Trump kicks off campaign attacking immigrants

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President Trump launches his 2020 campaign just like 2016, slamming immigrants and pledging to deport 'millions.'

Trump launches his 2020 campaign just like 2016, slamming immigrants and pledging to deport "millions." Ari talks to lawyer for undocumented workers fired by Trump protesting "hypocrisy" at the campaign kickoff event.


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Ratings for CNN and MSNBC continuing to crash, as viewers migrate to Fox News prime time!!!! Is there any wonder way. Try reporting news... all the news... with varying perspectives.

So typical of the “non news” MSNBC not show anything from the Trump 2020 presidential campaign kickoff. But here you are picking out select items to rip the President and set your own narrative. Are your viewers that inept that they can’t watch live and make up their own minds?

And I should sympathise why?

Did he do The Wall thing? Will Mexico pay for it

But if course.

Good. Deport the illegals, and if they want to re-enter, force them to do it through customs.

Wrong. He talked about illegal aliens, not legal immigrants. FakeNewsMedia

How is this even allowed to come from an official news site. It’s clearly misleading and everyone at MSNBC including the one person in control of this account knows it’s a flat out lie. 1.7 million legal immigrants came in 2017 under trump! Welcome! Illegals not! Get in line

FactsMatter You too are engaging FakeNews . The issue is with ILLEGAL immigrants. You have one job and that is to report the truth. You have failed and deserve the declining ratings.

Susemgf People are starting to wake up to Trump as he shows no empathy for no one but himself.

What a moron! I’ve never seen an incumbent run for re-election with a platform on reform.

You left the word illegal out. Trump will win in 2020. He cares about America. You don’t.

Rabid goats

Illegal aliens. Not immigrants. You hacks.

Entering the country ILLEGALLY is NOT Immigration! I am a legal immigrant, I obey the laws of the country I love. No one is against LEGAL IMMIGRATION you fake news garbage! KAG2020

, enemy of America. Nothing but lies.

You mean ILLEGAL immigrants

Seeing how well dividing the nation,, stoking racial/religious/cultural/gender grievance, lying about everything from climate change to healthcare, feathering his own nest & getting help from his autocratic friends has worked out, why would T-RUmp consider changing now?

Illegal immigrants not = legal immigrants. Sad we need to keep pointing this out to the disingenuous media.

Broken record. Trump had 2 years Congress majority and didn’t achieve anything. Let’s call it “The Art of Failure”. The emperor without clothes braging of economic growth conditioned by Obama admin. His achievements will be visible starting in 2020.

There is a huge difference between immigrants and illegals, how do I know? I am a legal immigrant and became a naturalized US Citizen. Please get an education 🙄 The President never slammed immigrants, that’s a LIE KAGA2020

What else can he say, he has no accomplishments

He should start at home and deport his wife, and then himself.

He has so much acting this acting that going on in his administration. May be he is acting president aswell. How I wish

Illegal. You missed the one word that makes the story.

Next he wants to deport the 60% of the population that doesn’t agree with him.

Slamming ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS! There’s a very big difference..look it up..

Slamming illegal alien immigrants. Get your sh* right.

I have a counter-proposal, deport him and all his hate-filled white racist supporters so the rest of us can get back to our lives.

ILLEGAL Immigrants. ILLEGAL. fakenews

Slogan should be MAKE AMERICA HATE MORE 🥺

Same shit, different year and date. Also those that will put him in if he does make it. They will get the biggest screwing. Especially since he can't do another term. He has nothing to lose at that point.

Illegal immigrants

The Republicans will not admit it, but they have very little in legislative achievements to brag about. The Republican controlled Senate continues to stall meaningful legislation.

Anything about the raise of right wing terrorist? I'm guessing not a word

Your (MSNBC) effort to generate hate among the public for a president that has already significantly helped this country, simply because you don't like the way he presents himself, is bordering on treason.

That's right MSNBC. Twist his message around to Keep the hateful rhetoric going. Your hate-filled, delusional, fanatical followers who use no logic in their decisions are eating it right up.

Lies Made Lies Repeatedly

They are not immigrants, they are illegals and the sooner they're deported the better.

Keeping the hate alive.

Deport every single illegal along with their anchor babies

Good. It is a shame we can't deport msnbc

Because people love having 1.1 million border crashers enter the country every year.

you left out one important word (as per usual)...ILLEGAL immigrants! What a sad news organization you are. Trump2020!

Just like 2016, you mean illegal aliens and protecting America? Guess you forgot immigration is what got him elected. You’re so screwed.

Move along, nothing to see here. SendTrumpHome2020

ILLEGAL immigrants. You keep forgetting that very important word.

Illegal immigrants

President Trump loves immigrants he’s married a few of them. President Trump wants to end the illegal immigrant problem. Why must mainstream media confuse these two terms so often? The answer because they are deceitful

Illegals not immigrants! And you wonder why we think you’re the enemy of the people?

Trump launches his 2020 campaign by regurgitating the same tired horse shit. BORING! Only fooling those who want to be fooled!

That’s all u heard? One sentence


Same old message he needs a new speech writer

You left out the part PledgingToProtectAmericans

U mean illegal immigrants

You left out the word 'illegal.' You do that a lot.

EveryPersonCounts NoElectoralCollege ImpeachTheMF LeadOrResign BoycottFoxNews LockUpTrumpCrimeFamily LockUpTrumpEnablers VoteBlue2020 ChristIsLOVE BoycottEvangelicalHate MyBodyMyChoice RealAmericansLoveImmigrants EnvironmentalismSavesLives HealthcareIsARight

What an embarrassment to this country! He’s got to go!

Can’t wait to vote for Trump!!!!

Trump 2020!

Fake News MSNBC

He didn't slam immigrants liar. He slammed the illegals coming into our country illegally. That's called breaking the law.

pina_insurance He has my vote!

Says the man with two immigrant wives. An immigrant mother. And a love for foreign money.

Well yadum shmuks hes attacking the ILLEGAL immigration crisis, and whatever he did in 16 worked.... sooo ill just grab my popcorn.... ya dummies.... No one is above the law. Not even the illegal immigrants of the us.

Love it!! IllegalAliens illegal illegals

rule of law MAGA angelmoms

Finally a President who will start deporting illegal immigrants.

Orange Hitler

Don’t listen to fake news! Four more years! Keep America great!

That’patently false and fake news...he slams illegal aliens whom are not immigrant is a person that is legally allowed to immigrate, enter and live in the USA. He threatens to deport those that are not legally allowed in the country.


Hillary and her aides after they set up an illegal server, destroyed evidence, deleted and acid-washed 33,000 emails, exposed classified information and turned the State Department into a pay-for-play cash machine!” Trump said.

And pledging Jobs and giving the govt to the ppl and keeping us safe and continuing to grow our prosperity. If civil unrest continues, it is YOUR fault. This is so misleading.

🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 Fake news just don’t hey it all losers

It’s about time!

He did not slam immigrants. he never said a thing about immigrants. so many people underneath of this post acting like MSNBC is telling the truth when they are conflating terms words and issues. Why don't you stop the conflating words terms and issues?

He’s so disgusting.

And it upset the anti-Americans in this country! Looking forward to the day that their decisions to welcome illegals into their sanctuary cities backfires! Then they'll have no choice but to beg for federal help...

And the fools are listening

Hate rhetoric.

Keep talking and you be out of office soon!

not immigrants, illegal immigrants. as usual your channel is lying. loser liberal network. if you would report honestly maybe you'd have some decent people watching. you don't.

Illegal immigrants look. NY City feeds all! LA has free Medical help! Seattle has free transportation! San Diego offers free weather. More later.


Just like every. Single. Other Day.

FuckTrump GetTheFuckOffMyPlane NoMatterWhoVoteBlue ImpeachTrumpNow

Slamming immigrants? MSNBC ment to say 'Slamming illegals'. This is exactly why MSNBC and CNN are sucking. Fake news and misleading headlines.

President Trump launches his 2020 campaign just like 2016, slamming ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS and pledging to deport 'millions.' FixedIt4U FactsMatter

Hey to the fools out there who believe him- if he hasn’t done it by now he’s not going to. He just knows you’ll buy it because you hate immigrants.

No. Again with the liberal lie about immigrants. Thats not the same as illegal alien! Please learn the difference instead of constantly lying!

Hitler has risen. Folks, we must be vigilant and be active or we are doomed. Please take responsibility, we must save our Country, our Democracy, our Futures, our Children.

Wrong again fake news he discussed the crooked democrats

Have you forgotten about the rule of law?



Same old crap, same old song, why do they go?

Illegal immigrants!!!!

Trump is turning the US into a full-on kleptocratic oligarchy, with him as its Putin. His GOP and media supporters are positioning themselves to be members of that oligarchy, with the low-info or racist deplorable Trump cultists continuing to be clueless, compliant, used masses.

Does the idiot know his grandmother was an immigrant

That’s all you heard? Have you checked your ratings lately? Have your interns watch Fox to get some ideas.

You forgot to mention that they are here illegally. Some Citizens still support the laws of this country.

Promises he didn't own up to. Same for re-election! Why do these people not read, watch TV, see his lying, hatred towards anyone not white, trying to get rich (abuse of power). Yet Congress turns head! Sad. SpeakerPelosi SenateDems HouseDemocrats

This jerk really has to go. He is ruining our reputation and everything we stand for. Did he forget the Statue of Liberty.

Hitler did the same

You spelled fascist rally wrong. Also you spelled would be dictator wrong.



acutewinky12 That's his responsibility and duty as President

The kids that want to the rally said that it was better than Disneyland.

He attacks ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. Use the TRUE WORDS!!! This is why he calls you fake news. What lesson is the media not learning!!!!!

Wrong, not slamming immigrants, illegal aliens. More fake news from the enemy of the citizens.

Lock him up,lock him up.🤫👹👺🤡

You forgot the most important part: ill. Now put that in front of IMMIGRANTS in all your lame reporting. We welcome legal immigration. Did you know Africans are now crossing the border? Some from Ebola infected areas? Why not report that?


Poor mslsd. Knows Trump will defeat you again. You're gonna be b*tching for the next 6 years. LOL DomesticEnemyDems.

Making white people afraid of brown people is his main mission

Attacking immigrants means pleasing his supporters who are a bunch of Haters.

Does anyone even believe you frauds anymore?


Deporting Illegal Aliens breaking our Laws Should be DEPORTED..

Hey CNN viewers, welcome to OANN! We’re airing the whole Trump rally... because we’re not afraid of you hearing the truth.



Marilyn31682963 the Natives are the only real Americans

Illegals. Immigrants come legally.

*Illegal aliens


Yes Trump keep my truth about him going to his Orlando rally n lie to his supporters, Trump did ied about Democrats, lied about Mueller['s report,lied about Obama, he used the same past lies to lie some more. n as usual his diplorable supporters eat his slop joyfully! Sad America

This guy is a racist. I can't believe he's still the persident of the United States.

realDonaldTrump . 'Immigrants' are in the US legally. If they are not here legally, they are not immigrants, they are criminals and should be dealt with as such. And, it's so easy to do. Just stop in at the embassy or consulate for a travel visa, takes 1 day. SecureTheBorder

Blah blah blah people PLEASE vote

He 'slammed' ILLEGAL immigration. JournalismIsDead Btw, this is EXCELLENT NEWS! We LEGAL immigrants will be sure to vote for POTUS TRUMP again! ❤🙏🇺🇸

I can see it now Trains filled with people so packed that they can't move. Like cattle. What if the rest of the world turns against us?

Who will this help?

He also promised to cure cancer, always tell the truth, and establish whirled peas.

When will these sheep realize that he only speaks all of that nonsense and never actually follows through with them.

They got nothing else to run on but hate, bigotry and racism.

Trump thinks mass incarceration of immigrants is a winning issue, but it just displays his special blend of administrative incompetence, racism, criminality, foreign policy ignorance, inability to legislate, inhumanity, contempt for the Constitution, misogyny, and child abuse.

He never says ever..My Immigrant Father was fortunate enough to have a foothold in this country to allow me to be born here. I also must appreciate the fact that my wife found a way to reside in this country and of course bring her own Mother and Father with her.

Y’all spelled criminals wrong. Immigrants come legally!!

You “Left” out the word “illegal.” 🤷🏿‍♂️

Let me fix this for you.. spreading hate and intolerance with a whole lot of narcissism!

Shouldn't he have done that's been two and a half years...

Aren’t all these people, including Trump, descendants of poor immigrants?

Kate Steinle. Have a good night.

You spelled “sliming” wrong.

All talk

Hate's worked for him all his life, and he IS a one-trick pony so... carry on!

According to Total Pubic Debt Outstanding has increased under Trump by $2.078T from 1/20/17 to 6/17/19. The comparable figure for Obama’s second term is $1.72T, (1/20/13 to 6/17/15). Obama wins by $358 billion. maga Morningjoe CNN FoxAndFriends

There’s enough room for all GOP supporters to move to Alaska. They can have their own self governed state with their own laws, while the rest of us can try to restore sanity here.

Deporting illegals. Get it right!

FakeNewsMedia he didn't 'slam immigrants' he stated immigrants need to obey the law and apply for admission through a merit system. Stop the drugs, human trafficking, and organized crime. Above is why I don't believe FakeNewsMedia

Trump is an orange pile of dog 💩

Watching TRUMP and watching his minions cheer for him is like watching Hitler during WWII. How can these people fall for this man's lies.

JimBonz Trump is still running against Hillary. But I’m sure that he’ll beat Hillary in the popular vote this time—because Hillary Is. Not. Running.

ILLEGAL immigrants with FINAL ORDERS OF DEPORTATION. is this difficult for you meatpuppets to grasp?

Illegal aliens, not immigrants.

You can call them ‘immigrants’. Nonetheless, they have broken our laws and are here illegally. We are a nation of laws. Either fix the law to disincentivize their arrival or call a spade a spade. They are illegal aliens. Not undocumented workers, not migrants, but illegal aliens.

Such an ugly person inside and out.

Don't forget to include your wife and kids to their immigrants too. You said equality, here's your chance be fair, Or was that a lie too.

This was all created by the Democrats. It’s sad they put these poor people in this situation by enticing them here for votes.

Trump is playing his oldies but goodies for his base. His prejudice divisive rhetoric got him elected before, with help from Russia & an email scandal, so he returns to his racist roots & states he’s open to a foreign adversary assisting him again, no need to call FBI.

*illegal aliens And they need to go.

Put on your seatbelts and grab your barf bags - this will probably be the nastiest political campaign in American history

Any American has a right indeed a duty to slam invaders

Trump’s kickoff campaign was a hate rally. He hates the media, he hates immigrants, he hates all democrats, and basically anyone who disagrees with him. He instills hate in people.

JimBonz Wait. Trump is admitting that he has failed to deport alll the “illegal” people, like he promised in 2015-2016? Now he thinks we should believe him if he says he’ll get it done in 2025 and 2028. WTF?!

Trump's rallies are like an UnGrateful Dead concert: Packed with Deadheads.

ICE averages 7k deportations per month. They don't have the resources to handle millions of deportations. It's just more lies by Trump and his cult buys every word of it.

He is playing to his base which includes white supremacists. He is a one item president. Keep America white. The economy is not based on just the market. It includes jobs at every level, housing, cost of goods and services, etc. All of which is failing under Trump. Look at facts

realDonaldTrump mike_pence The most SHAMEFUL president ever!,

17 months to go-I'm counting the days till this national nightmare is over.

Trump and Republican Trump supporters should be deported!

This will continue the genocidal path this admimiatration is currently on. We will be responsible for the torture and deaths of unknown numbers since no one is keeping records. No not look away. This is our NeverAgain

because truth is that people is sick of illegal immigration and he is taking advantage of that! but his immigration policy is all about revenge and ConcentrationCamps

Why are they all so angry all the time

Just within the few clips I could stomach I couldn't believe the extent of his gaslight level of lies. He really is certifiable. And there is no excuse for his supporters to be that gullible

That’s the Fake news take on. It

Exactly what Bernie Sanders predicted on MSNBC what the dump would talk about. Too frkn funny.

Start with his in-laws.

Majority Of Florida Is Racist Anyway! No Big Surprise There. 🤔😉👌🏾

Stick A Fork N His Ass! He’s Done. 😉👌🏾😂

That’s his only tactic is to attack. He has destroyed democracy to its core and foundation. Impeach, impeach, impeach!

1. He officially started his 2020 campaign on Jan 21, 2017 hours after he was inaugurated; 2. For 2+ yrs now media have been told to 'ask his campaign' about x or y. 3. For yrs now, WH staff have left & joined his campaign 4. 'Pence' STILL not on ANY of his re-election signs.

Illegal, left that one out but hey what ever works the narrative.

ICE launches Operation Bone-Spurs, Border Edition. Expects to round up millions of illegal immigrants, wrap the whole operation by July 4th. Fireworks after.

If you mean hatred of allowing third world foreigners to storm our country to freeload because one uncle can pick fruit, I agree

Good!!! Love the Fear Mongering from this embarrassment of a propaganda station. Not news because they don’t report news. They are an extension of the left. Bought and paid for!!!

Everybody better get their papers in order all but that’s right Trump is an anchor baby his mother was from Scotland his grandfather was from Germany so he needs to leave to!

Illegal aliens need to go

How convenient for your narrative to leave out the word “illegal.” FakeNews

*illegal aliens

He’s just riling up his delusional base. He needs to be in jail about now!

Trying to find a black man at a Trump rally not strategically placed behind realDonaldTrump is like playing an adult version of Where's Waldo.

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