Justice Dept. expects to release Mueller report to Congress by 'mid-April, if not sooner'

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Law Law Headlines News

The Justice Department will have Mueller's report ready to release by 'mid-April, if not sooner,' the attorney general says

Washington The Justice Department will have special counsel Robert Mueller's report ready to release by"mid-April, if not sooner," Attorney General Bill Barr said Friday.

In a letter to the chairmen of the House and Senate judiciary committees, Barr said his department is"well along" making redactions, with the assistance of the special counsel. Barr said the report is"nearly 400 pages long," not including appendices and tables and"sets forth the Special Counsel's findings, his analysis, and the reasons for his conclusions.


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That’s so cool I see what you did! You reported on nothing at all to use that to further the Mueller narrative even though that was an epic crash and burn. You guys are so good! -Yes Sheldon that was Sarcasm!


Atty general just spit on bushes grave

New York courts


Money doesn't make anyone give a shit!

Yes we want to see it but we probably won't


He can’t speak for all Americans. Wealth doesn’t entitle him to ignore the Mueller report, or the votes that elected Trump. His “I believe” remarks, are just that, his unfounded beliefs. This is the ongoing tantrum, of a pompous buffoon, who didn’t get his way. He is scary...


CNN...the Communist News Network, Clinton News Network, Collusion News Network. One things for sure, CNN is not at news network at all! Lies, lies lies and more lies!!



Up to 500$ in stocks nojoke

Time to talk about our farmers. Not enough is being said or show pictures of all the damage that was done. You knuckle head from CNN.

Common sense tells one that if you do not want to release the full Mueller report then you are guilty - it is not rocket science!

Tom is full of poop !!

They don't have to look at anything closely they need to look at themselves we all need to try to do the finest that we can do we need the vigilance! now these guys think they need to go out of their way to find something that's not there! then what are we going to do?

So Steyer is an expert now and has reviewed all the investigation documents and evidence? Or do we just take his word for it because he's a billionaire? He needs to go hang out with Schiff so they can slap each other on the back and share conspiracy theories.

Does he have proof like Adam Schiff or his hate only just as deep so he lives in ignorance like Schiff! PROOF OF CORRUPTION or shut up CNN it's that simple but your stuck in hate mode only🤣😂 & crying because report didn't fit your hate agenda you spread daily between Americans!

If FAKE NEWS CNN spent just a few minutes a day on Hillary Clinton's crimes her as would be in jail for life. But they don't hate her like they hate President Trump.


You keep trying, you look foolish, but it is fun to watch

The' Muller' report was clear! 'NO' crimes' however 'crimes' were committed by the 'LYING' 'LEFT' and are being investigated 'NOW'!

Sign up. Subscribe to the channel to help me, everyone I need money for medical treatment for my mother to help 😔

Proof or personal opinion?

So my question is this, what does the law say? Apparently parts of the report are hidden BY LAW to protect individuals. So if the dems know that it’s hidden by law and are STILL out here bleating...

CNN .. trying once again to redeem themselves after being wrong... again! The list is getting really long! 😂

I hope the report comes out. Then you all lose a second time with the same game and Trump wins even easier in 2020. I would let it go....

Tom steyer you are wrong Obama was the worst president America ever had is anti-American views in laws should be all taken away anything he did every bracelet

What crime did trump obstruct?

Cnn stop trying to keep a false narrative going ! Start being honest with the American people !

So CNN likes billionaire Steyer but not billionaire Koch brothers

Tom Steyer is Soros Jr. He could care less about candidates in general, he cares about tilting the system for his monetary gain.

Do you yet realize that no one cares what you say anymore?

Why post? Pure ignorance

, Politics your journalism is dead. You might want to investigate where your journalistic integrity has gone. This is called beating a dead horse and you've been doing it since 2016.

If he was broke they wouldn’t post this tweet. Who cares if he’s a billionaire


How can President Trump have obstructed justice, with no evidence of collusion? Exonerated!!

Who? Irrelevant fool!

Blah, blah, blah! Yawn!

Need proof

This guy is confusing Trump with most corrupted President ever Obama/ Valerie June Jarrett administration.


Sure doubling down on stupid

If you want it released, run for President and declassify it. Actions speak louder than words.

Steyer doesn’t give a damn about our country!

How does he know anything. Just like CNN lies to fit your agenda

This guy must have inherited his money because he is too stupid to have earned it on his own!

The same media decries Pres Trump for continuing to bring up the collusion hoax.

Mr. Steyer is correct! A Dem prez would have been impeached by a GOP Congress. trump IS the most corrupt prez of ALL time! KickHisAssOut2020 VoteBlue StayBlue

I blocked this guy on Twitter. He spams with these paid ads about impeachment.

Projection much Tom?

We have too many Anti Americans in our country now. This is a danger to all of us. Everyone who believes in freedom needs to get behind d our PRESIDENT and stop these evil people who want to control everyone.

This is laughable. So tired of the temper tantrums from the left.

And here we are: CNN doing what it does best, slinging mud and throwing out innuendoes w/o any factual evidence. Irresponsible “journalism” always.

Waste taxpayer money!!!

Shut up FAKE NEWS !

He must be taking some highly potent drugs

Yeah let’s get behind a literal American oligarch who seeks to achieve HIS agenda, not yours! Yay!

Trump 2020, enough said.

Two bozos, they are perfect for CNN.

Close your eyes: It’s hard to tell between the countries that want to kill us and destroy us and the Democrats.

Steyer needs to loose everything he's got and considered a terrorist

Quote from Jim Jordan,,If Democrats want transparency, then let’s be transparent. Release the Carter Page FISA application. Release the Bruce Ohr 302s. Release all the “Gang of Eight” information.If Democrats want the truth, let’s get the WHOLE truth.

Kim / if AdamSchiff can turn 'there's no evidence of...', in writing, to, 'the evidence is overwhelming', then what's the bloody point? This is truly upsetting and I'm personally concerned for their mental health. It's crazy! Meltdown

Again proof that very intelligent people can act very stupid....

CNN, facts first what a laugh. It should be CNN where FAKE NEWS IS THE TRUTH.

Anyone can say what they think or how they feel but if you can’t prove anything then it’s just you’re feeling

Grandstanding hack tomsteyer

This is a clear case of psychosis !!

And everyone just laughs at him as he’s in cnn, the fake news network. Frickin perfect.

someone doesnt have a locker at Trump Int. Golf Course. Poor baby WAAAAAAAAA

fakenews cnn allowing TomSteyer to continue pushing a hoax. It proves $ doesn't buy intelligence


Soo basically Dems are just going to concede 2020 by playing the “beat a dead horse card”. Bravo 👏.

Steyer made billons banking.. there is no one more corrupt than him.

Steyer has no right to the full report. The report is for the AG, not the public. Mueller’s job was to indict or not indict, not to provide oppo research for the Dims.

From Fidler On The Roof: ‘if I were a rich man....because when you’re rich they think you know it all.

Ditto! 😁

Amazing so rich yet so ignorant. He should read up on his Presidential history to learn about corruption in past presidencies.

His truth or the truth ?

Zonder enige twijfel!!!

Tom can shove it, he, along with so many that’ve been brainwashed by the media, refuse to accept the report that the left pushed for so hard, and were willing to accept until it cleared Trump. Or, like many, he simply refuses the truth and continues to lie to the American people

This Steyer advertisement brought to you by , a wholly owned subsidiary of Steyer Inc.

So if you're a billionaire you can get rid of POTUS, even if the Justice Dept's Special Counsel has found the whole crime was a HOAX? This is not the America I know, where Soros & TomSteyer control everything. MSNBC ABC CBS NBC FoxNews OANN WSJ USAToday TeaPartyOrg

Go Tom Go!Your a Gentleman and a Patriot!

Tell us something we don’t already know.

This is what happens when a delusional, insane guy with a lot of cash has a spot on National TV. Is he even too delusional to know that know one gives a shat about what comes out of his pie hole?

90% negative news about Trump. Trump won, move on. Trash news.

Go the Freak’n away! Must be nice to throw millions of $$$$ away on nothing. You believe Micheal Cohen He’s a CONVICTED Liar who lied not once but twice to Congress.

You guys are fucking crazy and really pushing conservatives patience. You try this and see how funny it would be when real men and women patriots have a civil war with lefties who faint over certain tucking words. I’m sure the billionaire dem has the interest of liberals. Lol

When will CNN stop this bigotry and wake up to the fact that realDonaldTrump is the elected President of the United States . Collusion with the Democrats to bring him down hasn’t worked and will never work . God is with this great president and will guide his footsteps.

Think he is a nutter. If there is a cause then we look at that but this is purely political and meant to over turn the electoral process because his candidate lost

I am sure that i am not the only one who is noticing, but CNN is getting destroyed in the ratings and the comments from leftists saying Trump is guilty has gone down by 75%. I wonder which reporter from the main stream goes to jail first for the pay to play with leaks to Brennan

And...ONLY if you have money, you get things done in the US. It's not a pretty society.

Suck it CNN! You deserve nothing. Keep it up. 2020 is going to be easy.

A blind man can see that he doesn't have to read the report!!

With absolutely no evidence SMDH and CNN continues to show this nonsense FISAGate RussianCollusionDelusion

Need to investigate Steyer for Russian ties.

I'm with Tom Steyer!! Looks like he has Barr to do his Nixon bidding. Saad

I'm gonna go out on a limb and sayTom Steyer has something to hide and that's why he wants to impeach

More Fake News to those poor souls Still listening to Fake News CNN. But to keep you informed: the stock market ended the week +211 pts, low & middle income Americans doing better since 1966, unemployment keeps decreasing especially for us Hispanics. Sunny day in the western USA

Waste of taxpayer money and loss of time

Stryker is correct and most Americans knowpotus is the most corrupt Prez ever. And also illegitimate, only Prez due to Russian assistance

Steyer’s dough paid to Nadler and Cummings is now 💩

Ok America here is a good example of an unethical reporter & an idiot. Our elected officials (senate & House) put some rules on releasing reports like Muller’s. If not followed they are breaking the law. The AG is following those rules, so these idiots must wait

Has he even heard of Barack Obama? Let 4 Americans die while campaigning, allowed guns to be sold to cartels, gave 150 Bil. to Iranian terrorists, allowed Russia to invade Crimea, let ISIS (the JV team) take over most of Syria, Syria and Iraq in shambles, IRS DOJ FBI CIA issues?

fake news

cnn you publish this news YESTERDAY! And The billionaire Tom S. Paid a tv campaign 20 million dollars to impeach Trump and he is planning to paid more money for an online campaign.... cnn I’m sure you got paid to repeat this news?

Shame on CNN.

Ok... your new name will be the Conspiracy Now Network!! I almost said news but you haven’t reported news that is backed by fact for over 20 years!!!

You people just don’t get it do you? Just going to continue the smear campaign reporting and drive your network right into the shitter. Well, it’s already there so there’s that. Trump continues to live rent free in all your heads.

And he has more proof than the Mueller report Come on stop it !! Go back to your life.... or get a new hobby !! This issue is over!!!!

The Lefty Democrates, CNN plus other Fake News MEDIAS, top FBI, CIA are the most corrupt, Lying, & etc. in History. 'DRAIN THE SWAMP' ASAP before they destroy America. 'SHUT DOWN THE BORDER & BUILD THE WALL' 'DEPORT ALL ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS'.

We KNOW what you think of our POTUS and you KNOW what we think of you, right?

In glad he's a billionaire

Can't obstruct to an invisible crime.

From collusion we now move to obstruction. What next?

What’s corrupt is one man using his wealth to attack the result of a presidential election. It’s the kind of thing you’d expect from a spoiled child.

Tom Steyer is s dick with way too much money. Maybe DiBlasio is right about money being in the wrong hands.


Keep giving them air time for more 💩. Enough is enough.

AG Barr's 'summary' seems contrived realDonaldTrump

If anyone from the left isn’t happy with the current or future election results & would like to leave the country,, Please contact me & we will be happy to list & sell your home

He sounds just like all the other “Collusion Delusion” conspiracists at CNN!!😂😂😂😂

Tom Steyer has psychological issues that only his psychiatrist can address. He lost control of Farallon due to his instability. If he loses his fortune due to envy and greed, sad, but so be it.

Mr Steyer if you offered me all your money so that I would say one word against our beloved American President Donald Trump, I would refuse your corrupt filthy disgusting offer..you are a despicable man and I would use your money for toilet tissue..its worthless just as you are.

Who cares

Steyer is right.

Democrats have lost their minds and steyers should be investigated for tax fraud


The 1st Step is the hardest to take. We understand the denial can be so strong.

Calling for a full release of your ratings report😂🤣😂

No wonder CNN has lost more than half of their viewers in one day. Pathetic, but that is what you get when you present 'FAKE NEWS' day after day, and it nothing less than absolute garbage/crap that CNN spews daily. Who would want 2 listen 2 that day after day, hour after hour.


I’m calling for the full release of his hair piece !!! It looks ridiculous


If only U both could hear yourself. U R all corrupt, & the American people R SO sick of it. All U idiots know how 2 speak is 'impeach'. Never saw a bunch of babies trying 2 undo an election by overturning the will of the people. GET OVER It. SHE LOST! U cannot change that!

Impeach trump now he's the worst president ever.

This is who you support, so be proud racists clowns.

People like this are mentally unbalanced

Bring back Avenatti. He’s more entertaining.

I bet most people dont even know who Tom Styner is nor do we care! 🍌

Nope- just hard to swollow when your wrong.

Tom Steyer is a nobody

TomSteyer Ignorant Fool Tom Boy knows Corrupt Scandals! Just check his involvement in Oregon?


So Steyer thinks that since he is a big donor to the democrats he can tell them what to do. It sure sounded like it in that interview. I guess he feels like his money entitles him to do that.

Couldn’t handle the results of elections Now they can’t handle the results of their made up hoax

Money doesn't mean you have wisdom.

Democrats and their propaganda fake news media can't handle the truth. Their hateful and corrupt behavior will destroy this country if people don't wake up soon.

I think we really do need to start taxing the rich

As I said before it'll be Hell Freezes Over before they impeach Trump and you and your popaganda of fake news Will never Influence the public because we now know what you are..

It's a political question? Your a good tool. Rosenstein swain said no obstruction of justice.

And you just can't figure out why your ratings are rock bottom!

He obviously has mommy issues

This is what realy hurts your network, you consistently intereview nobodies and think we really care what these panders think. Not!!

Let it go 😂 geez what a trashnetwork fakenews

cnnfakenews TrumpPence2020

This guy is completely wrong!!!! Trump is by far the best President since Ronald Reagan !,,

These people better lookout on what they say and how they say it! The lawsuits are going to fly!

So he's a Dem donor, No bias there.

CNN and this guy is still stuck on HOPE & CHANGE.

KayaJones JohnBerman Tom Steyer, the rich hedge fund Democrat who probably got rich preying on the poor! What the Democrats WON’T do to prostitute themselves. Give me someone who actually BUILDS something any day.

Q. What makes someone from the vilified billionaire donor class worthy of air time? A. He’s a Democrat who spends lots of $$ trying to get Trump impeached. Q. Wouldn’t that $$ be better spent subsidizing the Green New Deal to save humanity from certain extinction in 12 yrs? A.


You go for it and keeping going were all with you Tom

And around and around we go

Where is the corruption? He is keeping his promises.

Quoting liberal creeps is the CNN brand

You forgot about Obummer.

TomSteyer got rich using other people’s money and now he’s using it to try to thwart the will of the people.

Who cares?

it's terrible to know Dems is filled of this kind of awful Americans. They are ruining not only USA, but Democrats itself ... NO ONE LIKES DEMS NOW.

And that motion will receive a ton of seconds, will not require discussion and a unanimous approval.

I second your motion on Trump's being the most corrupt person in the White House ever.

CNN knows Donald & Tom are not good friends! So, adding fuel to fire seems fun.. 😜😜🤡

Only CNN would give this Jack a$$ air time


Honestly never knew I could've quit school in the 3rd grade and still be a 'journalist' at CNN!


I agree

So it wasn’t collusion?

Zero evidence. Go home, you’re drunk

What is wrong with cnn msnbc ?cnnhatesAmerica. msnbcHatesAmeeica.

Rich and Nuts

Lol just keep killing your ratings with your delusions and hate for your president

Keep spending that $$$$$$!!!

Mr. Steyer is on target. Trump most certainly obstructed justice multiple times over. And he, his family, his campaign, & multiple members of the GOP colluded with Russia to ensure he was elected in 2016. The question becomes: how do you collude in plain sight?


Democratic donor doesnt have any bias I'm sure.

And only CNN would give this mouth piece a microphone

Boring boring

CNN you owe America an apology and everyone working there should lose their jobs you have lost your dignity your integrity and your mindS! Your fake news company has caused so much division in this country America should sue you!

Very sick people

Lol can u say projection

I thought this case is dead? If this Tommy boy need more info he should go to the land of the dead.

Tom is an idiot. Anyone agree?

What a total loser Tom is, really let it go and then just go away!

America need JACINDA America need JACINDA America need JACINDA

Tom Steyer' s vanity project. But WTF he got on tv again

Ratings are so bad cnn has to monetize its twitter feed.

Bark bark bark

Blah blah blah blah

He only shows how beliefs can be totally divorced from facts.

LMAO Losers

Umm does anyone really give a shit what Tom Steyer thinks? Anyone? Anyone?

Good thing Dems don’t need proof. Maybe get Jussie as a spokesperson and you can tell everyone about your feelings. Fake some more hate crimes because “orange man bad.” JussieSmollettPrivilege DemocratsAreCorrupt

With no evidence what so ever he thinks Trump is guilty. Money really doesn’t make a man smarter.

No one is interested in opinions any more CNN. Stick to facts.

Who cares what he believes! He's wrong! He's what is so wrong with the Democrat party! Extremely wealthy and can 'buy' whatever he wants including unseating a duly elected president! So hypocritical!

Why does CNN report on opinion pieces as if they are news? Oh that’s right - because they are activists rather than journalists. Because of this, they are now irrelevant as well.

Dummies. TomSteyerBrainDead CNNlies CNNISFAKENEWS CNNmorons

Delusional at the best!

dramaqueens the ship has sailed. ..adults only now please. . growup

The best thing a guy or gal can do while wearing a blue coat. Never mind about that. Why would you wear a blue coat at a funeral?

At the same time, there is no evidence, and the best man for the job said there is no collusion or obstruction of justice. Get over the witch hunt already! delusionaldems

Tom Steyer is my HERO! PLEASE complete your task and help us impeach Trump!! He is so very obviously a criminal!

Clowns like this are why this country is destroying itself. People refuse to work with someone just because they have different opinions. At this point, I think children are more mature than adults.

Trump is corrupt

Do Tell? : Dying CNN Lost Almost 30% of Primetime Audience. CNN News Lies are Lies and America is Sick of You.


realDonaldTrump is the most corrupt animal in the world..I believe he isn't human at all

Oh. My. God. Give it up already! Pathetic

Ummm, step away from the crack, Tom.

Billionaires vs Billionaires!

CNN and the weirdos

Dems can't even stop making things up after they get caught lying they really believe their followers are dumb

Why govern Democrats when you can ride a bogus investigation for years?

DrainingTheSwamp Start with a purge of the neocon cabal.

They can't stop themselves, so determined to destroy the President. Logic is lost in the hate.

So b/c a guy has a billion dollars his voice is more important than other Americans? Everyone's voice matters. He's another clown appearing on the clown network. He probably feels at home w/ ananavarro markhertling philip mudd, PaulBegala


Nobody cares

So what

I believe TomSteyer is unhappy with realDonaldTrump because Trump lowered the Black, Hispanic, and Women’s unemployment to historic lows. What bothers me most is CNN is giving a platform to this and allowing this old, white, establishment millionaire to spew this toxicity.

Bla bla bla ......

That’s right let’s spend more money chasing this fake news. Maybe he should use his own money to chase his pipe dream.

I agree with you Mr. Steyer 💯💯👍❤️🇺🇸🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊

Who even cares any more what CNN is about, fake or not, not for us, waste of time. Get all the reports, but WHAT are you going to DO?!?

You're all going down.

Do you ever get tired of selling shit

More noise

I think they should release it. Sick of hearing from Democrats that can't let the hoax go. The Mueller report is going to say the same thing that Barr already summarized. Then we can get in with the real indictments. Democrats who actually did colluded with Russians.

Hey TomSteyer :

Calling for the full release of the Mueller report, billionaire Democratic donor Tom Steyer continues his fight for orange man’s impeachment, saying he believes orange man has obstructed justice and is “the most corrupt President in American history.”

It will be released and if you read comments some items redacted for legal reasons and he is working with Muller on that. Collusion News Network.

No corruption,,no collution,,,no obstruction. Get off your dead horse!!!

The bottom line.....get a life

Obama did ten times the damage during his campaign. He should have been brought up on charges for his misuse of campaign funding. His DOJ CHOSE TO FINE HIM 300,000 dollars instead. Let that sink in .

Globalist 💩

Who initiated paid for the Fake Russian Dirt?

So many of these people base Trump's value as president on his personality. One has nothing to do with the other.

Calm down Tom

Yeah and Sasquatch is real.

Steyer is crazy himself. He spending millions on something that’s not gonna happen. He needs to spend his millions on research for mental health and medical care for the homeless. Have his money do something to help people.

You guys won’t stop before the last viewer has switched channel. This is beyond laughable. The most busted name in news.


CNN's mext Aveneti?

Well old Rip Van Steyer SLEPT for 8 years while Obama obstructed, violated and colluded to create a treasonous dossier to attack a duly POTUS. Did Steyer fund the rigging of the Democrats primaries? This guy is an absolute disgrace.

Crappiest news network ever.


Yo!!! 'Pundits' want some? 🍿SundayFunday🤣🤣🤣

Everyone makes mistakes!

How low can their ratings go?

Most corrupt like obama spying on citizens? Obstruction, like instructing his DOJ not to charge hillary? He thinks if a billionaire like Trump won so will he. He's desperate with false accusations. He needs to look at his own party first before pointing his dirty finger at Trump.

Totally agree with Starter, FAP Trump is the most current POTUS in American history and will always be a stain on the USA.What a con job

Steyer and CNN ARE corrupt LIES propaganda deception

That's true

instead of blowing millions on a HOAX spend your money helping the people who need it. people like you are the problems

Oh blah, blah, blah...for the love of man, talk about something else .

Prove it. Jesus.

How are those ratings CNN ?

Democratic Donor😂😂😂😂 we don’t need his opinion 🙃

Do you have evidence, Mr. Snowflake?

Listen you guys 'fools discuss people and smart people discuss ideas' so be smart..


So no more Russia? Now we’re onto obstruction? Just have to keep up with what the resisters are doing this hour.


MSM and the other mass media thought leaders have caused mass psychosis among weaker minded liberals across the country.

This guy is just sad now.

Blah blah blah

Well if TOM believes it- that means it MUST be true! 😂 Get over it you losers!

Suddenly a rich white man who made billions of off hedge funds has an opinion that matters to the left.



I hope he has to expend his last penny on Miralax!

Show me the facts. Then, state your argument. How the judiciary works 101.

Keep going Tom. Bad Ass

I’m not a Billionaire, but I do know the Democrats are the real criminals here. Tom Steyer; your delusional!

Well, if you hadn’t rigged a nomination for a worthless, vile, despicable Hillary you wouldn’t have a Trump MAGA presidency. Blame yourselves and btw...thanks for the two scotus seats.

How are your ratings,CNN? Iloveit

I keep asking....What corruption? Where is it? Zero answers...just nonsense talking points.

Lol eff off!

Another victim of TrumpDerangementSyndrome

Oh my gosh give it up!

No mystery has been corrupt over 4 decades and republicans don’t care, so far but when trump and clan is exposed how much lower can gop go?


What the dems doing?It's real obstruct justice , harassment president, not good for your country. China want to see it.

I call for a full investigation into Ruth!! I think the Russians have her!!

Still on this? You lost again like you did in 2016. Move on and put your efforts towards banning plastic bags or straws.

So true!

I see his pathetic YouTube ads BEGGING people to sign a petition to impeach Trump 😂😂😂😂😂 I almost feel bad for y'all at thia point. NoCollusionNoObstruction

Yes, and not even close. Trump makes Nixon look like a choir boy.

A responsible sane person would go down to the border and take a few billion dollars with him and pass the wealth around to the illegal aliens who he claims to want to help. Hes all talk and no action. Wasting his money when he could really help those people

Cnn still playing the same song...

Just goes to show ya,money can’t buy you brains.

..and there are some people who believe the Earth is flat.

We demand to see the FISA unredacted! Oh yeah and Hillary 30,000 deleted emails.

Millions wasted $$$...You D's are gonna have to learn the hard way, it ain't gonna be pretty! No Mercy! 11|11

After 2 solid years of FAKE NEWS ON COLLUSION, CNN doesn’t learn lesson, hosts conspiracy theorist billionaire on the shows. Amazing fake newsies!!

He just needs to lose the election, we need to VOTE him out...his power is limited and impeachment would just make him cling to victimhood harder and cry foul at every turn...yes his a liar and a crook but, we only have less than two years to go🇺🇸 let's just vote him out!!!🇺🇸

He just thinks that. CNN still make fake news and false accusations about President of the United States.


What a delusional individual

CNN thumbed through its Rolodex of Trump haters calling people until they got one who would commit to say something bad about Trump. Steyer answered his phone today.

Billionaires that aren’t running for office but want to control politics. Has to be for the better good right?

the left just can let it go he was proven innocent haha give it a rest

Ahahahah.....Steyer is simply unhinged.

Losers gotta lose. It’s what they do.

with or without redacting ?


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