2,000 former DOJ, FBI officials call on Barr to resign over Michael Flynn case

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JUST IN: Nearly 2,000 former Justice Dept. and FBI officials have signed an open letter strongly critical of AG Barr's decision to abandon the prosecution of Michael Flynn, calling the action 'extraordinarily rare, if not unprecedented.'

The letter urges the judge who is in charge of the Flynn case, Emmet Sullivan, to"take a long, hard look at the government's explanation and the evidence." Barr is using the Justice Department to further President Donald Trump's personal and political interests, it says, and"has undermined any claim to the deference that courts usually apply to the department's decisions about whether or not to prosecute a case.

Most of the signers are former career lawyers from both Republican and Democratic administrations, though many former political appointees are included. The highest-ranking to sign so far is Stuart Gerson, who served briefly as acting attorney general at the start of the Clinton administration after leading the Justice Department Civil Division in the first Bush administration.Pete Williams is an NBC News correspondent who covers the Justice Department and the Supreme Court, based in Washington.


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Former 😂 They were probably involved too, so their scared 😂

Key words in that statement, former officials. What is unprecedented is the way general Flynn be was treated. Hope the Durham report uncovers crooked Obama administration, FBI and doj.

Not to mention… Barr’s decision is further evidence that he is a co-conspirator in the treasonous plot of Donald J Trump. More evidence for the prosecutors when Trump, McConnell and Barr go to trial for treason.

Bar had sold his soul to the Devil. Sad

Are these the same 2000 that sat quietly on their hands when Obama pardoned General James Carpenter on 1-17-17 for lying to the FBI before sentencing?


Now that America knows, Deceptive ChuckTodd edited the CBS AG Barr Interview, to fit his deceptive narrative agenda, what day will be airing the entire unedited AG Barr Interview! ExposeFakeNews

This same group of deep state folks have petitioned before. Why not explain so the whole story is out there. Your edit of the Barr interview was inexcusable and your apology weak. This is why no one believes Chuck Todd and NBC News. Sad what you have become.

The trolls and bots are out on force. Someone knows what William Barr did is wrong and is desperate to deflect

That should do it. Without doubt Barr will see the evil of his ways, repent, and resign.

Key word Former

Fake News

Did they sign their names in China ese?

Deep state. We read what the agents wrote, “How can we get him to lie or get fired?” Total set up. NBC is corrupt editing Barr’s interview with CBS.

2000 Democrats.

Barr’s head is so far up realDonaldTrump ‘s ass that he will do whatever his demented narcissist mafia boss says.

Fire Chuck Todd FireChuckTodd

Ha ha FORMER officials !!!! Talk to OBAMA !

Stay strong!

A retired night janitor can be called “a former Justice Department official.”

After everything up till today... no one believes NBC anymore. Name the 2000 people please. I would remind everyone that this started with hacked DNC servers... WHERE ARE THEY.

All Obama crooked cops,just like Obama.

'Bite me'

The DOJ has become the Department of Jackass

Is it partisan?

Blah blah blah

Because Barr is as crooked and corrupt as the pathological liar tRump.

It dont and wont matter. Republicans do what they want and dems watch but can't do anything to stop it. Even with house majority they are helpless against trump and his admin.

Dear Reichsführer.

“former” lol why is that?

That sure makes this story even more believable- wouldn’t they want the truth out?

Why should anyone care what those cocksuckers think?

Drain the swamp. ObamaGate

Most likely the co-conspirators to the ObamaGate spying and Russian Collusion Hoax. The Democratic Communist Party's Coup Attempt has failed, and there will be indictments of the treasonous traitors.

Opinion from an ordinary citizen:Barr actions show corruption all the way to Putin & friends. No one connected to Russia in any way does anything without him knowing & directing. I feel our GOP compromised to the hilt & trying 2 get something secret done B 4 elections

A bunch of deep state Democrat snakes 🐍


Yes. The idea of an outgoing administration weaponizing law enforcement to sabotage an incoming administration is pretty unprecedented.


Wonder how many of them are on the indictment list. ObamaGate

So obama era ex employees

Sniff the air Barr, history is being written just as you said.

Or 2000. Read the transcripts

10’s of thousands of lawyers have worked for the doj. Finding 1000 liberals willing to sell their sole isn’t a challenge

Going to edit the video? Fkn buffoons. This is like the list of shrinks who never talked to Trump diagnosing mental illness. Fkn liberal hacks. The whole mueller case is collapsing. Jeff Jenson recommended. He’s part of Durham’s team. Truth’s coming asshats. Facts 🖕

Lock up deputy dog and take the president with him. Two of the most corrupt people in America

Scared are they

2,000 cheating, lying ass democrats.

Don't count on Barr biting the the hand that feeds him.....yet!

That’s your first wave of occupants for Guantanamo! Get the scaffolding ready..

2000 'former' out of what number, 90-100K? ObamaGate


They wrote.... letters...

Setting up the President with a fake Russia hoax is kinda The same I don’t recall any of that be legal Trump can put his 63,000,0000 votes against 200 former anything’s

Thank God corruption and illegalities at the highest levels of the FBI and TheJusticeDept are rare or unprecedented. And thank God AG Barr is cleaning house and ensuring it will never happen again. Did you 2,000 loons want him to just ignore it? Sheesh!

2,000 Democrats 😂😂😂

Knowing these masks are for exporting purpose, this Chinese worker wiped his shoes with these masks maliciously

Tyrant Governor Gretchen Whitmer sent Michigan police after a 77 year-old man who refused to shut down his barber shop Democrat logic: Attack 77 year old business owners Release rapists, murderers, and drug dealers from jail All to keep people 'safe' Ridiculous.

They’re unmasking themselves. This is too easy.

Time for AG Barr to TAKE THE HINT.

2000 Democrats!

So like 0.00000000000000000001% of former employees. How is this news?

Must be a bunch of washed up has beens. Amazing how fast their letter appeared - as if 2000 former employees just happen to stay in touch on a regular basis. Perhaps they're part of the deep state?

How many were Democrats!

Are they the same people who were on the phone with Obama ?🤦‍♀️


They all should be summarily Fired for cause, all are swamp dwellers from the most corrupt administration in American history, BHO and HRC.

key word 'former.' Hey cupcakes when are you guys going to tweet your apology for Chuck Todd's misdeed?

Thank you “former” DOJ & FBI employees for your opposition to AG Barr’s decision. Is there anyway to get “CURRENT” DOJ employees time stress their disapproval with Barr?

You're FIRED Barr!

Banana republic

Jackasses die hard

But, of course, those almost 2,000 officials are just underlings and are of no concern to Barr or 45!

How much do these 'experts' they have on this lying 'show' get paid for spinning crap? I stopped watching this poor excuse for honesty yrs ago when i smartened up.

Are you going to report on the cover-up and Obama -how this whole thing started -fraud,lies treason by your friend Obama! Let’s get to the real story!

Now that they have exposed themselves... Fire them all.

Any serious news media should go after the news about the notes where FBI was working hard to make Gen Flynn to lie... The goal should be to find the truth whether there was a collusion with Russia or NOT. Goal shouln't be to make Gen Flynn to lie and prosecute him....

How do we know if this is true?🖕

MoMoDdotcom I was going to respond to the people who think Flynn is innocent, a martyr. But I decided not to. These people don’t read. They don’t know the law, have no analytical thinking. They follow Trump blindly. You just can’t fix stupid. Don’t bother to respond. I’ll block you all.

The open letter should serve a strong evidence in November election remember✊

I don’t get it? The party of law and order. What’s changed?


Haters going to hate. Guess they didn't read the released documents showing what dirty cops the FBI are


Too bad that nothing is going to happen because the whole administration is crooked and protecting each other

Not again where do you find these ppl

So was spying by Obama - Keep going AG Barr!

This is why we must boot all of these fools out of office in Nov

What's their political affiliation? Real lawyers don't sign this partisan letter.

Ya know if “no former”s would step up...cowards

Ppl getting paid ! Lmao deals under the table ......

Bull crap. Fire Chuck Todd. I take it these 2000 former officials approve of the behavior of FBI? That is scarier.

We have that many corrupt Justice Dept. & FBI officials ? It’s worse than I thought !

The FBI framing a 3-star General is equally rare if not unprecedented.

Wonder who they voted for🤔

A full list of people whom shold be investigated.

NBC lies about everything!

Key word being “ former”!

Former What the heck is going on?

All of NBC sources are going to prison

You lie

Yes. 'Stand up'.

And what shall we do with this letter ? Toilet paper is definitely sparce. The letter will do. 😂😂😂

Surely Obama hasn’t forgotten the time he pardoned a general for actually lying to the FBI.

Are there that many with something to hide? Think about this for a second because what Barr uncovered was wrong doing against an honest man and those 2,000 think it is wrong to stop it? Should we dig deeper? I wouldn't have thought so if they supported him on this!

Where were these 'former' employees when Obama was letting the traitor, Chelsea Manning, out? Or when in 2017, he pardoned a General who LIED to the FBI right before he left office? Hypocrites...

If true, nearly 2000 deep state cockroaches just crawled out from under their rock! DrainTheSwamp realDonaldTrump

So these 2000 jackasses are all in for railroading innocent people? Every one of them should lose the ability to practice law, And don't give me the 'he pled guilty' BS. You would too if you were being bankrupted and having a family member threatened.Coerced pleas are illegal too

The man confessed. This is beyond corruption, it is the normalisation and support of of criminal behavior by Trump’s administration.

So what

Doesn’t matter because they won’t stop taking his calls, having lunch with him, or grabbing a drink! He is a colleague, a pal, a friend or one of the boys! He has screwed Robert Mueller royally and not a peep out the former Marine! He will head back to his cushy job in 2021.

Barr is an embarrassment to the men and women in the DOJ.

In Flynn's case, the statute of limitation will not end till 2022. So, Barr really isn't stopping anything. Just cuz your outta work don't mean you can't vote & there is 33 MILLION out of work! How many ya think are going to vote for COMRADE Trump

Not interested in the 'formers', who also may have been a part of the problem😏 Nice round number, 2000; not 1,236 or 1,573 or 1,964, but exactly 2,000😄😄😄😄

Trump is the dictator in chief. Good luck with getting back to decency and integrity in your country.

2000 swamp creatures showing up at once? Somebody take notes of these names. With all the evidence out there these guys are clearly part of the Democrat resistance trying to help with Obama’s coverup. ObamaGate ProsecuteComeyNow

Fake news

Now we are finding just how deep the deep state is and was

Just like your news organization, the investigation into this man was corrupt from the git go! MeetThePressiscorrupt niceediting

“Former,” that should tell you something. ObamaGate

None of this matters he doesn't give a shitt it's like Donald Adolf Trump doesn't give a shitt about doing nothing but what they want to do they do it because nobody's doing anything to stop them


That sounds like someone has a list of 2,000 people that need to be fired.


Isn't that the Dems way........they don't like something or someone they get rid of them

Disbar him

He’s needs to resign or be arrested. obaMAGAte


This is exhausting. They’re doing an amazing job at breaking honest people who truly love and respect this country.

They redefined treason which in itself should be fined and put into prison

NBC and Chuck Todd stories are no longer credible!

Flynn was strong armed by dirty cops.

GIve us their names!The name of ANY DOJ that would sanction the hit job and blackmailed confession of Flynn, and the 'misplacement' of evidence that clears him of any wrongdoing should be given to EVERY Defense Attorney in the nation to review their cases with these dirty cops

They’re are former for a reason! Deep stake ObaMAGA! Hacks

Seems Barr is untouchable no meter how ridiculous Trump request is-

Hilarious. Let the troops rally the wagons! Meanwhile...DurhamIsComing

A good list to have! Handy as F!

TRUMP 2020 Beep bopbopbeep ObaMAGAte

Just in...CNN sides with a communist country over America, Twitter suppresses ObamaGate, & now ABC is peddling deep state bs.



Former Deep State...don’t forget that part.

Barr, you have stained the Justice Department just as your boss will leave the White House and Oval Office with the same stench...

Lol. SOOOO predictable. Nothing will stop what is happening. Thank goodness. WWG1WGA obamagate

I don’t think it will make a difference.

Lock him up, that is Obama of course. These 2,000 former FBI & DOJ officials are political left hacks who wants to stop the investigation of OBAMAGATE. They simply don't want the truth to be told. God Bless AG Barr!! **PRESIDENT TRUMP2020**

Investigate all of them.

FORME JUSTICE AND FBI - what are they afraid off, the truth perhaps......

NBCNewYork Not surprising, because 💩,usually sticks together.

The democrats elites are fighting hard to spin their corruptions. Try it very hard. Obama and gang destroyed our nation.

watch this NBC apology for lying Chuck Todd's fake edited video clip of Bill Barr via YouTube

Why does the media pretend this matters at all? How many more times must Barr ignore these letters before you learn, he could care less what anyone says or thinks about him.

NBC only had one thing right here, 'Former' employee's. Sorry but they don't count. And how many are Democrats? NBC like their controllers are afraid of what is coming. AG Barr will clean up the issues with the FBI. And the DNC is going to face real questions soon. ObamaGate s

He A Trumpy Hand Puppet!!

That's a big surprise, NOT! Almost All of them know someone that will be indicted for Criminal Activity....

C'est formidable, nous voyons de quel côté tout le monde se tient, donc lorsque le jour du jugement arrivera, il n'y aura pas de siège sur la clôture. OBAMAGATE

But we are just going to ignore the FBI’s misconduct. Got it. Bunch of hacks

NBCNewYork Dam that's allot of spies and we only thought Diane Feinstein retained one.

Nobody cares. OBAMAGATE


in this case the curuption is coming from the top how do you react to that

Publish the letter!

RandyNBCLA IM SORRY but this is not gonna turn out how the 2,000 democRATs are hoping 😈

That’s how the Democrats Attack right away coming together the frame someone and set him up , why republicans can do that , why Obama and his craw not Prosecuted yet , they have a proven crime one he shoulder and they not walking

You have to be a little stoonad to put your name on that list with your organization under this kind of scrutiny

Barr is beyond corrupt. Legalizing treason. Coverup general who let all the Iran contra criminals go is up to his old tricks.narr needs to go. He lied to USA about mueller report.

Of course they have as expected. They're corrupt and criminal unlike Barr who is going to expose and prosecute the REAL criminals. Justice GreatAwakening

No doubt 2000 of the swamp that are about to be exposed and loose their power

2000 but yet the article doesn’t name one of them...

Actually, the thing that was extraordinarily rare was an administration weaponizing the federal government to undermine the incoming POTUS. obamagate

Former. Past. Unimportant.


2000 corrupt officials, probably Obama cronies.

Lots of things are “unprecedented.” Giant nothingburger

Impeach the AG. I think this guy was more honest.

Who gives a sh*t what disgruntled ex-employees think...


Well, Durham has a formalized list...tell them thanks for un-masking themselves

Lol the swamp rats are scared af. Barr is going to raise the ethical bar.

What a joke.

wbaltv11 'Former'

Libs love running to other libs to get signatures 😂😂😂😂 OMG they got Barr now!!!

Fighting for Justice ✊✊✊✊✊ destroycorruptioncleptoctratscriminals

Barr’s loyalty is to Donald Trump not the United States 🤷‍♂️

Lol Comey’s cronies

Panic mode.

This video needs wide dispersal. Thank you.


Barr should be impeached and disbarred.

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