The Latest: No holiday break for Trump's court criticism

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The Latest: President Trump begins Thanksgiving Day by resuming public dispute with Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts over the American judiciary's independence.


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Where was Roberts when OBAMA attacked Alito?

What a lunatic we have for a President! Hurry Mueller Dumptrump DangertoAmerica

It’s all about him

Siri thinks he is a penis. Goggle it. I bet the troops twiddling their thumbs in Texas away from home for the holiday agree. Glad he’s showing that while ruining the future of lots of USA people & others, he is miserable too. We all can find at least something to be Thankful for.

Part of the American nightmare is that Trump goes crisis to crisis, insult to insult. Shameful and tiring.

He does a great job of reminding us that there needs to be a robust check on executive power whylikeTrump

Well, Roberts was wrong, so what?

Anything but dealing with his problems . Anything 🤥

Such a petty little man☹️

Trump is quite simply a despot in waiting. He is willing to undermine every treasured institution of this nation as he seeks pure tyrannical power. He is the epitome of the “leader” (used loosely) that the framers so feared and Hamilton spoke so eloquently of in Federalists 1.

Why not

Trump . . . you and your Miller Minions are NOT going to win this fisticuffs. Take your ire and shove it.

Apparently no rest for AP’s bitching about whatever Trump does.

Over “Open Borders” there I fixed it

Such a unprofessional president

Low life Hitler trump must go

Not only CAN he say what he wanted to say, but he did. Like an educated adult even. I see Trump likes to make friends with whomever he tweets.

All I want for xmas is for trump to keep his mouth shut for 24 hours

If he can President Trump should fire Chief Justice Roberts

Of course he has. RAKE AMERICA GAG AGAIN

Please stop giving him media attention. Simply cover his policies and the repercussions of those policies. Don’t interrupt tv for him or splash updates on the web. You only feed his ego

Lol look at that headline....... no slant there 🤦🏼‍♂️

the only thing trump has to be thankful for is the government hasn't caught up with him yet, don't worry baby your time is coming

The federal judges can rule the country , there is no precedent for this judge to rule on ,, except for the rulings previously affirming the presidents power to act.

And AP begins its day bashing Trump. Business as usual.

I agree the 9th circuit is full of hot air.More than the baloons

I'm old enough to remember when 0bama publicly criticized Justice Alito. Hypocrite

Today I thank God for the wisdom of the Founding Fathers setting up checks and balances. Still, they must be rolling in their graves these days...

Pissing off a judge who’s vote you’ll need when all the mueller stuff gets to the SCOTUS, and the man that would preside over impeachment proceedings in the Senate... what kind of strategy is this?

He just can’t shut his mouth for even a day can he?

Chief Justice Roberts is there for life and Trump’s days in office are numbered... I think we know who won this dispute.

President Doofus

no holiday break for shit “reporting” either, how about a real news story aka. Syrian war or Donbass?

TJSeraphim I wonder if Trump could actually explain the 3 branches of government and knows 5 amendments from the constitution. Does he know what jurisprudence means?

I stand behind President Trump 100%! There has been way too much legislation come from the bench! These judges need reind in! They are undermining the authority of the president's office.

And what does it say about you when this is your lead story on Twitter today? I used to think “well at least the AP is still a beacon of hope for the truth, unbiased, non political news”. Not anymore, so sorry to see you go.

Come on Trump attack our government! You have been warned! Your like a child that's parents tell them the fire will burn if they try to touch it. I know! That child had to find out themselves, so will you have to find out if you will get burned too. Amazing how you never learn.

Trump just cannot keep his mouth shut on Twitter. Even more dangerous is what he is saying at Mar-a-Lago, particularly to the three Trumpers who run the VA!!!!!

God bless you president Trump for fighting for us. Wishing you and your family a happy thanksgiving.

Trump’s proving again, he has no concept of decent decorum. He does not practice what he preaches. No surprise there. realDonaldTrump If he can find time to tweet and play golf, he has time to visit troops in a war zone and testify in front of a Grand Jury.

I often wonder why Trump is so Angry all the time? Day after day he finds someone(s) to blast. I would feel miserable to have that much hate in myself. Perhaps it was something in his childhood.

Always looking out for Americans. Thanks realDonaldTrump for all of your vigilance and hard work.

This is just more proof that he doesn’t respect the constitution or anything in this country for that matter. There are 3 separate branches for a reason.

Is Trump trying to push Roberts from the right to the left? He may be doing that.

Also 55 years today since JFK assassination, but jackass POTUS disgraces that memory and a national holiday of giving thanks with his disgusting behavior, and his cultofsuckers laps it up.

Wow, talk about taking sides! You guys sincerely suck! I will be thankful for your replacement with real news!

Love to wake up early and go on social media to see my President is speaking to we the ppl again so early even on holidays. Most of us agree with him, best President in modern history, the other five living are just a group of globalist. Thank you DJT, you make us proud.

God damn I wish Trump would wake up dead.

Best president in our lifetimes

Good news, thanks.

When u have a Justice condoning criminal activity & supporting criminals invading our country what else can u do? POTUS trying to put America & Americans first. Some object to that. MAGA!

Says the guy who put in two judges to do his bidding

Well arguing about politics and having a meltdown at Thanksgiving dinner with friends and family is an American tradition.🙄

Trump is right Obama judges are politically active on the bench

Somebody take that damn phone away from him!!!

This man is so inappropriate

He is such a vile, disgusting non-human!

He should push back, he’s right.

what an ass.

So no media focus on the MBS pass from 45.

We cant have one day without hearing about this POS. Mueller we need this report stat. The world cant take much more of this Trump

What a child!

If he Tweets and no one responds (including the media), did he really Tweet? 🤔

There’s no break in his war, that is against anyone or anything, that he thinks is not willing to obeying his wishes or commands. And this applies to the American government and its citizens(especially, the ones of color!).

He got the e.coli and is stuck on Le toilet

Chief Justice delivered a smack down worthy of his position. The rest is just noise, ankle-biting from a man unworthy of the title of President and far beneath even the most simple criteria of his job. The WhiteHouse is a joke, a sham, a mundane and mediocre cesspool of filth

Every branch of our government has some corruption and the ninth circuit would definitely be one of them realDonaldTrump USSupremeCourt FoxNews CNN charliekirk11

To all the Trump lovers out there that tweet about how we shouldn't tweet anything bad about Trump on Thanksgiving.... Are you telling him he shouldn't be negative on Thanksgiving also?

For one day. Just give it fucking rest! Just one day, shut up and don’t tweet.

Trump is soooo disrespectful to the Highest Court in the land. Setting a very bad example to the Nation. God help you guys. SCOTUS UnitedNations worldbuilding ChiefJustice Thanksgiving2018

It’s about time that our government functioned the way the framers of our Constitution intended. 3 branches. Checks and balances. realDonaldTrump needs to be checked as he is clearly unbalanced.

No fighting on Thanksgiving, children. Sit down, and eat your dinner.

He’s hopeless!

sooze555 Do you notice how he doesn't spend any time with his grandkids?

he's not disputing judicial independence but judicial political bias. Bias is obvious in the 9th circus because they have been overturned over 80% of the time

Donnie Dimwit doesn't grasp the whole 'checks and balances' thing. But then again, he doesn't on a lot of things. For example, walking and chewing gum at the same time.

A Buffoon!

Don's mad because he can't lawyer his way around everything like he did when he was in the private sector. I wonder if he even listened when they told him that the 3 tier system is designed specifically for fringe operators like him and that stacking the deck wont work either.

Let’s not get sucked into to this idiot’s love of being in the news... Happy thanksgiving!

Work work work! Gobblegobble

Potus working for the people on his day off 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Dotard is like a dog that can't remember where he buried his bone

Is the assumption here that the judiciary in apolitical? If so, then why the hysteria over political views during the confirmation process?

Trump the biggest threat to Constitution

The reason he is continuing because Congress is silent and paralyzed to act, if that be the case the Supreme Court can play an overreaching role and instruct Congress to act, in the interest of the US Constitution, and the country. Watch this space, Trump is pushing his mandate!

His Incoherence has spiked since midterms. Imagine he fears what is coming, and working overtime to prep GOP deplorables to cry foul when he is judged for High Crimes & Misdemeanors. impeach45

A small, weak little man.

Impeach; Roberts, Sodomyor, RBG. 🇺🇸👍

oh please. this man is such a disgrace. This is not what we want in a president. Where's the hope,the inspiration, the reassurance. DonaldTrump isn't a man, he's a self-centered egotistical selfish, maniacal monster that does no good for anyone

realDonaldTrump so vile and vindictive. This is how bullies work.

Just sad...

Well don’t you all know trump knows more about everything than anyone.

There are indeed “Trump Judges”. Happy thanksgiving🦃

AP should go out of business! potus is speaking the truth its not a dispute! Only an opinion from an AP commentator would post a trashy tweet like this!

I despair of May and Brexit. But I am enormously grateful that I am not American. And I am not presided over by The Chump. 😀😀😀

The way you termed this is beyond obvious. You do not even try to hide it. The judiciary is not independent. They are part of a system. The scotus judge should have kept hos mouth shut. They are not supposed to make public statements like this. It goes against the grain

That’s because realDonaldTrump is the absolute WorstPresidentEver

. You seem to be the go-to mouthpiece for Chief Justice Roberts, please ask him a question for us: Since Roberts is in charge of the FISA Court and we now know that FISA abuse occurred, were his FISA judges inept or were they complicit in the abuse? Americans want to know.

I like how the argument we're having is that you 'never' spent all those months explaining what Kavanaugh's appointment would do to the SupremeCourt you had been hoping for, and could count on. Lucy Ford's testimony was this year, btw... I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

Is he playing golf?

Chief Justice Roberts is an embarrassment to the court. He is not a politician and shouldn’t participate in political discourse. Shameful!!

Justice Roberts must be afraid of something, otherwise he would not be speaking publicly. Oh, that's right, he oversees the FISC and failed to do anything about the FISC being abused for political purposes. So many people in panic mode over that illegal FISA on Carter Page.

The man is unfit. Period. He threatens our republic. And those who do nothing from their positions of power are traitors.

Arguing with someone who is smart than you is not a good idea. I know 45 you bought one Justice seat but you haven’t paid for them all.

Outside our boarders Trump is responsible inside our boarders police and judges inturpit the laws.

Proof that he never stops working.

And saying he won't visit the troops, but instead SKYPE them.

Its like having your crazy uncle over for a holiday every day

Someone's not thankful his family has their freedom for a LITTLE while longer....

You know, when every single branch of government is criticizing your performance and thinks you are a jackass, maybe, and I know this is crazy, but maybe you aren't doing a great job?

I'm sure all you Liberals were outraged about this, right?

Damn AP is fake news now too, shame

Happy Thanksgiving and Godspeed Sir.

He brought a lemon to a knife fight.

Color Me Surprised

Give up, we should know by now that trumpy just not get it, no matter what it is.

When that orange sociopath finally kicks the bucket, any chance of a global holiday 'in honour' of his passing? 🙄 ImIn TrumpIsUnfitForOffice UnfitToBePresident WhatAMoron TrumpIsTheEnemyOfThePeople

Ah, Thanksgiving, the day when the great turkey comes out. But if it sees a Mueller, it will crawl into it's lavatory, and tweet attack until it presumes the investigation is somehow over.

For God Sakes Trump, go golfing and eat a bucket of KFC, and leave us alone for at least one day. Just cause you are miserable, doesn't mean we have to be.

Boring Presidency

Via my friend Mary ... I think she has a point. EvilisAsEvilDoes

The only 'asylum' realDonaldTrump needs to be thinking about, is the one he's going to end up in. He's completely dangerously INSANE!

Stuff it AP. Shouldn't you be cooking and spending time with your families?

Yeah, that’s what it’s over. Legislating from the bench on matters of national security isn’t the job of the judiciary. Judges who put America at risk need to be removed.

Not surprised, has to keep people angry about something other than him destroying America...

'Cutting off the nose to spite the face' is an expression to describe a needlessly self-destructive over-reaction to a problem: is a warning against acting out of pique, or against pursuing revenge in a way that would damage oneself more than the object of one's anger.

Someone is making him eat a legitimate meal today instead of KFC. Who wouldn’t want to stir up some shit with a day like that?


Roberts is wrong, why nothing said when Obama had dispute, CRICKETS ...

Would hope that even bothers GOP

unsophisticated oaf mimes eating both turkey legs simultaneously

On this day Give Thx to the Almighty and consider whether or not he approves of *men being murdered n mutilated *children taken n not returned to their families *the least of us treated w/malice n disrespect *wisdom n kindness being ridiculed All while U and I remain $ilent!!!

I mean he could go volunteer n pass out meals, but here we are: twitterfingers

Today I am grateful that Hillary is not my President.

It's cool how it's trump appointed judges who are striking down his orders

Such an embarrassment to the executive branch.

How do you spell pathetic? T R U M P

Who cares what he said. Go report some real news.

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