Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford demands 'full investigation' by FBI before testifying, in letter from her lawyers

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JUST IN: Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford demands 'full investigation' by FBI before testifying, in letter from her lawyers


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Oh my goodness how ridicules.

"Quote from Brett Kavanaugh in 2015" What happens at Georgetown Prep.stays at Georgetown Prep. It has to be a good thing for all of us I think.

Slander show by the Democrats

Didn’t the FBI already conduct a background investigation of him as a sitting judge? With periodic updates? Will an investigation also be done if his accuser all the way back to high school to determine if she also is without sin and as credible as Judge Kavanaugh?

Stall tactic. If that doesn't work she'll probably fake a heart attack.

The GOP and Trump are the most Corrupt and Crooked group of law makers we’ve ever had in Washington, DC. It is Disgraceful that these Crooks refuses to have an FBI investigation of lying Kavanaugh. What does he have to hide? We don’t need this Scoundrel on The Supreme Court!😡

Wolf wolf wolf help

I too demand an investigation from the fbi,...I'll get back to you with details of the crime when I'm good and ready

If this matter is so serious to you I would think you would jump to the opportunity to tell your story. What if the FBI investigates and finds nothing, will you then want to tell your story at that time only to further delay? People see your tactic, people aren't stupid.

As long as individual citizens get to demand FBI investigations... I demand the FBI conduct a full investigation of the rape charges against Bill Clinton before they waste any more time on phony Russia collusion.

Good grief

She demands..who the hell does she think she is..oh a Democrat


Fraudulent liar rev;21:6

There's no way to prove this if the accused deny, there were no further witnesses in the supposed incident, and there's no forensic evidence. This is a ploy. And she should be charged with false accusation if there isn't any proof, and threatening national security.

She's being coached by the Washington political circles to push for a further investigation to delay this confirmation vote. It's just a way to stall. The goal is to try and stall this past the November mid term vote. If Dems regain majority. They'll delay until inaugurations.

trumpifiedterry We all know this is bullshit .

That is never going to happen and if they did they would really screw it up!!

What a joke

Who is she to "demand" anything? She waited almost 40 yeats to come forward.

This woman is insane, why did she wait 35 yrs to report this? If he was guilty, she should have tried to stop him from becoming a judge in the first place. This is all a sham & the Dems are paying her to lie because they have NOTHING on Kavanaugh & they know it!

Why should this happen? She has no proof. Can’t remember where it happened. Why wait 3 decades to bring this forward. The whole thing smells of a democrat setup.

This is character assassination! It is astonishing anyone is allowing this charade to go on this long. Why does she need an FBI investigation to collaborate her story? Sexually abused women know what happened to them- they don't need the FBI to determine it for them!

Enough is enough.

From which lawyer? She’s already switched to a new one. If she wanted this investigated, then she should have requested it years ago.

Clarence Thomas 1991 all over again. It’s the only card the Dems have left to play and it will fail as well. The failures on the left are just going to keep stacking up regardless. They are ignorant to logic and facts, not understand the meaning of “agreeing to disagree”.

Tell her to go to hell

This is getting so out of hand, KavanaughConfirmation should be done now. The Democrats are showing just how manipulative they are. First russiacolusion now a teenager maybe have had a ‘make out seesion’. Grow up, and play nice ce!

Democrats don't realize is that the more b******* they do about this the more likely they're going to lose in November and lose big-time

Sorry Charlie

Ask yourself this quistion. Is he really the best the USA has to offer for this job. If so you sunk deeply

That’s bull. Continue the vote

World is watching an American voters are watching the corrupt Republicans avoid letting the woman testify under oath after an investigation has been done there’s no reason 2 vote 4 this nominee before finding out the truth. But I think Republicans know the truth he did it

Well yeah she wants a full investigation before testifying so she doesn’t look like an idiot

What is FBI to investigate? Stop delay!

This is all by the Deep State! Only to stop the vote on Kavenaugh! If it turns out that it wasn't Kavenaugh they should all go to jail!

Hey !! YOU Demand this !! Follow Through Or DROP IT !!!

This is a Harry Reid moment....remember when at the last minute he accused Romney of not filing taxes for 4 years...after the election when proven he lied his comment was, "it served the purpose and cost him votes".

She’s a Northern California gal. Very strange SenFeinstein got the story

Investigate her and family ties to CIA. & Mafia money!!!

Her description of the events only merits investigation by the local police agency.

Where is a police report for this rape?

How come she has a bunch of lawyers? Can't she tell the truth herself?

DEMANDS---seriously, you have to have a CRIME before you can investigate. If SHE doesn't remember what, when, or where, or WHO, how could they find out.

Call the Maryland police file a report.

she had her opportunity Now it's only obstruction Do the right thing and appoint him to the Supreme Court


She has no right to demand anything. She had 35 yrs to come forward but now it suits her politically. This is nothing but a sick opportunity to smear Kavanaugh because she's a putrid liberal feminist that would do or say anything to keep him off the bench.

She can demand in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first!

Demand away sweetie, ain’t gonna happen.

It has already been done. Does she want the report read twice

She waits how many years?

And I demand an Investigation of all the the illegals entering our Country that my taxes have to support!

LOL! FBI only investigates crimes. Where is the crime in this hoax. It's another dirty stunt by the Dems. Ford needs to be asked under oath which Dem. PR firm is helping and paying her.

Who is she to demand anything? I demand the FBI reopen the investigation of the HillaryClinton email scandal, uranium one and the Clinton foundation, at least there is verifiable evidence crimes were committed!

You can’t investigate a fairytale. Vote now

She is no more than a trouble maker, she is pissed due to the fact her family faced Kavanaugh mother in court years ago due to their house

Dr. Anus, C Ford, Because of an AMBUSHING huthead like you in teaching, our children are, in great trouble! RESIGN NOW!

? Has any one from either high school come out and said, yes I had a party at my house in 1982 and both Bert and Christine were there? It's not like after 36 years, they'll be grounded by their parents.

Hahah yeah ok , 35 years ago n she can't remember where , when n who was there , can anyone say delay the conformation till after the midterms ?Democrats are such losers . If only Republican politicans had a set of balls instead of backing down all the time .

who the hell think she is to demand who is running this her or the committee

Stop the nonsense and vote

30 yrs ago why is she coming out with that now , she should just go away and shut up , trying to ruin someones life with her bullshit story, it is getting to the point of sick when every day someone comes out to say they were molested or raped many moons ago

The FBI is corrupt!!! No credibility


What this nation must face is we are headed in the direction where a Straight White Republican Male will not be able to be nominated, appointed, elected or even hired for a job or position. He will become extinct in the public square! (Be Careful)

Deception, red herring, gaming, and there won't be legal consequences. Great job resisters. Weak system.

This is a stalling tactic chuckschumer stated “we will stop at nothing to stop the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh “.

So what?!? Her demanding means nothing! Who does she think she is?

This is clearly a set up to take him down. Republicans need to move forward with the vote on Wednesday or else face consequences in the mid terms.

She demands? LOL, Perhaps she should start at her local police station with a report from 36 yrs ago, maybe also try to remember where or when, and then she may even recall that it’s even not The Who.

Called her bluff and she folded. Lying to Congress is a felony.

It is a clear ploy to derail the voting until after the election! People claim a lot of things these days just to get some fame and some money. If it did happen it should have been reported back then! 35 years later at this particular time, it is kind of fishy!

6 FBI investigations on this guy over the last 3 decades and not a peep.

What the hell is there to investigate? She doesn’t remember anything! Don’t you think the person who held this party would have corroborated her story by now, or maybe someone who was at this supposed party? No, because, THERE WAS NO PARTY!


We need to start hetoo movement

Joke yes waste more tax payers money on lies and fake accusations

I bet you do , lib left wing professor Ford! Nice try to help Dems thwart Kavanaugh confirmation! Hope sane ppl realize this and tell you to get lost!

Her lawyers you meant to say the democrats

She DEMANDS! Sounds like she has the full power of the democrats at her back...... for now!

That lying lib bitch doesn't get to demand anything!

Is that when she will reveal date place of her horrendous assault

What are they supposed to investigate? Things she can't remember? This is BS and the republicans better move to confirm this qualified man.

She’s being paid off to do this!

Nothing but a stall tactic. I do not believe her at all. It’s just all too suspect. I mean, come on 30 years!!! Lies all lies!!!

It seems she sent a similar letter about Gorsich. If it’s true the game ends and Feinstein resigns.

This is just a ploy on the part of the Democrats to delay any vote until after mid-term elections when they believe they will win the majority.

Let’s cut to the chase here & rid ourselves of the phony emotional outburst of left wing politicians.The fact is, there are no discernible facts of the Liecologhist’s being assaulted by the Judge. She’s a political activist for leftist causes who doesn’t want a Conservative Court

Proverbs 14:5 A faithful witness does not lie, But a false witness will utter lies. Proverbs 19:5 A false witness will not go unpunished, and he (or she) who speaks lies will not escape.

Good luck on that one

Lol what The FBI is not a group of private investigators or psychiatrists. They aren't going to help push her fictitious memory.

Fbi has done 6 investigation. They aren't going to do another

She brought it up- time to face your “attacker’s” she doesn’t show? She proves she’s a liar or as was said “mistaken” - don’t fall for this hit and run BS

Proof that this is a Dem. delay tactic! How can FBI investigate something she doesn't remember the facts of? They make it bad for true assault victims to be taken seriously. Shameful & sickening. CALL FOR THE VOTE! KAVANAUGH FOR SUPREME COURT!!!!!!!!

Just a Democratic delay tactic. The Democratic’s need to focus on Karen Monahan, who has accused former boyfriend Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) of domestic abuse, said that she has been “smeared, threatened, [and] isolated” by the Democratic Party

DON’T FALL FOR IT!! They’re just trying to delay the confirmation until after Nov. 6, when they think they’ll get the “BLUE WAVE “

DEMANDS? Here's what the FBI would find: A 15 yr old girl went to a party at someone's house she didn't know where there were no parents and got herself in trouble...go figure! Move on to the vote, Sen Grassley.

How can you investigate something that never happened any woman sexually abuse knows everything she can’t tell you anything and 2 it’s a police matter not FBI and she would have shown up for a hearing she’s a liar payed off by the democrats

Wonder how much $$$ she is getting paid to try to derail and destroy this Judges career and family. Sad

Sorry Dems, IT didn’t work! 😂😂😂

A full investigation should had happened 35 years ago if this really happened to demand one now after all these years & kavanaugh didn’t do anything like this before or after this incident just this one time he went wacko for Ms. Ford

The FBI really! We see how that organization is! Like we can trust anything they come up with!

Lmao.stop this circus.

Knowing the FBI won't investigate a case like this. ALSO, knowing only the president can authorize an investigation into this.. SO in essence, liberals are on that fuck boy shit again.

And I want a new Corvette. Who cares what this fraud Democrat shill wants. Vote now get the over!

No there should be no investigation by the FBI. She being the Accuser needs to step up go before the committee and get this over with. The fact that we are allowing these delay tactics to stop government process is total BS!

The fbi do not investigate these issues, what will result from an incident where there are three witnesses and two don’t remember and one has limited memory.

Maybe she should have asked for an investigation 36 or so years ago?

Oh, just like it took this long for an accusation to surface, and the FBI to boot. This should be interesting.

Actually it just hit me. I feel like it’s all bullshit. The dems just want a reason to vote no. Reps move to confine him, dems vote no on this reason. Dems get to complain about it till the end of time. My god it’s just like high school

ummm who tf is she to demand anything? I "demand" they ConfirmKavanaugh

She demands? Really?


Move on!! Vote now!

America. The only place where accusations can be made and then the burden to disprove them are on the accused. I’m curious as to whynow his entire career it didn’t matter until now?

This doesn't meet the criteria for an FBI investigation. This woman is a nutcase.

Stall tactics pull them back Chuck

So, we can c Ford is not serious. This is typical dem playbook. FBI said they won’t investigate. Dems just want to stall until after midterms. Republicans should vote next Thursday to confirm Kavanaugh.

No move ahead and confirm him. She is obstructing with coaching. She should testify Monday but maybe it's not true 🤔

What will the nxt stall tactic be smh.....

May God be with you( Brett Kavanaugh). Be fair with him . He(Brett Kavanaugh) is kids saviour. Many senators recognised his talent in professional ,reasonable manner! Senators act on behalf of national interests . Hopefully Judge Brett Kavanaugh will be confirmed soon.

We all know she's being paid off by Nazi George soros

I can see the Democratic party are pulling the strings. How much money is being paid by Soros?

Her claims are nothing more than politically motivated. The witness she named has said nothing happened!

They know that the FBI does not investigate cases like this! This is all a ploy by Dems to delay Judge Kavanaughs confirmation. I wonder how much they are paying this woman. I have lost all and any respect for the Dems...…..


I demand she stifle herself...lol

Lying girly doesn't get to call the shots.

She'd better watch what she wishes for. The FBI will investigate HER. Wait till they put her life under the microscope. Kavanaugh's life has been an open book for years. Her behavior has been hidden, social media scrubbed so no one can see her lies.

Of course, stall tactic to drag out the confirmation. Soon entire Supreme Court will be women

35 yrs and now she's demanding? Democratic play just to stall SCOTUS vote. FBI doesn't want or have jurisdiction over any of this.

Move on, stall tactics, She is obviously a liar. At any point in our history if an assault happend at a pool party, more would have a vivid recollection of this happening. It would of been the talk in the hallways the next day. More people would be familiar with this indiscretion

If the American people can’t see what is going on with this circus then this country really is doomed. This has been yet another set up by the other side of the isle in Washington. Disgusting.

What exactly are they going to investigate lol? This just proves this was a stall attempt all along

It's very clear what the Democrats are trying to do here Republicans need to go ahead and vote they want a investigation that has already taken place when she decided not to tell her story game over the American people are watching the Democrats very disgusting.

she looks crazy

Shouldn’t any case be investigated first by local authorities? Oh, can’t remember where it happened. Or when. Or what the circumstances were. Uh-huh. So with that, the FBI should investigate? Uh-huh. And this woman holds a doctorate degree? Seriously? Uh-huh.

Legal advisers none other than the communist The liar Tom Styer and neo-Nazi George. How crazy is that? As bad as Twitter being a legitimate news source.

I am 99.9% sure that somebody in the Democratic party paid this lady off excuse me she's not a lady paid this Tramp off in order to get her to come up with these false allegations


If you want to find out what really happened you need to get all of those Democrats who were in that committee and find any link or Communications between them and this Ford

So in conclusion Brett Kavanaugh did not partake in events like that he was probably call the goody goody two shoes while he was in school

Brett Kavanaugh does not have to pick out a specific high school or college party that he did not attend the reason he knows he didn't attend any particular party because he was too focused on making a career for himself after he got out of college

Hear her now or don’t! It’s pretty clear this is a dela tactic. The FBI is comprised and clearly working against anything POTUS wants to do... move through the vote!

I would accuse the Democratic party of taking the low road but you can't choose to take something that you reside on that you have been on for the last 50 years

Just more bullshit to delay the process.Same old Democratic playbook its getting old.

These false allegations are going to cause problems but not who the people they were intended to cause problems to mark my words everything is downhill from here for you Democrats

These false allegations are going to fall on deaf Republican ears there's no way that this is going to go anywhere nice try Dianne Feinstein I never realized how crooked Feinstein was until now

nice political stunt. The republicans just need to get hardline now

This is crap. This is just a page out of the democratic book of trash. They are trying to stall for time! The Republicans must not back down! She must testify on Monday as planned or the case should be thrown out because people have already come forth and testified!

There’s nothing to investigate!

Just wondering, how does the FBI go about investigating when no crime has been committed and no police report has been lodged. Not to mention it was 30 something years ago and can't remember where or when.

“Demands?” Yeah..well I demand actual proof of his wrong doing. And it’s her job to produce it. Classic lib tactics. ConfirmKavanaugh

Breaking News Idea: This Adult wiseguy, Smart-ass. Blasting Memories of a high-school kid experience with a Drunk, high-school Boy, now running for office should be Charged with obstruction and Criminal Intent to Use Naive Media Reporters to Harm, Block, Interfere a Election.

She's in on it, stalling

Yes that makes good sense.

Why is Kavanaught TERRIFED of taking a lie detector test?

I demand the FBI investIgates every democrat in congress and the house on everything going back to when they were 10 years old.

There is nothing to investigate until she makes a formal statement and then goes through some Q n A. There is zero physical evidence. Hold the vote if she refuses to meet. This is obviate farce

Schumer demanded this as well... In fact, many Democrats have. Oddly, Ms. Ford & her attorney have hard left backgrounds. With no basic specifics is she credible? Is she towing an 11th hour party strategy? I mostly REALLY believe a woman should have benefit of doubt. Mostly.

No, no, Montresor.The republicans give Monday for her to have her say ( way too generous). The fbi point blank said they wouldn’t investigate. Political last ditch effort. Also, the lady who is watching him to see how he handles her pain? 😳😐🤪. She’s is off her rocker.

It was a delay tactic only

I think this woman needs to be investigated by the FBI. And Judge Kavanaugh needs to sue her ass for slander!

What exactly are they going to investigate? A 35 year old allegation of heavy petting? No witnesses and an account that cannot be corroborated? This is just dumb, and sick.

The same idiot lawyer that said Kavanaugh has to prove his innocence? 😂😂😂

FBI doesn't have jurisdiction. She needs to file a complaint with local law enforcement. This isn't a negotiation.

Complete nonsense! She's lying!

It didnt bother her a month ago, why does she need to tell now?

Start with her lie detector test!


How can anything be investigated when she doesn't even know the year, the place or have any corroboration? The statute of limitations was up when she was 21...


BrettKavanugh nomination is where tectonic plates of ideologies clash. It's a point where the political schism is brought into sharp focus. It's not about a Left / Right divide, it's about which ideological system will prevail - Global-Progressivism? Or Transnational-Populism?

Anita hill all over again. stop the bullshit. hold the vote

Who is she to demand anything?

Investigation of WHAT? Have the FBI investigate an unknown time/place/people/party... 37 years ago? TOTAL BULL $HIT!

Why is Fox news not seeking the e-mails from Schumer, Pelosi, Schiff, Feinstein Warner and others concerning Blasey-Ford and whether or not they personally contacted her prior to saying she won't testify w/o FBI inquiry?

This is witch hunt 2 an FBI investigation on something allegedly happen 32 years ago approximately because she doesn’t really remember supposedly three people were there and two out of the three say it didn’t happen. This is just a ploy to stop anything TRUMP


This woman is emotionally and mentally unstable. She’s the one that should be investigated.

According to instruction she received from Chuck Schumer, she wants an investigation by the FBI, CIA, COAST GUARDS AND DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE and make sure it lasts six months.

B.S. No such police report in 30 years, get a job

Why, Is Ford now unsure of her accusations?

Of course she wants full investigation she’s buying time on behalf of her DemocRATS 💴💰🤑let me find someone anyone who went to school who is willing to 🤥💰for political gain it’s that easy this is a known fact! Repubs plz don’t fall into their trap it’s what there good at!😡😤

Lol , demands 😂, the whole thing is a farce = 35 years 🤐. It would be better for the FBI to investigate her 👋

She was probably drunk at the party and has no idea what happened or who!

She just wants to avoid perjury by avoiding testifying

Do worry the right will protect him just like they did with Roy Moore.

What in the hell is the FBI going to investigate Christine Ford, he said, she said; or the fact you can't even remember the location of where it happen Girl to be supposedly educated, you're dumber and stupider than dirt!!

And she deserves it!!

PutUpOrShutUp. See you Monday

Demands? Wow.

Stalling for time..

Give me a break just trying to stall the vote show up Monday or drop this stupity

You mean the lawyer that gives ten's of thousands to the Democrats

chuckschumer And slime like Schumer had plenty of influence on this step. As I understand it, the FBI cannot even investigate this since it would not be a chargeable offense. The dems do not care that their obstruction is damaging the country.

F%& her! The FBI has already said twice that there is nothing to investigate. Kavanaugh isn't a Nazi war criminal! This tool doesn't get to hold my country hostage over her vengeful vendetta. ConfirmKavanaugh DrainTheswamp

She is in no position to demand anything! Obviously being coached by the left to delay, delay, delay.

I got news for Ford Kavanaugh has been investigated by the FBI on many occasions. The only one they would have to investigate is Christine Ford. I wonder if she would be alright with that

Taxpayers what HER investagated. Wack job

She deserves it!! All women do as well as any victim of sexual assault. Do the right thing SenateMajLdr !!!

More and more this looking like a set up by Democrats to derail confirmation

This is such a scam

See can kiss our backsides!

Did she have a blue dress? Any witness? What a joke?

Accusation does not equal proof. She can't remember the time, the place, who maybe was there. This is a joke, a bad joke. It showcases the Dems as the un-American cretins they are.

She should & it’s the RIGHT thing to do

Waist of time...

FBI already look at it nothing there hold the vote

Kavanaugh has been vetted by the FBI X 6 times...and are declining to take on this frivolous case❗️

A blatant attempt to stall or derail Kavanaugh’s confirmations

Ha! Well thanks for showing us your hand and your true colors. Dems will stop at nothing to obstruct and their only agenda is to have complete control over everything and everyone and they dont care who they take down in the process. Sick WalkAway

Pudge is a liar anyway

Full FBI investigation into high schoolers ? The FBI is Going to get real busy!

Who is she to make demands

Maybe this liberal activist professor needs to go find her safe place.

What’s the rush? If there’s nothing to hide, there’s nothing to fear. Right? A full FBI investigation is needed. Do Brett Kavanaugh and Mark Judge fear having to speak to the FBI? If so, why? An allegation of attempted rape is serious. Don’t disrespect Dr. Christine Blassey Ford.

Oh, now we know what they want...

Move on without her

And believe it or not it one time I really like Senator Feinstein she's made a mockery in a complete lie out of all of this and she ought to be ashamed of

Sorry, she didn't "demand". Read the letter from her attorney. Get the facts. Make up your own mind.

In other words: she a lie

Just do the confirmation

Hello FBI. I need you to investigate an attack on me. No I don’t remember when or where it happened. I think there were two or four people in the room. It was a party at a house somewhere? It was 36 or 37 years ago. Hello FBI? Are you still there?

The things is if true it stays in your mind never leaves. This is an life time seat we have to know. His friend judge knows and won’t come to senate

She is so full of shit!

Stall tactic.

Hahaha! Sure, they will get right in it, with nothing to go on.

they are stalling for time get this moving stop the damn circus

2 months ago maybe hell 40 yrs ago would have made more sense. Obviously politically motivated.

More subterfuge and delay tactics from the Democrats. The FBI has no jurisdiction here, it is a matter for the Senate. If she does not testify on Monday the confirmation vote will be on Wednesday.

The true story behind this broad

Oh this should be good. What a joke! What a mockery of the FBI, again!!! What a frickin waste of my TAX DOLLARS! The woman is a pathetic liberal who only wants to continue killing the babies. It’s all about the killing. My God have mercy on them because they’ll need it.

Its funny that SHE wants the FBI to investigate a crime that supposedly happened 35 years ago. 2 of the 3 people who were supposedly there said it didn't happen. That sounds like investigation over, no need to go forward. What could they investigate when she doesn't know when.

Complete BS

As a tax payer, I don’t care what this bitch wants.


Is it her who wants the FBI investigation, by the way don't hold your breath. Or is it the dems who are true puppeteers!!!!!!!!

Riiiight, how about we hand it to Mueller?

Says trump TV The party of rapists

This is just ridiculous ....

Republicans, you are in control. Set a date for this woman to air her side. If she doesn’t show up, close the case and get to a vote. Act like leaders, for God’s sake.

Why? If she speaks the truth, why? Hmmmm......my gut tells me.......?

She has had 36 yrs to get over an "almost" rape, my g.d. who as 15 yr old was drugged, raped & almost sold to Mexican sex trafficking cartel has 3 years now that she turned 18 to bring charges & face abusers. So STOP w/ur crying Ford! Put up & meet or SHUT UP!

Right from the democratic play book. Stall until after midterm elections. Can't we just take politics out of this circus and get the job done.

Agree do a full fbi investigation right after he takes the bench !!!


Purely set up to delay, derail the confirmation! Dismiss the hearing if she denying to attend, schedule the vote!

what does being scared and hiding out and threats have anything to do with testifying in a closed hearing in front of the committee? Answer is absolutely nothing.

These democrats are stalling! Senate conduct the vote on Thursday as planned.

Of course she does. How coincidental. That investigation and the Mueller probe could be seen as the way democrats govern. They don’t.

She demands lol

She is just trying to save face because her claims obviously lack substantiation. She should have stood up at the time of the alleged incident if it was so traumatic for her. ConfirmKavanaughNow

Full speed ahead wt the FBI investigation!

Ridiculous, the venue is at the local level municipal or county LE have jurisdiction.

Are they stupid. he has been through FBI investigations 6 times. Who are they fooling?

Nope. ConfirmKavanugh ConfirmKavanaughNOW

Nothing more than a stall tactic by the Democrat Socialists. They want to squash President Trump's Supreme Court nominee.

I want an FBI investigation into politicians using taxpayers money to silence sexual assaults

the truth is, she thought she was going to throw that stone, hide her hand and no one would call her out

This is not FBIs realm!! Six accusation is in the hands of State! Its obvious, despicable, at all time low obstruction!

So this was done as a delay tactic. Who is going to pay for this investigation?


Why are people letting the politicians off the hook. They all know that this isn’t a federal crime. It’s a state crime and up to Maryland law enforcement not fbi. Which explains y Weinstein is being investigated by nyc prosecutors not the FBI. They all know this.

Couldn’t they just have her on the View and call it good

She doesn't get to demand shit. Who the heck does this women think she is that she gets to demand an FBI investigation when the FBI said no. Move on. This is the most ridiculous bunch of crap EVER! Vote Thursday to confirm.

How about Keith Ellison accuser, SHE is not to b believed, oh that’s right, he is democratic, so he did no wrong, where is the FBI investigation on this?

Translation: delay

Gee... stall much?

DebraKatzKMB You and your client are stalling costing taxpayer money with your Democratic stalling games. Come clean . ConfirmKavanaugh

DELAY N OBSTRUCT, is clearly Ms. Blasey’s intent. If her accusations were true, FBI investigation or not wouldn’t make a difference to her so called truth. I hope Judge Kavanaugh sues her and her party for defamation of character.

Not gonna happen. FBI needs WH approval to investigate due to this being way beyond the statute of limitations. Can you see POTUS signing off on that? So basically Feinstien threw the curveball & missed. Now it’s on track to smack Ford in the face for nothing.

What about couple million dollars to go along with that request.

Of course she wants a FBI investigation. Maybe she can get one of the swamp members to head that up. It’s a shame what this disgusting political tactic is going to do to the women that have truly suffered at the hands of a real abuser.

Tell her to shut up and forget an investigation.She is a liar. Her actions have proven this. Go ahead with approval.She can take him to court and try to prove her lies later.Lots of luck with that.This is a democratic trick.Miss Harris is a liar and cheat too. She makes me sick!

Yeah I wonder who’s idea that was, prolong it some more in hopes he doesn’t get the vote so when Clintons cronies get exposed he won’t be one of the judges to put them in jail, so obvious

She’s a joke!!!

Good Gawd Americans are disgraceful. They'd rather support two rapists than one victim.

If this wasn’t so serious, it would be comical to see each and every attempt to derail this confirmation just evaporate into a huge nothing... did the left just say... screw it, let’s go full looney after the election.

How is the FBI supposed to investigate when the only person who claims there was a crime or misconduct doesn’t even remember where and when that alleged attack occurred. She has nothing and this is a Democrat delay tactic. The crime isn’t even FBI jurisdiction. Lol

Sure and how much money will she receive! This is a damn shame

FBI: ok, where's the evidence? Ford: there is none. But it happened. FBI: *sigh*

Imagine that! Her feet have gotten cold. So, stall, stall, stall. I bet Soros has something to do with this.

The FBI doesn't Investigate Frivolous Accusations.

I’m sorry but if this had happened to me, and I was traumatized , I believe I could remember how many were involved. Even if it took 35 years to resurface, it’s unforgettable. I can’t wait to see justice prevail regardless of outcome. 🤔

Yes investigate all accusers,

Why? She started this mess let’s get it done now. The FBI has already said they don’t investigate. You’re stalling and we want to know why

JBaker31826004 Demands? Those liberals, the higher the degree the dumber they are... The only investigation the FBI will be doing is the felony committed by this woman in accusing an innocent man of these allegation and using this lie as a form of obstruction to a congressional confirmation

Delay Delay Delay Delay Delay Delay Delay Delay

What next, a demand to assign a special counsel? Why not look into his lemonade stand he ran when he was 5, while we’re at it. Talk about a nothing burger and a complete sham. Nothing but a distraction.

What gives her the right to even makes such demands. Their is no evidence to any wrongdoing so WTF will the FBI find? Planted evidence is possible I suppose.


Kavanaugh has been “investigated” SIX TIMES by the FBI which involves talking to everyone who ever knew him! That’s is MORE THAN ENOUGH FBI INVESTIGATION! This woman needs to show up and tell her story. The FBI Investigation turned up NADA! She can address that! So can he!

What does she want the FBI to look at? Her memories🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️. This is an absolute disgrace and the Democrats have created this circus just to stall until after the midterms. Sounds a lot like the Roy Moore story, once he lost the story vanished. When will this stop

FBI investigations are done! Fords attorneys need to contact the local prosecutor and see if she can remember a time, place and who was responsible and if they will pursue it or oh no Statute of limitations ran out!

LMFAO🤣🤣🤣, he’s been investigated 6x nothing, outside FBI authority! Call MSP to investigate they’ll laugh also. A different lawyer for her saying she won’t testify! I’m guessing the Dems aren’t giving her enough $ to lie for their political agenda! BUSTED ! Feinstein resign!

Merrick Garland

Who’s paying her to pull this crap and now try to keep stalling his confirmation.

Vote him in. Forget this nonsense

AndyTho10107697 Ford, just interview with the FBI and tell them Where it happened and When it happened and Everyone that was there. Then they'll have something to follow up on. But what exactly do you want them to investigate if you yourself don't know these answers?

Last year, Kavanaugh denied a 17-year-old immigrant seeking an abortion, forcing her to live with the consequences of her teenage behavior.

Sounds reasonable. Same as happened for Hill.

This woman needs serious help...and better legal advice.

Just another chapter in her book deal.

Hahahahaha. Yeah, okay.

There's a way to engage law enforcement/fact finder to conduct an actual investigation in pursuit of actual facts & truth ...it's called filing a timely criminal/civil action anytime over the past 36 years up to & including today Unadulterated base .SenateDems politics exposed

DELAY, DELAY, causes distraction and DISGRACE. Dems are a bunch of loonies.

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