Barr Says He Is Fighting for the Presidency, Not Trump

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“I felt the rules were being changed to hurt Trump, and I thought it was damaging for the presidency over the long haul,” says Attorney General William Barr

As President Trump’s attorney general, William Barr has come under criticism from Democrats and some Republicans who say he is acting more like the president’s personal lawyer than the nation’s top law-enforcement officer.

But Mr. Barr, who as a private citizen bristled at the barrage of legal and other challenges Mr. Trump faced during his first two years in office, said his long-held belief in executive power is more about protecting the presidency than the current officeholder.


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No, you changed the rules to the profit of Republicans

You work for us!!!

Mr. Barr your nose is getting brown kisskissbottom


The new John Mitchell

This is a joke.

'I'm just a fat white guy looking out for another fat white guy. Is that wrong?' Well if loving Trump is wrong then I don't want to be right.'

Everything trump touches dies, lots of decent reputations have been destroyed at his feet.

The has become a joke by printing trash like this.

Nope. Barr is fighting for Trump. No Republican can compare what was done to Bill Clinton for an affair with what Trump has done in inviting the hackers and Russians into our election process to help him win but undermine trust in our elections and democratic form of government.

We don’t have sovereign, and we don’t want one.

that said, on behalf of the white house i'm going all in with a deuce seven off suit 😐

Barr fools no one, he's a shill for Trump and has sold his integrity. While that seems convenient now, for the rest of his life he will live with the shame. Dishonest Donald is going to jail, and Barr hopefully will get impeached for lying to Congress.

No kidding.


Are you Att General Barr above the law?

Unitary Executive Theory resurrected to coverup corruption and abuse worked for Cheney Bolton et al before... Barr has lowered the bar

Barr is 100% correct

I call bullshit! It’s Trump who is changing all the rules.

It’s so refreshing to see an adult in DC!

Complete BS.

We know Barr is lying. He never said a thing when the GOP spent 4 years, god knows how many committee investigations etc on Benghazi. If he really felt the way he claims about Presidential Power he would have said something. He is just another partisan hack.

Bullshit...lock him up

Uh huh.

Hack. If Trump woke up black tomorrow, Barr would be singing a different tune.

MWilliam Barr should lose his law license. He lied under oath to Congress. He misled the public about the Mueller report, and is acting as the Presidents personal defense attorney. Trump wants political enemies Investigated- Barr complies. ImpeachBarr

Looks like he's fighting for the last slice of pizza.

Yeah “sure” 🙄

Honest man!

He's just like Obama's 'wingman'. What goes around comes around.

So not following the rules is helpful to the presidency? Maybe so but is it helpful to our democracy? Barr

That is the Lie they all tell. Presidency what a laugh ! !

Mr Barr is correct!

No-Mr corrupt AG-Trump is destroying the presidency-

Just another fake definition for the word Sycophant

The left is so out of touch that it doesn’t realize the precedence they are setting. I am very afraid it is not going to end well for the American people. Our politicians are going to spend all their time trying to defend themselves and no time governing.

this guy should be in a cell next to trump. he redacted info from banks showing trump has dealings with Russia.



He’s right. Just wait till a Democrat wins the White House.

Its a sad day when the entire world gets to see just how low the democrats and the top tier partisan lifers at the fbi would go to prevent losing the election. They stopped low vs kavanaugh, and low vs trump. It is over. Trump 2020, from democrat mistakes.

The rules haven't been changed the constitution has never changed the laws haven't changed

Good for Barr. In a sea of partisanship that is refreshing.

This statement doesn’t hold water

tiny PUPPET moves mouth but only tiny words heard

Doing it for the institution is a rhetorical ploy to engage an image of the hero and the myth of national greatness while inhibiting action. It wont work if you don't quickly remove the destructive fast-moving occupant of the office. Barr has been coopted: He is being played.

At least he didn't outright declare: 'I’m still the President’s wing-man. So I'm still there with my boy.' --Atty Gen Eric Holder, 4/4/13

SophiaLipschul1 TO Barr You are Not Really Thinking of Running for President


Wow. Trump and this slime ball think all Americans are stupid and easy to manipulate.


Trying to recover his reputation 🚨🤦‍♀️

Barr is a disgrace & I hope he winds up in jail.


good story, William

The BarackObama Administration was TOTALLY CORRUPT. They felt if HillaryClinton was elected their CRIMES & CORRUPTION would NEVER be revealed. AG Barr is truly an AMERICAN PATRIOT & is doing what few have the courage to do - stand FOR American Justice & AGAINST 'corruption.'

No! You felt the need to ignore and avoid the laws to protect a criminal president and that is what your going down in history for. The criminal AG, that lost everything, lying for the worst criminal offender ever illegally and conspiratorially, put into office!

“I felt” and “I thought” are not good enough. It matters what the law says and what the report says and what Trump says, who cares about feelings and beliefs? I’m no lawyer, but this garbage is what a fixer says, not the Attorney General.

KKKOCHSUCKERUNIVERSE and this KKKOCHSUCKER has life confused true Power is the people not the President.!.. Who save's their assets when they get to big. Our military saves their assets in middle east .!.. The People of this Country not 1% of them.!.. True Power.!..

Bullshit, Barr is working as Trump's personal protector, lying all the way. Hope he ends up in jail like John Mitchell.

Barr is a goddamn traitor. And this isn’t the first time he has subverted justice. Time to face consequences.

What rules?

Short cuts

The implicit power sharing between Congress and the Presidency has always been based on each acting in “good faith”. Trump has broken that. He’s not acting “in good faith”. Our system can’t tolerate officials acting “in bad faith”. It’s why impeachment exists at all.


William Barr is a joke! He's suppose to be the AG of the AMERICAN PEOPLE! Not Trumps personal lawyer. He's a Liar, Trumps a Liar, Graham a Liar, McConnell a Liar. All these people are aiding and abetting a Con of the American People! VoteThemOut!

No one cares about your feelings. Just your ability to follow and enforce laws.

Criticism by same who were saying prior to the inauguration that he was colluding with Putin and going to be impeached? Was protesting his innocence one of the 'lies' he supposedly telling? Saying leadership of FBI criminal, a lie? Baker: 'thought Comey might blackmail pres'

What a sad joke. He should be impeached, then disbarred, and feathers and oil should be considered.

Fuck Barr. Lying stooge

So the King...oops president, can't be charged with a crime nor investigated by Congress if they feel it's not warrented...huh?


its true! ONE RULE FOR TheDemocrats another for realDonaldTrump AMERICA SEES THE BS going on. its seems its ok for dems to be RACIST, ANTI-SEMITIC, BLACKFACE, WOMEN SEXUAL ASSAULTERS. nothing happens. but of a GOP does it ALL HELL BREAK LOSE! THE WORLD ENDED

The Dems have done more damage to this country than Trump ever could.

Dems getting too personal revealing their idiotcy weaknesses. Implosion descent.

Humty dumpty ...

Whatever!!! What presidency! Trump has destroyed democracy!! He breaks all the rules and divided this country! He is NO PRESIDENT!! He IS AN EMBARRASSMENT!!!

I’m struggling with the word ‘fighting’, Bill.

It’s NOT his job to fight for the President, it’s his job to fight for the American people. WE pay his salary the President DOESN’T!!!

That is ridiculous -U fight for democracy / u don’t fight for a liar , con man , and a bully / u represent our justice system not ur feelings -horrible Attorney General -u have ruined ur career

The new old grumpy cat?

He needs to be fighting for the people

He weighed in on report before reading it. Full stop. Get him out. He is protecting trump for god knows whatever reason.

Barr is a liar and a traitor to this country.

Expert BS

Oh right...increase executive power, but forget about who's occupying the executive office. It's all interchangeable, like the Cultural Revolution in China. Who cares is the surgeon hasn't any training or knowledge of's the position that matters.

You are not the Attorney for the President. You are there to enforce the Laws as they are written for the USA.

Barr is even more crooked than a dog’s hind leg.

There is a reason we have a VP, although, that thought is almost as frightening as Trump. Obviously Barr agrees.

When have “feelings” ever won a case in court?

Oh please

Your job isn't to save the presidency or even watch over it, your job is to uphold the law for the people of the United States, period!

Guess if that were true we would have heard from him during the Obama administration if he were truly concerned about the presidency...

What a bunch of crap.

Put this corrupt stooge in jail.

Shouldn't Barr be fighting for the Constitution? Given the troubling financial facts that have been revealed, will Barr have a carton of eggs on his face?

Where was Barr when Obama was president?

Hurt the president? ?he hurt the American people and you did also.

He should protect presidency from this president.

The adult is on the job. Finally.


This man should be removed from office, disbarred and thrown in a 6x9.

I suppose this is what Barr has to tell himself to get thru the day. He’s a disgrace.

Cut the crap... so sick of the bad lies. At least try... make America great again 🤔

And that’s a *bad* thing?

Barr so wanted to assist Trump in damaging the Presidency, that he auditioned to be his assistant!

You “felt” is NOT your job! Your job is to enforce the law - NOT to make new laws!

😂😂😂😂😂 what a joke.. disgrace to this country...

well said

Don’t worry. The Dems may have a shot at the White House again in 2024 - but I am pretty convinced Nikki Haley will be poised to take over the reigns.


He’s got it wrong. It’s Trump who is damaging the Presidency and the Constitution.

News flash Dumbo, you are not his protector! You must RESIGN now.

Not be trusted, no credibility waste of time

Bullshit you didn't even take one look at Mueller's report and you flat out lied about its contents.


He felt ? He’d rather have a dictator!

Perhaps some truth to the hatred Trump incurs, but executive over reach of recent Presidents has grown way beyond what the Founders envisioned. Time to reign it & the gov't as a whole back into a more traditional balance. Ought not let Trump situation affect needed correction.

Bull hockey.

That is not the job of the AG.

To Barr or to Disbarr, that is the question

Traitor Barr... history will not be kind.....

If the AG can restore high standards & dignity for the presidency, he will also restore credibility to the office of Attorney General

Barr and Trump are losing the battle over messaging. This is just more Trump / Russia BS propaganda.

Laughable. They have lost their way. Win at any cost is degrading all of us.

Barr said that right.


If Barr was fighting for the Office of the President he would be indicting the criminal in the WH responsible for sexual assault, bank fraud, obstruction of justice, collusion with a foreign enemy, violation of the Emoluments Clause, campaign finance violations & money laundering

Con man

Stand up be a man! You are fighting for both! President Trump is innocent and the Presidency is being totally disrespected and attacked for no reason except for the Liberals agenda!

what he thought? he was hire, supposedly, to do the will of the people, not trump. he was to present the information as given. he thought what rules were changed? he was reacting to outside influences or using that as an excuse. because there were no leaks from Mueller's team.



There is no honor in a protector who has vowed to protect the law and then protects someone who breaks the law he should resign Bar is definition of a broken law system

'The most transparent administration in American history.' So transparent you see thru, not in.

Thank you Democrats still fighting Hillary’s war or resistance


That's Bigly!

AC41374 WTF

Please, if anything we’re finding out how weak the checks and balances system really is.


These two idiots need to go. PressSec Scara Yuckabee Blanders and William ‘trump puppet’ Barr.

He's so full of crap. He's doing what Sessions( ugh) refused to do.

WilliamBarr then allow Mueller to testify and release the muellerreport summaries. There is no way you read 400 pages in 2 days to write your misleading summary

Corrupt Attorney General. Is that why he perjured himself?

Says Barr between meals...

“I felt...” was his tell. This is about the constitution, and behaviors cross a line or they don’t and, in either case, must be argued factually.

Does anyone buy this BS?

Since when is the presidency more important than working for the people, the constitution or the law? More rubbish propaganda from a Murdoch rag. Barr is complicit

If President Bush had done this to Senator Obama when he was running for president it would still be wrong. Using the federal government to spy on candidates or, American citizens in order to win an election is wrong & illegal. Its why Nixon resigned.


so why did you totally misrepresent what the report said? that's damaging to the country over the long haul..what rules changed?

I wonder did Barr say this during Iran contra?

The Constitution hasn't changed. No one is above the law.

But was it best for the US? is the question Barr should have asked, rather than what's best for Trump.

We always assumed that judges were supposed to pass judgment based on evidence and facts, NOT FEELINGS ! According to this response by AG Barr, it seems to me that he was the one changing the rules 2 accommodate trump & future Presidents. That’s obstruction of justice by AG Barr.

You know what has been damaging to the presidency? The president...

If Barr was worried about the Presidency he would be doing the exact opposite of what he did. He has hurt the very institution he thinks he wants to protect not to mention a long term damage to the Department of Justice. He is nothing but Trump’s pet bulldog. Shame on him.

Your reputation is dead, you work for the American people not Trump.

Barr’s disgracing himself. He’s not the White House’s counsel or Trump’s personal attorney. There may be only one plausible explanation: FollowTheMoney

LAIRS don't fall far from the 'tRUMP' tree of corruption!!!

I call it BS!!

Corrupt POS


Watch as his nose grows longer before your very eyes. And as for 'changing the rules' ask his about the Starr Report and how he helped change 'impeachment' to a purely political process.

The only one damaging the presidency is realDonaldTrump

Please 👖 🔥

What “rules” were changed by whom? Be specific, Mr.Barr. You don’t sound like an Attorney General.

If his claim is true, where was he during BillClinton 4 years investigations by his fellow Republicans and impeachment hearing? The fact however, is that the CoverUpAGeneral presented himself to protect GOP presidents from their crimes which makes him corrupt & criminal...

The constitution hasnt changed. The constitution is the rule of law. The constitution isnt written in code. The AG's personal viewpoint not only defies logic, it sets a dangerous precedent. No one is above the law. Thank You constitution.

Why give Barr’s lies a stage? The Liar General’s 4 page “summary” of the Mueller Report was fabrication. If he’s trying to save the President from being exposed to consequences from illegal actions, then he’s doing so at the expense of our Republic.

Admits his 'feelings' are the basis of his actions rather than what he knows to be lawful. Impeach him.

Looks like the anti-Trump bots are out in full force.

Bull Feathers! You lie! Impeachment. Disbarment.

Can someone explain to Barr that his job is to protect the Constitution, not the Presidency? Congressional oversight on the Exec branch isn’t “changing the rules”, it’s following the Constitution.

If Trump said to fire them all. He could have meant ' see you in the fall'?🤔

This man is a criminal.

Well no ... all the rest of presidents have cooperated with investigations on him - only he is getting protection from people like you

What rules?

That is the understatement of the year.

Yes AG-B ! These dirty dogs get bathed in the big house sooner than later!

Really? I would love to hear one rule that was changed to hurt Trump. Same rules as everyone else. Barr has damaged our democracy, perjured himself and should be disbarred and impeached immediately. DisbarBarr

Barr deserves to be incarcerated. He is not complying with the laws of the nation and he is promoting lawlessness.

Looks like Barr is full of it right up to his eyebrows

If in fact the TRUMP campaign was systematically spied upon by Gov under BAD warrants... it is more than a threat to the Presidency it is a threat to the Republic... Gov has no business poisoning the well of elections..

Barr cares more about the presidency than the constitution or democracy. Huh.

You mean they were changed to favor him. Tax shenanigans, obstruction of justice, and dividing the nation with his racist tweets....he should be in prison now for all this, not at the WH!

'I felt that the rules were being changed...' So, you made up shit about 'no obstruction.' I've read the Report. Barr's a flat-out liar and puppet. Nice work, Bill the Shill.

Behind paywall, but the lead strongly hints that he's lying.


Tell that to your cellmate.

Globalist private equity tries to counter the assertion of sovereignty by the United States of America. It's Goliath vs Goliath.

And maybe he’s an intelligent man whose ego doesn’t need to compete with his president’s.


Looks like prosecutors and judges in Brazil : ' I do not have proof but am convinced that it is so'

I got an idea guys! Let's propagandize more for the criminal in office by interviewing his GOON to get HIS opinion on why the crime they are committing are okay. phony GOP propaganda.

So he lies to American people? What a Lame excuse and lame AG.

FOS.. Barr own writings solidify this bias to protect Trump not just any POTUS

Thanks for sharing. Because who doesn’t feel so much better after having read this WSJ stenographer’s printout on how trump, Barr, and the GOP are proudly replacing America’s Democracy with a kakocratic Kleptocracy? MAGAtrumpSupporters ConfederacyRedux


The rules HAVE been changed for Trump. Every other POTUS in history would have been impeached and forced to resign already.

And your publication is covering for them. I hope decades from now, you won't try to deny your culpability in this mess.


History repeats itself

The country isn’t interested in your “feelings “ in the matter. We are (were) a country of laws, which should be administered without prejudice or passion. You sir, are damaging the presidency.

At least Barr is a little more creative in his lies than his buddy Trump...

What a feeling he has ...

he’s right

Trump changed the rules you dope!!!!

LMAO ....I wonder how much is Trump paying Barr ....

Barr is a sycophant, just like the rest.


But that is what they do in Banana Republics. That is not his job to protect POTUS. Barr understands he is a diff and separate branch of government? Barr needs to resign he doesn’t represent the people.

So noble 🙄

No 'rules' are being changed. We want the 'rules' followed. You know, like people being subpoenaed showing up and stuff.

Bull shit!

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