Anti-abortion bills mount as GOP-led states angle for Supreme Court fight over Roe v. Wade

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Republican-led states are charging ahead with a spate of restrictive anti-abortion bills designed to trigger a legal battle that lands at the doorstep of the US Supreme Court, lawmakers and experts said.

Elizabeth Nash, the state policy analyst for The Guttmacher Institute, which supports abortion rights, said the extremity of the new proposals represents a tactical shift.

More than 300 proposals to restrict abortion have been introduced in states between January and March of this year, according to The Guttmacher Institute. Georgia, Mississippi, Ohio and Kentucky passed bills this year that ban abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected, which occurs around the sixth week of pregnancy — a time abortion rights groups say most women are not aware they are pregnant. None of these bills are in effect yet.

The various state chapters of the American Civil Liberties Union, such as Ohio and Georgia, have already mounted legal challenges to the bills, along with groups like Planned Parenthood. Anti-abortion protesters rally near a Planned Parenthood clinic in Philadelphia on May 10, 2019. The demonstration was spurred by the actions of a Democratic state lawmaker who recorded himself berating an anti-abortion demonstrator at length outside the clinic.Jamieson Gordon, the communications director for Ohio Right to Life, which was instrumental in helping to pass, said that in the past, the makeup of the Supreme Court was not favorable for overturning Roe v. Wade.


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No man should have the right to determine what a woman should be allowed to do with her body. This is a question of life. But whose life. As a country and humanity a woman should be able to decide her life’s outcome.

I hope Alabama has enough money to support all the unwanted birth, start saving for social service and housing for them.

Ok now he’s taking sense ! Phew. Don’t let there be a ‘however’ ......

Make all men strike until women agree their body will give them a child. Invent that method of control pill please !!!!!!

The guy is going on and on. Women are waiting Scared? Jeez it’s like a film that cannot be true !

How can any woman even be doing a job in that court ? One with long hair half smiling at the President talking. Stand up walk out. Could be your sister, daughter, Mother, Aunt .....suffers. Unbelievable. Must be Petrifying this happening for all women ...

All you have to do is research and analyze how much money this will cost- how many recipients will go on welfare, housing assistance, Medicaid, and how many taxes it’ll cost, when women working for the salary of 15k a yr, claim 4 or more dependents.

His mother should have aborted him

Sort yourselves out mate

Can only ban safe abortions

Maybe we all need another life, but still abortions should be legal. I say hi about the attack, Detonation of the President in 2001 as told to, daily. They are living today. The enemy used NASA & that's big equipment, keys, know-how, yet they are alive today

Gee, maybe it is time for women to create new laws specifically pertaining to men's penises! Maybe there should be a law that a certain percentage of men must get FIXED? Or, all single men must take a script to prevent pregnancy! If not, they pay dearly and go to jail!

SenatorCollins should be trending with this.

Only socialist Democrats would celebrate the right to kill an unborn child and sale the parts for profit. There is a vile sickness within the Democrat party.

Were in the 21st Century Aren't we. Even religion is fading away as logic replaces ancient and unrealistic thinking. Those states live in long ago past

Murdering a human being is a Crime at any age from the moment of conception! Period!!

I hope Alabama is ready to pay for children services and other needs for these kids when they arrive.

Call it what it is AmericanSharia

Are there other states following Alabama's example? ProLife ProtectTheUnborn AntiAbortion


Idiots. This is insane.

Well done Alabama! ❤️❤️

These states in the Deep South are proud of this type shit

My good friends of Alabama we voted these peoples in office when it comes to election times we can vote them out and vote someone else in then we can abolish this rule or whatever on this ban for abortion out if they dont do it we vote someone else in their place simple

These men making decisions for women's health care is wrong..this is sad..even if a woman rape she has carry baby ..Terri Collins of Decatur needs vote out

This in one of the poorest states in our nation. Glad they value the tax money they steal from their poor so much as to start a lengthy and costly war they likely can’t win.

So every man who ever had a wank should be imprisoned? All those dead babies on their hands 😡 literally.

Adoption is the cure for all unplanned pregnancies, love you all 😻every life matters at every stage but what do I know..

Alabama is out of control!

Total politics heading into elections. This topic has always been in the middle of politics. The same people have no problem putting babies in cages or capital punishment. This isn’t about protecting lives. gross

The amazing part is that this Draconian bill was written by a woman and if it becomes law, it will be signed by a female Governor. So they aren't White men, but they may be too old to have skin in the game.

We need more education spent on birth control methods so women aren't placed in a position to have to murder an unborn , unwanted child.

Im confused....isn’t murder already illegal?

This man sounds completely uneducated on the topic of abortion and pregnancy.

That’s the south for you,🙄🙄putting restrictions on women’s lives So they can control them😔😞🙄🤦🏾‍♀️

So what's the penalty for the men that get these women pregnant in the first place?

Handmaid’s Tale is slowly becoming real life

Good all the rapists well move to Alabama and Georgia

Oh damn, incest too? Alabama is screwed. That’s all they do.

This is not an anti-abortion bill, this is a bill to protect unborn US Citizens. If these were illegal aliens with babies, the liberal would want to protect them so why not US Citizens? ProtectLife

Never visiting AL They get no tourist money from me to support. Women in these stupid states, leave. Just leave. Don't look back. Worth it.

Shame on them pretending to be god and stealing the gift god gave us all . Freedom of choice

Her body; her choice. Accessing an abortion is a woman’s choice and no one else, including the state, has any right to restrict/deny a woman’s reproductive choice.

I’m not trained medically but I’ve been I’m gonna pass a bill that affects people medically...

So who's going to raise and pay for all these unwanted babies?

Might want to challenge the competency of the Alabama Legislature.

This sets a precedent that reaches way beyond abortion. This opens the door that takes away ALL individual rights be self determining in healthcare. If the state says when life starts, can it say when it’s no longer valuable?

Sharia law finally came to a red state. Congrats!

What an ignorant, woman-hating state. Old white men have decided that even in the case of rape or incest a women has no right to an abortion. This from a state that has one of the worst records for caring for children. Where are the women of Alabama? Shameful

Women will die from this vote made by ignorant uneducated men who will never be in this position or understand how it feels. Hope your senates can live with that

And what prison term will the men that get these woman pregnant and leave them be getting?

Very medieval Alabama 🏰


Ok so how about adopting or fostering just a couple of the thousands of kids who have no home, no family and no love. If life is so precious, start taking care of what is already here in the flesh.

Excellent news. Congratulations Alabama on possibly saving hundreds, maybe thousands of innocent children’s lives.

This bill if it becomes law will endanger the lives of women and girls. It will disproportionately affect the poor and minority Alabamians. HandmaidsTale alabamaabortion

I hope it is passed.

Very sad indeed for a lot of women and poor kids-to-be-born

Can you just imagine if 22 Alabama women passed a law which told Alabama men what they can and can’t do with their bodies. medieval redneck backwards

Yes America we know you're backwards, you don't need to prove it to us! Never criticise middle Eastern countries for their treatment of women again!

Alright Alabama!! Save lives !

Medical decision between a woman and her doctor ONLY!! The government needs to stay OUT of our collective uterus!!!

What is happening to our rights?! 🤦🏻‍♀️


End Roe v Wade!!!

Who will be the ones supporting all these unwanted pregnancies? What nerve man has to tell a woman what to do with their bodies. If they do not like it, than demand that all men take some form of birth control shots so that they can take on the responsibility. Not just women.


so much for ‘life liberty and the pursuit of happiness’

I’m glad I’m near 60 and my lady parts are well behind their expiration date. These creepy old white men have a sick, perverted obsession with young women’s bodily functions. They are so terrified of them, yet they secretly leer and salivate to control them. 😡

For a state that has trouble educating their children, paying their teachers, providing healthcare, etc. it is malfeasance in office to pass legislation they know will cost millions in court to defend!

supply your coat hangers ladies

God gave us all choices...Fake pro-life...dont give a dayum about taking care of a kid til 18 born in poverty...take away healthcare, help w-housing..etc...every woman made to keep a kid shud be able to receive help for EVERYTHING til the kid is 18!

These are the morons making stupid laws. I think this is the end of civilization as we know it.


Off with his 3' chode!!!!

Only if men could have kids...women are capable of making decisions for themselves and their bodies. These men in govt making decisions for women is insane. And if you are a woman voting for this mess, your not a woman.

How is this happening what is the justification behind this?

Personally, I think it’s the right and noble thing to do if a woman decides to carry her pregnancy to term in the horrible event of rape or incest. However, even as a Christian myself, I have a hard time making that decision for a woman.

Welcome to the New World Order! Where the state has the final say in what you do with your body! Banned abortion, forced vaccinations, gun confiscation and thought crimes....what a beautiful time to be alive!!

Awful bill passed. What is wrong with Alabama? You just removed rights from women. Alabama just wants future tax payers! The most backwards State in the Nation!

I just wish these folk were “pro-life” when the baby gets beyond the womb. I find it quite bewildering that some of these same politicians who are anti-abortion were also against pre-natal coverage as a requirement under the Affordable Care Act.


Good for ALABAMA. Now do the rest of our states!!!!

Are they stupid. // I'd never get one unless life threatening, or other reasons I would hope not happen. Why are people trying to make things hard for women and those in other minority groups in this country. These last 2-3 years have made alot of steps forward go backwards.

Can we just nuke Alabama and be done with it?

How about we also order men to be castrated if they have sex with porn stars and then pay them to be silent. Will wait.

Women haters. Disgusting.

I think it’s time we allow the south to be their own county! F U C K them and their racist sexist backwards way of religious living. I say 🖕🏼 them and watch them crumble without the help and support from progressive states!

So this is the GOP's SmallerGovernment Sometimes it's amazing the stupidity we deal with on a daily basis... and that these 'people' are in charge. We are reliving the 1930 - 1950's all over again: Racism, bigotry, lack of women's and minority rights.

Supreme Court should just strike down. Roe vs. Wade already decided so anything that conflicts with it is just wasted time. I'm sure all these Congress people have better things to do.

Women are NOT your sex slaves. Nor are the female children. You think you can violate without repercussion. No way in f’ing hell would I force a daughter of mine to be forced to carry your spawn. D&C after 1 missed period. No blood test. That’s what the rich did in my day.

What the hell happened to the separation of church and state. Y’all suck Alabama

Who is this idiot. It's about choice and a private decision between a doctor and patient. When will end

Does the fetus get all human rights? Like it's own welfare benefits, child support... A fetus certificate that the mother can use as a birth certificate..

Hopefully nothing unfortunate ever happens to his daughter and she ends up pregnant with a kid she doesnt want cuz of a law him and his demon people passed. How unfortunate that would be.

Wtf is this guy talking about ?!!!


What happened to separation of church and state?

Good for Alabama! liberalsaremurderers

These men are mentally unstable, it s in the air and water in ALABAMA. EVERYONE KNOWS THEIR A LITTLE BACKWARDS! YOU KNOW trump fans.

This is just a diversion they want to provoke that this vote goes to the Supreme Court before the election to energize the radical base and single issue voters.

I’m in shock reading these comments! How in the world is there so many scumbags that are advocating to MURDER BABIES?!?!?

If the do this Alabama businesses must be boycotted least its a start....

It's happening....

Absolutely great proposal, pass this bill!!!

We are going backwards with womens rights.

'You can't force women to take responsibility for their actions', they feel like they have a 'right' to kill their unborn child....

The GOP seems to believe that women get pregnant on their own. 🖕🏼

The UnitedStates Government should NOT have ANY say so on what someone does to or with their body. That’s none of governments business.

Dear Alabama, What's next, separate facilities for blacks and whites? FactsMatter Trumpocalypse


NancyPelosi12 kayiveyforgov This law is BARBARIC. These people want to force victims of rape to be further traumatized by being forced to give birth to their rapist’s baby.

Once again old (I am guessing white) men making decisions for woman as if we can't. Stay out of our wombs.


What dystopian madness is this.

Though I tend to lean right on the abortion issue, but as long it's constitutionally legal, let's be reasonable here. This will punish women that haven't even recognized they're pregnant, thereby leaving them no choice.

What assholes

There is a war on women here in the South...its sad how they are trying to make abortion illegal yet at the same time these multi billion dollar companies in South are firing women who are 8 months pregnant because they got sick before FLMA kicked in. Smdh

What horrible people they are. womenarenotproperty

Straight out of the movie 'Mississippi Burning'😢😢

You are not a trained doctor. Period. Stay out of our wombs. GOPWarOnWomen ALPolitics

I am pro choice. These lawmakers who are advocating to ban abortions are liars. They want these children 'born' but are the first to make laws to imprison them for petty crimes as adults (to keep the prison system a thriving)

Chief Justice Roberts is waiting. My bet is that he will affirm Roe v Wade, which will drive the final nail in the coffin of the pro-abortion legal challenges.

Keep your laws off my body.


Are these guys hoping to stage a comeback for the wire hanger industry? Alabama

Can we pass a bill to kick Alabama males in their he nuts whenever we wish to keep them from forced reproduction

They just want to control women. They value something that looks like a tadpole over a grown person who has to give up education, career and risk their life. Don’t want abortions? Men need to not have sex.

why do they hate women so much?

I'm speaking for the rights of the unborn. Not their fault that 2 people satisfies themselves and kill the consequence. Infanticide is murder. That's evil. There are agencies to help women until adoption. Thank God your mother didn't abort you..

you cannot and should not have a bill to ban all abortions...every situation is different and needs to be handled accordingly...otherwise you will open up a dangerous road for patients seeking and performing their own abortions without the necessary help of a doctor

Imagine if lawmakers spent as much time & energy on gun control & school safety as they do on taking away women’s rights over their bodies/abortion, maybe I’d feel safer sending my kids to school.


Time to move to ALABAMA.

I am very much pro-choice.Most don't even know until 9-12week There are circumstances that happen and women become pregnant by no fault of their own and should not be forced to carry/raise a child they can't afford or care for properly. Our foster system is overwhelmed as it is.

What kind of world are we becoming? The inmates have taken over. Good grief.

Watch the first three minutes. Senator says he doesn’t know the science or medicine but he’s been told there is a period of time during which a woman is not yet “known to be pregnant” during which she can “take care” of consequences of rape or incest. WTF does that mean?

Melania Trump will go down as 1 of the most ineffective 1st LADIES in the History of America because no one takes her work seriously; but she can change that by doing 1 thing & if she does this; she goes to the top of the Hall of FAME of 1st Ladies. DIVORCE A SITTING PRESIDENT!

It’s happening guys. Finally. America is waking up to the slaughter.

Great news. Wish is was every state. Soon, it has to happen. Abortion is murder. Period

Thank you Alabama !!

How are they gonna spend their time when all abortions are banned? Like, then whats next they'll debate ad nauseum?

its funny because republicans are usually the ones asking for less gov’t interferance in day to day life of civilians. this is so stupid

What’s next, segregation?

Oh, fuck this county. CalExit

billmaher LastWeekTonight HBO Trevornoah FullFrontalSamB y'all need to watch this whole sh*t show 🍿💨 And enjoy, some great points made by the sane folks still standing tall to defend a woman's right to choose👏👏👏 And laugh at the ridiculousness from the other side

NBCNightlyNews goverment has no business controling anyones bodies

When’s the mandatory vasectomy clinics opening?

Alabama. State full of creepy, controlling men. Vote them out.

WomensRightsAreHumanRights ERANow StopAlabama !!!

I hope this bill is past.

They have to to stop all the mutants that are from inbreeding. AlabamaSucks

If they were really pro life they would try and help women receive family planning services , instead they fight those programs and vilify women in need. Ignorance is spreading the dark ages are returning

I just met a young man whose mother wanted to abort her 4th child but his grandmother talked her into having him adopted. He is a blessing to his adoptive parents!

Stop it

America is always good at one thing policing the private lives and bedrooms of other people.

Sad! You won’t stop abortions. The rich will simply travel to another country to receive an abortion. And the middle to poor will, of course, be forced to use unconventional methods. So you still can’t control a woman’s body.

I pray it passes. 🙏🙏

WTF! Seriously Alabama, do NOT do this. You all know you could care less about the kid once it is born. So leave abortion alone.

Yayyyy Alabama BanAbortion

As sadly pathetic as all of this is, it will be absolutely hilarious to watch these red-state conservative pro-lifers pissed off when their daughters and grand daughters can't get abortions anymore.

This is being done to control women. We will not have it! Religion has nothing to do with it.

If MEN want to regulate human bodies, they can just as easily regulate MEN's bodies. Mandatory cup collection and freezing at age 15, followed by mandatory vasectomy before age 16. Follow up with a permit requirement for using the frozen sperm. Abortion problem solved.

Alabama! Stop. No. Do not do this. This is not for you to even decide! Fuck!

Yall openings your doors to the celebrity weirdos like Alyssa.....

GOP never stops trying to control women and their bodies. Give it up you fools. You cannot win in the end.

This is also not right for any women to be denied of abortion.

LIVE: Alabama Senate debates bill that would ban nearly all abortions. If the bill becomes law, it would be the strictest abortion legislation in the nation; measure is aimed at challenging Roe v. Wade.

Thank you Lord we are not Virginia and New York.


NBCNightlyNews I am for passing a bill for how many times a man can have sex. Once a month no different in our government telling a woman what she can and can not do with her body. Pass the bill tomorrow no sex for men but once a month. It should be left up to a woman what to do.

NBCNightlyNews 1/2: Are any of these folks physicians? Do they know exactly how the female body works? Do they have any desire to learn how pregnancy works? What happens if a woman has a miscarriage? Are they going to get her medical records and make sure? So many questions.

A bunch of men making decisions for women. This crap has got to stop!

This is NOT OK !

Don't let foolish men take away your rights, dictate what you can do with your body, your family, for your future. This is sexism at it's finest. Hold women totally responsible & accountable, while not addressing men. Condom breaks, men cheat, lies, change mind, & it's her fault

Why would anyone wanna live in Alabama anyhow? Well never mind....... Birds of a feather!

How long can Alabama survive without football? We'll find out if the bill passes the Senate and is signed into law. If passed, tourism and investments will fall dramatically.


I don't have a problem with it! Infact no third trimester abortions! Not me saying, but the Roe v Wade verdict said it first trimester ok second trimester depends third trimester no! So how can you say all trimester it's ok? Read the ruling!

Are they doing this for religious reasons? If that is the case than the part of OUR CONSTITUTION that states separated on of church and state doesn’t apply in their state.

The Repubs are constantly complaining about Big Government, yet it amazes me how they don’t mind it when it fits their agenda!

NBCNightlyNews Radicalized Christians getting involved in parents business

Good! It's time to rid this country of the for profit butchers that call themselves planned parenthood.

If it passes, BoycottAlabama

those states are no longer fit for free Americans to live. Slavery has returned, you just have to provide your own room and board. WE aren't free and we shall not be free until we can choose our own destiny.

NBCNightlyNews Then they can go to New York to kill their babies...even after birth and out of the wound. Catholic Governor Cuomo says so. States’ rights. Find the state that suits your issue and your solution.

Fantastic 😍✔

Don’t get crazy. Ban abortions after 12 weeks.

Killing babies has become so casual.

Nearly all abortions should be banned. Full stop.

What gives you the right to regulate my vagina? MyBodyMyChoice

A reminder that Alabama ranks 47th in healthcare & 46th in Education.

At least they got rid of slavery. That was morally comparable to abortions.

NBCNightlyNews Wow! Wtf!

Fuckers! It’s a woman’s body!

Stupid % State to live in

Roy moore's state, surprise, surprise, surprise.

No surprise here.

Roe vs Wade is the law of the land.

Ban sperm in Alabama.

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