to avoid unwanted pregnancies, but how about access? Cost of birth control is prohibitive for many women. And still doesn’t address that WOMEN SHOULD MAKE THEIR OWN DECISIONS ABOUT THEIR BODIES AND HEALTHCARE. Not men. Not our government.

Who the FUCK thought this was a good idea on ANY level

Exactly.....the advances we have in choices.....is just incredible, so women around the country, relax...let the hypocrites do what they want to do with R v W, we got the future on our sides. Today you can get just one shot and not get preg for 5 years!!

Yes - the best solution to ease everyone’s problem? Mandatory male vasectomies from 13 year and up. Can only be reversed with a signed consent form and after a meeting with your partner Problem solved!

You mean the women who can’t get birth control because Hobby Lobby says they can’t?

How about you go get the first illegal, under the table abortion & report back to us on the conditions, psychological effects & how you’re feeling? Then we can revisit this. Go to hell.

That’s really not the point..the journalists for this article need a do over. What were you thinking?

This article is so irresponsible, ignorant, and literally wrong when confronted by the facts of bans passed in AL, MO, GA. None of these 'safe' alternatives are even legal in many states if these bans go through.

Women of means perhaps, but then again, these women have always had access to better health care.

In Iowa, person seeking medication abortion must go to clinic, have ultrasound, receive info from health educator and have doctor give the first pill to stop pregnancy. Pills to expel pregnancy are taken at home. NO prescription available. AbortionIsHealthcare facts

Two years ago people like you were insisting that pro-choice folk were overreacting to Trump and his Supreme Court choices because overturning Roe v Wade would never happen. Can you at least *try* to keep a consistent line?

And this is why mainstream media is putting itself out of business. This bullshit pretending to be journalism.

Oh STFU, AP. This is dangerously misleading. Shameful. The goal isn't padded stairs and rubber coat hangers - it's safe, professional, medical care, and protected rights for women. Wtf is wrong with whoever wrote this?

I have never liked so many responses to a tweet. What a horrible, misleading, I guess you would call article? you have just punched every woman in the uterus with this piece of misinformation.

More methods to prevent pregnancy are available - vasectomies are a quick procedure and reversible. But the. Again - we can’t touch the dick. But even then - that’s not 100%. My sister was conceived after a vasectomy. Pregnancies happen.

Oh yeah, it’s fine... nothing to see here...move along. BS. Hey Carla ya like that byline? How much harder did you have to fight to get it? They are taking away our rights, ones our grandmothers fought for. What the F is wrong with you?

Way to minimize the removal of a woman’s right to make health decisions about her own body.

Buying BC yourself can run $40-$50 a month. Preventing pregnancy is 100% a woman’s responsibility. If R vs W is overturned and plan B is outlawed or prosecutable under miscarriage laws, what “methods” exactly are available?

If the right wingers get this done then they will go after women in the work place. Their view of women is “barefoot and pregnant”They are not going to quit if they succeed in reversing R v W. Evangelicals are miserable, unhappy, and fake

Let’s recap: rape kits go untested and unprosecuted by the tens of thousands, those that do get prosecuted usually get probation if anything (especially if white), companies can refuse to cover birth control in their insurance policies.

Pay attention! They are trying to BAN abortions. Take away bodily autonomy for women. And contraception is not 100% foolproof. Condoms and birth control break and fail. Banning abortions won’t stop abortions. It will only stop legal, safe abortions. Wake up America!

That’s kinda like saying “you’re going to prison, but the food and TV options are much better than they used to be” ShameOnYou

What a pathetic, naive, and irrelevant response. “And surely, after that, they wouldn’t try to remove all of women’s remaining rights and autonomy. Surely they wouldn’t!” —handmaid’s lament

FU WomensHealth

So the point of the government making choices for a woman and her body is lost on you? What happend to you guys? yyou used to be credible.


Behold the ratio.

You do understand that the so-called “religious freedom” effort by Trump, GOP and evangelicals/Christians is to deny birth control to women for “religious objections”? And that the GOP is going after access to birth control as well? How irresponsible can you possibly be?


Question for ap, wtf?

Delete this

Nope, this is crap.

GOPOldMen also AntiBirthControl...1950's BarefootNPregnant do not want EducatedWomen in WorkForceNorPolitics.. Women do not want OldManPrez

You mean outside of the fact women lose the legal right to body autonomy and healthcare options. The basic premise of Rowe vs. Wade. So what you are saying is less women will actually die because of Plan B and better BC. Misleading. Its turning the clock back on womens rights.

Just here for the ratio

Beware that typically, the RWs fight easy access to contraception as well.

This is freaking ridiculous.

Even if the Supreme Court were to significantly curtail freedom of the press, news agencies have more methods to avoid censorship, as well as safer, easier ways to distribute news than when this right was established in 1776. See how fucking stupid that sounds?

This is disgusting

Oh lucky lucky womens. All sorts of choices we won't be allowed to make.

Well this is some bullshit.

Not if they make those methods illegal. Which they are trying to do.

They would if this administration wasn’t also taking away all healthcare options.

BREAKING from AP: Medical science has advanced in the last 45 years.

Are you fucking kidding me?

This is such an unacceptable take

Which asinine reporter randomly decided women (the one gender with a law protecting their bodies from forced pregnancy), don't really need it anymore? It's no big deal? What drugs are you smoking?

You ignore the fact the red states want to prosecute women who have abortions, however they do it.

What the hell You’re blatantly ignoring the fact that these’ll also be criminalized. And what about those who can’t use meds or implants? Or that morning-after pills’ effectiveness steeply drop when a person is over a certain weight? Or how the poor wouldn’t have equal access?

Are you kidding me? FAIL AP, FAIL

This tweet is irresponsible and shortsighted.

I wish I had time to destroy this article point-by-point. But since simply enumerating all the shit takes would occupy an hour or more, I'll simply defer to my brilliant Twitter colleagues above and below and say, *are you fucking kidding me?*

And hey, even if they take away women's right to vote, we can still just shut up, stay home and cook & clean, look on the bright side. Sheesh. - WTF AP?

I am sorry what is the other methods they will use when they run out of bleach, and coat hangers? Please explain

This is NOT journalism

Not exactly. My guess the ext step is to make contraceptives impossible to get. How many pharmacists will not fill the prescriptions due to Bullshit religious reasons?

I can't think of a more tone deaf headline than this one. Roe v Wade is existential for women. It's not optional.

So what. Facist GOP has no right to women's bodies

“abortions are induced at home with a two-drug combination” How, exactly, will the 14 yr/o rape/incest victim have access to said drugs? RvW must not be overturned and these states adopting these bans into law must be stopped!

This article is terrible even by AP usual standards. Like the same people who want to overturn Roe v Wade aren't making laws to get rid of other options too.

Go to hell

Not in heartbeat states or total ban states

I'm uncertain who's worse, those responsible for crafting this horrid piece of shit excuse for writing or everyone involved that allowed it to reach publication. I can't begin to imagine how you could possibly come back from this. It's deceitful and dangerous.

What the hell is wrong with you? You don’t know everyone’s situation. You shouldn’t limit their legal options.

Your ratio is off.

Now that is FakeNews!! 😡🤬

When they take abortion off the list, they are taking all birth control. So that must mean condoms too. Think about that.....

just here for the ratio and to echo that this is shit and it should be deleted and the two who wrote this pile of dung should take a hiatus to self-reflect along with whichever editor allowed for its publication.

Not buying what you're selling.


bad take. do better

Shame on you.


Those 'options' exist BECAUSE of Roe v Wade. Pillock.

Is this supppsed to make it ok? Bc nah

What the actual hell did you just write?

Wow. Trying to see if you can outdo the nytimes' disaster of a week? This is disgraceful.

Women should not have to waste time to fighting again for basic rights!!! Each pregancy is unique, some very dangerous, so women need the right to manage their own choices.

Is this the equivalent of ‘if you lose your health insurance and can’t afford care there is always essential oils to treat and care for your illnesses’? It feels that way which is absurd. Who approved this article? It is bullshit.

I can't believe this is an actual headline.

HenryTContreras 🤔

this ain't it chief. might wanna delete your account

Even if the Donald Trump was to repeal The First Amendment, AP has more methods to report stories, as well as safer, easier options for reporting than they did before the landmark amendment was adopted in 1791.

Wow ok

You do realize that those methods are also under attack?

What the actual hell!!!?!?! Why would you ever even attempt to downplay the effect of legislating women’s bodies again? How irresponsible!!

Y'all shit

Keep it up guys. The safest way to avoid unwanted pregnancy is to avoid sex. It takes two to not do the Tango.

Oh hey that's cool I'm sure the people without access to those things due to financial or social hardship will be relieved oh wait

ARE YOU KIDDING ME AP?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are now complicit in this. KEEP OFF OUR RIGHTS.

We had IUDs in 1973. And that’s not the point. Are women full citizens of the United States with full bodily autonomy under the 14th amendment of the I.S. Constitution or not? That is the only question

Stop writing.

BLOCKING AP for this total load of BS.

Complete garbage.

It’s women’s choice. But thank goodness for birth control and the morning after pill. And good condoms.

Are you kidding me?

There are no 'safer, easier options for abortion' that won't be mandated out of existence by misogynist Republicans nor would they be readily available or appropriate for everyone seeking an abortion. Your entire premise is wrong and grotesque.

Say what now?

This isn’t an acceptable argument. We are talking about bodily autonomy, not just abortions!!

'Don't worry, America. Even if Trump ends up shutting down Twitter, CNN, the New York Times and the Washington Post, Americans will still have access to a number of news sources and blogs to stay caught up on current affairs.'

Save your hot take click bait for issues that aren’t about disempowering and endangering women. This is not a game.


Huh ?

This is like saying “Even if slavery were re-instituted, there are so few land owners today that could afford to own slaves and, as voters, black people would have more options than they did pre-Civil War.” Who is editing this steaming pile of shit?

Oh, you think they won’t come for birth control next?

Once they seize and control a woman’s person, her body and what she can do with it becomes debatable. See; US Bill of Rights.

What. Is. This. Shit?!

Are you KIDDING? Whose brilliant idea was it to publish an absolutely ridiculous piece like this?

Enjoy that cup of coffee in your burning building, pup.

Et tu ?

are you serious with this right now?! this is NOT a good look on you 😡

You should be ashamed of yourself for this tweet .


You’re assuming they won’t outlaw various methods of birth control. They’re trying to do that, too.

Take the article down. I'm done with AP until you rescind.

Who wrote this bullshit?

Oh a dude wrote this? I’m shocked. 😖

Whaaaaaaaat the actual fuck is this

This article is so fucking backwards.

If the Supreme court overturns a Supreme court ruling then it isn't bloody 'supreme' any longer now is it. Legislation is in the hands of Congress, not courts.

UNINTENDED PREGNANCIES STILL HAPPEN. In the U.S. 45% of pregnancies are unplanned!!! Half of them! What will those women do? This is so egregious.


Huh... this is still up? Literally gonna “nope” AP articles in the future.

Are you totally mad or just plain stupid?

What a ridiculous slant to take. There’s a way to report this without adding to the hype, reaching for attention in such a poor showing. Bad writing merged with out of touch facts leads to pathetic pandering. You missed the mark 👎🏼

You’re crazy if you don’t see what’s coming next


Let me guess, the writers of this are under 40.

F🌈Ck this!! There is no excuse for not being pro-healthcare!

Blah, blah,blah.... No, even if women had more methods, stop normalizing pro-lifers, It’s not ok! Bottom line: WomensRights WomenRightsAreHumanRights WomenReproductiveRights

Omg, is this serious, or the Onion? FFS 🙄

You've just lost all credibility . So much for being objective and above bias. Shameful.

What in the holy actual fuck?

sophianictract Yes, and that method is the RU486 pill, which must be administered by a doctor.

Is this Newsroom full of incels or something? Wtf.

Seriously? I'm old enough to remember when the AP was a news source.

Bad take, here for the ratio.

And, yet, states are still attempting to usurp women's agency and self-determination and ownership of their own bodies. What's up with that? It's as if saving lives isn't the point, but controlling women & removing their civil rights is the real motive. Maybe that's the story?

Even if homosexuality was criminalized, they would still have it better than they used to because Grindr. 🙄

And? The amount of available conception prevention is irrelevant to the issue of keeping abortion legal and safe.

The AP is garbage now too apparently

Even if they repeal the First Amendment, AP could still pass notes around, or put up newsheets on telegraph poles. Until they were arrested.

If Roe s Wade is overturned, the next steps these people would take would be to ban all “do it yourself” methods. It’s fantasy to write this slanted article.

WTF? The abortions we won’t be able to get in 2019 are safer and easier than the abortions we weren’t allowed to get in 1972? Try this. Employees of AP aren’t allowed to drive or ride in motor vehicles. On the upside, motor vehicles are safer now than they were in 1972. See?

Kill this article.

Done with ap You must be F kidding me

SHAME ON YOU - will not be sharing AP stories until someone explains this.

How the fuck is this trash still up?

This is absolutely the worst.


I was horrified by this tweet, but then thought I shouldn't judge the article by a tweet that might lose some shading. Sadly the article is just as terrible as the tweet suggested.

Wow! You still don't get it?

Women don’t have options because so many are not coverered by health insurance to cover reproductive health expenses. Sex Ed is abysmal and religious pregnancy centers without info on birth control and abortion.

Oh this is f**king reassuring, AP. Way to normalise this shit.

This ranks right up there with 'Don't worry about Trump. There are checks and balances that will keep him in line.' Yuh huh.

What the heck is wrong with you? This is pure BS.

irresponsible reporting

How dare you normalize this systematic dismantling of women's reproductive rights. This is garbage. Issue a correction and retract it.

ap should be ashamed of this. We must protect roe and take the treat seriously

Right. Overturning Roe now would be worse than 1973. With the Surveillance state tracking everything we buy, they could keep track of every woman’s menstrual cycle from tampons and pads to types of birth control.

Counterpoint: Get bent for publishing this trash, misogynist and clueless article.

How dare you undermine how far back women would be sent back if this were to happen


You are gross, and you should feel gross.

Yeah. That's not remotely the point.

Delete this.

I’ll take, “minimizing state sanctioned mysoginy, for 500, Alex.”

What is wrong with you people

hultmark_mark Yeah boycott penis is one of them!

Yeah, now those back-alley abortions can result in infections with antibiotic-resistant super-bugs.

Hoo boy this ratio

This article is reprehensible. I highly doubt the authors did much real research. Weaker than the backbone of a politician offered a large sum of money. Even if the premise of banning abortion wasn’t bad enough, a lot of these laws aim for effective forms of contraception, too.

That's your takeaway?


Journalistic standards who?

Wishing a long and successful lifespan, not unlike Look Magazine. Or Life Magazine

This is dangerous. Don’t normalize anti choice rhetoric

Alternate Title: “There is a cheery side to not having a choice about your pregnancy.” This is irresponsible journalism and assumes women will sacrifice for less than FULL AUTONOMY over our reproductive decisions.

as JesseLaGreca said - here for the ratio

was AP bought by Fox News and no one told us? Carla K. Johnson (CarlaKJohnson) is a medical writer at The Associated Press and has covered health and medicine since 2001. A former member of AHCJ's board of directors, she leads the Chicago AHCJ chapter.

The news sources I trust for responsible reporting are dwindling.

More options, maybe, but pregnancy often results from birth control fails. Please support PlannedParenthood

It’s okay, now we have plastic coat hangers? Courageous take

Because they aren’t working to take those away, either

Reuters is WAY better than you, . You’re down to hack status nowadays.

What. The. Actual. Fuck? Really, AP? DO BETTER!


Holy shit WTF that is reprehensible reporting.

No. Just no.

Men can have sex when the woman is ready to have a child. Until then, they can have fun with left or right. Best birth control ever.

Let's pass a law that says all men over 20 should have a vasectomy unless they are married and want kids. That should slow down this shitshow. Once they get married and want kids it can be reversed. No more control over women's bodies. Enough is enough.

Why this article? How does it help the current climate? It doesn’t. I’m shocked this is from .

Just. Stop. Writing. Articles. Like. This.

'Don't worry, don't fight back, sit down and shut up, stop resisting' ---

I am pretty sure medical abortions would be outlawed if they overturn Roe v Wade. This article makes no sense.

Like the day after pill Whose distrubution is being cut off to US?

The whole idea behind this headline is grotesque and wrong. The same people trying to halt access to safe abortions are also trying to make birth control and plan B unavailable.


I can't tell you how angry this made me. Such ignorance of history and lack of compassion. Clueless and cruel.

The has lost all journalistic credibility.

What. The. Actual. FUCK. Associated “Press”.

Wrong answer

Are you kidding me ?

Gag. Unfollowed.

For how long?

How are you so terrible at this?

This is gross. Shame on you. This article is so horrible it makes l4lm look good

I am quite sure that isn’t the point.

Oh, yeah, because flushing their vaginas out with Lysol post-banging was SUUUUUUUUPER cool.

“Moore had to drive 70 miles to pick up her prescription and, lacking insurance, paid $800 out of pocket.” Easy peasy!

What an idiotic, irresponsible post. This article is misleading and ill-Informed. WTF.

starree Completely missing the point. They want to control women's bodies, and therefore women in general. It's a move to shove women back in equity, into poverty, and second class status. Report that.

This is incredibly offensive and needs to be taken down.

Even if young girls are raped and cannot obtain a safe, legal abortion, health care has improved since 1973 so more of them MIGHT survive childbirth. 🙄

Women would die from botched back-alley abortions, and ERs emboldened not to admit them, just like they did before Roe, you idiots. Or maybe you don’t think women’s lives matter? Such action would be a death sentence for many. Yet you seek to somehow normalize it? Apologize now.


What the FUCK is this!?

That’s gunna be a big yikes from me, dog.

That makes no sense

My state will jail me if I leave the state and get an abortion so.... I would have exactly zero options

Is this for real or a parody?

All women in America:

But the issue is bigger and more costly than just being able to avoid pregnancies.

This is a really obviously biased story. Bad journalism, AP. A very, very bad take that is somehow blind to the obvious dangers facing women in states that will outlaw abortion and prosecute women.

Dumbest article of all time.

Is now writing for The Onion? Totally tone deaf and out of touch with the reality of girl’s and women’s lives. And many of the methods they are so gleeful about have been under attack by Catholics and Fundamentalists.

Wow, , you have missed the fucking point.

What’s with the « even with? » why are you socializing the worst possible outcome?

like getting abortion pills is like ordering from amazon! There are risks & can be complications, however unlikely. Abortion needs medical supervision. The blase tone of your article & fact that the glosses over risks to women is absolutely appalling!

This piece is mind-numbingly tone deaf at best and at worse, dangerous. Frankly, I expect better from

Good, we can get rid of it simply because it's a terrible precedent not based in the Constitution.


How is this still on the internet?

You can’t be serious

and the article mentions ultrasound *because it makes some decide to go ahead and birth?!?* pray tell, why is this in an article supposedly about all (two) new ways to (usually) not have a baby? the standards on this were low.

Delete your account. Completely irresponsible.

you mention two. just two. and note that one of them needed a 70 mile drive and $800 out of pocket. not everyone has those. the other is...(doesn’t say) maybe IUD? i knew terri when she conceived luke. she had an IUD in. oops!

You are awful. This is a shameful pander to power and will not be forgotten. Ordinary people will be seriously impacted by the overturn of this law.

Oh, well, I guess we are all just being hysterical? Whew.

bear_byte Are you serious?

First string BBQing this weekend? Maybe you should rethink your temp program.


Umm no. Stop spreading lies!!! Peoples lives are at stake. Do your damned job. 🤬

It will if Trump has his way and defunds family planning and or ending ACA! Then what do yoy think will happen?


What is this bullshit?

On the plus side you get to wear the pretty handmaiden outfits

pretty sure that the point is that women shouldn't HAVE to resort to a 'work around' for a legal medical procedure. even those who have the mean. far too many do not.

Stop defending lawmakers trying to deny women bodily autonomy and turning them into incubators for rapists.

Excuse me

Too bad these options don't stop women from going to JAIL you dingbats

I guess they could go to another state that allows abortion, still it is not right to disallow abortions as a human being has the right with information to abort

Guess you might feel different when Trump & the SCOTUS takes away the rights of a free press!

Or, just maybe, we fucking don’t ProtectRoeVsWade BodyAutonomyForAll

Ineffable twaddle.

You are very correct here actually. It's way easier to move to Canada now than it was in 1973.

Next will be - women have so many more choices so repealing the 19th Amendment isn't so bad.

This is vile and just a flat out stupid take on this issue. We won’t go back.

This is major BS. You should be ashamed of yourselves. And co-authored by a woman, no less.

How fucking irresponsible

Not if Ohio has anything to do with it. That idiot wants to get rid of modern birth control, too. Guess he thinks everyone but him should just not have sex. 🙄

Stop being stupid for clicks. Do better

But if the methods are illegal, it doesn't matter how many or how safe? Are you dense?

Even if murder were made legal tonight, men can live longer than ever before in history!

Why would you ❤️ this. It’s a terrible headline. It sounds as if access has gotten better and WILL if Roe is overturned. Disgusting.

Say what? Goodbye . For me, anyway.

You have GOT to be kidding me AP. WT actual F

WTF AP? This headline is almost suggesting that women should just suck it up and look on the bright side. It’s like a tasteless fluff piece downplaying the attack on a woman’s right to make decisions about her body. You might as well of run with ‘everyone just calm their tits’.

*Wet fart noise*

Associated Patriarchy send tweet


You need to retract this irresponsible story now!

I’m sorry, just did you really just say that illegal abortions will be safer than they were 46 years ago? Do you actually hear yourself? Here’s a scoop: how much will venture capitalists charge for abortion drugs once RvW is overturned, based on today’s insulin costs?

Really AP? Really? Delete your account.

““It’s safe and comfortable,”.... You will have cramps, like a heavy period. But it’s worth it in the end, and you have control over that.” Y’all are a bunch of sick and dumb abortion apologists.

What in the actual FA is this?

Tell us more about how taking away Americans' rights isn't so bad.

Thats a pretty fucked up take on womens rights.

OMG who writes this idiotic things?

This is trash

And you can bet the Christian Right will come for those methods next

This is a bad take, and you should feel bad for writing and publishing it.

Um, wow.

At best, this statement is grossly irresponsible.

Then we’d see which states are disgusting and spend no money in them

Oh FFS. It's about autonomy & the rights to our own bodies! Women can be denied birth control, maternity care & leave. We can still be fired for having babies. We have a maternal mortality crisis in this country. This is reprehensible. Shame on you.

They’ve lost their ever loving minds here. What about the cost? What about the minority women, the poor the uneducated? What about the fact that anyone “caught” trying to obtain an abortion or actually having one would be deemed a murderer and be tried as such? What a crock.

I can’t believe that this has to be said, especially to the . But here goes: Roe vs. Wade determined that an abortion was a fundamental right of a woman and a woman has a right to privacy when it comes to choosing an abortion.

Sparblack1213 garbage

How old are you

Delete this article. This is the wrong take on the issue of abortion. Women's access to birth control is under attack, as well as their right to choose what happens to their bodies.

Wow. Go to hell, AP, and take this article with you.

Women and doctors are being threatened with jail time longer then Rapists and you are going the “it’s not that bad route?” What the hell guys

This article struggles to make a point and fails miserably. BC and abortion will not be available- that is the direction that over turning Roe v. Wade is heading. Please do more research before turning out this tripe. It's a blight to the name.

WHAT?! How are there safer ways if it’s illegal?

Delete this crap

Easier options for abortion Care to share a few of those options?

Question: Are you truly unaware of the steps certain state legislatures are taking to outlaw contraceptives or limit access? If yes, you should look into a different career path. If no, you should look into a different career path. Journalism just isn’t your thing. Jackass...

SO not the point!! Shame on you for this ...


Delete this ridiculousness.

Unbelievable! Please do your research before making untrue statements.

'What do you mean I'm under arrest? I didn't have an abortion, I just took some pills...what do you mean that IS abortion?!' 'The prosecutution has decided to seek the death penalty. It appears you also ordered this same drug two years ago.'

Excuuuuuse me?


And more good news, there are still a lot of reporters who haven't lost their jobs or freedom or lives!

Stupid, stupid, stupid, dopey,dopey, dopey

Even if slavery were reintroduced, there are many more ways to cut through chains than before the Civil War.

Yeah, they make clothes hangers so much better these days.

Hush up & sit down as you clearly have zero idea of what you are talking about.

Wow did you get this one waaaaayyyyy wrong.


I told you all about the AP sliding right wing. Disgusting

Does not have a science team or a medical writer? Did a 75 year old man write this BS? Do you know how difficult pre-Roe women's healthcare was? Get a flipping clue.


Even if we revert the Emancipation Proclamation, Black people would still have ways not to be slaves. Are you fucking kidding me? WTF is this supposed to mean?

Advice on avoiding rapists or incestuous predators, or being too young, too poor?...wtf are you talking about? Women have a legal right to determine their own course. Anybody else's rights you're ok with losing? You know nothing, so be quiet

This outrageously bad story makes me embarrassed to have ever looked to the AP as an authority on anything.


This is some garbage shit.

Are you actually being serious with this ?!! This is just horrendous.

Please explain these “safer options” to abortions? Oh, I know! They now have plastic coat hangers vs metal ones!

Fuuuuuuuuck you

But anyway, Mrs. Lincoln, maybe your next husband will be better looking. Basically, that’s what this story is suggesting.

Hey, your rights as a human being may get stripped away, but look at the bright side, science now better helps you sluts from needing those rights.

TLDR: It doesnt matter if states can ban abortions again, you can just get an abortion from a pill by mail! Wait, what!? Do they not know about this? DID AP JUST CLOSE THE ONLY LOOPHOLE?

Methods don’t matter if you can’t access them. There are literal whole states with ONE clinic. Compounding that problem is catholic hospitals controlling even more care. This is an ignorant headline. Be better.

What. the actual. Fuck.

This is biased and sickening!

It’s true what they say, then. You can’t write crap without AP.

And also the Handmaid’s Tale bonnets will help prevent skin cancer so yay!

Oh well then, AP...I guess it's no big deal if Roe v Wade is overturned, huh? So nannie-nannie-boo-boo?!!! Who on your staff even wrote that? It must not be someone who still ovulates, or has loved ones who do.

Delete your account

Oh great

Delete this garbage take. When abortion is illegal women DIE. Preventable deaths are violent no matter how many you goobs!

Wrong and irresponsible reporting. They’re coming for birth control next.

If you don't think the Handmaiden fanbois won't come after birth control next, I gots a a bridge to sell you...

This is terrible and you are terrible for writing and sharing it.

Why is AP running shitty opinion instead of news? When did you stop being a news organization and become Fox?


Here’s what I think of your headline: 💩

Better coat hangers since 1973?

The point: when women have choice, they have freedom. Imagine if we told men when they could ejaculate? masterbate? And you’re thinking right now that this would never happen because the federal government doesn’t control men’s bodies. Get it? PS: men are part of pregnancy

I know a great one .. mandatory vasectomies .. once you're either married or can afford child then the vasectomies can be reversed AT FULL CHARGE TO THE MAN .. see easy peasy The shit that's put out by today's media is absolutely unacceptable


Fuck you so hard, .

Are you missing that whole autonomy point?


fuck offffffffffffffffffffffffff

Et tu, ? Really? Taking away Roe v Wade would prevent those “safer, easier abortions”.

How was this article approved?!!!!

I can't believe I'm reading something this stupid from AP. 🙄

I'm a cishet white dude and even I know this is a bad take.

Like flying to Ireland, for instance.

This is a shit take

Dear - I think you’ve misread the signs. It happens.

“Hey it’s not that bad. We still have wifi!”

“Women” as you elide over all the barriers of access that differs based on intersecting realities including class and race and ability and geographic location but ok

yeah, so it's totally cool

Where. The. Hell. Did. You. Get. This. BS?

The lies by omission in this crap article is shameful. When your reporters have lost intellectual integrity it's firing time.

see this is what happens when you lose access to aborting terrible ideas before they are published

'Even if the First Amendment were overturned, journalists would still have more freedom than under King George III.'

Are you fucking kidding me, AP? Did you also notice how the anti-choice crowd is also anti-contraceptives? And that no contraceptive is 100% effective? WhatHappenedToJournalism

Wow. What a load of horse shit.

Before Roe, women died. With these new laws, women will die. They are blocking birth control coverage, ok for pharmacists to not give Plan B, ok for companies to not cover BC in their healthcare plan, have blocked accurate sex ed. What part of this is speculation?

WomensRightsAreHumanRights wtf

Sure, whatever you say Blessed be the fruit.

How much did someone pay you for this bs? You sold your soul ... know that

Are you for real? The laws being passed right now are making it a crime for women to do at home abortions with a pill. You cited the cost of the pills which totally takes away a poor woman’s access. What is this shit of an article?

States are trying to make contraception and IVf illegal and to prosecute women who have miscarriages. How does that translate into more methods to avoid pregnancy?

The actual feeling of my blood boiling.

Before 1973 all abortions started with a male donor... 2019 all abortions start with a male donor... that part hasn't changed......

This is NOT comforting

This one just flew right by your heads, didn't it?

This is an asinine commentary. Women are neither suckers nor idiots for these salves.

Don’t kid yourself, if Roe is overturned the next move will be to ban any of the drugs used for birth control or abortion.

Access to other methods won't matter. GOP under guise of religion will just outlaw those flawed additional methods. Trump is trying to turn us into NK. Women will tolerate neither GOP/Trump goals nor Trump or any leader who tries to persuade or threaten us with such restrictions.

Even if independent journalists are all arrested and hung upside down in dungeons, modern creams and ointments will ease the chafing.

That’s right, folks: there have been all kinds of advances in the baby-killing industry.

Theirs is an assault on women period

Is this real life? I must be hallucinating this article because this can’t be real.

So it's ok to oppress women because of advances in medical science (which many women can't afford anyway)?


They will be denied the right to choose

Delete your account.

AP Associated Propaganda

what about poor women though? what rich women can do was never in question.

This is vile.

Oh, this could not be more misguided. What the hell were you thinking?

The headline needs a 'yet' adding on

Is this the take of AP leadership?

If Roe vs Wade is overturned what also could happen is women would see the wheels going backward rise up and replace all the men in all the state legislatures that voted to ban abortions and repeal those laws. I am hoping that will happen anyway.

“Drinking liquor can still be done at home, despite it being a criminal activity, if you have the resources to make your own at home.” - these ppl during prohibition Except it’s a lot more difficult to make medicine at home and these consequences are much more severe.

Oh well in that case go ahead and strip women's rights away because 'it wouldn't be THAT bad'. AbortionIsAWomansRight

GOP in a gif

No, there shouldn’t be “even if...”


What fresh hell is this “news story?”

What are you doing posting an article like this? You now become part of the problem!

You are incorrect! If abortion is made illegal, so will be almost all of the things to which you are alluding. Goodbye morning after pill. This is a fight by the religious right who also don’t agree with birth control. How long until contraceptives are declared illegal? Idiot!


Many of the 'safer, easier options' mentioned in this article are also under attack by the same people who want to overturn Roe. The AP is essentially saying in this piece that women have an abundance of choices now, so it's no big deal if some are taken away. It's bullshit.

Why is this horrific piece of garbage, completely filled with falsehoods and horrible fact checking, still posted 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬😤😤😤😤🤯🤯

Hard to believe this isn't a parody account...

Wtf?!?! 🚮🚮🚮


Not exactly the point though, is it?

This is a terrible take.

So if Roe is overturned [& subsequently state laws banning abortion will stand] women still have 'safer, easier options for abortion'? Like medical termination? You think they won't ban that too? Or are we only concerned about rich white women in NY & CA?

What the fuck is this

People ought to blockade your HQ until you address this bullshit. No one goes to work at AP until you address this!!

Except most of those methods are being outlawed, too. And do you not realize all the other implications implicit in such bills? Talk about a stupid response to the situation!

Oh, so that makes it okay?!!! W T F

The hell?


This is not true, and would be a garbage take if it were.

History of birth control link below. So many male birth control options the mostly male scientists have brought into the market in the SIXTY YEARS since The Pill was born.

It would deprive women of a constitutional right they have now, despite practical obstacles put in its way that is necessary to county. Rather like voting rights for that matter. This story implies overturning Roe vs Wade is no big deal. It is.


Yeah, males getting mandatory vasectomies. How about that!

Will they prevent fetal abnormalities and diseases? Will they prevent divorce and domestic abuse? Will they prevent job loss and bankruptcies? Will they prevent cancer in women?

You vs the point. 😒 roevswade AbortionRights

Congrats on the absolutely legendary ratio. Well deserved.

Up is down and down is up. We are normalizing this atrocity mindset.

Oh, okay, never mind then. Ban away.

Please go back to journalism school.

Oh please. And if we lose our right to body autonomy and personal privacy, what keeps them from taking away our birth control They already are trying to do that for the IUD and day after pill.

So even if *abortion* is restricted, made illegal, women (and anyone with a uterus, you meant to say of course) today have more safer and easier options for... *abortion*? Are you reading your own headlines?

That's not really the issue, now is it?

This is complete horseshit. This isn’t journalism.

BoycottAP BoycottAP BoycottAP BoycottAP BoycottAP BoycottAP BoycottAP BoycottAP BoycottAP BoycottAP

this is a bad take

Shhh. Shhhhhh. Stop talking.

What the ever-loving fuck is this Y’all know that the same people CRIMINALIZING abortion and miscarriages are also restricting access to birth control and affordable health care? The most marginalized will be harmed and killed by this. Do better, AP.

Why is it the woman’s sole responsibility to avoid unwanted pregnancies when 100% of all unwanted pregnancies are caused by irresponsible male ejaculation?

Hey fuckfaces, delete this and then quit your jobs because clearly you're all incompetent.

“Ugh ladies, stop complaining, it won’t be THAT bad!” Good look AP.

CarlaKJohnson CraryAP What the hell is wrong with you?! This is absurd and disgusting. Journalists? Bull. HandmaidsTale

It seem to me that you and all the other news sites are pushing the envelope on absurdity with these outrageously stupid articles. Is this a practice run for the 2020 election season?

Delete this.

So, you should have vetted some of your info. Access to affordable birth control isn't a reality for some. Also, legislators should stay out of women's health care decisions.

Junk journalism is killing the country from AP to NY Times.

Omg it’s happening. This is the beginning isn’t it?

Oh, well I guess there's nothing to worry about, then. /s

Ummm. What the hell. This is a disgrace. Thanks

this is an appallingly flawed article, please check the dissenting views below 👇🏻

Was going to unfollow you but I already did a while back. This is shameful

NOPE WRONG- great journalism. Headline- Women having rights stripped still have option of dying in a variety of horrific ways

WHAT? Is this the real, actual Associated Press What the actual fuck are you doing? OMG scary

Are you kidding me?

Wow this definitely wins the shit take kewpie doll today. Absolutely disgusted by this piece of right-wing pandering propaganda you call an article DoBetter 🤬

Are you fn kidding me?!

Shame on you for “reporting” this condescending “don’t worry gals coat hangers are so 20th century” garbage.


You seem to think theyd stop once they overturn roe. Theres ppl arguing that birth control caused a rise in abortions& BC isnt needed in marriage bc a woman is SUPPOSED to give her husband children. This is the FIRST step in taking away my bodily autonomy, its not their end game

This is atrocious reporting and factually wrong. You should apologize and delete this article.


This is seriously irresponsible reporting. you need to post a retraction.

That's like saying in 1930, if Germans elected Nazis, it won't be so bad for the Jews, right ?!? 😂🤣😂

Of course - that is not the point.

Did an unborn fetus write this article?

This is a terrible misrepresentation of the facts, . Please remove this misleading article.

Just throw the whole AP away 🤦🏾‍♂️

This is gross.

Your journalism is literally killing us.

What the actual F!?

As we’ve seen from the bills they’ve tried to pass, it could actually be worse

What. The. Fuck.

Are you high?

Time for a retraction and a personnel review ap

Oh 'safer' methods like ordering illegal drugs from shady sources over the internet? Or getting shady, unregulated, untrained providers to do surgery? Or do you mean 'easier' options like paying for travel to other states/countries to get medical care? lies

Stop. You are so wrong on this. The same Dominionists are also trying to end birth control. They want forced pregnancies. So no birth control, no abortion and the removal of rape as a crime.



Are media is right wing.


Yes, we’ll learn to love regulated uteruses! Thanks ap!

Will this work when the GOPAdministration religious freedom policy allows pharmacists and doctors to refuse these prescriptions and treatments? You're okay with women NOT being able to make their own healthcare decisions? WeWontGoBack UnderHisEye WomensRightsAreHumanRights

Et tu, AP?

Some of y’all are definitely overreacting to this article. Bottom line is today isn’t 1973! There are just a lot more options available for birth control and even safer abortion methods. And this excuse that minorities can’t access BC is pure BS. We have access like everyone else

Just stop it. It's not about birth control - it's about women's rights.

WTF?! How about pushing this enlightened idea?!

This is a horrible and dangerous take . Remember that you’re supposed to be an outfit with journalistic standards and remove this.

Only sperm apologists talk about unwanted pregnancies without once mentioning men and sperm. Women use most of the birth control market, much of it 100% of the time for 25% fertility. Men are fertile 100% of the time and reliably whine about condom use. AbortionIsHealthcare

Mandatory vasectomies.

'Death By Back-Alley Abortions Has Been Reduced So Why Does America Even Need Roe v. Wade?' Great job,

Disgraceful take. Abortion should be safe, accessible, legal, and free anywhere in the US.

What is your financial interest in legislating women into second class dependents? Or is this personal? Is this now the official incel news source?

Are you out of your mind?

Take this down, fools.

What the actual fuck is this?

In this country, there’s not much excuses for unplanned pregnancies due to the availability and options for birth control today. Even if you are poor, you can get free birth control and protections to avoid pregnancies.

DISGUSTING Who wrote this garbage

Have you lost what’s left of your minds? If they overturn Roe it’s a disaster for women’s health and a step towards outlawing birth control too. Stop being complicit.

No. Just no. Stop telling us if Roe vs Wade disappears we'll be ok, because contraception. Stop patronizing us. Stop patting us on the head. Disgraceful headline, AP. Thought you were better than this. BTW look at the ratio.

What in the world are you talking about Who did you talk to about this? How many woman on the lower end of the financial spectrum of women of color? Zero? I thought so.

Not all abortions are due to UNwanted pregnancies. Not all women have access to birth control. Learn about issues before writing ignorant crap.

Who wrote this myopic drivel?

Poor, poor reporting by reporters. 1) Reversal of RvW would also ban methods of birth control. 2) Many State's legislators would immediately go after all birth control coverage. 3) The majority of states would eliminate all clinics. 4) Access to only wealthy women/girls. 1/2

I believe we call that 'missing the point'.

Booooooooooooooo help infinite_scream

This bullshit being presented as an objective take is horrific. How dare you.

urm.... Not if the state they live in outlaws them.

As a Nurse, I find this article to be misleading. As planned Parenthood continues to be harassed with budget cuts, many women will have no access to affordable birth control. Oh, some companies are denying coverage for their workers.

Who wrote this steaming pile of 💩?! What a stupid take on overturning of Roe vs. Wade. The 2 'reporters' CraryAP & CarlaKJohnson are attention-seeking trolls. Or, they're incredibly dumb. This is an asterix against their entire careers. fail Our media is failing us. 😠

So now i have to add you to a list of questionable sources? Would never have imagined a wire service would be next. Or will you redact this and issue an apology?

Hi ap. Does the dude who tweeted this even know any women?

What’s a Disgusting article

You have no authority over women's bodies to tell them what they can or cannot do. Go away. Bad choice AP backing Repugs.

Here for the ratio.

The Supreme Court Is Obsolete AND Needs an Intervention From 1856

Me after reading this garbage 🗑 do better seriously!

Looking forward to when Trump and his S.Ct overturn NYT v. Sullivan and all you straight white male media editor types finally realize he is after your rights too, but it'll then be too late to do anything about it.

Wow! And I thought the Hope Hicks article was garbage...

I don’t know if I’ve ever called a tweet trash before, but this tweet is trash.

Really AP. Must be men thinking this appalling shite up. 🖕🏻

Why is a wire service editorializing right wing talking points?


You’re bad at this.

Dear AP I would have expected an article less archaic.

you’ve got some nerve.

Um, dying of cancer in 2019 isn't identical to what it was in 1973. Still dead.

No. 'If the Supreme Court were to overturn Roe v. Wade, _more people would die due to unsafe abortions_.' Stop. Writing. Dangerously. Wrong. Headlines.


Delete this article

Headlines like this are gross. This is how rights get lost, with the “it’s not that bad” justification.

It must feel so nice for David Crary to sit from his pedestal of male privilege & tell American women to 'calm down, it won't be that bad' about having the right to control what happens to their bodies taken away. AP should issue an apology for this ill-informed & insulting post

Absolutely amazing that they haven't retracted this yet. Incredible.

Fvck off.

Even if things get bad, it might be better than when things were worse. Please read.

“These horrible new laws will be no problem for the people who decide to break the laws. There are never consequences for doing that.”

Gillead much?

Were you aware that most people in this country are living paycheck to paycheck, and all those methods cost money? Do you even know poor people exist, and that denying them abortions will cause nothing but problems?

You gotta be kidding me with this...

By making every effort possible to defund planned parenthood, and by making it legal for employers to not offer birth control as part of an insurance package, the ability to obtain birth control becomes more & more difficult.

I just...infinite_scream

I read the article...you’re actually incorrect. It’s a terrible piece. You probably shouldn’t have wrote it and in the end you’re really making things even worse. You should try having better, more sympathetic, more sound opinions on things. Anyway, enjoy the holiday.

what the shit is this shit

A more accurate title for this massively irresponsible garbage pile of words would be 'Hey ladies, get your panties unbunched.' What the actual hell, AP?

Yeah like not having sex with men who have not had a vasectomy....how about men start taking responsibility...it takes 2 to make a baby yet women seem to be the only ones holding the burden.

I mean seriously wtaf has happened to the AP?


Wtf is your problem ap?

Ok which christian pedophile republican paid you to write this

Who writes this crap?

Clearly written by a man.

This is not journalism. This is a dangerous lie to make and attempt to pass off as journalism.

What a bald face lie! Where are you getting this idea from, the Koch Brothers?

Abortion is a medical procedure between a woman and her doctor. and anyone else who wants to tell women what is ok can fuck right off.

These 'safer, easier options for abortion' you speak of would all be illegal is abortion is made illegal.

Um, how would we have safer and easier options for abortion if roe v Wade is outlawed? What? Tickets to Sweden are cheaper now?

Delete your account

How about when they take the next step in trying to make this a Christian nation and outlaw birth control as well? Got some good hints for that as well? Wake up and read the hand-writing on the wall. This isn't about abortion, it is about the control of women and limiting them


The government has no say in how a female wants to handle her pregnancy. Period.

Why is a wire service publishing a speculative opinion piece?

Lmao this ain’t it

Let me guess: the article plugs the use of chastity belts to avoid unwanted pregnancies...

I found it fascinating that the two AP journalists who write this, CraryAP and CarlaKJohnson, having been active in addition issues since at least 2012 can act so oblivious on describing impact of an overturn of Roe v Wade. They know the limits & attacks on 'options' metoo

Idiots. CheckTheRatio

You don't have any bread? That's ok you can eat cake instead.

This take misses the point of protecting Roe v. Wade entirely.

What a HORRIBLE, dangerously deceptive article. They want to get rid of birth control, too, or are you guys unaware that the ultimate goal is to control women again? Are you unaware that pharmacists can refuse to fill prescriptions for the morning after pill? Do better, FFS.

the fuck is this tho

'Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.' - Benjamin MF’ing Franklin.


Are you kidding? WTF is wrong with you “journalist” people lately?

To the person on here who said try not to get pregnant if a woman is raped I suppose you think that that's her fault some women are on birth control and they get pregnant .typical man saying try not to get pregnant when the woman didn't get pregnant alone when are men held acct?

What?! You are incredibly wrong! This would kill pregnant people! All contraceptives have a failure rate! Pregnancy is dangerous! Abortion must remain SafeAndLegal AbortionIsHealthCare

What an irresponsible take.

This is the dumbest take.

No nay never. No more

Why, , whyyyyyyyyyy? This is a horrendous take. Be better.


This makes no sense. If Roe vs Wade is overturned and abortion is widely made illegal and, where legal, tightly restricted, these advances in reproductive healthcare would disappear. There would be much, much less of the safer abortions you refer to.

Disgusted by the AP for saying we have “more methods”. We won’t go back! We will and must have all methods and all choices available! It is our bodies and our choices!

“Before 1973, women were unable to tell their rapists or even their husbands ‘No,’ but now we have Me Too, so things are way better for women nowadays. Also, they can just give birth since medical advancements have made childbirth safer, except, of course, for women of color.”

Sure. Until states start banning those 'safer, easier options' too. Do you numnutzes really believe that conservatives will stop at just outlawing abortion? I've started to believe this is not just journalistic incompetence on your part; it's ill will.

Are you out of your mind? What are these 'safer, easier alternatives' to legal abortion? If Roe V Wade is overturned, there will be NO alternatives If you are talking about medical abortion using drugs, that won't be available either so women will resort to dangerous methods

You...you understand they are trying to criminalize all those methods yes? From miscarriages to birth control pills. This is incredibly short sighted


This is garbage and lies and you know it. Delete

This is garbage framing and horrible journalism. Fix it.

Only if they’re the mistress of a “pro-life” Republican.

Women *with money* have more methods. They always have, even in pre-Roe days. It’s still far more expensive & a hassle to travel to another state or Canada to get an abortion than just having say over your own body in accordance with your own religious beliefs.

This is a bad hot take

Like leaving the country for an abortion? What the hell are you saying?

So if Roe is overturned, do men then lose their right to privacy and could prenatal paternity testing be mandated? Lots of things have changed since 1973, including the ability to determine paternity at 8-10 weeks gestation using only saliva from dad & blood from mom.

How can the AP justify publishing such an irresponsible pile of lies? Are you now just another propaganda arm for disinformation? what in the actual hell was everyone involved in putting this trash out was thinking?

They're already coming for birth control. This is garbage. For shame,

Bad take. Very bad take. Enjoy your very deserved ratio. Fyi vasectomy is the best option for preventing pregnancy. AbortionIsAWomansRight AbortionIsNotACrime DontBelieveInAbortionDontHaveOne AbortionAccess.

Shame on AP for promotion of fewer more dangerous options regarding a healthcare issue that deserves more attention than this.

Delete your account

Stop this shit “reporting”...there is no “safe” illegal abortion, because there is no regulation of them. That’s what leads to horrors like Gosnell

'Don't worry ladies, illegal abortions were getting way safer in the 1960's' WTF?

Wut ?

Wow! That sounds great! Thanks, AP!

Dishonor on your family, dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow. That story is an unfathomable load of crap and you should be ashamed for spreading misinformation. Abortion IS the safe option for termination of a pregnancy.

Did the AP just suggest that women induce their own abortions, without the supervision of a medical professional, an act that will itself also be criminalised in many of these states? Do I have that right? (The absolute STATE of 'journalism' these days. I can't even.)

'Many abortions are induced at home with a two-drug combination...' Yeah, and if religious nutcases get their way, the women who have abortions by that method will go to prison—for life. Stupid take, AP. Stunningly stupid.

Trained, licensed medical staff is so five minutes ago.

Hot take, this article is:

This is irresponsible reporting.

this is an irresponsible take.

Lies. Lies. Lies.

Mansplaning or womansplaining? Either way go take a long jump off a short pier!

I look forward to the opinion piece on women's voting rights.

who raised you

This a profoundly stupid position.

This is woefully & dangerously irresponsible messaging. Please do better.

We are talking about pregnancies that haven’t been prevented though. Even if it’s a smaller number, the freedom to control our bodies at any stage, for any reason is not negotiable.

If this was the best genuine reporting y'all could do, you need a new job. If this is to give Republicans a tongue bath, you need a new job.

Read it. If the intention is to poke at the established legislative membrane protecting the rights and health of the women of these whole United States of America then you are doing a helluva job. However, I think you have let your readers down in a very big and serious way.

You know someone went to jail for Googling one of those options at some point between conception and miscarriage

This is the very definition of a shit take.

What the actual fuck? This 'article is full of false claims. Overturning RoevWade effectively criminalizes abortion and even having mifepristone/misoprostol is a crime. Those aren't even an option past the 12 week. This is irresponsible.

Yes, women have had an easy time making their own medical decisions without government interference since 1973. Who cares if Roe v. Wade is overturned? It's no longer needed, just like the Voting Rights Act is no longer needed because racism is over.

what the hell is the point of this article AP?

And excuse me, why is this not clearly labelled an opinion column?

Smile honey. Losing your bodily autonomy won’t be as bad as you think.

If men could get pregnant, the idea of Roe vs Wade being overturned would be considered a four-alarm emergency, and you can bet the Associated Press would be doing more than printing dismissive, condescending articles about which pregnancy-control methods would still be available

Does AP have stock in wire hangers or caskets that we don't know about?

Pollyanna might need an abortion, too.

If you don’t think they’re coming for birth control next, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.

Also, because this article is missing a big piece here, if certain states keep abortion legal and accessible, the states with people where it’s illegal or heavily restricted will still be forced to give birth, because not everyone can afford to go out of state for an abortion.


'You can have your cake taken away from you and still not eat it. You can think about cake, though.'

👏 DO 👏 NOT 👏 NORMALIZE 👏 THIS 👏 SHIT 👏 Do NOT act like removal of my bodily autonomy is like cancelling a TV show and we'll all be just fine. Do NOT talk like they aren't also coming for our contraception. THIS IS ABOUT CONTROLLING WOMEN AND IT IS NOT FUCKING OKAY.

They are coming after all forms of birth control. So this is bullshit.

This might be the dumbest statement you've ever made.😒

Written by a male...without the capacity to understand. You know nothing Jon Snow!

Science has developed more methods. Women won’t have them. Laws prevent sound sex Ed, laws prevent access to birth control, laws criminalize some forms of birth control. All of the advances that would reduce the number of abortions are also being blocked. Gilead is the goal.

How about a big HELL NO!

Even as a preteen I figured out that if abortion was outlawed, birth control would be their next target. This reporting is beneath you, AP.

Nice prep work for being the propaganda outlet for fascism. Instead of Associated Press, you can be Associated Propaganda.

BULLSHIT..... This isn't about abortion. This is about religious control of women.

Whoever wrote this take should have used the pullout method and not published this

This is a bad take. Cc SydneyZatha

Everyone who had anything to do with this article being written, edited and printed/posted can go suck on a sharpened, spikey dildo for the rest of their g-damned lives.

This is the worst. You should have to eat this.

I didn't know the AP did opinion pieces.

Did Crary & Johnson even read the bills before they wrote this?

What in the actual fuck is this trash?

'This won't ever effect me because I'm well off enough to always have access to abortion if I need it, so why should I care about anyone else?'

WTF? 'Even if'? 'Sno biggie?

This is ridiculous—if abortion is banned, birth control and “two drug home abortions” are next.

“Rejoice, ladies! You can still take pills that will get you jailed if you’re caught with them. Yes, if something goes wrong and you need to seek further treatment, you’re completely on your own; but it’s still not *quite* as bad as a dirty knitting needle.”

It doesn't matter. Nobody has any business dictating to women what their choices can be. This is 'land of the free', not 'land of evangelical control'.


You are lying

This is just a blatant falsehood. If you really think the ultimate goal for people who want to overturn Roe V. Wade is doing so, you haven’t been paying attention. They want Roe V. Wade overturned to be able to criminalize abortions. That is their ultimate goal.

This article is bad and everyone involved should feel bad.

If Roe is overturned, those safer, easier abortions won't exist any longer. They'll be illegal, FFS, not to mention there's also a major push to make a large portion of reliable birth control illegal. Wanting to have sex is a natural biological urge. Abstinence is not the answer.


And prisoners have safer, easier housing options.

Somebody got paid to write this?

Wow. What a load of crap. Expected more from you.

While using a diaphragm I got pregnant. Tell me all about my easier options.


Lunatic journos: 'For women today, there’s even abortion by mail.'

This is not a good take.

Wow, thanks for the 'help.' Next, maybe the writers can tell us there is no such thing as racism.

It seems AP is not in business of facts, truth, and honest reporting any longer... Do better and get better headline writer on board.

They’re going after birth control too.

Criminalizing miscarriage is a method of oppression we haven’t seen before, so your bromides about Roe v. Wade are meaningless when a woman can be criminally charged for having a natural reproductive event.

And...? What's your point- it is therefore not a big deal ? Reproductive choice must always be a fundamental part of one's health care.

This is an opinion, NOT news.

Ah, I see. We have plastic hangers now instead of just wire ones. Hot take, AP.

'Reversing Thirteenth Amendment means free room and board for black folks, say Mississippi legislators ' -AP

Why you lying tho?

If this were true, why would the right be fighting so hard and pouring millions of dollars into our judicial system to change the law? They might be monstrous human beings, but dumb they are not.

Are you kidding me It's easy to pay $800 for medication? It will help because, 'Her smartphone sends birth control reminders.' Disgraceful.

Stop this bullshit. Shame on you .

AP you should delete this immediately 👹 This isn’t journalism its propaganda for the treasonous regime of this WH

Better than 1973? Well, let's see. A woman in Georgia could travel to a state which legalized abortion without fear of prosecution back home. A doctor could perform an emergency abortion in Alabama without facing 99 years in prison. Oh, and the ERA had been ratified in 33 states.

Are you people out of your minds?

This entire article is a piece of rubbish. It doesn’t matter if there are more contraceptives, if they aren’t accessible, people aren’t encouraged to use them or learn about safe sex at the appropriate age, then the problem will persist. Also, high risk pregnancies and births?

Adoption has always been an option. Instead of our taxes sponsoring the butchers at PP how about we sponsor adoptive families and make adoption less difficult?


Your numbers don't account for the increase in population since 1973. Women still may not suspect they are pregnant for weeks after conception. Technology gives is greater insight into fetal abnormalities. This artical is idiotic.

The pill was freely dispensed for $3 a month from my state university health clinic in 1972. You are spreading a myth.

Who's the idiot who wrote this?

This take is pure garbage. Roe v Wade is also about a woman’s right to choose . Our bodies belong to no government.

ALT_MyName Pure Rubbish AP

WhatTheActualFuckIsThis? Holy shit. Delete your account.

Who wrote this crap and what editor thought it would be a good idea to print it. This isn’t journalism; it’s propaganda. Shame on you.

Delete your account.

This article is 💩

Here's what happens: News is taken over by theocracy, pushing propaganda and lies. The people will eventually tire of this. When they do, they will tear your institution apart and burn what remains to the ground. Keep feeding us this bullshit - see what we do.

What was the prison sentence in 1973 for doctors and women who were involved in an abortion? It was not 99 years. Men cause unwanted pregnancies. Let the men suffer the consequences for a change.

ap is trash. Always has been. Keep up the shitty work!

NONE of this is true. Stop publishing bullshit.

I hope that CraryAP and CarlaKJohnson read the comments here. This article shows that even can no longer be a reliable news source. Shameful!

It's not about the fact that 'Plan B' didn't exist when Roe became law, it's about what is being done to women's choice. Get it together AP.

Like if it's a legitimate rape the woman's body can shut that whole thing down. Right AP? In all seriousness WTF kind of stupid drugs is AP doing over there?

Misleading and false information is included in this crappy article. It completely misses the point of Roe v Wade and the current fight for our civil rights. Absolute trash.


Men shld b required 2get vasectomies until a woman’s ready 2 get pregnant w/ him. It can be easily reversed. Time 4men 2b responsible. Women can only be impregnated a few days out of a month. She can only carry one baby (unless twins...) in a yr Men can impregnate 100+ in a yr

One does wonder how many of thos will be options after Roe is overturned. Justice Rapey McRaperson thinks contraceptives are abortifacients. Maybe research your facts a little more before vomiting them out next time.

The Associated Press Thought I was getting an article from Fox there for a minute 🤬

Well I feel MUCH BETTER now knowing my daughters or granddaughters MIGHT not die from an illegal abortion. They still might, but hey, the news from the AP is apparently good! And who cares abt a bunch of religious zealots taking away Reproductive Freedom. No biggie, eh?

Because taking women’s bodily autonomy away is just a minor inconvenience. 🙄

What a load of garbage

What is happening to the world? You were supposed to be one of the good ones.

How much do they pay you? Education wasn't a requirement for your job at AP I see

epflcswccm Oh, thank God. 🙄

Unless you are cutting off access and coverage for birth control as the GOP is also pushing... SupportPlannedParenthood

Wow. Just wow.

“Women have more methods to avoid unwanted pregnancies” - eh, I was not aware we women could self impregnate a la “parthenogenesis” but thanks for the heads up AP.

What the hell is wrong with you, that you would publish something like this? Yes there are more options in existence, but have you even looked at what a woman needs to do to get some of them? That's before we even look at the stripping women of bodily autonomy part.

This is trash.

Under his eye. Eh?

Seriously, ? Do better.

Even ifthis is not a game. They have no right to invade women's bodies. PRO LIFE?what a joke. Do they care about rogue cops killing unarmed black men running away or executions, oft times of innocent people?

What is this shit?

Clinics are closing. Businesses don't have to offer insurance for birth control (BTW often used for reasons other than pregnancy prevention). Women & doctors can go to jail but men aren't accountable. The laws are about control, not abortion. Pay attention!

No no no staaaahp! Why are you helping rationalize taking away women’s autonomy?

This is a States rights issue, as most issues are

This is a completely irresponsible article on AP'S part. TOTAL BS! TheResistanceIsUnited TheResistance

Wrong, if Roe V Wade is overturned we will see more women that die getting 'back alley' abortions or from trying to do it at home.

lol! they are already coming after birth control.

Oh, it won't be so bad if women are turned into living incubators. And you do know that the states that are restricting abortion also do their damndest to restrict the use of contraception as well, right?

What the...? How did this inaccurate, propaganda BS get through an editor, AP? Retract this OP-ED piece or title it as such.

What the actual fuck?

It WOULD turn back the clock to 1973. To be butchered in a back alley abortion, to be forced to carry a pregnancy to term, and lose the right to control what happens to one’s body is NOT safer or easier. FFS, corpses have more bodily autonomy than women. Who the fuck wrote this?

When you were in college, studying journalism, did you know you were going to be excusing the behaviour of fascists or was this as much of a surprise for you as it is for us?

What a tragically wrong argument for overturning R.V.W. The same options were available in 1972 as now. WTF

What in the fresh hell

Oh then I guess the assault on our rights is all ok.

Remember the Supreme Court created this law not Congress ‼️Embarrassing non representative 👎

AP, your take on this is gross negligence.

My fucking nerves 😳 Do these people not have a brain 🧠 Better form of birth control for men who think they know more about women’s bodies than women - The Bobbitt method = Castration

Ya, this article makes women who are having their rights to control their body trampled on feel so much better? Disgusting article!

Women, this is a lie. In GA if you miscarry you will be examined to ascertain that it was not caused by self-induced abortion attempt. Shame on you .

Hey -that’s NOT the effing point! DoBetter

Why is the poorly researched and easily debunked opinion piece being peddled as a wire service news story. Utter BS.

Ok. So the hates women. Noted.

This is an awfully awful sentiment


So no worries women, if Roe vs. Wade is reversed, you just order misoprostil and mifepristone on the black market - now priced at only $800- and DIY at home. Who wrote this article? Irresponsible journalism!


No, not to 1973. More like in the 1950s...

This isn’t helping.

And how will women obtain these “safer, easier options for abortion” if Roe v. Wade is overturned? I thought you were better than this, !

Why are you apologizing for extremists before the court even does anything? This isn't journalism

Wtf is this shit? 'there's an all out attempt to remove critical protections for your health, but that's ok because it won't be AS bad as 1973...yet'? What idiot thought this should go to press?

Wow, incredibly awful dishonest take presented as a confident fact.

Until they ban to Pill and IUDs, which will be next.

Would this be the same headline if we were talking about men's rights?

Men have the means to avoid unwanted pregnancies-a vasectomy. Let’s impose it on them by age 11. Abortion reduced significantly. Control men. Cheaper, easier and effective. This is the road you travel. Abortion is not birth control nincompoops. It’s woman control.

If you’re well off and have money. If you’re poor it’s a coat hanger or worse . Planned parenthood and affordable healthcare would be much more effective

Yup! Strap on a condom!

Wtaf is this? NO Just NO

The government should not legislate what women do with their own bodies. Women are not property to be controlled. Don't you have any female editors

Folks, if you pay attention the true Enemy will reveal itself.

Yes! Hangers

Journalism is Rekt or whatever the kids say nowadays.

What an absolutely stupid article.

Methods which often require an employer to cover on health insurance. Methods employers exercise their religious rights to deny.

Wouldn't those other options also become illegal and inaccessible (or at least very difficult to access)... and more dangerous, like before? 🤔🙄 Better yet, let's not make abortion illegal and keep permitting the other safe options!

News Flash! Women don’t use abortion in place of birth control. The GOP would also like to limit access to birth control. This is irresponsible “reporting?” at its best (worse?).

I’ve promised myself not consume anything in the media “that are premised upon my own dehumanization”.

Oooohhhhh not so fast, the far right will come after that next!

They're trying to outlaw half the methods you're writing about & will go after the other half next. What a stupid piece.

Oh well then...nothing to worry about then...

Bettter coat hangers?

Upside World: Why are Cockfights illegal - abortions legal and not viceversa? Who can rightously say whom is immoral unethical?

What a crock.

Why hasn’t this been removed and an apology issued? “So sorry to every person potentially minimized or damaged by our seriously myopic and sexist take.”

And if RvW is overturned those 'safer' abortion options will all be illegal. What about this is so hard to understand?

Wow. I didn’t know it was possible to be THAT wrong.


Terrible take. This is not your call to make, fellas. Abortion is still a needed MEDICAL PROCEDURE!

WTELF? What idiot wrote this?

WTAF ? To reduce this issue to a simplistic take on unwanted pregnancy rather than the larger issue of bodily autonomy

Hahaha she only had to drive 70 miles and pay $800!!?!? Wow what a great deal!! 😐



And then they'll come for the abortion drugs too. This is not a defeat that we should take lying down.

The Associated Press joins the propaganda machine. Unbelievable.

So did AP get bought by the Mercers or the Koch's?

What’s your agenda AP?

Who wrote this crap

Giving the government the power to force birth wouldn’t end there. This article is sickening and the author should be fired.

What the fuck ?!?! Let's not write more of this bullshit, please. You are living in la-la land if you think women will have more and better access to healthcare/personal healthcare choices if Roe v. Wade was overturned. That's a crock of shit.

When you're pregnant those methods don't matter. When you have to beg for dignity & the basic right to make your own decisions about your own body those methods don't matter. It's about the absolute disregard for women, & our ability to make our own choices. FUAP

Safer and easier options to kill babies, wow the ap is disgusting


So which right wing nut job got to you...that now you are writing articles solely for the purpose to gaslight. Shame on the AP! Once you lose your reputation it’s very difficult to get it back!

Shut up AP

Disgusting tripe

Got out the fourth-string reporters and editors to fill in over the three-day weekend, hmmm, AP? Might want to more fully vet the objectivity of said backups before they regurgitate anti-choice talking points and couch them as “news.” DoBetter

You belong in a dumpster


Somebody is missing the whole point Nobody should be telling women what they may and may not do with their bodies The fact is People are the boss of their own body that includes women So STFU if you are going to twist the facts

CraryAP CarlaKJohnson I’m shocked at your ignorance and irresponsibility. Yes I read your article. You missed so much I don’t even know where to begin. I just can’t even. 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


Women will die. More women and children will be unable to escape their abusers. More women and children will be homeless. Women's earnings will fall further behind men's. This is too messed up for words.

No no no no. Do better, AP!

I guess we can comfort ourselves with the notion that, despite this poor effort to give succour to the failed state, they still hate you and if you’re not very careful, you’ll end up in the ditch with a bullet in your skull alongside the rest of us.

OMG. There's too much wrong here to even trash your tweet.

I am shocked to see this AP!! Overturning Roe vs Wade is NOT OK!!

OH WELL THEN EVERYTHING IS FINE *sets world on fire*

WTactualF is this, AP?!?!?! 🤬

It is not about abortion. It is about keeping a woman in her place. Keeping uneducated, undereducated, keeping underpaid, keeping her below the poverty line, keeping self worth as low as possible. Thinking she can not do any better. That is how the GOP wants it.

Bit early for this, but...

Delete your account.

But those better methods of abortion will be ILLEGAL in many states. As for birth control, anti-choicers believe those better methods are abortion too.

Gtfo with that headline

Women are so ungrateful.

you completely miss the point.

Shame on you.

And here I thought you were a reliable news source. This is false information, and you need to retract.

AP already trying to tell women 'don't worry it won't be so bad'

Whoever wrote this is seriously missing the point

Who wrote this trash?

Well, that was eye-opening. I'm sure that these alternatives are taught in every sex education class. Not. Phenomenally narrow perspective.

Wow. What is going on in that newsroom?

And the people who are not on BC and who are victims of incest or rape?

The 4th Estate continues to fail miserably.

If there's a will,there's a way !!

bad take, wapo...really bad take how are women accessing these miracles of modern medicine, when they become illegal?

Women got legal abortions before 1973. Just had to have 💰

Sure, us ladies are so resilient & ingenious, we’ll happily waste tons of energy working around the fact that men want us to go to jail for controlling our own bodies. No prob, really. Cool cool cool

Is this from a Middle School paper? Because fact checking is something actual journalists do.

Are you kidding?

How would abortion be safe if it were illegal? & legislators would next make IUDs illegal because they don’t allow egg implantation in the uterine wall. So the only option that worked 4me would become illegal for my children. I have 4. 3 were conceived using other birth controls.

I read your article, just to be fair. None of it matters because of your rights-denying title and your preachy tone pretending women need educating on bc methods. If anything like shame still exists in our culture, you'd apologize and remove this.

First they came for the Socialists, but there are so many other political ideologies that it didn’t matter.

Let me rephrase that .... WHAT. THE. ACTUAL. FUCK. IS. THIS. SUPPOSED. TO. BE?

Holy sh*t, a (R) 'science' guy wrote this for sure

I'm sorry, since when has been rigthwing propaganda?

You need to afford it, plus too many women are with men who won't use condoms/expect them to have the potential to get knocked up every time they have sex. Stealthing is so rising in popularity, how do you know to do something after if you don't know you were unprotected?


just doing my bit for the ratio on this horse shite.

Ok...so give up the right and be satisfied with what you're left with since it's not as bad as 1973? Really?

Delete this now.

You’ve got to be kidding me!!!! Is Kavenaugh now your staff writer?

What a ducking stupid article. 🖕

Pictured woman is pro-life.

Crary and Johnson and whatever editors approved this article should never work in journalism again. So wrong, irresponsible, and dangerous.

What the author of this article purposefully forgot to include.. Ohio is banning most forms of birth control and those safer methods of abortion... Either willfully ignorant or painfully biased

So the AP does opinion pieces now?

This. is. Horrendous.

Roe is step nine. Griswold is the prize.

Lies. Peddle your misogyny somewhere else.

And these procedures and medications would be illegal and professionals and patients would be prosecuted for their distribution and use. Ignorant. Retract this nonsense.

Fire David Crary and Carla Johnson.

Please explain to me how this group of words you've publicly posted is news in any way whatsoever and not blatant political opinion, which is not your fucking job

Disgusted/repelled by this piece. It reflects male controlled media Lack of women in sr. editorial writing/review positions Absent balanced outreach to female sources on prospect of Roe reversal No report of effects on POC & bank account-poor leading full complex lives Shameful!

Are you fuuuuuuuuuucking kidding me with this? Delete your career. Ugh.

As a currently pregnant lady with medical issues, you just told me 'don't worry, having your right to live taken won't hurt a bit' 'or maybe it was 'your fetus is worth more than you'? Probably both.

sonny_scroggins Who writes this shit?

DAVID CRARY and CARLA K. JOHNSON are trash humans for writing this,and you're trash for publishing it.

Are you people stenographers for theocrats now? FFS.

Available where exactly? I’m pretty disgusted the article is up this long, makes me question your ethics. I’m NOT too old to fight this fight again and you’re a good place to start today. One of the authors is a female medical writer? Appalling! Find her a new beat to cover ASAP

Whoa. Did the Associated Press get taken over by Faux News?

The stokes again. FU and your dystopian apology.

What are you doing?

They are coming after that, too. See Ohio.

What the hell? I am ashamed this comes from the AP!! Has Trump bought you too Shame on you!

I keep telling you to do better, and you keep failing.

Seems kind of naive to assume the anti-abortion crowd, newly empowered, isn’t going to go after every form of abortion. They will. And birth control is also in their sights.

Fire the right-wing extremist who wrote this article


Carla and David are both garbage. They should not write for any news organizations ever again. Fire them and let them work for Fox news

Um, but I kinda like my rights.

More garbage journalism. No wonder public opinion of the press is taking a dive

What the hell, ?!

'Moore had to drive 70 miles to pick up her prescription and, lacking insurance, paid $800 out of pocket.' Sure. Every woman can do this. 😡 You were one of the last bastions of truth in journalism, AP. Shameful propaganda, now!

Don’t worry your little heads, ladies - you’ll have all the bodily autonomy we’re willing to give, and we’ll demand you praise these days as better than the past. Now fetch papa a beer.


AP mediaBeingDicks aidingAndAbetting gopFascists misogyny

WTF that is a big pile of B.S. and that's not even the point. NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO TELL A WOMAN WHAT SHE CAN OR CANNOT DO WITH HER BODY.

I can’t believe a US news organization doesn’t know that anti-abortion extremists have been calling the morning after pill, IUDs, etc. forms of “abortion” for years now, and have been trying to take them away from us.

You are minimizing the horrific effects women would face. In some ways things would be worse for women.

This. Isn't. It.

This is an idiotic take and you would be wise to take it back.

New York Times: Let’s make a cute listcicle out of Trump’s insults and have an opinion piece that paints Hope Hicks in a flattering light. AP: Hold my beer.

What a manipulative headline...

I call bullshit. This is part of the reason we have a wannabe dictator in the White House....

This is bad and you should feel bad.

🤬 If Roe is overturned there will be no protections! DoBetter learn why Roe being overturned endangers all American’s right to privacy in addition to imperiling women’s health.

What the hell is this? You know there is a hearing soon to get rid of the ACA, right?! The ACA has so many protections for women to have maternity care and access to birth control...

It’s about the government telling women what they can’t do with their uteruses, when they don’t do the same to men about their prostates.

No. Delete this.

A white, middle-class, straight man wrote this, huh?

That’s not the point ya bunch of dolts.

Who wrote this fecal pancake?

I say women should just stop fucking men....then we won't have to worry about unwanted pregnancies and such things...I for one would love to get a dildo that keeps going...better yet my hands know just where to go in times od distress.... this is worth saying if I am banned.🤗

What a cruel thing to say.

Will still be immoral, try not having sex until you’re ready and willing to have a child

Well then I guess its fine to force a woman remain impregnated with a fetus she does not want.


Please go slap yourself. You trying to compete with the NYT now?

This is not news, this is at best opinion. Not AP worthy. retract

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck off with this shit

delete your account.

Oh goodie. Thanks AP for saying that it’s ok women to become second class citizens without control over their own bodies. It’s not about abortion. It’s about equality.

Oh bullshit


WTAF ?!!!! Are you not paying attention They are changing the rules on birth control too!! What a hack piece done for the GOP.

Yeah, except the same creeps that want to ban abortion want to ban birth control. Bottom line: not about abortion. Helloooo

And you can bet each and everyone of them will wind up in the crosshairs. Roe goes first. Griswold is next.

Yes, that's right, making women's bodily autonomy illegal is GREAT for women! What are those bitches even complaining about! It's just FINE for them. --the apparently idiot white men behind this story

“Yes, when men are fearful of women gaining progress, go backwards in time 46 years and remove their rights.”


Considering that contraceptions are also under attack, this argument holds little value.

Eww. Wtf is this

Hey remember when the AP was unbiased? Those were good times.

The authors of this drivel, need their asses kicked up one side of the street and down the other. 😡😡😡🤬

Right on AP.

Those “more methods and options” aren’t working, because we still have unwanted pregnancies.

Note: ‘women have ways to prevent pregnancy’. BREAKING NEWS: it actually takes two to complete this particular tango.

Pretty sure you’re completely missing the point. Maybe find some very patient women who are willing to explain, and run this take by them.

Who actually wrote this sexist stupid trash? 1 option: MEN WITH A VASECTOMY

Yeah because the right wing war on modernity will stop at women’s reproductive rights!

“Even if the Supreme Court were to overturn asbestos use on jobsites, workers now have more methods to get kinder, gentler lung cancer, as well as less painful chemo that extends their lives at least five days longer than before.”


“Even if the Supreme Court were to overturn child labor laws and go back to when kids worked 12-hour days in the mines, at least we now can detect Black Lung Disease sooner, allowing us to find replacement kids in a more timely manner.”

Coat hangers are much more sanitary now.

Wtf, ? There’s no bright side to the GOP attack on women.

Fire the man who wrote this and hire a woman, FFS.

Lets see... 'You're slightly less likely to die in a back-alley abortion than you were in 1973, so everything is fine now.' Is that the gist of this? Why am I not relieved by this?

Wow. That’s a hell of a take. Go home AP. You’re drunk.

“Don’t worry your pretty little heads about going back to the good ol’ days when women couldn’t vote; it will be better because now we’ll let you at least write a letter to the editor.”

Are you really that stupid that you think this is about birth control and not controlling women’s rights?

Ahhhh...I see you've decided to emulate the nytimes style of reporting. They used to be journalists too

What an absolute garbage take! Many of those same methods and options would be made illegal when Roe is overturned, as well. The same impediments to birth control - insurance- will likely get worse as this administration moves to abolish the ACA as well.

Yeah, and banning women from having drivers' licenses would be no big deal because of Uber and Lyft. Nothing to see here.

Fake News filth. I refuse to defend 'journalists.'

That is not the point. No one should be forced to do what are against their sacred beliefs.

Stop trying to normalize the control of women’s bodies.

Sure, the death penalty is bad. But, it’s not like we use guillotines anymore, amirite?

So, “let’s return back to 1973 because we have pills now....” ?

What fresh hell is this? Fuck you AP

What the hell is this?

Is this like an “at least it’s not Handmaids Tale” excuse?

Other than that, how was the play Mrs. Lincoln?

Yeah I am sure the same people who want to overturn Roe v Wade won't want to put a stop to any of that.

What's your point with this horseshit? Do better.

. WTactualF is this? What tone deaf idiot thought this was a good idea for an article? Ap you are out of line. .

'While backward red states are taking away their bodily autonomy, we journalists remind women that they don't 'have to' get pregnant...' Maybe rethink this one?

AP with the 'don't be so dramatic, woman' hot take. 🙄

Killing children exemplifies American values, indeed

They literally won't in several states

What in the unsubstantiated, poorly composed, and blatantly false fuck?

WTF are you talking about?

Someone is doing heavy drugs! FuckOff

Did you know that 100% of unwanted pregnancies are caused by men being irresponsible with their sperm? Where is the widespread buffet for men to prevent causing pregnancies? Are you aware that AbortionIsHealthcare? Maybe some Mandatoryvasectomyatbirth

Written by a guy.

A+ in Mansplaining for

This is kind of a naive take at best. Next time interview leading fundamentalist “Christians” and ask them what they would do next once they’d overturned Roe vs Wade, outlawed abortion, defunded Planned Parenthood and overturned Obergefell v. Hodges?

Except if she is diagnosed with cancer and a pregnancy threatens her life. Mandatory vasectomy, now that's not a bad idea.

How about everybody get out of the business of discussing what women have done, did and will do with their bodies. Stop freakin treating us like we’re toddlers who need your boundaries.

$800 for misoprostol? Is that supposed to comfort women in Alabama? 99 yrs in jail for an abortion in 2020? Felony for doctors? No mention of female autonomy & that many of these legislators want 2 criminalize birth control? But, don’t worry ladies...AP says it won’t be that bad!

'Having your rights taken away won't be so bad.'

oh my god, no....

You really 'went there' in 2019? RUFK?

eat a dick

Complete and utter bulls**t. Times a trillion. Despicable writing. Be ashamed.

Safer, easier options? Yeah, right.

USA Roman Catholic women can share how well the rhythm method and the pull out had worked before Roe vs Wade. Ten to twelve children are a thing of the past...

Yes.... It would....

They’re not going to stop with abortion. They will start trying to out “Christian “ each other. All birth control will be next

what country do you represent? It’s not America so wtf are you reporting on behalf of it damn sure ain’t America...

Time to fight.

Here for the ratio on this one

D. U. H.

And less excuses for abortions...but it seems they are increasing instead...🤔. 75%..No reason other than lack of responsibility

Time to end mass murder and genocide by women, the most violent killers in history. We must stop raising our young women to be murderers. There is a culture of violence and murder among feminists. ToxicFemininity

Our biased, left-wing Social Justice Warriors preaching in favor of abortion.

Wow. Congratulations. You managed to completely ignore the fact that women would have to illegally obtain black market abortion drugs, while hiding the fact for fear of life in jail. Even if they found them, if legal drugs are $800 now... what would the black market be?

Not if the same people take away birth control next.

This is all a distraction

Yes and would be unconstitutional

Go get sterilized if you feel abortion is an option during pregnancy.


Right. So what’s all the fuss about.?

We still have need for abortion. Rapists still exist. Unviable pregnancies still exist. Unhealthy pregnancies still exist. Men who are 'uncomfortable' in condoms (and other excuses) still exist. Sex education sucks so teen pregnancies still exist. Etc.

It is beside the point. A woman has a right to control the health of her own body

Yeah. You’re kidding yourself if you don’t think they’re coming for Griswold next.

Hope lawmaker, Democrats and Republicans, independents write law stating fathers have to pay $1,000 per month until the child’s 21st birthday,for any child they are responsible for.All laws now seem to punish women not men. its only fair.

This really NOT the point!!!!

Not necessarily!

WTF?!? So, it doesn’t matter if we are considered legally incapable of making choices about our own bodies because, “we are resourceful and will find a way around the law”?!? W the actual F?!?

It’s the press that’s pours gas b this sues, won’t happen. Abortion in all can be prevented in 2019, we don’t live i 1890’s, it’s called prevention. Get y’all self fixed, sterilized end of subject, no unwanted babies, and enjoy sex with what ever.

This is disgusting bullsjit

Do you really think for a second that if they succeed at outlawing abortion they'll stop there? Most of the zealots already call birth control a form of abortion, so it's not beyond the pale to think they'll go there. This type of spin is ridiculous, and beneath you.

It’s amazing that people can be lead like sheep! only reason politicians continue w/ this abortion issue is bcs it garners attention! Stop legislating vaginas! woman’s choice is a woman’s choice - no one should tell her what it should be! Unless u wanna fund that baby 4 life!

How about being responsible?

No and their is also natural birth control


That doesn't make overturning it a good idea tho

They could give them up to families who wants to adopt them how about alittle bit of self control

Amen! Women who constantly tout the mantra 'I have a right to control my own body' should listen closely to their words. Control includes personal responsibility and self-control. There is no excuse for an unwanted pregnancy, in this day and age. In 1973 it was way different!

What about the man's responsibilities?

Women want control of their bodies- seems like you already have it.

NOT AN ACCEPTABLE ANSWER! Self-Annointed Religious Rightists/Anti-choices are the same Narrow-mined, Self-righteous who don’t want sex Ed. Or birth control supplied... in schools & believe ‘abstinence’ is a...”the” solution!

Wtf. Stay out of my uterus

And men too. Why don’t we push vasectomies? Why are’t there commercials and PSAs for this? It’s reversible! Outpatient procedure. No hormones no IUDs no condoms and no pregnancies

It was nobody's business in 1973 and nobody's business now.

Solution is Referendum. Let all women from 'an agreed age group' vote for or against AbortionIsAWomansRight. The law can be reviewed every 10 years or so. Simple democracy...

Because women get pregnant on their own? Why aren't we talking about birth control methods for men? Makes more sense to unload a gun than shoot a bulletproof vest

Then why did you go after Kavanaugh the way you did? Pathetic

As the bills in Alabama and Georgia include restrictions to contraceptives and sex ed its even worse than 1973. More like 1958

To save the lives of another 70 million, it is worth it.

Can't believe what I'm seeing in this country. It's a gd theocracy.

why is AP doing opinion pieces? leave that to the cnn's and buzzfeeds

That's true - the pill was one of the most powerful empowerment tools for women in the 20th century

Umm...Yeah. In other news, water is wet🤦‍♂️

Canada no insurance 750.

Overturning RVW only means abortion is given to the state to decide not an end to it.

Who knows but it would start a whole new underground black market network. Women will get hurt.

There's no 'even if' about it. It is not going to happen. We will fight this and win. We will not go back. Period. MyBodyMyChoice

This is irresponsible journalism. womenshealth

Republicans will block those as well.. They are against birth control even or education. All about the votes from easily manipulated people.

Given that roughly 98% of abortions happen out of non-rape situations, preventing pregnancy should be the way to prevent the need for abortion.

Very simple, stop using abortion as your method of birth control. There are many other options.

HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa ByeByeRoeVsWade

Babies. Still. Die.

I'm curious about the 'safer easier options for abortion'. Last I checked there was no such thing as an 'easy abortion'.

What the fuck is this?

So what that AP is saying, is that the murder of the unborn can continue without missing a beat.

So what? It doesn’t make it okay, and some states are trying to take those “safer, easier” options away as well.

No matter if your premise is true or not. Its about White Male Supremacy. Most of the anti-choice states are RED States that were once SLAVE States. Its about limiting rights & keeping people below them. People that they believe are not entitled to the same rights they have

Now if there could just be a way to make people responsible...

What fresh hell is this take?! By this logic, we might as well go back to the “separate but equal” doctrine. Or are they planning on coming for that next? Be gone with this nonsense.

See the joy in their faces because now they can easily kill their off spring.

Hard to say what's more depressing: Trump or our mainstream media.


Yet, they are still the ones carrying the child and don't have the option of dumping said resulting child when the going gets tough?

Roe v Wade is based on a lie!!!

Could be the one thing to wipe out GOP EndGOP Theocracy

Not if they cannot access those methods

Enough is Enough STOP the killing!!! Over 60 million babies killed🤬🤬

Except... the GOP is also trying to get rid of contraception.

Not really helping here.

Would it be so terrible to turn back time to 1973? If the way people act today is considered normal and Progress, you were not alive in a more sane time!

Oh, yes, easier ways to get an abortion, but those aren't much use if they are outlawed. Did you think before publishing this?

Mistakes and accidents happen. Rape happens. Illness happens. I know AP loves to rewrite the major left wing news venues but since when did AP turn into misogynist troglodytes?

pregnancy test sticks available everywhere. 98% accurate within the first week..stop the legal murder of American citizens in all fifty states..

How about holding a quarter between your knees....

Not the point really is it ? It’s like banning cars with the reassurance that you’ll always have a bike !

Are you shitting me with this article?

Hell NO! WE WILL NOT GO BACK! Get politicians OUT of our uteri!

Fuck that. C’mon AP. “Even without the first amendment, they will be able to make sounds, so it’s all good”.

Missing the point of Roe. It would revert to states to decide - actually letting ppl and/or their reps decide their laws.

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