Supreme Court rejects Trump plea to enforce asylum ban

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BREAKING: The Supreme Court won't let the Trump administration enforce a ban on asylum for any immigrants who illegally cross the U.S.-Mexico border.


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Sad that the Supreme Court doesn’t understand the word “illegal” and is complicit in this law breaking

splcenter The supreme court has committed high treason.

LOUISAGUIRRE IMO any one who comes from another country and wants to live in the USA must do it legally TheAssociatedpress

Great news!

This is getting completely out of hand Now! Sanity is out the window-When will we step in N get rid of these Organized Criminal Gangstas-They R everywhere in our Govt even the Supreme Court-Time 2 throw them all out in the street-In masses we could make this happen

The greater law is one of humanity

Lodo denver

_Politics Won't Let That's because it's illegal, unethical and immoral. What an idiotic headline. AP Politics sounds like Hannity on Qaaludes.

Yes to NotoriousRBG !!!

TrumpTheChump TrumpTheChump TrumpTheChump TrumpTheChump TrumpTheChump TrumpTheChump TrumpTheChump TrumpTheChump TrumpTheChump TrumpTheChump TrumpTheChump TrumpTheChump TrumpTheChump TrumpTheChump TrumpTheChump TrumpTheChump TrumpTheChump TrumpTheChump

Right On!

The dissenters were Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh They would have granted the administration's request to lift the hold on the ban. Surprise Surprise Asylum

I'm on my way. packing


Wth is wrong with the supreme court! Robert's and Ginsburg have to go.

Is Ruth back?

Good reason for the Kate Steinle's Wall.

Can’t believe this awkward decision!

Such BS. US taxpayers get so screwed. Our taxes go for all the poor people that sneak into our country. So sick of it. Why don’t our representatives represent our WORKING taxpayers

RBG needs to retire already.

theodoricofyork The rule of law and justice prevails!

Go get them

That's OK. Eventually there will be better security and those wanting asylum will have to sit in Mexico. Any idea how long it will take for a couple judges to review thousands of cases? Years.

Build the wall, if they can't make it in then ..oh well.

So enter illegally and then allow them to stay, fucking sweet.......

So let me get this straight you think that people that have broken federal law should be rewarded for it

So in other words, illegal aliens can break the law without any sort of potential consequence for doing so. Great to know.

Here, I have a correction for you: 'Despite having NO EVIDENCE, tRump said blah blah blah' Stop repeating the orange buffoon's LIES without fact checking them. If you can't follow that basic journalistic practice, you are part of tRumps propaganda machine.

WhitfordBradley WOOHOO🎉😂🎉

Its always 'the four *more* liberal justices' but never 'the more conservative justices' Donald Trump is a bad president but he's not wrong about media bias. Supreme Court coverage is always awful just read the orders and opinions yourself.

Guess Trump shouldn't have tangled with Roberts...

Why should we, as Americans, be placed at risk?

It is such a great place when illegals have more rights than the citizens

Thank you democracy; Roberts continue to do your Courts’ legacy well and don’t fall to political pressure from partisan actors. History is watching! 🙏🏼

AmazingGraceToo Womp womp trumpresign

LDenktash TrumpResign

Trump loses in front of the Supreme Court again

😊They get to wait in luxurious Mexico while waiting for the Courts to say they aren't eligible so Trump bypasses them & solves the problem.

NatashaBertrand RAICESTEXAS

I had really hoped Roberts would become the new swing vote. He’s more conservative than I like, but he seems like a reasonable justice.

Sucks when you can't stack the court in your favor realDonaldTrump

so they can be treated...

Big surprise huh...makes me sick! My parents voted for both these assholes. That's hard to handle lemme tell you!

So, these Justices studied US law? How did illegals become more important than citizens? Which country could I break into and get a free ride?

Poor guy doesn't put one.

How did the 4 justices possibly support enforcing a ban on asylum? That is outrageous.

I'll say it again, just disgusting

At least someone is doing their job!!

Thank goodness for the judiaciary in the USA ..... seems they're all that stands between democracy and Dictator POTUS! SCOTUS NoWallNoBan

So much winning for Donald!!

Stop saying that they 'illegally' cross the border. They HAVE to cross the border to request asylum. It's LEGAL!

Chief Justice John Robert's is deadly serious about protecting our Republic from this infection called Trumpism. He is the lynchpin between real American values and Iran-like Fundamentalist values. SCOTUS VeteransAgainstTrump

Nanny nanny boo Stick your head in doo doo! I need a nap.

Idealism is great for liberals until it hits realism. I did not defend my country to allow anyone to walk across our borders and take jobs and services away from United States citizens. You liberals feel guilty for the blessings you have because you did not sacrifice for them.

Thank you justice Ginsburg for voting from your hospital bed.

How is that a constitutional right? These fuckers have to be stopped.

selectedwisdom Trump wants to punish the poor people trying to seek asylum at our Southern border, as though they were trying to harm us, when in reality they’re simply trying to escape from horrible conditions in their home countries. Why not help them instead of treating them like garbage?

Shared and retweeted.

We need a few more Trump appointed judges

katiecouric 'Supreme' only in the broadest sense of the word.

How disgusting,that we aren’t even protecting our borders. Shame on you ones that support open borders. There’s a place for you 😩😡 let the president do the job we hired him to do! Protect our borders 🇺🇸

SenStabenow SenGaryPeters Stand strong! No border wall!

So much for the Supreme Court protecting our Constitution!....more that half you have Asylum hearings scheduled disappear in the heartland! May them wait at the Border!!!!!

Our country is doomed. Thank a liberal who stands against laws, commen sense and homeland security.

Seriously… the story is undermined by the (incorrect) assertion of “illegally”. Even if it were true, it’s not the damned story. It’s and shermancourt pandering for clicks and controversy by head-nodding at the motives of the very thing SCOTUS blocked.

realDonaldTrump HO HO HO NO


Pretty bad when obviously our supreme court must be full of Globalist Elites hell bent on throwing us all together so we can work and pay 80% of our wage in tax's

At the present, the SC is doing what it's suppose to be doing, and I'm grateful for that.

I bet I know who was on the wrong side of that decision. Kavanaugh

Gorsuch and Kavanaugh both need to be impeached

It is just wrong! They are illegal! I think we have some Trump Haters on the Supreme Court!

Whoever wrote this needed to talk to a lawyer. Not at all what this was...

Step 1 to ask for asylum: Arrive in the US. It's not entering illegally. It's following our process. Please, fix your copy.

Will somebody PLEASE drag shermancourt by the earlobe into SOME competent editor’s office at , hand him a pink slip and explain to him that crossing the boarding seeking asylum is LEGAL?

This is a big 🖕🏿to Trump and I couldn’t be happier.

It’s a law from 1996 👈🏼 3 year ban first offense , 10 years for second offense. Journalism 👉🏽😂

We still have a SCOTUS it seems.

Justice Roberts is the new Sandra Day O’Connor.



NatashaBertrand How the hell do you get to 5-4 on such an obviously illegal policy? Alito, Gorsuch, Thomas, and Kavanaugh simply do not appear to be judges, but rather political apparatchiks of the pseudo-conservative right.

I dont like it, but i do like checks and balances. This needs to be addressed via legislation not executive fiat.

SCOTUSblog Supreme Court is turning into a complete joke

ElsaRamonOnAir And this is actually why we need border security and a wall.

NatashaBertrand Womp womp

If illegal - NO! No asylum. Wake Up!!! USSupremeCourt SenateDems SenateGOP realDonaldTrump VP

so can I do something illegal without repercussions too?

I can’t believe how Americans are working against Americans for her destruction!

And this is our government? USSupremeCourt Incredible how they cannot work as one. One step helps anothr, but that's not how they perceive it. Useless. Just plain 'ole human beings makg decisions for us instead of lookg at the full picture.

KNX1070 I’m so sick of our gov banning all the good Trump is trying to do to make our country great again!! If ppl want to come live here LEGALLY then do it the RIGHT WAY like every other country ! USA is quickly becoming a 3rd world nation if we keep letting all these undocumented ppl

WhitfordBradley Cuz it's against the law and Trump's corrupt

And, to think that HE picked TWO of them!😂😂😂 SCOTUS


He needs to start using reverse physiology. He could get everything he wanted to pass if he did............


John Roberts the sane Chief unlike Kavanaugh! How many beers delivered Kavanaugh's vote to Trump? God help him!

woop 🙌🏾 woop POTUS PressSec WhiteHouse VP ICEgov SecNielsen

Just another liberal hack. I’m sure Obumma n Soros paid him for that.

splcenter It shouldn't have even been that close. ImpeachKavanaugh IllegitimateJustice

trump wastes so much money on lawsuits that are already laws... crazy ass wannabedictator

It’s time!!

The ruling is actually to uphold the lower Court's ruling while the Supreme Court litigates the case. Yet another misleading headline by the AP and MSM because of their dislike for this President.

I don't understand why this wasn't 9-0.



NatashaBertrand Fact that there was even 4 yes votes in the first place for a ban that goes against the plain language of the law is astounding, and frankly terrifying.

Chief Justice Roberts may go down in history as the Article 3 savior of our Constitutional Republic!

Yeah! Bring in more typhus, ms-13, and illiterates looking for government handouts. Way to go Roberts. Fucktard.

_Politics That’ll change. Don’t worry.

Very gay

Is Trump listening?

_Politics Thank you, Justice Roberts! F-OFF, Kavanaugh, et al!

And another blow to the man-child. Hopefully all his deplorables will finally STOP CALLING ASYLUM SEEKERS ILLEGALS BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT NO MATTER WHERE THEY PRESENT THEMSELVES TO CBP realDonaldTrump can you please make sure SecNielsen sends the memo to DHSgov ICEgov 🤡🤡🇺🇸🇺🇸

Ha Ha Ha! realDonaldTrump

realDonaldTrump put this where the sun doesn’t shine!

selectedwisdom This will cost Stephen Miller his last strand of hair on his head (well sides of his head)

Trump is violating the UNGeneva charter on Refugees. He should face charges in The Hague!

Concerned assylum seekers are just out for Gov 'free' stuff? Propose NO 'free' stuff to non-citizens for 5 yrs. Have sponsors support & be responsible for immigrants, legal or not. Best: NO 'free' stuff to anyone bc there's no such thing. Taxpayers are the source. Be responsible

People who present themselves for asylum (even not at a designated crossing) arent crossing the border illegally. That's why the supreme court refused to interfere with the lower court. If you are going to write headlines, they should be correct.

Pretty sure it's not illegal if they apply for asylum. 🤦🤷

Ahhhh isnt Brett doing his job


John Roberts holding it down, for now

Sorta makes that wall even more critical doesnt it?


katiecouric The court did however, suggest the President be SENT to an asylum for ordering that policy in the first place.

Arriadna Thanks for not allowing the USA to violate international law SCOTUS!

selectedwisdom But looks like early returns on the gorsuch Kavanaugh duo is a plus for 45.

Ahh the dirty little secret... it’s because once they step foot on US soil, Constitution applies, funded by the tax payer, regardless of legality or citizenship. Thus the need to stop entry before touching US soil.

NatashaBertrand Is being denied when you are in denial existentially redundant?

NatashaBertrand Another trump meltdown coming

This means Roberts refused to let the Trump administration jump the lower courts & decide this immediately. It has to play out in the lower courts first.

Kavanaugh, such a racist. He needs to go.


Chief Justice? Come on

'I like beer, ok?'


Why are 🇺🇸 citizens ok with people crossing into our country illegally when there’s a proper way to do it?

NatashaBertrand Sad that upholding the law was a 5-4 vote!

Take that Stephen the nazi Miller!!


NatashaBertrand Bravo SCOTUS 👏🏻

NatashaBertrand CJ Roberts rocks!

And yet, for some reason, it's still happening.

Yes let’s just keep on taking in low skilled, low educated illegal immigrants. It’s no wonder China will be the most dominate nation in the near future

Wait, they break the law and yet they are still in good moral standing to get asylum? Fuckin' amazing. The USSupremeCourt are a bunch of bleeding heart bitches. The problem is they are too OLD and out of touch with reality.

Rather force people to drop their toddlers over fences or die in remote parts of the country, like Jakelin did.

So the new 'conservative adult in the room' title is going to Chief Justice John Roberts. When you're looking to Bush appointees for sanity.....signs of the apocalypse.

Oh God, I’d love to be a fly on StephenMillerAL ‘s wall right now. He’d be pulling his hair out if he had any. Alas, he must be reduced to screaming and ranting to all of his friends....AKA no one 😂

False reporting. They won't block an injunction while the case plays out in smaller courts.

Come one come all. The US is wide open. Flood the border. We he more the merrier.

This is ALL about that slave labor.


What a screwed up country we live in where our globalist leaders place slave labor over American rights.

Judas John Strikes again SCOTUSblog SCOTUS SchumerShutdown SchumerShutdown2 SchumerShutdownSequel BuildTheWall

Much as he tries, President Colludacris cannot make Law just by scribbling down draconian edicts that masquerade as Executive Orders.

Another reason for the wall.

Merry XMas, realDonaldTrump!!

SCOTUS is corrupt. The President has the authority to ban certain people from entering the country. Absurd !

Yeah, that whole due process thing is kinda sorta a fundamental value of American law and you can't deny folks that. Gonna be interesting to see how much the government's gonna hafta shell out to all the families that were illegally separated at the border over policies like this

Why would we expect for Kavanaugh to do any different? Probably bribe him with a six-pack next time.

The court has abdicated its responsibility to protect the border - martial law must be declared - suspend habeas

Guess we have no Constitution anymore.

Stephen Miller getting ready for his cnn appearance. gop vampires

So much winning 😂

Thank goodness the courts have brains still

A USA Government working against the People and a President working for the People POTUS


JuliaDavisNews Trump is a traitor

Thank you John Roberts.

Has someone informed Stephen Miller of this development yet.

I hope realDonaldTrump doesn't find out; it might make him irrational...

Typical activists judges.

JuliaDavisNews Memo to POTUS. You can’t fire the Supreme Court. Sad! realDonaldTrump

Ruthie is on her way out! Soon Roberts won’t matter!

All the winning!!!!!!!!!

SCJ Roberts stepped up to the plate

So much for the border crisis theory

So. Much. Winning.


Oh just leave the borders open. California anyways already feels like a different country.

So much Winning

This went to SCOTUS? The law was already pretty cut an dried on this.


How do you like the Mexican food....your going to be there for a long time


What’s the point of laws anymore. Open border agenda in full effect

LOL! Talk about a 'Trump shutdown.'

I wonder how long before Trump calls Judge Roberts an Obama judge...

Then hold them in tent cities on a military base in the desert

justice wins again! Suck it orange man

realDonaldTrump winning 🤔


Local President has bad day.

Thanks Justice kavanaugh

Orange man not gonna like this.

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