Plans for legal duty to spot youth crime

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Schools and NHS could be held accountable over youth crime

Home Secretary Sajid Javid wants to make it a legal duty to report concerns over at-risk young people

Home Secretary Sajid Javid has launched a consultation to assess whether there is a"public health duty" to report concerns over children at risk.A summit on serious youth violence is being held at Downing Street this week.The government says its plan is intended to"help spot the warning signs that a young person could be in danger, such as presenting in A&E with suspicious injury, to worrying behaviour at school or issues at home".

"The public health, multi-agency approach has a proven track record and I'm confident that making it a legal duty will help stop this senseless violence and create long-term change," he added.With 285 deaths from stabbings in 2017-18, the most ever recorded in the UK,As well as hosting the summit on youth violence, which starts on Monday, Prime Minister Theresa May will meet privately with families affected by knife crime.


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Parents should be held accountable, the responsibility should stay with them and they should be guided and given help with bringing their child up

Obvious it's the Tories flawed & unnecessary austerity choices causing strain on public services & surge in crime. The blame is clearly Conservatives. We have underfunded schools & lack of NHS services. Austerity is pointless & merely shrinks economies.

Really, the world has gone bonkers.

So the government is passing the buck for their incompetence and criminalising hard working doctors and nurses and social workers for not doing something that they are not trained for.

Find a island & each person caught with a knife drop them off with there knife & let them stick each other.

Reporting our concerns is all well and good - but then what happens?

Schools are there to teach them maths English science etc. They learn discipline, manners, what's right and wrong at home with parents!! Good god who's making these insane ideas!?

Can't the government take responsibility of anything. Grrrrrrrrrrr

What about police on beat!

What about parents

Typical Government response to an issue they’ve repeatedly failed to deal with.....make everyone else accountable whilst refusing to accept any responsibility as policy makers themselves youthcrime

Instead of passing the blame, why not address the issues like poverty and no fkn future for our youth under this tory regime?

The Government will be holding there postman accountable next!

Another daily BS tweet from BBC BS news, let’s take away the funding from mis behaving schools they’ll say next but not for a man dressed as a women (trans) to pollute minds of children

You do know teachers don’t have a magic wand? No wonder so many people leave the profession and aren’t replaced. How about parents do their job, police do theirs and let us teach!? justsaying

There is great fallacy in assuming that holding people responsible for illegal acts other than those whom commit them can be an effective method for controlling human behavior. Free will and innate human innovation will always sublimate. The very concept is an offense to justice.

I think the most crucial layer of responsibility seems to be forgotten here ... families !

BBCLondonNews Maybe we should hold the parent/guardian accountable for their child/teens behaviour, as well as the child/teen themselves. Nurses/teachers/police are not there to raise the nation's children!! There is not enough of us to serve the public as it is.

blame everyone but those who actually have a direct degree of utterly stupid

Start with the parents, that’s where it all starts.

It's already EVERYONE'S moral duty to report concerns, problem is it's just too much trouble fuckin trouble for the majority of people.

Blame anyone except the perpertrator

That’ll teach them not to complain about government under-funding. Why not add global warming and plastics pollution?

I wonder what the gov advisors take ...

WHAT! How about tackling the root causes instead of turning teachers and nurses into police

I understand that there are many factors involved in this matter but how come parents are not even mentioned? Surely they need to take some responsibility and care and be the first port of call!?

It is do do with parental control. Anothr Con trick to pass the buck tile making landlords responsible for checking immigration status.

Seriously NadineDorries and AlistairBurtUK the gov have got to stop vanity NCS and adequately resource CBC’s youth service. We are on a shoe string here and you know it. We could save you so much if you invest in youth services and you don’t. C’mon!

Phew! I thought for a moment this government and its Police cuts could actually be on the hook for something. Obviously it was teachers and the NHS all along!!!

Human nature! Blame someone else. Its time theresa_may bring in some bone shaking punishment for murderers before innocent people start taking vigilante action. Myself and my kids walk around wearing stab vests. I am considering carrying something for my familys protection also.


Before parents? Wow... this country really is backward.

What about parents

How's about the parents? Schools like the police and social services end up clearing up after crap parents. Charge the parents alongside the kids when they step out of line instead of making excuses for them.

Will Michael Gove be held accountable for changing the exam system so that 10% of pupils became disenfranchised and ended up excluded from school?

Nobody needs ANYMORE powers or laws... we need more people, more police officers, more teachers and teaching assistance and SEN support staff and social workers and youth workers. Why can't govts see this? sajidjavid ConstableChaos UKCopHumour InspGadgetBlogs

Ridiculous police and teachers and NHS staff have enough to do

Best to blame others instead oh holding them accountable

Ridiculous. Most kids involved are not even at school and teachers etc already do look out and report issues.

Parents should be held accountable

Another piece of crap, how about jailing the parents of underage kids carrying knives, and jailing the ones overage, of course, that would mean spending more money on jails, telling people not to do something has never worked it's just cheaper.

Great idea. Why don't we just send our kids to live in the schools and they can parent them as well. What is the country coming to when parents aren't held accountable for their children's actions.

April Fools? Accountability begins with the individual. Leaders need to demonstrate their own accountability. We are all leaders. Let’s endeavour to model that for the kids - and for our peers too!

Stop putting the onus on teachers. They are there to teach, dammit, not be held responsible for failure in the broad society.

N I used to take a doll to school times have changed not for better . Sorry

We need a fence at the top of the cliff - not an ambulance at the bottom. WHY is there a ‘youth crime’ epidemic? HOW do we PREVENT it? One small but powerful step towards solution ..band_brothersuk

Hold up wait a minute Mr David the BLAME lies with the person USING the knife AND the PARENTS responsible for raising the said person. I get that kids can be taught in schools about knife crime and the dangers, where they can go or who they can speak to if they or someone they

Who ever made this stupid suggestion and who ever in Government supported it should be named and sacked for lack of common sense. This whole Government should be sacked as it is.

The only people accountable should be the knife wielded and it’s family. Absolutely ludicrous to pass this responsibility on to teachers and nhs workers.

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂and their useless parents not!!!!what a lovely society

Why not just lock up their feckless parents

The issue is over years we haven’t disciplined


How about stronger punishment for those found in possession (whatever the age). They would soon reduce if the scrotes were getting 10 years just for carrying one.

This is not a fair solution. Parents maybe but not the schools as they have enough to do


Uuuur what about the parents,,

Think the NHS has enough to do already! Where are the police?

That’s just one result of the cuts, these are vulnerable youngsters who need to look after, they need to fill their time with free activities. Join free clubs, theatre, drama, physical activity....where do u want them to go not every parent can afford the extravagant cost!!

Why are the NHS and schools to blame? Shouldn't it be the parents...

Schools and NHS gonna report their concerns to all those police we no longer have? 🤔

What about parents!

BBCLondonNews Of course, schools and the NHS must be held accountable for youth crime. The Government cannot be held accountable for anything, especially following their policies of cuts to all the important services – education, health, policing, etc – and local councils.

Usual stuff - let's blame someone else...

Yeah that’s how to solve it, blame hardworking law abiding tax paying professionals. Let’s not hold those whom are running around with the knives accountable after all they are all just misunderstood. We’ll blame everyone else and point outwards before looking inwards.

Not another April fool

The answer: 1. Convicted? Under 18? - you lose everything. Council flat, asylum status, passport, dole, NHS, pension, the lot. 2. SO DOES YOUR DAD.

Someone elses fault!

Not the government for encouraging exclusions in under-funded schools, cutting youth and social services, and cutting police numbers? Or is this an April fool?

As long as we don’t have to blame the Tory crime syndicate

When Govt fails - blame everyone else.

Who the hell came up with that pathetic analogy, parenting skills are 100% accountable, blame game as always.

So some knobhead from a local family of criminals gets off with a slap on the wrist while a hard working public servant gets jailed for failing to spot that they're a knobhead. Brilliant.

Ok, so by this logic the government in charge should held accountable as well, no?

It's an April fool's day spoof. Isn't it?

Let's shift the blame everywhere else except where it really belongs.

Imagine the flood of just in case reporting. Teachers and Medics would have to do to cover themselves.

My wife's school like many schools, can not even afford basics like glue sticks. Yet schools and teachers are now meant to be: Social workers Substitute parents The police Daycare Etc. This is the worst Government ever Conservatives even worse than Gordan Brown's

What about the Tories

Oh I get it. April Fool. Well done very funny joke 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Isn’t it...? 😳

How the fuck are you going to implement that with any degree of consistency.

I would say parents and guardians should definitely be held accountable to these crimes!

Can't stop the crimes so blame everyone else. Hell of a way to run a country 👎

How about ‘ MP’s across all parties should be held accountable over youth crime’. ?

Yay, let’s blame the teachers for knife crime, like we (illegally) tried to get landlords to be border guards. Outsourcing without resourcing - simples!

Is it really your job to uncritically regurgitate this obvious nonsense from the gov to deflect from their own failing and complete absence of responsibility at any stage?

BBCLondonNews Those who are doing the crime are not that difficult to identify. Gang Culture is the problem & warned about almost a decade ago.

Everyone else other than parents 🤦🏽‍♂️

The Saj strikes again. And by that I mean “shits himself”.

Yeah good luck

BBCRadioLondon Haha good April fools guys x

If you don't like this idea please make sure to fill in the actual consultation when it's out!!

What about the parents ?

Too late. Schools are spotting those who are disruptive, or excluded/self-excluding, but lack resources for intervention; especially after cuts hit community services heavily. Govt just offloading an issue to another underfunded sector, again.

Everyone getting mad about this. It’s not gonna happen. It’s just the bbc looking to stir shit up

The NHS? Seriously, who ever thinks that people on the continual treadmill of overwork in hospitals need another responsibility putting on their shoulders is the kind of A-grade moron that has far too much spare time on their hands and far too little brainpower.

Here we go, cut funding down to the bone, shot hits the fan. Let's pass the blame onto teachers and nurses so the peasants don't get annoyed with us

Cross agency working is v. important, but the barriers aren't that people are ignoring stuff; it's funding and data sharing/privacy issues. This idea's incredibly dangerous, yet another reason to put people off taking on one of these vital roles.

Very misleading!!!

Perhaps a campaign for going ‘in’ rather than going out and protection in the form of a anti knife vest rather than a knife

And the exodus from teaching continues...

So blame everyone else except the government 🤔

Why the Police, NHS and Teachers, start with the parents and the absent Fathers. Stop shifting the blame to everyone else?

ITS THE TORIES who need to be held accountable. BBC OUGHT TO REPORT on school exclusions, increase in child poverty and deprivation. Library and youth club closures. Not forgetting police cuts. Austerity and Tories destroy lives. JC4PM

Put it onto the parents if the youth is under 18. They chose to have the little shit so they can take responsibility.

Surely it begins at home discipline

April Fool’s I hope....

But not the police?

These organisations already do spot and report children at risk. It's our failed Government that is at fault. The whole system is crumbling and yet they have the cheek to pass the buck. Years of under funding and neglect whist tax payers money is squandered on pay rises for MPs..

That’s ridiculous. Parents should be made responsible. It’s not the function of these institutions to pick up the pieces.

Why blame schools? It's the PC brigade that took the power away from schools! It's so easy now to pass the blame into others 😡

Haven't schools and nhs got enough to do.this government are absolutely cluless

Yes schools and the NHS hand youths these knives and tell them to go round stabbing each other........

Anyone but the parents

Just an idea, what about the parents of the offenders More well thought out ideas by our idiotic policy makers 😡 Schools and NHS are stretched to breaking point, great let’s make them accountable for feral youth gangster knife culture. brokenbritain

Stupid. They forget NHS staff and teachers also fall victim to violence and abuse by youths as well as from adults on a daily basis. They need protection, not blamed.

Ridiculous,the parents should be making sure their kids are brought up as responsible adults!!! How can NHS staff help they are at the recieving end same as schools !!!

Maybe looking at why these kids carry knives in the first place, gang culture, drugs are a major problem, plus there is nothing for these kids to do to promote staying on the right side of the law. Not all kids are academic, jobs are scarce, very grim future for them.

Let's see how this works. Consultants from usual suspects recommend to blame NHS and schools, knowing full well that school funding is cut for educational psychologist and SENCO, so consultants can justify building expensive IT for their suggested solution 1/2

The Government are accountable.

How about holding the tories to account for defunding youth centres?

The responsibility lies with the government to legislate, not expect schools and the NHS. Do something about it, you’ve let it run wild for long enough!


So parents have no accountability but teachers who may see the child for less than 2hrs a week, along with another 1000 children have to spot the signs

Yes let’s pass the blame.

Sounds more like an “April fools” joke. But if serious, it’s more likely to be the cause of ‘zero’ discipline allowed to be given by parents under the “uk/eu laws” Bring back national service and give them a 2 year mandatory services. It’s a win win for both ...

it’s the tories who are to blame. this is what happens when you ingrain a culture of not spending the necessary money on anything into society. it falls apart

Now there’s a real cop out

What about the actual stabbers? Do they hold any responsibility?

So this govt cuts and undermines social/public services over and over. Now it wants to pin the blame for the damage they’re doing on the teachers, doctors & nurses already at breaking point trying to fill the gaps left by Tory cuts and policies. Sickening disgrace.

BBCLondonNews Government passing the buck again

Look at everything except the cause for the rising knife crime. Is not just emus that bury their head in the sand

Typical Tories. Always make others liable for their ineptitude.

EyupLeigh My god this is the last thing we need. Untrained busy bodies self important jumped up prigs generally. Given a green light to clumsily interfere in peoples lives. It will definitely cause more issues and drive trust issue wedges between the kids and the few good teachers we have

What a load of bollocks

Parents and Government more like

Not our problem: gov

Parents and criminals? Nah..

I see the Government is getting in the spirit of ‘April Fools’! 🙄 shitidea

I’m thinking, from the response to this tweet, that, yer again, “they” have got this wrong: you have to take responsibility for your actions, or lack of actions. Parents - do your job! 🧐

How about holding parents accountable for what their little shits are up to? It’s all their fault anyway.

And the parents?

Caught with a knife all benefits stopped immediately as they clearly are not working and if they have social housing they can be evicted from that too. Plenty of law abiding citizens on that waiting list that would gladly have that flat/house! Hit them where it hurts.

How about we hold the tories accountable because of austerity? Looking at you sajidjavid

It’s called safeguarding and it already exists

Recognise this? They’ll be arming the teachers/ nurses next. Anything rather than invest in police/ youth services etc.

What on earth has it got to do with the NHS!

Good luck testing that one out in court.

How about the pricks doing the stabbings etc. and oh yh the fucking parents 🙄...stop blaming others for there mistakes!

What a despicable response by the police & government. They caused this mess, but they want teachers and nurses to take the flack for it.

Go on blame someone else for your broken, divided society never fault of govt.

Utter nonsense.

Parents are accountable

Everyone except the criminal.

Chain gangs is the answer, breaking rocks for 5-10yrs should solve it🤷🏼‍♂️

I’d say the government cutting youth services, police numbers, mental health services and schools are more accountable tbh.

Why? Shall we start with the parents?

Well it is April the 1st after all. Why not throw a few jokes in

Once, we had youth workers, now you’ve cut them in their thousands, police numbers too. I wonder if there is a link?

Just unbelievable that a government could come up with this mad idea . All those staff groups are at breaking point already with what they have to do daily.What about the cuts to all the support services obvs nothing to do with it 😤

Teachers teach, nhs heal Looking for scapegoats when it is the parents responsibility 😕😕😕

So on top of keeping people alive with smaller budgets each year (thanks to Javid’s party), and now even fewer staff each year (thanks again to Javid’s party), AnE staff have to look out for this as well as existing safeguarding issues...why not shove a mop up their arse as well?

Thats what happens when liberals are put in control. A smack on the arse didnt make have less respect for people, it made me NOT a cheeky disrespectful youth of today

This is disgusting. How about the government are held accountable for slashing police, school and youth scheme budgets?

Ffs talk about passing the buck

I think the lolly pop people should be listed too! Nice April Fool though.

Speaking from someone who worked in outreach, we try to teach children about knife crime but we can’t be responsible for them when they leave school. Parents need to step up to.

If you’re going to blame anyone, blame the politicians for importing the third world, and the bbc for supporting it. It’s not like you weren’t warned.

We need to beak the cycle of bad parenting and help the people who don't know how to parent. Schools can't educate and parent.


Because nurses and teachers don't have enough to do.

Is this because the system is too afraid to hold these scumbags & their families accountable? Is it easier to target hard working, tax paying police, teachers & NHS staff? 👏

It'd be better if parents, politicians and police were held accountable.

You spelt PARENTS wrong.

Surely this is an April Fools tweet?

Utter nonsense and playing to the public.This kind of announcement only happens when you have lost direction and credibility!

Passing the bucket of blame rather than looking for solutions!

Yes give them even more responsibility, as if they don’t have enough already.

Children at Risk I have stopped counting the number of time the governor has failed children at risk, washing their hands of any wrong doing

Wow. Schools must be at fault! And where are the parents in this? I got into teaching because of my love for maths, not policing the nations youth. This government are a shambles and I’ve voted Tory all my life.

Who comes up with this crap.Stop giving them a slap on the wrist when they've done something wrong and send them to jail instead.And I don't mean the holiday camps that pretend to be jails.

How has it come to this? We have been badly served by government for things to have gone so far. Parents should be the ones to be penalised. It is ultimately parents responsibility

Why are parents never brought into these conversations always police schools and government parents first

Here's a thought. How about the parents being first line of accountability?

This is complete BS. When will our government start taking responsibility for there F ups.

So, whilst your doctor is checking your immigration status to ensure you're allowed through the door and performing a stop and search to make sure you're not involved in youth crime, s/he might get around to looking at that tumor

Unfortunately I had to deal with 6 young boys two days ago for a street robbery where a knife was threatened to be used and the only one's that should be blamed are the boys themselves, not the NHS, not their parents, not the police and not the government.

What about places of 'worship'

Yeah it's not the govts fault at all

15 years for carrying a knife. Problem solved.

Is necessary you display that image?

Who on earth comes up with these ideas? Why don’t we try to solve the cause of knife crime rather than looking for people to blame?

More cultural enrichment Europe is starting to be like afghanistan

Another thing for teachers do spot and do. For superheroes, we sure dont get the prestige or respect.....

The parents and the yoofs themselves need to be first in line for accountability!!

So should parents of these children! The majority of parents know what their child is like, knows their attitudes, if their child commits a crime, and then they say well was only a matter of time, they too should be held accountable! Why is always down to others responsibility!

Why on earth would the NHS been to blame for kids being more stabby?

Not the parents...?! Obviously not the parents...

How about the government responsible for policing cuts?

So ...Pass the buck AGAIN

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