Attorneys for Christine Blasey Ford ask for another day to make decision to testify

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BREAKING: Attorneys for Christine Blasey Ford ask for another day to make decision to testify


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The war could be over before she testifies.

Ford is a unhinged wacko left lunatic. It's not a criminal trial it's just an inquiry.

The whole thing STINKS !!! DISGRACEFUL AND RIDICULOUS making a mockery out of the Senate !! So SAD And SO OBVIOUS what Liberals Democrats ARE DOING !!supported by billionaires who hates this country !! They get pleasure in destroying a good decent men I BELIEVE JUDGE KAVANAUGH!

If she is telling the truth...this should be a no brainer.

Vote already

What for to delay yet another day to make up more lies?

I'll only say this, I don't trust the Democrats at all, they must be working on another desperate attempt to derail Judge Kavanaugh.

We have to stop this. He does she said yes or no. Nobody really cares.

Time to vote !

Here come the Happy Days era crybabies. Nerds.

Justice delayed is justice denied. Time to testify

Another day, and another day, and another day... Isn’t there ANYONE in government who will stand up and say, ‘Enough!’? Do these politicians understand what a mockery is being made of them?

Proven fact that 7 out of 10 victims of sexual violence NEVER report it.

Yes. She has to rehearse her answers more. Oh, I mean her lies.


delay,delay,delay,,,,,lets get on with the vote!!

Dr. Ford. When the evil goes into court they fear judgement.


Would this happen in a court of law? Can a judge be given conditions?

Enough. Speak or go away.

Dr Ford or not Judge Kavanaugh should have his day on Monday & vote to confirm him should also take place.



Funny she can bring it up. Then need more time to testify. Roflmao needs time to make sure her lies are in a row.

Delay distract delay some more , pay some protesters , grand stand, fu***ing spartacis movie, delay, ask for more documents , =DUMB DEM PLAYBOOK..... GOOD LUCK AT THE ELECTIONS DUMBIES

All this is, is a move to Stall !!!

They are just stalling that's all the Democrats want to do with this case is stall he's going to be judge let's just get them confirmed

Of course they did.


Sniff....sniff....I smell politics.


All I have to say it must be nice. Poor thing she must be so scared. How did she ever survive a terrible teenage incident! How did she manage to hold that horrible incident inside her through the years as the man who derailed her moved up to where he is now?

Question for all people who are upset w/ Grassley. If Feinstein would of brought it up in july, Ford & her attorney would have had PLENTY OF TIME. U can see it was a delay tactic to delay vote. Why aren't people outraged at Feinstein for not giving her due process by 6 week delay

Senator Gassely,do your duty as you should,confirm Judge Kavanaugh now.


If this man is a clerk of the courts a judge a man who follows the rule of law because it is the law then he should insist this women gets her due process she should get her investigation if your not guilty what is the problem are the Republicans afraid they found another liar

GOP Give her a firm "NO".

No the vote will be on Monday

Quit letting the Dems delay and block proceedings!! Do your job!

This is all BS!

No more says this man has been though a lot. No more make her come in and face him

The Dems stall tactic is working beautifully so far. They are receiving 24/7 Lame Stream Media support, including hourly rhetoric from man hater groups like the "me too movement", aided by a few Trump hating Republican Senators.

That decision has been made, now the effort is how do they save face and walk away without being prosecuted .

She is accusing a nominee for the Supreme Court, subpoena her and put her demands to the side. If she can eventually remember something and prove it than this guy might not be the right guy but if she can’t prove anything then she is committing character assasination.

Moderates & the right are loosing patience. Either way, regardless of outcome the left has said NO. They are poor losers, sick in head, & evil. All this crap to KEEP killing unborn babies. CountryOverParty stop UnitedSocialistStatesAmerics by the left GOP

Do now we know the delays are to buy time to set up and train protesters to try and disrupt the kavanaugh hearing.

NO...... YOU are wasting my money when we have kids going hungry..Stop and use my tax money for the good. VOTE!!!!!

If you don’t have the fake story synchronized by now, give it up. You took to long. Oh yeah, acusser must go first and be questioned by lawyers. This is America and Kavanaugh has total legal right to face accuser. ConfirmJudgeKavanaughNow

Senator Grassley end this charade by the Democrats and accuser and VOTE. This is a mockery of truly sexually assaulted women. This is disgraceful and Ms. Ford should be ashamed. My opinion, I hope whatever she got for it was enough.

Everything about this woman is delay, delay, delay. What could she possibly need another day to prepare? She has had months to prepare!

Screw that let the votes in screw this game they playing


Find your backbone republicans!

Tell her DemonRat Lawyer to get her A** up, these PEOPLE acting like a 4 years old! Disgusting behavior! Put them on time out!

itsYourGrace Delay delay delay, and the truth will come out, oh yes more delays to come.

So it looks like they need a “plan G” because plans A,B,C,D,E and F didn’t work. The Dems need her to hold off because they need the weekend to figure out the next stall tactic.

One more day to come up with more crap

Isnt this what you wanted when you brought this up Balsey Ford? Actually I’m sure you wanted to go through this anonymously, but everyone has the right to face their accuser. You need to Go face the music!


It’s amazing to see how many stupid people we have in our country, with 0 sensitivity for others. We need to clean up America of so much ignorance, starting with the freak who pretends to be POTUS. The U.S. is now a banana republic thanks to the spineless repubs.

Hasn’t she had like 30 years?

He is innocent 😇.

The resistance protest need more time for logistics. Need to hire more professional protesters and get more money from soros.

Lol. She couldn't make up her mind if it really happened?

What is going on? Tells Di ages ago. Tells Post. Wants to tell FBI. But can't decide about hearing? Sounds more and more manipulative by the minute. We'd really like to be sympathetic, but we don't care to be made fools of.


No need to

Delay. Delay. Delay.

Sorry they've had plenty of time. No more stalling let's move on and confirm him.

Forgive me but.. who is this woman and why does she get call the shots dictating how our government operates? There was time allotted for Monday... Does she have a pedicure Monday? Just show up and share your story- we are all listening.

Fake, do the vote and put him on the bench. Right thing to do. The Dems had a person for every possible pick trump could make who told there doctor Kavanaugh raped them prior to his announcing the nomination. It’s not working any more. Vote already

Why set a deadline if it’s not really a deadline! Stop letting her stall and vote!

SenateMajLdr PLEASE, sir, NO more delays! Push for a vote & get Brett Kavanaugh onto the USSC! We can no longer allow Dems./Socialists/Commies to influence this Senate! After Hillary Clinton's remarks about Dems. being Socialists (w/Commie tendencies), we now know who they are!

What a crock. If she wasn’t ready to stand up for herself, she should’ve kept quite. I’m 100% behind people standing up for themselves when they’ve been hurt, but she waited 35 years? No. I have no sympathy for you. Imagine if this guy had hurt more woman? She chose to do zip.

Ridiculous, no one forced this woman to reveal her name. Total BS. Vote now!!


OMG the B*tch has had 36 yearsto make a decision, this is just a stalling tactic! Hold the VOTE NOW! Confirm Kavanaugh! Stop the obstruction!

Face it, you won't make the democrats happy no matter what you decide

This is ridiculous. This is tearing down the whole judicial system in the US- Federal, state, and local. When you allow his for one then everyone thinks they are owed it. She is making a mockery of our system and they are allowing it. I can’t believe we have stopped this low.

Another day to consider the problem is she is caught lying 5 years in jail

NOPE! TIME WAS UP LAST WEEK! Let's move ahead, they're not serious! VOTE!

It’s all about stalling!!!!

For those of you who believe this woman you all need a check up from the neck up !!!

What a one-sided response...don’t you have daughters at Fox?

😡😡😡😡WTH! Why does she need more time? Is she trying to extort more money from DNC!? It’s her story what’s there to prepare!

How about we stop wasting time with baseless allegations that cannot and have not been substantiated.

No - times up - total political bullshit - IStandWithBrett

Rules are rules.

Me thinks not 😣

Delay tactic

She doesn’t need another day she’s had 36yrs

It took her 30 years to tell this now she needs more time? No way, times up!!!

Who is in charge here? The Senate is in charge. Delay is the Democrat response! Will you please be leaders and take charge of this investigation Republicans?

Enough of the bull crap from the lady and her on Monday and let them go home .

No, If she doesn't show Monday then go on with the Vote!! ChuckGrassley Ford doesn't dictate what's going to be done and how! You all do!

Screw that... they just want more coaching time for their BS. No more time you had 35 years just vote!!!

the globalist democratic politicians and this woman christine ford are really dirty and anti- anerucan. how can amerucan could trust those people?

Let's see... She names his friend as a witness, and wants him to testify. She knows lying to the FBI is a felony, and she wants the FBI to do the investigation. She takes a lie detector test and passes. The GOP doesn't want any other witnesses, doesn't want the FBI to investigate

No more delays! She has had more than enough time to make her decision (from July to now). My 4 year old Grandson can make up his mind faster than this person, but than again, he isn't a Democrat.


Wednesday is 2 days past Monday. How dare this lawyer show so little respect for the process. This is strategic political antics by democratic obstructionists! Our senators should not cave as it will turn into a media political fiasco by democrats. That’s the objective.

After 36 years she needs more time

Vote Kavanaugh Monday

enoughalready timetovote stoptheinsanity timetostopstalling kimguilfoyle DonaldJTrumpJr LisaMarieBoothe dbongino GrassleyPress

She has had 34 years to make a decision

How about NOOOOO!!!

Game over.

Vote Monday! MAGA

No, they're just stalling. You don't think this will really change any of the Ds mind do you? Vote Monday morning. No more time.

The allegations have only been in a letter that only Feinstein has seen. How can anyone work with that.

NO! Not only no, but HELL NO!!!! And that DAMN WELL better be the answer from Chuck Grassley!!!! ChuckGrassley SenMajLdr

I say no, put up or shut up


I wonder how much they paid her for her lies

I support Kavanaugh!!!

Hell no

Just say NO! Monday or shutup!

The answer should be no! Monday or nothing, take it or leave it. Enough of this purposeful delay of the confirmation process. Judge Kavanaugh deserves to be on the SCOTUS.

No no no!! That would be totally unfair to the Judge. Please don't even consider this request you are being played🇺🇸MAGA

Simple yes or no screw another day just vote him in already let the fool parade

These assholes are stalling and Blasey Ford was Interviewed by the San Francisco FBI today...good luck on getting your story straight...Anita Hill remake

And this surprises no one.


Of course she wants to remain anonymous. That way when she's proven to be a lying paid tick her face wouldnt be plastered all over the news. Now when she's disgraced and laughed out of the proceedings, EVERYBODY will recognize her. She better find a cave to live in afterwards.



BS take the vote

NO! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. These attorneys have no respect for law, due process or anyone. Just seeking to control and divide..


Doesn't matter how much time you give, nothing will change!People have already decided ,on limited info ,who they believe. Disappointing but true. Both have suffered much, because Senator Feinstein didn't follow procedure, she intentionally turned this into a circus! Shameful

She made the accusation. Now let's get this over with.

The republicans had better deny it. She has lost all credibility now. 36 years ago and she still needs time? Everybody knows who she is now, she is not risking anything by telling her story now, if she has one to tell.

Playing the republicans like a fiddle.

Let them give her this last request-don’t her lawyers & dem leaders know that as her requests adds up, the more fishy it looks like? They’re making it harder & harder not to conclude that it’s a dirty tactic of demleaders?

No no no

Move on with the vote! No more stalling! We the people say she is lying!

This is BS!!! VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!

She had 36 years to decide.

DON’T CAVE!!!!! Confirm him she has had 36 yrs !!!

Hell NO!!!!

This Bull Shitvhas gonecon long enough!!!

Time up! Enough of this disgraceful theatrics by the Democrats! Ford is a political hack and pawn. I don't believe her non story! Makes it bad for REAL VICTIMS! Lord, it's in Your capable hands, convict them. Amen 🙏🙏


This now a game.

Ford Has Ties With Big Pharmaceutical Company As A Researcher For A Abortion Pill Drug RU-486....Check It Out.........

Don't do it, as a citizen of this country I'm appalled at this. Deny the request. Stop the charade!!! We the people need to take back this country from the leftists!!

Vote Monday. America first MAGA

💜 I say NO ! Senator Grassley , made it clear and valid . He has control not the Attorney .


“They” are trying to goad the President and every red blooded male to blow a gasket over this. We see this for what it is. Kavanagh will be nominated to the Supreme Court.

Ridiculous just a ploy to delay the confirmation. Republicans need to grow some balls and get the vote over with. SMDH

No more delays! Monday or tell her to bugger off and VOTE!

I think someone has something to hide.

She has no intention of testifying and never has, it’s a political con. Vote and move on.

Absolutely not. You've had 36 years and that was more than enough time, VOTE!!

Ford will not testify.She will file criminal charges attempted rape-Montgomery County no statue of limitations.Court will subpoena witnesses.Jury will convict JSC. Trump will fire Rosenstein. He will reveal taped Trump discussion re firing Comey. Kavanaugh goes jail with Trump.

Uh, no.

This poor lady was just thrown in to the fire by Feinstein and the rest of the democrats..this is not good she has no way out..they totally used her as a political football and now her lawyers are controlling her every move

This is such a farce. Anybody with a brain, which excludes most liberals, can see the total mockery they are trying to make of the system.

EnoughIsEnough TakeTheVote about “NO” ?


I made a graph of Dr. Ford’s Credibility this week. 📉




Absolutely no!

No way! You give an inch and she’ll take a mile. Enough stalling! Does she need more time to be coached as to what to say? Maybe more to fabricate “evidence” or find fake witnesses?

What about “no” doesn’t she understand? Just say NO!


When are they going to realize that this whole thing is a delay tactic. I bet you she will be ready sometime in mid November 😂


No more stalling.

No, but hell no.

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