Trudeau vows action on MMIWG but declines to endorse inquiry’s genocide finding

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Trudeau vows action on MMIWG, stops short of calling deaths a genocide GlobePolitics

Lorelei Williams, second left, whose cousin Tanya Holyk was murdered by serial killer Robert Pickton and aunt Belinda Williams went missing in 1978, wipes away tears while seated with Rhiannon Bennett, from left to right, Sophie Merasty and Summer Rain Bentham, after responding to the report on the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.

“Based on the evidence that we heard and read,” she later told reporters, “it was an inescapable conclusion.” Mr. Trudeau did not use the word “genocide” when speaking in Ottawa, despite being directly asked to do so in a call from the crowd. But late Monday afternoon in Vancouver, he did so at the opening plenary of the international Women Deliver conference.“Earlier this morning, the national inquiry formally presented their final report, in which they found that the tragic violence that Indigenous women and girls experienced amounts to genocide,” the Prime Minister said to applause from the crowd.

“What we have said today is we have a responsibility to the people … to the survivors, to the families of the women and girls who have gone missing or have been murdered. We have a responsibility for fixing the problem.”Story continues below advertisement


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globepolitics That’s good news. Remember, under the Liberals, ISIS soldiers who committed genocide roam free without charge in Canada because they killed or scared all the witnesses. If mmiwg was declared genocide we’d have to let the murderers go free too. Trudeau won’t help any of us.

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