Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Submits Resignation Letter

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Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein submitted his resignation, effective May 11, after staying through the conclusion of the Mueller report

“I am grateful to you for the opportunity to serve; for the courtesy and humor.


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He promised Trump if he kept him on he would hide his criminal behavior from the people.

nycsouthpaw Leave already

CitizensArrest obstruction of justice

Good. Get rid of these creeps

Deceptive. The whole KLAN are proficient at DECEPTION.

Thank you, Rod, What a wonderful letter. Thank you for your service.

Good riddance

FLASH, it's a far better idea to let someone go whose performance was sub-par than to keep these non-accomplishment anti-American Democratic lawmakers in excess of 50 years, while America sinks into the 'SWAMP'!

He should have left when the report came out! Now he will leave with a Trump stain of dishonor all over him😡!

There Loyalty is to their Party not their country, not the people Republicans are far from being trustworthy on anything concerning our Country. They do so enjoy using the country and the people’s monies for personal gain.

Weak and cowardly TheJusticeDept

davidfrum Nearly had me fooled. Just as rotten as the rest of the Trump sycophants. How do these people sleep at night? TrumpToady

Was he a good guy... or just another KOOL-AID drinker?

And his farewell letter ends with the KKK slogan. Nice touch. 😳

Geez, who saw this coming? LongestExitEver

I’ve lost what little respect I ever had for Rosenstein... Just another sycophantic toadie... shameful

Boohoo. Wimp. 🙄

Can't wait to hear him explain those FISA warrants with his signature.

Helping DerangedDonald stay an inch or two above the law ..buhbye

Bye Felicia

My questions to him are “what was the moment at DOJ that made you feel proudest? Will that be your legacy?”

Thats actually sad. One less adult in the administration.

Good riddance to traitor rubbish

Subpoena him Congress!!! There is more here.

Pc.of garbage he is...

Don’t you mean to end your sentence with “after landing the plane?” 😂😂😂😂👎🏻👎🏻

He leaves in shame.

After reading his resignation letter, I hope he remembers to take his nose and tongue from Trump's butt when he checks out of the DoJ.

So he quit because he was tired of dealing with the Mueller nonsense... now we're going to use this too against Trump...? ENOUGH!!!!

So sad of a person

Ding, Dong, the witch is dead! One more Swamp Rat drained. Can't wait for the 'Trash-Trump' memoir, the speaking tour and the 'Go Fund Me' campaign that rakes in millions of dollars. Meanwhile, there's a cell somewhere missing its criminal. POTUS

We don’t know exactly what happened- not all the truth. I’m waiting for my final judgment

Good! And GOODBYE!

Bye Felicia. 👎🏼

Good riddance Mr. Bean!

Good news

Chicken shit. Just like the rest of em!

Bye bye, GOPTraitor!


He was a fox in the hen house. Fooled us all.

The deception and treachery exhibited by this man, mirrors that of the entire GOP.

Don't let the door hit your bum on the way out.

I could see him and Shiff throwing down a few. Maybe in Margeritaville

Poor butthurt Trump haters are pissed that Rosenstein couldn't talk Mueller into falsifying his report.

Good. Go.

IF he was bought and paid for by the LOCO POTUS, then his payoff was enough for him to feel he can leave and be confortable. Follow the $!

Don't let the door hit him in the ass.

Can’t wait for your garbage opinion page to put some lipstick on all this turnover.

Another Trump cronie bites the dust, before he they get themselves neck deep in Trump’s web of lies

He should hang his head in shame.

davidfrum But only after he landed the plane.

And if you follow Q, you'd know this is 'old news'....

Put a subpoena in his last check envelope.

Rod Rosenstein is Trumptrash

Good he really helped devide the Country!

He should be SO embarrassed 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Ain’t going out like no suckaaahhh ahh actually, yeah. Kinda suckerish.

Now that you will have some time on your hands, you may want to get your eyes checked, unless you were on some type of calming medication. I hate it when I get mean.

Smart man.... knowing when to walk a way from the fight. Let Trump lick his Political wounds while his reputation remains in tact.

A liar begins with making falsehood appear like truth, and ends with making truth itself appear like falsehood. William Shenstone MuellerReport WilliamBarr Trump Legacy Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has formally submitted his resignation to President Trump. 😐

Hey Rosenstein, I heard Subway is hiring. Ask Scott.

How convenient....

I wouldn’t be on here cheering this resignation. If anything, trump has shown that his rehires get progressively worse than the original criminals he employs. Just watch.

His face reminds me of a rat....

smartdissent Thank God and Greyhound he’s gone!!

Buh bye, douchebag

Good riddance

RodRosenstein3 head off the island of misfit political pawns with the rest.

'And another one bites the dust.' Any money Billy Barr will be next if not soon.

Good, he’ll have plenty of time to answer questions for Congress

I thought he was 'gone' a month ago. Buh Bye now!

Bye, Felicia!

Private citizens can be subpoenaed... he most definitely can expect that call any day now


Where are the people with a backbone

RyanGirdusky Might he be a valuable witness in a tribunal or a courtroom? Asking for a friend.

The resemblance is uncanny. Hoping a federal process server meets him in the car park! subpoenatime

davidfrum Remember that deer in headlights stare?

There has to be a back story here. C'mon investigator reporters. Has to be something.

What conclusion? Mueller submitted a report but this is far from over. OversightHearings

Reek Rosenstein 👎🏽

Does that mean he can appear at hearings without defying his boss Barr?

Does anyone know how many people were fired or quit during the Obama Administration? It just seems like Trump has A LOT of turnover.

smartdissent Buh bye. And we all fought so hard for you, when it looked like Trump would fire your a$$. Shouldn’t have bothered. You brokered your own deal. Sealed your “legacy.” Ugh.

Skepmi Good riddance!

The nation was fortunate to have him.

Kafka cockroach

davidfrum Perhaps when Rosenstein leaves the White House, he and Kirstjen Nielsen can job search together.

Right ? Silent

Bye, bye, bye!

ETTD TheRickWilson

Please grab this guy’s passport on the way out. Thank you.

Weak ass, sniveling Trump lapdog! R there no people of honor in Trump administration or is being a lapdog the criteria for a job? This is ridiculous.


He landed the plane in 'Treasonville' bravo Rod.

His grandchildren and or relatives will change their name due to his ability to bend over and take one - so he won’t get a Donnie Brat - nick name . A punk ! A gofer !

dishonorable quisling

Wait for RosenPutinStein trash tRUMP book NOT

Good. Fuck him. He is part of the problem. Party before country Un-American POS. That goes for you too WSJ.

Going out and history will remember him as a lackey.

Weakling. He could have stood up. He didn’t. GetLostRosenstein


Personal conservations? Really?

Buh bye.

Like so many others. He kissed the ring, realDonaldTrump, and like so many others realDonaldTrump kicks him to the curb! THATS WHAT YOU GET!! 😙

Subpeona him. Now!!

Good Riddance. But don’t go too far, you have much to answer for to Congress.

What a crying (he did) sycophant!! He almost could have stood up for America. But alas he failed miserably because he didn’t want to be Tweet Fired. Well- fck you Rosenstein- total failure of a human and an American!!!!!

As he took his last footsteps as the Deputy Attorney General of the United States, Rod Rosenstein let the Forbes hit him in the ass on the way out. Repeatedly.

Bring him before Congress to testify !!!

Everything Trump touches dies.

'and thanked him for the personal conversations' ?

GFY “rod”

Good riddance

He could have been a hero, now he’s a zero. Happy retirement, sleezeball.

He sold out

Normally, you're happy a weasel has resigned, but the next weasel may be a much worse weasel.

He wants to get out, before all of the indictments come down. He knows that he could be one of this indictments

He can go to hell.

'bout time!

Now that he covered up..

Doesn’t want to testify

Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya.

Good riddance!


karolcummins He wrote this resignation letter, from underneathe trump's desk. 🤮🤮🤮

Talk about overstaying your welcome.

KlasfeldReports So, not the pilot he thought he was. Wonder if Rudy will be the next acting Deputy AG?

davidfrum Subpoena him.

davidfrum As they say, 'Good riddance to bad rubbish'.

William Barr got rid of Rod Rosenstein pretty quickly.

Good he is a coward and a wimp. He will be easy to forget.

Did he cry?

Bye Felicia

Not soon enough....

davidfrum I figured as much after reading his loaded speech the other day, but really? It's the end of the beginning...nothing concluded.

KlasfeldReports Ok great now he can testify truthfully to Congress without worrying about losing his job.

KlasfeldReports It's interesting wsj chose not to include a copy of the resignation letter. Is it because the letter was a clear demonstration of republican partisanship? Disgraceful.

Bye Felicia.

He was done with the criminal and let Barr take the fall!

Rosenstein is a🐱

Womp womp..

Cool. May 13th he can go talk to the Oversight Committee in the House.

He put pension over country. What a traitor he is.


davidfrum Good riddance

damage done


davidfrum That sleazy weasel!


natemcdermott Good bye, good riddance

So, if he is no longer a member of the DOJ, can the POTUS and AG stop him from testifying to Congress Subpoena him!!!

Rosenstein did what he came to do. I wish him nothing but the worst.

Will make bank. Book deal, speaking gigs.

Take Barr with you!

Leaves in a cloud of controversy. DAG Rosenstein should be called before congress as he was a witness to obstruction of justice. The mystery remains whether he was the “pilot” in landing the plane for realDonaldTrump

I wonder what gop lobbying firm he’ll end up at...

Oh my NOW what? Armageddon or another trump pawn?

Did he land the spruce goose?

No wonder he had that deer-in-the-headlights look during Barr’s bullshit presentation.

Making America greatest a gain

Going to take a long time to get the orange stains off of his mouth,

Also leave that Passport with the secretary on your way out.

Let’s hope we see an indictment unsealed against his ass.

good riddance

Guess he finally came out of his trance!!!!!!


Good riddance - he won't be around to do Barr and trump's bidding, while pretending to be an impartial good guy.

Another weak traitor. I hope he never works again

davidfrum In Trump world, he is likely to be replaced by someone less qualified and a Trump loyalist. ImpeachDonaldTrump

davidfrum Cut & run.

Why he beg for his job? Maybe, he was on our side making sure report was finished? hmmm

Ohh you mean this whimpy Little trump lap dog is quitting after lying to the country acting like hes non political and then we find out he cried on the phone with trump begging to keep his job? Get the fuck out of our country and take trump and the rest of the HYPOCRITEACANS too

Thoughts and prayers. Bye, Felicia!

Can't win for losing.

Bye bye weasal. See you in criminal court.

davidfrum Good riddance

Bye, Feliciano

This not good news! Rosenstein was the last bastion w/ some respect for the law. The position will prbably be filled with another Trump/Barr political hack!

I hope Rosenstein is singing like a canary against his old buddies. I hope he cut a dea where he hangs Brennand, Comey and Clapper.

davidfrum A traitor to democracy! No doubt Trump manipulated him re: retirement/pension. Trump made an example of McCabe to ensure RR would be compliant in the cover up of the century.

🐭 - ⛴

davidfrum He will be well taken care of

davidfrum Resigning as a morally bankrupt coward.

Good riddance to bad rubbish. Rosenstooge

Goodbye to Rod Rosenstein, Trump’s Sully Sullenberger. No insult intended for hero Captsully.

Trump is so happy he is probably shitting unicorns and rainbows

KlasfeldReports Cool. Does that mean he can be charged with obstruction of justice?

Bye bye, Traitor.

Run and hide, tool.


Now he write a book on how much he liked to lick the boots of his boss to keep his job and diss his real bosses, the Americans. Disgrace. No sympathies for him as he promised to clear the liar 🤥

Watch the hate because his investigation did not result in the desired outcome. The exact same haters whose candidate lost (and will hopefully be prosecuted shortly). Too much fun 😂😂😂

His ass should be in jail

davidfrum Guess he wanted to be sure his pension was safe instead of suffering McCabe's fate. Too bad his reputation has been shredded but then that's the price to pay to pandering to realDonaldTrump


RyanGirdusky Rosenstein needed to go. He signed off on that FISA warrant.

He protected the democrats and now that AG says he will investigate the DIJ FBI et al he’s bailing

Good riddance

Part of Swamp leaving

He should leave now, empty suit

And don’t let the door hit your as* on the way out RR RodRosenstein TraitorOrNot FISAGate ObamaCrimeCartel ClintonEmailScandal

davidfrum Pension boy finally landed the plane.


davidfrum Stayed long enough to make sure a summary was written that covered his ass re. the Comey firing. That was his motivation (and why FBI leadership didn't trust him) from the get-go.



Doesn’t realDonaldTrump usually allow folks to leave before the “effective” date?

Got prep for his perp walk!

What an impossible wuss.

davidfrum Time to land the next plane, House Ds

KlasfeldReports What did Trump & Republicans offer him after this gig to assist with the cover up?


Good, draining the disgusting Trump swamp

He's a survivor, that Rod

Thanks, Rod.


Spare the Rod and spoil the probe

Rosenstein could have been a hero instead of a punchline.


See ya! Trumppuppet

davidfrum bye felicia DerangedDonald

For some reason, the word 'wimp' pops into mind.


Why not *effective* today⁉️‼️ Coward RodRosenstein‼️😡

Weakness personified.

nycsouthpaw F him

KlasfeldReports Good riddance to bad rubbish.

davidfrum Let's make that effective immediately. We don't need to be paying one more lying sycophant on the taxpayers' dime.

Good riddance to bad rubbish

I still don't understand him. He definitely didn't end on a high.

Stayed just long enough to fuk it up. Thanks, Rod. Your job of 'lending credibility' to the process is done, you traitor. HouseJudiciary HouseIntel RepJerryNadler RepAdamSchiff


And like everyone who trump touches, your legacy will be covered w a thin film of filth. Thanks for the service I guess

He can run, but not forever

davidfrum Good riddance. 👎🏻

How surprising.

Good riddance.

Was it written on a soiled pair of underwear?

Bye. Asshole.

davidfrum History will not be kind to you.

thanks for nothing Rod

Can we ask what the cost of selling his soul was?

davidfrum coward.

The plane has landed.

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