Government under pressure to publish legal advice on Israel’s actions in Gaza

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Law Law Headlines News

Foreign Affairs Committee chairwoman Alicia Kearns believes the Government’s legal advice is that Israel has broken international humanitarian law.

Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron is under pressure to publish the legal advice he has received on Israel’s actions in Gaza following claims UK Government lawyers believe it has broken humanitarian law.

The Foreign Office said advice on Israel’s compliance with international law was kept under review, but it would remain confidential. Answering questions at an “evening drinks reception” hosted by the West Hampstead and Fortune Green Conservatives in London on March 13, she said: “The Foreign Office has received official legal advice that Israel has broken international humanitarian law but the Government has not announced it.

“I didn’t get a clear answer. This raises serious questions about whether the Government is complying with its own law. “If reports are to be believed, and the UK Government has continued to supply arms and intelligence to Israel whilst knowing they were in breach of international humanitarian law, then the position of both would be untenable.


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