Julia Roberts was sought to play Harriet Tubman in biopic

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The screenwriter of the long-gestating 'Harriet' says a studio executive wanted Roberts, a white woman, to play the black civil rights pioneer.

A studio executive once floated the idea of Julia Roberts playing black civil rights pioneer Harriet Tubman in a biopic, the screenwriter of the new movieGregory Allen Howard, whose long-gestating script was first"set up at Disney 26 years ago," recalled one hearing about studio executive's enthusiastic response in an interview with the Focus Features website, but added:"I was told how one studio head said in a meeting, 'This script is fantastic.

Howard said that when other people brought up race, the executive responded:"It was so long ago. No one is going to know the difference." was eventually made last year, with British actress Cynthia Erivo cast as Tubman in early 2017. The film, directed by Kasi Lemmons and also starring Leslie Odom Jr. and Janelle Monae, was released in the U.S. earlier this year.Howard's quote about Roberts went viral on Tuesday night as many Twitter users criticized and mocked the insensitive casting suggestion.

If you’re chasing a Hollywood dream and feel doubtful you’ll ever make it, remember there are executives getting paid shit loads of money to suggest JULIA ROBERTS should play Harriet Tubman. A jar of cockroaches is more qualified than some of these people so DON’T GIVE UP.


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