A GOP lawmaker apologizes for using the phrase ‘consensual rape’ during abortion debate, saying he misspoke.

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GOP lawmaker apologizes for using the phrase ‘consensual rape’ during abortion debate, saying he misspoke

By Orion Donovan-Smith Orion Donovan-Smith Email Bio Follow May 17 at 7:29 PM A Republican Missouri legislator apologized Friday for saying that some sexual assaults are"consensual rapes” during a debate over a new, restrictive antiabortion bill.

The lawmaker, who was elected in 2018, made the remark while speaking on the State House floor, arguing that the measure’s eight-week window for abortions"gives [rape survivors] ample time” for the procedure. Critics say many women do not know they are pregnant until after eight weeks, and the bill provides no exceptions for rape or incest.

“Let’s just say someone goes out and they’re raped or they’re sexually assaulted one night after a college party — because most of my rapes were not the gentleman jumping out of the bushes that nobody had ever met,” Hovis said."That was one or two times out of a hundred. Most of them were date rapes or consensual rapes, which were all terrible.”

Hovis later told The Washington Post that he misspoke and said he believes “there was no such thing as consensual rape.”“When a rape is reported, and I’ll speak for myself, you always take the word of the victim," he said.


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When will he apologize for the bill?

How could republicans be so ill informed? The ignorance is staggering! By electing a president with a 4th grade vocabulary wrapped with vulgarity, immorality and indecency, the GOP has proven that they’re a bunch of savage ignorants! Hope trump’s time over soon!

Apologizes? As if...

Is that like consensual racism; bigotry; womanizing or elevation of ones income and losses to either get a loan and not pay taxes? Asking for The President.


Here's more idiocy spoken by GOP lawmakers. Imagine your daughter having courage & guts to tell she was raped & then telling her something like this!!

Just speaking his cold, dead heart

I love when people back away from their honest comments to become more politically correct.

You said it now own it. Every election


He needs to shove his........up his own.........

Believe them the first time.

He knew exactly what he said, not fooling anyone, especially women.

Too little, too late.

Except he kept repeating himself over and over so no he is not sorry. But, he is a sorry ass!

I can’t, of course he’s old white and .....

GOP lawmakers always misspeak

He should resign immediately. It’s a disgusting thing to think and even worst to voice outloud!!!!

Republicans. Young people get out and vote!

Please tell us his name.

If consent can be withdrawn after the act, maybe this new description is needed?

‘Consensual rape’ ain’t that one of then oxymorons?

“Consensual rape” also known as “no means yes” sex. It’s a type of role playing in which one person says no but really means yes.

“You know, same as legitimate/non legitimate rape.” - Todd “legitimate rape” Aiken

Women are persecuted in today's courts for bringing rape charges. If it goes this far you can believe it's NOT CONSENSUAL SEX. RAPE IS NEVER CONSENSUAL. Unbelievable that former Rep police officer/now politico would say this. then have the nerve to backpedal.

How do these guys get elected?

republicans always misspeak when confronted by their poor choice of words relevant to the subject or words that actually mean what they think. date rape is rape. whether the male has taken a female out for the evening or climbed through a window.

If it’s a fact.. he sure did.. there is no such animal.,

Did he apologize because of the outcry or is he really sorry.

Literal Freudian slip of the tongue

No forgiveness. Sick of stupid men.

Yeah, that's the ticket.

For sure he misspoke. He meant to say rape is often the victim’s fault, clearly.

Can we make sure he hasn’t engaged in any of these consensual rapes?



All these old white crusty Clowns need to be at home sucking on hard candy & taking Naps, not running the government or making laws.. it's a joke

Misspoken, taken out of context ,misqouted, sounds familiar?

This is how they really think! Consensual rape! What a bunch of lunatics & liars we have running this country!

What An ass

Bone-headed comment from a fat-headed politician.

Let's not forget Todd Akins' “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”

Has he apologized for suggesting that date rape is the good kind of rape?

What a major pendejo

He misspoke because what was going through his head accidentally came out his mouth? Great defence that.

ScumbagGOP Rapists RapeLovers Pedophiles PedophileLovers HateCrimes FakeChristians CrimesAgainstHumanity CrimesAgainstChildren CrimesAgainstFemales Racists Nazis CivilRightsViolations HumanRightsViolations Kidnappers ChildAbuse Traffickers GoldenCalfWorshippers

Yet another example ladies of why these men need to be voted out of office and replaced by women!!! VOTETHEMOUT

That’s actually what he meant. He meant that anyone born female consents by birth to rape. The language is very telling: Freudian or purposeful slips that speak to their deep seated beliefs and to their degenerate base.

What does he know, there s no such things idiot.

Way too little way too late. 😡

Hey women who support Trump this is our future.

The United States is a country hostile to women. It should be put on a list of countries to be avoided.

What’s amazing is one of them actually apologized instead of just doubling down. Having said that he needs to be voted out

Sorry he said it out loud ? Because he definitely meant it.

What he means is he’s sorry for letting the mask slip & seeing the real face of the GOP

Another problem with what he said is that a “gentleman” usually IS NOT “jumping out of the bushes!” I would have no argument if he had used the term “perpetrator!”

In other words 'she was asking for it'....

From the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks...

Apologiy NOT acceptable. He’s part of the problem

Is that his safe word?

Not misspeaking. Mis-thinking.

This is the mentality of the men making decisions that impact MY BODY! You are a disgusting human being and I hope you are soon out of office!😡🐷


Misspoke lol fucking retards

His comment totally proves the disconnect. Shouldn’t men be required to have vasectomies to prevent pregnancies in the first place? Where are those laws? Women don’t impregnate themselves.

Disgusting times. TimeToEvolve

He did not mis-speak. The evil belief in him came spewing out.

'Consensual rape' - as in 'be raped or die'? Sometimes that is the choice, which may result in a lack of 'defence injuries'. In that case it's not a question of 'consent', but of 'survival'.

Yea misspoke my ass. He just got called out on it.

Weird.....can this baby boomer generation die already so we can live in peace? Their ideology is insane. I heard a 70 year old man say that helping minorities with SAT scores was white genocide. Baby boomers have lost their minds!

Why show a smiling picture when he is actually a monster in thinking and action?

I can understand the confusion Consensual Constitutional as in telling a woman to not have an abortion after a consensual rape is obviously constitutional 🤨

He doesn’t understand that all rape is rape. This is an all-out war on women. Stop electing these animals.


He's no sorry he used the term consensual rape, he's sorry he hot caught.

I think it hilarious when politicians say what they really mean and then their associates tell them, 'Dude! You shouldn't have said that!' Then they come back with, 'I misspoke.'


Barry Hovis is this discarded wet naps name.

When someone shows you who they are believe them.

He apologizes for saying the words out loud. He isn’t apologizing for thinking and believing it in the first place.

He meant every word.

Oh, don t worry child, gop always misspeaks.

What an oxymoronic statement by a man who held public trust when interviewing victims of sexual assault--if he did indeed to that disservice during his law enforcement career. Unconscionable, willful ignorance has no place in, 'public' service.



He knew what he was saying if his prior career as a police officer. His comment produced outrage & he got caught. ‘Misspoke’? No. Busted, yes.


He may have misspoken, but you know he really believes it.

Didn’t misspeak. This is the underlying belief with many many men with unresolved and unrecognized misogyny

Republican Rep. Barry Hovis didn’t mean to reminisce about his college days. And he just likes beer, okay?


This man is disgusting- women do not want to be taped ever!! Men abuse women to show strength when in fact it shows they doygage strength...

How could any woman vote for GOP individuals who think this way is mind blowing!!!

I wonder if he was raped by a man would he consider that 'consensual rape '. Just wondering!

too late. he only apologized because people got upset, not because he didn’t mean it

Garbage human is garbage.

Too late, we know exactly how this disgusting man feels about rape. He should RESIGN !!!

How the hell you misspoke? You own it.


He never misspoke -the context of his original statement in which he says it would tell you he is lying . His apology is worthless when he is apologising for the sake of it.

Just look at him. He didn’t misspeak. He meant CONSENSUAL RAPE.😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

Let's see how sorry he is. ResignAsshole

He is not forgiven. Republicans are not our friends. They never will be. He thinks he can say this shit & then say he is sorry after he is called out on it by MSM? No. He raped us with his words. We get to say when or if he is ever forgiven.


I wonder if he handled lots of consensual murder cases too.

Misspoke my ass.

Or you have no respect for women

He needs to spend a week in prison...he will get the feel of consensual rape...

Sh72010967Nancy This is what these good ole white boys want you to believe so it makes it ok to have their way 🤬😡

Spotlight got in his eyes

He’s selling the idea “Consent” during rape exists, he should resign straight away.

It's sickening to see that these politicians are representing the people and they have no empathy.

Funny when one of these russian assets say some awful thing they always say they misspoke

He admits he’s wrong good for him !

Voter's will misspeak for you!

Misspoke? Come on. Just call it as it is, and stop the double-speak.

If that happened to someone he loved, would he still be calling rape consensual? The GOP is going to pay the price for the way it’s treating women.

Another reason why males should stay in their lane.

I do wonder what he was actually wanting to say, that he misspoke so...

Why do these venal, misogynistic sycophants even bother apologizing? Wear the cloak of your amorality proudly, GOP. It’s the only thing left in your closet.

No he didn’t. He’s probably committed rape before anyway.

He is a heartless animal! Much like the rest of the Republican Party.....

Uh huh

Wow. That's the level of legal debate over such a serious matter.

He didn’t misspeak. He feels that way.

Right and pigs fly

May need to open an investigation on him Next ... He said that very creative like he’s guilty of something.. Suspect behavior.. See How stumbling in the dark on a subject matter can be for these characters that don’t know what they are talking about ..

Lol ok

Yes, well a female does not have the right to decline. I guess she’s lucky that she’s just pregnant and wasn’t stoned to death!!

Too late.😡 We know he is the exact type of person who thinks if a woman is wearing a skirt 'she was asking for it'.

WTH..do all of these GOP men have brain disorders? What would their mothers think of them making statements like that? Shameful!!

No he did not.


Wow, their thoughts finally coming to life “consensual rape” why are there still female republicans?

And this stooge was elected. Way to go Missouri! 🙄


Misspoke? Ya think, champ?

So, if someone raped and impregnated a man's wife and/or daughter; they are then forced to have the rapist's child?😔 Sounds stupid enough.🤔

BarryHovis can’t wipe away the stench of his atrocious victim blaming by say he misspoke. NoSuchThingAsConsensualRape RichOldWhiteMen ActingPoorly

EdRedstateblues Consensual rape? Maybe that’s what his wife calls it. Hey sir how do you live with yourself

No- people don’t misspeak- they say what they actually mean. This Guy’s a sexist PIG. I didn’t misspeak. I said exactly what I meant. word

He should resign.

the cop probably broke more laws than any civilian, rape being among then probably!

Don’t apologize for what you truly believe. Step up and own it, stop lying with the second statement.


He said what he meant.

My only response would be words not fit to print. Let's just say the guy needs to be voted out.

'Misspoke' huh? 🤔 More like he underestimated how far and how fast social media would spread his triflin' ass inner thoughts and the all encompassing backlash he's currently receiving. 😕🙄

He “missthinks” because he’s dumb.

I liked the answer that one of the abortion supporters gave to Barry Hovis stating, ' there is not such thing as a consensual rape.'

I have to imagine anyone who comes up with a phrase like that would have committed the act in the past.

Yeah typical GOP Apostate for the party of jesus misspoke?

There is no word like consensual rape,it is one of two but why this weird creature after making a big blunder smiling.He be punished for misleading

His parents must be exceptionally proud of how they brought him up ! Never to be a MAN !

Not a mistake when what’s in your head comes out of your mouth.

He most certainly didn’t misspeak. His entire quote suggested that women routinely lie about being date raped. That exactly what he meant. Asshat. Ashamed of this state today.

“Deplorable Republicans”. No apology necessary

Guess that’s what you call a Republican marriage these days

Too late. We know how he thinks. He’s a moron that should be censured and removed. Hopefully, voters on to him now.

He didn't mispeak. It's what he believes and like a coward won't admit to his vulgar ideals

Nope he did not misspoke that’s their defense in each sexual assault accusation - Its consensual. You know what’s not consensual ? Stupidity ....

u should apologize for this word consensnal

He needs to be consensually raped! Oops! I missed spoke...not

Rep. Barry Hovis can try to walk back his ignorance, but he’s a case study for why the decision to seek an abortion belongs to women, and not to politicians.

That's an oxymoron.

Be a man and own your words, Barry. You meant what you said so own it.


So, if someone rapes and impregnate his wife or daughter; they're forced to have the rapist's child?😔 Sounds stupid enough.🤔

Does this look like a guy who should be making laws about women?

Don’t let him off with that shit........misspoke my ass Resign now

Is this a fifty shades thing?

The Bible does not reveal specifically who the Antichrist is, speaking instead of his corrupt teachings. Paul prophesied of a “man of sin,” a liar and deceiver whose natural abilities Satan enhances by supernatural power in order to confuse people in the end time. false prophet

He misspoke when he implied he had the right as a male to tell a female what to do with her body


Pure stupidity

Yeah, you can take your apology and go pound sand


He didn't misspeak. He is a piece of trash that just doesn't care.

Misspoke? Asshole voted! Misspoke

Misogynistic faux pas; DEMO-CRA-ZY! OUT!

Ah, the village idiot mispoke.

No, he was saying date rape essentially consensual sex, because they weren't attacked by a stranger in the street.

But is abortion not actually a rape of a human life?

Oh.... I recognize you. I KNOW you. And you think it cute that you got that in. “Consensual rape” (snicker snicker) You are disgusting.

I don’t think he misspoke at all because the majority of Republicans have no respect for women there just a piece of meat that they can use and do whatever they want to and you’re supposed to say and do what they tell you to do.

F U ! You meant exactly what you said.

Apology not accepted.

Apology not accepted. He is clueless.

He knew what he was saying...folks need to send him packing

Apology not accepted. It wasn’t an error. How can anyone make an error like that - it’s sick. Unbelievable that creeps like that are making decisions about women’s rights and bodies. That state is a backward swamp.

Why is it that it is predominately men that are making these decisions about women’s bodies?

I don’t believe him.

Not accepted....

Typical republican

The apology only came after he began to be decimated on Twitter unmasking his Freudian slip .

Apology not accepted. Next.

Um .... consent & rape have never existed together .... ever .... so nah you didn’t “misspeak” ....

They always 'misspoke' when they've told you what they really think.

Misspoke. Synonymous with stupid

Should apologize for being part of the GOP

Of course he misspoke! All these Trumpublican misspeak!

Too little too late

You can’t misspoke something not on your mind.

Consensual rape wait what?

What? He needs to be fired!! What is going on in our country! Can this really be happening!

Only the gop and JoeBiden think like this and slip up and say it sometimes.

I hope all those $hites have their dicks fall off for what they are passing as law reform. Sure save the fetuses but kill the mothers and newborns with their cuts to medical care and financial care after births.....WAKE UP YOU TOADS!

People do misspeak. But this joker didn’t.

After all of the flack he received, I'm sure he hurriedly apologized, but he also spoke his heart. Having misspoke, he regrets not being more politically correct.

He must resign


Looks like he reads Indian newspapers

The biggest problem isn’t this guy. It is people who voted and trusted these idiots. Can a rape be consensual? WTF? Hell may be a good place for this clown.

Basically it means he thought of his rapes as “consensual sex”. How despicable has our national discourse become!

Bald face liar he meant every word

Exactly. If it’s rape, that means it was not consensual sex. So, that means “consensual rape” doesn’t exist.


What. The. Fuck.


His family probably cheated to get him into school, too, and he’s an example of how that can turn out!!😂

Rape by definition is NOT “consensual” mr lawmaker brainless wonder! Who voted this character into office?!?!?! I mean, I find it hard to believe any human could say this!!

No problem; I’m sure a lot of us have accidentally blurted out “consensual rape” once or twice before

No... his comments were said in all the sincerity he could muster. He doesn't get a do over.

Wow! An apology! He is light years ahead of Trump who has yet to apologize for being the worst thing to have happened to this country since 1941.

The trump family and republicans are perfect examples as to why abortion should be legal

Sure He Did🤔

He also misvoted!

Not accepted.

Same ol, same ol. Old white men. UFB!

How rape can be consensual ?

Thought inside voice was on

I’d like to remove that smirk off his fat face the hard way.


He didn't misspeak, it was intentional. Fifty years ago this would stain any future career, today it's discussed as if it's just commonplace & the most abhorrence in this, is he claims to have misspoken. BS, BS, BS, ruin these peoples careers & this stops!

Misspoke? Really? What was he trying to say? What was the word he misused?

Bull**** that he misspoke. He knew exactly what he was saying. He was trying to misinform his base and others.

I'm sure. 🙄

This guy like so many in the GOP will be found in the men’s room one day getting caught propositioning men or has some affair with a woman who states he made her had an abortion any man telling woman what is right and wrong is not a man but a jerk Karma

I don’t buy it. He meant it. Own it and F off.

Rape is what this type calls foreplay.

rainyjoan No he didn’t he meant every damn word of it

Ok he didn’t. Here is a man who wants to control women but but don’t know what he wanted to say?

Not even close to acceptable, Hovis. Groveling plus supporting abortion is needed.



Which sounds worst?

Misspoke, sure!

Good try ..but no

People still cheer him!

Deplorable and idiotic statement that is indefensible!

You got caught being truthful so live with it🖕🏼And I pity any rape victim that you processed😖

What did he mean to say, 'rapey like'?

By 'misspoke' he means that he didn't intend for his true feelings to be known.

If he meant he spoke his mind and then regretted it then yes he misspoke

He is an idiot. Oh, I misspoke. NOT!

He said he didnt mean that, so what did he mean?

They're all lying misogynists

In other news Waters, Clinton, and Booker haven’t apologized for calling for harassment of conservatives

Misspoke? He looks like he thought up the word!

Too late ahole!

If he didn’t mean it, it would be in his vocabulary.

Quite a way to put it

They always say that, but it’s a lie.

Not equivalent, but I wonder how he’d feel about a consensual kick in the balls.

How do those words even come out of someone’s mouth?

‘Speakos’ only acceptable for democrats. DoubleStandards

Consentual rape is an oxymoron.

He met exactly what he said.


Republicans like that word rape don’t they? sickfucks grabthembythepussy repubes following their degenerate leader.

Common belief among me, re: “consensual rape”. What the hell does that even mean. A no is enough to mean no. Stop.

Time for him to be voted out.

Apology for being deeply stupid to follow? (And, yeah, I know: can’t fix stupid.)

Men are too STUPID to serve in government!!!

His comment proves he didn't take rape victims seriously. He needs to be removed from office. The lives of women are in the hands of stupid, offensive men like him. God help us. 😡😡

What an evil, evil, evil man.

What a weak lie. Apology not accepted

What kind of idiocy is this?

In other words he said what he believes but didn't mean to say it out loud...

Vote him out


Mis Spoke my ass. I dare him to come after me.

Misspoke my ass. He meant what he said.

He’s a Republican, pretty sure he said exactly what he thinks

GovernorKayIvey friend of yours ..

Let me guess: It just slipped in there?

That’s an oxymoron, like “Decent Republican”

Don’t you know that only DEMOCRATS can misspeak? When Republicans do it it’s obviously a glimpse into the black hole of their demon souls, right?

ResistThe_Swamp I dont accept. Whos with me? FridayFeeling

Misspoke eh?

No he’s not, he hates women as do the rest of the republikkkans....

Funny how that works... FridayFeeling

Said the quiet part outloud eh? That's happening more and more often lately.

He didn’t misspeak that is what he believes.

Funny thing is... no decent human would have ever said such a monstrous thing. So...

I hope the apology was in his resignation letter because no one that ignorant should be making laws.

No, he meant it.

The first stupid thing he said was use the word ‘gentlemen’ to describe a rapist. And then he topped that stupidity with his ‘consensual’ statement. He is an embarrassment to LE.

Guess that is what the inmates will call it , when he ends up in a prison cell..

That’s what I thought I heard. Good job, Missouri.

Why do all these dipshits look the same?


Boys will be boys logic. Just like using alcohol as a date rape drug is okay, because the government authorizes the sale of alcohol and taxes the profits.

The anti-abortion crowd will countenance any ilk. If you don't want an abortion, no one is forcing you to have one. AbortionIsAWomansRight

No. He didn’t. He believes men can screw their little woman whenever they want, and she MUST comply.

They always “misspoke”

Nah bro we understood just fine.

And hopefully his constituents realize they misvoted. Next time vote him out. No do-overs.

How does one do that?

Republicans: Putting the moron in oxymoron

Done accepting apologies from men so ill-suited to leadership. I demand change and we have zero reason to trust these guys.

He said what he was thinking 💭

He misspoke on purpose because in the trump era, these disgusting comments get you in the news...and donnie cheers you...SINK THIS CESSPOOL

Ya that's bad

Does anyone remember the phrase “ Freudian Slip”?

Maybe he’d like to take part in a consensual beat down.

20th century words and language politicians use to deny they lied to exploit public ignorance: 'misspoke' 'walk back' 'misinterpreted' 'misstated' 'double spoke' 'I don't recall' & This beauty... 'consensual rape'

Consensual rape makes as much sense as intelligent, moral Republican

One must now asked how many consensual rapes has he committed

People Please Vote!

Misspoke in more ways than one. Sit down Mr. Old man.

Freudian slip. 🙋🏽‍♀️

What the fuck ever!

All these men are idiots and should castrated. I think they all believe in an eye for an eye.

That's almost as bad as 'basket of deplorables'!

Oh, he said what he meant. I know some police who believe this. They think that all women really 'want' to be taken violently and 'ask' for it. Or that rape charges are always vindictive from the women. That caveman mentality exists in the law enforcement world.

May he get raped and his colon falls off then, he can call it consensual rape

Very deceptive. That is why he has a broad smile. Two timing politician. Chooses which face suits his project

SCOOP: As nytimes reveals a Trump/Flynn conspiracy, a separate investigation reveals no one is playing at Trump's LA Golf Course and nothing there Is made In U.S., (WATCH NOW)


No, he didn't. Its what he acrually believes. Listen.

White people trump supporters have no f idea about the stupid sh!t they say.

He’s about as sorry as Trump is for “locker room talk”.

Sure he did?

Perfect campaign ad, get them outta there

You have to wonder how many of these Republicans had non consensual sex. More and more we are seeing they don’t think it is a big deal. This is not a subject you can misspeak about.


Another ignorant, and intolerable human being.

OK , so we definitely need psychological profiling for politicians because we seem to have an extraordinary amount of lunatics in Congress and the White House.

These are the idiots making our laws! America deserves so much better!

He didn't misspeak .. he's just worried about his job. PIG !

Talk about an oxymoron. Unbelievable.

So damn tired of that excuse

He said out loud what he believes 🤬🙄

51% need to take note of this and take control of THEIR OWN BODIES and frankly, this country. enough

I m not sure if there is a crime like dicks getting chopped off. But if there were one, then that would be called as 'consensual dick chop' per this lawmaker.

Sewer him

Narrator: but he was not misspeaking, not one bit

Not acceptable.

He's probably a rapist himself. I think, therefore I am.

How can rape be consensual? It is by definition against a person's will.



No he didn't! He said exactly what he meant! Fuck this guy!!!

He misspoke because he actually 'fun rape'?

Is anyone surprised at this after 2 yrs of hell?

He did not misspeak. This is how he thinks.

Freudian slip

He new what he was saying just got worried with the blowback

Please, voters, think about who you elect to public office. Surely, we can do better than this.

Is 'misspoke' the 2019 term for a Freudian slip?

What the hell...is that a moon pie stain on his shirt

TJSeraphim “I’m just stupid. My bad.”

He didn’t misspeak.

Little old white molester... I mean man speaks. Go figure

I love how after GOP states pass radical ant women law, enslaving them to reproduce, they trip all over themselves to be most out of touch idiot out there. You would think they didn't understand the most basic facts of life taught in health class in grade 7. But they love porn

I’m guessing that’s how he came to be?🤔🙄

A gaffe... When a politician accidentally tells the truth. He meant every word if this foolishness. The depth of the misogyny is staggering.

No, he showed us exactly what he thinks. Save the patronizing

Based on the information in this article it honestly just sounds like he misspoke. Am I wrong?

What the H does “misspoke” mean?

Yeah, right. Here’s a hint: no rape is consensual.

Does the GOP understand any other word in the English language, besides Guns?

Oops I accidentally said what I meant/believe.

Misspoke as in “I said what I believe but I should not have said it in public”

He's just sorry he said it in public.

needs to GO!!!!

Freudian slip

Except that he used the term, in tandem with 'date rape', to explain why he thinks there are really very few rapes that deserve to be called rapes and that therefore the rape exception to an abortion ban is unneeded. To misspeak here destroys his argument. He meant what he said.

There is no consensual rape. Period.

Give him a break, he lives in a single-party consent state in regards to wiretapping and surveillance, he simply got his issues confused. *rolls eyes*

What do you call a bunch of old white guys from Missouri sitting on a bench? GOP lawmakers!

He’s just sorry he got caught.

This country has no idea what kind of giant they've just awoken. Women will see every single one of these old bastards voted out. WomensRights

Destroy the GOP

Oh. Dude, have you paid for an abortion? Put the entire GOP was Nader oath and ask them.

Idiot.... Yes, um, ah, oh, ya, I apologize for saying out loud what I think and believe, but shit, I mean damn-it, I did not know I was on the record.

I was 9 he was 30 something, my dad said I had to cuz bills had to be paid. I fought, screamed, bleed, cried & sat in a super hot tub Yep rape is consensual

No, he knew exactly what he was saying. To republicans all rape is consensual until they go to prison.

GOP lawmaker apologizes for using the phrase ‘consensual rape’ during abortion debate, saying he was just remembering what his mother used to say, over and over again, about the reason for his existence

mygoodness The book is yours! esl elt tesol tefl english inglés books amazon

'I thought I was at Chick Fil A'

oopsie daisy, didn't mean to slip that in there. yeah, sure. we all know exactly what he meant.

Apology unaccepted.

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A GOP lawmaker used the phrase ‘consensual rape’ during abortion debate. He says he misspoke.Missouri state Rep. Barry Hovis, a former police lieutenant, said most of the sexual assault cases he handled in his law enforcement career were 'date rapes or consensual rapes.' Who is this chump? Never in a million years would I put those two words together. Missouri is also the state of “legitimate rape” comments by Todd Akin Let’s face it, the white men of Missouri just don’t believe rape is a thing
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Kevin McCarthy falsely claimed the official GOP abortion platform includes exceptions for rape, incest, mother's lifeHouse Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said Thursday he opposes Alabama's abortion law because it doesn't include exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother, which he falsely claimed are part of the Republican platform. Dilly man. Little did he know - Sure hope none of these big bad bulls end up with a grandbaby they didn't want and is evidence in a criminal trial. There is a psychiatric clause in the Alabama law. Because GOPLeader is a known liar
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