Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts calls out Trump for his attack on a judge

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BREAKING: Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts took a swipe at Donald Trump, saying there are no “Obama judges or Trump judges” after Trump attacked the judge who ruled against his attempt to restrict asylum-seekers at the border


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sunlorrie At least Schumer agrees with Trump. Unfortunately he’s too dumb to realize it.

Roberts wants to be Obama’s next gay lover

realDonaldTrump that’s because Trump can only think win or lose, he has no diplomacy, no tact, no class! He may be rich with $ but such a looser with life!

any one with half a brain knows that some judges have bias

As far as the ninth circuit is concerned you are wrong Mr. Roberts.

sunlorrie Obama did same to Atios except he started it!

sunlorrie Roberts had to go there and get his hand smacked by Trump. He'd better not have any ׳skeletons׳ in his closet....

coinabs The Chief Justice takes a swipe at Trump. Why did he never take a swipe at Obama? He had many justified reasons to do so! Yet he remained silent... some would even say he capitulated to Obama like an obedient dog. He should apologise to Trump & forever remain quiet.

There are Leonard Leo judges. Let's not pretend otherwise.

Doc_Rose23 Then there should be no problem appointing all trump appointments tovacancies in federal courts tomorrow. Call the Senators in for a one day emergency session. They aren't Trump judges, right.

Roberts is so wrong

They are there to serve the people not politicians no matter what president appointed them.

And where did Tiny get his law degree?

Trump is so out of his league with this. Foolish.

Would love to see trump alienate John Roberts.

You would expect SCOTUS Chief Justice Roberts used his intellect and reasoning prior to casting the deciding vote which approved OBAMACARE. Now, it appears he is a corrupt person in black robe willing to sell his dignity and soul thereby betraying his presumed impartiality. SHAME

Justice Roberts you screwed the American people with your Obama care ruling you need to sit back and don't say a word

Of course there are no Democrat judges and no Republican judges! That's why all the Democrat judges vote together on Supreme Court and all the Republican judges vote together! It's a damn miracle how unpolitical these judges are!

When enough is enough.

judges where no political views are expressed in their opinions? that is as funny as all reporters are objective with no political views. BTW, were you not the judge who sided for Obamacare saying the mandate was not a tax and therefore could be imposed with congress?

We all know better. If that’s the case why all the hoop la when a seat available? Left leaning and middle to right leaning. We all know California is totally leftie.

The people have no confidence in the SC .

Roberts is dead wrong! The 9th circuit court in California is full of 'obama' judges as are many other courts! I have never seen such bias in these courts and the judges rulings! They are really endangering American citizens! Obama is probably proud of this shit!

Roberts is lying. He knows about the 9th Circuit, like everyone else does.

Only Trump is stupid enough to attack the Supreme Court Chief Justice. Wait & see how that works out for Trump.

Chief Justice John Roberts doesn't believe we have liberal Obama judges?

Good for Roberts!

Thank you Mr Roberts for sticking up for our court system it’s hard to understand why a person in charge of our care as president and he treats the Justice department the FBI and other departments of the government and women but list goes on things must change to survive

Trump is better off with a “hands off” policy toward the third (and equal) branch of government...lawyers have long know that an unhappy judge is, well, an unhappy judge...

Why hasn’t John Roberts taking care of the fisa warrant abuse instead of worring about president Trump and why didn’t he speak up when Obama trashed the Supreme Court on the state of union address yeah that’s what I thought

We have been blessed by Trump and given the 1st question to be asked of Each of Donald Trump's future judicial nominations, from here on out, and that is, 'Do you believe that there's Obama and/or Trump judges and if not how can we be sure?

This is so stupid. The news media is feeding Trump’s fire about fake news. CJ Roberts didn’t “take a swipe” at Trump. He expressed his view that the judiciary is trying to be fair and independent. The media succeeded in creating the optics of a fight. THIS IS PART OF THE PROBLEM!

What is extraordinary is Politico believing Justice Roberts remark.

How about being real journalist's and check into the dark money behind Roberts and other conservative justices? Follow the $$$

This is dangerous.Very.

The 9th circuit gets overturned 80% of the time, its called obstruct and resist by left-wing Obama appointed judges! Which means the 9th circuit is only right 20% of the time what a joke! SMH MAGA

POTUS swiped back. 👍

realDonaldTrump does realize that he can’t fire the SC justices, right?

If you rule in my favor, you’re all right, and if you don’t, we’ve got a fight, seems to be Trump’s favorite doctrine, but of course he can’t rhyme as well as I do (smile).

Bull shit

Maybe the caravan can be routed up to the Roberts estate.

Trump fires back at Chief Justice in fight over Judicial Independence and whether there are OBama Judges. While this guy is so worried by OBama, he’s better get ready for a new range of questions from Mueller, with regard to obstruction of justice.

Somebody is going to have to sit Trump down, and tell him to stop running around and make a fool of himself. I was watching that interview he had with Chris Wallace.And I couldn't believe my ears when he said its an Obama, its a Clinton judge. Sir, President don't speak like that

I wish Roberts was correct. In a perfect world he would be. NEWS FLASH!! WE DONT HAVE A PERFECT WORLD.

Djt has really gone over the edge now. Verbally attacking a Supreme Court Justice for disagreeing with him? Enough already. We have had more than we can bear of this horror show aka the djt trump reality show. Please cancel immediately.

Too bad Justice Roberts didn't speak up when it was time for vetting Merrick Garland.

Are we to believe judges are not political. The are. Sad but true.

Anyone who think this president is maga is delusional what he is doing is attacking every institute that has kept America as a forefront for democracy’s n the rest of the world is watching n forming opinions on how future relationships will transpire. America forever changed sad

Is Roberts really denying that there is judicial activism at play within the 9th Circuit? I know he lives inside the DC bubble, yet..

Obviously there are partisan judges, Justice Roberts is delusional if he really believes what he said. They may all be sincere but their world views are diametrically opposed to each other. If they are all great why are we having these epic battles to replace them? Come on!

he presented the facts, he didn't take a 'swipe'...

Well BrettKavanaugh is a Drumpf judge who, during his hearings, basically promised to be a partisan judge on the SupremeCourt

Another swamp man!!!

Is there any senile judges .?

Spoken like the establishment hack Roberts is.

I think this means your losing Trump

I think The Chief Judge just sent a quiet message to all citizens of USA. He's the one guy that has to power to.......


Remember when John Roberts ‘rescuing’ Obamacare by writing a special tax for it?

President Donald Trump then took a swipe back via Twitter. “Sorry Chief Justice John Roberts, but you do indeed have ‘Obama judges,’ and they have a much different point of view than the people who are charged with the safety of our country,' he said

John Robert's. He was picked by Obama, thus the name and you know that the judge is biased and swings way left!

He's the Bush appointed judge who voted AGAINST the Republicans on Obamacare.

Fix the headline. “Takes a swipe?” John Roberts is not a cat in a cat fight, even if Donald Trump is.

Lol! 😂 Tell that to Congress who attempt to prevent any President’s judicial confirmation or delay it until administration changes. realDonaldTrump

I’m sorry, but isn’t Roberts the judge who sided with the right wing judges striking down a critical part of the Voters Rights Act that has now taken rights away due to racism he believed no longer existed

Yet the majority of the country disagrees with Justice Robert's statement.

It takes a Supreme Court justice to rebuke The Moron for his inappropriate comments. That is stunning. Likely the first time in history.

abdbozkurt That's a fantasy, has not been a true moderate since, I do not remember!

I wonder if SCOTUS Chief Justice Roberts is starting to suffer from the 'Ginsburg Syndrome' called partisan mental stupidity?

Got that right a Presidential appointment does not mean that judge is in your pocket.💩🤡👺

Bout time someone showed some balls!

We all know that Hillary and pay for play holder and obama all were bad they need locked up. Second it is that the dems have everyone pushing their wants but not Justice. They want illegals here but taxpayers are the one paying so they do not want it period this judge just dem

Well Chief Justice John Roberts better opens his eyes and he should also look in the mirror when he does, because that is total BS.

If judge ROBERTS is that naive, believing these radical judges are not being partisan, then it’s time for him to step down!

Well, if that weren't true then I guess CNN and the rest of the MSM should not be making it a big deal, right? Roberts should have stayed behind the scenes since he was the one who signed into law the disaster Obamacare. Maybe with all those wiretappings, Obama found something.

I'd like our president or let me say your president, who blames everybody else for everything but him I want to congratulate the fire departments in la who did a fantastic job over the last month and a half they've done a tremendous job and I want to thank them for their efforts.

Roberts turned out to be an Obama Judge thanks to him we have this horrible insurance that no one can seem to get rid of!

Well he is confused we always have at least one

Too long has Trump been getting away with GROPING Lady Liberty and The Constitution aided and abetted by SPINELESS Republicans!

Lol there most definitely are “Obama” judges


HUZZAH Chief Justice!

I love it!

Long overdue .. This DISGRACEFUL SPECTACLE of a so called president have been getting away with too much Trump TURD! Remember his remarks about MEXICAN JUDGE!!

Proper amount of time to go over the writings of Kavanaugh while in the Bush White House, the democrats would have shown just how biased Kavanaugh really is and put a hole in your notion that there is no partiality or partisanship in the Supreme Court

Well lately these judges have made decisions that are 👎👎👎👎🙄🤔

Now Trump will belittle Roberts and Republicans will say nothing. Spineless, complicit, paid for.

Sorry justice Roberts, but Kavanaugh tends to contradict the notion that all judges are fair . Judge Kavanaufh has through his writings and what he's said shown how partial he is towards Trump and republicans and if given the....

Judges do not hold our nation hostage

Thank goodness the Chief Justice, appointed by Bush, is speaking out! THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!

Clarence Thomas didn’t get this memo. Doubt Kavanaugh will take note either.

Dear President Putz.

good for him!

That would be true if some of the judges are not so partisan. He needs to clean up the judiciary

They have irresponsible,obstructive judges that are puppets of the Left.

It’ll be interesting to see how many times Republicans use the word “unfortunate” after Trump starts attacking the Chief Justice of The Supreme Court.

Justice Roberts to Trump

I’ve wondered about him since upholding obama care. Now I know Bush is a closet liberal. Whatever you call them, Bush judge, obama judge, whatever, there is a difference between those liberal judges and conservative judges. Difference being deciding based on law or feelings

It’s not a great comment as it is suggested. It’s rather stupid. All of these judges have a tie to who appoint of them. What in heavens name does he think the meaning is by the statement.


Hmmm he should tell that to all the Democrats on the Judicial Committee that crucified Kavanaugh because he was a “Trump judge”. Same for the media. glasshouses

Tell that to Justice Ginsburg

Lets be real, it isn’t about Obama or Trump judges. It’s about strict constructionists vs legislating from the benchers. From there it’s the political leanings that find each of those advantageous. Those can be separate from politics tho.

What do you get the man who has everything this Christmas? A copy of the Constitution signed by ALL of Congress.

When will most logical Americans wake up that realDonaldTrump POTUS will say and do anything to deflect & redirect attention from this criminal administration.

Good for him!! It’s gotten so bad that the Chief Judge has to come out publicly to basically tell Trump to STFU!!

Oh yes there are...

WRyanMcCann Not a surprise. He sold out a long time ago.

thats nice in theory Mr Roberts...but its only theory

Somebody tell Roberts he has his head up his ass if he believes that.....Obama=left wing judges not law and order judges....

AntiTrumpReport Isn’t cry baby Kavanaugh a trump judge?

But this is the BS 45 peddles to his zealots and they keep buying his tainted meats.

Thank you for speaking up JohnRoberts_CJ

If they are doing their best then why is the 9th Circuit decisions overturned 90% of the time?

Court Chief Justice John Roberts says there are no “Obama judges or Trump judges” Lucy says 'Bullshit' ABC CBSNews NBCNews CNN PBS MSNBC NYTimes WashingtonPost WHPressCorps DNC WHCA

He can say it. But that doesn't make it true. Of course there are Obama judges and trump judges.

Who is Roberts trying to fool with this statement. I it extremely obvious due to extreme rulings coming from the left side of the courts and even public statements from some of the judges there is a radical division in how the laws are being read into and rulings are put forth

Yeah, POTUS thinks that the Justice department and the Supreme Court are there to protect him from his crimes. He has no clue how it's supposed to work.

That’s not “breaking” news. Nobody is gonna stop what they’re doing just to hear Roberts publicize his manufactured outrage. You guys in the media report on anyone taking a swipe at Trump daily.

No pretty sure the president who picks them takes them on as part of his legacy.keagan is definitely a Obama judge as is Sotomayor.

I think people who live in the 9th circuit court of appeals would disagree.

No one believes this. The court lost all legitimacy after years of Republicans politicizing the court and cherishing it as a political prize. Their absolutely ARE Republican judges and Democratic judges. It’s laughable to think otherwise anymore.

'Breaking News'

We’re awaiting final verdict on the Trump Judges though. We’ll see


That is bull 💩. And everyone knows it. Judges are political and base some of their decisions based on political reasons. Along with being bought and paid for to put judgements in a certain way. Anyone with true intelligence knows that.

Must be why the media and the left tried to ruin Kavanaugh with fake allegations.

Thank you Chief Justice Roberts!!!

People know that isn't true. If it was, then it wouldn't matter who was elected President so far as making judge appointments.

John Roberts has flipped from Bush Judge to Obama Judge!

It's like all he does is attack people when he doesn't get his way; like an undisciplined toddler who slaps and bites when he doesn't get his cookie.

😂 MSM uses same terminology

I doubt that's accurate either though...

Yes there are. It’s called the 9th circuit...

On this Thanksgiving Eve, I'm thankful for the Mueller investigation and hopeful that an impeachment is around the corner in 2019.

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