Brunei to punish gay sex with death by stoning under sharia law

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Law Law Headlines News

Law Law Latest News,Law Law Headlines

The sultan of the southeast Asian island nation has said he considers the new law to be a form of 'special guidance' from God.

The sultan of the southeast Asian island nation has said he considers the new law to be a form of"special guidance" from God.Sultan of Brunei Hassanal Bolkiah says sharia law will form 'part of the great history' of his countryPlans drawn up by Brunei to introduce death by stoning as punishment for gay sex have been condemned as"cruel and inhuman".

Rachel Chhoa-Howard, of Amnesty International, said the new penalties were"appalling" and urged Brunei to reconsider before they are implemented on 3 April. "The international community must urgently condemn Brunei's move to put these cruel penalties into practice."Homosexuality was punishable by jail in Brunei until the new rules are implemented


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DohanyJulian I look forward to the stoning of the Sultan.

Bob261048 Sounds like a fun closet to never ever visit. How many muslims can it hold? Why don't they immigrate there? That way they don't have to trample Western culture. They can swim in stones and man dresses and women sacks until they die.

Sobroski1982 This is what happens religion takes control.

Anyone else tired of being called ‘gay sex’ by the press? ‘Brunei to punish gay PEOPLE with death by stoning under sharia law’ fixed it for you

A country that's going backwards,trying to have 'his' image of perfect people.... Hitler springs to mind!!!

Millie91883470 Why is anyone surprised ?

Ain't this what people want in the uk? Well the Victor shall prevail and history shall be written by them predominantly.

Has the knucklehead Owen Jones made his views known yet? I'm guessing not.

Nice 😑

I'll let all the rent boys in London know so they can get some film of them not being gay when they're clubbing and paying there

Welshdellb0y Another reason why we should clamp down on 'Sharia Law' before it gains any sort of foothold here.

But, but....religion of peace ✌🏻🙄

Wonder what the left will have to say.

EnglishGent79 Their leader looks real gay in that silly hat. Shades of Dafid of little Britain.

No comment. Judge for yourself the religion if peace.

limeton1 Those poor gay men and women, bring them to the US, those are people that I would consider refugees

Won’t be going there anytime soon then 🦄💁🏽‍♂️🌈

Under the definition of Islamophobia adopted by the Labour party, criticism of this could be seen as racism. Welcome to 2019.

Hepworthclare Some people criticise social media, because of some of the hateful messages that will follow a story like this, but I say it's better to know the people full of hate, and try to give them a message of love. God bless freedom of speech. And condemned and pray for Brunei 🙏.

It's on it's way here so best be ready for it 🤗🤗🤗🤗

Can we all now see the problem? The Parliament that is currently attempting to steal democracy, is the same Parliament that gave us mass importation of Islam - the most intolerant, anti-democratic, death-cult on the planet!

Hepworthclare The amount of straight folks that have gay sex is eye watering we are all doomed avoid Brunei folks

Break skynews Could you please provide us with all hotels and other business interests Brunei own in the West so we can boycott them. Lets spread the word and effect their businesses!

Think the same now as 1,400 years ago.

Sobroski1982 Awww, the leftist mascots are eating each other. Funny stuff.

We have the British army based there. Will they be defending this regime?

actually, it's under patriarchal you even know what sharia law is?

Religion of peace

2tweetaboutit He looks a complete bummer. Where’s my rock !! Ffs. Talk about going backwards in the world. Everything to do with this country should be boycotted

We need widespread sanctions on Brunei together with a full divestment and boycott of all Brunei products. BDS

I think west should mind their own business they already mess up the middle east by killing millions and destabilising people on false information .

Religion of peace.

ginyedaur603 medieval, backward, barbaric ... I could go on. What are they so afraid of?

That is unacceptable.

Britain would never trade with such a backward thinking country. 🤔🤣🤣


And some straight people wonder why certain countries have gay pride!

Yep real modern country should go there on holiday NOT !!!!!

Israel to punish Palestinians with death simply for being Palestinian.

Where’s Owen Jones?

12th century cult

Seems that it’s this sharia law that’s the problem 🤔

A bit ironic they dont like gays but like hitting them with something rock hard lol sounds hypocritical to me haha.

I’ve woken up in 1156!

Nice. Look what’s been invited into our country. We’ll be next

FarLeftHate What’s sharia law for to do with this. Where in sharia law does it state this? Are you telling me all counties that abide by sharia law have the same Stone Age sentences 🤔

Just to point Out that the last time capital punishment was carried out in Brunei was by the British. Obviously proposals are barbaric but your retorts imply it was 2017. Fully support boycott but accuracy helps the argument

And Sharia is already here. Let in by the snivelling do goodders that couldn't smell sh!t if it were right under their noses and this includes the gay ones. You couldn't make it up.

Where’s OwenJones84 when you need him?

And yet the Guardian will continue its trump bashing

Backward medieval arseholes. I'm looking forward to hearing 'moderate' muslims saying something critical about the koranic verses that inspire muslims to think this way. No chance.

If Islam is 'LOVE', why islam kill others for their different ways of 'LOVE'? Great example to show how islam 'LOVE' Brunei.

What they do in Brunei is their business.

Insane. This needs addressing at a global level - sanctions, diplomatic isolation, whatever it takes.

Where are the MeToo movement now? DavidLammy jeremycorbyn....

Send our RAF to knock sense in to their head!!

OwenJones84 anything to say?

Still not evolved yet

I'd put my life on the Sultan being gay. Don't worry marra, if God is God, there'll be 72 stud muffins waiting for you in Jannah.

They are acting upon the biblical laws;

That bloke looks like a wrongun.

ukguy4 More updates from the Middle Ages ☹️

ukguy4 I wonder what that dumb New Zealand PM thinks.

OwenJones84 PennyRed

And that takes religion forwards 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

Please ! Do me a favour ! Have you NO idea just how ridiculous you are ? You've been brainwashed from the cradle to the grave Wake the fuck up Nobody gives a shite what others do in their own homes It's up to them NOT YOU ! Oh, and I'm NOT gay ! Nothing better than a good woman !

Do we hear from the UN. No!

erikgede Gay sex against fitrah, punish with death by stoning under syariah was good idea to protect the humanism.

DnellStephen Okay why is UNHumanRights Not saying anything?

What kind of law allows such horror?

Perhaps OwenJones84 care to comment?

Creeping shariah gathering pace, I see.

It's ok, ItsProgressive 😂

well he does have a fabulous little hat, soooooo, i gues theres that 😐

Awful. This is simply not right.

Religion of peace no doubt..

We should punish stoning to death with gay sex, that'll show 'em.

Then remove their citizens, that are students, or have green cards or whatever else, if they have a ambassador ask him to leave, our country and close the embassy. Cut off all ties to hatred. I’ve got more balls than the government. I know we have a trade deal with them, stop it.

Dark ages still in Muslim world women are nothing and gay men and women are treated like animals.Reality comes with education and integration but it takes patience and time.

Millie91883470 what is wrong with these people


Don't we have 3000 troops there?

ClarenceHouse KensingtonRoyal Any statement?


Brunei should be astrocised from society & sanctions should be put against them from the rest of the world, until this nonsense is stopped.

No global outrage? Where’s the reaction from the London Mayor?

It was just a nice bit of halibut......

Islamophobia is such a bad thing but what the Fuck do you people expect. Islam is beyond vile and disgusting. It’s barbarian and cruel to the highest degree. It murders innocent people for just being different and yet are so apt in throwing the victim of genocide around

Is that the same Sharia law that is being implemented in the UK now while the police turn a blind eye?🤔


And you know who supports sharia law? Ilhan Omar.

Stoning to death in a Commonwealth country!

Stoned to death, my my that is a horrible death, barbaric, like going back a thousand years.

This is disgraceful yet not surprising from Muslims majority country. You can’t be a Muslim who follows all teachings of the Koran and not at the very least consider being homosexual immoral.... at worst consider it punishable by death!

Ironic that the country named after a Homosexuals favourite hole should do this. CmonBroonEye all joking aside These nutters that run Brunei Need their baws felt for this

Applicable only to common, exclusively not royal household!!! Yehaaaaa....and we are muslim country too!!!

Me laughing at the silence from the usual bellends.... where is your outrage Owen Jones, Jk Rowling, lineker... virtuesignaling maggots

He would be better off being an atheist if he is taking guidance from god !


And the Brunei navy leaves port forthwith for exercizes off the coast of, well, anywhere.

Brutal and inhumane. Expect to go to hell if you participate.

But but.... all cultures are equal.....

What a vile law to make.

What a bunch of &£?!s

A sick sick country heavily in denial of science fact. I do love SciFi/horror though. A white bearded man rides on the clouds on a throne of gold with thunder and lightning around him with angels a plenty. Meanwhile down below underground there are horny hot devils having fun. 😉

Sky news what do you expect they’d say ? I can see the brainwashed brainless comments some are making and quick to jump in . Try and may be think for a minute prior to associating Islam with this barbaric act first but who’d you tell . If you’re already brainwashed then no point

As usual, Muslim/arab leaders saying do as I say not what I do...

Sharia is the Law of Peace

Stoning under sharia law, muslims are allowed to practice sharia in GB. The rest of us just have the law of the land.


What could possibly be the harm of mass importing this kind of radical thought to western cultures ?

Where is this intolerance coming from sky news?

The peaceful religion of peace. Criticising it is Islamophobic.

Murdering gays has been normal in the so-called Muslim world for a long time. Being gay carries the death penalty in 12 countries and is illegal in dozens more. I’m sure some of my fellow Dems have figured out a way to blame the west for this barbarism. Please explain. Brunei

AnnBank41695841 I’m sure when we’ve wrung out all the oil and gas we’ll send them a stiffly worded letter

Shut up, it is the religion of peace!

This is the type of thing I want to like (the post) but obviously its not something I like. Hope we can see some change to this inhumanity. But from I’ve seen, all this reporting and yet it’s always just another place incorporating the law. Some Quran interpretations must change!


And why not?

Its about time

shod be in england 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Just awful news

Over to you LGBT community.

xanaduFVEY Nice people.... NOT!!!!

This is just more Islamaphobia


This is very good decision

Welcome to the 4th century

Sharia law is outdated

If they can't get pregnancy kill them all

This is Islam. 'My message to all these in-between Muslims is to either denounce Islam altogether (since you disagree with its values) or become like the Taliban or ISIS since they are the true followers of Muhammad’s Islam.' XMuslimAtheist

Nothing to see here, move on, move on, religion of peace and all that, far right, far right, they are the problem in Brunei.

2tweetaboutit How delightful

It is Islamophobic for Sky News to be mentioning this All the Northern Labour MPs who supported predominantly Muslim schools banning LGBT talks will be most disappointed

By your own standard doesn't that make you Islamophobic? You always label Tommy Robinson Islamophobic when he tries to highlight the same.

It’s their religion, if you don’t think this is ok you’re an islamaphobe ReligionOfPeace

This is typical of the barbarity of Islamic countries. It is absolutely appalling. The people who propound such monstrocities are totally inhuman.

England2908 Going backwards..

Can’t believe there are attitudes like this in 2019

what a load of stoneage mumbo jumbo in 2019

Such a progressive, modern regime, not stuck in the 8th century at all.

On my way there someone tried to sell me 3 round stones, 5 flat ones AND a bag of gravel ! I told him to bugger off.

Tolerant and we’re told...all.the.time.

anthowcwm OwenJones84 😂😂

Leviticus 20:13 - If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them. King James Bible lays out similar instructions, not so much sharia as biblical law?


Outrage Anyone Owen Jones No Thought not. What a fcking hypocritical world we live in.

Best not comment the same will happen to you here with our snowflake MPs

Sky got accurate news for once?

Yep. Such a draconian world we live in.......

Yet you regularly seem to support these views and ideology here and across Europe with your endless victim drivel.

Tolerance and diversity is all one way traffic,

Hey you k hun? hopenothate

Gconstancept you cancelling your hol to brunei now?

Straight out of the dark ages.

Bit cunty that is.

Seems like they’re going back to the stone ages 🤦‍♂️

I wonder what Baroness Arsi of Islamophobia fame thinks about it?


Good to hear the religion of peace is progressing with the times

Puts things into perspective doesn't it. Giving Trump a well earned rest eh sky?

Brought to you by your friendly religion of peace.

I missread this at first and read death by boning!

Sharia law coming to London if sharia Khan has anything to do with it

So 21st Century.

How civilised these people are. Ffs it’s 2019.

Brunei is an Islamic monarchy, the people of Brunei are of the Muslim faith. Muslims believe in the authority of Sharia law. The rest of the world may be against this but where they live and in their country, this will now be the law. Muslims will want Sharia law.

This is abhorrent! I hope people of sense boycott Brunei as a holiday destination as a matter of principle! Our Govt (such as it is at present) is unlikely to do anything.

Well if that ever caught on we would need plenty of quarrying. But with influx of the cult from the east you never know

Thank God for hypnosis 🙏

Sharia is Insane

Brunei: I have good Muslim friends, but this is why we must *not* allow the medieval Sharia Law to become part of the English/British state. | LGBT+ Fascism Religion Homophobia

Islam in the 21st century, shameful!

On Russia-Trump Saga in 2016 US Election, one may say that: A “lusion” is “lusion”&It doesn't matter whether it is “al-lusion” or “col-lusion” or “exc-lusion”or “inc-lusion”or 'de-lusion': “Crime” is “Crime” regardless of fact that criminal is “White Collar” or “Non-White Collar”

May be that someone, who forgot to put his hand over his heart during President George H.W. Bush's Funeral Ceremonies, is a MUSLIM (not Radical one) because: MUSLIMS (Radical ones too) don't put their hand over their heart due to the fact that MUSLIMS care about soul not heart

May be that someone, who didn't recite Apostles' Creed during President George H W Bush's Funeral Ceremonies, is a MUSLIM (not Radical one) because: MUSLIMS (Radical ones too) don't recite Apostles' Creed due to fact that MUSLIMS recite Holy Quran not Apostles' Creed in funerals

Former President George H.W. Bush at age of 94 passed away on 30-11-2018 from complications of heath problems: Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un ( إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ): 'We belong to Allah and to Allah we shall return.'

Apparently, George H.W. Bush served only 1 term as President but in reality Bush 41 served 3 terms (1 openly + 2 secretly) as President of US because: Dummy President Ronald Reagan had undisclosed Alzheimer's Disease with many brain damages in his both terms, while Bush was VP

In View of Release of Joint Communication on occurring of State Summit in 1985 between US Pres Ronald Reagan& Canadian PM Brain Mulroney, in Quebec City, Canada, by US Embassy in Ottawa, about 5 HOURS PRIOR to this Summit: Netherlands needs to prove whether it is 54th State of US

Release of Joint Communication on occurring of State Summit in 1985 between US Pres Ronald Reagan& Canadian Prime Minister Brain Mulroney, in Quebec City, Canada, by US Embassy in Ottawa, about 5 HOURS PRIOR to this Summit provides evidence: Canada was/is/will be 52nd State of US

In Pres. Ronald Reagan's State Visit to Quebec in Canada on March 17-18, 1985, about occurring of State Summit between US Pres Ronald Reagan & Canadian Prime Minister Brain Mulroney in Canada: US Embassy in Ottawa released a Joint Communication, about 5 HOURS PRIOR to this Summit

Best country!

Sky news, Listen: As soon as entire 2,302,317 Military Personnel (source of drug trafficking, money laundering, sex crimes including rapes of minors)in Subcontinent (India,Pakistan&East Pakistan) are made Prisoners of War& are then Bobbittized: All crimes including rape shall end

In plain & simple English: In entire World including NAFTA Countries, EU Countries, Subcontinental Countries, DUK/SUK(EX-UK), Australia, Russia, China, etc., all broadcasting print & electronic media and news agencies are 100.00%-controlled and dictated by US Pentagon & US CIA

It's their religion so you cannot criticise it 😏

Ironically, NOS aired in May 1980 Docudrama “Death of a Princess” (depicting Execution of Princess Mishaal) ignoring all pressures, but NOS did not air 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow (even though Netherlands participated) because: USA & 59 countries boycotted 1980 Summer Olympics

Just like UK, USA, Norway & Australia, Government of Netherlands ignored enormous political pressure from Saudi Arabia and let NOS to air in May 1980 Docudrama Movie “Death of a Princess” (depicting Execution of Princess Mishaal al Saud), stating: NOS is an independent Agency

Docudrama Movie “Death of a Princess” (written & directed by Antony Thomas) (depicting true story of Princess Mishaal bint Fahd al Saud who was executed on 15-07-1977 for alleged adultery) was aired in 1980 in: UK,USA,The Netherlands, Norway, Australia

Guardian reported on 27-10-2018 on Khashoggi’s killing: “Nearly all are members of Saudi security establishment, believed to be handpicked for Khashoggi’s assassination, by Mohammed’s most powerful aide, Saud al-Qahtani, a consigliere of royal court”

The Nation of Islamic Republic of Pakistan has every right to know that prior to and after his Guard of Honor parade as 22nd PM of Islamic Republic of Pakistan on 18-08-2018: How much cocaine did PTI's Imran Khan consume

The Nation of Islamic Republic of Pakistan has every right to know that prior to and after his oath as 22nd PM of Islamic Republic of Pakistan on 18-08-2018: How much cocaine did PTI's Imran Khan consume

In his 69 minutes' address on 19-08-2018, PM Imran Khan announced to commence a Research-Oriented University in Pak PM House; focusing likely on: Development of new drug (billion times stronger than Viagra, Cialis, Levitra), to be consumed by Imran to sexually please Bushra

In his 69 minutes' address as 22nd PM of Pakistan on 19-08-2018, Imran Khan announced to commence a Research-Oriented University in the PM House; & focusing likely on: Development of a new drug (billion times more stronger than cocaine), to be consumed by Imran for survival

By providing “General Rani” TYPE Services & LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual&Transgender) TYPE Services to Pakistan LGBT Military Personnel and by consuming daily Cocaine, Morphine for survival: Pak PM Imran Khan (belonging to LGBT people) has NOT been converted from “SMALL” to “BIG”

Tolerant islam

Main difference between Pakistan & the West (so-called civilized World) is: Islamic Republic of Pakistan denies justice (controlled and dictated by Pakistani Military (Money Launderer)) to both Pakistani Haves-Not & Haves, whereas the West denies justice to Haves-Not & Minorities

In Javed Chaudhry's Kal Tak of Express TV of 16-102018, MNA Mian Javed Latif referred to quote of Prostitute-Journalist Reham Khan (Imran Khan's Ex-wife 2): Monthly 9.6 Million Rupees were spent on “White Thing” (ie, Cocaine), which Imran Khan consumed

In her live interview with Muneeb Farooq in GEO Aapas Ki Baat Program on 12-07-2018, Imran Khan's Ex-wife 2, Prostitute-Journalist Reham Khan stated referring to her recently published autobiography book: PTI's Imran Khan consumes heavily&daily hard drugs, eg, Cocaine, Morphine

In her live interview with Muneeb Farooq in GEO's Aapas Ki Baat Program on 12-07-2018, Imran Khan's Ex-wife 2, Prostitute-Journalist Reham Khan stated referring to her recently published autobiography book: PTI's “Meesna” Imran Khan has several sexual orientations as a man

Due to fact that entire Pakistani Military is not neutral anymore, now PML-N needs to demand from Pak Army (kids of Brits Colonists' Puppy Dogs): To hold next 500 Pakistani Elections under UN Peacekeepers (excluding French Peacekeepers (who forced CAR girls to do sex with dogs))

Shame on all those mothers of Pakistani Military Personnel who became pregnant by DONKEYS & gave birth to DONKEYS (who were subsequently recruited by Pakistani Military): All Pakistani Military Personnel, involved in 100%-Rigging for PTI in July 2018 Elections, are 100%-DONKEYS

What about Planned 100%-Rigging for PTI in Pakistan 25 July 2018 Elections by Pakistani Military resulting in: Start of Process of “Fall of Dacca 2”, i.e., “Fall of Lahore”; and this time there will be no Bhutto to get release of resultant 653,800 Pak Military as Prisoners of War

In plain English: In entire World including NAFTA Countries, EU Countries, Subcontinental Countries, DUK/SUK(EX-UK), Australia, Russia, China, Elections are 100%-rigged by Military Establishments through use of Intelligence Agencies, e.g., ISI in Pakistan,CIA in US, RAW in India


Ha ha ha how the Liberal West gonna square this circle, Islam, LGBT, both good in Liberal eyes but in truth mortal enemies.


Struggling to find any tweets from the Muslim community, condoning this

Will someone please invent Fusion energy so that these nasty medieval oil rich fuckers can be told where to go once and for all?

6th century Islamic laws.........fantastic! Brunei going forward then!?

How about we stone to death any Muslims that want to stone anyone else. What a fucked Up religion

That leader looks gayer than Larry Grayson with sprinkles on Top!

Not to worry, these palesfenians will help 😂

Coming to Britain in 2050

Welcome back to the Stone Age

Pitiful pathetic doctrine. Its unusual for sky to even report this, as its common knowledge that sky endorses such behaviour. If they don't? They have a funny way of showing it

2050 Britain.

LGBTfdn is this really what you people support with democrats? The Democrats are the ones forcing our country into that direction. PLEASE consider this. Dont support Democrats- it's only a name of a party- they aren't the Democrats of generations from the past.

Coming to the streets of Europe circa 2050.

Entirely the same as in saudi arabia where you opt for a media blackout of all things critical . Hypocrites

Should send over a trained gay spy to bum him! Then he can stone himself if his values are really that strong!


By this, I am anti Islam. Does that make me islamophobic So if it does, then the word has no meaning as I am proud to be against this.

Ah that religion rears it’s ugly head again

Surely we have to invade and go to war with these savages This is oppression, if not genocide. What happens with that, the un go in then countryside invade and help . Go to war with Brunei now.

I have a bunch of friends living in Brunei, Will check to see how true this is.

Welcome to our future..

SunrisenHII Rock and Roll

UK should withdraw all support.

Well shit, that is one peaceful way of doing things...

It ok we can send OwenJones84 over there he has a huge support for our Muslim friends I'm sure he can smooth all this out.

He's worthless sick F....

He can be the first to be stoned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can guarantee the person who passed this law is buggering his son!

I agree to us it’s wrong but if that’s their belief and culture let them get on with it - not our problem.

I used to live there.

Stoning is both harsh and messy. What is the objection to hanging?

Send Owen Jones to ‘sort this out’.He should stay there until the Brunei authorities come round to his viewpoint on all matters.

3Mteresa I am a Christian, conservative and I think this is sick and inhumane. We (US) should sanction them...we have more than a half billion in trade.

Where on Earth do they get these ideas?

This is a disgrace

theresa_may Conservatives Sort this out.. its 2019 Brexit can wait... Indefinitely


Great news

Oh. That's, er...500 years out of date.

Sounds like another Afganistan under the Taliban, can we have sanctions against them

The Irish prime minister Leo Varadkar can never visit Brunei?

Stuff like this going on in the world and liberals are busy campaigning for a female James Bond.

2tweetaboutit Hmmmmm

Boycott BRUNEI and the many hotels , properties, airline RoyalBruneiAir of the Sultan around the world Brunei Primitive HumanRights franceinfo Homophobia

And the civilised world is going to do what?

OwenJones84 What are your thoughts?


No doubt we will open trade deals with them tomorrow

Coming to a town near you. darkages

CakemanTwit Coming to the uk soon

2tweetaboutit Coming to a town near you soon 🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿😇

DavidLammy jeremycorbyn 🇬🇧🤥🤥NicolaSturgeon pretending she’s at odds with you right now on twitter but I saw her tweets to you a few months ago asking you to join forces & out theresa_may 🤥👋 She’s back tracking to save her ass on that corrupt seat 💺 AlexSalmond secrets

Horrific, I hope the UK severs all trade and diplomatic links with Brunei

Expecting gay activists to hold mass demonstrations outside... Brunei Embassy, 19-20 Belgrave Square Belgravia London SW1X 8PG.

CheekyPromo Nothing like a good open mind embracing all differences

Seems a bit excessive ?

‘Children ‘ DavidLammy jeremycorbyn It’s offensive to fly British flag 🇬🇧 in UK eh NicolaSturgeon & BAN realDonaldTrump from his own ‘golf course in Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Yet you fly the flag on Indy2 in America by being a Top paid MPin whole of UK 🇬🇧💰Turkey joining EU club soon 🇹🇷

great news for human rights lawyers script failed asylum seekers to be gay and from brunei.

Divorce them from the world stage

In that age leave people alone, let them to freely choose their sex options ,respect their basic human rights stop killing people with mediaval methods

2tweetaboutit Coming to a country near you!

The rule is in effect for children also in this country

2tweetaboutit But...but...our Queen drinks tea with their Sultan.....

Carlosbell24 that’s your holiday to there fucked lad

Which is why we should never deal with, nor even acknowledge, these people. And of course, we must never speak about their religion.

2tweetaboutit Where are the lgbt groups now with their 'gays for islam ' banners?

Is this the Islam that my gay friends support?

There are many who want that to come to our shores. Those who are supporters of Islam would happily see an end to Western civilization...

_fluphee Who will do the stoning? How many people/ robots will do the stoning? What is the size of stones to be used? What if the person does not die despite the stoning?

████ ███████ ███ ████ ███████ ███ ██ ████████ █████ █████████ ████ 𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 ℎ𝑎𝑠 𝑏𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑑 𝑑𝑢𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝐸𝑢𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝑈𝑛𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐶𝑜𝑝𝑦𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑙𝑎𝑤.

Hey GaryLineker what you think about this outrage

And yet most of our politicans, our PM especially, says Islam is compatible with the western world 😬

'Nation of Brunei, the Abode of Peace'

Why does Sky News care so much about a country with a population of 400K. A country 19 TIMES SMALLER in population than London. I know why, because they like to incite religious hatred. They want to fuel Islamaphobia. They want to help paint the world with secular liberalism.

Where do they get these evil barbaric draconic backwards ideas from? 🤔

Pity the law doesnt include death by stoning for idiots following a backwards interpretation of a book.


He who casts the first stone

So finally


BritEuropa God help the LGBT community in Brunei & shame on those who support the policy. If we can do anything, I hope ppl can find a way to get a msg across. Having said that, Muslims & refugees aren’t popular so not like we would give them a safe haven from such persecution. Shame on us.

The uk could do with stoning for child rapists and murders. Amputation for burglary car crime etc it would free up jails and taxpayers money

Good. Gays are just annoying. They're always looking for attention, now they can get it.

BritEuropa That’s what happens when ppl live in echo chambers, they get more & more extreme. This is why we have freedom of expression & why we need our press to hold all those in power to account, rather than act as propaganda machines. Otherwise we end up like these backwards morons.

What a peaceful religion Islam is.

All LGBTQ+ activists descend on Brunei 👊

Somebody's a secret homosexual

But Islam is a religion of peace ✌️

Sky are clearly Islamophobic as is anyone who worries about the effect Islam will have on their societies 😉


bamberxerxes Somehow ironic. The straight English people are punished in England by Islamists and the LGBT community. While the opposite is true in Brunei. 🤔Maybe the English people can seek refuge in Brunei to escape persecution in England?

firstbrittany How much did the Sultan of Brunei donate to the Clinton Foundation?

Oh well

But Muslims are peaceful I don’t understand 🤔

Could they be any more backwards!!

Bet they got some good weed there aswell!!

Sledge1960 The people of Brunei are long overdue for a revolution.

As per the Guardian, the sharia law would apply only to Muslims.

Its not a Secular State just like the Vatican City. And its Government Policies and Laws are closely tied to the Sharia Law. And we should respect it as such.

That’s a little OTT

From the religion of peace and tolerance.

We need this in our country.... We should thank of government for bringing this to our beautiful country

It’s a disgrace and they should be banned from the UN. Brunei is no better than Saudi Arabia on ugly super rich family and everyone else in poverty

I’m now officially a fan of Brunei football team 😊

Coming to a western country near you in the not to distant future

And if we aren't careful sharia law will creep into many more countries. Where is the outcry against this barbaric law

Primitive, intolerant,and uneducated comes to mind.

WoodthorpeAnna Disgusting

All very modern and 21st century... oh I mean medieval...

Once again, death in the name of RELIGION. Religion is the worst thing thats happened to this planet. All tie's politically, financially should be withdrawn from Brunei, travel ban put in place, no goods from the UK should be allowed to be exported to them. Let them rot.

This is a human rights issue correct? IlhanMN RashidaTlaib lsarsour

We won’t be going there anytime soon then stehems 😉😘

NufcEngland1966 Utterly sick& heinous but on reading the article it only applies to Muslim?

MartinDavisMc Looking forward to hearing the high pitched outrage from OwenJones84 and MikeStuchbery_ about this...

LGBT vs sharia law it’s coming

Lol. These puppet “monarchs” pontificate behind gold laced facades, taking pages from archaic text to subjugate the people whilst they themselves are some of the most perverted, lascivious and adulterous of them all.

On 21st century this is unbelievable where is the human rights 😲

Coming to a street near you.

They have oil. No country will tell em nothing. Especially United Kingdom as we kind of a joke. But yea brunei needs to wake up. But dont think jeremy hunt can do anything. They all shit people. Government i mean. 👀

This is going to upset alot of gay geordies when you tell them that Broon Eye is off limits!

We expect people to abide by our laws when they come here so people should abide by theres when they go there we may not agree with it but it is what it is.

The religion of peace strikes yet again!

Very good

The UK won't do anything apart from try to sell them an upgrade from stones to bullets. All hush hush of course.

Make sure we don’t post any of the British Army that are part of the LBGT out there

And they call for Sharia Law here, they live in the dark ages

Oh nice, just what 2019 needed 😵

Allah is the greatest

I thought Islam loved everyone?

But but you keep telling us its the religion of peace

What do Omar and Tlaib have to say?

But criticising this is Islamophobic is it?

Would that apply to Gay British servicemen that are stationed in Brunei ?

watch the left don't start screaming islamophobia


Won't be going there then

It's their country, so they can do whatever they want. Simple.

'It's raining men'

WilliamdeVesci 67% muslim. 13% Buddhist. 10% Christian. Look how they treat the minorities in their country. Now fast forward to 2050 and see how they will treat the minorities in the West.

bobmca1 Disgusting! Boycott Brunei! Boycott any country that religiously or legally supports this vile affront to humanity

Such a delightful inclusive country. stoneage

Never heard of that country in my life

Why do we have to share our planet with these religious idiots.

This is disgusting! No person should be stoned to death for doing what they feel is right!

Just wondering which one of the Village People he’s meant to be 🤔

OwenJones84 jeremycorbyn theresa_may BBCNews lloyd_rm

Think about this you want this cult (Sharia Law) in America

Holy crap. Barbaric. And cutting off the hands of children. Sounds legit. Wow.

This is a reason why I'm an atheist. What absolute bollocks this is.

If you criticise this policy you're Islamophobic. If you support it, you're homophobic.

EnglishGent79 Please Sky news, play some videos of people saying islam is the religion of peace!!



Bloody savages 😠

Yet OwenJones84 thinks the far-right are the problem 🤔. It's the far-right trying to defend YOU and the LGBT community from Sharia law

Meanwhile, in the 7th century ..

Liberals seem to be under the impression only a tiny minority of muslims are against homosexuality when it's the majority 😂 all because the media said so 🤣

No a bad idea.

Liberals heads must be exploding 🤣🤣

Another country racing towards the middle ages.

Brexit Britain’s future trading partner

Except on Thursdays.

What the hell is wrong with this world we are going backwards it’s pathetic not that I believe I don’t but isn’t god suppose to be forgiving

Just waiting for the LGBT 'community' to express their disgust

And yet this guy looks like he's in Village People

Full 🌕 support 👏👏

This is wrong on so many levels.😡

Do you pray for your son to bring home another boy as a partner? GayIsEvil

and people wonder why Islam is viewed with distaste.

Absolutely barbaric 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

Israel is the country everyone is slamming all the time for rights, but they have the most tolerance for LGBT in the middle east.

UKMarkTyrrell Wonder what Owen thinks about that

That's horrible

That guy looks a little gay, tbh.

There are Muslims in the UK, born & raised here, who support & applaud this. Refer to the caller who called LBC from Lewisham & sopke to MaajidNawaz

There should be a world wide stand against Sharia Law! It has no place on this planet.

Oh piss off mickey

SocialM85897394 Why doesn't the world power body's do anything to stop these barbaric laws ? They shouldn't be allowed on this planet !!

Don't deal with them . All trade cancelled. NO if or BUTS, Cancelled .

I wonder if schools banning the teaching of LGBT rights in the UK due to pressure from 'ethnic' minorities, will be conflated with this? Probably not, until it's too late. Slipping down the slope we go 🙄

David_Albi The stupid is growing stronger

Sharia law= Nazism

It's not Russia so there's no loud faux outrage to be feigned by the tolerant Western governments.

Gay dems in America should be counting their blessings we Trump supporters are on the frontlines. Instead they choose to sabotage by playing pretend victim claiming Trump is a homophobe. Gay dems would really know what victim is if we stepped off & allowed sharia law to take over

Islam is the best !

Yeh. But don’t forget we’ve to embrace Muslim culture or we are islamphobic. The make believe word for people wary of a closed community which fosters IS supporters, U.K. terrosit cells, pedophile gangs, drug networks, homophobia, sexism and no welcoming of other religions.

Send in little Owen Jones for a chat with him, 🥴😂

But those darn Christians are the 'hateful' & 'bigoted' ones


Religion of peace

Um....stunning & brave?

But I was told that Islam is a religion of peace

Well it is called Sharia Law ! What would you expect?

POTUS BretBaier BillHemmer BillOReilly TuckerCarlson brithume JonScottFNC kilmeade benshapiro charliekirk11 AriFleischer .BryanLlenas BuckSexton MattFinnFNC LelandVittert IngrahamAngle marthamaccallum ShannonBream jasoninthehouse pdoocy seanhannity ICYMI

That means most MPs won’t be able to go on fact finding trips there any more. Good saving.


Ah yes - more from the “Religion of Peace” 😳

Why haven't you mentioned their punishment for theft also? (Including Children) - Amputation!

I'm a gay man, who supports realDonaldTrump. Gays don't deserve to be murdered by the Sharia Penal Code.

Don't be surprised when it eventually becomes law here too, demographics are destiny

OAK77uk You mean intolerable lack of understanding regeme ought to stand out there and get stoned yourselfs..

Ahh, tolerance at work eh?

You can’t have Islamophobic headlines like that! That’s Islam, the religion of peace... Before anyone replies, please understand sarcasm.


Presumably supported by Northern UKLabour MPs?

But goat sex is ok ?

Ouch stop it ! I like it

Send out the Pope

Horrendous, international community must act...

jeremycorbyn Owen Jones, anyone, does anyone have anything to comment on this?!

The last Uncivilized Kingdom of the civilized world !

This is dreadful............

ReligionOfPeace strike again when will people wake up to what is being allowed to take over certain areas of our country Bradford luton Birmingham

WoodthorpeAnna Welcome to Islam. X

Diversity baby xoxo

Death to the infidels...

So that's Brunei, Saudi Arabia and Iran, maybe there is a common theme here? I wonder what it is.

Who says Barbarism does not exist...

Religion of peace😂😂😂

BoycottBrunei DivestBrunei SanctionBrunei CondemnSharia There is no room for ShariaLaw in a civilized society. BanSharia Sharia

In_A_Flap Fakkin bell boy!! 😂😂😂😂

Next story please.......

We will be doing the same in 20 years, the EU plans to allow 50 Million muslims to pour into europe in the next few years,under the new UNMIGRATIONCOMPACT which we signed in Dec 2018 without asking the people of the UK,SHARIA IS COMING & its gay, lefties fighting for it!!!

Welcome to the Stone Age folks!

How is the BritishArmy still paying to station and train troops in this horrendous regime?! Surely time for a re think?

Unless it’s rogering young boys or goats and of course it’s still ok to indulge in the national past time of slapping the wife around.


In unrelated news FIFA have announced the 2030 World Cup to be hosted by Brunei

CllrBSilvester Good job they are modern and moderate. Ssshhh

Disgraceful. All Brunei assets in the UK and EU should be frozen and handed over to LGBT associations. We can act to stop that. EmmanuelMacron EU_Commission Europarl_EN EUCouncil If nothing is done = accomplice

I thought they all believed women are for babies and men are for fun!?


DieselWeazel I don’t understand. It is beautiful up the khyber faye_derek

Not on

Bit like the life of Brian

CllrBSilvester That’s Sharia for you. Any criticisms from you liberals or too afraid of being called ‘Islamophobic’? What’s worse to say nothing as gays are put to death, or be labelled Islamophobic for speaking out? Shot yourselves in the foot I think

Islam...such a benign, peaceful and forgiving religion.

Oh shit bit harsh ain't it😱


Meanwhile American liberals think Trump is bad and the rest of the world does shit like this

Its says at the end of the article, that the law will only apply to muslims so if you were gay and a Christian, that would be OK? Is there a penalty for Apostasy then? ps. don't want to turn this into anything against Islam ... clearly this is at the whacky end of the scale.

It's their country. Free from EU interference .

Mr Humphries dosen't like ! 👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿

that’s what you get when your country is ruled by psychopathic zealots of of a Stone Age religion.

That doesn’t seem to be very tolerant and peaceful.

won’t be booking a holiday in Brunei any time soon then ... 💁🏻‍♂️

What a loverly place to live.

Salute to the leaders, a move in the right direction

Stone age laws for a stone age people


CllrBSilvester His country his rules

Stuffed if your LGBT serving for the HM Forces then?

Don't be islamaphobic skynews.

There's no punishment specified in shariah laws in Islam on gay sex. The Qur'an has only historical accounts and it is rendered prohibited.

1tsmeobviously But remember folks , Islam is peaceful, Islam is pro LGBT , Islam is the most feminist religion! Swallow the pill and do not question.

CllrBSilvester Isn't it rather odd that their God, assuming he/she exists, cannot decide on punishment without the intervention of religious bigots? I think that I'll stick with atheism. DVATW goddersbloom sajidjavid Imamofpeace

and some want Sharia Law in the UK, and our weak politicians will one day allow it.

Only for those whose organs are fully functional and before were straight, due to bad company they changed their habits / preferences! But they must first be offered a chance to mend their ways...if not then.....

Thats what you get with barbarians. And all due to an epiphany by some illiterate 1600 years ago.

We will no doubt role out the red carpet if they he visits the uk . But will demonstrate against Donald Trump.

One more place marked as not worth visiting.

Mediaeval religion and Mediaeval laws.

Isn't he big mates with Prince Charles?

Sharia law has no place in the modern world

Stoning for boning...

Prime candidate for the FIFA world cup 2026.

Fao Owen Jones and his opposition to Islamopwhobic waycists

Bastards we are going back to the dark ages

Their country their rules. We may not like it but it’s not for us to decide or interfere.

Unfortunately some of UK’s MP’s who r “Fundamental Catholics” wud support this in the UK if they thought it would get through Parliament.

Stay away from the Brown eye when your in Brunei.

Anyone who thinks this is wrong is an Islamophobic bigot!

Sharia law is out of the stone age and only Neanderthals put up with it

And you msm defend sharia when anyone here speaks against it. Hypocrisy once again.

And remember kidd, say nothing or you'd be branded islamophobic 🤫

bobmca1 The leftie and Lgbt pile on over this has been so overwhelming.

They make their own rules up & get away with it, stone to death (murder) marrying a kid , having a few wives, beheading. Can I make my own rules up and quit my job and still get paid by any chance

bobmca1 Soon in Birmingham...

Don't have gay sex there then.

I hate that word homophobia phobia is the definition of fear. I dont think people fear them they just reserve the right not to like them. They are anti procreation is that procreativephobia. I can see why they stole the meaning of gay they cant spell the other.

You can't force your beliefs on other people. While we don't agree with them it's their view. Maybe in time they may change but not now. If you don't like it don't go there.

And how does this sit with LGBT sharia supporters ?

Standard Islam then...

How progressive.

To all those laying this at the feet of Islam, don't pretend that there aren't millions of Christians around the world that want LGTBQ people dead. It's tragic.

Oh dear. Shocking

Its the countries choice,you no need to go there, Stop interfering in other countries politics/beliefs what right have we to think we are above their customs and religion.Remember Sodom and Gomorrah. This so called homophobia has already trashed religions for those who follow.

Look what happened in new Zealand recently , you can hear them now, this is not islam, islam is a religion of peace and tolerance

Under Sharia law..... 🤔🤔🤔🙄

Brunei isn't far from New Zealand.

Backward, savage, Barbaric race of people.

Quick send them some aid. Scramble a concert or something

quick lets sell them some arms

This is so utterly vile. Email Richard Lindsay the British High Commissioner to ask him to raise this matter with the Sultan of Brunei Homophobia HateKills

Religion of peace 👍🏻

He looks worried

Well bugger me... oh hang on, maybe not!

Ed_7991 So the next time you say Britain is the worst country in the world because of Brexit

bobmca1 Religion of peace

Not even 60 years or Independence and already a rocky start

is liam fox heading there for a trade deal ? could get a bit awkward.

1tsmeobviously He looks like a Monkey

Funnily enough,this has never been high on my bucket list of places to visit!

Stone age law's yaba daba dooo

Gent's look after your broon eye in Brunei

bobmca1 So enlightened

It only applies to Muslims? 🤷‍♂️

louisstrisino Sounds a bit queer to me.

A un ban on them Remove any aid

Well its their country and their law. Just don't be stupid to visit and get caught


And they say the British don’t embrace diversity.

Barbaric !!!

Progressive religion of peace.....

Don't buy Brunei

cut off all trade !!

Jeremy_Hunt I read recently that the UK have strong relationship with Brunei.. Are you going to do something about this?

Has anyone told Owen Jones? 🤔

Islam has a lot to answer for

All In the name of piersmorgan favourite book

Probably half the monarchy, judiciary and politicians are going to be suffering from gravel rash then.

The land of the ignorant and uneducated 😡

Well that is a right bummer!!


Coming to a UK city near you soon !

Living in the dark ages 🤦‍♂️


PatUnleashed KeithMalinak JeffyJFR PutThatInYourPipe Sounds like the latest fly on your private jet luxury getaway vacation spot for limousine liberals to me. Has Ilhar Oman & Rashida Tlaib booked an USAF jet yet? 🤔

Whats your point sky ?

Great, let’s just send all the ISIS brides there.... they will all feel at home.

In 2019?

Condemnation where art thy?


Does Brunei have Oil? Asking for a friend

Oh progress ... NOT!

The religion of peace and love showing it's true colours once's not a religion it's a disease


Stop being Islamaphobic sky news

A friend of the Swedish King.

Wait, so this is homophobia from religion which in this case is Islam, but if you disagree with this ideology you’re part of the problem with Islamophobia? 🤔

Very peaceful

If the writing is on the wall, it is up to the individual whether or not they choose to read it.


Has anyone from asked the Mayor of London about his thoughts on this ?

Unbelievable & disgusting. Gay people are humans too and have their freedom. Being punished For crying out loud, we’re in 2019. This man is crazy and what a stupid law!

Blue456Mark hodgey1958 ben_boroboy17 make sure u don't ever visit here boys u wont be safe

the stoning law even applies to children from this year, how does that sit with the sky agenda and will there be a camera outside the Brunei Embassy to show any demonstrations(if any) ?

Oh and the rest of the world are pk with this....only one tw*t needs stoning in my opinion.

Loving the tolerance & diversity...

That's really smashing the back doors in.

Easy solution - I'm calling on all gays across the world to totally boycott Brunei and every other homophobic country. Gays have HUGE financial clout - so gays should use that against these backward fools

If you dnt want to be stoned to death dnt visit the country. Simple logic.

The greatest minds of the 5th century at work. Twats.

Probably Be happening over here in a few years.

So let's talk about Islam, Sharia Law and Homophobia it's not racist or Islamaphobic to discuss this very worrying trend.

It's ok for him to strawlessly felch a mountain gorilla though ? Oh wait, it's a goatee...

Stoning death also applies to adultery and rape. Amputations for theft. These punishments will be applied to children as well. Wow.

sajidjavid Dont we have parts of the UK controlled by Sharia Law & Courts ? Combine that with the 600 Muslim children pulled from a Birmingham school because the parents dont want there children learning about gay relationships should ring warning bells in MSM and goverment

We always hear how terrible the West is, but we need to start putting it in context with the rest of the world. Yes the West isn't perfect but it's a lot more liberal and tolerant. Yet we're the ones made out to be the most racist, sexist, homophobic etc.



But, but, but.....😳😳😳 The Liberal Progressives !!! Where do they stand on this

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