As Fraudsters Exploit Pandemic Fears, Justice Department Looks To Crack Down

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The Justice Department is aggressively going after pandemic fraudsters, including the 'miracle' cures surfacing on social media, and hoarders and price-gougers like one man who stockpiled nearly a million respirators and was selling them at a 700% markup.

The most prevalent kind of fraud that federal authorities are seeing at this point, he and others say, is tied to personal protective equipment like N95 masks, gloves or face shields.against a Georgia man, Christopher Parris, for allegedly trying to sell $750 million worth of masks and other protective equipment to the Department of Veterans Affairs but with a sizable advance payment.

"We're getting many complaints that different entities are entering into these agreements, paying money upfront, sometimes hundreds of millions of dollars, and may or may not get any masks or other PPE ordered at all," Merrill said."So our guidance to the public is to please be wary of these frauds and solicitations."Other problems, such as hoarding and price gouging, can arise even when the medical gear does exist.

The man, Baruch Feldheim, has been charged with lying to the FBI about price gouging. He's also been charged with allegedly assaulting a federal officer after he coughed on agents and claimed he had COVID-19.FBI Adjusts To Persevere Through Pandemic As Much Of America Shuts Down


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I want them to go aggressively after the profiteering of PPE manufacturers and thieves in the administration stealing orders from states and hospitals.


Tell the DOJ to look around his boss’ circle.

Cool then he'll be going after dome media outlets for selling fear and panic.

I hear that there's one working out of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.


thejfadams So is Trump Public Enemy 1?

Should start with his boss


And yet, ignoring one of the biggest ones.

Fraudsters, as in, people touting bleach and disinfectants as potential cures? Yes, we should go after them.

Sounds like ur fixing to arrest Fredo and Jarred.

just bought these on Amazon

A million? Prove it.

R they going after Laura Ingram?

Is he talking about Trump

O foes Barr want to disinfect with Lydol bleach. Mr clean his choice.

Is he going after that guy practicing medicine without a license, the one promoting the bogus use of a drug (a killer is given to the wrong person) and promoting a poison as a cure all for Covid-19. Dr Trump needs criminal prosecution.

Oh look, Bill Barr is actually doing something good for once. Good job, Bill.

Oh you mean like the President?

Start with Trump.

Pssst. One fraudster is standing right next you.

Would that include the white house

Why don’t you name 'the man'?

I have a tip for them. Some jackass is suggesting ingesting disinfectants.

TheJusticeDept FBI With state stores in states like PA unable to supply liquor due to Covid19, it leaves citizens at risk for fraud by caskcartel advertising the sale of brand name liquor delivered to you. Apparently they take $ for your order & don’t deliver. I’m out $100.00

TheJusticeDept FBI With state stores in states like PA unable to supply liquor due to Covid19, it leave citizens at risk for fraud by caskcartel advertising the sale of brand name liquor delivered to you. Apparently they take $ for your order & don’t deliver. I’m out $100.00!

Can y’all look into this bleach infusion ‘cure’? There was a wheezing huckster on TV last night pushing this COVIDIOTS DontDrinkBleach Clorox

There was a guy with orange skin and hair at a microphone yesterday pushing the injection of disinfectants into the body to kill the virus. Perhaps DOJ should arrest him and throw the key away. Just saying...

Given the corrupt TheJusticeDept & Barr are part of the jaredkushner realDonaldTrump & rest of The GOPranos mob-who's looking AT THEM also FOR SEIZING STATES' MED SUPPLIES, PRICE GOUGING & PROFITEERING DURING A GLOBAL CRISIS? npr CREWcrew OfficeGovEthics HouseDemocrats

How about the POTUS , he’s been promoting bogus “cures” all along

Start with this one

Here’s a hot tip for Barr:

How about going after this one...

Start with trump.

Variant: Mind is the Master Power that molds and makes, And we are mind. And ever more we take the tool of thought, and shaping what we will, bring forth a thousand joys, or a thousand ills. We think in secret, and it comes to pass, environment, is but our looking glass.

Unless they give Trump and the gangster gop a cut

How about shutting the president up then. He is the worse touter of miracle cures

So is he planning to do his 'actual job' instead of just covering up realDonaldTrump lies and corruptuons? FakeNews

Unless DOJPH goes after seanhannity for his lethal lies, who cares? TrumpLiesPeopleDie

They need to go after tRump too!

Does that include Trump’s pushing of untested remedies which he touts as though he was an actual MD?

Or people who tout fake remedies, no matter their position?

They should start with the fraudster sitting in the White House.

Ummm... IRONY.

Does this include the disinformation coming from the White House?

So they’re arresting trump?

Will they go after POTUS for ultraviolet light and disinfectant Should be top of the list TrumpDisinfectant TrumpIsNotADoctor MrCleanTrump

Start with realDonaldTrump prescribing without a license or brain!

What about Trump with the bleach

Ok. Go after CaptainDipShitMcFuckFace

The Justice Department doesn’t need to look any further than the White House.

And Jared?

Does that mean trump will finally be put in jail

Crises always bring out the best and worst of us

Merica makin it great... you know again

Price gougers; so pharma? It just ain’t legal when the plebs do it, eh?

Kinda late, isn't he. He was busy traveling the world looking for dirt on Trump's opponents. LOL, 'Fraudsters', that's hilarious when there are many right under his nose in the White House.

Granger was identified as selling N95 masks at twice the normal price. I wonder if they will be investigated?

You mean the JD is actually doing something that is 'just'? My relief is so marked that it's kind of depressing.

Might want to start with your friend the Clorox pusher! He is the biggest fraud !!

I think that man was Donald Trump

Fraudsters Top Down

Does this mean he'll prosecute King Don the John if someone dies of injecting disinfectant because the big cat-turd mentioned it?

and what about our president? Are they going after him?

Uh...shouldn’t they go after Trump, then, with his “powerful light” and “injecting disinfectant” cures?

About time DISBarr did something legitimate as AG!!!

So Trump

Be sure to add Trump to that list b

The fox is guarding the hen house...l

Please go after Trump for fraudulently making medical recommendations.

Stop the fraudster trump. There are many misguided people who will try to inject themselves with bleach and swallow detergent suggested by the master of delusions. And Dr. Brix didn't refute him. Just by being there, she lent credibility to his claims.

....but not the President....

How about arresting the president for trying to sell snake oil? Hmm. Perhaps we could try injecting snake oil?

But but but “the call is coming from inside the house” 😱

Fraudster 1: TRUMP. (ImBleachTrump)

Like injection of bleach, UV and hydroxychloroquine?

Who is going to look at the current administrations. One is born every minute but but not elected to the presidency or appointed attorney general

Should realDonaldTrump be concerned?

Would the deranged orange head peddling ingesting BLEACH and UV light internally count? realDonaldTrump

Are they going after Trump and Fox News?

So then that crooked creep Barr is doing something for the people of America and not just doing the bidding of CrookedTrump TrumpCrimeFamily LockThemAllUp realDonaldTrump

Like that whack job con man pushing chloroquine ('What have you got to lose?')

Finally a better use of DOJ resources if they are really doing it.

So, they're going after Trump as well then? He's selling snake oil treatments almost every day at his podium.

Hmmmm pssss pssss there's a guy who said injecting disinfectant and/or exposing your innards with UV cure coronavirus.

What exactly is the difference between his markup of 700%, (yes ridiculous) and the pharmaceutical companies markup?

Bullshit!!! If the Justice Department was AGGRESSIVELY going after COVID fraudsters trump would be talking through the bars to his next door neighbor Paul Manafort!

Department of Corruption

AG Barr, we heard loud and clear one of those 'fraudsters' pushing a 'miracle cure' on TV last night. The time is here for the 25th Amendment!

Start with POTUS

About time qBarr got off his ass

Good time for some self reflection

'As Fraudsters Exploit Pandemic Fears, Justice Department Looks To Crack Down On Individuals Because Billy Barr Was Not Cut Into The Action'

Did they add the President to that list? Seriously!

Hey, Barr has one in the WH—easy catch

Has he looked no further than the guy in the White House?

Will this include realDonaldTrump for suggesting that injecting disinfectant might help?

And their own “president” and his son-in-law who are stealing PPE from states under the guise of FEMA or some such? How do you take these criminals seriously when all they are trying to do is take out the competition?

How's that working out with his best buddy trump?

Like trump?

Maybe should go after Trump, too, for his hairbrained virus 'cures'!?

Just a reminder

They should go after the POTUS for recommending we mainline disinfectant.

CTRNewsFeed Would they go after a guy who pushed fake cites like hydoxychloraquine or bleach in a nationally televised press conference? TrumpLiesAmericansDie

Will they go after Trump if he owns stock in that miracle Malaria Drug he promotes? Oh yea, Bill Barr says TRump can do anything he wants if he feels it is for the good of the country.

Start with trump

Start with your boss Mr Barr.

Maybe a gag order on The President would be a good idea too?

doj should go after the fraudster trump realdonaldtrump

Gosh, they’re actually doing their job!

What about those on TV advocating Hydroxychloroquine and disinfectant injections?

lol only the ones who aren't working to benefit dear leader

So WHEN does Barr arrest Trump? Ingesting light? Injecting disinfectant? If these aren’t quack cures that fit the AG’s description of illegal I don’t know what would be!

Hope they go after Trump and his miracle cures. His have been shown to and will kill people who use them.

jannsloan Awww he’s going to Jared.

All those taking advantage of death & misery from the virus should be prosecuted, FROM THE TOP DOWN. And let's see a breakdown when all is said and done, ow many prosecuted have no Donnie/GOP affiliation and how NOT PROSECUTED do have an affiliation.

Sure they are.

Across the street?

Trump keeps pushing miracle cures, go after him!

Alex Jones not far from a perp walk, then?

did DOJ catch Kushner? 1M respirators and 700% markup will pay off some loans


And I'm SURE LowBarr TheJusticeDept is having REPEATED conversations with moron-in-chief realdonaldtrump to SHUT THE EFF UP from dispensing murder recommendations to the American people, right

Need to arrest Trump, then turn yourself in..IdiotInChief

Just like they go after other 'fraudsters' that abound throughout the country. Smells of complete bullshit. More like a photo-op like most government efforts. Meanwhile, so-called legitimate business gouges consumers everyday. They are the privileged 'government sanctioned.'

Yes, and I bet the respirators are NOT going to a local hospital. Most armed Feds have been taking them and doing their OWN hoarding in D.C.

How about hijackers of PPE?

Are you going after trump who wants people to take a deadly drug and Clorox?

What about the Feds Seizing N95 Masks that were on the way to Miami First Responders that are trying to provide home testing!! TheJusticeDept npr cbs

I have a tip for TheJusticeDept that I watched lived from the White House: It is a video of realDonaldTrump talking about possibly injecting disinfectants into your body. Pretty dangerous. We saw what he said about hydroxychloroquine, and the result of that. DO YOUR JOB

will doj go after president and members of administration when they hawk or advertise quack remedies and dangerous untested cures?

What about going after Trump’s suggestion of injecting Lysol ?

Are they going after Trump then?

But aren’t all the fraudsters in GOP ?

Git 'em!

Is he listening to his own “fearless leader-king” ?

We need a form to fill out to report some of these people. Just yesterday I saw a woman trying to sell $80 juice that cleanses you of COVID and the request for a 20 person “clinical” trial into chlorine dioxide cures. And this was before Trump’s briefing.

All of the sudden capitalism is a bad thing?

Start with the president and Fox!

and yet the world’s most destructive fraudsters are allowed to go free: the news media.

Going after fraudsters promoting “miracle cures”? Hmmm...

Are they going after the biggest snake oil salesman currently residing rent free at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?

So why doesn't Barr go after the number one huckster, Donald?

Ha, oh really ? How ironic.

Get the fraudster that is on TV every day with a cure! Barr, he is right next to you!

Folks promoting ultra violet light?

I wonder if this will expand their abilities to go after legit purchasing groups and steal their supplies like they’ve done to States and hospitals?

Million respirators? Huh?

Trump’s Hydroxychloroquine gets a pass.

Does that include trump who is suggesting injections of disinfectant to treat coronavirus? DrTrumpkinstein

But yet they let the biggest fraudster spew beyond the scope of all those othets put together. Nasty

Public enemy 1 realDonaldTrump

Does that include those who put forward in light and disinfectant injections as a cure?

The call is coming from inside the house

How about go after the idiot in the WH, hawking disinfectants and ultraviolet light being injected or 'in some other way'. C'mon

Please look into the dude that has been doing two hour daily fake news in the White House.

Start with trump.

Start at the top with Barr's boss.

Does this mean they are going after the president for peddling this garbage?

Donald Trump should be added to this list.

How come they have not gone after Trump for medical quackery?

Trump then should be arrested

So you’re going after Trump, the Snakeoil Salesman in Chief?

TDS is alive and well on this thread.

The call is coming from inside the house

Um so did JD see the Trump press conference yesterday? Not sure but I think he did exactly what this report is all about.

Shouldn’t they go after Trump for promoting a deadly anti malaria drug that kills.

Ah, capitalism. How is that “whatever the market demands” and “We need less regulation!” thing working out in a crisis? This is a great example of why we need a strong government to regulate. If only we could take this GOP administration seriously.

Uh, is going after Jarred for hijacking states’ supplies?

If this is case he should go after realDonaldTrump for withholding federal stockpile to NYC and for recommending hydroxychloroquine and now disinfectant wackjob

Does this mean he will go after Trump who just suggested people should be injected with disinfectant?

In that case shouldn’t they go after trump? TrumpPressConference TrumpIsAnIdiot TrumpDrinksclorox

That’s yr president

Go to the 1600 Pennsylvania ave. Washington dc

What about the guy pushing ultraviolet light and ingesting disinfectant as a cure.

Absolutely! Make sure to go after the fraudster spreading misinformation about ingesting harmful chemicals

Will they be arresting Trump?

How about that guy telling us to ingest and inject disinfectant? Go after him first...

'miracle cure fraudsters'. As in the guy at the podium peddling disinfectant injections and '1000 points of light' into the body with the giant ray beam found at most hospitals already?

Was it Trump?

So, are they going after Trump and FauxNews hosts? The’ve got PhD’s in selling BS.

Well then, maybe they should go after Trump for telling people to inject Lysol and stick a light in a body cavity!

Call me when it's time for the prep walk. Otherwise it's just nlah, blah, blah

Who wants to tell them?

Can they go after the fraudster trying to sell disinfectant injections and light bulb enemas?

Better go after the President again

richwarrior He should direct the DOJ to look into the blatant commandeering of PPEs by the Administration of which he is a part. Thievery is a crime no matter who the perpetrator.

Go after first the pandemic fraudster residing in the white house, easy to spot guy, he drools a lot and has thumbs like a child typing away on a phone.

And the president’s suggestion to inject disinfectants?

Speaking of fraudsters.....Mister Secretary....please start examining your boss.

Then trump should be in cuffs by this afternoon.

Go after trump.

So will they go after trump for telling people to ingest household cleaners? It’s fraud right?🤷🏽‍♀️

The biggest fraudster peddling dangerous miracle cures like disinfectants, heat & light etc. & exploiting the public is Trump and his main enabler is Barr. If we get these two criminals thrown into prison the nation can actually manage the COVID crisis better with fewer deaths.

I would be absolutely amazed if Bill, “I never met a Trump lie I didn’t love”, does anything honest and true. I mean, why start now with only 200 or so days left in the job😎

They should go after POTUS!

Pandemic fraudsters? They should start with the president.

Why didn't they go after the person that raised the price of insulin ? are 34.2 million people in the USA not worth it? epipen? Humira? Hundreds of other drugs that constitute price gouging ?

Oh the irony!! Now everyone he prosecutes for touting fraudulent COVID-19 cures will just point to the President's claims & say they've been unfairly singled out!

say it together everyone: do insulin manufacturers next

What about the huckster peddling Hydrochloroquine, disinfectant injections and, dosing people with concentrations of u.v. radiation?

So they are going after POTUS now?

And what of the president

Hey Barr, the call is coming from inside the house asshole.

It’s going to be awkward when they have to cuff both Trump and Kush and walk them out for the cameras.

Start with the fooking White House

how about the guy who pushed a malaria drug that could cause terrible side effects or suggested injecting disinfectant into your body?

On a serious note, I keep seeing all these 'work from home' scams pop up on my feed...

Tip: Look to the White House regarding miracle cures....

Well that is refreshing news. But what if the trail leads to someone like Kushner? Will the DOJ still pursue it?

Is he investigating the government itself for outbidding the governors for PPE? CoronavirusPandemic

Sooooo when are they coming to take trump away? I prefer he gets dragged off in a straight jacket but whichever way they decide to haul him off will be fine.

What about the con man in the WH?

So they will be picking up trump momentarily?

I thought these folks were all about the free market? Supply/ demand type stuff 🧐

Starting with the president

Can it please go after our fraudster president?

He should start with the fraudster-in-chief. First, 45 radicalized supremacist to go shoot people, he has encouraged people to break quarantine & expose them (and everyone else around) to a virus, and now, he is advocating using chemicals inside the body to “clean” it.

Um, have they looked into the oval office yet?

Maybe the “justice” department should turn it’s focus towards the Trump/Pence/McConnell/Mnuchin/Kushner/Kudlow clans & their ties/shadow investments/holdings with manufacturers/distributors of PPE equipment, both in China&USA. followthemoney covid19corruption pressfreedom

So is the govt charging people who claim a fake cure on national television for covid19, like let's say someone who claims hydroxychloroquine is a cure to covid19?

What about the CRIMINALS disguised as public servants who profited by insider knowledge ARREST and PROSECUTE them and TAKE AWAY their entitlements!!!

Well, Barr shld go after trump for promoting injecting Lysol!

hint to the fraudsters : out the pres’ name on your brand and you are golden...

What about the orange dumpster who is advertising injecting disinfectant?

If they're going after fraudsters they should start with clorax Trump.

Better go after the Fraudster in Chief, CoronaDon DeathCzarDon

Oh so they are investigating themselves? WTF

They need to go after the fraudster in the White House.

When are they going to indict tRump?

Barr should go after Trump for suggesting that injection of disinfectants into the human body might be a cure.

I am glad AJ is going after law breaking individuals .

Would this include prosecution for the fella that suggested injecting disinfectants? 🤣🤣🤣

[insert video of Trump's latest proposed 'solution' here]

So why aren’t they prosecuting Trump?

The Mob is going after the competition.

Could the President be investigated? Does fraud necessarily have to have a direct monetary component? (Just kidding.)

They need to get the guvment too. Who's commandeering all the states PPE?

In the UK, people of all races are coming together in support of the NHS staff, including the Royals. Has America lost her ability to ignite national unity? Very sad if that is the case. We should want to pull together for the common good. We need a new leader to inspire us!

Finally being somewhat useful.

So why haven’t they arrested realDonaldTrump ?

So, are the going to arrest the orange poser?

Go after Trump for his fraudulent cures

Stockpiling 1 million respirators? Typo

But saying nothing to a president who just recommended injecting disinfectant to fight the disease on live television.

Does that list include realDonaldTrump b/c it absolutely should!!

Are they going after trump for telling people to ingest disinfects or nah?

Have they considered speaking with realDonaldTrump I mean it would be great to get that POS to stop pushing fake treatments.

This is good and one of the first good things I’ve heard or read about Mr. bar in a long time. Vote in 2020

Great, I saw some grotesque orange man with a combover on TV last night saying that we should inject Lysol into our bodies and shove ultraviolet rays in our butts. Can you arrest him?

Well will Barr be going after trump who is actively hawking false and dangerous “cures” daily ? TrumpLiesPeopleDie

What about Bleach & UV Light? Hydrochloriquine Maybe?

A liar going after fraudsters in the name of a shyster. There’s a song here....somewhere.

You mean themselves?!

They should step it up. Just yesterday, an insane lunatic with a large following suggested injecting disinfectant in our bodies to cure Covud19. The Justice Department should definitely file some charges against that maniac.

Somebody call Jared

So, here's a better list:

In that case Trump should be their number one target for promoting false treatments!

Will this list include Trump?

Uh, there’s a RICO investigation that needs to happen about an organization interdicting medical gear shipments and doling them out in a protection racket....

Well that’s a nice change.

if they are going after 'miracle' cures fraudsters, shouldn't they be going after Trump ?

How about going after Trump recommending dangerous “cures”? Oh, I forgot, we’re living in bizarro world.

They should look into that fraud on TV promoting injecting disinfectant!!

How about going after this fraudster.. realDonaldTrump

Ok but what about the snake oil salesman who suggested ingesting household disinfectants from his bully pulpit

If you really want to deliver justice to the American people, audit the hucksters in the political theatre , fraudulent corporations and the grifters who used this pandemic to gather cash from government “ stimulus” bills and manipulated stocks for their own selfish gain.

Then they ought to start with arresting the president, as he is pushing fraudulent cures, among other unproven treatments.

Shouldn’t he be opening an investigation into Trump’s medical advice chicanery at this point?

Are they gonna go after Donald Trump for the disinfectant/hydroxychloroquine misinformation coming out of his mouth? “I’m not a doctor but here’s a cure” is not a viable disclaimer.

While you’re at it, take a look at your boss and his hydroxychloroquine nonsense and most recently his whole kill it from the inside by drinking bleach scam.

The irony is not lost on me.

Go Barr!

As for fraud, should you not be looking at IMPOTUS and all you cronies?! Think so. Shame!

Wait a minute. If they're 'aggressively going after pandemic fraudsters, including the 'miracle' cures surfacing on social media', does that mean they're going after Trump? Let's examine his tax returns and see if he's declared income from Lysol.

Shouldn’t the DOJ go after Trump too? 🤔

When is it price gouging and when is it capitalism?

Are they going after Trump then with his 'miracle cures'?


Cool, good. Now turn around, Mr. Barr, and place the president in handcuffs, too.

Does that mean they will arrest Donny for peddling snake oil?!

Start with potus!

Look no farther than Donald J. Trump and his sidekick Kushner.

Cool, cool, cool. So, they're locking up the orange dumbshit, post haste, right?

The Justice Department can go after Trump for his snake oil hydroxycloriquine remedy.

Start with the quack medical practitioner in the white house?

Then they should be going after Trump. disinfectants?

How about the price gouging going on at hospitals? Went for a heart ultrasound (didn’t even need an approval from insurance) 2 weeks ago ordered by pc now recd bill $4500 WTF now I can’t afford to go to the heart dr and I’m now financial ruin

It’s going after Trump then

You need to correct your reporting. Barr is cracking down on fraudsters and price-gougers who don't donate to Trump. There are plenty businesses and people getting rich off this with the governments support.

Going after Pandemic fraudsters!! Then realDonaldTrump should be on that list for sure. DisinfectantDonnie

like a huckster president selling a 'disinfectant inside the body' cure for Covid-19 virus on national television.

Guess Trump doesn't like the competition.

Going after purveyors of miracles cures, huh? The jokes just write themselves these days.

Then they should start with trump.

They should add Trump to the list. He’s peddling disinfectant and non proven drugs

How about the feds who are stealing supplies from the states and hospitals?

Does that include injecting chemicals?

so...Trump is going to jail for all these fake cures he's hawking on tv?

So, I’m guessing Trump is already in prison then?

What about Trump?

The FRAUD is the president!!!!!

I thought to GOP was all for Free Market economy? Oh, only if it pads their pockets? corruptGOP VoteThemAllOut2020

What about the Clinton’s? Podesta? Mueller? Lynch? Hollywood?

Wait! What? We still have a Justice Department?

Isn't that capitalism, though?

Somebody needs to aggressively go after Barr. He’s a cancer on our government.

Will they go after realDonaldTrump too?

Who’s going after Trump for his lies, hypocrisy, and misleading (at best) or actively destructive comments and behavior?

I hope they don’t forget to go after the religious leaders who claim that they have a cure.

What about the federal mobs hijacking the states' shipments of supplies?

There is a blonde haired huxster who said you can inject disinfectant to cure it on national TV. Is there a hotline to report this?

What about the quack in the Oval Office?


They need to look in the Oval Office

Ffs, his boss is 1 on this list.

So when do they go after the guy who suggested having bleach for breakfast 😒

Shouldn't have to go far

White House first, Bozo.

Wait till you hear about this one guy...he said people should use the Lupus drug depite no evidence and then, this was just batshit crazy, now he is saying to inject disinfectant...his details are: OrangeNero at RomeisBurning, Washington DC

Start with the guy who said to inject disinfectant idk 😐

Disinfectant injections will be fine. Can’t embarrass Dear Leader

To distract from their own crimes. How bout you arrest the man who suggested drinking bleach?

Will they be going after fraudster Trump and his miracle cures?

This is rich.

Like: hydroxychloroquinine, led suppositories, disinfectant IV’s? Did I miss anything?

Maybe go after POTUS for suggesting that injections of disinfectant 'sounds interesting' ... Barr is just another sycophant.

There is a guy hawking drinking cleaning products and using sunlight on TV.

How about invoking the 25th Amendment for what our leader, who is “smarter than anybody” has suggested. Injecting Clorox and Lysol into your body to kill Covid19!!! It’s time for him to go!

That pussy bar should go after trump for talking about disinfectant will kill the coronavirus on live t.v. I am sure some of his followers will try it))

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