Supreme Court blocks Louisiana abortion clinic law

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BREAKING: U.S. Supreme Court stops Louisiana from enforcing new regulations on abortion clinics, with Chief Justice John Roberts joining court’s liberals in 5-4 vote.


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JusticeRoberts Sir ? exactly what does the Obama SPY gang have on you ? Would it behoove you to resign so that We The People have a Chief Justice that is unfettered from blackmail ! And that can actually do Justice ?

Here's to hoping the white hats are close to just about having what they need now . . .

Did someone get to cast a vote for RBG?

Looks to me like Justice Roberts has become compromised or bribed!

dan_bernstein why did you retweet Dan?

who voted for Ginsburg ?

Who voted for RBG?

ShirleyRinguet5 Too many states are trying to totally eliminate abortions, but abortion is here to stay. As long as the clinics are safe and reasonable, it’s okay. Just get one for the right reasons. Stop radically forcing each agenda and coexist.

5-4? Did RBG vote?

No conservative majority on the court.

All these Neo-fascist tears when the Constitution is actually followed⬇️ 😆😆😆

5-4 vote? RGB made it to work? WheresRuth

Did Ruth vote? Where is she?

docdhj Uh where's Ginsburg?

Was RBG present or did a clerk sign for her.

Putting a hold on the law, pending a full review of the case. 'FULL REVIEW' There is hope that when women chose to Kill the baby that they can be assured... if something goes wrong, which DOES happen the clinic can admit to hospital. Otherwise what? Emergency room and wait?

John Roberts is a staunch conservative. But his first priority is respect for the law. This will also be the straight line vote on indicting the president.

Welp. That’s interesting

Read the report he sided with the liberals to the case could go for a full review.

How is it a 5-4 vote, where is Ruth Bader Ginsburg She Was not present on Tuesday night but popped up last night to vote

So Justice Ginsberg was back on the bench? Can we have a photo or sketch proving this?

SenatorCollins I thought you counted on Kavanaugh to support a woman's right to choose and to make her own healthcare decisions. You assured us of your confidence in him supporting Roe as precedent. I have a feeling you were played.



way to go Roberts and Dems, all dead babies souls are on you!!!!

they can rewrite the regulations then since we all know planned parenthood pays off democrats

Both for 200 Alex.

It amazes me that Progressives think that regulating the soda and salt intake of adults is a legitimate function of government but requiring surgical abortions to be done in a hospital is not.

how did they get the 9th vote? did rbg come to work

Wow, I thought once Kavanaugh got in, that'd be the end of abortions.

How did Ginsberg vote?

docdhj Some seated Supreme Court Judges showing their inner Evil Core.

Dont think every Republican is as Trump

Did the corpse of rbg vote

Collins tanked her reputation for a piss ant drunk

This ruling would have gone the other way if a proxy was not allowed to vote for the zombie. Why are the American people still accepting a mythical Justice for whom there has been no proof of life or sentience for over 2 months? Why aren't there any protests at this farce?

How the hell did RBG vote if she is not even able to hear the case? Is she even still alive. Give us video footage and proof of life.

evega6686 Susan Collins is just not very bright, is she?


How did RBG Vote?

Bought and paid for.... Chief Justice PUD

John Obamacare Roberts is a liberal. He’s proven it countless times.

Baby body parts go for big money

5-4. How can this be? WheresRuth

This is funny. The dead is voting. There needs to be an immediate investigation on how people who have been out of the court since December is voting.....

realDonaldTrump you need to find a true pro-life nominee. Roberts will burn in hell alongside others who authorize and perform the murder of babies.

Let a women make her own choice she will have to live with her consciousness. That's between her n the Spirit. I can never tell a women how she should Feels...We all make choices n life with our Conscience good or bad🏆🌍

docdhj FACT CHECK: Nothing about RBG. How could she vote if she has been incapacitated? Without any mention of how she voted, I'm not ready to believe this report.

Where the f*** is Ruth we do not believe this we're going to burn these f****** houses down man

Kavanaugh is a traitor I knew it

docdhj Liberal logic...women need equal rights/protect women...also liberal logic...who cares if something goes wrong during abortion, they know the risks and will die on the table.

lillianmcrowley Sorry i miss read this Boo Roberts

lillianmcrowley Well looks like Roberts has a heart afterall

John Roberts is the new most evil SOB on the planet. A regular David Souter. The East coast liberal set will stop at nothing to ensure infanticide on demand remains the law of the land. He should rot in hell with creepy David Souter as his bunk mate.

I just wanna know how Ruth voted or who voted for her? Was she present? 🤔 realDonaldTrump

Quit calling them liberals they are not the others are extreme right wingers

How is there 9 votes if Ginsberg isnt there? Hmm!

mills_abbot Wow.

docdhj Wow! That was quick by the SCOTUS. Is Roberts totally sold out, just blackmailed or an actor playing a part. At present, this indicates that the SC is NOT ready to take on RvW or other associated rulings. Will this force RGB disclosure/new nomination?

Bet he would protect the caterpillars 😞

How did they come up with 5-4? One of them has been out sick for she back to work now?


Many many say Roberts compromised

Deep state ha threatened Roberts.

Temporarily. Pending review. & they woke up Ginsberg long enough to vote. Wow !

Dumb Trump is probably trying to have Roberts “fired” from the Supreme Court.

Liberals fear monger about SCOTUS and abortion

Someone should check into his bank accounts. Follow the money. I wouldn't be surprised if PP was giving him donations. $$ changes ppl, sometimes for the worst. May Almighty God have mercy on those who promote this evil.

So much for Kavanaugh accepting precedent. I’m sure the fine people of Maine are thrilled with their Senator.

Jim_Jordan DevinNunes RepMarkMeadows hey is EVERYTHING rigged? how come none of you are asking where Ruth Bader Ginsburg is? Seriously. We the people really want to know. wheresRuth maga

joerogan yo have you seen Ruth Bader Ginsburg? Do you know where she is? have you seen her? are YOU asking people? The peons down here don't have the reach to make an impact by asking but YOU DO! wheresRuth

RealJamesWoods JamesOKeefeIII BuzzPatterson DRUDGE seanhannity TuckerCarlson Someone demand to know where Ruth Bader Ginsburg is! We can't assume she's just mailing in her vote when she hasn't been seen since december 18! wheresRuth maga

THOU SHALT NOT KILL! You are in charge of your own salvation and you will be held accountable for everything you do.

5-4 vote means Ginsburg voted. But how?

mimimayes13 this is crazy. Scotus has flipped blue. Ive been telling everyone that bush appointee Roberts, a conservitive, is now voting 100% blue. Scotus is blue & no one realizes it. Never thought i would see born babies killed

Justice roberts has litterally flipped blue. I think few realize the scotus has liberal domination even tho roberts is a republican. Thanks again george bush. You are still biting us in the ass!

It’s amazing how even the Supreme Court neglects to save lives of the unborn and born. Their oath to uphold the constitution is ignored. Hypocrites

Explain this opinion to your Confessor and to our Father! Disgusted that these justices enable Murder!

Still in BlackMailed mode? JusticeRoberts IrishAdoptedKids

How are they being able to Vote? Is RBG back? I don't think so. Guess somebody just scratched in her Vote, knowing how she'd vote. Pathetic. corruption

Roberts is owned

Murderers prevail.

Roberts hasn't been himself since he built à loveshack for his trysts with Ruth Ginsburg.

Just proving once again that so many liberals don’t believe women deserve to have the best in medical care—they get subpar medical care at best—doctors/nurses/PAs who have no privileges, surgeries done in Dr offices etc Women deserve better care!!!

wsbtv Sad. We don't need another Kennedy. Let's hope realDonaldTrump gets a 3rd pick.

Thank you Chief Justice John Roberts! America’s Christian Taliban is grabbing power and changing laws and turning this country into a damn theocracy!

Roberts is compromised. And the Hell awaits. Pray for him.

We have too many children in the system already. Too many without loving homes. Taxpayers are supporting them. If we force women who aren't prepared for parenthood to give birth, it will become an enormous economic burden.

Kavanaugh dissented - what a huge surprise ( that’s settled law) And useless Gotsucks dissented.

RBG was in court to vote?

RGB was in court to vote?

Why do they give a dead woman a vote?

Roberts is corrupt and now offial babykillee

VanidaPeters Roberts stabbed the conservatives in the back hes gotta go!

I want proof of life RGB was even able to weigh in on this 48days

Earthly choices will have eternal consequences! Enjoy your freedom of choice while you can! BabiesLivesMatter chooselife

This can't be true because Ruthie isn't voting.

Thank you chief justice Roberts

It’s truly astounding the people who are literally cheering the death of unborn human beings. Beyond disgusting and vile.

Planned Parenthood....

John Roberts is proof the court is corrupt. Somebody has something on him.

Nor should they. Putting obvious perjurers on the Supreme Court -- and I'm not even talking about this predictable vote -- has electoral consequences.

John Roberts is the wild card swing vote in SCOTUS, a measure of how far to the right the addition of Gorsuch and Kavanaugh pulled the court and the pall the presence of Trump casts over well, everything. Should Trump prove illegit, then so are his appointments to federal courts

How did Ruth vote, absent or dead?

9 Justices wrote opinions? Na! I'm guessing it was. Ruth-less opinion


So did Ruthie vote from home? Where is home? Proof of life required!!!

Thanks Chief Justice Roberts!

How are their 9 votes when RBG is nowhere to be seen?

what a sicko!!

Was Chief Justice blackmailed by Obama? His hand in Obamacare & these recent decisions suggests the DeepState has dirt on CJ Roberts.

John Roberts is a disgrace

How? Ruth isn’t there to vote

MadeMeLoseMyMind How about enforcing this New Regulation... Women could do the hell they want when opening up her legs for sexual gratification, but damn it, if y'all women knows in anticipation that you hate having kids, than start loving the idea 2 either tide your

And a reminder that Louisiana has some of the worst health outcomes in the country, partly due to horrible health policy decisions such as this medieval attempt to restrict the reproductive Rights of women.

Hmmm who’s voting for RBG?

How can RBG vote? This is b.s.

EdRedstateblues Thank you Sir.

John Roberts is a disgrace at such a crucial time

What happened to state's rights? I guess John Roberts believes in a totalitarian government now. Of course he was never a Conservative. He has always been a rotten, stinking Progressive.

What a travesty for the citizens of Louisiana in the USA. We don’t even know if Ruth Bader Ginsburg is coherent and was able to cast a legitimate vote. She must give an interview to an independent television media and prove she’s conscious, coherent, and competent.

Please report more details. Who was the 9th vote? Is RBG working or not? Her name was not mentioned in the article.

alycialeah How is RBG voting when she’s MIA?

Rock on SCOTUS!

Roberts did it again, taking the all out Dems & independent and some republicans women outright raged if the abortions ban would have been allowed to stand. Roberts did it with the ACA and now this. Got to keep that Repubs issue live for 2020. P2 tcot

5:4 SCOTUS vote? Did Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg vote from home? WheresRuth

Where's Ruth? Time for a new Justice! I pray it's Amy Barrett.

Why is AP so partisan? Your You Tube channel only shows pro illegal clips and you disable comments because your sensitive to bad press or just different opinions. Your cowards and you give reporting a bad taste in people’s mouth.

Was RBG there to vote

Justice Roberts has too much respect for the SCOTUS as an institution to let it turn into a right-wing think tank. He'll likely side with the 4 liberals with increased frequency on certain key issues. Lets just hope for the continued well being of RBG. SCOTUS

Bush screwed us over with Roberts

docdhj Isn’t this just temporary so they can review?

docdhj We’ve got to get the deceased RBG replaced. Roberts is part of the Deep State.

docdhj Justice Roberts IS a liberal

Sigh as much as I hate to admit it... I have grown to appreciate Justice Roberts. Don’t always agree but As long as Trump doesn’t get to choose another justice, I feel okay.


docdhj Thank you TheBushCenter


Sancte Michael Archangele, defende nos in proelio; contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium. Imperet illi Deus, supplices deprecamur: 1/2

The GOP may think “their” Supreme Court will overturn Roe v Wade but me thinks they counted their chickens too early. Much respect to Chief Justice Roberts tonight.

Separation of church and state. These laws are obviously unconstitutional.

To all you idiots thanking Roberts, all this law is asking for is the people PROVIDING THESE ABORTIONS to obtain hospital rights IN CASE THE WOMAN SUFFERS COMPLICATIONS. but let’s let the women bleed out and shit bc her “choice” is being protected

Is that a good thing or a bad thing

wsbtv We need one mo, retire already RBG

Roberts is the new David Souter. A wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Thank god for Chief Justice Roberts.

Thank you Chief Justice.

How did RBG submit her vote?

SenatorCollins is either one dumb broad or just a liar. I personally think both. Don’t forget the joke the ‘boys’ played on her over healthCARE .. She thought she negotiated like a boss. Lmao. Naw..SpeakerPelosi negotiates like a BOSS.

This law was not stopped. It is on hold for a full review.

God sees, JusticeRoberts.

I see libtarded people!

The blood of children on this country’s hands is going to bring wrath like no other and like we’ve never seen. We will have earned it!! God save our children!

SenatorCollins your time in office is up in 2020. Hope you enjoyed it while it lasted.

How did they vote without RBG?

So who voted for RBG? She’s not back in court.

We live in a culture of death. We will reap what we sow.

FuffleBuff Is RGB back?

I’m suspicious of this count. Does anyone have proof of RBG actually being able to cast a vote? realDonaldTrump SenTedCruz GovMikeHuckabee

How exactly was RBG's opinion delivered?

Ever notice how justices that Dems appoint always walk in lock-step and the ones appointed by the GOP actually do their jobs?

Sad to see so many people thrilled they can still kill babies. 🙁

Wait and when something happens to someone and they do not have admitting access.....shame on you Justice Roberts

realDonaldTrump FLOTUS Roberts..the American people need Proof of Life for Ruth Ginsburg..very sad..

John Roberts is a disgrace.

Excellent! Thank u, Justice Roberts, for reigning in the RWNJs who wish to cause hardship & control over women. GOP only cares about controlling women, not saving lives. They dont help kids, they cage them.

Someone is blackmailing John Roberts

Roberts is a liberal after all, but then we knew that with the obamacare BS.

Thank you, Justice Roberts, for protecting our right to choose.

Well done...John Roberts comes through again. He has a good heart.

wehking_pamela Thank Brennan for keeping him in dance line...taptaptaptap☠️

Melissa_Spivey Wonder how the Orange Blob is taking the news? Isn’t this one of the main reasons he hijacked the Supreme Court ProChoice MyBodyMyDecision DonnyDollhands EpicFail

God bless John Roberts.

How is Ginsberg allowed to vote if she cannot sit in on the hearings? This needs to be investigated and found if she is physically able to do the job or if one of her clerks is doing so!

They got Roberts by the balls. Let’s see the game! Scalise dies! Murdered, Roberts takes over! Obama hoped to replace? Blocked. RBG dead! Now they are blocking Trump from appointing!! Got the game!

5-4 ? Did Ruth vote then?

Where is RBG have not seen her? Who is sitting in for her?

Thank God for John Roberts. The burden of Kavanaugh’s decisuon on the state shows poor judgment. Bad decision for Kavanaugh.

RBG suddenly have a sighting?! She has a pulse?!

How was that even possible we don't even have proof of Life of RBG who the hell is voting for her cuz I really seriously doubt it's her.

Shut them all down

Is see RBG’s clerk is voting on her behalf again.

So we found Ruth? WHERESRUTH RGB RGBWhereYouBe ProofOfLife ProofOfLifeRBG realDonaldTrump

Everyone, Pray tonight. Give prayers of thanks that John Roberts has at least some respect for precedent. Give prayers of supplication for RBG to stay healthy enough to do her work until Trump is gone.

Who voted for RBG? I believe some kind of fraud just happened.

He’s been an absolute disaster.

How can you have 5-4 vote? I did n’t believe Ruth could have voted. Where is RBG?

'Hey Chief Justice Roberts, how do you feel about killing babies?'

Of course. Same idiot who legislated from the bench for Obamacare as a tax when Obama told us it wasn’t. How much has this idiot cost Americans

I have 3 kids, abortion hasn’t been a part of my life, and thank god I wasn’t forced to make that choice. But I also thank god my 3 daughters will have the ability to make that choice if necessary

Who’s voting for Ruth?

This speed of feminism is getting blood-red with stained trails of innocent aborted babies. There's two groups feminist hate the most: men, & unborn unwanted defenseless babies.

Stupid Donald Trump called this fake news

Uteruses, the only thing Republicans are ever interested in regulating.

Wait? Did Ginsburg vote?

LovToRideMyTrek Bad news very bad news

Who was impersonating Ginsberg in a 5-4 vote? Do we get to see a video of the nine judges as they give their decision, or did RBG phone it in? How does anybody know who was at the other end of the connection? I think we need to have all justices present.

I think the feds r looking to get out of the abortion business which eventually would stop the money. If roe vs wade is overtuned it goes back to the states & fed funding would stop too. So they r staying out of the states cases. Just a guess.

wheres rbg

Uh oh... Twitter-tantrum coming asap!

So after Kennedy's departure, Roberts will likely become the voice of reason in the current SCOTUS. Keep it on, Chief Justice.

Thanks for finally admitting there are liberals on the Supreme Court.

5-4? Ruth's back?

I told ppl SCOTUS would not change, they are still for murder.

Was RBG present to make her decision, or did she phone it in?

So much for “Roe v Wade is settled law” huh Kavanaugh.Your a lying sexual abuser!!

But wasn’t there was a court case that told us all how to live

John Roberts is one of the biggest disappointments of the last 20 years.

Terrible. Don’t have a load blown in you and you won’t have to worry about getting a nasty abortion.

Justice prevails!

So...I’m assuming this vote included RBG? So she went to work? Still “working” from home? So she herself called in her vote from the crib? Or did she send an email? Enquiring minds want to know.....SCOTUS RBG MIA CoverUp

According to CDC 2017 data, LA has 10th WORST infant mortality rate in country. Maybe LA should focus more on supporting the lives of babies born in their state & less about controlling women's bodies. Not so 'pro life' to let kids die after they are born due to lack of services.


As Trump said....he leans left now. He is compromised & will be leaving soon.


Where's Ruth?

Who voted for Ginsburg?

All these drooling pigs so excited to keep murder easy. Woo go, Not!

Ridiculous. We have states rights

Its because of the illegal adoption of his kids

These anti-abortion laws only impact poor women. Women of means can always fly to locations outside the jurisdiction of such laws. Poor women usually don't have that option.

darrelljames Kavanaughs argument doesnt even address the question to be decided. He just runs his mouth every time he can.

No “Handmaids Tale” for all of you whackos out there.

How can RBG vote if she isn't at work?

Roberts has been such a disappointment on the court

JenniferJJacobs Where is Amy Coney Barrett?

I’m hearing some states use the aborted babies as fuel to heat homes - can anybody conform this?

RBG voted 🤔

Pro-birth crowds are going to have to wait.

And Ginsburg voted?

LEmarie RBG

Roberts is going to be a problem


It’s a shame RBG wont be around long enough, just a damm shame

Where is Ginsburg

Thank you Chief Justice Roberts!

JenniferJJacobs how's RBG doing?

Remember when Democrats said the Kavanaugh vote would change the country for decades? Well, no.

Gross. RBG needs to retire. 3rd pick, lets go!

Paging lisamurkowski for her vote of 'present' and SenatorCollins for her vote of 'yes' on the sexual assaulter Kavanaugh. 👏Way👏to👏go👏ladies👏 You sure are protecting those women's rights! (Btw that was sarcasm. You both suck for choosing party over country)

They are arbitrary and ridiculous laws. Good decision, SCOTUS.

Ruth? Ruth?

Good oh! Hallelujah.

DemocratsAreBabyKillers So still BABY KILLING. Animals have more rights than HUMAN BABIES? 🙏🙏. You will live with your conscience. Don’t talk to me Vegans. HOW CAN YOU ADVOCATE KILLING BABIES. SMH THEY ARE A PERSON A SOUL AT CONCEPTION. They have FACES, HEARTS, fingers toes.


Proof of life on RGB NOW!!

Roberts is a disappointing Justice! Just another Legislative Justice! What a shame!

Lmfao awwwwww all the religious zealots are mad

And who wrote RBG decision?

obamacare Roberts joins 4 liberals on abortion joins conservatives on corporate matters

Good for you Justice Roberts. I am glad to see that you value the long term legitimacy of the court above the partisan BS

SCOTUS has shifted decisively to be more conservative, with CJ Roberts as the swing vote. Progressives must be careful about what cases they appeal & how they draft their appeals or may risk eroding progresses made in substantive due process rights.

How did RBG vote? She’s dead.

Chief Justice Roberts.... wolf in sheep's clothing.

Thank you G.W. Bush, nice legacy ass hat!

That's right. Women are just chunks of meat. We don't need to make sure their health care is stellar.


Heaven forbid an abortionist have admitting privileges at the local hospital in case of a botched abortion....

Well, this bodes well for any future anti-Roe rulings. I hope.

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