Kavanaugh's accuser accepts request to speak to Judiciary Committee next week, lawyers say

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JUST IN: Christine Blasey Ford's lawyers say she will speak to a Senate panel about her sexual assault allegation against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, but that details still need to be worked out


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Democrats hate the constitution and the rule of law. Democrats hid behind the constitution and the rule of law, but saying it does not count for conservatives. The point is not the confirmation of Kavanaugh, the point is Democrats want lawlessness and corruption in America.

Very sad.

Men should man up? You wouldnt even be using a light bulb, know about democray or voting, driving a car, flying a plane, using a phone or have a roof over your head if it wasnt for a man and most specifically a white man.

I never heard of Mazie Henrino and now she is an expert on what other people think, what they will do, and what they have done even though they deny it. She should be on The Supreme Court herself, with her infinite wisdom sarcasm

This is insane.

Does this women hate men ? She sure sounds like it!

A democrat ploy to destroy one of our Patriots.

No. A confirmation hearing is not a courtroom. It's about his character, not his guilt or innocence.

did she steal SenWarren coat... our is that new uniform for morons?

You are saying he doesn’t think like you so his guilty. I think Kavanaugh is innocent and you should vote for him. I think that people should believe the truth.

This is total bullshit. The men of America should not be guilty until proven innocent!!! Thats why Trump will win again !!! 2020 !!!

Seems like she knows the future so he cannot be in the highest court in our land and the past she was there women don’t liewe won’t need and judge jury’s her and a few more can just sentence people or condemned them

No presumption. He is obviously guilty! Really yes he does. So let him prove himself.

Why in God's name did she wait 35 years to come forward? To me there's something not right about this.

The Left is bitter and hateful as always. This has nothing to do with lying Ford- it's all about not having a Constitutionalist on the Supreme Court. MAGA

He kept calendars of events all the way back to High School like some people keep diaries. Good for him.

Mazie, women like you, Dianne & Kirsten are harmful to victims of real assault asserting these now obviously bogus, pieces of slander & screaming your sexist and racist selective outrage for political gain. Shameful! Try to heal your soul, if you have one

He should have the same right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty but he doesn’t because he is a white man & because he’s not an extreme leftist wingnut! & because the “evidence” are a couple of barely recollected stories from people who were drunk!

No recollection, humm, too much booze or drugs?

this isn't criminal law Tapper. Wise up. Preponderance of evidence---based on the more convincing evidence and its probable truth or accuracy, and not on the amount of evidence. Ford has convincing evidence. No doubt in my mind, Kavanaugh a serial groper, just like his buddy

Two things 1. Bill Clinton. 2. Reproductive rights= is abortion a live baby. If abortion is ok why dont liberals call it what it is ?

Say what ?

Man, they aren't even trying to hide it anymore. They want to slow this thing down and hope they get enough Dems elected and impeach Trump! THIS crap is why he got elected!!!

Democrats, devious swamp lovers, dirty games, all above the Law, corruption plus, my God the Democrats have Sunk So Low, proceed with the Vote

Just IGNORE this, just HAVE the VOTE , it's a complete set up, it's unbelievable how corrupt AMERICANS IN THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY ARE

So umm hmmm.

Jake Tapper being oddly rational, not a trait I’ve come to expect lately from CNN

Justice Clarence Thomas Explains DemocRATS Metods.. (+Full Link: Kavanaugh DoNotCave KavanaughAccuser MAGA Trump KAG2018 Isaac4Trump Midterms

Yes, but you misunderstand the PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE PRINCIPLE/DOCTRINE - if jaketapper 's proposition is to hold, you couldn't prosecute anyone. A witness/accuser's evidence is DIRECT EVIDENCE

Who cares

MAGA Kavanaugh Trump ConfirmKavanaugh DoNotCave KavanaughAccuser Isaac4Trump

Thank You Jake Tapper.

She too sold her soul tothe devil

Answer: yes he is innocent until proven guilty. My prediction is his behavior has never changed, he has just switched his Modus Operandi

maziehirono Did you get elected by all the stoners on Waikiki Beach? So glad my congressmen represent our state better than you do, and act like actual statesmen! Are you trying to outdo crazy Maxine? SenatorTimScott TGowdySC LindseyGrahamSC

Go back to Hawaii and shut up. Uou are obviously trying to smear a perfect candidate for the Supreme court.

TheDemocrats are awful people in politics, They will say or do anything to push their agenda. SO UNAMERICAN!

Fear strikes out

I am sorry but madam senator has obviously Pre-judged the situation. She has no credible facts to base her conclusions and yet she speaks with conviction as if the accuser’s recollection is gospel truth...sorry for the analogy “gospel”, she probably does not believe in that too.

she is definitely sexist against men

Why does she get to make demands? Who gets to ask the questions. Who can be in their. Where it can be held? Yet cant remember nothing? Wow.

Kudos to dr. Ford she has shown Amazing Grace and strength during this bullshit and that's exactly what it is as a rape victim myself this is blame-the-victim all over again I hope people have grown since Anita Hill

Say it with me, slowly. Presumption of innocence does not apply. This isn’t a criminal case. Supreme court seats are a privilege, not a right.

Taking legalized, prior illegal, drugs will do that to you. Make you not remember shit you should be remembering.

That's why we have an investigation, let's find the truth.

Why isn’t keithellison and CoryBooker being investigated

She sounds like Kellyanne Conway , first say something nice , then accuse the accuser🙄

Hey, Jake 👀👀👀👀

pretty sad for a Senator to say this, this should be a warning to all Americans more so her constituents.

maziehirono we ALL have the right to due process! Put down your pitch fork. This should disturb everyone who has a son, a brother, a father, any male they care about.

How is this ignorant fanatic a Senator? She can't even bring herself to say he has basic constitutional rights.

Only an idiot would disagree with Jake's question?

Wow. jaketapper . You tried to help her but Hirono just made it very clear that this witch hunt is solely about stopping someone who opposes the liberal view. Kavanaugh is guilty of assault because he believes an unborn baby has the right to live. Take that in.

Good job should have hit her harder

Kavanaugh deserves due process, including a presumption of innocence. So does Dr. Ford, including: 1. Being entitled to call witnesses, as guaranteed by Senate Rule XXVI 2. An impartial investigation, which the FBI can conduct, but Grassley's partisan minions cannot.

this is real life do you believe anything someone tells you without being critical and using judgment?

If she had mass generalized any other group she would have had to resign . But since she only speaks hatred for men liberals celebrate her misandry

jonathanvswan This is not a criminal proceeding. Presumption of innocence is mechanism to place burden on prosecution.

Sotu Crazy yet again

Can we just start the civil war now?

HAY Hirono SHUT UP you don't tell our men Senators to SHUT UP she has now been noticed. Then all these witches go on this FAKE CNN that is owned by enemy's of the xountry with NO SOULS. Good Americans know what is going on and don't listen to fakes in news.


maziehirono Is this all you've got? You're kidding right? HAHAHA! Get ready for the circus Thursday, starring the ring leader maziehirono This stooge believe s Kav is guilty based on how he approaches his cases! LOL! Cannot...stop....laughing!

PaulERondeau A set up by Democrats of course they aren’t going to be fair.

kathybgcat This lady was just lie after lie, she kept studdering and mumbling Democratic BS Kavanaugh is at the top of the list for qualified Scotus picks on either side!

Ideologically desperate!!!

There are some bad Republican Congressmen but the overall stupidity of the Democrats is truly astounding. Guess I can put Hirono in the stupid HOF along with Auntie Maxine and Hank Johnson.


Democrats are evil tyrants.

I hate my country.

Good job Jake because you could be next. All men should find this very disturbing. Every mother and wife should also find this pathetic. They are scrambling to find a witness. Without that she has nothing. Her case (what case?) is falling apart.

Man, this is looking worse and worse for dems. No? Is it just my bias (because it could be)?

Wow a CNN reporter expressing logic and truth. Never say never I guess. As for Mazie, what a national embarrassment.

Hirono: “I am sexist and racist.”

All we need is a staffer male/female to make an accusation of sexual harassment from 15 yrs ago by HIRONO and that would qualify her for REMOVAL FROM THE SENATE! BE CAREFUL WHST YOU WISH FOR!

The senator is as crazy as Ford.

Hiring is a disgrace to the rule of law. Who the hell she think she is. All the so called witness do NOT back up Ford.

Guilty until proven innocent!

maziehirono has taken more coconuts to the head than Gilligan.

What? She makes no sense his is all about the way he possibly will vote. So this whole thing is a lie and they know it

She knows nothing about the actual happenings in the case and she is now ready to support the lady and dump him That is the reason ladies should not be allowed to judge ladies

Someone should ask Mazie if she voted for Bill Clinton in 1992, even after there were substantial allegations against him prior to the election.

As a former lib/feminist (peer group programming) I am ashamed at the conduct of pretty much every single female politician in US government... more and more I'm convinced a woman's place is in the home raising the next generation not handing them off to strangers...

Hirono is a hack. How anyone takes this person seriously is beyond comprehension.

This is NOT a court of law, jaketapper It’s a job interview and the American people deserve their Supreme Court Justices to be beyond reproach.

The left self-destructing live on TV. Bye blue wave.

Americans no longer trust the media. only helps fire up the GOP base . The red wave is rising and it will over take the fake news media. I'm ashamed to have voted blue last election . Never again . Walkaway RedWave MAGA VoteDemOut2018 ConfirmKavanaugh

No jaketapper, he doesn’t. In a criminal trial he gets a presumption of innocence. This is a job interview.

Just disgusting

GOP is steamrolling women rights. Trump told the world he violates women by forcing himself on them and groping them. The exact crime kavanaugh is being accused of. Guilt is over looked by GOP. Rappist prez. Rappist comm. director Rappist supreme court nominee Rappist rich outted

This isn’t the first time Jake Tapper has defended a rapist - and it won’t be the last

Having a person like this in our Gov. is FRIGHTENING. She has NO RESPECT FOR THE LAW. INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY. To use a sexual accusation for Political purposes is DISGUSTING! She and all the Democrats should be REMOVED FROM OFFICE. THEY ARE A DISGRACE TO OUR COUNTRY!

Omg. She is nuts.

dude i can't believe this is actually happening dude dude dude duuuuUOOOOOOODe lmaoooooo this is reaching so far its just sad

Mr. Tapper, it's not a trial, it's a job interview

I think we should look into Hirono’s high school & college partying days. She must be guilty of something.

Pretty funny to hear a Democrats complaining that a judge is outcome driven...

jonathanvswan Of course he does. And the burden of proof remains on the accuser. However, she does not need to be believed beyond a reasonable doubt (her allegations appear credible), and the manner in which Kavanaugh responds is almost as important as to his guilt/innocence.

jaketapper Thank you for asking the real question “Doesn’t Kavanaugh have the same presumption of innocence as anyone else in America?” Enough of trying destroy a good man’s life for political gain. ConfirmBrettKavanaugh

Conservative views equals being a sexual predator. This is stupid and sickening. Yet, many on the liberal side of the aisle believe the same thing. As a country we no longer share values. This is shameful from a senator.

Kavanaugh has been caught in several lies why does he get any benefit of doubt? How many more are they hiding

Unbelievable the lengths that Democrats will go to continue to kill babies in the womb. This is evil, pure and simple.

She has deep insight. Insight mere mortals are not equipped with. We should scrap the justice system and make allow her to use her powers to determine guilt or innocence. What a wonderful world it will be. 🙄

It’s not a criminal trial, Jake. It’s a job interview.

No. This is not a criminal trial where he goes to jail. This is a promotion to our highest, most powerful court where his decisions can harm us all. He must show beyond doubt that he is self-disciplined, honest, of high moral character, & not a drunk, profligate, or abusive.

I don't like how he rules on cases so he's probably an attempted rapist (wtf)...

It’s alarming that ANY Senator would have opinions contrary to “innocent until proven guilty” and it’s a sad statement on the path of American politics.

Hirono needs to “shut up.”


What a disgrace that someone of such low IQ is actually supposed to be a "leader" in the greatest nation in the world? The Senate is supposed to be the center of statesmen, not low IQ hacks. How embarrassing for Hawaii...even worse than tammybaldwin WI or SenGillibrand NY

He’s a rapist because of how approached cases? Wut?

jonathanvswan That was a terrible answer from mazieforhawaii. The answer to the question is always ‘yes’. I find Ford credible and my strong inclination is to believe her. But Kavanaugh, like any accused, has the right to defend himself. And my mind is open re innocence/guilt.

Jake, what is wrong with you? This kind of nonquestion is exactly why I never watch you. Presumption of innocence is irrelevant here. Dr Ford and American people have a right to due process in having her claim properly investigated. A senate hearing is not an investigation.

SkyeTravisSpenc You lot are pathetic and need help

I believe ford

maziehirono How did this moron get elected?

Given that response, everyone should be terrified this authoritarian witch is in Congress.

rhondamint How ideology drives people to false conclusions. Sad.

Come on, open your eyes! This isn’t about guilt or innocence...she has NO witnesses, NO proof, NO corroboration, NO credible details!!! How the HELL can anyone believe this Trump haters just trying to muck up a man’s reputation to keep Trump from any more success! Disgusting!!

If you are ever accused of something, then you will be OK with being guilty before proven innocent!

Shameful position for a US Senator taken by maziehirono. There should be no preconditions for assumption of innocence. But wait, why is Jake even speaking? He's a man and she's commanded that men be silent.

The GOP is making it a he said she said by not having an investigation

This thinking is beyond dangerous

She's a hack. Only looking at the political aspects.

Seems big. I don’t like his political position so he doesn’t get the presumption of innocence. KavanaughHearings

In other words, she doesn’t believe in the presumption of innocence. She should move to Russia.

Did she say the same about bill clinton or Keith Ellison

You see it’s all about “Abortion”.

Hahahahaha She is on the JUDICIARY committee. Are Democrats into destroying everything from within?

Mazie Hirono: I disagree with Kavanaughs ideological POV, therefore; he must be presumed guilty of 36 year old unsubstantiated accusation under any and all circumstances! This women is a danger to America. She should be removed from office immediately!

Hey, SenFeinstein SenBlumenthal , SenSchumer SenWarren , SenGillibrand , is this why you believe Judge Kavanaugh is guilty, those that don’t believe like you do have no rights?

That says more about her than it does him. She's willing to convict someone who disagrees with her. He's adamant the law and constitution should be followed.

It’s not a trial. It’s a job interview.

I am seriously embarrassed for the entire state of Hawaii. We can disagree on politics but this is flat out crazy.

Every Democrat Senator should be asked if they agree with this

Her own words: I'm confused. Congress is no place for confusion. Hawaii, do better.

Come on Jake, dumb question. We all know in 2018 constitutional rights don’t extend to constitutionalists / conservatives.

Clearly, Sen. Hirono doesnt know a thing about how Kavanaugh approaches his cases. If she did she see his record of decisions, fair and unbiased. This is just a stall tactic.

Democrats are exploiting women.....

Remember when psychiatrists and psychologists coached women and children to believe "recovered memories" were a real thing? And lives and families were destroyed because of mass hysteria? Fun times. Let's do that again.


Senator Hirono is an American HERO.

I remain to this day unimpressed with any political figure from Hawaii. They seem largely uniformed and extremely biased. This is what happens when you enjoy the cloak of protection from the United States (mainland) and believe that you are in fact an island unto yourself.

Anyone notice how cnn has some what been doing actual journalism since trump said he would declassify the fisa docs

That’s about as prejudiced as you can get. She disagrees with his legal opinions so he’s guilty. Stalin would be proud.

jaketapper once again shows he is the only person on that dying legacy platform called CNN that has any integrity whatsoever.

Sure he does. If someone presses charges against him. Until then, he’s in no danger of legal sanction. If something comes up in, say, a job interview, the standards are a little different. And the burden is on the elected representatives of his would-be employers to evaluate.

Unfortunately the accuser is being treated like a criminal. She has to hide while Kavanaugh dines at the WH. She really needs to go forward with this because it’s too late to be undone. If she doesn’t he’s in. Probably is anyway.

She basically says he is a lousy judge not fit to be on the Sc by that measure why is he still a judge

They are both being heard. Kavanaugh testifies then Ford. It's not meant to be difficult to understand. The question is, does Ford really want to testify. My guess is no she does not.

What's the hurry?

So a mans guilty now based on an allegation with no witnesses from 36 years ago. Are we politically that desperate that we would destroy a family? Yes...they are! Wake up America!

good job Mazie...

maziehirono I.E., He is guilty because of his political views! How did anyone this dense become a Senator? Hawaii?... Not a rhetorical question.

I feel so sorry for people of Hawaii to have such a narrow-minded dimwit representing them. She was opposed to Kavanaugh before he presented his opening statement. Refused to meet with him privately. IF Kavanaugh were a Democrat none of this B.S. would be happening.

So basically, he doesn’t have a presumption of innocence because she don’t like him as jurist. I can’t believe this person is a senator.

Liberal America, morons.

Its clear as day what is going on here. Don’t fool yourselves.

wow jaketapper exposes Mazi Hirono. She cares nothing for the rule or law or for that matter, women who have Sons and Husbands. YOU SHUT UP Mazi

Again, an investigation by the FBI would resolve many of the issues being brought up by this shit show. Seems that very few men give a shit about the lifelong damage that sexual abuse does to someone. Bash her rather than ask the FBI to investigate. Justice nope.

Credible in her mind? A very under utilized mind!

What Maxie Hirono is trying to get you to believe is incredibly dangerous to the life & liberty of all American citizens. She & her Democrat party want free license to take out civilians who don't conform. SlipperySlopeDems WalkAway DemsAreDangerous

When was the last time you received "due process" at a JOB INTERVIEW? If he wants due process, he can file a police report.

This isn’t a court of law, it’s a job interview, jaketapper. The standards are very different.

Liberals want Stalinism. When accused, you must prove your innocence. Anyone can be accused at anytime and destroyed with no incriminating evidence being presented.

Only if u r keithellison and a Democrat. If u r a Republican..than Hell No

Scary shit.

So she is saying this is 100% purely political.

She showed her well developed partisan side this morning

Who elected this knucklehead

She’s a lawyer?

She never answers the question.

She needs to connect one of his 300+ decisions to her position. But, that doesn't work.

Sen Horono is an embarrassment.

"Presumption of innocence" means we don't convict people without a trial that proves they are guilty. The public argument seems to be about whether or not we should even have a criminal investigation of the allegations. Of course we should! Kavanaugh is not above the law.

.jaketapper Really sloppy journalism. You’re regurgitating a lazy GOP talking point.

Ted Kennedy was innocent because he voted to uphold the murder of unborn children. Brett Kavanaugh is guilty because he could overturn Roe v. Wade. TheresForgivenessForAbortion

It’s a job interview for one of the most important lifetime job not a criminal trial.

Us this a criminal matter? Are we in court?

JudgeKavanaugh follows written law & Roe v Wade is written law. For 45 years now. maziehirono please name in what state.. city.. or county where abortion is Illegal? Name it. I’ll wait.

Sotu Did Ford drink a lot in high school and have sex with a lot of boys?

jaketapper HowardKurtz JoeConchaTV CNN How do you give her a platform. Just because a politician is willing to say anything to smear someone doesn’t mean you as journalists give her a platform. Shame on you all

At least she admits she’s completely bias, well I guess if you’re a man and Republican innocent till proven guilty has no meaning. Ellison gets away with beating his girlfriend, but Kavanaugh is accused with very little evidence and he’s guilty immediately.

Wow. She’s fucking insane. For once I liked how Tapper asked the important question. She’s a liberal woman who is all about guilty until proven innocence. Does she have a son? Someone should frame him for rape. Oh wait...she’s probably a lesbian too. Damnit

Another crazy Democrat that will destroy this country

Stop treating this as though it's a criminal trial. This is a job interview. If there's a question of an interviewee's ethics (lying in said interview, for example--or possible attempted rape), most smart employers would take a hard pass, because there are other options.

Mazie sleeps w small animals. Its true and that's that.

So, she admits that this has nothing to do with what may or may not have happened 36 years ago, but is only about abortion.

This is an absolutely astounding answer. He is guilty because of political orientation. Awful.

Yes She said an investigation !!

Ask her about her colleagues

In court. But this isn’t court. Also have you been paying attention to his behavior—and the behavior of his whole crew—since the allegations?

So Democrats don’t believe in the innocent until proven guilty model of justice we have, nice to know. You won’t get my vote because I am not taking the chance at having my liberty and freedom stripped away on pure speculation.

What else would you expect a racist Democrat to say?

jaketapper Do you still believe that Donald Trump represents the greatest threat to the rule of law?

Is “anyone else in America” up for a lifetime appointment to the Highest Court in the land?

This woman is a disgrace to her gender and to the state she represents. There’s no evidence of an assault but people believe her Why

We should all be considered innocent until proven guilty! "All Lives Matter"!

The problem is that she has made every excuse to keep from testifying while trying to convince everyone that she wants to testify. In the end there is almost zero chance that she will actually testify and the hapless media will joyfully blame the GOP for her unwillingness

She voted no for the Tax break too. She is just an obstructionist...

Why give any credibility NONE WHAT EVER THE SAY, BELIEVE EXACT OPPOSITE - Remembering the Pinico NOSE THEIR NOSE takes the PRIZE!


How much did Trumpie boy pay you to say that?

I love how Democrats want the rules followed for them or more.

Judge Kanaugh is not guilty, until proven guilty. I’m tired of hearing all these women that feel suppressed, shame on you. It is time to stand up to these bias women with such a negative attitude. CNN IS A DISASTER WITH SO MUCH FAKE NEWS

It’s all political. The Dems had this allegation for months and decided to leak it a week before the vote. They don’t care about this woman. Kavanaugh could walk on water and the libs would say he can’t swim.

Great, Against MAGA U have MADA "Make America Disgraced Altogether" Sexual assault happens everywhere but no Justice brought & Criminal serves as Judge is your case I'm sorry for Poor American Daughters

She & other democrats already made their mind, no matter what, they will vote no, bcuz he is Trump’s nominees. Ford & other stuff is just excuses, these idiots have to destroy someone ‘s life 4 their own burning ASSES. VOTE RED, WE NEED TO GET RIDE OF THESE HATEFUL PEOPLES. MAGA

Jake You should have given her a blood alcohol test before putting her on camera. She is drunk.

It looks like Leftist talking points for today are (1) the same B.S. that Mrs. Ford's accusation IS still credible despite the mounting evidence to the contrary, and (2) making its debut today that Judge Kavanaugh is on a "job interview," so character assassination is ok.

I don't know what Mazie Hirono's credentials are, but despite whatever academic accomplishments she may or may not have, she is a few fries short of a happy meal. Another low IQ democrat.

Typical politician! Don't say shit, double speak, speak with forked tongue.

This is as telling a response to a question you need into the thoughts of dem senators. Scary stuff once we are judging people on how we feel about them. Presumed innocence for all is cornerstone of this country.

Jake! Well thanks for asking! I just thought we should probably wait until we get to the bottom instead of just pointing fingers but some people want things to fit their agenda... Who Knows! Please keep asking hard questions Jake ! jaketapper

The fact that someone with her power and influence said anything other than a simple one-word answer ("Yes") is alarming. Hirono Tapper CNN CNNSOTU KavanaughConfirmation

As a woman, I am disgusted with the liberal left and mainstream media high-jacking the me-too movement and using women as their pawns. maziehirono you should be embarrassed with your remarks.

Man, pretty embarrassing to be from Hawaii right now.

Is she a robot?

Remember he’s a man. So shut up and step up. His voice doesn’t count - even if he’s innocent she says take him down ! Doesn’t matter if innocent or guilty.

ThunderB !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND HE HASN'T EVEN BEEN CHARGED BY ANY LAW ENFORCEMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kav and his supporters accuse Ford of lying/fraud. Isn’t she ALSO deserving of a “presumption of innocence?” FBI MUST INVESTIGATE

luvnewinfo She’s a party puppet. How “pro-choice” people can believe a child doesn’t have a right to choose life while they say everyone has the right to choose life is circular logic. Hypocrisy, folks. Go to the toilet and flush the logic and this ‘Senator’.

You guys are soooo crazy!


Tapper uttering the only logical words coming out of his mouth mind controlled mouth in years.

I don’t think presumption of innocence is the standard, like it may be in a criminal court in Maryland. It’s a political judgement largely and if Senators disbelieve this claim sufficiently to put an alleged assaults on SCOTUS forever, let them own it forever. DEMs the converse

Takeaways: 1) How does someone with such a low IQ get elected Senator (repeal 17th!) 2) Her answer was solely based on abortion, showing she is a single issue politician 3) Jake goes out of his way to try and coach her. Really Jake? Be better than this

Ford has no creditable, now it's nothing more then a political Hit Job on Judge Kevenough, Listen to video of Ford's lawyer, in July had a plan to stop Kevenough from being confirmed then Fienstine got a letter in July, Ford's own witnesses disputes her party claim, just vote

why can she not answer the question

If Hirono was my Senator, I would work tirelessly to help her opponent defeat her. Her attitude toward due process & the rule of law is a dangerous threat to our freedom. DefeatHirono PresumedInnocent ConfirmBrettKavanaughNow

Hawaii needs to get better representation WoW this broad had been on that Island WAY to long !!!!! ConfirmKavanaughMonday ConfirmBrettKavanaughNow

4 people she listed as being there every one said it didn’t happen the last HER friend said she’s never met kavanaugh. How much more will it take till we start looking at facts. These are his little girls people are threatening to assault them. Enough this isn’t right

“By their fruits will you know them”. The gist of Judge Kavanaugh’s past rulings helps one predict how he will likely rule in the future. *That* is the context to which she alludes.

Maybe someone will make a random charge against her husband or son with no one or nothing to back up their claims to wake her up; oh wait she is not a sleep she knows the whole thing is stupid she is part of it. The sad part is the woman is being used.

This woman is sick

You know what kind of a joke this is? Ford said she cannot remember the year it supposedly happened,but knows she was 15. Raise your hand if you do not know what year(s) you were 15. Total💩

This Congress woman doesn’t know what she’s talking about. She’s a total disgrace & the people that voted for her might want to take a look at her qualifications as being a congresswoman a representative of the people clearly she is not. But then again FakeNewsCNN running story

This senator is so see through. Can’t wait for her apology to judge Kavanaugh.

“Presumption of innocence” has no bearing out of a court. It’s a legal construct to require a prosecutor to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt rather than requiring the accused to prove their innocence. If/when Dr. Ford takes him to court, Judge Kavanaugh can plead the 5th.

They are desperate to protect abortion. They know science cannot help them anymore. It’s a life. There’s no denying it any longer. The days of pretending the underdeveloped human being is but a “clump of cells” is over!!!

Wait, Whaaat!

ThunderB Sooooo... no?

Liberals confirmed Clarence Thomas.... but an accusation of something someone did in high school has them pulling their hair out. Hypocrisy at its best!

His decisions show a biased view for women’s rights...that must be considered when assessing credibility...what is her motive here ? Why would she risk everything ?

Well if presumed innocent until proven guilty why did CNN just dump Miller?

Typical avoidance!

This Senator must be voted out of office - such a disgrace to "We the People" !

Let’s open an investigation into each senators past. Nothing but a bunch of hypocrites in DC.

Let me translate what this moron said. I don’t care about his innocence i just want make sure killing babies is protected. If that means destroying an innocent man who cares. God is going to have a field day when the left have to face him on judgement day! Take sunscreen

I was charged by Art College that I attend for painting I have purchased for cash on the internet ?, later amount was charger from my students account for a painting “Van Gogh” and a Sculpture. Why ?

Aaron Sorkin couldn’t have SCRIPTED this BS any better. If they are going to act out a narrative could get better looking people to play the roles?

So that would be analogous to putting Jeffrey Dahmers denial into that he was a quiet man. Why don't you jump off the boat your on lady cuz you haven't a clue!!!

Well looks like every witness has no knowledge of anything but her. He said she said, typical political grandstanding.

... And you want these guys in charge Jaketapper? What the hell happens when they DON'T AGREE with YOU? You'll be sent to the Gulag until you can prove you're innocent? This is how fascist regimes creep up on people, one step at a time.

Hawaii should be ashamed of themselves for sending this dolt to the Senate!

She just uttered pure jibberish.

Listen, and understand! The "democratic party" is out there! It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop... ever, until you are dead! They kill their own babies ...

it's not a trial. It's a job interview.

mazihirono is willing to separate a Fetus from the Constitutional protection of Life-I remind the Senator that puts a Fetus in a status of Chattle which was the basis of Slave-ownership-If she says that is not what I mean kindly explain what rights life has brithume WSJ

She doesn’t want to fly 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂👍👍

Senator would you please elaborate on what you know of his cases. That he does not champion Left Wing ideology and legislate from the bench?

Nice to see the Inquisition becoming popular again.

You realize how sick and disgusting this lady is everybody right

This “senator” is a disgrace to the American Flag, the Constitution, and the fundamentals of the judicial system.

JUST ANOTHER WITCH HUNT-----fishing for 36 year old crime-----and she s the only one who remember s anything--yet never file s charge,s----OVER THE WALL FOR YOU----

jaketapper Make no mistake, this is all about abortion.

Christine Ford should be investigated...something stink-eth!

I'll just say it. This woman is bat $hit crazy. Please keep putting her on tv.

What a country... where a low IQ, Zero common sense individual can stand in front of a microphone and get all this attention. God Bless the 🇺🇸 MAGA ConfirmBrettKavanaugh

I give jaketapper credit , he is starting to see the other side and at least asking more than lay ups. The blatant bias , which is actually prejudice as per Webster , is obvious to everyone. Left out the game vicious keithellison ? Hmm 🤔

Of course he is presumed innocent. The problem is the partisan way the GOP us handling this

That’s pretty stupid jaketapper. You know better than that. The man is applying for a job, he’s not on trial in a court of law. A job that he will be doing for the rest of your life. No he does not have a presumption of innocence.

So basically maziehirono doesn’t adhere to the basic tenet of American Justice: Innocent until proven guilty. Plus she absolutely discards 20+ years of impeccable service on the bench. What a disgrace.

He does have that right in a court of law, not for a job interview

People lie...men and women. I questions the judgment of people like this automatically jumping on the Ibelieve bandwagon with the minimal information presented so far, particularly with the circumstances surrounding this. Remember DukeLacross UVAJackie

Hirono is in this for herself and herself only

Fords 4th and final witness now says she was never at a party wth Kavanaugh. She was Fords life long friend. she said she is unaware of any contact. So now with zero support to back her up, whats her next move? Watch her bow out and try to drop her claim. Kav should sue for def

so now someone political views is the determining factor on if they have the same rights of innocent until proven guilty. what the he'll is going on here. everyone has this right we do t get to pick and choose who has this right. this is what politics has become

Presumption of Innocence is the basis for our criminal justice system: It is totally unrelated to his judicial philosophy.

Yes he’s entitled to the same due process and deserves a fair hearing.

If he is willing to wave the statute of limitations and face a court trial then he will be presumed innocent by the court, the courtroom of public opinion has no such legally binding assumption of innocence.

Talking about questionable character this woman is nuts.

Kavanaugh has same presumption of innocence as anyone else in the US. InnocentUntilProvenGuilty SenatorMazieHirono appears to disagree with that based on her statement. Feinstein is at fault. Could have avoided ALL this if she had released letter earlier. Feel sorry 4 Ford

Y esta gorda hijueputa quien es para condenar a alguien con mentiras, claro demócrata la bandida

Even CNN is having a head time with this accusation from Dr. Ford.

banbiasmedia Report the truth or resign

This is about abortion. Period. That’s all this clown of a senator cares about.

No matter who is found right the other side will not agree with it and play the blame game. This is a no win situation because both side are innocent. It’s he said she said and that’s it. The democrats will not let this go without our extreme bashing as they are doing today.

No. He's a judge & should be above reproach. He is not on various fronts. He is a special interests judge (corporate & evangelical shill), anti-American majority, environment, health care, etc., a proven liar, factless twit. Only bench he should be sitting on is a park bench.

30 years can cloud recollection. This is complete shit and another crybaby tantrum that will quash the dems hopes of any blue ripple.

America: where you're innocent until proven guilty unless somebody decides they don't like you.

Men "shut up" that is the new dems words. Guilty until proven innocent.

No. He’s not under arrest. Yet...

Nikki, stick with the Ambassador gig....ok!!

Seriously Sen Hirono. 5 witnesses now denied existence of a party. A honorable life of public service and giving back. And you question his integrity. I think Jake hit is right on about disagreement of policy but don't slander the man.

Our Justice system needs complete a overhaul. Sitting members/candidates need to have an extensive background investigation before being allowed to run for any office. Pre/random drug testing & psychological evaluation is a MUST. DNC would cease to exist with new criteria.

How this woman even gets to represent a country politically is beyond me. How do people vote over there? How did she get voted in? Australian here by the way and I've never seen such dumbness.

There should be a police report. Is there?

This allegation coupled with lies under oath, contradictions, unwillingness to accept precedence & unacceptability from the majority populance is more than enough to reject him. Putin should not be allowed to shape the supreme court, he already controls the presidency & congress

I thought she was concerned about the alleged victim here, she just spent 2 min talking about her concerns of him as a judge... Not a sexual assult or the alleged victim. This whole thing is about politics and ideology, its about abortion... I'm over this shit show.

he would be on the highest US court....he needs to be held to higher standards

Sen. Hirono is so biased she does a great disservice to all the Women out there who are true Victims of sexual assault. Hirono giving a voice to Ford will boomerang back to damage true attacks upon Women.

The RuleOfMan (mob) vs the RuleOfLaw (Constitution). Could not be more plain. VoteRed2018

If he’s so innocent why doesn’t HE take a lie detector test?

I am trying to figure out which one is more ignorant. This Senator or the ones who were dumb enough to vote for her.

Robynmonty Be afraid, Be very afraid. Now fight back🇺🇸 False accusers must receive a life sentence in prison. A ruined life for a ruined life.

A great question with a terrible answer

Maybe Kimberly Strassel should host, she would ask actual quests. sen, are you saying you are basing you guilty opinion on Kavanaugh's political ideology rather the evidence or lack there of. Just one example of a real question

She’s off her rocker.

This is why trump will win again. Thank you liberal's

Wow, this is truly frightening.

I guess I missed where she advocated for charges to be filed against Kieth Ellison. 🤔

Good Lord Hawaii, y'all gotta do better than this! This is the same idiot who didn't understand our border protection policies in place for decades.

He's not on trial...he's sitting for a job interview. Hence, there's no presumption of innocence. That said, I don't care for Sen. Hirono's answer either. Just because he's got warped views of gun rights and that a President can't commit a crime, doesn't mean he's guilty.

To the fake news boys

The Democrats are desperate and disgusting

She is utterly horrible. Jake sums it up perfectly. She doesn’t want him on the bench by any means necessary.

Nobody has done more to divide our nation and entice hate among our countrymen than the current leadership of Democratic Party. Shame on you!

Tapper "his policies" an interesting slip as to what many (esp.) Dems believe. When Constitutional Judges are just that. Pass judgement on an issue vs what the Constitution says. Not advance policy.

What a complete joke this senator is. I think Amercans will choose their representatives more carefully after all this witch hunting is over.

Senator Hirono should "shut up and stand up", for our rights, including the rights of the accused.

In other words... NO

This is such a bad look for her, not to mention she seems to be an imbecile. Liberalism is in fact a mental disorder.

Glad she is not a judge. She should never be on a jury where the accused has a view on abortion. He are she would be presumed guilty.

jaketapper only slightly more pushback than a wet piece of toilet paper in that interview. Goodness man what happened to journalism? I guess you tried. 😑

WeGovernUSA I don't even care about the allegations. I don't think partisan judges belong in the SCOTUS at all.

The Republican party is so anti-American and dishonest--it makes me sick to see them fooling the same groups of people with the same pathetic lies. There is no honorable reason to elect Republicans for any reason. They take everything from this nation and only give back grief.

Women's "reproductive rights" have NOTHING to do with stopping an existing life - that's called abortion and the last time I looked, stopping life = killing. Sen Hirono is wrong, Kavanaugh is not the ideologue - SHE is DNC GOP SCOTUS realDonaldTrump jaketapper goog927

Yeah let's just throw the 6th Amendment out the window people! What the heck is going on here? This should TERRIFY ANYONE out there. That a sitting Senator will knowingly THROW OUT the rights of others, based on what they "assume, or presume". Holy Sh......😬😱

My God, the lefties are just as wacked down there as they are up here in Canada. They all drinking the same Soros Kool-Aid it seems. Oooohhhhh yeeeaaaahhhh!!!

"I don't agree with his way of judging cases, sooooo...."

Wow. So it isn't about the woman at all. And she admits it.

How can there be justice in America when you have senators talking like this? The Hawaians should vote her out. The woman has no perspective and shows her leftist bias.

Senator Hirono, being pro abortion means you must be anti men in your book Evil

"I could tell you cases..." Well.... Lets hear em...


Why don’t you just come out and say the truth the truth is is that she’s going to deny and obstruct anyway possible because he was appointed by a Republican president and they don’t want him on the supreme court

If he approached cases with the presumption of guilt until proven innocent like you, I could see your point. No substance to your claims, no intelligent rebuttals. Go stick your head back in the sand and be quiet.

Why does this interview seem so partisan and quick to judgement? Maybe because it is.

HR means "human resources" for the company NOT resources for the humans. Teach your interns that and they'll be fine.

CNN is so fake!

*BK having job interview. Ever take a company mandatory all-employee sexual harassment / workplace violence class? HR there to protect corporation and yes..."guilty til proven innocent." Ask CNN H.R.!

Doesn’t she have the right to a fair and impartial hearing. We all know they are just going through the motions. They’re minds ar already made up McConnell has already made the public announcement

Democrats are full of s*’! Guy is a judge on the second highest courts in America with zero blemishes to his record but because he’s conservative he’s guilty, but their own colleague has 911 tapes of him abusing his gf and they do nothing. They actually rip the vic apart instead

Yes he does. But a he said she said is a piss poor way to find the truth.

So, now the un is sticking their noses where it doesn't belong Big surprise there... banbiasmedia bantheglobalistun

This woman is an embarrassment to the Senate and her gender.

No one in America is innocent until proven guilty anymore in this society. We are tried in the courts of personal opinion void of facts.

Mazie horono is a C**T! Her views are a cancer to America!

No one question has any recollection of this so called party. This is textbook obstruction of the committee proceedings. It's time to vote, or these dems resign

JakeTAustin why would you not challenge her on specifics? I'm not a journalist, but with allegations like that, it seems like, I don't know, common sense?

The Liberals everybody's guilty every man is guilty they don't care about facts

Just a thought. If the Dems win the house, lets impeach 45 and 45.5. Then third in line is House speaker. Impeach Kavanaugh if confirmed and nominate Merrick Garland. dccc.

So, Brett Kavanaugh’s presumption of innocence on a sexual assault charge depends on how he ruled in previous legal cases or whether he supports Roe v. Wade. This is unbelievable.

Does Hillary Clinton have the same presumption of innocence among Trump supporters ?

Avoiding the question.


Thank you

I am a woman, but please Stop the Feminism! Women should not be taught to be victims!

This chick is a nut job! He’s guilty because he’s a conservative is pretty much what’s she saying

jaketapper Democrats have to be careful that they don’t go too far also. I hope those on the committee who have aspirations for higher office are able to reel themselves in. This hearing must be deemed fair by men and women alike.CoreyBooker2020 KamalaHarris SenFeinstein

No!! A woman has never in history lied about being sexually assaulted! It’s never happened ever!!! And no one can show any proof whatsoever that a woman has lied about being sexuallly assaulted!! I dare you!!!

This couldn’t end up backfiring on TheDemocrats could it? The libs aren’t that bad at this...

So in her book thats a no.

wtf? Bascially, I don't like you so no he doesn't deserve presumption of innocence. This is CRAZY! I dislike my ex as much as she does Judge Kavanaugh but, I would never say he doesnt deserve presumption of innocence. EVERYONE deserves due process.

Strange but this is s scene right out of “Animal House”

Mazie Hirono is so ignorant of the law. It's scary she's on the Judiciary Committee. Listen to her questions some time. She does not know what's she's talking about.

Shut up, Jake.

**Remember Jake, CNN has been pushing this lie. An innocent man and his family are being falsey persecuted. **The ends Don't justify the means here, unless you've given up on American principles and values.

Hirono should concentrate on getting herself out of the first hole before digging a second ... Buffoons in surplus !!

This woman is all that is wrong about feminism. It’s about having a power over a man that he can’t defend. I hope this never happens to my son and I hope my daughters never feel this way about men.

Wow, she is willing to Ruin someone's life over their ideology!

Dear Mary, can you please provide a link to the lie detector results? Thank you.

Not if he has lied about his involvement in this attack! The victim deserves the right to name the man who did the attack and to prevent him from ever sitting on the Supreme Court !!

Dear Jake, If you think you have a presumption of innocence when you are accused of something, you don't know what it's like to be accused. It's a presumption of guilt, that you have to defend your innocence and prove. Not right, but reality though.

We are setting a dangerous precedent. I am not questioning that Dr. Ford is correct or the time it took her to come forward. It is the lack of corroborating evidence. If this derails the SCOTUS nomination, it will be another Pandora’s box. MedvedSHOW RealJamesWoods mitchellvii

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah no

cjscalia So Hirono doesn’t base innocence on evidence but bases her decision on whether she likes how he approaches cases This is a sitting Senator

This is stunning jaketapper. You should have pressed her. She has no business being in the Senate. Her claims are beyond the pale.

What can the FBI investigate? A party register, video/audio recordings, & or eyewitness testimony? 4 witnesses have contradicted her claims.

It’s a dangerous game they are playing. Guilty until proven innocent is a precedent that should scare the hell out of every American.

It’s refreshing that she quit trying to take a moral high ground & plays it straight-Kavanaugh needs to b defeated for any or no good reason

Painfully obvious it’s all about tearing down a threat to “muh feelings”.

God please keep showing this hapless harpy at odds with American values and the Constitution.

This woman should be ashamed of this interview. Some day a male loved one of hers will be accused without any proof and I wish her the same outlook on him as she’s offered here. You do no justice to real cases. Irememberwhereandwhen

What is happening to Kavanaugh should frighten every man. At any moment, a Feminazi can ruin ur life w/uncorroborated claims of sexual assault. No proof whatsoever--if she says it happened, u stand to lose everything u have worked for. We r n dangerous times.

Why is SenFeinstein holding the unreadable letter Either Feinstein got played or she is part of the conspiracy. All 4 purported witness claims no knowledge of alleged Kavanaugh assault against Ford.

I dont believe him because i dont like his politics - scary stuff

Please keep putting this woman on the air. Let her repeat this over and over and over again. RedWaveRising2018

Dems like to adjust the rule of law to fit their narrative CNNisISIS

What? That is an absurd statement. You will all regret this road you went down

That's totalitarian perversion.

90 Seconds of maziehirono proving to the world, that this is purely political. The reason he is guilty, is because of the job that she doesn't want him to do.

A Senator who doesn't believe in the Constitution she swore an oath to...

All this is about is these politicians don’t want a conservative republican in power. It’s obvious liberals will cheat, lie, manipulate, and sale their souls to the devil to prevent any good honest family man with Christian morals on the Supreme Court.

Anybody who is a male or has sons/nephews/brothers should be very afraid of this mindset

WhT a self righteous witch


This lady is an idiot but at least she is being honest. They don’t give a shit about facts or Ford, just blocking a SCOTUS nominee. Any means possible.

we need to include this because they say seeing is believing

How about ask these a-hole POLS if someone in their family was accused of a crime & every politician in their town was in the news saying they believed the accuser prior to any testimony, how would they feel about that?

This is insane.

Lmfao, "I don't believe his innocence because, he goes against my political views." If there is ever any type of proof of this whole thing being a political hit job it's right here. They are not even trying to hide it.

Doesn't Kavanaugh have the right to face his accuser?

Hang your head Hawaii

maziehirono should be removed from the Senate. She does not understand basic American rights. She is dangerous and unAmerican!!

What the hell?

Could'nt find a person less stupid that Mazi is?

All it is, is a Democrat’s witch hunt. In an attempt to stall until the midterm elections. He is more than qualified. He is the right man for the job. Just same old BS politics.

So with 100% facts and 100% by the books. So that means you know he is 100% innocent. We already knew that. She just Faced herself

What a bullshit answer

What about the fact that every witness Dr. Ford has called has said they have no clue what the hell she is speaking about? Guess that is not important in the law.

What? That he is a fair and constitutional Judge. Something the Dems NO nothing about. Simple answer to that Q is YES he does in AMERICA.

The democrats and their double standards are going to have a tough time come November.

I dont like Trump but its guilty until proven innocent sadly. We all want women to get equality and justice for legitimate past incidents men have done but ladies, no matter how painful/afraid, you have to report it immediately. We also must protect men against false accusers

I would say that about any conservative judge

Tapper seems to be reasonable with that question. Hirono, not in the least reasonable. She's a nut who is apparently unaware that the people she mentioned in her letter have all denied it.

Thats right

POTUS WhenU turn super rich,affluent,the untidy tails wrap interestingly to halt US without salt! Mind U opportunities are ever spkg for self, lost is lost,make up a myth! 'SIR ' we offer alignd you along line of best yet optimum fit. SKJ PKJ LomelaStar

This Senator has little or no regard for the Constitution She is a hack and disgrace to the US Senate

In context of whether he he is convicted of a crime, yes he does get presumption. But for confirmation to SCOTUS, no. If it turns out that there is proof of no assault, then dems will pay for a generation.


How do these wackos get elected? 🤦‍♂️

No longer he says she says It’s THEY say she says (witnesses) I STAND WITH BRETT !!!

People in Hawaii that voted this lady in really need to realize that to her now our presumption of innocence is based upon who the accused is and their views on political points. This woman belongs in Russia

Give me ONE solid reason why we should believe Ford. Anyone?

Her answer is nonsense! The only thing that matters is if Dr Ford can reasonably be believed to be truthful. If so the question then becomes should the man sit on the Supreme Court? There are then a million reasons why he should not and very few why he should, if any.

Bill Clinton, Keith Ellison, Al Frankenstein. How many more leading predators will emerge and get coverage from these democratic women

This chick is a straight clown. I mean total imbecile!

Like other accused, it is his burden. First he stated that he knows the woman not. From all accounts this is a big fat lie.

The Doomacrats out of sheer panic are willing to torch every bridge they cross without consideration of the outcome. Eventually they’ll have nothing and no support and will be left wallowing in their emptiness.

Rhetorical: (of a question) asked in order to produce an effect or to make a statement rather than to elicit information. The presumption of innocence is a right given to someone charged with a crime, not a privilege for a SCOTUS nominee suspected of having once committed one.

Presumptions only apply to trials not a moral issue like this one!

I think she has the right.

And this is an elected law maker. An embarrassment.


Senator Pineapple or as the locals call her Batuna.

So no he doesn't have it just say it

The answer is “no”. He doesn’t deserve the presumption of innocence like everyone else in America. Why? “Because he doesn’t interpret the constitution like a democrat”. This is why Trump will win again in 2020. Liberals have lost their minds.

Ok..... But does he have the presumption of innocence like every American has? Dumb bitch didn't even answer the question.

People voted for this lady.

How is she a Senator?

Love you Nikki!

The fact that this woman got herself elected as a US Senator is embarrassing to the entire country.

So amusing to watch those that just oppose Kavanaugh seize anything, however unproven, to try and rally support for their view, politics as usual from both sides.

This is really non revalvant. We are seeing big money paid for testimoney. And we would have to know the friends know if they are up and up. If any alterior motives like they have sexually assulted or are protecting husbands that do.

But why so quickly

She needs to heed her own advice and just shut up!!!

This woman makes a slice of bread look smart in comparison.

Nope, liberals have a new standard, presumption of guilt.... unless it’s their party

CNN you and Hirono are a SHAM

IgnitedTrueWord ChuckGrassley SenateMajLdr SenateGOP nikkihaley We all agree on one thing both should be heard. The disagreement is in the forum. An Independent FBI Investigation where if either party Lies there are Consequences seems far more fitting than a Senate Committee 1)

Huh? His court rulings are the basis of whether he committed sexual assault before being a judge? Seriously!?!?!?

It does. So why has this rotund, so-called POTUS condemn Prof. Ford? See, it works both ways.

the bluerose ransomware creator Jared valdez has sended a malicious code against san mateo california he is from colorado denver attempted shut down entire roblox website kidnapping informations on their pcs laptops preventing playing taking down types games he will arrested

I love maziehirono !!

Rumours are that the Democrats have several other women who will claim Kavanaugh grouped them at high school parties 30+ years ago

"CNN’s Jake Tapper: “Doesn’t Kavanaugh have the same presumption of innocence as anyone else in America?”" Yeah, I mean, in a criminal proceeding. Where did the idea that the presumption of innocence applies in every situation even come from?

Jesus Tap dancing Christ.

Liberals never care about due process unless it suits their political agenda.

Sen Collins sounds like she is caving to an accused sex offender. Where are her values?

When did THAT become ALL inclusive? Oh, wait...you just meant all people with inherit privlege. Gotcha.

OK ... Just how do you think he approaches cases? That he starts with one side presumed innocent and one presumed guilty without evidence or prior adjudication?

Yes, jaketapper he does. The process deserves a full FBI investigation &THEN a hearing, including witnesses subpoenaed to testify including the alleged witness to the event. SenateMajLdr, you DON’T get to “plow right through this”Do so at your peril. Women of America- revolt.


I’m sure some of her constituents are rapist, pedophiles and murders, because she represents them as a senator does that make her guilty by association.

Sounds like maziehirono interviews are very outcome driven. Can’t believe what we have running this country on both sides.

I have no idea how this woman is a member of the Senate. Oh. Hawai'i....

This is the type of nonsense that got you trump in the first place. Try telling the truth for once, you’d be shocked how it works out for you.

apparently not jaketapper - dems have already proposed impeachment if confirmed. Shouldn't be rush to judgment on either side.

Liberals have failed Keith Ellison’s wife over their hypocritical politics. All they care about is smearing innocent people with no conscience whatsoever

maziehirono is shameless. GetHironoOut

The answer is “yes,” but that isn’t what Democrats truly believe whenever their ideology is challenged.

That's a shameful answer for a US Senator. Unbelievable.

Presumption of innocence? Her answer is no.

How disgustingly irresponsible of her.

maziehirono = idiot


Guilt by ideology? Kavanaugh could be the worst judge in history or the best judge in history, and it would not have one bloody thing to do with whether he committed a sexual assault. Whether you think he's guilty or not, this Senator should scare you.

Kavanaugh has a track record of lying under oath. That he hasn’t been tried for perjury is outrageous.

In other words, no - Judge Kavanaugh has no presumption of innocence. Stunning. And she’s a US Senator. Wow. This is a smear job. More convinced than ever Ford is lying and being used by Dems.

What a complete buffoon

WTF is this woman saying. It's too early in the morning to be that drunk.

She's quite literally describing the democrats. She's one of the reasons half the population of Hawaii is on gov't assistance...village of idiots.

Yes. Yes he does. Which is why we demand an investigation... 😐

Sen. Hirono is living proof that a twit can serve in the United States Senate. Thank the Lord she’s not a judge. Her seething liberal bias is obvious. She’s a hypocrite for claiming bias on Kavanaugh’s part

What was her response to Karen Monahan?

That’s a logical jump to attempted rape?

Doesn’t Kavanaugh, who is applying for a job, have to provide details of his ENTIRE “work history” and not just 7% of it, like every other job applicant in America?

yes/no questions - after 3 words, it goes in tis own direction - it is like another person is in her head posing the questions

Senator. You are denying an American the presumption of innocence! Just awful.

It is beyond shameful to have loonies like this woman in Congress

This woman is objectively too stupid to be in the halls of power.


This entire shit show is a systematic dismantling of a good man or the over prosecution of a grope 36 years ago. Guilty or innocent only 2 folks know for sure.

If we allow mob rule over presumption of innocence, what the hell kind of society are we?

So, regardless of the sexual assault of a 15 year old girl, are you saying that we should forget the fact that Kavanaugh was caught LYING UNDER OATH before the US Senate at least 5 times already? jaketapper Ummmmmmmmmmm, NO!

Imagine THAT...... Hey Grassley, What the hell is this reasoning with scheduling the hearing until Thursday. We the people VOTED.

The Dems know this is a smear and are willing to throw out the idea of innocent until proven guilty.... this is the ideology of a police state.

What? Intellectually and morally indefensible view of the presumption of innocence. But, in the context of her stupidity, sure, ok.

Ah, so it would be reasonable to put Ford's comments in context of her decades as a DEMOCRAT activist and recent enlistment in "the resistance"?

Now that’s feckless

She’s an embarrassment

She’s a nutcase.

This is the same ovarian fascist that told men should shut up...so I really don’t care what this airbag has to say. Cheers!!

It should happen after an FBI investigation.

Well, I guess we can all be thankful that Sen. Hirono is not a judge.

It’s a job interview not a trial. What presumption is he owed? The GOP has not done a solid job of vetting anyone.

Good JakeTrapper

I can find 65 women (who are not buried in a shallow grave in a serial killers backyard) to sign a letter that he seemed like a nice guy and he never killed them. SkewedReporting

It’s not a trial. He was nominated to a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court. Let the FBI conduct an investigation, call witnesses, assess the evidence. Not that hard.

CNNSOTU In other words, "I don't care that this is a sham, whatever it takes to get him." Democrats and CNN , a match made in Hell.

And your thoughts on Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN)?

So, "I don't like the way he approaches his cases therefore I don't believe his denial"...wow. Remember the Duke lacrosse team accusations? I thought they were way too aggressive on the field so they must've been guilty.🙄

Ludicrous answer.

JFC, how did this woman get elected?

Wow. So now you’re guilty until proven innocent because you may disagree with someone’s point of view. This country is in serious trouble. Good to CNN call her out on the bullshit though.

If everyone in America really did have the same presumption of innocence...yes. But, how many people have we seen fired or suspended or resigned at the first whisper of impropriety? This is too important.

What does that even mean?

what about ellison..seems thats more current

Man jaketapper is a great interviewer. He can sniff out people’s b.s. pretty quick.

Wow, I mean really wow. How is this been elected? Gender neutral right? Was Jake allowed to talk I thought all men were to shut up. No it has an unbiased agenda. Just wow

Isn’t it interesting that everybody involved with this case has developed amnesia? It really does seem like there is a powerful force protecting Kavanaugh, starting right from that $200,000 credit debt being paid off.

Off course he does but his rights don't trump his accusers rights to tell her truth otherwise what came first the chicken or the egg? Dr Ford was assaulted and she is willing to go on record with her own truth

At this time she is only came out against Trump's fellow because she has a graet chance to get global fame and earn huge money from anti Trump camp

NO. This isn't a criminal trial. It's a job interview for one of the most powerful positions in the world with the least accountability.

An empty suit regurgitating baseless party lines on a propaganda outlet posing as a news organization.

When Jack Tapper is asking you to at least think straight maybe you should listen?

And doesn't Dr. Ford deserve to testify without her and her family having their lives threatened? And not having her life intimated by a sitting moron or a president constantly encouraging his base to lash out at her and her family? Think about that!

The presumption of innocence only attaches in an American criminal courtroom. This is a confirmation hearing. The burden in on him to prove his worthiness.

Not being blk ill tell u dat much Jake

This lady is as credible as Ford trying to blow the whistle. She probably padding her pockets with encouragement in attempt to bring Kavanaugh down. Senators need terms and shouldn’t be heard much. Represent your states.

Had a friend who was falsely accused of sexual assault and was acquitted. He received the same treatment of presumed guilt, just due to the fact that he was a man. The burden of proof lies with the accuser. There is currently no proof. He should be presumed innocent.

The four other people there have all denied this ever took place.

Men of Hawaii never forget her “men need to shut up...” we need to shut her up vote her out.

maziehirono look u urself in d mirror, to u anything Trumped is bad.....u being fair..... hmmmm DNC jaketapper CNN

Because dems consider Kavanaugh to be partisan in his courtroom rulings, that means he loses the presumption of innocence? We need a major 3rd party in this country more than ever. Both sides have completely lost their way. cnn

I can’t wait until this explodes in their faces and they have to issue apologies for smearing this judge who’s been investigated 6 times by the FBI!!! Disgusting that politics in America has come to this

😂😂😂 maziehirono is a clown and doesn’t have the mental capacity to be a senator. Apparently according to her, if your politics are not the same as hers, you don’t deserve the presumption of innocence. This is exactly what Nazi’s believe. maziehironoisanazi

That's quite a Segway.. Essentially saying,' I would consider him guilty because I don't agree with his judicial philosophy '

Then why doesn’t he want a full investigation, Jake! Typical old whit guy comment, Jake!

Is she saying that the way he has decided cases makes her believe he is more likely to be guilty of sexual assault? Seems like quite a stretch. It also suggests that if it was a judge with a liberal track record she’d think the accusation less likely. Scary.

How many cases would move forward when every person you claimed was present said they were not and it wasn’t true.

Trump unleashes on Ford? Who let him off the leash?

Sensible statement by Nikki Haley, probably the first time

We’ve already heard the accused....he denies it ever happened!

If people are now allowed to accuse others of wrongdoing with no proof whatsoever & ruin that persons reputation, we don't need courts or due process anymore.

They gave her to Thursday. If she not there it is over.

She is right regarding this.

Why is the UN person talking about this? Hmmmm

Exactly. All should be heard. Remember that all 4 people that Ford said we're at the party have denied any recollection of it.

I can find 65 women (who are not buried in a shallow grave in a serial killers backyard) to sign a letter that he seemed like a nice guy and he never killed them. SkewedReporting

He has been heard, you stupid tw*t. He denied even knowing what party she was talking about. He’s been given the chance and, like a republican, he lied. Much like he has lied about many other things.

Kavanaugh is a liar

Nikki Haley is pretty awesome.

Um, nope. She's all out of witnesses. Prosecute the witch to her CONFINED prison cell!!

The accused has be heard many times and has evaded questions on a broad spectrum of subjects

Do they deserve to be marginalized and criticized by her boss Donald Trump and by Mitch McConnell?

Swiftly and quickly so we can ignore the issue and get her bosses guy on court.

SenatorCollins wants this done swiftly and quickly so it can be swept under the carpet.

Good response.

Yes, "swiftly and quickly" since the GOP Senators have already made up their minds about Kavanaugh's past because you know, "boys will be boys" and as long as they're white, privileged boys it's ok. Justice will not be served to Prof. Ford VoteNoOnKavanaugh

yes nikki haley he has rights to

If Trump can be President, then Cosby can be President also.

Why the GOP needs this process completed "swiftly and quickly" is so hypocritical to the 400+ days that we had to wait during Obama's SCOTUS nomination. The SWIFT is needed because Trump needs a victory badly and the QUICK needs to happen to protect Trump from being indicted.

And what is she exactly accusing him of? Even if it WAS true what teenage girl in the 80s didn’t have a teenage boy try get a quick feel over their clothing at some stage of their life? Let’s put things into perspective here!

She has an opinion - her opinion is to favor both sides of the issue - so she offends no one - so she doesn't get blasted by the President in a tweet storm - that's all

What’s the rush? Oh right, you’re out of power in a month. “Elections have consequences” and all that

And you coukd mention the witness who doesn’t remember a party where nothing happened to her 30yrs ago is completely normal & she also believes Christine’s account. Could mention that.

It's just amazing how they are all so concerned with how swift everything involving a SCOTUS nomination should be... Almost as if they don't want the people to have say...

talking points........ another who will not speak for themselves

And the burden of proof us on the accuser when bringing unsubstantiated charges ...

Every person at CNN needs to do some heavy soul searching about the kind of world they want to live in regarding all the men in their lives. This story is without merit. All the players deny it happen and CNN is playing a role in perpetuating this travesty of justice.

It is not as simple as it seem... Do you know that Kavanaugh's mom was the judge who ruled against ChristineBlaseyFord's parents in foreclosing on their house.

Makes on wonder whether Kavanaugh's name came up in those therapy sessions she went through......

Well good, maybe she will present her transcripts from the therapy sessions she underwent in the ensuing years......after all, they were taking place before anyone was aware to even question her motives now.

K boy a SEXUAL PREDATOR!!! JUST LIKE TRUMP!!! When does this Horror Show end?

... What about this Ed Whelan guy, a good friend of Kavanaugh’s, who knew Ford’s identity before it was made public. ... Among other things. EdWhelan

Are they through editing their script

Why did she wait so late to tell someone about this This happened when they were in high school,but if it happened he needs to come clean about it

You go young lady. I'm so sorry for what you endured. I pray your testimony stops that "sexual predator" from the Supreme Court!!! God Bless You!!!

I hope they have further info on him that he doesn't want to come out and for that he withdraws.

This whole thing is a put on like the stuff Hollywood puts out and they call it a movie. Look mama, I’m on tv.


I will say what everyone is afraid to CB Ford is lying. She is a Dem marcher that is willing to be put up to this and take the risk. Dems will do WHATEVER it takes to stop this nomination. Reps should not stand for this Dem trickery crap. SenatorCollins lisamurkowski

based SOLELY on the evidence or lack thereof in the public domain to date, this seems like an extremely flimsy allegation with no corroborators, scant details and a pure political stunt. Not to mention the ridiculous demands , conditions and terms to come forth draintheswamp


ChristineBlaseyFord something to think about.

Maybe we can a have a dual hearing keithellison and his accuser and Brett and his accuser... save the tax payers some money... if found guilty together we can bus them to jail together... just saying...

It’s funny how she seems to be the only one who remembers a party that probably didn’t exist. Poor thing.

Follow timeline as proposed by senate panel.

real sexual assault...not made up trash

Crazy how this lady is turning the world upside down because of an alleged maybe boob grab 30+ years ago. itsatrap CNNhatesamerica

Dr Ford is a fabricator and obsess with Kavanaugh! We all know this is a Cham from the Democrats. Thats why they waited to the end of the process to delay the vote! We all know this is a political drive.


They (the Judicial Dems) know who the REAL attacker is! NOT Kavanaugh but they desperately WANT IT TO BE. Just think about this. THINK ABOUT THE ASSHOLE WHO IS THE REAL ATTACKER AND THE HELL HE'S PUT BOTH BlaseyFord & BrettKavanaugh THRU AND ALL BECAUSE OF SenSchumer

So basically they’re going to delay it until Thursday then come up with another BS excuse to try and delay it even longer. Got it! F’n Democratic delay and obstruction tactic!


She will back out before then just my opinion.

why would the senate panel even what to listen to her? it's he said she said! after all these years!!!! Wrong

Fake news. Give me a break! ConfirmBrettKavanaughNow

So... is she saying it was rape or groping? Cuz they are 2 different things.

Timing is everything - this woman is a fraud looking for attention.

Can’t wait for that circus!

Hopefully her lawyer has coached her up real good as well as her Democratic strategist. Looks like the circus is about to present the big show in the center ring. The clowns will be singing her praises. CNN the "Clown News Network"

Sexual Assualt should be reported in a timely manner so at the very least there is a record of it. If a guys entire life work can be ruined by an allegation from 30 years ago, how fair is that when it could be entirely false allegation? Report timely or never should be the rule.

Why the rush,, what's there they hide,,

Can’t wait

Don't bet the house in Vegas yet. Strong arm tactics might rise their ugly heads yet again. Who's in charge of the Senate Committee anyway, Johnny Friendly?

Democrat, Clinton & DNC supporter Roy Charles Waller, 58, arrested Thursday on UC Berkeley campus. The "NorCal Rapist" assaulted 10 women from 1991 to 2006. Sacramento PD Chief Daniel Hahn said. "We have confirmed, via DNA, that Waller is the suspect in these crimes."

So is every elected male Republican going to be accused of this B.S. 30 some years you kept it to urself and now you speak out. TO BAD 30 YEARS IS TO LONG TO BELIEVE YOU SEE YA BYE

No that's a completely arbitrary Time! Mitch McConnel will have to answer for ethics violations in cutting this American Citizen from Due Process!

Not breaking news! She’s always agreed to testify! It’s the terms!

Once again, this Is a DNC paid distraction to slow down the Confirmation process of Kavanaugh. They did this all before by paying people to protest and interrupt but this is a low blow this is a good man and all they want is what the DeepStateCorruption tells them. DNCLies

No one else had come forward against him. Hmmm

Looks like every women in the United States are abused and assaulted by someone 🤣🤣🤣🤣 and they keep that story to make money when time arises 🤣🤣🤣🤣watch out all men

I have to agree with twiiter followers that the few photos of Ford does look photos you see on a dating hook up site, it really does 😅

Amazing 😉

Time will tell

Hope this is not another delay tactic. Need for her to give her testimony but we have to stop this game playing. Lets keep open mind and hear both. Is that possible?

I guess by Thursday her Hollywood screenplay will be written so she knows what story to tell.

U guys don’t find it extremely uncharacteristic that a middle aged man (public figure)with impeccable character and convictions of innocence, is not the one demanding an investigation himself.That would be the appropriate gesture right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Complete hack job, someone’s career is on hold because of someone makes an accusation with no evidence, no witnesses, can’t remember location, very sad.

Speak NOW!.....YOU WITCH!!

Wrong again, CNN. That is NOT what Ford’s attorney said. Instead, she wants to keep “negotiating”, aka stalling.

If found that this allegation is false or no credible evidence found will "WE" the people file charges of slander against her.

She is a bought and paid for actress

And then get Cross Examined!

I give the GOP til Monday Noon PST to resign for Crimes against Americans for their emotional sexual assault on us.

If I were her, I would do everything possible 2 prevent the vicious Republicans from raping me all over again before the world (& my children) to see. They are ravening WOLVES waiting to tear her character to pieces. Nothing objective about their comments so far. Pure EVIL

She can’t fly? How did she get to and fron Hawaii?

It is funny how the Democrats claim she was SO harmed by this high school event but yet she still went on to obtain a Doctors degree and now teaches at a university. I smell Soros in this and that she is full of crap!

Very sad because it’s do not change thing & going make her life living hell No Justice No Peace!!!!

Post Fords recent flight records to east coast to debunk that story and her phone records will show she's been in contact with this law firm in early May. They call this "The Last Hope" attack. The lies have to stop.

Testify under oath or don’t bother.

This woman is clearly looking for her 15 minutes of fame, if she truly was a victim why didn't she come out during the BillCosby, HarveyWeinstein and so on? Why now? What does she need lawyers for in order for her to give her testimony and what does there need to be worked out?

More lies more paid lies.

Imagine being a group of men who sit on a committee, whose responsibility it is to question nominees for appointments to highest court in the land; then decide you’re not capable enough of questioning a woman about how someone locked her in a room, covered her mouth....1/2

Dr. Ford said that she doesn't like to fly that's why she wants it on Wednesday is there anyone that can go get her and drive her here so she's here by Monday This woman has more excuses

It's next week then it's next week come on your lying.

Next week! Then it will be next month! She has to have longer to get her lies together

That woman is a completely liar.. she's playing into the hands of the Democrats and fake news media..This woman has been given huge amount of money to destroy Brett Kavanaughs career..This is a pre-planned dirty tactics by the Democrats ..But they will not have success in it..

No she didn't. They said yes but need to NEGOTIATE on terms. This is juvenile.

Come on CNN i havent heard you talk about BrettKavanaugh and his moeny problems

She won’t testify under oath, wait and see. This as a bogus an allegation as they get and she will not perjure herself. Oh and one of her conditions is that Kavanaugh cannot be in the same room. DemoKKKrats are obstructionists.

If this was a criminal procution...Confrontation Clause. The Confrontation Clause of the Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that "in all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right…to be confronted with the witnesses against him."

Ford is going down. Her story has holes.


Feinstein seems so concerned about Dr Ford and her being allegedly sexuality assaulted by Kavanaugh. My question for Feinstein is, where was she when Harvey Milk was molesting and raping little boys? Hypocrite and liar.

What’s wrong with tomorrow? Why do we have to wait so long? This stinks of a purposeful delay tactic by the Demon Crats.

Is this true ?

Be accurate: she has agreed to provide first hand testimony.

A) you don't know her B) her story has hardly any details, not even a year, time, location C) only brought up at this politically crucial time D) she's being so evasive about talking E) he's been investigated by FBI and grilled by everyone... you sure she's telling the truth?


Accusation without proof means nothing. Move on

She's lying. Its completely impossible to prove what happened when it's her word against the two guys that were there. 100% political hit job

Why even bring it up if you weren't prepared to testify. Makes me wonder about her motives. That's sad.

She’s demanding a Happy Meal for lunch now.

TIME IS UP ! Vote and confirm Kavanaugh!

She is steered be Democrats I am sure they will find another reason to delay the hearing. Politics!

Why is Sen Feinstein withholding Dr Ford’s letter to her congressman outlining her allegations ? Did she name someone else? Was she unsure of the identity of the person? Release the letter !

Next week sound open? What does she mean? More demands? More stalling? I hope not. Let’s hear what she has to say. InnocentUntilProvenGuilty Kavanagh VoteRepublican

Forget her and phony allegations. This is how you act when your father or step father or other family member molest and sexually abuse you. Projection.

Can we assume Jason miller has been fired?


Guess the Dems ate passing the hat trying to up the Anti .... maybe the can get the gold star guy they whored out at the DNC He was pretty easy to buy off

Can there not be a statute of limitations on supposed sexual misconduct from the ‘70’s, ‘80’s, ‘90’s? This has gotten absolutely ridiculous!

WTF! GOP state Rep. Jim Knoblach abruptly suspended his campaign following allegations from his daughter, Laura Knoblach, that he had molested her for 12 years, starting at age 9

Check out TomthunkitsMind’s Tweet:

She has agreed to nothing. No date. No time. His is a play from the resist playbook. Gone from ProfessorFord wanting to speak to her team managing political delay.

maddow . CB Ford it takes great courage to come forward n relive your assault. It doesn’t matter how long ago the assault took place. A crime is a crime. I hope your treated with the respect you deserve

Lock him up! KavanaughConfirmationHearing metoo assholeculture

Not unless she shows up Monday.

Even mom said to damn bad, after 30 + years mo one cares. If you think this is not politically concei

The GOP is acting so unprofessional

Didn’t Mitch McConnell say even if Brett admits to it and says it’s all true, he’s still getting confirmed? 😪🇺🇸

Both to testify under oath. This is out if control by dems. Glad they worked this out. Kavanaugh pronounced guilty prior to hearing and dems want to impeach him and he has no job yet. These 2 should lawyer up and get some money for defamation.

Has any woman or man done some dry humping whilst at school ?more than we think folks.. so bk dry humped fakeford whilst he was in another house at the time of the attack.. stay tuned for episode 2 of fakeford starring crazychristine

My money says she don’t show. Just another way to keep it dominating the news for another week. Have you read the story about the pharmaceutical company she is involved in? Their sole product is the “morning after” abortion pill. Should abortion become illegal they would be OOB.

Get this liar under oath then sue everyone involved leftist lunatics

Look at the sentence construction. Who is going to talk to a Senate panel - Ford or the lawyer?

Why do you refer to her as the woman and not by her name which everyone dollars? That seems odd

This story smells like DNC

The Confrontation Clause of the Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that "in all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right…to be confronted with the witnesses against him." This evidence can be used against him in a prosecution.

vote is monday... be thar or be squar

This is not an assurance that Dr Ford will speak, it's another stall by her lawyers to prolong a "negotiation" of terms by which she may agree to speak. In truth, Dr Ford has no intention of speaking because she has absolutely nothing to support her allegation. Hold the vote!

I dunno about you guys but whenever I make a false accusation, I like to demand the FBI get involved. The fact that lying to the FBI is a criminal offence that can get me five years in prison just adds to the excitement. 🙄

We are so proud of you Dr. Ford!


Gotta get the lies right .


What woman has ever been afforded this BS? Seriously! Victims don't want special treatment; they just want to be heard. True victims I might should say.

So no change from yesterday

If she disent show. Have the vote. Enough if this back and forth. If she has the truth on her side we will all see it. InnocentUntilProvenGuilty justice truth

Hang in there Dr. Ford - we are with you!!!

Brenda58849200 Hero! Regardless of the outcome. She will speak her Truth! Regardless if they Believe her or not. Men are Liars and Deny Deny Deny the Truth! ( not all men). Just the predators and those who believe them.

I hope she goes to prison once they find out this is a sham!!!

CNN, U are pathetic. She still wants to negotiate on the terms. fakenews lives on.


Regardless; the democrats have done their damage to the Judge - I am ashamed of this country - we are so far left that it will take a miracle to get to the center again!

They ALL deny!! ...until they no longer can (after the investigation!!). Overpowering a woman, at any age, is never acceptable, and that message should be made extremely clear with consequence. How about that list of all the guilty deniers past & present... It's LONG!!

Vegas odds are 100:1 that DCBF will not. but she will promise to be there the following week. 😉

Not clear When?

Soi.. come her get Q's and say..I don't remember. What a joke and shame on Grassley for bowing to her BS demands. More delay tactics an BS.

Don't forget that Kavanaugh lied under oath more than once. What kind of a judge lies when he is to decide cases based on the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Trump sexually assaulted women and is a Liar. Kavanaugh is a Trump clone. No to Brett. No to Trump.

Surely you mean Dr Ford

Ahem, would it be impertinent to ask:. When next week, under what demands or hostage or ransom demands? Just curious

The FBI doesn't investigate alleged sexual assaults whose statue of limitations ran out on ever. Especially when "victim" can't remember anything but who, and the 2 ppl besides her she named say it never happened. Would you be ok if it were you in the 🎯 MeTooLiars

Fake news! She hasn't agreed to anything. She is still running out the clock hoping another fruitcake will pop up with more totally unexaminable allegations.

PaulBegala Wait till Senate Dems start cross examining Kavanaugh about his antics in high school and college about his credibility. He’ll regret he didn’t just slither away.....

That's the same thing they have been saying since last Monday. There has been ZERO change in their position. "She will testify at some point in the future that is convenient to her."

Breaking News: Christine Blasey Ford will travel to the hearing via a litter carried by 6 feminist bodybuilders. Debra Katz, her lawyer, says the journey will take 2-3 months depending on bathroom breaks.

All you have to do is march through Twitter to discover why woman wants to come forward, let alone if you listen to actual words of the Republican backers. And this thread is no different.

She is a phony her lawyer butch will not show they are just trying to stall things you can blame this crap on bulldog fienstien and the rest of the no count stupid democrats

no sexual harassment is not right when ever it is done, 20,20,40,50,60,70 years ago and once he has done it, it will never stop, they them HE NEVER DOES ABUSE OR HARASSMENT OF SEXUAL NATURE JUST ONCE, a women may be the first there are anymore woman who do not speak up


Brett Kavanaugh should resign.

Too late. Gop should have shut the door on this scam

WHEN her, really the DIMMS, ability to stop a person with No other accuser in 36 years from a positions who has all but one qualification. HE's not a Dimm. SIX FBI background checks? Nothing! The Dimms Have one coming!

In other news...

She ain’t coming.. say no

Dr Blasey Ford is going to testify. God be with her and her attorney.

Lets not get excited were there any conditions?

Put her under oath

Oh, I forgot, 90% of men could be charged if what you claim is sexual assault.

Good hope lawyers RIP her apart.

What a shitshow

I am glad she’s not going to just cave into going to a sham hearing with no other witness testimony and no fbi investigation allowed

Has Kavanaugh passed a lie detector test? Only asking those who have judged Ms. Ford already. Or those who don’t think the FBI should be involved.



I could care less what the GOP and Trump do. The next responsible Govt, needs to Impeach every appointment this illegitimate President has made.

Pressuring a sexual assault victim is like putting the victim on trial. Investigate the allegations; stop assuming this will be enough when it will be a he/she said and no definitive conclusion. The fact that another man’s indiscretions can be excused when “EMAILS” weren’t!

Fine, but explain that the vote will be at 6PM Monday evening.

A Fraud on the loose ... reality check for feminists and men haters. There are some women, who genuinely have a problem with men going places.

This appears as though the senate Dems are sending a sheep to be slaughtered. I feel bad for Dr. Ford. I also feel bad for Kavanaugh. Nobody wins here, only lives and reputation ruined. This is such a national embarrassment. We have lost all form of decency?

Delay testimony.. rehearsed what to say.. she's ready..aye..ok

After Kav is sitting on the Sup Crt can Dr Ford bring charges against him? There is no Statue of Limitations on this crime in Maryland

This woman has my full support and I thank her immensely for being strong and calling these pig’s bluff. We stand with you every step of the way. IBelieveChristineBlaseyFord

I see a book deal in this posers future.

God help her. The senate is going for the kill. No mercy 😨😐

This is not what she said.

Not until conditions her conditions are met. She’s not talking. Get it right! 🙄

Bull. FORD AND Katz and disgraceful Dems jerking Repubs around . Take the vote Monday! confirmkavanaugh

actually, they very carefully did not say that. she agreed to "provide information," subject to further negotiations.

If this happened and I believe it did Brett Kavanaugh has no business sitting as a judge anywhere he's the wrong person in this generation or any other generation going forward to be judging people if he cannot properly judge himself but we shall see what she has to say

Guy. Pictures look like Pervert

She’ll regret it!

I will believe it when it happens. Watch out for more delay shenanigans.

This is bullshit. 36 years she waits to say something about what could be a complete lie or half lie to ruin a man's reputation. fuckingdemocrats

Will she be wearing the shades to hide her lying eyes?

She has added a former Inspector General to her legal team.

Actually she didn't agree to anything. More delay. What a political shit show.

Again...CNN No she didn't say that. Can anyone actually READ an email? They agreed to provide her "fist hand" knowledge... there is ZERO language about her appearing in front of the committee. Seriously, this may be the worst reporting universally ever.

GOP is rambling around twitching their fingers and scratching their ...

Why would she want to do this? After 30 years!

Christine Ford is in charge! Republicans get a backbone man!

Yeah right!

hopefully she finally remembers which year she was 15yrsd

Subpoena the woman! Time to take charge Republicans.

She should speak after proper investigation by FBI

realDonaldTrump Everyone is looking for their 15-minute of fame these days...just saying!!!!

Damn! Christine Blasey Ford is determined to bring down Brett Kavanaugh

I'm coming out so you better get this party started.. That's what I got from that

Why did she hire Andrew McCabes current lawyer. Something fishy going on.


Can’t wait to here her side and facts she can provide. Get ready Washington... if this works then a third of you are done!

as soon as she gets off of the slopes... ⛷

It is "sexual misconduct" now.

Breaking || 2 Palestinians wounded by Israeli occupation snipers east of Khanyounis southern Gaza strip .

The writing is on the wall for pervert KavHELLnaugh

Good we want all the details

Bye bye, Creepy Brett Kavanaugh.

Can you imagine if Republicans scream in the audience like the Democrats did for Kavanaugh’s hearings? I was raped at gunpoint 6+ years ago and I will always remember the date, time, person, etc until the day I die. The fact she doesn’t remember much is telling.

Shes a liar.

Ahhh no she didn't..

...and AGAIN Katz wants to negotiate! Invitation should be revoked. This is an ugly game that the Democrats are playing.

This is so wrong

CNN is fake news

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