Court to consider if PM can be jailed over no-deal

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A legal challenge will examine whether Boris Johnson could be jailed if he pushes through a no-deal Brexit.

A Scottish judge is being asked to consider whether Boris Johnson could be jailed if he takes the UK out of the EU without a deal.

The UK government has insisted it is focused on sealing a deal with the EU to ensure the UK can leave by 31 October, the current deadline, but says a no-deal exit is the only other alternative.The legal action has been initiated by businessman Dale Vince, QC Jo Maugham and SNP MP Joanna Cherry. The judge will rule on this initial part of the case on Monday, after which a panel of Inner House judges will consider whether the court could use its"nobile officium" power to effectively sign a letter to European leaders if Mr Johnson refuses to do so.Boris Johnson:"I'd rather be dead in a ditch" than ask for Brexit delay


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How many people brake the law every day and are not jailed. Run red light, jaywalking, shout obscenities, etc etc etc... get real people

BorisJohnson Jail him,sentence him, what nest 4 British people? Apologie to the people God Biafra how can u be so wicked people of Biafra ?what was our crime?u want God of Biafra to help u out? how dare you?but at end Biafra shall come

“Lock him up, lock him up !”...that slogan sounds familiar..where have I heard it before? Oh yes, it worked for theDonald!

This is now becoming a gross test of people's patience by these fit for no purpose parliamentarians. I think people will react if this motion is considered by the undemocratic judicial system in this country and I fear for the peace of this land. This won't be helpful.


Why is it they can rule on that but not womens pensions?

Haaa 😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣😂🤣🤣

Jailed for what? It’s about time the remoaners accepted DEMOCRACY and got on with BREXIT. Whether you like it or not the decision was made, just like a general election, if it’s won it’s won and that’s that.

This is so ridiculous.

Even the DEMOCRATS are not taking it this far with realDonaldTrump

....oh and keep an eye on what's happening politically in the USA this month, the ripples will be felt around the world

Please ! Really - fake news

could you imagine what a hero Boris would be to so many people if he actually went to prison for taking the UK out without a deal?

This is a dangerous game ... who knows where and how it might end ?

Well no one got jailed over 'weapons of mass destruction' so would think it would be extremely unfair 🙄

Marvellous. Get it done.


Turns out the support the terror lover jeremycorbyn . Sick of this propaganda bullshit. Switching to ITV

Oh ffs grow up We leave End of

Insane , dangerous and stupid ! If an (elected) PM can be jailed for taking action, then the PM has no power to steer a nation. Do you really want that? Obviously there are clear reasons to revoke / impeach a PM. But this is not genocide - it is political diversification.

You get this kind of ludicrous propaganda fro the appalling bbc. Shut them down

Fingers crossed.

elixabexx453 this must be the funniest attempt yet to delay brexit 🤣😂🤣snp🤣😂🤣🤪

What the crap is this shit now

BBCPolitics He should be. It wasn't the peoples fault that the Tory government made a Horlicks of the referendum, now they are claiming they somehow have a mandate to drag us all over a nodeal cliff!

What a load of tosh

So now the courts are making judgements before any crime has been committed, how novel. Why don’t we just have lawyers run the country and to hell with parliament

Will that be in cell next to sturgeon?

BBCPolitics It's the opposition politicians who need to be locked up for behaving unconstitutionally. Check out David Starkey on unconstitutional behaviour of opposition MPs.

Well as it’s his first offence of a law that no ones ever been tried for, no ones been jailed for let alone even arrested for, I think a small fine would be appropriate. £6 seems appropriate fine

Omg now were really getting desperate to stop Brexit. Is it any wonder that MPs are worried about people getting aggressive.?

This is obviously a joke?

Oh Lord I would so love to see Bojo jailed.

Who's paying for all this crap? The lawyers are getting richer on BS

BBCPolitics These numpties really don’t understand that this type of action just strengthens the resolve of leavers. Would be really funny if the court concluded the PM not sending a letter attracts a £100 fine 😂

Lawyers and judges are remain so will help to stop us leaving the eu just let boris do his job

Can they also look at jailing the MP's that are refusing to ratify a referendum that 52% voted for at the same time! votedtoleave

Where's the nearest jail to Uxbridge?

Oh so in elected courts run our country now then.

Any chance of the BBC presenting a positive Brexit story, they are out there but are never mentioned by the BBC remainer organisation. Where’s the balance?

Ploddy_Cat Utter rubbish

Please please please please please

How stupid is this country becoming! the EU has infiltrated deep but it did not work we want out so all this can carry on but we won't accept anything but leaving the EU now

night I wonder if we can jail Nicola Sturgeon or that jockey from the SNP in parliament?

How ridiculous!! How can BorisJohnson be jail for what is the default position of Article 50 that mass majority of MP's voted for!! It was literally their instruction when they triggered Article 50, if they didn't want it they should have worked together to find an alternative!

Give Scotland their independence and let them drown in the cesspool that is the EU

So now it is down to the scots to dictate whether we leave the EU A country with a population of 5.5 million people dictating to the 17.4 million that voted to leave ! This democracy gone mad !

Is it true there will be mass TV licence cancellations if the UK hasn't left the EU after 31st Oct?

Don’t tell me another mucky mouse court.

BBCPolitics More important to our country's future than Brexit is keeping Far Left Labour out of high office. The notion a temporary Corbyn administration could be installed, to block a hard Brexit, without causing serious damage to British society is fantasy.

Can the mob who are holding us in the EU against our will be put in jail?

Jail the c***

How is this the case . . Judicial system involved in political decisions..... The process people go through to stop BREXIT. The ballot paper read remain or leave it didn't say leave with a preferred deal? This is comedy gold ....EU laughing at us every day. Accept the vote

Funny how the case about the extension of article 50 is yet to go through the courts but all against brexit cases appear to get heard very quickly. I must be getting very cynical stuffthelegalsystem

This could be very interesting! If they do consider that then I think they will have opened Pandora’s box and woe betide them if they do!!!

Yes, yes, yes !!!!!throw away the 🔑

Jolene Maughan is a complete Kaswende, notice that the Scottish courts used again, afraid of English courts is he the p**** ....

That’s really going to help get a deal, or get us out... world of fools

Who gives one what the Scots want or think, irrelevant!

Precedent was set on the ballot paper all it said was LEAVE or REMAIN nothing about any deal so at end of day he's doing what is asked, the law breakers are the MPs who have opposed brexit from day one.

In fact, I’m now so bored of this I’m planning my emigration.

More sensationalised reporting. Come on, does anyone actually believe that a PM would go to jail over this? Really?

This is just getting silly now. We need a GE to drain the swamp. The establishment have become drunk with power after a few small wins in the courts and are just going there for anything and everything. I'm just bemused as to what is unfolding in front of us.

Maybe the courts should also decide if all political parties have taken votes by deception, after all, they have failed to stick by their manifestos on which we vote.

What utter nonsense. This sort of garbage needs to be stopped and if necessary by primary legislation by the next Government which will undoubtedly have a sufficient majority to do so

The court will of course consider the vote? Surely the echelons of Scotland will not be biased?

If the courts are as remainer as we think then im surprised he isnt in The tower of london

If only 😊

Yes please.

Because it's always good when unelected judges start interfering in the running of the country over elected representatives of the people.

Why are people even talking about this. If he didnt have a legal way to no deal he would t keep saying it.

Oh give it up,e people voted referendum was leave, pure and simple. PM is doing what the people told him to do. UK is a disgrace how they are treating PM.

How stupid! Perhaps you could also arrest all the MP's who voted against any deal to leave Brexit, going against the verdict of the referendum result

In the meantime 17.4 million people bothered to get out and vote in parliaments referendum. They thought they were taking part in democracy. They were the majority vote to leave the EU. 3 years later MPs are still doing everything in their power to block it.


So they wish to jail the man who is trying to implement the democratic will of people ? How has it come to this ?

Is he a buffoon, yes. Shoudl he be in charge, no. Shoudl he be locked up when the default outcome happens, nope. Otherwise we should all be locked up when we don't complete a taks to someone else's acceptance.

PLEASE SAY YES!!! It would be funny to see him squirm!!!

If you think you can jail bojo then surely Tony Blair should be a priority

Will never happen !!

PM cannot be imprisoned for constitutional law which the 'Surrender Act' is. He has not committed a crime so these idiots are wasting court time and their money.

Lets take s guess shall we...


Total waste of time.

Imagine if JC rode his bike in the dark without any lights? Yes, he would be crucified.

Mark my words .!!!! if they jailed Boris going to make Messiah of him..!!

But the court is biased and politicised. Bit by bit the globalist are trying to destroy our country ... but they wont win.

Put him in the tower

BBCPolitics Remainiac de-escalation?☠️ PeopleVsParliament biasedjudiciary GetBrexitDone 🇬🇧

Can a court decide if the government should pay for all car owners to fund the cost of replacing the eu emblem on the number plates when we are no longer part of the eu

Mr Vince outside is offices in Stroud.

Endless really let a PM do his job. Remove the shackles. Debate and legislate Parliament but let the CEO do his job. Stop the party politics

Great then they had better start building more prisons for all the lying, cheating, dishonest politicians that have been and in some cases still residing in Westminster

Really? Is this what we need to focus on? Clearly we have money to burn on lawyers.

If he breaks the law then he should be arrested and prosecuted just like any other British citizen.

I’m sorry but this is becoming ridiculous. The people who should be in jail are those who visited and colluded with Brussels. Is this what our Parliament is reduced to - running to the Courts every 5 mins because they don’t agree with the Govt. Get a grip!

Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes.

Amazing if he does

So here we go Snowflakes with money now asking those 'judges' whether someone is guilty before they are even charged . Get a life

please then blair should be done for war crimes

What? More remain bias from the BBC

Ploddy_Cat The judges they use are all fucking remoaners that's not justice

what a waste of air time left wing bbc

This is getting rediculous now. What if the EU veto an extension? Are they going to take them to court too?

God save Boris and all who sail in her! 🎅🏿 . see translation .

Hepworthclare CrimeMinister 🚓🚓🚓🚓🚓

Anyone fancy helping rebuilding hadrians wall?, we would need 20 zillion concrete blocks, ditch liners, f..k loads cement and 99 alligators

BBCPolitics Boris should not be trusted under any circumstances. Its staggering how many hard Brexiteers are ignoring the facts and blindly supporting him!

😂😂😂 wouldn't I love to see that!


Bring it on ...

Utter nonsense who are the real anti democrats? SkyNews

Remoaners have become as deranged as the US Democrats.

Wow Europe's Union denying UK voters their democratic right. What is next in this autocratic bureaucracy?

What exactly constitutes a deal though? The best deal in the world will still never be accepted by remainers. We voted to leave. Respect the democratic will of the people

Boris would win GE behind bars... gutterpolitics

Factual error in this report about 'the extent to which Mr Johnson is bound by the legislation passed by opposition MPs'. Legislation is passed by Parliament, not by 'opposition MPs' . Please correct ASAP.

I'd be happier if they jailed every minister who fiddled expenses or was caught lying I guess we would have a fairly quiet parliament though, and given the refusal of the European parliament to release expenses details absolutely no one there either.

BBCPolitics then he will be a Hero and a Martyr let's go for it..

They’ll “consider” it but nothing will actually happen.

Oh for god sakes, this is an absolute joke. They will do absolutely anything to remain in the EU. Get over it and start communicating like you all should of done 3yrs ago. I’m sick of hearing this rubbish.

Which is more binding Article 50 or the Surrender Bill?

BBCPolitics What is so very clear from this is that the Opposition have NO confidence in agreeing an alternative PM that can get the required VoC in the HoC. Otherwise, why bother with all this legal nonsense?

Pathetic. I literally don’t want to live in a society where it’s illegal to leave a political union without an (initial) trade deal because the other side refuse to negotiate nicely.

Maybe every MP could be disciplined for bringing Parliament into disrepute. There is no chance of reconciliation. How can they even have an election? There is no leader worthy of leading the country. MPs have a lot to answer too. They should be sacked and barred from standing.

Ploddy_Cat What crap!!

BBCPolitics When you break the law; the courts will convict & sentence you. Even children grasp this. Sociopaths, not so much. It’s why courts were created in the 1st place. Because of them

BBCPolitics That lot up in Scotland don’t know what to waste there time with,don’t want to tell there children off so they walk over everyone,so they ain’t got to follow the law that’s why half our children in trouble and the other half are stabbing each other . There’s no deterrent no more

The remainers will go to any depths to stop brexit, remainers just cant seem to realise that if a deal is not agreed then its leave without a deal

This is ludicrous. If we were rich enough we could challenge any politician or party over any and every policy or decision or suggestion (real or otherwise). Do we want the judiciary running the country? This is rich Remain Ultras refusing to accept they lost a democratic vote.

Should have included a penalty in the Benn Act?

yes Lock him up with Trump

night how can he be jailed when the default position is leave on 31st Oct. If EU say no changes, no extension then its done

Get a grip you lot. There will be a loophole. We will be out 31 Oct 2019 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

elixabexx453 Correct me if I'm wrong, but EU law over rules our laws, so if Art 50 is correct and EU law does over rule then we can lawfully leave on the 31st

If he breaks the Benn Act which is now law he must be prosecuted.

The courts are being manipulated through hypothetical cases brought by people with an agenda. No offence has been committed. Surely the courts should not allow themselves to be misused in this way.

What a bunch of Wan⚓️ ers it like saying a customer buying a car off me doesn’t agree with the deal on the table so obviously there’s going to be a no deal 🙅‍♀️ then me saying to the customer you could be prosecuted and go to jail 😂

Ploddy_Cat We are seriously entering unchartered waters. Don't these idiots realise that public anger is rising. If this continues I can only see a civil war happening.

What the fuck next ? Our Courts won't be able to cope with the amount of cases going to be heard, just in case someone breaks the law.

BBCPolitics Bbc bias as usual

FFS how much is all this costing Sure this money could be used better elsewhere than pissing it away 🤬

A deal takes more than one party so you’re basically saying the PM agrees to everything the EU demands or you could go to prison. That’s a bloody joke. Increases the incentive for the EU not to agree to anything presented by the UK

So they are having the trial before he has committed the offence. You couldn't make it up.🙄🙄

FfS this is absolutely shocking

Lol best joke so far

What. The actual fuck.

BBCPolitics BBCPolitics This is unbelievable, one person is trying to obey the democratic result what people had in 2016. All options whatsoever were rejected by Opp's just because they decide their votes to choose than people. Now court will decide if he can be jailed.

BBCPolitics IF a judge makes this ruling they will have gone against one of our greatest safe guarded freedoms, innocent until proven guilty. They are basically been asked to pronounce someone guilty before they have committed a crime. Scary times.

Don’t be ridiculous

Then imprison the anti Brexit campaigners outside Westminster and extinction Rebellion idiots for being a public nuisance and wasting police time

The one good thing that has come out of the Brexit debacle is that many politicians on all sides of the house have been exposed for what they really are.

Jailing is not the point. The point - and it’s hard to believe that our country has come to this - is that the PM must be induced to obey the law.


Oh for heaven’s sake, the court needs to stop intervening & let BorisJohnson GetBrexitDone

In theory if a law is broken the prosecutions and convictions can result. But laws can be overturned, especially where their creation is inappropriate. Parliament passing an artificial law on a specific issue that would only ever apply once seems like abuse to me.

night Hope you’ve got space for the 17.4m voters that will be joining him!

BBCPolitics If Boris went to jail over no deal he’d be a national hero so bring it on

BBCPolitics Jail anyone that does not believe in brexit

The Judiciary really do need to be reigned in. Ridiculous that unelected & unaccountable Judges ruling this Country!

Can some one tell me who is paying for all these court cases.

This is ridiculous!

BBCPolitics Don’t talk so wet. The PM has come up with a good deal. If the EU rejects it, that’s their problem. Negotiations have been ongoing for over 3 years now, why do you want more time? Plus Scottish law is different to English law.

BBCPolitics Nonsense! BorisJohnson PeoplesPrimeMinister

Scotland st it again Sooner there piss off the better,we don’t need them pulling us down

Good grief, what is this country coming too.

Yes. Hopefully.

BBCPolitics This could be absolutely hilarious. Remainers get their VoNC; install their “darling de jour”; request an extension; EU says no; Remain PM jailed for taking us out on “no deal”

Can somebody point to where in the Act it creates a criminal offence with a punishment. As far as I can recall there is no sanction in the Act if the PM does not request an extension.

BBCPolitics It’s as if these traitors want to divide our great nation

See what happens when Government is superseded by Judges Thin edge of a big wedge, none of us will win by. And then there is ignoring a democratic vote, accepting, possibly going to bite us later, on other important issues. Lets put both together, ask judges to decide on vote

Good question.If the deliberate mishandling results in huge losses to UK a court case can be justified.

For God's sake give it a rest

A stupid and pointless waste of time and money

FFS! What’s the point? It’s a bit late if he gets jailed AFTER we crash out! If he refuses to ask for an extension on the 19th he should be removed from office, Article 50 should be revoked to avoid a national emergency and an election should be called. Stop fucking about!

ffs, how low can the remainers go. They lost get over it or leave the UK please.

Bringing courts into politics is wrong.

The EU can say no to an extension and we leave with no deal anyway so will the PM be jailed then. Bringing in a law to make someone ask for something is pointless

Labour should be in jail since obstructing democracy by not being elected govt.

BBCPolitics Bull bbc remoaners headline

BBCPolitics The more and more you destroy the referendum result.. the more n more this country will become so divided it’ll never b repairable.

Might as well jail everyone that voted out, for democracy.bloody morans Won't leave it alone

very democratic

Ploddy_Cat The Courts should be considering the bias and propaganda spewing from bbcnews seven days a week. FakeNewsMedia


BBCPolitics The PRISONs are full,are you taking the Pi** , stop BACK STABBING EACH OTHER AND THE BRITISH PEOPLE, 3 years it should have been sorted in the first YEAR, SHAME ON YOU ALL MPs,everytime i turn on the TV,RADIO YOU MAKE ME FEEL SICK,LEAVE BORIS ALONE YOU EVIL NASTY PEOPLE.

Are the courts also going to ask Nicola what she knew about Alex?

Absolute foolishness if we end up with no deal it will be parliaments fault as they have been given a deal to vote on so if they or the EU don't accept it how can it be the PMs fault.

a 'court' made up of little salty old men set to lose millions if we leave with no-deal.

BBCPolitics Leave support polls...

Seriously this is getting ridiculous now, just let him do his job. The country voted leave.

Getting silly now.

BBCPolitics I see they’ve been spending their time productively since being back from prorogation. Tbf if they jail Boris he will win by a landslide

BBCPolitics What has the courts got to do with politics, the remainers will try anything to stop brexit

Now it’s getting ridiculous, I might not agree with all decisions but this daft

Wasting more money & time this is why this country is in the state it is in.

Remains fanatics trying everything possible before 31 st as they did before Boris became PM.

BBCPolitics Of course he won't face jail.

Jailed for trying to uphold the result of a democratic referendum and being patriotic. Really?

😮 what part do these remain-side-folk actually do not get that actions of these kind will only go hugely against the fabric of what gives as all the caushion of a society in the form of socialcohesion 🤷‍♂️ A floating voter, remember us that voted remain?

BBCPolitics That’s one way to increase leave support


It's not what this case is about at all.

I sincerely hope so

Remains Judges , judges are not justifying with their decisions.about time given power to challenge judges decisions

BBCPolitics That's never going to happen

Can the PM be arrested for delivering a democratic vote? How is that even a discussion?


They better blooming try.

More bbc bullshit , cmon where’s the REAL NEWS .

pritti coming to tuck him in in the evening and bringing him at cuppa in the morning-sugar or salt on your porridge dear

night Wouldn’t be enforceable Boris is enacting the democratic vote how can he go to jail for honouring democracy

If you didn’t believe before how dangerous the SNP were then here it is, we know of Sturgeons contempt for Thatcher and the Tories as she has expressed it enough times. These “Parliamentarians will one day probably be bought before the courts themselves to disband Parliament.

They used to say you could put a dog up for election in a red rosette & it would still win a labour seat. Today it appears you can put a criminal Tory PM in prison & he'd still get elected? Today's Great Britain eh?

Jail him and ?

night Jailed for democracy? Getting stupid this country

Complete and utter nonsense!!!

もし英首相が「合意なき離脱阻止法」いわゆるBenn Actに従わず、EUとの合意がないまま離脱延期を要請しなかった場合、ボリスジョンソンに法的処罰が下される可能性がある。

No, the court is to consider if the PM can break the law to ignore the instructions of parliament, the representative of the people. People who break the law may, of course, then go to prison

How long would the Scottish economy last without English taxpayers contributions? Pish

We are always told that no one is above the law and that's how it should be.

night Embarrassing 😂😂😂

Fingers crossed! ☺️

Can we jail the MPs who reject the deal

Hypothetical waste of time and money. More surrender tactics in my view!

In a democracy, Politics is the court of ideas, the people are the judge and the jury. It seems if you can't win the people over you run for the lawyers and every tiny technicality. Suggests you know you can't win the people over. Weak.


Maybe take the SNP to court for unlawful obstruction of democracy. PeopleVsParliament DemocracyVsJudiciary

17.4 million people voted to leave or remain they did not vote for a deal can they take the government to court?

the courts are so much remain and corrupt. If this is allowed to carry on there'll be no point having parliament. Just let the judges have full control.

hahahahahahaha a jock court anti-english anti-brexit fools -----get out now take your debt wiv you --england northern ireland n wales dont need you -----good bye good riddance you nothing but a burden on britian and the uk

Hahahahaha you can’t even fine a prime minster who was responsible for thousands of deaths in a fake trumped up war! Tony Blair & that Black Isle muppet Campbell should be done too wait he has had breakdown so we can’t touch him they both want to tell us how we should live now!

It would only emphasize the people v establishment rhetoric!

I thought China sounded bad !! FFS is this is even considered its bad for the people of the UK. A vote was taken to leave the EU now just get in with it. By not backing the deal the opposition are driving this country into a recession

Democracy has been sidelined by Parliament NOW the COURTS are handing out judgment before any crime is committed. IF IT WASN’T SO SERIOUS IT WOULD BE FUNNY

The people are all behind you Boris. This is now getting ridiculous. A leave decision was made by the nation. And now the PM could go to jail over it. Seriously GROW UP

Tell you what, seen as though the judges are the ones who are really ruling the country, get them to make a deal with the EU then!! What a farce this is!!!

Give it a bloody rest

You’re kidding aren’t you

This is really stupid now, BBC. Beyond words. I trust you will post the outcome when they determine that he can't? Corbyn must be laughing at you posting this utter nonsense.

I wonder what the judgment of totally biased pro-EU Scottish courts will be. Yet another attempt to use wealth to subvert democracy

Surely they should focus on those in Parliament who are refusing to honour their democratic mandate, and who are reneging on the manifesto commitments they were elected on?

After the courts judgements yesterday on womams pensions I don't feel the courts are in any place to pass judgement, that is what they said yesterday. Laws do not change like swings and roundabouts

No one is above the law.

He'd win a GE in prison

Carry on dont u reliease more u do this more boris gets popular thanks Brexit is coming we are LEAVING

Anyway he's,' The Establishment', it would never happen

They don’t even know the mechanism the PM would be relying on to enable no deal so this court case is a waste of tax payers money! I hope the costs are charged to the claimant not the tax payer. Shall we stick those who oppose new deal in jail too?

Sorry but didn't we VOTE for Brexit? Surely the only jailable action would be to go against the vote and try to prevent us leaving. 🤔🤔🤔

Time we rose up and simple removed these remainers from office. Won’t allow an election and using all means to thwart the biggest democratic mandate in the history of this nation. Be careful where you tread now...

Some people just need to move on accept they lost for fs

hahaha oh my god does it get any sillier, are we in monty python or what?

Helped along by the BBC of course SocialM85897394 Conservatives Ploddy_Cat

Truly getting desperate now. Lol

Who is running this country. Our elected government or judges. These judicial interventions must cease.

Scottish courts should be careful before interfering in issues that concern the nation as a whole

Jeez.. Can they also look to jailing those that rejected TM's deal!

Whatever next,a complete farce.


The optics of jailing BoJo over No-deal would only be to his benefit

What a load of absolute trash, mps have already voted for no deal in the withdrawal act. Why is this even news. Who is behind this litigation? Can I guess

Oh for goodness sake 🙄

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