Alabama governor invokes God in banning nearly all abortions

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Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey signs law banning nearly all abortions, saying the measure is a testament to the belief that 'every life is a sacred gift from God.' Democrats and abortion rights advocates call it a slap in the face to women.

“It just completely disregards women and the value of women and their voice. We have once again silenced women on a very personal issue,” said Sen. Linda Coleman-Madison, a Birmingham Democrat.But Republican pollster Chris Kratzer noted that there is no congressional district and likely no legislative district in Alabama with enough swing voters to put Republicans at serious risk.

Kratzer also argued that there aren’t enough potential swing voters and disenchanted Republicans to make the issue any kind of advantage for the lone Democrat elected to statewide office, U.S. Sen. Doug Jones, who scored a surprise win in a 2017 special election.would make performing an abortion at any stage of pregnancy a felony punishable by 10 to 99 years or life in prison for the provider. There is no exception for pregnancies resulting for rape and incest.


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Proud of a brave governor.

I am a prolife advocate but this is just silly. They know it's ridiculous but by the time they make some 'compromises' it will be right where they want it to be. Games people play......


If thoughts and prayers are enough to stop gun violence, why aren't thoughts and prayers enough to stop abortion?

Roll Tide!

Alabama: every life is sacred Also alabama: yeah we’re executing this guy tonight.

And here is what Alabama thinks about children....

Well there you have it. The dark ages are coming back with a vengeance.

I wonder how many abortions that old bag has had. Tossed all Alabama women under the bus just in hopes of another term. Such a gross person.

That's what happens when you mix church and state. You elect a person with these religious convictions you get religious based laws. Have fun Alabama.

ALABAMA is a backwards ass state.

Except those oppressed women who are beaten, butchered and sold as slaves.

What happened to separation of church and state?

After birth? You’re on your own, little one. No handouts here.


Shame on her

A few decades of allowing religious extremists to set policy and we will have to go to England to flee religious persecution.

FFS, how can we ever advance as a society, if we are constantly being piloted by the same OLD SCHOOL morals and values, year after year. ENOUGH!

So every life is a sacred gift from God? That’s why US allows: -15mil children to live in poverty? -ppl to walk around w/AR 15’s shooting innocent ppl? -28mil ppl to live w/out any healthcare? -kids to sleep in cages separated from parents at the border? LYING HYPOCRITES!!

It’s not a slap in the face for the women that would have been killed by their mothers. Who would have thought that you’d have to legislate to stop a woman killing her offspring.

It will get challenge in courts and thrown out as unconstitutional, it’s bad play. Roe vs wade is the law.

Was this her idea?

Is this really about religion or political gain?

Except the children in her state, prisoners in her jails!

“Every life is a sacred gift from God” says the woman overseeing an execution today

She signed a bill giving rapists an evolutionary incentive to increase their criminal activity, you mean.

Apparently God felt that Ms. Ivey was not qualified to raise a child herself.

SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE!!!! I type this so often that Google automatically does it for me, now. My God (I'm Catholic/Christian) allows for women to be respected and taken care of.

What a horrible hypocrite if every life is precious gift why does she support HOSPICE CARE to help kill her elderly parents to get their fortune that’s sacred I WANNA KNOW WHY guns are killing students in America everyday or minute why isn’t she standing up for that sacred life

So when will she be signing into law the bill that bans IVF treatments?

What pains me is all these pro abortion folks are ok with the murder of a child...unborn or not. But, they will go to war over the life and treatment of a dog...

keep your God out of this!

Wire hangers r back in season in Alabama feel sorry for white women of Alabama

The demographics in this Country are changing( soon there will be more brown people, than white people) so this is there way of trying to produce more white people, and of course overturn Roe Vs Wade

She... She... She literally had someone executed like THAT week in one of her state prisons.

We don’t need “her” beliefs. I’m over these right wing evangelical idiots. They are dangerous

Where have I heard certain words before... separation of church and state..? Yes? No? I’m hallucinating again I guess. And yes, all life is precious - until it’s born, or the ‘wrong’ color, or needs health care, or doesn’t want to be shot in school... 😖

Yes, a wake the f*** up slap. Stop having unprotected sex with men you barely know. Stop having unprotected sex with men you do know. It’s pretty f***ing simple. When you have sex unprotected, there is a good chance you’ll get pregnant.

Plp shouldn't have sex frm on ha

Need to ban you colonizers

there is no place for discourse here. we are being desensitized by the internet and just fighting based on pathos.

I admire Alabama for having moral character , great law , I hope other states will show the same wisdom and courage

Alabama ! : Show us the light ✨✨✨✨

So her reasoning for signing the bill is deeply rooted in HER OWN RELIGIOUS BELIEFS?!? That's all we needed to know WomensReproductiveRights

What happened to separation of Church & State? She should be removed from office, not just for invoking god.

How about she resigns and goes off to run a church somewhere. She’s obviously unfit for her current role.

Trump voter.

Half of murdered babies are going to be women!


Is this what they do in Muslim countries enacting Sharia law? We have so much in common why do we seem to hate them so much, too?


God bless her.

Boycott Alabama

what about those sacred lives sitting on death row in Alabama? GodPunishesHypocracy

Wish this law was around in 1990 when I was 20. someone should have slapped my face

WHAT in the HELL happened to separation of CHURCH and STATE?!! C'mon, people!!! Mind. Your. Own!!!!

And we have a country called the land of the free. But only as free as those in charge allow.

Dried up old wonder....

Aww, honey! I know you're shaken and crying and scared because you found out that senior boy who raped you got you pregnant. But you're gonna handle juggling pregnancy and PTSD and your classwork just fine. The old white politicans I voted for who idolize the 1950s agree.

If kayiveyforgov cates so much about babies, why does Alabama have 4th highest infant mortality?

How many executions in Alabama? So those lives do not matter?

Oh come, you shouldnt be believing in fairy tales at your age.

52% white voted for Trump. So there u have it. Not surprised

Wish my mom had aborted me, then I’d have never been able to tell her how much I wish she’d aborted me.

Shouldn't we just cut off testicles?

So the GOP thinking is: Protect the unborn fetus but we'll stand by and watch while they're massacred in schools as teens.

So much for this not being about religion.

If you don’t like it move to New York where you can kill your kid right before it’s birthed

too much corp money in these SE states !! we should just cut them off from US !!

Ppl need to stop belittling others for religion-who are the real bigots here? Cognitive dissonance

As he should. It's life.

Maybe fix your schools so maybe people wouldn’t be as ignorant? Lots of other issues to fix in that state, but let’s start with telling women what they can’t do.

Old white people at it again

This a a real crossroad in our society. You can't call yourself Christian and support abortion. Certain groups have perverted Jesus into a social justice warrior. Not only did he affirm God's word in the Old Testament, he took it to another level.

Wow they used an old lady who doesn't give a fuck about her selv to oh this as a alwa. Ladies vote instead of marching on.

Hey Kay - you're really just saying the unborn are precious cause you're still executing people and your state is at he bottom of the pit when it comes to supporting the living. You're not the voice of God.

GovernorKayIvey so ppl getting killed by guns is not a sacred gift of life? You and GOP have your priorities screwed up.


God Bless Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey for signing the anti-Abortion Bill. If Roe v. Wade is to be challenged, this is a good case to send up. Grounding Roe on a hypothetical right to privacy is too weak a basis for murdering the unborn.

American Sharia Law, you are imposing your religious crazy shit on other people. This is no different than the folks you claim to be fighting. Swap one fairytale religion with another and they’re all the same mold of extremist terrorism. realDonaldTrump GOP extremists 💩💩🍊🍊

Good Job, Alabama. Enjoy your Sharia law.


And the pendulum swings.

This will help. Woman that are raped will come forward and report it. Evidence will be collected and arrests will be made. Hospital will give meds so woman won’t get pregnant

So scary!

Turns out she didn't sign her name, instead shared her gingerbread recipe. Grandkids protest, pointing to shattered teeth.

Every life is a sacred gift from God.... a gift that will pay a lifetime of taxes.

If every life is in fact a gift from God, then we must respect the gift from God that is Woman, the giver of life without a doubt. This law is a violation of a Woman’s first amendment right granted by the constitution. That said, this is not God or Man decision. Is Woman!!!

So God is ok with rape and incest. Good to know.

Creepy lady...

Welcome to the past. Setting sights on days of days gone by. Women voters rise up!

Apparently not all life is a gift from god or you wouldn’t have the DEATH PENALTY!!! Christian Hypocrisy at it’s worst!!!!ProLife ChristianHypocrisy

Natural law-Thou shalt not kill it’s a capital sin!

Alabama has executed 6 people since Jan 2017.


Yet guns to kill children are their right in Alabama and the rest of the country. Go figure.

Her body; her choice. This bill is an attack on womens’ bodily rights and autonomy. Also, state and religious beliefs must be separated. She’ll be remembered on par with Jim Crow (that’s not a compliment).

And apparently no separation of church and state.

A very sick and twisted woman.

it's all grandstanding and pandering. ACLU will file injunction after injunction and this will never actually take effect. it's been decided.... 40 years ago! 🙄


It’s a slap in the face to women and to the First Amendment. Neither her God’s notion of life, her notion of what she believes her God’s notion of life is, nor any God’s or religion’s notion of the same, have any place in determining legislation in a secular government.

Welcome to Hell World.

I’m getting really tired of hearing about how someone’s beliefs is going to impact my life. I don’t care what sky daddy you believe in, keep it to yourself. You have no right dictating how I live my life based on your twisted world view.

How quickly would they reverse this if a politicians female family member was raped/impregnated by an African American?

I already went to her page and reported her for targeted harassment bc that’s exactly what she’s doing

“Every life is sacred,” except if you’re brown and seeking asylum in the United States

End the Alabama death penalty.

God ,whose God? You cannot bring religion into a secular society. These laws should be made on whether or not the foetus is viable at the time of the termination.

I don't want to say what I think of that Woman signing that bill..

Especially for the teen who was raped and never asked for a child

GOP is so fuckin dead set on protecting the second amendment they will shit all over the first.

Sacred? Sacred you say? GovernorKayIvey

Is she a vegetarian if all life is sacred?

Wait, don't woman have options to prevent themselves from getting impregnated in the first place You should plan accordingly

“Every life is a sacred gift from God, except those that are sitting on death row whose death warrants I willingly & enthusiastically sign. I also like to go hunting, too. The bigger the prey, the happier I am.” - Alabama Gov. & hypocrite Kay Ivey

Every life except those dark-skinned babies after they're born?

GovernorKayIvey Well Done Madam Governor! Life is more important than your inconvenience!

If 'every life' is a gift from God then why has ALABAMA EXECUTED 64 People by lethal injection since 1983 ? WHY does Alabama have the highest per capita death rate in ALL of the US? With all due respect Govenor --G.F.Y.!!!

Alabama ranked dead last in education. Here’s the proof. Got to help these people get educated. Lack of educated Americans are hurting our democracy.

Look at all the hostile anti-woman comments by liberal men lol.

If you have consensual sex and a man empties his balls inside of you and you decide you don’t want the child you damn right it should be illegal you shouldn’t open your legs. Abortion is a crime of inconvenience. Sex is to create. Not comfortable with kids? Don’t! Simple.

Every life is a sacred gift from God, but when it comes to guns, the NRA is more sacred

The women of Alabama need to rise up and take back their voice. Until that happens the men of Alabama will treat themlike second class citizens. Vote out the men and run for office.

Even the people you put on death row? How about the asylum seekers? Or is it just until they are born, then you can treat them like they don’t matter.

So much for religion seperated from state like the founders wanted 🤷🏼‍♀️

WTFAlabamba A place where rapist get less time than women.

Blessed be the state of Alabama and those that made this happen! God will judge TheDemocrats harshly for advocating for murdering innocent children even after birth in some states such as NY NewYorkersmurderbabies

Alabama government is filled insecure little boys & an obvious coward for a gov. “Every life sacred” bs. If that was the case the death penalty would be gone, you might spend some money in education, healthcare, & mental health. Instead you rank near the bottom for all. Hypocrite

Lock her up!

Every life is a sacred gift from god except the prisoners she has allowed to be executed

Abortion is murder.

Liberals pissed they can't chop up babies anymore.

Keep your god out of other women's uteruses.

That's right folks....a woman signed this bill into law. There goes the liberal narrative about MEN forcing women to have babies they don't want! All children deserve the right to live...babies are fully developed by 20 weeks....

“Every life is a sacred gift from God”* *except: dark-skinned children who’s parents are seeking a safe life in America, the homeless, the poor, those w/o health insurance, those who commit suicide for lack of adequate mental health infrastructure, criminalized drug addicts...


Kay lvey,🖕🏾🖕🏻🖕🏿🖕🏽🖕

God bless her for going up against the luciferians who sacrifice these babies to their food source god Satan. We win. We take back the right to live to all these babies now in Jesus name amen

And by passing this bill can we expect that the State plans to assume ALL future costs for the raising of this child since they’re SO concerned about its welfare. I guess that would depend on it’s skin colour and if it’s daddy was a Trumper! 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ JamesKosur BelkissObadia

Then give the kids healthcare, food, shelter, and something besides the worst education system in the country. This is about the American Taliban and 'christian' sharia law forced on everyone here.

So the Boston Bomber was a gift from god? You always get solid logic when you invoke sky fairies with your argument.

A complete and utterly clueless wonder!

The Devil's Mistress in her Republican/Russian Red jacket signing away millions of Women's life's & rights with a smirk on her face. The stupid statement she made shows the depth of this evil broads insanity, the power to do it is a turn on for her. EVIL.

This wouldn't happen in we separate church and state..😏

It won’t ever go into effect


No it isnt a sacred gift from god. if thats the case why would god give the gift of a child to someone God knows is going to do something completely horrible to the child and send the gift right back

Eff Bama

So much for that separation of church and state


If life was so precious to the sky fairy, there wouldn't be so many damn miscarriages.

Typical Bible Belt Fake Christians. If they had their way, this country would be a religious dictatorship (of course as long as their power was enhanced) similar to another religious dictatorship known as Iran! Do you remember the Catholic Inquisition?

Then why does god kill innocent women and children in war? HMMMMMM?

Abortion is murder pure and simple. There isn't anyway around that.

Are they still doing that execution tonight?

Keep your religion to yourself, you old bat

And men caught masturbating should be charged with mass murder. Also castration should be mandatory for all rape and incest- with sentence carried out by victim in public! tedlieu BelkissObadia BetteMidler JamesKosur Acosta AC360 StephenAtHome jimjefferies iamwandasykes

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands,one Nation under GOD indivisible,with liberty and justice for all. O ya our country was started with godly beliefs it’s a shame we still don’t teach that. Read the whole bill!

Who would have thought mixing theology and government might be a bad idea?

Ayatollah Ivey and her Theocracy.

Keep your God beliefs to yourself. Our Constitution specifically separated church and State because they know how dangerous religious extremists are to freedom. Vote all GOP out. Stop the decline.

Why do we allow Christians to force their beliefs on everyone?

Dude, this shit isn’t up for debate. Women have the right to abortions. Fuck this draconian law that was concocted by a bunch of white men who just want to control women and their bodies.

Not ALL women. Just to the ones that would rather kill babies than have responsible sex. Understand that if you got pregnant and can't keep your baby, you probably have greater problems to resolve; seek help from ProLife org nearest you ProWoman SexStrike

Which God is that ? I want to pray to the correct one .......

Until that life is killed in a mass shooting, then you just shrug and say “thoughts and prayers”

Who needs Sharia law when you have these clowns.

Were they saying in Alabama that when they were lynching blacks not so long ago?

If she really believes this then what happened to the 1st and 2nd & 3rd commandments. Who made her God? supermajority

Republicans are the American taliban.

Your religion is not my religion. Stop it!

So much for separation of church and state.

I don't know why they keep bringing God up... God is not here, and God definitely doesn't care about what we do as humans; which is why we have free will. Separate church and state.

Surely she can't mean her own life is too. The fact that she signed it proves that some living creatures are disgusting.

A sacred gift from a rapist or uncle Charlie

Hypocrite who's executed 6 people since taking office. GovernorKayIvey

Yet the plight of foster kids and those under the poverty line? Nah, fuck them, right? Especially if they are black. Cuz you're sure as hell not worried about those children.

Church and state are suppose to remain separate. Religious beliefs are not the way to govern all people who may not have them beliefs.

'Slap in the face' - bit worse than that I'd imagine they've said. This is pure evil and no less than an all out war on women. This needs to be challenged and overturned immediately.

These are the same people who think you can shoot someone dead for stepping onto your property. I don't care to hear taxpayer paid government workers invoke God as a reason for doing anything. Why is sep of church and state allowed to be so blatantly disregarded by these people?

Here you go, GovernorKayIvey, it's your will you're imposing on the women of your state!!


She looks as dated as her thinking

We live in a SECULAR society. This is not Iran or Islamic State. If Ivey or any other politician wants to peddle their fake piety, those Sharia folks would LOVE to have them! Religion belongs at home, not in our government, not in our democracy, as our founders INTENDED.

So they’re also getting rid of the death penalty too, right?

She could cost Trump the election.

BravoTV Andy BoycottAlabama boycottgeorgia

2nd highest infant mortality in the country and a 1/4 of children living in poverty but now all of a sudden they care about life.

Sharia law

What happened to separation of church and state. I'm sure she would be all up in arms if muslims had a equivalent policy

When will the government admit that there is no separation of church and state?!?

The Handmaid's Tale comes to life. I feel sorry for the women of Alabama. They aren't all Republicans.

If it ever comes down to it, I will not hesitate to drop kick her

Better slap women in the face than stick a fork in a fetus

Has anyone even read the Bible It's a 2000 year old slap in the face to women God doesn't much care for women

Which God, there so many? Did she make a proclamation in tongs?

Did the governor slap herself in the face?

I would like, please, a state that will pass laws REQUIRING abortions for anyone unable to fully support the growth and development of the would-be child.

Pro life until the baby is gay or Muslim or black or poor, etc.

'We'll protect you before you're born, but that's about it.'

We're not going back, no matter how much Alabama wants us to! AlabamaHatesWomen

Thanks be to God! EndAbortion AbortionIsMurder ProLife

Until they're born, then they're not a sacred gift anymore, right? .....right?

Alabama has gone too far so it’s time to address the elephant in the room! Alabama has always been a second rate Oak Ridge Boys with the talent of a Lee Greenwood cover band. I’m sorry but it had to be said. STAY OUT OF MY VAGINA ALABAMA!! AlabamaAbortionBill

People really using god to justify this boy what kinda hell is this

GovernorKayIvey unless you have been born. After that you are sometimes a burden to the system, passed around in foster care until you age out, or are slaughtered in your underfunded classroom before the age of 18 (or sometimes 7).

Um, what happened to separation of church and state?

Conservatives: omg second amendment is sacred Also conservatives: what's separation of church and state

These politicians are the monsters. It's not only about life but about living. How many of us would have wanted a life of poverty, medical suffering, parents who hated each other?

I'd like to hear her opinions/policy strategies on immigration, poverty, health care, child care, nutrition etc. EVERY life is sacred?

Being threatened with forced pregnancies is a slap in the face! REAL NEWS IS OUT HERE- WHERE ARE YOU?

Life is so sacred Ivey has taken the lives of 6 people since entering office.

Who’s god ?

What happened to seperation of church and state

But yet they are are the first to call for the death penalty

Piss on these anti abortion zealots

Kay Ivey: not a mother herself but wants to force other women to be

Them why are you so segregated and racist in Alabama...the ignorance of the South is bewildering...still living in decades past...

Apparently she never heard that the church and state are separate entities.

Guess at her age she had better care about meeting her maker.

There should be no religion in politics

Except black lives, and people who need healthcare, and a living wage, and immigrants, and people who lose their jobs or are mentally ill... basically only people that don't exist yet, they're the only ones that count.

Pro life? Alabama has executed 6 men in the past two years under her watch.

Amazing decision! Well done.

If every life is a sacred gift from God, why are we aiding genocide in Yemen?

Roll Tide

Abortion is premeditated murder

Of course she does. Everything the south does is in the name of 'God.' That's their justification for everything they do....or don't do.

Thank god....Here is one of the majority of women who see this for what it is, protecting human life.

Handmaid’s Tale - the beginning


Our legislation should not be influenced by religious beliefs.

Vasectomy vote next week


What happened to the Separation of church and state?

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Perspective | I had an abortion in Alabama. Thank God it wasn’t against the law.If the state’s laws had been the same back then as they are now, my whole life would be different. God had nothing to do with it YEAH YOU MIGHT HAVE A CHILD INSTEAD OF AN EVERLASTING MENTAL SCAR. GOOD JOB. Everyone in this thread saying this woman 'murdered' her baby is a man. Go figure.
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