AG Barr will not testify Thursday before House panel, source says

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BREAKING: The Justice Department has informed the House Judiciary Committee that Attorney General William Barr would decline to testify before the panel on Thursday amid disagreements over the hearing's format, according to committee aide.

The Justice Department on Wednesday informed the House Judiciary Committee that Attorney General William Barr would decline to testify before the panel on Thursday amid disagreements over the hearing's format, according to committee aides.

The committee approved a motion to add more time to Thursday's hearing – an hour of questioning to be split evenly between committee lawyers after members finish their five-minute round over fierce objections from Republicans, who accused Democrats of trying to hold impeachment-like hearings without formally launching the process in an effort to smear the president and Barr.“The Attorney General agreed to appear before Congress.


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He is a Chicken Sh**!!

House dems should have allowed Lindsay Graham to come with him to hold his hand.

here ya go naddy...

He probably figures, Well nothing ever happens to Trump and he gets away with everything, so why do I have to follow the rules, the law etc. What do you expect? You let Trump use the US as his personal ATM, HIS LAWLESS 4 YEARS no one has done a thing but write a report !

Good for him. The liberal bullies just don’t know when to quit. Barr will investigate the FISA Spying on a candidate! Who is afraid, Democrats! Your dirt spying is about to be exposed!

If Barr is afraid of being questioned by legal staff it’s worth pointing out some committee members are trained attorneys, why not allow those individuals to conduct most of the questioning of Barr? It’ll take away his ability to evade questions KamalaHarris RepJerryNadler

Serious question, has any intelligent republican actually read the report, and if so who wants to tell me trump ABSOLUTELY did not obstruct or collude in any way and is completely exonerated? Cause I'd love to talk about it with someone who can read.

Good. The only goal here from dims was to attempt to get him to lie and use that incident to stop his investigation of wrongdoings by Obama and Hillary. LockHerUp!!

We heard enough from this snitty cowardly weasel. Bring in Mueller.

he's a co-conspirator now while helping with the cover up. set don't need to hear from him till his impeachment.

I wouldn't either. These hearings as entertaining as they are. They shouldn't be. It's not business as usual unless they're trying to be a show business now.

Damn, must be nice to just, not show up.

I pray that the Congress will act quickly by subpoenaing him. As an attorney he knows this rule of law. He's only Stone walling. He will be impeached.

Bullshit, he knows the attorneys will drag the fact that he terminated the investigation early. The senators helped. No one is going to be held accountable until the guilty senators figure out a way to untangle themselves. Criminals are ALL the same EVERYWHERE. Ask any thug.

Keep declining, Mr. Barr! The DemocRATS are full of sh💩💩!!

He is a coward and a liar dumpcorruptGOP

Slipping out the back door before being caught in a lie


The Mueller investigation is over. Dems continue to be in a dream sequence. It’s like someone whose love one has tried & continue he to believe she’s alive. It’s like squeezing blood out of a turnip. Time to move on!


He refused to appear before a bunch of hired, non-elected henchmen. He DID NOT refuse to appear before Jerry's pathetic commitee.

By law, only members of the body can ask questions. Period. Surrogates are not allowed. Sorry Fake Newser

AG Barr,the folk criminal hero who lies to Congress and the entire Government for Donald Trump's Conspiracy. For the two years of Mueller's and reports in newspapers,media,etc.,clearly explains Barr & Republicans are hiding the truth about Trump.

Why would Barr answer to lawyers. It’s below him, he comes to the house to clarify things, not be treated like a convict. Barr needs to hurry up with spying investigation.

AG Barr was called 'a useful idiot'......👍👍👍

Barr is so out of their league, they had to bring staffers in to question him! Hilarious!

Strange to see group supporting Maduro the USA communist party and others long exposed 1990's by Yeltsin as stooges and lackies of the old USSR and KGB, on streets of NYC pushing commie agenda alongside poor kids young and stupid.

TheView 👎🏼

Its an inquisition typical of communist totalitarian states that AOC and rabid RashidaTlaib And the pro-commie DsA want kind of like the Stalin era... Purges and Show trials? anyone vs the Godless socialist agenda . POTUS GOP and usa unite & fight

Mueller played by the rules and expected an honest broker. Barr was not that. “And the White House thinks three year olds can represent themselves in immigration court. But Bill Barr can’t stand questioning in Congress.” ~Ann Works SpoilingAnn

Big baby. That’s cuz Kamala kicked his ass!

realDonaldTrump We have sleet and President that are cowards and gutless. Oh wait my not gutless 😆😆😆

Chicken Barr, Lol.. Trumps circus, they all taken the fall for an idiot. It's time to make Trump accountable for ruining people's life and careers. Y'all let a damn crazy ass businessman use y'all because of the old mighty dollar. SMMFH. Time for Trump to cook in his own O.J. ⏰

Theon Greyjoy is Barr

Yep...The government officials are shacking in their high dollar Lizard shoes and offenders who willfully and with intent tried to frame realDonaldTrump


Good soon they will learn they can’t push Barr around.

Barr should be jailed too that skunk

Hopefully he has more important things to do. He can start with the investigation of the Clintons and Obamas

Great job Mr. Barr!!

Not Today!

Good for him! Screw the Democrats!

Why are they afraid of the truth? People who are innocent have nothing to hide!

We already know Barr. He’s been clear. And he is who we thought he was. A presidential attorney. He was the same for Bush

'Men at some time are masters of their fates. The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings.'

Dems treatment of GenBarr yesterday was despicable! The are vile, repugnant, Reptilians! Extremely HOSTILE FOREIGN ACTORS. What are the Dems & RINOS hiding.

They will hold him in contempt.

GOOD! 🇺🇸👍

Afraid of perjuring all over himself.

I didn't know the chairman thought a circus was a legitimate format.

Dis bar William Barr. Then Jail him for obstruction of Justice he made a monumental decision without reviewing the evidence

IrishDharmaDog Subpoena his ass, then throw him in jail when he fails to comply. FYI JerryNadler

So what's going to happen now? Absolutely nothing..just another hearing to have another hearing. No action at all from Dems.

Good for him


Barr is too smart for them..let it go. It’s over.

Well not a whole lot of questioning was going on,more a smear/slander fest by the disrespectful dems. Nothing like beating on the messenger because you don’t like the message. ridiculous fakeoutrage deadhorse growup

Thank you for standing up to the frivolous request of the house, great job in the senate yesterday good luck in finding the truth.

Q: When was the last time a Republican-controlled House Juduciary Committee required a sitting Democratic administration official to testify in a hearing in which staff attorneys questioned the official?

What’s he afraid of? The Truth? Barr is not doing his job of protecting the America people! He needs to respect the House of Representatives!

Good AG Barr was totally disrespected by the Dems - they r an utter disgrace! Get Ready - shit about to hit the fan!

Bless his heart....not tough enough.....

What a freakin Pussy. I love them but in this case it fits

The witch hunt must stop and these congressional people need to get to work on legislation

TheView 'They're picking on me!' Just like the 6yr old Trump & his ...Liar Liar Pants On Fire! Plus all of the other childish things he's said! Barr's not testifying sends a huge message!!!

SpeakerPelosi is right he has lied to Congress. This is a crime and should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Good for him..

That means today the house members will have to work.

abovethelaw jailtime myasswouldbeinjail accountability

The FULL UNREDACTED Mueller Report has been available for security cleared Democrats to read first-hand. But NOT ONE SINGLE DEMOCRAT has even made an attempt to openly read what the Democrats are (falsely) claiming AG Barr it hiding!

The man is a very smart very smart move on his part now focus on bring down the Democrats for their crimes

I don't blame him!!! The Dems are on their OWN witch Hunt! They want him to say what THEY want him to say. That is just abuse!!



Dems continue to try to set up AG Barr and then bad mouth him. Failing Dems Pelosi seems to be losing it.

He is a boss

And he SHOULD decline that 60's cartoon figure, Nadler...DASB

At least give him sometimes to re-think his lies!!!

This man being the attorney for all attorneys should not be denigrated and diminished as was done to him yesterday.

We are not surprised that attorney general Barr refused to testify. What is he afraid of and doesn't he realize that if he's done something wrong it's going to come out anyway. There are no secrets in Washington

Good for him!!!! Stand your ground against the evils of the Democrats

RepJerryNadler RepCummings you are being way too coy with your subpoena powers!

Barr's like the kid who has to be dragged to the principal's office kicking and screaming.

Good for him! It’s a joke and big circus for the dem’s to perform and look like the idiots that they are.

I wish the Democrats would give it a fucking rest Trump one whether you like it or not.

This is grounds for Barr’s dismissal and contempt of court. He is a public official and as head of the Justice Department must be the most *honest*, *forthcoming* and *transparent* employee possible. He. Is. Not.

How are people okay with an administration that does whatever they want, Constitution be damned? If you have to constantly lie and hide things then you know you’re wrong. Period.

Democrats hate laws.

Pretty obvious why...Nadler is asking Barr to break the law. It is against the law to release grand jury testimony.

Good for him, since when do “staffers” (unelected lawyers) get to grill the AG after he already spent 6 hours being insulted by partisan butt hurt Dems....and no neck Nadless. Go pound sand, or read HRC’s book....both equally useless.


Good for him. Our congress turning into a joke trying to politicize the DOJ.

Get Ready Dumbo-crats they are coming for you.

TheView Chickens do what master Rooster tells him to do

With all the GRANDSTANDING in the Senate yesterday, that's why the Supreme Court DOESN'T want cameras in the Supreme Court!

What is he hiding.the fact that he's buring evidence that he never read. What kind of AG is that.

the house has become a circus, wasting good people's time with a malicious intention. so sad to see Democrats' political desperation.

Leftist heads are exploding!!! Hahahahaha

Impeach this crook SpeakerPelosi SenSchumer. And CenturetheGOP

Good for AG Barr! The Democrats should be ashamed of the circus they put on yesterday, particularly Harris and Hirono, bc they don’t like the results of the report

That a boy! Barr no need to get disrespected on national t.v. By Nasty DEMOCRATS !

poor dems poor loosers

Barr, that enemy from within, enemy of America, enemy of justice, defang the dirty dog. Return America to our robust democracy and rid us of this vermin.

Why is he afraid to testify? If he’s not nothing wrong it shouldn’t be an issue. Barr has destroyed the faith of the American people in our justice department. Republicans are allowing the destruction of America! LindseyGrahamSC senatemajldr realDonaldTrump Stop obstructing!

Good for him. Why appear before a bunch of barking dogs.

I see orange hands on this!

Oh shut up with the hyper inflated theatre show Democrats! You have the unredacted Mueller report in your hands. Now this is a smear Barr campaign. That's right people they have the full report, it shows no collusion. So now they have to attack Barr because they look like idiots

He is one strong attorney general hurrah

Good for the AG. This dog and pony show is a sham. A sleazy group of Democrats looking for sound bites while running for President. It’s beneath him to sit for foul mouthed oxygen thieves.

LockHimUp BarrResignNow BarrMustGo BarrCoverUp impeachbarr RepAdamSchiff RepJerryNadler RepCummings SpeakerPelosi TheDemCoalition SenSchumer

He was grilled yesterday all they have to do is watch that!! The Dems are lying and causing trouble! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH Get to the work of the country!!Stop wasting taxpayer time and money

...HOWEVER- Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testified in front of a nearly complete male, partisan senate and grilled on the most intimate details of her life and one of the most horrifying, defining moments of her life. If Barr is cowardice enough to refuse ?s he needs to go. STAT.


Stop treating these traitors with dignity. They didn’t respect us when they f*cked our country. Lock him up until he does. Lock all the people who refuse to testify up, like they were normal people smh! ResignBarr

He needs to resign now. Clearly he is protecting Trump. Why do all these people risk their careers to team up with Trump. I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump is giving them some type of bonus.

How can he just decline to testify?

Perhaps Barr needed the time to pack, knowing his lies to Senate yesterday will be discovered upon Muellers testimony.

R U Guys spreading BULLSHIT Again...?!?!?!?!!?

The need for total transparency regarding the underlying evidence gathered during the Mueller investigation outweighs the political protections sought by Trump and anyone defending him!

But Barr should resign? Hypocrites = Democrats

Democrats have the Mueller report. Either start impeachment process or move on. Waste of taxpayers money!!

Are you all listening to this. No valid answers to many criminal behaviors!!! This is making America great. Total embarrassment to our country

We do not need more 'grandstanding ' paid for with our tax dollars! Dems need to do real work, like maybe addressing BorderSecurity LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder MAGA

Barr doesn't have the balls Hillary did I guess

Barr is a key part of the Presidents obstruction. & the President is getting his money's worth ImpeachBarr

Good for him!!! It is time to put an end to the Democrats & their human clown 🤡 show. No Collusion No Obstruction- get over it & work for Americans now

Nadler broke the rules of the house.. he should resign

Is he to afraid? I would be after Senator harris’s questioning, great job Senstor Harris, you crushed it

Not surprising, Barr looked like an absolute fool yesterday. He showed without question that he will lie for his fuhrer.

Assange style

VoteBlueAsf Then subpoena him

My opinion is, william barr should quit his job. his lack of behaving like a professional yesterday was disgusting.

OVER 200 CONVERSATIONS WITH RUSSIA!!!! ImpeachBarrAndtRump BarrCoverUp MAGA LiarInChief LiarBarr lyndseygraham

His fat fingers have to rest from holding his lying limps. To much exercise.

Good for Barr he should have told them to shove it long time ago why don’t these losers go after muller and those darn Clintons


If u see his family out let them know there father is liar and cheat

Wow the spin is strong woth the dnc — this investigation is over the democrats will not give up the fact that there is NO COLLUSION NO JUSTIFIABLE OBSTRUCTION. So they spin thos no story drovel to create fake tension to dovert attention away from the truth pf their corruption.

He supports a dictator

These radicals in Congress get paid to do their job! Not get attorneys to speak for them!!!

Great job AG Barr!

Hold him in contempt , he must testify

The witch hunt is OVER! It’s time the dems finally do SOMETHING after 2 years of chasing a ghost and accomplishing absolutely NOTHING.

ABC is Democrat Party propaganda. Hence a 3rd World news mindset.

ABC News supposedly has 14.2 million followers. Exactly 1,254 have engaged in this “breaking news” story from 12 hours ago. Lord, Twitter is as fake as the MSM it shills for.

Run and hide

Nothing says that you think you are above the law like ignoring a subpoena from congress.

Perhaps it is time to let it rest. Trump should not be impeached, which will only invoke public sympathy. Many GOP may secretly hope for it, because they prefer Pence, who has been a lapdog VP without a clear vision for the US future to be POTUS. Let the voters decide in 2020.

Format=fear of no control/exposure. Lying sack of...



He won't because he's an absolute liar and he's covering for Donald Chump!

This is a very different Barr during this hearing. He was nice and polite during his confirmation hearing. 🧐🤨 BarrHearing


It seems as if you’re one of Trump’s Foot Troops you can do or say what you like

Great stuff!! Fuck that committee!!!

Good for Barr who nailed it when he told Dems to “stop trying to use Justice as a political weapon”! Good 4 him to prevent them from creating more dishonest theater. Funny that Dems don’t seem concerned about REAL abuses—all Obama’s “weaponizing” of gov’t.power vs. Trump & GOP!

Time to turn up the heat and brook no more of this nonsense:

Kamala gave Barr a taste of questions and he decides hes better off just going str8 to prison? Best choice.

Good :)

He doesn’t want to tell the truth

So glad he is not going back today I am sure he has more important things to do unlike the House Judiciary Committee. This is ridiculous and a waste of time and our money.

Good for him !!!!! The DEMORAT clown show needs to be STOPPED NOW CONGRESS should be working on 2020 BUDGET!!!! No more SHUTDOWNS!!!! THIS CONGRESS IS SCARY DYSFUNCTIONAL! DRAIN THE SWAMP PEOPLE!!!! LOCK U THE CROOKS!

Attorney General Barr is Best ever and honestly followed the law! Robert Muller admit he couldn’t find the evidence against President Trump! Democratic Congress is failure and disgraceful Congress!!!

We want to hear from Mueller anyway. Maybe he can take your time slot.

Whatcha hidin AGB?


Executive branch controlled by the POTUS. President only official with complete control over this because he is elected by the people to that position. Trump could shut all this down at any time he wants to. Question is...why hasn't he yet? Because there is nothing there.

This will not turn out well for trump and Barr!

There's no disagreement, Barr got his lying ass handed to him by Kamala Harris. There's no way chubs will voluntarily have the comm take his lunch money bahahaha 😂 inacellwithbubba

Barr should be disbarred.

He stutters when he lies and he lied a lot! Smug SOB is also snitty!

Good 👍

Me reading through all the Barr hate from people that probably couldn't tie their shoes without the media showing them how

Lock him up. He and Trump can massage each others plentiful asses until the end of time although with Barr’s face, how do you tell which end contains the anus?

notmyAG NotMyPresident


He must have gotten a nasty case of lyingmyassoffitis

Another Repub baby who can’t handle tuff questions. Hearings are like this one side is for you the other gives you hard questions. If he has nothing to hide, like trump, why runaway? Why hide? They are all so thinned skinned and they can’t handle any criticism. Very telling!

Lock em all up

This weak piece of flab. He should resign in disgrace and be banned from the practice of law.

Barr should be permanently disbarred, tried for obstruction of Congress, perjury, and treason, the subsequently locked up with a no human contact standing order.

Career Ending nail in Coffin Lying question dodging.

He lied. Multiple times. He needs to resign or be impeached.

Sen. maziehirono lists fact after fact that shows how Barr covered up for Trump & misled the public. Barr had difficulty answering her straightforward questions like “Is it OK for the President to ask the White House Counsel to lie?” She asked BarrResign

Note to self: Tweet an excuse note to House Judiciary Committee that Little Billy won’t be able to sit to testify due to a severe ass chewing in Senate.

He isn’t a POTUS lawyer. He is America and SHOULD be critical of ANY POTUS-not meaning nasty. But critical in making sure everything is being upheld to the highest standard/laws of the US.Every AG this term(which is WAY too many!) Trump has treated like his personal free attorney

...the checks and balance in the government of the US-not be in the POTUS’ sleeve to be pulled out like a magic trick at a kids party. He as tempted to mislead the country, he refuses to answer questions and lies. We may joke about how Sleepzy lawyers can be but this is proof.

Who didn’t see that coming...coward. He is afraid of the POTUS, the media, Mueller and his shadow. People have done so much less and carried their box of stuff and succulents out of the White House. Remember he is the HIGHEST law maker in America and is suppose to provide...

So it comes down to Barr not wanting to be questioned by lawyers?

What's he afraid of?

Good. Barr shouldn't testify tomorrow bc it wasn't the agreed format. Finally an AG that will not kowtow to the political whims of the Left. Now the real investigation begins on SpyGate

Oh.. Really... Then he must resign... This Barr is corrupt

can Barr stop mueller from testifying to congress? he is his boss!

It’s seems to be unconstitutional and should be subpoenaed. All these actions are breaking down our democracy and no one seems to care.

Sounds like something an innocent man would do. 😂

You’re such FakeNews! Barr is indeed willing to appear before the House Judiciary Committee, but not outside counsel. It’s no wonder nobody respects you so called journalists. QAnon

I don’t blame him. The democrats changed the rules.

I voted Dem and I don't blame Barr. This is nothing but political grandstanding on the Dems part. Muller's job is done. The report is out. Stop the charade and get back to your job to help the American people.

Perhaps Barr would prefer another round of questioning from Sen. Kamala Harris ?

LockBarrUp ImpeachBarr ImpeachDonaldTrump

Can’t say as if I blame him. That committee is a complete charade!

Guess Nadler is scared to ask questions! Jordan, Meadows, Gowdy always wanted to be the interrogator!

DBChirpy coward. Obstructing justice and had his behind handed to him by KamalaHarris Shout out to CoryBooker for holding in the biggest need to laugh out loud ever.



Can’t wait till he starts his investigation into the clintons and comey. Barr’s our for blood.


Yeah all the Democrats wanted to do was get up there and slander and run him down.

He isnt a very good liar for an attorney! He is what my grandfather would call 'yellow-bellied'. No guts. Ruined his legacy and reputation for a thuggish excuse of a leader.

So, porky is now expanding beyond the capacity of his britches to hold? What are all these guys working so hard to hide?


To lie is now the”American Dream!”

Drop the soap!

Dems are acting like a bunch of babies 👶😢

Contempt. ImpeachTheMF

If this hearing isn't important enough for House members to question Barr, why have it? House members have no problem questioning Barr's integrity or expressing themselves on TV or social media, but don't have the guts to question him in person?

A liar always backs down from confrontation.

Barr doesn't have the guts to go before the hearing tomorrow. I say hold him in contempt and DisbarBarr

kstreet111 He’s scared of in-depth questioning.

Go Directly to Jail! Idiot DONT pass go & dont collect $200 Your Burnt!

BarrTestimony Barr

Good! Glad he’s putting those dogs in their place 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Right - it is beneath Barr’s incredible position to be questioned by anyone less than a Senator! Protocol! That was a call good old Jerry Nadler made after the Hearing had been scheduled. Sit on it Jerry, you deserve all the push back you Obstructionists will get! 👎😖🖤👊💪

The format in question was “ You’re a liar liar pants on fire”

Barr's Shakespearian flaws are that he thinks he's smarter than anyone in the room, and he thinks he's a good liar Neither of which are remotely true... And Barr will take his rightful place in history BarrHearing ImpeachBarr

Subpeona Mueller!

Scared 😱 of going to jail what you hiding

Most corrupted administration in the history of government... 🧐🧐🧐

This is why TheDemocrats want DOJ Barr to resign.

'We haven't waived executive privilege,' Barr says. 'WE' - how is this not a clear admission as to who his client is? It's NOT the USA, it's TRUMP. Now that his OrangeLips are out in the open, LowBarr is ashamed to appear in the House. Sad. BarrMustResign BarrHearing

Throw WilliamBarr in prison, if he refuses to testify!

Democrats Are Just Mad Because They Can’t Get Their Way!!!

He is right for not playing along. Accept it you fools, you lose. America and Trump win again and again and again. Go cry to your mommy now

Good for him. It’s a shit show.

AG Barr is recovering from having his BALLS handed to him by SenKamalaHarris

Just a little middle finger to the Dem House.

barr is a liar & a coward! he's a crooked, hair-splitting fuckboy & sycophant extraordinaire! realDonaldTrump is going down (on more than lindsey graham's tiny man-piece)! BarrResignNow foxandfriends WhiteHouse GOP SenateFloor washingtonpost nytimes latimes nowthisnews

Trump has his ppl just outright disregarding law and order! Even the AG of the U.S. has no concern for law and order.

Staring at a bold faced liar to the people. Disgusting. Belongs in jail.

He knows what he did was lie and is running scared. Scared of the man who lives in the White House and the House’s wrath

Kathleen2157 BarrResign

Watch the videos of yourself answering to . Congress. So obvious it's funny. Super trump bitch!!

Weak man.

This guy needs to be kicked out of the office for unsportsmanlike behavior!

DeborahGidget Time to take down Nadler Corruption at its finest MullerReport Democrats Meltdown YouGotNothing 😂😂😂😂

Barr doesn’t feel that good tonight. Or needs some hugs.

but barr's intentionally useless, a mountain of shapeless pizza dough thats risen way too long...

TheView Running scared He’ll end up like the rest of “ followers” I hope. Ie Cohen et al

I am an American I want answers !!!we deserve the answers to all of it !!!

“Inappropriate”? His defiance is disrespectful on so many levels.

This lame excuse for AG should be held in contempt for not appearing to do his job and representing potus instead of the country. LockBarrUp sadTrumppuppet disgrace

Barr will be “Breaking Rocks in the Hot ☀️ Sun I fought the Law & the Democrats Won !

Barr is chicken shit

Hold him in contempt. Who do these people think they are? Where do they think they are?

Good, there is no crime and no obstruction so perhaps congress can get back to work now? 😐🤔🙄 yeah, they will never do anything to help us

GOOD! 🖕🏼🖕🏼 them and their side show.

Nadler has access to the report and he can subpoena Mueller to testify if he wants.

Good for you sir.

Good for the General enough BS politics, how about doing what you ALL SHOULD DO WORK FOR US, NOT YOUR BS from your party leaders.

TheJusticeDept AG Barr is a disgrace and is unfit to hold office. America deserves better! ImpeachBarr impeachTrump


Apparently Nadler and the other Democractic members of the Judiciary Committee (many of whom claim to have been prosecutors) are incapable of simple cross-examsning Barr and need to use some hired gun lawyers to do their job. Is it any wonder Congress is so dysfunctional?

Misinformed Utopian Troll Farm and GO! 👇 Anyone smearing Barr needs their head examined for real estate potential.

HE fill they can't Handle the truth SO HE WILL NOT SHOW UP


It is unbelievable that the Democratic party cannot let go of this whole charade. Barr has every right to not want to go before a lynch mob!

This is the best we can find for Attorney General? He said that if the President commits a crime, the President can call off the investigation. John Mitchell was a dirty fighter, too, but at least he didn't pretend there was a legal basis. Bill Barr thinks he's Trump's lawyer.


Good for him.

Barr's arrogance is misplaced. He has no say over how Congress does its business. Congress, however, has plenty to say about how the Justice Department does business, and how much money it gets. He should be more careful.

d2op Pu$$y, trump will grab you

Good🇺🇸 witchhunt

Barr is the man for the job. Well done!

Finally, a real professional not lowering himself to the ridiculous behavior and chaos of the conspirators. This circus must end. Americans stand behind Mr. Barr!!!

Barr is a coward

Shouldn’t go never on history have they gone more fake dems trying to put on a show

😂 Let it go people. Move on.


This guy is something else. Our government is nuts. What other job would let this type of shit fly

Barr is a Big Baby...just like realDonaldTrump.

Bring him in cuffs


Too much pressure on him. He can only spin & twist his answers so much. Like trump, his lies make no sense. Maddow

Time for subpoena and then contempt of Congress?

So DepofJustice let's start counting the days for Barr be gone: Day 1 Let's see how long does is take I will give it 30 days maximum

He’s a fking snake like the rest of them

Too bad for them the Democrats your little babies it didn’t go the way that they wanted it to go the Democrats are nothing but a bunch of crooks, liars, corrupt, UnAmerican people I have ever seen in my life! Each one of them should be held accountable

Barr your failure to comply shows your guilt..

Just a thought, if there was no there, there, they wouldn't have much to fear here. Capish? I smell plenty of fear here. Only the guilty have fear. IndictTrump ImpeachBarr TrumpCoverUp

Good. It was nothing but insults and desperate digging.

Muller needs to come forward and testify so the American people knows the truth. That's the only way we as people will know. Barr is a lier just like Trump both needs to be impeached.

If anyone else would do what barr is doing, they would be put in jail in a blink of an eye.

Good! No crime no collusion.

Contempt of Congress and off to jail.

This lack of respect for procedures and protocols of our government is 100% a reflection on our so-called President. For the past two-years Republicans have made supporting a President more important than respecting our Constitution, complying with laws, and demanding the truth.

Where is the transparency. Did he not take an oath? Not wanting to testify and answer questions seems very shady but again he is choosing to defend The Red NutterButter. It figures he has something to hide...

He is scared Trump has another person that is willing to put their life and reputation on line for him. How dumb can these people get. His sitting back laughing at all of them. They are lying and protecting him and they are the ones looking stupid. Trump is nothing but the devil

Put Barr’s butt in jail then.


What a 💩

Not a surprise he doesn't want to serve the public interest.

He should be impeached.

He’s a disgrace . Resign please .


The pillsbury doughboy made a fool of himself before the senate. He and Lindsey Graham are competing for the position of First Lady

Outstanding job AG 🇺🇸

Snowflake BarrTestimony BarrCoverUp barrhearing BarrMustResign

WednesdayWisdom MAGA Trump BarrHearing

As a independent voter their is a reckoning coming real soon for the foolish Democrat in 2020! Their display of political ballyhoo to Barr is unforgivable! Media clown networks are laid bare for 2 years of fake unending lies to the citizens. We will remember them, MSNBC,CNN,NBC!

NoCollusionNoObstruction DeepStateCorruption DemocratsHateAmerica

BREAKING: Video of Barr leaving the Senate today --

Legal council questioned ChristineFord!!! What's the problem?

Subpoena. Impeach. Disbarr.

Lock him up

That’s because he has to lie and he doesn’t want to do it. He’s a coward.

Barr sounded like a 6th grader when they’re confronted if they did something ah what was the question . Trump supporters are you all that stupid also

Barr did a whole lot of posturing today. Turns out that he really is the coward that showed up at the hearing today. Garbage, just like Trump


He Tucked tail and RAN Sobbing to his momma/ wife

Let him play his game and whine, he didn't even follow up on the report and ask questions from Mueller, he just spun his findings to his clients order. We don't need to hear anymore of his lies. Bring in those with something to say and Mueller to prove Barr the liar he is.

Another traitor, trump’s accomplice.

Poor baby. What a fraidy cat!

If Christine Blasey Ford can sit for hours in front of outside interviewers, so can Tough Guy Barr. What a ❄

7NY Lock him up !

he destroyed enough Democrats today. They need a day off to check with Hillary and podesta and see what to do

Celeste74132621 Resign Barr? Why? A man using wisdom, in the presence of evil corruption.👊

By telling Congress no....he is also refusing the will of the American public

That is BS! This entire administration believes they are above the law!

Lock his happy ass up!

.he only lies! He needs to be subpoenad, resign or be held in contempt of court! Send him to jail. congress needs to defend the constitution of the congress! realDonaldTrump thinks he’s a king, he’s not! You can’t let realDonaldTrump get away with it! democracy/dictator

Attorney General Bill Barr refuses. be the attorney General


RepJerryNadler time for subpoenas and if needed warrants. Barr and the rest think they are above the constitution and law.

No reason to. . 2 years of wasting millions of tax payer dollars

Trump’s personal lawyer, William Barr, draws public salary as America’s AttorneyGeneral. Is that something Americans are happy about? NO! ImpeachBarr

What the what? Wake me when there are adults in charge. On both sides!

Nadler needs to make examples through arrests.

Lock him up.

Gosh, the last AG to do this was Holden... You know, Obama’s wingman.

Good! It’s nothing but a tribal charade.

Good for the Honorable AG Barr! I support Barr not wasting his time with the Democratic Congress who can’t come up with questions on their own. GAMEOVER


Because Barr is a liar and a coward. He knows he can not save Trump or himself.

When I see ABC give equal scrutiny to Hilary's missing 33,000 emails, illegal server, 18 destroyed electronic devices (laptops, phones, etc) Uranium One, Billy Boy's $500,000 speaking fees in RUSSIA, then I'll worry about Barr.

This really seems like the action of an innocent man?!? WTH BarrCoverUp Save us all some time!

He’s running scared. After today’s senate hearing, he probably wants to get out of D.C.

Shouldn't the BlueWave Congress just threaten impeachment hearings will start if Trump Admin won't honor subpoenas? Our nation can't handle foot dragging until 2020. The American people VOTED for oversight!


He is answerable to both the Senate AND the House. He can't pick his venue based on which party is dominant. The House should hold him in contempt.

So the dems changed the rules and he won’t play! Good for him, good Americans see this for usual the democrat/MSM BS.

He hated that format thingy where he has to answer questions.

What a coward.

and they made a big deal of Bill Clinton sitting on an airplane with Loretta Lynch... Okay😒


How juvenile.

Nadler is going to give himself a stroke! He has gone from a collusion, to obstruction to a conspiracy. Nadler hates the fact that he didn't get a guilty verdict from the Mueller investigation. And somehow it's Barr's fault.

If you have nothing to hide. Then answer the questions. He already knew that he was in the hot seat. Stop crying and testify.

Of course he won’t testify

Can they call Mueller instead?

It’s bullshit anyways

Good! Why go for the lawyers questioning him when Congress members are supposed to do the questioning! I AGREE WITH HIM! It’s over with! THEY WANT HIM OUT DUE TOO THE CHARGES ABOUT TO BE DROPPED! OPERATION CROSSFIRE HURRICANE IS OVER!!!!!

Good for him. Jerry Nadless is finding out that Barr is NO SESSIONS! Trying to bring in ringer lawyers to muddy the waters and try to “catch” him in a perjury trap shows how DESPERATE the Dems have become!


Gutless wonder! 🤔


Tell them 🖕

This may be the single most cowardly act we have witnessed in our nation’s political history. Think about it: the supposed “top” attorney in the nation, Barr, is actually afraid of facing questions from attorneys. Gutless Coward ImpeachBarr

barrisNotabovethelaw IndictBarrandtRump


Why does he have the choice?

Good for him. He doesn't need to appear in that cestpool.

And it would be another clown show like today. What’s the point

barr is a lying coward!

DemocRATS still going lolol. No Collusion move on...

Democrats need to grow a pair; start fighting & stop pussyfooting!!!

The whole Trump administration is corrupt.

Read It and Weep cry babies didn't hear what you want to do so now you're going to cry foul tough s*** get over it full circle baby

BRAVO!!!!! No need to play their, (Democrats) game!!

No explanation for you Lefty

Good. We don’t have to listen to his lies GetOut

Awesome Barr ... You are a great American sir

uhhhmm.. you mean. they would like you to explain why you did what you did..and why if you are in the position of power, you do not even understand the law. 'we the people' deserve an explanation roseanne.. so pony up & lets ride

Whimp. ImpeachBarr

No need!

The format that displeases Barr involves Barr staff lawyers questioning him. 'I understand why he wants to avoid that kind of scrutiny,' Nadler said. He said Barr's refusal was in keeping with the administration's 'complete stonewalling of Congress.'

Add this to the fact that the spineless, corrupt and sycophantic Lindsay Graham is refusing to have Robert Mueller or Don McGhan testify, saying....IT’S OVER! And he’s entirely correct TRUMP THE GOP AND BARR ARE OVER! THE 2020 Election will rid this country of the STENCH OF THEM!

Treasonous Trump and his corrupt staff believe that they above the law! CorruptGOP NeedToImpeach ImpeachTrump

Lock him up!

As he should. Enough is ENOUGH.

Finally common sense returning to DOJ who knows maybe in my lifetime law and order and blind justice will be great again. MakeAmericaGreatAgain

His legacy will be he was a political hack for Trump and the Trump party.

chicken shit.

The guy is moron! He destroyed his legacy for Trump just like Guliani did. They protect a liar and immoral human being. They work for Trump and not the American people. These guys don’t give a shit about any of us. I wonder how much money he is getting under the table

Good. Democrats are stupid.

Ready the Capitol jail for all those who say nyet!

Chicken.... don’t worry, Trump will pardon you for being part of “the team”

Of course he has, he is a coward. Shame on him! It's disgusting

Lock him up. Contempt

Subpoena Barr. If he disregards that legal summons, then hold BiliousBarr in contempt of Congress. Then dispatch the House Sergeant-at-Arms to haul the fat slob before the Judiciary Committee.

After BS today from the Dems, I Don't blame him a bit

Are they stalling for 2020? Or for Ginsberg or Souter to leave the USSC?

'Inappropriate' is not a defence. It's an opinion. Most criminals feel the charges are 'inappropriate' too, but ..... pfffft.

Acting like a guilty man

Contempt of Congress. LOCK HIM UP

Barr needs to resign.

Put him in leg-irons, and frogmarch that honorless little fireplug.

RepJerryNadler You are such and incompetent fool. Why should Barr waste his time? You aren’t even man enough to do your own questioning you want to your Lawyer question th AG. Sorry Sparky you lose! Lmao! Barr is so much smarter than you ever will be it is hilarious to watch .

Subpoena is Coming!

Barr is corrupt & is not fit to be AG of the people of the United States. He needs to resign or be impeached. We are in a Constitutional Crisis & I hope the HouseDemocrats start impeachment hearings. Government is not working because of a corrupt Executive branch. impeachBarr

People of America! Please read the Mueller report for yourself! Don't just take their word for it! It's important to know what is going on right here, right now!

I will not take time out of my day to watch the bull shitter, Barr,(why bother?) unless he is eating a big fly in SLOW MOTION.


If Barr refuses he should be held in contempt like a regular Joe! Right SarahPalinUSA

He doesn't want to show up to testify in the house because he knows. He can't backpedal his way out of here they got them with a couple of questions to show that he did not look at the evidence. Because his mind was already made up when Mueller brought him his report and sat down

Wasn't Chelsea Manning arrested for declining to testify? :/

Good. Arrest barr immediately.

Bar refusing to testify doesn't work like that. It is true they may Christina blasey Ford come to the second hearing for Testimony. Why the hell should be any different with this guy because he thinks he's Above the Law with his boss. Gtfoh

Good for him. If the Congress was a business. HR would have many many members attending anger management therapy

I would refuse as well. The treatment by them would be the same as a nypost press conference. Dramatic and non productive

Are they lazy or stupid or something...they are lawyers, they can’t ask thier own damn questions.

Probably has something to do with him sounding like a stammering idiot today.

To be honest, after today's display of political posturing and grandstanding do you really blame him?

Yeah he was a stuttering fool up there today! Trump say it and forbade him to go up again! The circus act continues!

He is not a creditable witness so why bother?


Barr takes every voter for a fool. All the misleading facts he presents. Shameful SpeakerPelosi SenSchumer

Good he should tell them all to shove it up their you know what

The deep state is fighting but they’ve already lost.



It's not a televised Presidential debate. It's Congress.

The real reason WilliamBar refuses to appear is because the coward is afraid to be questioned by experienced prosecutors—because he knows damn well he’s been found out.

Time to subpoena Barr and start impeachment on trump.

Issue the subpoena. Now!

Anyone starting to miss Jeff Sessions?

Well, I guess it's time to put those ch clecks and balances to the test

Well done AG. Bet you have a nice conference room that can be used over at justice

Obstruction in slow motion

How can any citizen of our country believe they have the right not to follow a subpoena from congress especially an Atty General. Throw his fat A in jail.

What's wrong, did they hurt Barr's feelings?

Stall, stall, stall-a trump tactic.

Subpoena him and then ImpeachBarrAndtRump


Subpeona Time!!!


Barr is afraid of the Truth TheJusticeDept EpicFail BarrCoverUp

TheView coward

The top justice guy is refusing to testify. He be held in contempt and thrown in jail! He needs to remember what happened to John Mitchell!

Good!! As it should be after today’s Demoncrat Shenanigans

Good for him. Love Mr. Barr. Shame on DemocRATS for treating him so badly. It is embarrassing and WE THE PEOPLE are well aware what their plan is. DemocRATS suck.

Why the hell should he? Investigation into collusion is done. Now time to find out who the real criminals are obama HillaryClinton Brennan Clapper Comey lynch I could go on but you know, 240 characters

I never want to hear someone is an Institutionalist ever again. Barr sought out this job. He sought out the power of Attorney General and that really wasn’t questioned enough.

TheView Whimp!

Put Barr will behind bars. DisbarBarr

Good. I know I’ve had enough of the Demwits horsesh*t , but I can’t imagine how he feels. What a public disgrace. And those crackpots call themselves politicians!

Coward ... Christine Blakey Ford did!

Good for him!

Anyone else excited to see Trumps full Twitter meltdown tomorrow? You all know he is steaming pissed! It just warms my heart! LOL!!!


Subpoena him then throw him in jail

Then he should send his buddy Rosenstein.

Hopefully he's writing up his resignation tonight as well

Can the Democrats not have their lawyers write the questions down with follow ups, then the rep. can just read the question? Seems simple to me. They knew what would happen if they chose this route. Looks like more grandstanding to me. Will Congress ever get back to governing?


Good for him.

Go Get 'em Jerry!!!

What a great zoo garden🐱🐵🐒🦍🐶🐂🦌🐷

More karma for the left 😁

Throw him in jail overnight. He'll change his tune. are such a WEASEL...


Snowflake Barr needs a safespace from the mean old House Democrats 😢

Subpoena him immediately!

Barr just fired a warning shot across their bow! I love it!!!

Format⁉️ Fluey‼️ He couldn’t/wouldn’t even answer today’s questions. TELLTHETRUTH

Subpoena that stooge BillBarr, and hold him in contempt if he doesn’t comply. He is not above the law. BarrHearing BarrContempt


HouseJudiciary Hold him accountable. If any one of us don’t show up for a hearing, po po would be knocking at our door with an arrest warrant.

Goddamn! Is EVERYBODY above the law in this administration?

Liberals go apoplectic in 3....2.....1.

Barr continues to defy the law under Trump's guidance and all I keep hearing is empty threats of prosecution. Nothing has actually happened. Somebody needs to start arresting people. WTF?

Unlike Dr. Ford who had the courage to be questioned by Republican lawyer. He is a coward.


We know

So, the guy responsible for upholding the rule of law won't follow the rule of law. 🤔 I wonder how this story is going to end? Oh, I know, we're watching democracy die. It ends with a bankrupt economy, a corrupted leadership, oligarchy, and a poor population.

barrisachicken ...bok bok mf

Liar, liar, pants are on fire! Hell, after today I would’ve testify either. Senator Pamela Harris takes him over the coals. Whoop up on that ass Senator Harris😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Not should's over people!!!

TheView He doesn’t want to answer questions from lawyers.He can’t be snarky with lawyers!Your not the AG FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!Your just another puppet forTRUMP!It’s a shame he takes everyone down with him!Be careful LINDSEY GRAHAM your up for re-election!People aren’t liking you today

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford has bigger balls than the Attorney General of the United States...🤔 BarrHearings BarrLied ImpeachBarr

realDonaldTrump EricTrump IvankaTrump DonaldJTrumpJr SpeakerPelosi HouseDemocrats SenateDems Mr. Barr needs to be removed from his position as attorney general. Furthermore he should be made to testify. His protecting Trump is outrageous.

...or BarrLied, and couldn't take any more of the heat, but sure 'format'...🙄😒

I don’t blame him. Dems are really dumb. Barr has better things to do with his time.


SueHDemocrat And the fact that the Senate committee ground him into cat food today is an added bonus. ImpeachBarr BarrLied BarrMustGo

Moron Dems had their chance... and their chance.. and their chance .... NothingBurger

I don’t blame him one bit he was hired to work not spend the day with a bunch of IGNORANT DISRESPECTFUL IDIOTS !!! Dems get to work or resign !!!

Barr seems to have forgotten that he works for the American people, not trump. What was confirmed today is that Republicans don't have to obey any law.....

The Attorney General of the United States doesn't want to answer any questions from real Attorneys, how sick is that? How many people every day get the choice of when & where & by whom to testify?


Because he got his corrupt ass handed to him....

OneVoiceUS I suppose A.G. Barr has listened to enough Dim Resistards calling our duly elected President a lying grifter for the rest of the week.

Seriously?! With a matter this important, just because he had a bad day he cowards out? Not to say he is right or wrong, but speak up and allow the nation to get to the bottom of this debacle and heal. -Noah BarrHearing Barr

Meanwhile AG Barr trying to relax at home !

He should be put into contempt or fired

What is he scared of? He supposed to represent the American people not Trump!!

Then cite him with contempt. And if he needs to go to jail, its a regular jail, no Trump posh hotel!

Scaredy cat!

Being on the revolution!!! Dems are abusing their power and they forge they work for us!!!

Pick his asssssss up and lock him up if won't testify.

His response to the house judiciary committee....hahahahaha

I call for Barr’s resignation.


He got absolutely roasted and looked like an idiot, whille Republicans whined about Hillary's emails So no shit he doesn't want to go through that again tomorrow. The man just got murdered.

JerryNadler let Barr go. He possibly committed perjury in the Senate. Then Don McGann. Let trump invoke executive privilege on something that’s already out there. Then Robert Mueller. Trump cannot invoke executive privilege because he never spoke with Mueller.

Grappling with suggest

lookner Democrats are insane. Democrats are dishonest. Democrats have no platform. Life is good. 😊

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler says if Attorney General William Barr doesn't provide the unredacted Mueller report to Congress in the next day or two, 'the next step is seeking a contempt citation against the attorney general.'

TheView Awesome! Not another minute of Nadler’s nonsense.

Time to hold him in contempt of Congress. Lock him up.

JulieBee369 Fake news. All the Dems are trying to do is force a resignation now that there’s NO COLLUSION. Sad.

Lock this MF up!


The Attorney General needs to go to jail. He is a criminal that thinks he is above the law. BenSasse marcorubio LindseyGrahamSC MittRomney

Good. The they’re disgraceful.

William “Gonna Be Behind” Barrs is an embarrassment. Shameful.

It's very good that he declines to testify. The Democrats keep harassing Barr and Trump.

Seriously ...... butt hurt from having his ass handed to him all day.....the big baby BarrResign show up or be held in contempt

Tick tock

He knows he's going to jail.

WhiteHouse is now the biggest joke........

Wow. What a surprise 🙄

RaymondArroyo Good!

RaymondArroyo Good for you Mr. Barr. Maybe they want some Hollywood slobs to come in and hold a hearing. If they find a crime you committed let them arrest you.

Like I have said many times, until the Democrats start acting worst than the Republicans they will be no gains, ppl like LindseyGrahamSC as the others Republicans are obstructed justice. They are acting as realDonaldTrump Concigliere . CNN MSNBC SenateDems HouseDemocrats


ABC News should be embarrassed that CNN pointed out there’s no precedence for what the Democrats want to do.

Shut down all funding to the AG executive office building...

I’m old enough to remember when a lot of us were disgruntled by the performance of Jeff Sessions as AG.

It’s all a freaking game to them. When it’s the Senate Repubs, show up, when it’s the House Dems, don’t. Subpoena and then hold in contempt.

Stop calling him 'Attorney General Barr' he is 'Trump's Attorney Barr'.

What a complete 💩 show

'We haven't waived executive privilege,' Bill Barr says. 'WE.' How is this not a clear admission as to who his client is? It's NOT the USA - it's TRUMP. Barr is his long-sought Roy Cohn. Surely this can't stand. GOP=GobblingOrangePoop. LowBarr BarrMustResign BarrHearing


Well after how Kamala chewed him up and spit him out I’m not surprised

So RepJerryNadler you need to issue that subpoena immediately, like right now. Then when he no shows tomorrow, he is held in contempt, again immediately.


Poor baby William Barr couldn't take the heat because he can't handle the big and important questions about the report.

RepJayapal -- Impeach the AG. Then the President. Now.

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