Justice Dept. revives fight on Trump’s right to block on Twitter

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A federal court ruled President Trump can't block people on Twitter, but the Trump administration isn't giving up that easily

A federal court ruled President Donald Trump can't block people on Twitter, but the Trump administration isn't giving up that easily.

In its Friday court filing requesting a rehearing from all judges of the court, the Justice Department argued that because the @realDonaldTrump account is not owned by the federal government and has been operated by Trump in a personal capacity for years, the president can control who can have access to it.

The Justice Department argued in its Friday filing that that assumption would set a precedent that would mean all "public officials who address matters relating to their public office on personal accounts will run the risk that every action taken on that account will be state action subject to constitutional scrutiny."


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Maybe he needs to stop using Twitter for once in his life.

webber_9esw9 Oh please block me. I have insulted, denigrated, and kicked Trump in the ass verbally so many times and he's never noticed.

SethAbramson realDonaldTrump You’re so petty but as long as you’re paying for this yourself, who cares? We must make sure trump pays his own bills. He can’t be a deadbeat leader turning his bills over to the taxpayers.

SethAbramson Too funny, realDonaldTrump has such thin skin.



So many important issues around the world and they are wasting time and energy on this? However, I am certain that some are working out the massive amount of money Trump’s businesses will save if interest rates go down more.

SethAbramson On his personal account maybe but not on the official government account.

SethAbramson Did someone hurt manbaby's feelings again? Oh the horror of it all.

But but your Honor, they hurt his fweelings? Oh and Hillary’s emails.

realDonaldTrump This administration keeps showing us time and time again it’s deep roots in fascism with its total disdain for brown people and anyone who speaks against him. Is he the third Antichrist? I believe so. We must stand firmly against this tyranny.

If Trump can’t legally block Twitter responders, why is Twitter allowed to block responses from their subscribers?

Please change ruling Block Trump and others who tweet B S nonsense to start more nonsense in the world or to try to improve their power

They never give up easily thank goodness!!!!!!

Persistent little snowflake

Trump has his own law office, the U.S. Justice Dept. Can't wait until he is voted out.

greenbrian75 He really hates, and is incapable, of being the president of all Americans.

Why I can block anyone I want?

God he is childish.

SethAbramson PROPAGANDA MAN. Donald won't rest until he achieves full-blown dictatorship. So we must stop him.

Trump is using tax $$ & US Court & DOJ resources to fight is stupid battle that no real leader would think worth time & $$. Trump wastes our money & abuses the power of the office he & Putin stole.

The short fingered vulgarian tries again.

The forgot to adjust the length of his fingers for this photo.

He doesn't want to hear what people think of his or his policies, he just wants to tell them what he wants to say. One sided.

Two things Drumpf hates is the Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press. He prefers the Putin/Kimmy way with all the terrified citizens lined up clapping their hearts out in fear they will be caught on camera taking a break and be sentenced to death.

what with this and all the other law suits tRumpy is currently fighting (His taxes, and foundation records as well) just HOW MANY lawyers is he using and WHO is paying for them all

I think he should block everyone and we all reciprocate.

The Justicw Department should.not be acting as his personal law firm

This administration needs to be de-swamped in 2020

SethAbramson This isn’t that hard. Make him get TWO accounts. One official and one he can block whoever the hell he wants.

May also looking at ways to ban the Constitution as an option for complete rule.

SethAbramson The fact energy like this is given to twitter is why Trump and this administration sucks. A bunch of 5th graders.

SethAbramson Once he becomes a private citizen, he can block all he wants to. Until then everything must be in the public domain. ResignTrump ImpeachTrumpNow 25thAmendmentNow LyingTrump

So let me get this straight: the twitter account is personal but the justice department is appealing?

SethAbramson Our government is seriously spending money to enable Trump to block people on Twitter?

So glad the DOJ is taking on this most critical of cases !!! I’m sure there is absolutely nothing more important than protecting the “presidents” right to block on Twitter. Why, there are so MANY other things he needs , like tax evasion cover up, etc.

The fucking economy is starting to crash and burn — but this guy is worried about who he can block on twitter?

The world is going to hell and this is what the orange doorstop is focused on.

So this ass clown thinks he can announce worldly decisions on tweeter and not allow certain citizens the ability to see it? Isn't that dictatorship? LOCK HIM UP!!!! I CANNOT WAIT!!!!

That's what I said May 24, 2018:

SethAbramson 🐂💩

intotheforestsb The people who bleat loudest about law and order, don’t actually expect those orders to apply to them.

Bill Barr as personal lawyer again!

In this system where is said no 1 is above the law, & all receive justice in the courts if wronged. justice not 4 most and for others it’s. JUST US Operating under the golden rule, Who ever owns the gold, makes the rules. While in chambers All laugh, yes,joke is on us. Laugh

is the DOJ going to start paying for parking tickets and traffic fines for the entire Trump Syndicate?

Trump’s a wannabe dictator.

Things heating up in the kitchen, getting 2 hot under the collar. Truth 2 a liar has a way of doing that. Just because 1 doesn’t want 2-B exposed for what they are when deceiving others who placed trust in what they say does not give one the right saying they can’t. Free Speach

SethAbramson On personal matters of this 🍊🤡, DOJ is wasting resources ... He is thrilled, as not a pretty penny going out of his pockets ... So appeal and keep frittering the money ...

SethAbramson And this is the same administration currently attacking Facebook and Twitter for banning rightwing terrorist and racist propagandists. Freedom of speech for me, not for thee.

They can’t claim his ridiculous tweets are official White House statements and then block Americans from viewing them. These people are truly out of their minds. Pick a lane and stay there ffs.

Only realDonaldTrump alt right cult followers only need apply...just be the color of your hood...

Come on JUSTICE!

And that me and that everyone else can't block any on too.

SethAbramson Swamp

William Barr is an embarrassment to decent human beings.

Wasting tax payers money!

Twitter should block Trump. Or better yet, everyone on Twitter block him. His tiny little mind would explode.

SethAbramson This can easily be solved. tRump should resign & become a private citizen, then he can block anyone he chooses. Most of us will unfollow him anyway. Better yet, put him in jail, that would stop his tweeting fingers!

Wow. TheJusticeDept is now realDonaldTrump personal lawyer? autocracy

ANCHORSEND1 They just loving spending money, don't they? What jackasses.

SethAbramson What about throwing Trump out of Twitter as he is a primary offender of the rules?

What a cowardous piss ant, not to mention a racist and white supremacist!

SethAbramson There is nothing to stop you From blocking him....

SethAbramson Can we all not just agree trump and his cohorts just don't give a fuck about laws and do whatever the hell they want? Dems need to step up to hold them accountable. Not their tactic so far.

SethAbramson State of the American rule of law. It's not applicable to the ruling class.

SethAbramson Guess I hurt his fee fees.

What why not?

Drop it, it's stupid anyway

SethAbramson Pretty sure Trump is blocking people regardless. If you don't stroke his ego, you don't get any replys or likes from him Trump supporters.

SethAbramson Are taxpayers funding this stupid lawsuit?

Well the medical community it would seem this week threw in the towel, the psychological one at any rate. Neurosyphalis seems to be the trending suggestion and I've suspected as much myself in the last few month's but the last week has sold it.

Just wondering if they can still take away press passes.

Such a noble battle this administration chooses.

SethAbramson What a waste of our tax dollars!

SethAbramson If he doesn’t like being unable to block people....he could put his fucking phone down and stay off Twitter.

SethAbramson He sure got his man with Barr. Huge enabler of trumpshit.

SethAbramson Once Herr Twittler used his personal account for 'official' US Government business it became a de-facto government account.

SethAbramson Good lord. Trump has too much time on his hands.

SethAbramson That’s because poor little Trumpy can’t take having his fragile, brittle ego bruised and bumped by all that brutal honesty. Poor little man Trumpy 😢

SethAbramson But then he will only have 3 followers.

SethAbramson He actually admitted that it is an official communication channel.

SethAbramson Just get rid of the POS!

SethAbramson A federal law states that Trump can't block people from doing business in China, but the Trump daughter isn't giving up that easily

SethAbramson Wouldn't it be great if the Dotard cared as much about helping people rather than blocking them in his silly, inconsequential twitter game

SethAbramson Block Trump. Best twitter move.

SethAbramson I’m just curious. What was the reason for this. Not that I mind in the least, but Id still like to know why? Why did they block him from blocking?

SethAbramson Elected officials can't do this. We the people elected him & in a democracy, we have the right to say what's on our minds. Being the baby & punk that he is, he doesn't care. He thinks he controls all of us just like a dictator. Trump

SethAbramson This is an excellent use of taxpayer money.

Why can’t Twitter block TRUMP?

SethAbramson Shouldn't they uphold the LAW? 🤦🏽‍♂️

Just wondering what’s he afraid of that he has to block accounts? On Twitter?


Have you read the replies to President Trump’s tweets? They are horrendous and obscene. Twitter should screen and block these tweets.

Why are they still fighting? It’s not like he reads the tweets.

Trump just can’t handle criticism but he can sure dish it out. He’s a real nut job😳

Fraudulent investor & Ponzi scam lawyers love to cheat the court systems. With bankruptcy-liquidation scams they get away with it because business owners do not know security fraud laws. The manipulation of US courts will not be tolerated. Disbarment of lawyers is coming soon.

Ponzi scam lawyers about to realize USA is not a corporation. And the People have a Constitutional right to hold the President accountable for his actions & tweets. The People also have direct access to ALL branches of government. We have NO Rulers here. USA is not a corporation.

He shouldnt be allowed to tweet

No giving up too easily bc plenty money to go to court.

He’s abusing his power!


Shallow man! Wants to lie without pause, without question! Full of himself fool, wants to silence his detractors as usual so he can lie about every body loving him! I think they call it a dick move!

Then he needs to have live press conferences, and stop posting on Twitter.

The Justice Department is not his personal attorneys. If his tweets are not representative of his office, why is the government representing him?

NotFit RemoveHim

Welcome to the DICTATORSHIP Of America!

Poor realDonaldTrump .... was someone mean to him on a Twitter? FakePresident RacistInChief IdiotInChief

Twitter should kick TrumpRecession off twitter, it would be a better place

brooklynmarie Then he needs to stop using his Twitter account to announce his policy changes to his staff, and refrain from '...hereby ordering...' people...

brooklynmarie From tweeterland!!

Trump tried to pull a Putin and Kim Jung Un. Silent his opposition. So only his voice is heard

Our DOJ is tying up the courts and devoting time and effort towards accommodating Trump's ego needs. Think about how nuts that is.

...because they're really that petty.

BS...he is the one that decided to use his personal account for federal business...he can’t have he cake and eat it too. Our Justice Department is worthless in the era of Trump and Barr. Corruption to the nth degree. Sad.

Twitter is not the only place to get your news. Everybody can block users if they want on Twitter. I do not like Donald the nightmare trump,But he should be able to use his account as everybody else does. If he uses potus then that's a NO !

Yah cuz he doesn't give a shit what courts say!! He chose to communicate w/America and the world by twitter so let him live it!! Chicken shit can't stand at a podium like normal presidents and handle questions cuz all he can do is FECKN LIE!!

There's other nations people that shouldn't be tracking on the USA regularly , or there seen as Intelligential property rights being invaded . Spying etc . Interfering w USA intelligence . Etc Trump gave a specific well known order to other nations when first seated in office .

brooklynmarie Because if you only hear your own opinions repeated back to you it means you’re right.


This ruling wouldn't bother the Clintons. Anyone they wanted to block would just disappear instead.

brooklynmarie snowflakeinchief

DudeGottaGo DumpTrump

brooklynmarie Lol

Why does Twitter repeatedly refuse to suspend the POTUS's account for his frequent threats against protected groups? Admin? Any answers? Can't get them through normal channels? Money?

The Justice Department. Let that sink in.

Since the POTUS doesn’t know how to lead, he sues. One trick pony.

Of course not🤦‍♀️

Trump keeps the judicial system busy.

In a democracy the public has a right to question its leaders about policy , the DOJ needs to remember its client is the American people. Barr seems to have a memory lapse when it comes to the oath he took.

So he wants to reduce his followers list?

*Angry Birds* (Irateus twittorax) Inspired by Hitchcock

Is this a complete waste of taxpayer dollars? Or what?

❄️ ❄️ gonna ❄️

kireau In the meantime, a few million of us should consider blocking him. (I did in 2011...)

Why is the Justice Department working against the American Public?

Trump, there are more important matters than your ego.

Weird headline since the courts have said he *doesnt* have that “right”

Doesn't anyone remember when the Republican party used to revile frivolous lawsuits. Now a Republican president is nearly defined by his frivolous misuses of the American legal system.

If you read the replies to Trump's post you'll see 90% are derogatory comments towards Trump so he'll have to block approximately 55 million followers out of 64 million. BRING IT ON !!!

Barr is a Trump stooge.

News of the day?

I'm not getting this. so he blocks people? so what? I block people all the time. everybody else still gets to see their tweets, etc.

And we get to pay for Trump’s continued objections to the ruling. What a jerk.

If he had any kind of brain capable of logical reasoning he would use his POTUS account for official comments and his personal account for other crap. He's more worried about the fact that they become part of his Presidential library and cannot be hidden.

Socialist in chief at it again with government control of the media.

Girdle giving up realDonaldTrump ?

I don’t understand how he isn’t blocked from twitter as his tweets are a danger to us citizens of this country!!!!


Omg .....: really? Please please ImpeachTrumpNow this loon has to go....now!!!

Foolish waste of our money.

not their decision. twitter is a private company.

What the hell are they talking about, Twitter should be blocking Donald Trump from tweeting; there in lies the problem. If he didn’t invite comments by opening his mouth, there would be far less traffic on all forms of social media. He is the problem with Twitter!

If Trump can block people on twitter then he should be subject to twitter rules and be banned from twitter.

Your lackey still fighting for you. Great.

Team Trump: We don't have time for these childish f***ing antics! Can't you lawyers find a way to manipulate these damn laws? Lawyers: Can't you find a way to make him make him grow the f*** up? We have bigger fish to fry! We still have more brown people to dehumanize!

Yeah appointing Barr has been one of Trumps best moves... For himself that is 👀

This whole thing is stupid. Just have staff mute them and tell the dummy they are blocked.

Pointless, I'm sure by now the world has blocked him. Right?

Like they dont have more important things.

He can't handle anything outside of his fake reality bubble.

He can't take criticism, we know that, but since he's said he wants to use twitter to communicate with Americans as their president*, then he needs to let us respond, all of us.

Why I can?

If jack can't throw Trump off twitter, Trump shouldn't be able to throw half the country off their health care.

I’m glad the TheJusticeDept has nothing better to do than appease Trump.


Block the Fatso, Trumpo

Because realDonaldTrump is just a punk bitch. The reality is he has no power except for the power that his cult gives him. His reign will come to an end either in 2 or 6 years, but the damage will remain for generations

Biggest snowflake ever.

The dictator can do whatever he wants. Nobody will stop him.

u wouldnt be scared of getting the shit u dishout now would be

That is called a dictatorship. Twitter any thoughts on this?

I have a better idea. How about having someone explain to this 73 year old man that tweeting like a 12 year old child is not becoming of any mature adult, let alone our Commander and Chief. He spends more time sending childish, hateful, spiteful tweets than doing his JOB !!!!

Because this is the important thing for the Justice Department to focus on right now.

ryanjreilly Because he is too sensitive to handle criticism. Wahhhhhh!

with all the issues the DOJ SHOULD be addressing, THIS is what they pursue...?

On what basis? He announces policy on twitter, it is his only communication. It's not like his administration has press conferences. If he uses it as the official statements of the president, then he can't block people. It's already been decided. Do they have anything new?

And here I thought the Justice Department worked on behalf of the people and not Trump. Silly me 🙄


The idea of the DoJ: to represent the people Barr's DoJ: Represents Spanky *against* the people

Well, at least he does try...

joshgerstein DumpTrump2020

How do we block him so that he sort of disappears, never to be seen or heard again?

The Justice Dept warned the court that 'public officials who address matters relating to their public office on personal accounts will run the risk that every action taken on that account will be state action subject to constitutional scrutiny.' What's wrong with that?


We’re paying for this? 🤦‍♀️

Ohhh, so a safe space is acceptable now. It might be possible that Trump is a snowflake.

Why is the DOJ partaking in this case? Doesn't Trump have personal lawyers and a sole POTUS lawyer who should partake in this on his behalf? Help me learn.

DemocratGrandma Shame that he considers this an important topic, The American people are paying lawyers to fight this for him.🤬

If the DOJ is arguing that his account is private than the DOJ should NOT BE ARGUING about it all! It was clearly stated by his staff that he is using his account instead of POTUS - this b.s. about his thin skinned quest for adulation needs to stop before it hits the DOJ!

Can we revise our war with Twitter to block fatbastard

Fighting the good fights, as always 🙄

I disagree with the court. I feel like I should have the right to be blocked by that jackwad

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