Kyle Rittenhouse Was Protecting Community During Kenosha Unrest, Lawyer Says

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President Trump plans to travel to Kenosha Tuesday, the White House said

KENOSHA, Wis.—A lawyer representing Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old accused of shooting and killing two protesters, on Saturday characterized the teen as “a Minuteman protecting his community when the government would not” during unrest sparked by the police shooting of Jacob Blake.

“More American men should fulfill their duty,” attorney John Pierce said on Twitter. “He is a shining example of the American fighting spirit.”


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Obviously. Trump and conservative Republicans glorify murderer and criminal mischief. Because, Trump is a criminal himself....

Blame his stupid cult parents who are pro gun rights, who are too dumb to teach their son between right and wrong. There are so many dumb parents out there....

McClain_on_NFL They don't want Trump there. His campaign is just making a commercial, that's all

Sooooooo I can drive across state lines to another community and 'protect' it whenever I feel at 17 years old with a semi automatic rifle I'm most likely not legally able to own?

President needs to keep his lily white ass in Washington stop spending tax payer money on his campaign. I AM SICK TIRED MY TAX PAYMENT GOING TO HIS FAMILY

Love TRUMP! We will not be bullied by the left wing lunatics...

To do what? Nothing! Just wasting our damn tax money while other Americans are needing the money for effin important things!!

LouDobbs Lord help that community!


Who was protecting the community from a child with an assault rifle

Yeah, he's not a cop so he doesn't get to do that. Why would you uncritically quote a lawyer like that? Oh, wait, I know.

History will not judge journal well. Enablers of this division and hate have much to answer for. WSJ does USA huge disservice. gd luck in finding integrity


It wasn’t his community to protect. Try “outside agitator” instead of repeating a right wing lie.

I wish Al Sharpton would pay the 41 million in back taxes back to the US Gov so they could use that money to feed the homeless and others! Al Sharpton need to got to Jail! I wonder how much money he is steeling from the Black Lives Matter a Democratic Socialist Party! Lock Him Up

Facts first


He didn't live there how is it his community? Paleez

LouDobbs He needs to be careful where he travels especially with ANTIFA AND BLM RUNNING AROUND

Yes. So was my Mama 🙄

It’s illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to open carry in Wisconsin. This kid was violating the law before he took two people’s lives.

Glad to hear our President going to Kenosha, Wisconsin 🇺🇸

Nice headline. Wonder who your sympathy is with?

President Obama held office for 8 yrs with VP Joe Biden. Does anyone remember: •A roundup of guns? •Closing of churches? •Burning of Bibles? •Nationalization of industry? •Defunded police departments? •Rioting in the streets? •Looting of businesses or private homes?

A more accurate headline would be “Arsonist returns to the fire he set”.

Wtf If he wants to serve his community become an officer, join a branch of the military. Playing cops and robbers isn’t American. We don’t need morons walking around w ARs. This is what happens when they do.

LouDobbs We need more like him as liberal democrats push defunding police

Finally an American has said, “NO!” There will be more against these Marxist trying to tear down America.

LouDobbs AmericanTerrorist support by Criminal LouDobbs

McClain_on_NFL If i was the mayor of Kenosha or the governor of Wisconsin, i would tell the president to stay away. All he is going to do is basically encite his white racist zombies like he did in Portland. Out of sight out of mind. He knows what his visit will do and the harm it will cause

McClain_on_NFL Here's KellyannePolls confessing this week bout how they see violence as political upside and aren’t gonna stop it/want it “The more chaos and anarchy and vandalism and violence reigns, the better it is for the very clear choice on who's best on public safety and law and order.'

There is no gray area here. The kid was fending America in EXACTLY the same way the Minutemen did. But I would never compare the Left to the Brits. Brits were honorable. The Left is comprised of criminals and cowards.

Revised Headline 'Domestic Terrorist travels across state line and shoots peaceful protesters and heroes protecting them.'

He traveled across state lines with a firearm he was not illegally qualified to have. make no mistake, Rittenhouse is a domestic terrorist. Your clickbait headlines are utter trash. Do better you pandering shit gibbons.

When you sell stupid people semi automatic weapons... bad things are going to happen. It's a mathematical probability. The Barney Fife effect. There was a good reason he was only allowed one bullet.

Teens walking around w/ loaded automatic weapons? The Constitution grants the right to possess (bear) weapons (arms), a right of self-defense and preservation, not self-deputization. US case law is clear on justified uses even though conservatives liberally interpret this right.

LouDobbs This is Trump's America. Division, hatred, racism, riots, civil unrest, refusal to wear governors' orders to wear masks - the example starts at the top. Trump doesn't think he has to follow the law, and his base don't think they have to either.

Garbage headlines again WSJ. So glad I canceled.

What for? to praise the kid who shot and killed 2 people and wounded a medic? Or to stoke more agitation! Hope he is greeted with little to no supporters and shown the respect he’s given to the rest of the US! Like 180k dead from Covid?

Liberals own guns too and have the right to protect themselves.

If he were black he would have been shot on site

From the videos and pictures it was clearly self defense. One guy was trying to bash his head in with a skateboard, the other had a pistol, and the third assaulted him trying to take his gun. Trial will be interesting. He still gets a trial? Some on SM have him convicted already.

Great. He’s just going to stoke the fire and make things worse.🤦

Why? That doesn’t seem like a good idea

“Via shooting unarmed protestors”*

just what is needed, idiots bring guns________

Stir the pot...


If it plays to his interest he will visit. He wants violence. It plays to his interest. And anyone vote for him is an idiot unless you are making over 250 k


kyle was in D wrong city; he didn't live in Kenosha, he brought guns 2 Kenosha (not weapons of Peace but WMDs), he killed 2 white people in Kenosha, Death Penalty is a fair REWARD 4 Kyle! Root out Evil & America will B Better! d.t. 177K dead

About the protesters he manages to shoot a pedophile what are the odds of that

He shot in self defense.

This article and title portrays a nice white boy from the suburbs just trying to help his country by killing innocent people DO BETTER.

LouDobbs He's a very good shot.

I’m sure he’ll calm things down.....

Smacks of a stunt

BidenHarris made a huge mistake here - they should have gone straight there on Wednesday morning and talked about how they will fix this. If they go now, they’ll be accused of following Trump’s lead.

damn WSJ, didn't know FOX news owned you

This should be good.

Nice picture. $$ motivation

LouDobbs Local law enforcement must remove violent mobs from their streets. They are not protesting they are rioting

Self defense backlash

Seriously ? This is your headline. A minor charges in illegally with a gun and kills an unarmed man, and this your headline? Seriously. Do better. Much better.

I dont see this ending well. It is obvious he will not be going there to heal or console the victims. That is NOT his character. I feel sorry for the Secret Service & the volatile situations he keeps thrusting them into! It is impossible for this man to be empathetic.

Hope it gets his Canossa!

LouDobbs I hope to god this kid gets a good lawyer he was doing what the dam city officials couldn’t do and he was threatened with his life!! Bs

LouDobbs He'll get along great with the redneck militia. Clueless Republicans.

Houston, we have a problem up here; we see kids carrying guns 🤔” We should roll times back to the Wild West where everyone visits the church, saloon and undertaker... Maybe not in that order 😇

Gtfoh. He was committing a crime, just by carrying that gun.

Is it legal for underage citizens to have firearms in public? I dont know what the law is or if its by state. I assume there is some federal statute that covers this

He lived in another state, community - give me a break

Just look at this shit show!!!!🤦🏾‍♀️

Trump needs to witness first hand what is happening.

Hope he isnt a WWE coward celebrity and for once in his pathetic life stands up to be leader he was elected to be.

Didn’t the autopsy of the first man he shot revealed he shot that man in the back like a coward

Rittenhouse had no right to kill anyone to protect property. If proven guilty, he should be locked up for the rest of his life. No one has the right to take the law into their own hands.

Seriously, those 2 cops are heros

he just defended himself against the terrorist attack

The point is that the government did not adequately respond. The community was burning down. So now we have people showing up with weapons to defend whatever side they are on and killing each other. Fanfucking tasticz. Real life lord of the flies without law and order

It was self-defense.

BLM is protecting the community.

Frightening in a so called civilized country.

Trump will be in Kenosha to raise the heat of chaos, protests & violence for his re-election. He wants headline photos of White Police Officers armed by AR15 facing down black protestors.

Something is wrong in these people's minds.

LouDobbs Classic Trump. Going to Kenosha, why? To stoke your base, in the midst of COVID-19, still raging across the country. Let your law enforcement team go there. They are better qualified.They are possibly trained to utilize proven peacekeeping techniques, like conflict management.

Will this be good for election?

He's not welcome.

LouDobbs Everything but one major said,'this summer's protests.' He has condemned the riots...not peaceful protests. But most don't know the difference and putting up 'mostly peaceful protest' with a fire(arson) in the background.


LouDobbs i know every person accused of a crime deserves a competent defense, but i wish they would've gone with a litigation tactic that's a little less absolutely disgusting

LouDobbs MAGA will continue to degrade you and think of you as lesser, just for being yourself! Will you defend our glorious nation or let it fall to alt-right extremism?🇺🇸 Rise!!! Preserve our Union by any means necessary! 🔥👁🔥

LouDobbs Can you imagine if a black person walked down the street with an AK 47? Hell poor Jacob Blake got shot 7 times in the back for some “imaginary” knife where this 17 year old white kid gets bottles of water and a free pass to leave the scene of his 2 killings

LouDobbs realDonaldTrump help FreeKyleRittennhouse

He was an out of town agitator. A Vigilante. An assassin. A child with a very deadly weapon. He must go to jail for a very long time.

Donald Trump said that 'Joe Biden is the Treojan horse of socialisn'. Does he really mean such nonsense? Does the Repiblican Party approve ths statement? Trump ignores that soacialism doesn't allow private enterprise and parivate property, This is about to happen in America?

Did that Lawyer know Federal law prohibits gun ownership by any person under the age of 18?

really? so alt right murdering protesters is ok now that tucker said so...take a look at portland tonite. this IS TRUMPS AMERICA

You people are sick

No he was not protecting anything he just wanted to shoot people

In which parallel Universe is this 'normal'

Kyle is a hero

MAGATerrorists TrumpChaos

Kyle Rittenhouse’s lawyers quote is absolutely horrifying: “He is a shining example of the American fighting spirit.” Not even close


Kenosha should deny his plane landing

He just as much to blame as the rioters. There all law breakers going out at dark in a riot. No matter what happen they all broke the law to start.I think of him as a rioter he shot people he did not like for doing things he did not like. minmen for invaders not US people.

wow... look like the The Wall Street Journal is encouraging more killing. making a sick kid out to be a hero? i wonder who pays their bills?

To give the kid murderer presidential pardon?

Support that boy! The real American! Pick up the gun and defend your safety! Defend your homeland!

So it’s come to where any 17 year old kid can pretend to be a vigilante and take out whoever he wants. Is that the new American Way? Terrible

When did it become ok for non-police People to police the streets and shoot people?

He’s a delusional wannabe. Don’t get it twisted. Don’t enable more of these people. Like Johnny Cash said, “Leave your guns at home.”

Want to convert your 2d plan into 3d? Here you can

WSJ is actively supporting civil war with this piece.

The best strategy .. Keep the focus on daily rioting till the election .... Let the Dems keep justifying it ..

And how do you protect a community you don't even live in?

trump's gonna go out and publicly endorse this kid, isn't he?

This will definitely go well.

He’s going to make things worse

How do you protect a community by doing something illegal?

The police department has a lot of explaining to do.

We might not make it to the election at this pace. This country is coming unglued. VoteOutHate VoteOutTrump

America’s present threats: - white supremacists - undereducated whites w guns - white privileged males - conspiracy theorists (QAnon) - evangelicals (self righteous and hypocritical) - anyone greedy enabling Trump - white Americans silent on racial injustice ClearPresentDanger

At night for a meet and greet with his supporters 🤷‍♂️

terrible idea. he created this mess. one of his minions shot and killed a protester in Portland one hour ago.

I, for one, cannot wait time hear his message of unity and compassion during this challenging time. 🙄 🙄 🙄



A great president! 🇺🇸

Weak men and their children.

Call him what he is: A Far Right Domestic Terrorist.

It's first started in Minneapolis and many of the protests resulting from Floyd's death and ongoing police brutality have been conducted in Democrat held states. They applaud the race riots and looting, anything to hurt Mr. Trump’s re-election chances

NBA and the NFL have come out so firmly in support of a man who is accused of committing such horrible crimes against a woman. These organizations in particular have a long and sordid history of supporting, and covering for, abusive men. And it appears they may be doing it again.

Not welcome sir.

Oh goody, another autograph signing?

Hey, wsj what the hell does this picture have to do with realDonaldTrump going to Kenosha. That’s disgusting. Cancel my subscription immediately

Not his community. Not even his state Do better WSJ

zerohedge He will hide in a bunker or a tank

From the video this young man was self defense, hope he got fair judgement.

Mayor of Kenosha : Unless you are a policeman or Feds you have no rights to be holding a rifle walking around like a terminator.

Fire this writer. Get help.

The travel only makes everything worse.

Let's make this killer a hero.

Isn't the objective to call the police? And let the police handle it.

More disingenuous photo opping.

hopefully there will be a lot of minutemen near his appearances.

He Did Not Live There It Was Not His Community To Protect. Do Not Try And Change The Narrative. Kyle Rittenhouse Is Just Another Dillan Roof. Young White Male With A Gun. A Cold Blooded Killer. andersoncooper ElieNYC TheDailyShow JoyAnnReid allinwithchris

It’s people like him no end up taking an automatic weapon to school and using it

All time low...for headline.

The impeached TWIDIOT, the current GOP and Fox News: Doing their best to the make the USA into a Premier Banana Republic!

AlanLunin Why?

That’s the militiamen for you!

This isn’t going to work out well for him.....good!

Um, it wasn't his community.

Why? Is there a church that Trump wants to stand outside of with an upside down bible or does the military want to try out new tear gas crowd disbursement tactics.

the problem started when democrat officials let peaceful demonstrations turn into riots and the riots are encouraged by the media

What Was he supposed to do let the rioters beat his ass and do nothing? Smh

Why is this the headline? Irresponsible and dangerous narrative to be pushing

Contrary to 19&20th century left extrmist secret societies,a recent trend all over the world for the rise of right wing extremist groups resembling white supremacistKKK or hindu vigilante,russian,German, middle east supremacist groups as a negative reaction against globalisation?

Wait I’m confused is this peaceful protest or civil unrest ?

Fix the headline instead of being a proxy for his defense lawyers. It’s journalism, it’s not difficult

Jihadist terrorists also claim to protect their community of faithful in name of Allah. 'Allahu akbar' they would yell. In POV of extremists, protecting their 'holy' Kenosha against infidels ANTIFAs. Throughout history, justifications for killings are branded as 'just wars.'

That’s your fucking headline? Jesus.

He was not old enough to own that gun in his home state of Illinois

Trump is going to the wrong state, Rittenhouse is still in Illinois.

Missed your opportunity JoeBiden

WTF is he gonna do? Piss more people off? Get more people killed?

President Trump is coming to survey the damage in Kenosha. His visit has nothing to do with this young man. The WSJ conflated the two to cause trouble.

He wasn’t protecting property when he shot three people.

He's a murderer

Methinks Kyle Rittenhouse would have been an awful cop.

He is a child. His frontal lobe is not fully developed. Who sent their kid to another state with a weapon, zero experience, to shoot unarmed protesters. Again his frontal lobe is undeveloped. We won’t sell him clackers, or lawn darts... but they let him have a gun.

Minute Man? Really? Yeah. He is so 'minute' you can only see him with a magnifying glass.

Horrible lead in headline - shows prejudice towards the defendant. Learn how to be journalists instead of click bait fishers.

Mr President please go in slow rolling a motorcade. God forbid any the rioters try something stupid the American people can see an instant thrashing of the petulant children by Secret Servixe.

Kyle deserves a medal

All these riots and killing were the liberal Mayors and Governor's fault. If they would of let Police do their job, none of this would of happened.

I suggest he gets rid of the secret service and have that well trained kid militia protect him

Prayers. But, meanwhile, please pencil me in this November and view the longer version of this video, search for my full name 'Patrick Nnadi' on FB and follow me also on LinkedIn. Also, send this to others. Thanks! And you all continue to do good work! God Bless!

Didn’t he say that the people protesting were thugs? What could he possibly say?

zerohedge I concur with Kyle’s attorney.

zerohedge BLM destroyed a black community. So much for social justice. A wrong case to begin with.

Kyle Rittenhouse is a walking time bomb...could have been a next Columbine or Sandy Hook. Police didn't stop him carrying a rifle, others viewed him as a hero...they didn't know him....they didn't stop him.

Can't wait to see the welcome he gets

catherine_lucey He has nothing else to do.

Rittenhouse wasn't protecting anything. He was there to do exactly what he did. Theres a concerted effort by the media to change the narrative and get this kid cleared. Ironically, he did more than any activist could to expose systemic racism and the double standards in the US

zerohedge 17 years old with fire arms? Shut the hell up! Damn kid deserved to be charged

That’s rich!

You don’t protect anything with an AK YOU THREATEN Kids are not trained to do a policeman’s job. the lawyers defending him will say anything to make him look innocent it’s what corrupt lawyers do They get paid for that In fact trump will probably say the same He’s corrupt

'Minute-child' Little gun-man Kyle is not an adult.

Probably to give the Medal of Freedom to Kyle Rittenhouse.

It wasn’t even his community!


Punk kyle was hunting and murdered two ... ffs he had no business being in kenosha.

See that video of this little Nazi beating on a girl? Good kid. He'll be super popular in prison.

Trumper was disarmed in Tallahassee FL today. Right wing violence is escalating. Trump must denounce!

Never mind “where’s Hunter”. WHERE’S JOE?

No. He was committing murder in the name of fascism.

Not sure what this kid is guilty of, if anything, but this wasn’t his community.


This person should never have been driven to this area with a loaded assault weapon. This person had a clear understanding of why he was there. We are devolving and it’s scary.

zerohedge TeamTrump PrezTrump is bring his message directly to the people live and in person. Video Clip JoeBiden might crawl out of the basement in 10 days, but will he call off his violent hate mob dogs🤔 Stop ✋No Questions Please❌

It isn't a 17 year old's job to kill protestors

Is he going to give Kyle Rittenhouse a medal? 🤦🏽‍♂️ Nobody wants him there. He's the reason for all this nonsense.

zerohedge Hope he brings people together

How was he defending his community when he was from Illinois?🤔

He killed people. Use better framing.

Trump is paying his legal fees. He made a promise in 2016

Jesus, this isn’t a fvcking game.

I'm sure he'll fill us all up with Christian love.

So now the magats are cool with armed 17yr olds roaming the streets shooting people dead and blasting off their arms? Have we forgotten that the right to protest is as American as apple pie?

zerohedge Kyle Rittenhouse is a national hero

Kyle Rittenhouse does have the right to protect his community!

The crisis can wait. With the stimulus to violence and racism propagated by the realDonaldTrump policy America has been retreating, until it will reach a point, where Blacks and the Poor. They will not be able to run, walk, socialize and must be kept in chains.

Why so he can pin a medal on the teenage white suprematist murderer and his mother who drove him across state lines with his semi automatic?

Please... just go play golf instead. He’s only going to make a bad situation worse

zerohedge Biden will never make it to Kenosha, Mother Pelosi won’t unlock the basement door. Trump cares. trump2020

So while Trump is clearly instigating civil unrest, many of y’all on social media will scream “THIS IS MAKING DEMS LOOK BAD”

A child with a gun isn't protecting anyone.

Nooo he was murdering people....murdering!!! With a military gun that he was carrying illegally. It’s MURDER when you gun people down in the streets BLM

He should announce a statue of Kyle Rittenhouse.

He had an illegal gun, was a child, and that wasn't his place. The adults around him should be ashamed.

Forget why he was supposedly there. Our country allows a 17 year old to cross states and wander around with an AR-15 and that’s Ok.

I thought America had police forces to protect the community. Not murderous 17 year olds. It must be in a worse state than I thought. It's fast becoming a third world shithole

Go fool. What could go wrong?!

What a sh*tty headline. Why amplify the voices of hate wsj?

zerohedge 17-year-olds with AR15s don’t protect shit. They’re a dynamite monkey on a good day



Who asked him to and why was a minor armed the way he was?

Glad to hear it

Master Rittenhouse violated a number of gun laws before he even got around to killing two Americans and injuring a third. He should spend the rest of his life in prison. He is lucky that WI does not have the death penalty.

Of course this is bullshit.

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