Joe Biden apologized to Anita Hill, but she‘s not ‘satisfied’

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Biden chaired the Judiciary Committee in 1991 when Hill testified about allegations of sexual harassment by then-Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas.

By Colby Itkowitz Colby Itkowitz Congress, campaigns, health policy, Pennsylvania politics Email Bio Follow April 25 at 5:09 PM Anita Hill, who famously testified about sexual harassment before an all-male panel during the 1991 confirmation hearings for Justice Clarence Thomas, recently spoke to former vice president Joe Biden and reportedly was not “satisfied” by the conversation.

“I cannot be satisfied by simply saying I’m sorry for what happened to you. I will be satisfied when I know there is real change and real accountability and real purpose,” she told the Times.


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OMG, get over it Anita Hill.I am so sick of women crying over men an their 'inappropriate ' actions. You should have handled it at the time. It's over.

He didn’t apologize

Then that's on her.

The world's was way different and more difficult/unfair to women almost 30 years ago. Please let go of the past, fight for our better future instead.

Anita, can we move on from this now. I think Biden called you to say he is sorry. What more can we ask of him.

This is what is wrong with apologies. They are never enough. I don’t think she was treated fairly BUT it was a different world 25 years ago. Mr Biden has evolved as many of us have

Have several seat Ma Anita Dag!! We all get it but at some point we got heal and move on my sista

Your headline and picture choice are disgraceful to the point of misogyny and racism. You are portraying Dr. Hill as the 'angry black woman' and belittle her further by putting 'satisfied' in quotes. Shame on you.

Anita Hill fight should be with Clarence Thomas not Joe Biden! Clarence Thomas is the one that told the LIES to become a justice on the Supreme Court. He's the one that had interaction with her. And there was other Senators on the panel! VoteTrumpOut!

I wouldn't be either if that apology didn't come until many years later when he's running for president! Yeah that seems real sincere 😏

Ok. Everyone, please don’t forget who is in the WH and what he himself said he likes to do to women. And that was only a few years ago. Biden is a good and decent man and I’ll take his apology as sincere. We will wait forever to hear an apology from Trump.

He should not have apologized. Did any advance call get her sense. She can wait for Trump to give her the change she wants. Or, Clarence Thomas and his wife.

She shouldnt be. He is just doing it NOW because he is running for President.

Get over it. The one who needs to apologize is Thomas not Biden. Trump needs to be out of the WH.

Why should Joe care. Hers isn’t the only Black life he ruined. His crime bill ruined millions more. While White Americans got a slap on the wrist. No Joe for this retired Vet.

Democrat victims can never be satisfied. Why? They would lose their greatest asset - victim-hood.

So who cares?

Her 15 minutes aren’t over yet?

The best way Ms. Hill can ensure real accountability, change and purpose is by ensuring that just about anybody other than Donald Trump is elected in 2020.

Why yall busting CreepyUncleJoes balls so bad?

Why the random quotes

Let it go, please....time to move on. The more talk, the more pain and frustration....

Who cares, this is old news, more political propaganda

kjfkugkujvj Uh oh Joe...

We have a lot more serious problems than what happened to Anita Hill over 20 years ago as wrong and sad as that was. We are engaged in a battle for the soul of our country against an autocrat-loving would be dictator who will stoop to any depth to hold onto power.

I am satisfied because he is the closest to upholding this hard working middle class over 70 year old woman

Go away now, we need to win in 2020.

Get over it. Who do you want, Trump?

Is sad all this politic people are nothing but corrupt. Not respect what so ever for the women. Sorry is never enough

Crazy Creepy Old Uncle Joe!!!

Anyone seen Ginsburg recently? It's been awhile, best wishes to her.

Both dopes

Why should Anita Hill be satisfied by this expedient non apology? Biden only doing it to check off a box.

Well, she needs a bigger one....

I would be willing to bet she is more upset with Clarence Thomas then with Joe Biden.

Don’t take out your anger on just Joe! It goes for the entire senate, especially those who voted to confirm the judge. Although I believed you, it was a very different time then, sadly.

Joe, give her a couple of hands.

Good for her ! You can never trust a democrat

Almost 30 years later. I wouldn’t be satisfied either.

So she'd rather vote for Trump then?

Why are you putting satisfied in quotes?

Another reason he's on my No list.Clarence Thomas has proved himself to be a hater of his own race.He got where he is because of affirmative when we need it most because the rich are buying their way in,he wants to do away with it.Shame on you Clarence.

I don’t care

Sounds like Justice Thomas was also not satisfied.

She shouldn’t be...a heck of a lot of us haven’t been satisfied either

Well, well, are we witnessing another apology tour? A continuation of Obama’s obsession of apologizing to and for everything.

Yeah I wouldn't be satisfied with some bullshit 'i better cover my dick-move tracks before I announce my bid' apology either.

He only apologize because he's running for president

None of us is happy about her crucifixion.

Because his apology was likely “I’m sorry you feel that way” since he’s recently said he’s not sorry about anything he’s ever done. This from literally 3 weeks ago


Get over it

You were your treated very badly

Dont blame you at all

He apologized, now the rest is up to her.

Sometimes we women hear what sounds like an honest apology and the very next day that same person who apologized is doing the same thing again ! Sometimes we women want proof that old white men have really changed the way they think and act !



Can we get the people who were abused by realDonaldTrump to speak out? Will it make a difference?

Them she should take it out on Clarence Thomas.

If clarence couldn't satisfy her, Joe never had a chance.

Apologized for what compost....nothing worse than sick old liberals

Do you blame her?!!!

Looking for financial gains for nothing.

Time to move on. No one is perfect. Apologies mean a lot. Compared to trump any of the Democratic candidates are pure as the driven snow.

so no one is fit to be president, all have something somebody is going to be pissed about, why doesn't hill just hand the job back to trump, he is after all a lady killer

He didn't apologize,just move on.

Maybe Bill Clinton could satisfy her? LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder

WaPo turns on Anita Hill.

We remember when Joe Biden shut down the Anita Hill hearings while more women were waiting in wings to testify against Clarence. Joe gave us Clarence. Given this and his decades of groping women metoo will eventually take him down. He’s an idiot to run.

This lady professor Hill, is by far one of my hero's. She's well respected and has deep convictions in her professional and personal life.

She strikes me as a woman who has never been satisfied. She’s like me - she’s never been satisfied.

Not being satisfied with an apology is the same as non exseptence. If she wants to carry a grudge the rest of her life, it's hers to carry.

Stop! Move on! I despise this attack on Biden at this juncture

That’s a pretty gross headline- Biden also “apologized” at the same time as his campaign announcement. Did he expect her to walk out on stage with him and smell his hair?!

I wouldn’t be either. It seems a little disingenuous and a little late!

Stop trying to drag him down

Good. She shouldn't be after what he did to her.

I wouldn’t give him a pass either the pervert

Anita needs to go pound sand.

Ah yes, the 'ole 'let's eat our own and self-cannibalize, while the REAL orange Monster fiendishly gloats and salivates at how he will continue to destroy our democracy because we can't get our sh*t together.' 3 years later, and we STILL have not learned anything from 2016. 😒

That was no ‘apology’! UncleJoeCrow is trying to silence the one person who suffered openly in congress at her congressional hearing on abuse charges against ClarenceThomas. JoeBiden never apologizes , he just tells people ‘ regret it happened’ . RedJoe BidenCampaignGrifter

Would you be “satisfied” if it took almost 20 years for someone to apologize, knowing the only reason why they did is because the they’re running for President? Come on.

Is she feeling the Bern?

Everyone wannabe apology from Democrats, while Republicans run amok

Trump has never apologized for anything!

She may want reparations from Biden. Bwahahahaha!

Joe Biden should pledge to appoint Anita Hill to the Supreme Court.

This woman clings to her bitterness, yet doesn't appear to have the same level of animosity towards Clarence Thomas.

Seriously after the shit trump has done why is this even a issue! Sorry Anita but take a damm seat joe Biden was never your problem, Justice Thomas was!

what a shitty lede

Why exactly she comes forward again after Biden’s announcement? Why not weeks ago Does she want her 10 more minutes of “fame”? Who’s choreographing? Democrats won’t bring Trump down by tearing each other apart.

Whatever. Move on.

Someone is in the tank for Trump. 😏

Old, old news...Anita needs to go sit down.

Anita Hill is beginning to annoy me. I’ve been with her from the beginning. Not now.

Need to consider Biden's entire body of work and his apology. Without a time machine, he can't go back and fix the Anita Hill situation.

And here come the hypocrites!!!!!😂🤣😂🤣 Please, continue to trash Anita Hill in the comments, and try to make excuses for him. It’s quite amusing.

I care! And I'm very glad you're running this story. People of color have memories too, JoeBiden! You are NOT what we want!! And now we have the power to make you know it!

Stiff. If Dems don’t stop eating their own we might as well just give 2020 to trump?

Did Biden single handedly destroy her case?

That old Biden magic.

Everyone should focus!

This is not a new problem for Biden. It was always a problem, but he never became THE CANDIDATE! Kerry Washington’s movie: CONFIRMATION released in 2016 paints an accurate picture of what happened. People who say get over it- should watch what happened to Hill!

Narcissist self-serving apology 28 years too late.

Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden in 1975 on reparations for blacks: 'I don't feel responsible for the sins of my father and grandfather... I'll be damned if I feel responsible to pay for what happened 300 years ago.'

He said sorry case closed move on!!!

realDonaldTrump joe Biden is a weak candidate as Trump has told us so long ago. You have to look back to his job performance as a VP of Muslim Obama who betrayed Christians at breakfast pray&praised Muslim ISIS who they were beheading Christians&Americans.

He's decades late

I’m so disappointed in WAPO- the title of this story is biased! BIDEN SUPPRESSED CORROBORATING EVIDENCE SUPPORTING HILL’s story that Thomas was sexually abusive to black women he worked with. Thomas also rented porn with Blockbuster. Hill was trashed as a liar 4 telling the truth

The Biden Brainwashing your starts tomorrow on The View.

VP Bite Me gets bitten by Me-Too.

Should be noted that this was not an unsolicited statement, on the day of Biden's announcement, by Anita Hill, but part of an interview concerning her opinion with the Times. The timing is the decision of the Times not Hill.

That’s fine. It’s her right. I’m hoping they can both move on and do all they can to see that it never happens again.

That shows that Biden did the right thing and Hill is a bitter and ungracious person. Next.

He’s apologizing because he was ridiculed. Otherwise he wouldn’t have

He hates black women

Org should apologize to Justice Thomas.

Apologies never satisfy anymore, which is why they shouldn’t be on the table. They are a relic of a past where redemption is even remotely possible. It’s hellfire for everyone! And if anyone reading this thinks they won’t be next one day, just wait, it will come your turn.

Please move on from old news

And your picture choice.

You really need to set some editorial standards to your headlines. He didn’t apologize for what he did he apologized for what happened to her.

Expressing regrets IS NOT AN APOLOGY! He had evidence corroborating her story, and suppressed it. He hung Anita Hill out to dry. Remember; a little nutty- a little slutty? That was Biden’s doing!

Sure. She likes the Trump way with women, right? He never apologizes.

That's too bad, resentment after all these years, it wasn't Biden who offended and assulted her it was Clarence Thomas. Well, so be it! You can't keep pleading for forgiveness it's up to the individual. It would appear she hasn't grown since that hearing if your report is true.

So Biden's opposition found his Achilles Heel...Anita Hill. It would be a damn shame if we get trump for four more yrs because of Hill was still in her feelings😏


That word wrapped in quotes is in Poor taste Colby Itkowitz...

People are not required to accept apologies. The world moves on. Just because someone doesn't want to accept an apology don't mean the apologizer is forever in purgatory waiting for acceptance. You say sorry, you move on.

Who cares!!

Anita Hill lied, so who cares.

Correction: Joe Biden 'apologized' to Anita Hill, but she's not satisfied.

Trying to satisfy a lib who is a professional victim shows just how unprepared Biden is for the politics of today.

This feels really judge-y, no? The word satisfied in quotes? I'm not satisfied if she isn't, if someone's keeping score. AnitaHill

Concretely, what does she want? The pu...y grasper; prostitutes client, unfaithful cheat and racis to win again? Does she want Biden to do what exactly? Will she be satisfied if he looses?Sometimes, it helps to make painful choices for a greater good. He is the best chance to win

I love how he apologised conveniently last week.

If she wants her ass kissed she should call Clarence Thomas.

It has been over 20 years. Let it go.

Deary me, I wonder which party you support?

Why is satisfied parenthetical?

Another fake apology from the left

“ I also believe her” ... Jesse Smollett

Nor should she be. NeverBiden

“I believe her “.....Christine B. Ford

No one said a word about this in 2008 or 2012.

Of course not! Move on.

Is she still lying about sexual harassment?

Who cares? Literally no one.


I’m not either. Clarence Thomas should never have been on the Supreme Court.Anita Hill should be and if I were President she and Hillary would be my first two picks. After kavanaugh and Thomas we’re both impeached and thrown off.

Fuck her and Joe Biden. There.

Hey wow just really fuck off with the framing here like its her fault his apology was hollow and utterly unsatisfying. 'Biden fails to apologize adequately to Anita Hill.'

Ha! Get over it! You know where to find Thomas

That was not an apology and she was right to say that it wasn't. Washington Post this is absolutely untrue reporting and a disservice to Anita Hill.

Eww, terrible TERRIBLE headline.

When will Lyin’ Anita Hill apologize to Clarence Thomas?

What did he do to you,

I’m sorry what is he supposed to do he didn’t sexually harass you Thomas did, and it sad you didn’t sue Thomas for the suffering you endured

I'm good with Biden when Anita Hill is good with Biden. Otherwise, no Biden.

What a shitty condescending biased headline.

Anita go get a life 🙄

Give it a break Anita. You must want democracy destroyed.

saynotojoe. Joe is the worst choice amongst the Dems. We need someone more progressive. Not this right leaning Dem. Bernie2020 Warren2020 VoteBlue2020 VoteBlueToSaveAmerica VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare voteblue BlueWave2020 bluewave

well thats helpful, i gusse she cant wait to vote for trump again?


That was many, many years ago. Biden is sorry & regretful. People evolve & learn from their mistakes. No one is perfect. The good in Joe Biden far outweighs any negative. I proudly support Joe Biden! Vote for honor! Vote for decency! Vote to save our democracy! Vote for Joe!🇺🇸

This is so old already, stop... everyone is not going to say the right thing to everyone all of the time. Repeat - everyone is not going to say the right thing to everyone all of the time. Repeat – everyone is not going to say the right thing to everyone all of the time.

Why should she? 28 years later when he wants to be president and need the women and black women vote? And why are you using a angry picture of her! Go to hell!

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