Climate protesters 'face full force of law'

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'I'm having to walk here and it's taking me longer' 'You're taking a lot of time complaining' Climate change protests blocking traffic in London spark confrontation

Specialist police teams were used to remove the group from the DLR train

Three people were remanded in custody after pleading not guilty over a protest on a train, while more than 425 others have been arrested since Monday. , which showed police officers joining activists at Oxford Circus on Wednesday evening, has been condemned as"unacceptable behaviour".


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Fox_Claire I dont watch/listen to the bBC (small 'b') anymore bcs they cant be trusted to provide an unbiased view; Brexit coverage was shameful

BBCPolitics We all know this is a really serious issue, and talking about the future our kids will face is so relevant BUT until we can change the ways of massive Countries like China and USA we are fighting a losing battle and it is so sad. Stopping people getting to work just won’t help😕

Pepper spray the hippy sc*m.

Water canons.

Jeremy Corbyn in the background sitting on the fence

So many simple people in this world

BBCPolitics Well done that man! Confronting one, who care little too nothing for other people going about their lives. Hardly surprising when an 'E-R' spokesman yesterday, said flying should be for emergencies only. Middle class idiot wanting to dictate to all & elminate many holidays.

brexit austerity bbc far right groups UKIP etc - have & continue to impact on our civil rights - in USA direct effective peaceful action was a catalyst for change...peoplesvote_uk FFSake_ OFOCBrexit - don't condemn ExtinctionRebellion's Civil Rights Protest!!!

peoplesvote_uk FFSake_ OFOCBrexit The reason the extinction protests are being criticised so vehemently - is fear! Fear that those opposing brexit, bbc, farage ie 6 mill+ & peoplesvotemarch masses - will also take effective ongoing disruptive direct action too....!!?

Trouble is, the climateers' actions impinge mostly upon the poor. And fire engines, ambulances, police, are hampered in their duties. Parliament needs to change - radically - for changes to begin. Meanwhile, these climateers are just another irritating elite.

Soap and water, required there.

BBCPolitics Dohhhhhh!!!... The Uk has one of the greenest ambitions in the world. Go harass China or India some of the most unregulated polluters around.

I wonder why these people aren't protesting in places like China and other far East countries (the real polluters of this world). Oh yeah, that's right they would be made to disappear and never seen again.

Leave for work earlier you tool

I hope this dickhead remembers this in 10 years when he's fighting over a lump of mouldy bread to eat after food shortages kill half the population. See how he feels about 'law and order' then.

Why were the police able to clear miners picket lines during the year long strike, but can’t clear a load of demonstrators. I think the police are going left wing.

Hey, BBC, how about reporting that last time CO2 was released at this rate there was a 96% extinction, a dead zone between the Tropics and a 5 million year recovery period?

Quite right mate - if these luvies want to do something useful about climate change they should enrol on an engineering degree - put their new skills into designing developing and investing in new sustainable technologies instead of disrupted businesses doing just that

1/3 I get this guys frustration. I really do. I also understand, and in part agree with those who think protestors have gone to far.

These people paid off with IMF Or media if not then local mayor funding to cover up his on coming hearing from high court and if not then people are who live in London they all fool ?

Time for the water cannons and rubber bullets to be brought out! No other country in the world would tolerate this, from the great unwashed and champagne socialists alike, so why does the uk? metpoliceuk

Exercise is good for you

A strike is not a strike unless someone is inconvenienced.

News at 10 tonight a reporter was talking to a protester that has come down from Penzance ...screaming at her to ask her how she got down to London

Just creating more traffic jams and more cars with their engines running . All makes it a bit self defeating actually .

The only way to bring about the realisation of the parlous state of the planet among the general public is to seriously inconvenience tham and make an impact because millions couldn't care less.

Why arent you moaning bastards out there protesting with them....pussies the lot of you. Every citizen of London should be out there supporting the pathetic climare change policies of this constantly pathetic tory govt

I agree with him

Most bores in suits such as this dont care about climate change in their Surrey bubbles

These greasy haired liberals have now become far right as they force everyone else to bow to their BS on global warming!

BBCPolitics Prats! Do any of these idiots ever talk about sensible population control?

Whatever gives publicity to the climate crisis is fine by me.

I think it's what you might call shooting themselves in the foot. Climate Change Crusaders have proved, by their actions, that they care not a fig about anyone else, and have made fools of anyone with genuine concerns. Do they even know what they're talking about? 🤯

By walking they are polluting the planet.


Environmental wackos

Everyone is full of their own self importance in London, that’s why it interesting to watch.

Remoaners arguing...🤔 they didn’t care when they blocked half of London on their losers march...

This week proves once again what wimps southerners are. In any other part of the country or world, these 'protesters' would've got a severe hiding by the public or the police

British version of confrontation, two people talking.

Go to work.

Laughable Climate change - and how do they arrive .... on Coaches... ffs you couldn’t make it up


Time that these individuals were reminded that they are not the only people who matter in this world. They are NOT entitled to continually block major London roads & bridges. Perhaps water cannon might move them on? metpoliceuk MUST stop them from disrupting Heathrow!

Keep up the goos work

Why are these urban terrorists given so much coverage by the BBC. Understand disrupting London needs coverage but repeating their aims and having the ring leaders giving interviews is just fuel for them. Better and legal ways of getting their message over.

Lock up the tree huggers stopping people from going about there business its allway students & ageing hippies

These so called eco warriors can't see that it's over population that's cause of global warming. This bloke is right there is no need to affect everyone. They should be more concerned about China, India for pollution never mind what UK do won't make a difference

Tree-hugging twats.

He speaks for all sensible minded people. Well done sir 👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻

pete6789 I agree with this man. They stopped my Tesco order!!!

well done that Man!,she didn’t have a clue what to say “she should get home, the 13 cats she rescued no doubt are hungry Sad Sad people “!!!

But she’s got a mobile phone how much has that gone against what she’s moaning about in its production

Thank you for translating British English ~

The impact on St Thomas’ Hospital is clearly something that does not concern these protesters - until they need medical attention

Water cannons need to be deployed

Steady on with all that hot air!

BBCPolitics Great way to increase your daily number of steps is to walk. Great method to enhance wellbeing. SocialPrescribing

Let’s just run the lunatics over.

BBCPolitics Still selling the green con, have they not got jobs to go to, like normal people?

‘This is not legitimate protest’ take a look at history and see how many times peaceful protests are taken seriously. Peaceful protests are easy to ignore. You want people to take notice, cause mayhem.

If we don't do something about global warming he'll be swimming to work.

How much more inconvenient are you going to be when the planet dies

If one man sat in the middle of that bridge he would be carted off to prison NO SAFETY IN NUMBERS PLEASE LOCK EM ALL UP

The thought of this miserable prick huffing and puffing to himself as he walks the extra two hundred yards to work in indignant outrage ... heh.

BBCPolitics I was up there visiting my son yesterday and tbh it was nice to walk on the main roads without it being London Marathon day. Saw protestor using Costa's loos ! What would Wolfie Smith say ? They made a valid point then ruined it by carrying on & on, I question motivation of some

waste of time

Climate change is real and it’s a big issue. How else do we get action Vote green ?

Two words: Tear Gas

BBCPolitics Snowflakes.

Keep calm and carry on. There will soon be no humans to complain and the world will be a better place.

Fox_Claire Well the bbc are showing the most polite objector I’ve ever seen , when I was in Vauxhall earlier the objection to the unwashed was far less polite

Left wing teachers and university lecturers taking a break from brainwashing our kids.

I did actually think about getting off the tube at Oxfotd Circus earlier to go and slap some of the twats who are inconveniencing hard working people but thought it may not be worth it seeing as the police are condoning it!!

It is not a legitimate protest its run and organised by undercover cops on behalf of the state. They need public support to bring in more laws that will make it harder for legitimate protest to take place. 🤡🤡

Police are useless.

This is all very good, but go try and get China, India or the USA the main culprits to change and that will make a bigger dent to climate change than stopping the London traffic

All of the MPs are on holiday so will not be affected by these clowns. So the demonstrations will count for nothing. They are just disrupting joe public.

These are just unpleasant nasty small minded little THUGS, spoilt brats as Kids mummy turned into mindless BULLIES & COWARDS who are terrified of taking on the big Countries, China & Russia. My carbon footprint is getting bigger with 3 TVs on, A Coffee Pot & heating turned way up

It’s not that long to walk there. It’s easy to walk and it’s fun.

That's just being lazy

Get the water cannons out and soak them. Better still throw some soap in the water, watch them dissolve in front or your eyes

How do you protest then, in a way that gets public attention, without causing inconvenience? Acapella group? They’ll have a hell of a job getting ‘climate change’ to rhyme with ‘drowning in plastic’.

I'm having to walk I walk to to work everyday you work shy boomer

Notice that they only protest in the sunshine

BBCPolitics Staggering, ironic that he says to them “you don’t believe in law and order” that’ll be the first thing to break down if the climate change predictions happen as expected.

Walking is a minimum requirement for a human being

Nothing story-tell us again how Trump colluded with Russia.😂

All they have done is get everyone's backs up, any legitimate argument they have now will be completely ignored because of their actions. Not a good way to gain support and influence people's views on the subject

Only happening cos it's half term 🙄😉😋

Think I’ll turn my car engine on and leave it running just to piss them off

Look FFS until China and USA stop spewing there shite into the atmosphere then we are fucked.Governments not people ,...who can change the govenments... are the only ones to try and control climate change.

The sun is out, the sky is blue... go for a walk😃

BBCPolitics Would the police stand by and watch if it were either side of the Brexit debate who were blocking roads ?

It’s a fair complaint about the delays caused by the ClimateChange protesters in London But they’re doing the best they can to make a difference to the chaos and the catastrophic effects on this planet. It’s a wake up call for everyone. BBCEarth

Interesting story here, BBC. What’s your take on it?

They’ll all be gone soon......!!!!! Glastonbury 2019 opens its gates, and they can all sit around smoking dope thinking back to the good old day.....

Fox_Claire Corbyn rocks up in the background

Well said that man

Don't worry about it. Chill. You can take your mind off it by supporting TheBrexitParty TheBrexitPartyScotland TheBrexitPartyWales

If Coppers have time to dance while on duty they should have time to run a few ‘cabs’ for those who are trying to get on with their lives. MetPolice

BBCPolitics To look on the bright side: at least the protests have coincided with a period of good weather. Think how much more indignant that guy in the beige jacket would have been had it been raining. Hell hath no fury like a inconvenienced London commuter caught in the rain.

These protesters are just giving betrayed brexitiers ideas

That’s literally what she wants you to do!

that's more like the Bridgetjones' version of confrontation 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣and yes demonstrating peacefully is allowed 🌳

Bet Greg’s vegan sausage rolls have taken a battering

I pay my taxes. Well so do we all.

Regime change protests, not climate change. Purely political, environment is just a fig leaf. C'mon, catch yerselves on Beeb!

They should be tasered.

Why don't they go and find themselves jobs that save waste and save the planet, instead of wasting resources moaning about it and complaining that its other people's problem to solve!

That bloke is in such a rush and has been so inconvenienced that he's able to stop and have an argument with protesters, rather than hurry past them. He hasn't even broken a sweat. Stupid, pompous bellend. I'm sure his meeting was incredibly important.

Good for him. I can’t believe the police are not taking action. Bring out the water cannons I say.

Fox_Claire The public have been very tolerant up to now, whether that remains after the Easter break god knows

Virtue signalling nonsense. Some middle class hippies get to disrupt working people's commutes for a couple of days, then they can take a few pictures and show off on Facebook or Instagram about how virtuous they are. Go protest in China if you really care.

If action to prevent a catastrophic climate breakdown isn't taken then he'll be able to swim to his office in about 20 years time.

So I wonder if all the protests are here because 1) we are the worst polluter in Europe or 2) Europe routinely use water cannons and tear gas. on protesters. Hmmm ....

I wonder what would happen if there was an ambulance or Police car that needed to get through what these protestors would do... I would hope they would move out the way. But then again...

Back to the 80's when climate change was a massive thing CFC's and all that looks like nothing has changed

Not the way to get public support. As for planning to ruin people's easter breaks..NO . March , protest with dignity .

Knob heads wrong country wrong time, pick on countries that don’t give a shit.

Fox_Claire Do all the green things possible and you will still hugely multiply your carbon footprint by having just one child. None of the climate protestors campaign for people to stop having children as that sounds mean but it is the be all and end all.

Don’t we have water cannons? I would use napalm on the retards but is suspect that some “human rights” lawyer types might not like that

There is no arguing with these protestors. They are all full of their own self importance.

BBCPolitics surely there’s more productive ways they could prevent climate change

Look, I don't care about the climate - I've got a very important meeting to attend and I'm having to walk. WALK, FFS! Me! It would be so much better if you could do your protesting somewhere else, in silence, out of my way. Now, you've made me even more late....

People complaining about the protestors because it’s causing them inconvenience for a few days. Compared to the future of the planet they live on and their kids will have to live on for decades to come.A bit of perspective might help 🙄

A very, very legitimate cause but, suspect that many whom have their day inconvenienced will not be sympathetic. climatechange

Where's Boris' water cannons when you need them? Flush them all onto the Thames and give them a wash too. 2birds1stone Iromg

I support this protest whole heartedly . we only get one planet.

I wonder what environmentally friendly solvent they used to release the “Super Glue” 🤔

If the BBC stopped giving these morons air time, like children they’d eventually get bored and stop doing it.

Just waiting for the D notice like the one on Yellow Vests and Brexit marchers.....

Game Up and their Time have come. We don't want anymore problems. We need to join up and make the business work. If we can't live here where you suppose we will live in the future Mars. Someone is having a laugh.

It is more than fair. 30 years of inaction by government have shown they aren't arsed and don't take it seriously. The guys clueless

BBCPolitics They are not 'extiinction rebellion' protestors, they are anti-social vandals and criminals.

Brits even disagree so politely, in complete sentences.

Don't give up. Pissing the brainwashed off is the only way.


Get a job

If only the Brexit Party was challenged with the same passion that this perfectly legitimate cause was. ExtinctionRebellion DontCamouflageTheFarage

Protesting over 1%.

Funny how 25k bikers get nothing but a gaggle of white boomers and hippies blocking some roads get wall-to-wall coverage

Well said that man. Although I wouldn't be surprised if SadiqKhan MayorofLondon instructed metpoliceuk to arrest him for bothering his pet criminals

Just fine these idiots £5,000 should do or anyone working let their bosses sack them.

I love it! London's Remainer infestation are really not having fun. Well done, climate protestors!

That guy's clearly a bellend

Rumoured to be planing Heathrow protest tomorrow.....Suspect a step too far for many folk!

Disruption is LITERALLY the entire point. Good on them!

Bunch of twats -U.K. has some of the toughest environmental regs in the world and contributes just 3% of CO2 —go and protest in China -I’m sure you’ll get a warm welcome .....

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