Supreme Court allows transgender military ban to go into effect

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BREAKING: The US Supreme Court allows President Trump's transgender military ban to go into effect, dealing a blow to LGBT activists who call the ban cruel and irrational


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Like the air traffic controllers, everyone in the military should say they're transgender. trump would have to kick them all out.

These people have mental issues and therefore should not serve. It’s only normal. Suicide rates are 40%. Leftists are trying to hurt these people

Interesting how the DoD says it is NOT a ban of transgender individuals from being in the military when that is exactly what it is according to our own president megan_m65 jennifer_s_dail ENG3241

DADT. Problem solved.


It is not cruel. Do people really want MenWomenITs' in the Military prancing around with wigs and makeup and dresses, even though they are men or women trying to be women or men or neither. Just ITs'. The Military is not supposed to be a Circus or Freak Show.

results from a new survey: the US public doesn't want the ban

U agree with trump 100 percent as the training and everything else would have been hard to figure ou whether they should get female or male training.

The only ones who wanted transgenders in the military were transgenders trying to make a statement. The troops don't want them there. They want normal people fighting alongside them.



Common sense prevails. Vote Trump in 2020

Looks like Brett Kavanaugh has started to payback his debt to Trump... 😡

It’s about mental toughness and combat. Nothing personal!

What’s really cruel and irrational is NY allowing abortions up to birth. NY and California have gone to Hell in a hand basket

Cadet Bone Spurs telling anyone they are not allowed to serve is beyond bizarre.

Good ....we tax payers should not have to pay for there free sex changes in the service

A blow dealt to critics? Let the critics go serve on the front lines and worry about the guy who is supposed to have his back but is dealing with his hormonal imbalance because of his transition therapy.

So kneeling during the National Anthem over treatment of minorities is unpatriotic but telling someone they can’t fight for America due to their identity isn’t?



Cruel and irrational is creating special treatment for a select few and shoving your ideas down the throats of those who will actually have to deal with it. As a veteran, I don’t support this and haven’t met anyone currently serving who does.

4. There is “no evidence that their doing so harms military readiness, effectiveness or lethality,” Discrimination has no place in the military. We stand as one.-API🌅

3.“Transgender people have been serving openly in all branches of the United States military since June 2016, including on active duty in combat zones”.(Trump got a medical exemption that staved off the draft during the Vietnam War.)-API🌅

2.Statistics show that the transgender people are the most vulnerable members of the LGBTQ community.Nazis targeted the LGBTQ community in Nazi Germany.Trump,a Nationalist,who's part of the White Supremacist/KKK/Nazi community is now targeting the LGBTQ community in the US.-API🌅

LGBTQ COMMUNITY-TRUMP-HITLER-NAZI GERMANY-CULTURE- 1. “Homosexuals were persecuted; they did not fit the Nazi image of the ideal family. Upon the rise of Adolf Hitler in Germany,” the LGBTQ community was “targeted by the Nazis and were ultimately among Holocaust victims.”-API🌅

Well plenty of stories of how these folks come in want sex change in vitro etc and never deploy or function normally career wise. Plenty.

Do they still spend millions on viagra?



Thank you Supreme Court COMMON SENSE rules! Male & female: that is how our CREATOR,Yahweh, made us. Nature always wins at the END! Doing something against our NATURE will harm our soul and our body. Don't listen to the so CALLED EXPERTS.Listen to your heart,and do what is right.

It is cruel. They should have not made changes until appeals and rulings were in. So disruptive.

Booooo, SCOTUS. TransRightsAreHumanRights

Last thing I need is someone battling with being a man or woman next to me in battle. There is a time and place for everything.

Good luck in replacing them. It's even more evident every day that the Country and it's citizens' safety is not of concern to you.

The Fascist Five should be allowed to enforce this ban as long as sex change operations without anesthetic are enforced on them.

So according to Washington its okay to be gay or lesbian, but if you change your sex, all bets are off?

I'm so glad for this ban. I feel secure now knowing our soldiers will concentrate on the enemy & how to deal eith them, and not wake up every morning wondering if they are a man or woman!

And just like that, the people know why the supreme court appointments are so important. Also: corporate personhood allows for lots of money to flow to whichever politician has the most corporate lobbying clout.

Because it’s too costly to have trans people in the military for their care. Not saying I completely agree with this. The military is pretty frank with their medical requirements.

Thats a big win for our country right there. Last thing we need are mentally ill people fighting in wars.


jjauthor Thank you President Trump! Well done!!!



U can cut it off, BUT u can't cut off ur emotions!!💯U can tape ur breast and wear man clothes, AND AGAIN👏👏U CAN'T DISREGARD UR EMOTIONS👏💯👏💯👏💯👏😩😳IT IS NOT👏HUMANLY POSSIBLE! TRUE COLORS WILL BE TESTED AND THEY WILL BE TESTED AND U CAN'T FIGHT THEM.

Irrational perhaps, but cruel ? What does that even mean?

And the cheers will now come from the military loving phonies on the right who won’t serve against those being discriminated against who actually want to serve. Fcking ‘Murica!

So people can lie about their age to join and not their gender?🤨they don’t need special medical attention they’re still people

We’re moving backwards.

There is no transgender gender. You are either a man or women. Does not matter what you do to change yourself, the gender you were born with, will always be the gender you remain throughout your life, even until death.

Only in tRump’s and Kavanaugh’s America. Sad!

The freak show is coming to an end.

Bringing sanity back to the system will really be mismatch for God who knows how this decadence has milked so deep in the system

This is a slap in the face for transgender military personnel who have served and are now serving honorably. I’d rather have them defending the country than those of you who voted for Trump’s ban.

When do the sterilizations and reeducation camps start up? Is that before or after the revolt?

Can you imagine if Alexander the Great was restricted from milatary service because of the fact that he was gay?! One of the greatest military tactician in history! Absolutely shameful & rediculous decision by our supreme court!USSupremeCourt

Great news!

Tell Trump to join the military then, oh wait, realDonaldTrump is a DRAFT DODGER!! Lil donny has “bone spurs” 🤪🤪🤪

It is cruel and irrational. Just sick.


Dealing a blow to trans rights you mean, not “critics.” This headline is bad.

There are enough mental health issues as it is in the military, we don't need to add transgendered to the list.

The epoch from the 6th to the 15th century was the Middle Ages in Europe. Since 2017, the US has its Middle Ages.


Look how many people are triggered. Lol

Shame on the once great USA.

Is proof that conservative SCOTUS is important for future welfare of country

In a way, though, being in the military in all these endless wars is cruel and irrational.

rhonda_harbison This is why he pushed for kavanaugh so hard!

Aq. Sanki bütün travestiler sıraya girmiş asker olmak için. Lan iyice kafayı sıyırdınız. Yeminle diyorum ya. Hayretle izliyorum çıldıran dünyayı.

I least we know they will not be voting for trumpy dumpy on 2020, including muslims, latinos and so many more

Stable transgenders will still be able to serve. More power to them. The military, of all places, should not, however, be a transition/surgical center. How much time would be taken from military duties to go through the process? How much non military costs would be involved?

Finally some common sense .

Thank God. We certainly do not need that kind of confusion in our military.

We have a cruel and irrational president so no surprises here. TrumpResign

If you are confused about your gender, chances are being in a war would blow your freak mind.


Well .when the bad folk are coming over the hill . To take away our freedom and liberty, I will not care about their sexualities, but can they pull the trigger, aim the canon . Fly the plane. To protect us against bad folk.

How is this cruel? 🙄 I believe it protects mentally ill people from being hurt.

“I like beer 🍻 “

You choose to be transgender so If you choose that lifestyle you have no business in the military. The military needs individuals of sound mind no drag queen

Fantastic News

I guess it is not irrational if the courts agree with it.

IF it is not fake news, its good news..

Hell yes.

One front is to save money Trump the other is pro-Cleric

This is ridiculous. I served 14 years and I can tell you whether or not the person next to me was a trans was never something I would have worried about. You serve together as one team. Who cares if the”equipment” you have is the same you were born with.

OK..., if that is how it is, let it be.

That's Trump and his Kavaungh's for ya

Ok.. then they should not receive any kind surgery to reverse of what they were born with, that is their dime, not the us government..

People have turned there backs on God!!!……To me this is the only right thing he did for the military..Say what you want..Jesus still sits high!!!

Crazy people that don't know wether they're Male or female shouldn't be in the military.

Literally everything from this administration is cruel and irrational. impeachTrump

Good, we don’t have time for lawsuits because you mis gender someone.

I am sorry.. not really, but all the same.. gay is one thing, transgender is another..

Cruel, irrational, and **constitutional.

Find Transgender being ok in the Bible. This is not a country of anything is acceptable! We don't have to be ok with everything people shove in our face to be right. Transgender is WRONG PERIOD

Who would want to serve a nation who disrespcts and mistreats them so horribly as the 🇺🇸 ?


Did anyone expect something different for any case trump will take to Supreme Court after appointing 2 of them eep the last taunted one

Everyone against trans in the military should have to send their family in place of those who want to serve our country.

The military is not a testing ground for deviant programs. It trains people to be the same so in a fight they are not distracted.

Wow. That’s not discrimination?

OK now!

It deals a blow to the nation. It makes us less safe by removing thousands of qualified, willing soldiers to serve their nation, which just told them they aren't equal. SupremeJokeOfTheUS

This is an abomination that the Supreme Court has allowed this. I sure hope the judges who voted in favour of this don’t have children or grandchildren who may ‘come out’. It would be a tragedy for those children to not be able to be who they are inside.

At least they want to serve their country unlike President bone spurs!!

Dear Liberals,as soon as Bader is disconnected from life support unit ,we the People will have one more conservative Justice at the Supreme Court. Yes ,I am loading on popcorn, wings and Sprite. It will be very 'intriguing'.

Trump's actions like this one help build a specific and clear platform for Democratic Presidential Candidates. Promise to remove this ban etc.

Hooray 😃

CNN decides to let transgender males into the ladies room CNN

But I thought AllLivesMatter

Absolutely the right is disgusting

Those heartless judges should be ashamed of their stupid votes. Act like a human being and treat every human as an equal. If not, you will never be forgiven!

So? Thank you SCOTUS and President Trump for not supporting the health and mental care of these freaks.

Reminder that Trump is a rich, entitled draft dodger who has no right to exclude heroes from serving our country.

People need to get a grip. These people have serious medical demands and issues that can come with it. You cant even get into the military if you take meds for a bad ankle. They reject people for being too fat, too skinny, too short, disabled, too old. You name it. This isnt new.

Kavanaugh Gorsich

FIXED...The Republican appointed Justices let Trump's ban on transgender military members go into effect........

It's the Law of the Land. Supreme Court says it's so and it shall be so, not that I agree but that's what we've got. Also have an 85 year old person out if touch with today's society presiding. Just like electoral college, dont like it change it, but quit bitching

It is not a “blow to critics.” It is a blow to transgender people proudly serving in the military or who wanted to serve in the military. It is a blow to justice and civil rights. Get these Neanderthals off the court.

Transgenderism is absurd.

Transgender people have a very serious mental problem. Just as the whole LGBTQ community does. Good call President Trump.

Good. They are mentally ill and a burden the military doesn't need. The purpose of the military is to kill people and break things not perform useless elective surgery.

GOP are cruel and irrational.

disbandAPA the APA is now trying to classify men as a psychological disorder. Please RT and bring to attention as this is akin to the BoycottGillette issue

These individuals cost taxpayers a tremendous amount of money because of exhorbitant medical costs--hormone injections, surgeries, etc. This is being consistent with a ban on other persons with expensive medial conditions. Don't make this something it's not.

Well we know that was coming when they sent that womanizer on the courts.


Trans what?

Being transgender did nothing to impair the service of Christopher Beck (now Kristin Beck) who was a decorated member of SEAL Team 6 during service. Thannk you, Sgt. Beck, for your service.

Sounds great if true


So disgusting!

Let me guess. Brett Kavanaugh?

Good, that's the way it should be

The conservatives justices feel ok banning people because of their sexual orientation... what’s next? Religious belief?

Horrible! Denying people who VOLUNTARILY sign up to serve in the military who are willing to die for our rights is unconscionable. TransMilitaryBan is WRONG! TransRightsAreHumanRights transgender


You are incorrectly using the term “gender dysphoria.” See page 10 of the WPATH Standards of Care for the Health of Transsexual, Transgender and Nonconforming People. There’s a very distinct difference, and your reporting is underscoring trans military service members.

Bigotry in the highest court in the land. 5-4. God help us.

Stupid, stupid headline. Critics call it cruel and irrational? How about 'dealing a blow to brave people who are willing to serve their country'?

People need to start seeing this as a medical issue and not an LGBT rights issue, the sex change process makes them NON DEPLOYABLE and they get it for free

Shame on the court😭😭

To all the trans service members out there - thank you for your service!

Cruel n Irrational

Irrational? The Military needs people fit of mind and body. People suffering from transgenderism are generally neither. Given the suicide rates of vets and transgenders, it's basically a death sentence for them to serve.

Good. Because the Supreme Court follows the constitution and the law so we know the correct decision was made!

I'm ashamed to be an American. Every headline I read is worse than the last. When will this end?!

Shame on them


I rather think it’s dealing a blow to transgender military members. Rethink this headline.

As it should . Our military doesn’t need those with mental issues serving in a situation which can be very mentally trying in itself !

You want THIS person, suffering an identity crissis to hold a gun on the battlefield. Also, trivia time. Guess the sucide rates in transgenders?

Supreme Court lets Trump's 'Putin Philosophy ' go into effect.

Trump has ushered in a new dark age ...

That's great Trump the man

反对脑控,消灭CCP及其走狗! Fight against mind control(remote neural monitor)(V2K), Eradicate CCP and their running dogs! 周围的人可以知道我的思维并说出。 People around me can really know my what i'm thinking and speak it. #voicetoskull targetedindividuals V2K

When is the last time the GOP Republican Party advocated for the rights of a minority group?

WTF is going on in the USA. Hey ,if we marginalized folks who aren’t like you there’s less competition I guess.

Something like 70 to 75% of Americans are unqualified to serve because of obesity, drugs or criminal records. Of the ones actually qualified to serve so very few actually do so why when less than 2 or 3 percent of Americans want to serve would you want to block anyone willing

There goes pelosi's shot at being Commander in chief.

This horrible! I am sure next they will attempt to ban Gays and Lesbians too! We cannot stand for this!


Good... The military isn't a fucking dance club

This is really F’d up. Vote people, this is pretty close to evil.

UN BELIEVABLE ...... Lets just shut down the military too ..... Our Moron in Chief will protect us. ..... done for the day here .... tweets from the whitehouse are making me ill.



Hahahaha this is great. Hahahahaha

These people are DEFENDING your country who cares what they look like. This president is cruel.

Truly unbelievable where this clown 45 is taking America. What a tragedy.

realDonaldTrump you RAN away from SERVING, and you are okay with DENYING people WILLING to SERVE! You disgust me!

Just disheartening! We will correct this injustice and discrimination just as soon as we get rid of Trump and his abhorrent policies!

Great news! The Military is our security force, not a social experiment.

I understand why we don’t want tax payer money funding transition costs. However, I would love to read or hear the arguments that SCOTUS heard about serving in the Military.

Congratulations!! We are back to living in the 1960’s and 1970’s! Our out of control rogue President that would otherwise be behind bars has reinstituted widespread racism, bigotry and insanity.

Finally something goes right. I’m sure some judge in Hawaii will have a problem...

What’s next, cancelling black history month!

So someone who litterally paid a doctor to give fraudulant information in order to avoid service decides who get to join Got it, he's a bigot.

Maybe he just wanted to make 'draft dodging' easier. No more fake medical records, just put on a dress and you're golden.

Extreme common sense. maga

I never ever want to live in the US again. Horrible.

Who wants to go in combat with a person that don't even know what sex they are. MAGA

Every judge or person who supports this.

So when are they going to ban sexual predators from the Supreme Court?

Good News !

This prevent the military from paying medical expenses to transition. These people need mental health help, they shouldnt be given responsibility they cannot handle

So you want some chick that thinks she is a dude serving on the front lines beside you? You want some chick that thinks she is a dude taking a shower with you? Its only common sense for these freaks not to serve

Let’s draft one trump voter for each person not allowed to serve. Assholes

Kavanaugh is working.

More bullying on the way...


BitterNUPE So I'm assuming this is America becoming great again?

I am an advocate for the LGBTQ community and believe in equality but I honestly think this is a medical issue above all else. When I was a Commander, I had a Soldier that was going thru female-to-male gender reassignment and his medications alone made him non-deployable.


What is irrational is saying you are not the sex to which you are born. That's mental illness.

But Trump quoted MLK who said we were all created equal by God. Doesn’t apply here eh? You don’t say!

The United States of Afghanistan MAGA = HATE

Over half of you complaining would disqualify

Thanks SenatorCollins for voting for bigotry and hate. You may have something in common with them when you lose your job.

The last thing one should do is put a gun in the hands of mentally ill people AND teach them how to best use it.

Great news!!!

'We did not seek nor did we provoke an assault on our freedom and our way of life. We did not expect nor did we invite a confrontation with evil. Yet the true measure of a people's strength is how they rise to master that moment when it does arrive.'

The conservative judges prefer a 5 time draft dodger. A coward.

Let’s face it. Transgenders are by definition hard to define and categorize. This makes the military’s job that much more difficult since they rely on everything being organized, efficient and clearly labeled. Maybe one day it will be but we’re not there yet.

Horrible...just horrible

Good! I'm a Veteran and I believe the military is not the place for social experiments.

What a backward country this is, how many times do we have to learn the lesson of equality

Winning CommonSenseWins LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder

More fake news from a terrible excuse for journalists. Your reporting has caused death threats to Covington Kids, and now their families are being targeted. Have you no shame CNN?

So are all these transgender people just going to be discharged? Honorably or dishonorably? What about any serving at bases/locations overseas. Gonna pack them up, ship them home? This sounds like a clusterfuck of a distraction and the US has bigger shit to deal with


The Supreme Court is a joke thanks to the Republican's shenanigans over the last 3 years

Transgenders make up 1/4 of 1 percent of the ENTIRE POPULATION. There is no need for exceptions for every single group in this country

We suck right now! This will end up hurting us all in long run. You take away opportunity from all you are left with only a few good choices making us all weaker.

One could say wanting to be a different gender is irrational.


I hope everyone will remember that this act of bigotry would not have been possible without senatemajldr subverting the Constitution and denying Obama's nominee a hearing -- and without SenatorCollins voting for Kavanaugh.

game over South Korea win

What's next? Camps and gaschambers for GLBTI people? America you accept this?

Good, you can’t fight and win a war when nobody even knows what sex they are.

They base this on the fact that transgender people will cost the military too much money medically... Does that mean we should not allow men in the military? Men get married, get wife pregnant, have children... How much does that cost? Trump=discrimination

Not sure why this station keeps referring to Americans as 'Federal Employees'... no, they are American Hostages.... regardless to if you agree or disagree on the WALL....

Soon Trump will nominate Ruth Ginsburg replacement maga win for Republicans mega meltdown for the Democrats


I could care less if they serve or not just don't expect the government to pay for their sex change operation .

As a veteran, I say we should allow people who are willing to serve in the military to do so. My question is, why do we allow a DraftDodger to ban the ones who are brave enough to defend our country?!

Welp. Maybe Kavanaugh can get liver cancer in a few years

Not that I would ever join the military… Because I value my life and other people’s lives…But this is just utterly ridiculous… There is nothing that You can do that or transgender person can’t do… So much for equality...

Are you shitting me? Surely this can’t be right


Well it's a conservative supreme Court with two Muppets of Trump, nobody is surprised.

Stop, you're breaking my heart...not

Here’s to becoming a dictator country. Make Russia great again

After each assault I was held on the submarine and not allowed to seek medical attention. My COC covered these assaults up and threatened me with reprisal if I did notlet it go forgedbythesea knowyourmilitary CNORichardson secnav76 NavalReactors NavyMCPON SpeakerPelosi

trump’s ban is pure bigotry, his specialty.

These morons. Guys please think with your brains. Not with your hearts. Society really hurt us all with that line of BS. The ban isn't based on some moral standing. If you take regular medication to maintain anything you are unable to serve in the military. Meds in warzones? No.

As an LGBTQ Nuclear Machinists Mate (2006-2017) I was openly discriminated and harassed by officer and enlisted alike. This hostile work environment existed at all 3 commands I was stationed at. It also led to me being physically assaulted in the engine rooms of 2 different subs

to treat sailors wether they are black, white, or latino... gay, straight, bi, or trans with dignity, and respect as EQUALS. No sailor should have to be afraid to go to work because of an abusive command.

Just another cruelty of this administration and those it selects for various offices.

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up, live out the true meaning of its creed: 'we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.' I have a dream that one day The Navy will have the Honor, Courage, and commitment

Trump got what he wanted when he appointed puppet Cavanagh

Trump has it ! Transgender

Military Service should be about ability to do the job. If a person can do that, gender shouldn't matter.

In the words of Dr. Martin L. King Jr. “I say to you today, my friends, though, even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.

No, it's not dealing a blow to “critics.” It's dealing a blow to our entire country.

I would much rather be in foxhole with a badass transgender soldier than with Bart, Squee, and Donny. But that's just me.

Transgender people are mentally unstable and therefore unfit to serve in our military. Too much of a liability.

i pity the USA and its population. trump = dictator with supreme court in his pocket .... when does the world dare to act on this or do they close their eyes again until it's too late....


It’s a mental disorder, the military is not a place for people that cannot accept reality. Over 41% of trans men and women have attempted suicide, men and women in the military trust their life to the person they fight alongside. Why put them at risk to placate a minority group?

conservatives are just old fashioned folk who would like to see social change happen a bit more slowly and they will use the full force of the government to fuck over those people they deem unworthy

If this doesnt really show thst trump,is scared of anyone that isn't white and heterosexual nothing does. He's so out of it and such an idiot

The transgendered individuals should be allowed to serve. But at the same time, American taxpayers should not be forced to pay for their elective surgery of penis removal.

It actually makes alot of sense. I'm not a homophob but I see where he is coming from. Transgender ppl are more likely to be 'mentally unstable' which is not good when your surrounded buy explosions and bullets flying over your head.

No more votes for him and the GOP.

Consequences for not voting in 2016 election letting a small groups of religious fanatics change the rules of law on the high court's to discriminate against minorities & the foundation of the U.S.A constitution to separate (CHURCH from STATE) and attack the innocent.

Thank you SenatorCollins for completing the circle of hell.

Good we don’t need those freaks in the military. The best policy was don’t ask don’t tell.

'Voted along party lines'. Why is 'The people's court' party affiliated at all? This a court that is supposed to stand up for the people. But now that they have 12-pack a day Brett installed, we can expect a lot more bogus decisions such as this.

Liberals say mentally ill people should not own a gun, but want transgender people in the military?

Its shameful and horrific that it comes after a day that represents fairness and equality

The main reason Trump is banning certain transgenders is to prevent so many of them getting sex change operations while in military service & paid through goverment funds WE NEED MILITARY TO PROTECT USA. NOT MILK THE SYSTEM TO GET SEX CHANGE OPERATIONS.

sorry guys but these people do not want to serve. These people join the service to get sex changes for free ,end of story. I agree this behavior should be blocked, and anyone else found lying on documents would either be dishonorably discharged or briged the discharged.

Now we can start repairing the damage caused by former President Obama

People who, for years, have served this country are now rewarded with being banned.

south korea goal~

I'm gay and I support this. If you're unstable in any capacity you can't serve.

With all the drug addicts and fucking losses we have in this country if somebody whose transgender wants to go to war they have my blessing! I don't think they do it to get a date!

It’s a sad day in this “free” country. TransRightsAreHumanRights

Served 32 years, father of 4, grand father of 7. Experience tells me live and let live. However, some professions need to draw a hard line that may, by some, to be hurtful. There is a reason- please except it.

Another Trump victory! Trump2020

But he loves the military

This doesn’t deal a blow to critics at all. However, it absolutely deals a blow to the integrity of he Supreme Court.

Good news.

Dealing a blow to critics? What about to, oh I don’t know, trans service members or trans people in general?

baby pop 2

The volunteer to give their lives for us and we treat them like this? These are the consequences of elections. Racist, homophobic, transphobic bigots creating policy

Can you imagine a 5-time draft dodger -- who did everything to avoid seeing action -- DENYING those who WANT to serve? GOPHypocrisy -- it NEVER ends!

does cnn think discrimination is cruel?

Ah conservatives, they claim to love the military and all soldiers, except of course those who don't fit their sexuality identity preferences, they can't fight for America... You can't claim to love America and the military while excluding Americans who wanna serve. Sry.

NO one who wants to serve should be turned away!

Military is not a place where you join to get expensive surgery.

Trump can be described the same way: “cruel and irrational.”

Well it looks like us transgender people are just the new minority in the USA..... Bring on the hate... Bring on the bigotry… We’ve been dealing with it our whole lives…. People need to realize that we are just people just like every other person…There is no excuse for this...

What a damn crappy message from the SC.

'Irrational'? 😂😂

Fascinating that he doesn’t want transgender people from servicing their country but Pvt. Bone Spur dodged it what like 5 times?! Still claims he would have been a good general, yeahhhhh sureeeee

Dealing a blow to critics? Are you joking with this headline? How about dealing a blow to pyr service members and all Americans?


Mentally ill people should not serve in the military

Transgender 'people' are sick and perverse. They have no place in Americas great military. Imagine the kind of confusion it could being to the battlefield and how horrible it would be for them if they were captured by Muslim combatants?

katiecouric Critics. Try 'people who support human rights'

“Dealing a blow to critics”? How about dealing a blow to civilization? We ain’t a superpower? We’re a third rate, backwards, racist and fascist dictatorship

The Law is not based on 'emotion.' If you understand this you will see there is no discrimination

PresidentEvil45 .realDonaldTrump fuckyou POSPOTUS gaybasher Bigot hatemonger TransIsBeautiful

Congratulations Mr. President.

Rubber stamp.. Absolutely insane!!

I don’t get this ruling? So effectively Trump is refusing trans people from joining the military? Joining the military....?

TemperTantrumTerroristTrump. We don't negotiate with terrorist.

I think trans people are mentally sick. They should not be in the military.

YES!!! Great move!!!

How can any American be band from anything granted by constitution just because his or her lifestyle is different. They will go after women's rights next and try and overturn voting rights for women and African Americans.

What is wrong with this man? Does he sit around everyday, thinking of minority groups to assault or offend, just to please his simple minded, nationalistic base? Or does he hate that many people?

Well You Finally Got Your Evangelical Supreme Court! Here Comes Religious Season On All Americans Except The Few Extremists.


I saw government workers on T.V. that are be held hostage, say they're not political, they just work in the government. First, the Republican party is anti government, they say small no government, Democrats are for a good government for all, not walls. Trump hates the govt.

Critics can call it what they want, cruel, irrational, but going to war next to a tranny is less than ideal under extreme situations and will cause a drop in volunteering. Would they outfit all the bases with tranny bathrooms too?

The courts should not rule the military, let the military do/be what’s best for the military...

The Supreme Court is now controlled by Trump. They have become political in their rulings. Trump will have a field day in his attempt to become our dictator.

Just wondering what happens to those that are already in? Are they discharged or forced into silence so they don’t lose their jobs?

Cruel is when companies boycott entire states over bathroom laws that affect few trans people and many working class families


And they did thanks to stealing one seat from the Democrats and by filling another with a unapologetic rapist. That's why voting matters!

Of course they did and here lies the start of the court and it's right wing activist activities.

Ridiculous. If anything LGBTQ community should be given first priority to enter the military. This is ridiculous!!! Backward caveman. So we are turning into a Muslim nation.

Very wise decision Scotus

Or the 5 SCOTUS 'conservatives' go with 'cruel and irrational'.

I love the conservative court

And so it begins.....-)

Taking over a country under false pretenses sounds like another C word, but not coordination, collusion or cheating, but actually a coup detat. A coup detat definition includes an illegal seizure of power from a government.

Elections have consequences. Lmao maybe we will add another conservative justice soon. 👊

This is HORRIFIC. Shame on them.

If this is how Trump feels about good people risking their life to protect us. No one should serve under this president. Disrespectful! realDonaldTrump amjoyshow maddow marcorubio USMilitary_com SenMajLdr SpeakerPelosi donlemon ananavarro TheView SenatorRomney

Trump wants brave people to dodge the military like him.

ShanChan_37 Hell and Damnation!!!

You forgot to add 'while the lawsuit is on', meaning it can be reversed.

army is for men and marriage is between woman and man. if you disagree you are helping destroy humankind.


Just moving us backwards

'Rubber stamp.'

Terrible. Absolutely 0 reason to discriminate against people based on their sex.

How can realDonaldTrump say he is MAG when he continues to take major steps backwards. Please let us Americans know what period in American history you think was the greatest explainyourself

Lol confused people


That’s a win!

I love this prez he is anti everything-immigration,homosexuality etc etc....he is just ripping off the American culture..isn’t he?

A bit of basis showing through in your tweet there cnn.

Discrimination and bigotry. History will not look fondly upon this decision. Remember Jim crow laws, segregation, and even slavery we’re legal at one point. This isn’t the end.

Trump nor His sons or son n law never Served,yet Brave people are Denied their Right to Serve!!!!!! One Term is Too Much for Trump!!!!!

It's always a sad day in America when our government advocates discrimination and actively takes part in irrational fear mongering...The days of realdonaldtrump have brought a curtain down over the city on the shining hill, darkness descends over our souls. SAD indeed.

Common sense rulings based on Constitutional principles. That is what you get from a Supreme Court whose justices have been nominated by President Trump and approved by a Republican led Senate. And there may be at least one more addition in the not too distant future.

Joining the armed forces to get gender surgery ain't happening no more!!!!!

Realize this push for irrational Trans-WHATEVER is a tactic first employed in Australia under direction of Chinese Communist Party-now arrests & truth is being exposed their-CNN taken millions connected to CCP continuing to live under their thumb via CCP “non profits”!

Hey if someone is confused on what sex they are, we don’t need to be issuing a rifle to them.

Those Trump appointments are starting to pay off... welcome to conservative republican America.

Thank God! Tax payers shouldn't have to foot the bill for for their 'body modifications'.


Come on meteor!!!

Ah yes. The Federalist Society Rubber Stamp Court formerly known as SCOTUS. Illegitimate, hand picked n packed SCOTUS. Since picking Bush president, Merrick Garland abomination and two stolen seats. SCOTUS isn't America's court, It's a subsidiary of GOP corruption.

Ya because he appointed them! America is a damn joke

Fewer will die in pointless wars for cash/power grabs. The military has made it clear it wants nothing to do with LGBTQ soldiers. As the great Bill Hicks said, “If anyone is stupid enough to want to join the military- let em.”

sullivan_bill Thank you, Supreme Court! TransgenderBan

M make A America G great A again MAGA MAGA

I think you meant to say 'dealing a blow to human rights across the globe.' Weak sauce.

God bless our president

It’s the best way to go til the DoD can work out how it will work. There’s a lot of logistics do this that ppl aren’t seeing.

This is an utter disgrace, one would think the government should at least be open before removing nearly 10,000 people from the US Military from due to their sexuality.

This is so wrong, I gave my country 20 years and the last five years of it I came out privately as transgender. No one cared that I told in private. I still kicked ass and took names. Just look at my ribbon rack!


This is just sad 😔

Thank goodness for rational people. The President is the Commander in Chief.

More Susan Collins aftermath.

If Trump gets indicted, can we cancel his SC nominees? This is SICKENING! I voted with the majority, my voice was cancelled by the Russians and now our SC is fighting against what the MAJORITY BELIEVE IN! Shameful

This is another example of the destructive behaviors of a disgustingpresident ... take a stand against prejudice and injustice ... stopthe🤡


양승태 재판거래 박근혜 사법개혁

It’s unconscionable that a coward under investigation for being a Russian Asset who used his father’s wealth to dodge the draft would prevent heroic Americans from devoting their lives to military service.

'Critics' is a 'dog whistle' for ... 'We here at CNN.' Ah yes, the time-honored media trick of putting out your OWN opinion, but pass it off on a vague third party so you can claim you're still just 'reporting on it.'

They are mentally unfit for the military, its pretty obvious.

Where are the LGBT people who voted for this clown.

Ironic huh ? People who want to serve are banned under an administration head by a man who faked a reason not to . BoneSpurInChief

Christian Ronaldo pays fine and avoid to be jailed this time

realDonaldTrump is a coward and a draft dodger. As a combat veteran, I did not care who is in battle next to me, as long as they could do the job and get my back.

The SCOTUS also allowed a dead person to vote. So apart from RBGs vacancy, at least one more justice will be removed for fraud, soon. Tick Tock...


Cruel and irrational = TRUMP

put them trannies on the front lines


Even the greedy fruit fly that drowns in the morning espresso has consequences. Not dissimilar to you and me and moths that fly in to open flames.

Pink helmets would stick out on a battlefield

Dealing a blow to pretty much everyone that believes we are all equal and should be treated as such!!!

Can our country get more fucked up? No. No it cannot.

And the vile hatred wins. Shameful and disgusting


This is horrifying. When do we get to ban the so-called “President”? FuckTrump

Whenever this President leaves office, the White House will have to be bleached clean to remove the stench this administration left.

Good job. Finally something good for the country

A good move.

Just dealing a blow to critics, never mind the actual people being banned from military service lol


Sham court.


It’s still cruel and irrational, even if they call it legal

It is time we told the Circus Freaks, NO.

Jesus. This is called discrimination. Idc if people don’t like trans people, it’s morally wrong to discriminate against anyone!!!

How absolutely dare they!

Hatred wins. Disgusting


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