Gender-neutral passports bid goes to appeal court

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Court of Appeal to hear bid for gender-neutral passports

A campaigner who wants the government to provide gender-neutral passports will have their case heard at the Court of Appeal later.

Speaking ahead of Tuesday's legal action, they said:"Legitimate identity is a fundamental human right but non-gendered people are treated as though we have no rights.


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Already in Iceland....

I feel sorry for the world and what it's becoming apparently feelings hold more power than hard facts. I feel I'm the best looking man alive.i go to court so this can be added to the history books and force everyone to say that I am just wouldn't happen but that is how I feel 😂

This is how you feel which means nothing to others perspective as it factual whether you are male or female there isn't proof of other genders so stop with your attention seeking bs. There are more important things in the world than your supposed gender.

What a waste of money!!!

Yeah whatever! And then try to get into Saudi Arabia or Iran with that passport. Just leave it be. You are what you are not what you want.

Stop this madness

Is the pic of a woman pretending to be a man, or a man pretending to be a woman? What do I call it?

Oh for fucks sake!

Hahaha retards

You don't own your passport, it belongs to your country and can be taken off you as and when they please....just remove the gender then if you makes people feel better.....but don't add stuff...


Stop this utter folly. It is a by product of an over indulged and narcissistic society.

proof there are aliens from outer space !

Sure, allow gender neutral passports. They should also come with a one way bus ticket straight to the looney bin.

Who funds this bullshit

Sick freaks

courtneyjadelev is that Voldemort or na

FactsMatter Naturematter

They should just ask for sex not gender. Problem solved

Oh ffs.... if you have a penis you are male... a hole then female... that's just it... you can identify however you please... but there are only two genders. Gender is not like an outfit you wear to suit a situation..

If someone wants to be gender neutral then that’s okay with me. Each to their own. But when they try forcing what they want onto me then they can fuck off. I am male. I am man. I am Mr. and proud of it and I want my passport to identify me as such.

Have a day off for once. Never heard so much bollocks in all my life.

Is this some kind of joke......more money wasted on useless rubbish

Imagine you went to turkey for an all inc with a gender neutral passport. 😂😂 First evening meal would be you.

Very easy, what ever you had betweenn your legs at birth when you mother pushed you out that's what you are. However, there are only two sex according to the Bible. God made male and female. This is why we either born a pink girl or a blue boy. Got it! Confused fuck!

We need to put the lunatics back in the asylum

Other countries will not accept American passports if this keeps up!

If you have an X in your passport, do not complain if Immigration checks at the border take longer.

There’s so much going on in the world that needs attention and all this goes is just waste peoples time




There should be passports for all animals too , they are no different AnimalsInHumanSkin

ENVIRONMENTAL and recycling plant management needs innocent people like this to be encouraged to find their helping positions that's what passports are for. but too much information might cause problems ;ENVIRONMENTAL compassion should be streamlined,not embarrassed or disrespect

WTF! Take a stand and decide what you are.

My passport already is gender neutral. It specifies what sex I am, but makes no mention of gender.

Are you sure he's still alive? Someone call the undertaker

Oh feck off

Call me old fashioned but I thought Passports are issued to Male or Female human beings.

How can this farce continue in a modern society ..... emperors new cloths

Mother nature made all mammals a 2 gender species. It's not about what some people think they are. It's about what they actually are. They are either male or female. There is no other gender. This is another road to hell paved with good intentions.

I dare not look at the bro tweets beliw this thread. I'm not sure if Gender Neutral is a great term. People should be free to be whoever & whatever, they wish to be. Why would anyone want to stop this positive act of freedom unless their own sexuality is challenged by it all?

Fucking Voldemort at it again...


This is costing so much money when it’s so simple, you are a male or you are a female 🤣

gone beyond ridiculous

When you think this country couldn't look anymore stupid than we do already !!!


Did you just assume my nationality?

Your either born Female, or Male... One of the two, you can pretend to be the other if you want to, enjoy! But it's getting very silly now, What's the problem with being a Gender? Can't label me with a Gender! No but we can put a tag on you that would read 'weirdo'..

Stop the world its time to get off... 🙄

Can I change my race? I'm embarrassed to be white.

Why not have DNA passports would be happy with that Or taking someone's DNA is their human rights I some times could not tell the boys from girls in the eighty (boy George and others )

FFS no ! get a grip GN is not a thing it’s just stupid people looking for a label, you were born or live as a gender, GROW UP !

That freak can do one.

Ever thought the UK is collectively losing its mind with declining moral values, insane political correctness, the agenda of our Media, Government, Police, Judicial System and our Universities. The attached explains what is happening to western culture.

This concept of gender neutrality has no place on a legal document. A passport and birth certificate are important for monitoring movement of humans. The gender identity self ID garbage is not for legal documents as it's in someone's head and they might change their mind!

Oh for god's sake you are born either a male or female, your 'feelings' do not need to apply for everything.

Oh and have a Key at the bottom saying Male = XY Chromosome present then it’s fixed

This the thing inside Daleks Davros

Sorry but you are either one thing or the other or am I missing something!

What has become of us!

you are one or the other and passports are issued as such.

Please tell me what that is😂


That mf is voldermorts clone he should be on a list not a passport

Socialists... 'Gender neutral blah blah blah' Society:

There's no such thing as gender neutral.

Well if i'm perfectly honest i can't tell if the Person in the Picture is Male of Female.. so maybe they have a point.

God give me strength

What's the point of putting someone's sex on a passport anyway? I've had my pockets patted down, and my suitcase opened, but nobody at airport security has ever asked to see my bollocks.

Why not. If a man can pass security as a woman in a burqa, why have identification at all. Instead walk around with a barcode printed on our foreheads

Let them give us a term and physical attributes that can help us identify them at birth and we give them birth certificates with gender neutral terms right away. Meanwhile leave males and females alone.

We know the physical attributes of males and females. Let the gender neutral people tell us the unique physical characteristics that makes them neutral.

Rubbish. No one was born gender neutral. Let me get off this planet


Only those born hermaphrodite have a ‘right’ to the term gender neutral


You can call yourself what you want, alas you are either male or female fact, it’s a genetic thing

Oh for fuck sake

Male or female simple

How you feel about yourself doesn’t concern me, but the moment you expect me to play along with your fantasy world, I’ll have to smack you in the face to wake you up

Well that concludes that the world is already a shitshow


Your a man or a woman, anything in between that you don’t get hit enough as a child!! Attention seeking little weirdos!!!

Get a fucking grip 😂😂😂

People need to be known for their achievements not their sexual preference


If you want to be called a spoon then you can call yourself a spoon. But don't expect others to call you a spoon. There are two genders in science and then variables of the two. Gender-neutral is not a thing and I will not be forced to accept fals facts!

What a waste of everyone’s time

Can’t believe it!

Ok then, just make the question as ‘gender at time of birth?’ .... sorted !

If this step makes people who are gender neutral happy about their identity being acknowledged and respected, does this really matter today? We appear to have moved away from the simple idea of men and women only and have people born in-between. its about respecting them surely?

Gender neutral ! If you have a dangly bit down below you’re gender is male if however you have two semi dangling lumps up top you’re gender is female if you think your different you got mental health problems


Some of these replies amuse me a lot, you'd think that having a third gender option on passports effects people who don't identify that way. You would still be able to mark 'male' or 'female', nobody is stopping you. People outraged simply to be outraged, get over it.

It's getting ridiculous 😠


Doctor Evil has lost weight!

Its nothing to do with gender. It's the rise of the 'look at me' generation. People like this crave attention. They post a pic on social media and need someone to like it for attention.

This country is of its pickle 🤯🤯🤯🤯

I want alien as an option as I identify as et. You would have been locked away not so many years ago. The world has gone soft

Oh good grief. Make your mind up and get on with living your life.

'X passports are crucial to the protection of the human rights of this group of individuals.' Go for it. Just see how much it restricts travel to some less tolerant countries.

Utterly pointless! noun. either the male or female division of a species. How you feel as an individual is a different thing, that’s an opinion not a biological fact

Passport only refers to sex though doesn't it 🤔


Don't bend the knee to the crazy and a small minority, what the populous wants

Time for primary legislation to set the limits on this trend we cannot allow a tiny proportion of our population to be pandered to if it results in conflicting with majority values and in areas like women’s sport makes a mockery of competition.

Aren’t there more important things to do other than addressing how they feel who they are , it’s all genetically/ biological made up male or female - chose !!

Why does it matter? Live and let live, as long as they're not hurting others why it bothers some people baffles me. The world changes, we don't use the language we did in the 70s and 80s, in my opinion that's a good thing. We evolve into a more tolerant society with each decade

Good luck flying to Dubai with that

Picture looks like they who should not be named.

People who feel the need for this should have 'head-banger' on their passport too!

Let’s see how that works in say Saudi Arabia, or Syria for instance!

Could be consequences using that passport in certain countries

Thought this must be a wind up.

Why do we have to state our gender at all? How is it relevant to right of entry to any country?

Jesus Christ.

Fuck sake have a day off you lot

On a passport the word gender is used which donates which sex male or female. But a minority have taken its meaning to b something else just like other words which r used to reflect different meaning. The passport is legally worded for type of sex- end of!

I'm going to be a penguin on my passport!

Absolutely ridiculous

What a load of rubbish and waste of time and money

Can’t we just remove it altogether from a passport thereby removing the issue altogether. I’ve never had to get my d**k out when boarding a flight to prove who I am!


Fuck me the world's going mad the vegan gender yrs woman fighting for all the rights what next Corbyn as prime minister can we all just go back to be normal

I dont want my family using public changing rooms or a lavatory with the thought of a 'gender neutral', random, male or female sharing free access just because they want the option of both.

The Passport doesn't ask what gender you identify as, only which sex you are. Gender and Sex are two different things...

World gone mad

Make it stop

This is a case of making mental illness a gender. I dont care who someone sleeps with but unless you're Ken and Barbie's love child you have a set of genitals when you're born and that is your gender.

What about penguins?

How fucking ridiculous 🙈

No such thing as gender neutral you are what you are you are one or the other you can call yourself a teapot doesnt change the fact male or female

wouldn't it be more proportionate to just clarify that M/F on a passport is only a biometric marker like fingerprints/retinal patterns, just presence/absence of a Y chromosome in DNA - not a record of gender, which is different, immeasurable & therefore irrelevant to passports.

Man woman “other” or rather not say? Ffs why ?

Absolute psychopath

News article after news article to prove how messed up this country is...

I hope he/she/it is paying it’s own legal fees. What a waste of time and money. Smacks of ‘ooooh...everyone look at me, I’m so unique’.

Oh my god what is this world coming to 🤬

Is this the tail wagging the dog yet again, people imposing there views on all of us. It's there view of themselves that's all

Sorry but it’s a very sick society that we live in today! You’re either born male or female.... NO in between 😡 if it’s a problem, then maybe it’s “YOU “ getalife !🙄


Simply a waste of tax payers money. You might want to claim to be a member of the opposite sex but you cant ignore biology or you genetic identity, the alphabet people have become like a screaming child the more you bend the knee the louder they scream for the next bizarre thing.

The Story is about UK passports,the BBC show two EU passports..🤔



Duck off with your gender neutral shite, you’re a man or a woman, boy or girl. If you want to call yourself something else , please do it, but don’t involve those of us who don’t give a shit and stop using my money to fight cases in courts!

Sure to make the strip search at border control highly entertaining

Nobody cares how you feel or think and never ever will. Stop trying to make them.

Who searches them at airports?

Last time I looked on official forms it either stated Sex or M /F, call yourself what ever you want, but you still fall in to one of those 2 categories, you are either Male with a Penis, or Female with a Vaginal, that is how the human biology works

Male or Female. If anyone thinks that they are anything else then it's time to seek professional help.


I hope they win for all those who identify as binary, non binary, non gender, tri-star, gender fluid, self absorbed, multianus, the attention seekers and most importantly the clinically insane. Stunning and brave.

Gender neutrality only extending, of course, to the doors of womens lavatories.

2 genders, many nut jobs

This'll just about some it up.

Waste of time


So many snowflakes in these replies saying it's the end of the world because some people don't want to say they're a man or a woman. Serious question: how does it affect you in any way?

In science ur male or female regardless how u change urself it’s all going a little far

This is not news..... this is some bullshit!!!!

Absolute nonsense


Wheres dr strange?


I'm going to get one for my FRIDGE

Whatever sex you were born with, the sex you biologically are, is what needs to go on official documents. If gender is fluid then there's no point in having it on documentation anyway. But your sex is actually important for medical reasons and such.


When a gender neutral is suspected of smuggling who searches them. Next step will be a breach of human rights if searched by a Male or female.

The trouble with playing the “rights” card is that ultimately, the rights of one individual always conflict with the rights of another. Be whoever you want to be, but respect that we are all bound by what ought to be sensible law and order.

What utter nonsense ffs . Do not pay the TV licence. You're either a man or a woman. Fact.,

What a waste of time and resources, why do we give these attention seeking snowflakes a platform. Me and my genderneutral cat are sick of it!

If it is allowed by the court. I suspect many countries will prevent people from entering as their gender won't match who they are.

Cool. Maybe just make it so you don’t have to declare sex at all. It’s not needed. It’s irrelevant to anything but reproduction. Why do people insist we must be labelled and recognised as one or the other? Because they fear losing their own fragile identity.

Try getting into an Islamic country with that !

Application form asks for gender, passport page says sex. Gender is how you identify yourself ... sex is about your biology. Terminology is wrong on one or the other.

Society has had it

Are the Courts going to alter Birth Certificates next? I’m sick of all this! Want to talk rights? What about the rights of the parents who brought a beautiful life into this world, only to have their baby grow up to be so misguided as to not want to be natural anymore.

Believe me you are not gender neutral you are either male or female.... whatever is in your head is not the truth

That’s great but what happens if someone with a gender neutral passport then wants to go to Iran or Russia , or somewhere else where it is not accepted ?

Omggggg you dint have your gender on your passport ffs, you have your SEX. They are not the same thing. This is stupid

Seriously 🤔🤔🤔🤔

No, No, No - this is ridiculous. There are two genders, Male and Female. That's it - anything else are merely artificial inventions. Stop this PC madness now - sanity must and will prevail.

I didn’t know passports had a gender 🤷‍♀️

Who funds this? Just asking as a tax payer.

Had enough of all this crap now

It's a little paper book. Isn't it already neutral?!

What's to stop everyone putting an 'X' gender on their passport application ? 🤔

A vast amount of countries, will not recognize this type passport.

My god, I’ve just had my breakfast to. 🤮

What a load of cobblers. People with too much time on their hands!

Ridiculous, absolutely ******* ridiculous. More wasted money and a waste of either the male or female (cos it can only be one or the other) judges time.

Surely it’s easier just to change the passport to sex rather than gender then these people can’t find things to moan about

The world has gone mad


More money wasted for what?

Call yourself whatever you like, but you will in fact be male or female. It's a simple matter of biology. Just look in your pants for confirmation.

Who is paying for all this? Please tell me they have a rich sponsor and it's not on legal aid

Oh dear god!!!!!

What a waste of tax payers money !!! FFS

History tells us that if we let a small minority run the agenda for the majority bad things will happen. It’s a valid point of view but it’s not a sensible practical outcome. Time to stop wasting other people’s time and money.

Unless it’s acceptable to every country on the planet it’s simply worthless.


Surely having genetalia defines what gender you are? The world we live in is finished.

I bet that won’t be a pain for security organisations.



piersmorgan thoughts?

This is their own opinion of gender, when we are born we are either male or female, what people do with that is a private affair but passports should show male or female

I identify as an airline pilot. Unfortunately though I cannot fly one due to my lack of qualifications. discrimination bullshit

What about the security risks? A man could pose a a women (am I allowed to say that?) Or vice versa . Imagine the queues, as passport control try to work out if they're male or female.

As born gender should be used on passports, only Male or female, any selection you believe you are when you grew up shouldn't be considered. Otherwise It will open the door to all kind of crazy shit that will kill the purpose of the passports.

Who’s paying for this court case?

No, this undermines the purpose of passports which is primarily to identify people and prevent illegal activity. These documents should not be co-opted or compromised to pander to mental health anomalies affecting only a extremely tiny proportion of the population.

Utter rubbish. People might not FEEL like a gender, but genetics will reveal they are a male or female. We need to stop this crazy confusion between science and mental illness.

Utterly ridiculous! Why’s it even going to the High Court?!

Society has gone mad, can’t we just return to 👦 or 👧🤔

Biologically one is either Male or Female determined by which reproductive organs are present. Mentally one can identify as whichever gender they choose, the passport however refers to Biological gender.

As soon as someone travels to Dubai, Saudi Arabia or Russia with a gender neutral passport they will be arrested.

Call yourself whatever you want to LBGT ++++ most of us don’t care but genetically everyone is one of only two genders....Male or Female.

People are born either male or female. The passport should show that information only ! It does not matter how much of a twisted numpty you choose to be when an adult !

Referendums are needed on these issues. Weird minorities are turning this country into the Freak Show. The majority are not getting any say.

Apparently many conservatives expect people to be dishonest in official documents. At least 1,7% of newborn babies are intersexual, they are not female or male. Yes, they are a minority - like people with green eyes or with red hair…

Gender neutral what a load of attention seeking bullshit.

They'll be asking us to slap are tackle on the checkin desk next!

Is it a shim?

2 genders....male and female. That's that and all about it!

If the appeal succeeds, I’d imagine this person walking out of court and saying in a Diabolical laugh that passports will now have ‘1 MILLION GENDERS’

What rubbish we are male or female ! Stop this nonsense 😡🤬🇬🇧

Regardless of someone's subjective opinion of themselves, nobody is actually gender neutral.

Just why, this is daft and a waste of tax money.


Wouldn't this have to be accepted globally?

They would deny their very humanity if possible. Demanding respect for a mental disorder - I think not.

If there was a big enough consensus for it fine, but we shouldn't live in a world where one person can demand change to suit them. 'non-gendered people are treated as though we have no rights' Really? Maybe they should speak to people who genuinely have no rights.

Your either male or female End of What’s up with these weird minorities Hope the judge throws it out

Sex : 1. Male 2. Female 3. Neutral . Simples x only needs a tick box on the form x no extra expense required x

So theres a plane crash and the plane is burnt out, how do they identify the gender neutral ones?


It's rather simple. Remove the term 'gender' and replace with 'sex'.

Genuine question, what’s wrong with being a really effeminate male or a really masculine female ? I know this is a bit of generalisation but if society excepted everyone as they are why the need for any thing different than male or female ? ♥️

I worder if they're undecided on Brexit as well !😂

Isn't it sex that is recorded on a passport? Biologocal sex is relevant, gender identity is not.

Male and female. End of.

Who conducts a search of a gender neutral person?

bloody insanity. If you don't know what you are maybe it's good you don't travel spreading your confused genes

This surely has to stop!!! Whay if an individual goes to france 1 day neutral and wants to come backs a female? Security!!!! Sorry this should not be allowed!!!

Aren't they currently gender neutral?

What if someone identifies as a Panda?

You have to prove your ID to get the passport, what difference does it make whether it says male, female or whatever gender you define as.

If it’s a one way ticket

Surely the welfare of the planet is more important

Some people are just not proud of who they were born to be.

The passport data refers to the bit which involves biological sex; not feelings and self identity.

This is madness

Tosh. There are ONLY 2 options: male/female. Even a sex change is male/female, not 'transgender'. From now on I wish to identify as dust. That way I can linger about, irritate people, cause issues - make sure I'm the centre of attention. And I want a Dust Memorial Day!

I'm Mavis the powerbuall single ticket jackpot lottery winner in Massachusetts.. I'm the lottery winner of $758 million.... giving back to people, this is too much money for me I'm helping those who needs. 💕💕💕👏

There is gender and there is biological sex... I believe the passport declares the latter.

Ffs we go again!

There has to be a line somewhere... is there a line? Can't we respect people and not be totally off our rockers at the same time?

Hope you win

Nope. Too far. We don't always like the rules but if we want to go play in a different country we follow them.

Is that Tilda Swinton?

If you don't know who you are, then we don't know either. Therefore, NO BLOODY PASSPORT.

It doesn't matter what u feel pal if your born with a dick u is male if u born with a vagina u is female. If u don't think u are one of the only 2 gender types that's fine but u can't change the facts

Absolutely stupid...stop the pandering & cowering ....there are two sexes..male & female are what you were born ..until such time as you change it ..then you may be the opposite..the passport says male or female..everyone is one or the other.dont give in to these snowflakes

We need to stop the tail wagging the dog

What if a gender neutral passport is not recognized at the gate of entry to somewhere other than the UK? That person may be refused entry.

Through the natural wonder of human life we are born male or female. What one does later in life is up to that individual but the vast majority of people eligible to hold a passport are either male or female. Gender-neutral on a passport? Ridiculous. All to appease the PC brigade

This is ridiculous now!! Everyone is born with a gender. If you choose not to embrace your gender, that's your problem not the world's. Stop the shite now!

my god this freak show really has to stop there are only 2 genders the rest are made up to pacify the few and annoy the many


So what will the receiving state think? LGBT folk were taking the piss now this. I am gay btw just don't include me in the 'community'rhetoric. This pronoun carry on 😂😂 jog on.

If I tested you’re blood! What would it say?

Oh do feck off


We dont need genders for passports. They dont have genetalia.


What a load of bollocks

In the U.K. we recently had a case where a man jailed for rape , identified as a woman so he was sent to a women’s prison ( complete with penis) sexually assaulted a female prisoner and now that victim is suing the prison service. Let’s keep things simple shall we.

Cough, chromosomes, cough.

People are so scared of being politically correct and not offending anyone, and this is the result! Getting out of hand now

Jesus Christ. It’s all out of control now. Get a grip people. 🙄

Great stop the spread of stupidity because numerous countries will not accept them!

Why are the courts giving these idiots time of day. Whose interested, your either a male or female. There are far more important things in life than your self publicity.

Pfff...stay healthy please If men can deliver babies..ok then we think about it

Gender nowadays refers more to an individual's concept of themselves, which is all fine. Isn't it one's sex which is declared in a passport, which refers of course to an individual's physical/ biological/ genetic differences, which can't be defined by one's concept of themselves.

Freak show

A passport is a legal form of identification, how would it work if it doesn’t identify gender. This insanity has to stop

A passport is a form of identification to verify who and yes, what you are. It is not for your benefit, it is for the country that you want to get into and everyone else’s benefit, not your own.

The UK allowing gender neutral passports is one thing. A country you’re wishing to travel to, allowing you in, is another.

How completely insane! What on earth is the point?

If they don't want to declare a gender then they don't get a passport - simples!

!London attacker!! Just gunna leave this here? Thought he was dead? Whys he getting up?. Why yall liying?.. Think its time for a UK Q...

Why do we keep pandering to these weird minorities.

What if someone purposely says they're gender neutral to avoid detection for some reason though? Mainly I don't think it'd be abused, but what if people do abuse it?

Hope They both pay income tax and national insurance

No gender, no travel

There are only 2 genders, male and female. The rest is a mental illness Issue passports saying Mentally Ill

Insanity to the extreme

Hell NO. We are boys and girls.

I think their passports should be stamped 'confused'

Boy look like golem

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