Fetterman supports nominee for Philly-based court who’s facing Islamophobic smears but Casey is more noncommittal

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Sen. John Fetterman said he'd support Adeel Mangi's nomination while Sen. Bob Casey, who is up for reelection this year, gave a more noncommittal response.

Fetterman supports nominee for Philly-based court who’s facing Islamophobic smears but Casey is more noncommittal

“Like clockwork, the right wing fringe is spreading misinformation and innuendo simply because of his faith,” Fetterman said in a statement to The Inquirer. “I support this historic nomination and look forward to seeing him confirmed.”“Senator Casey believes that all qualified judicial nominees deserve serious consideration by the Senate,” Casey spokesperson Maired Lynn said in a statement.

During his confirmation hearing at the Judiciary Committee in December, Sens. Ted Cruz and John Kennedy asked Mangi if he supported Hamas or celebrated 9/11. They cited Mangi’s role from 2019 to 2023 as an advisory board member for the, which is part of Rutgers Law School, as pretext for the questions. The center’s director has taken stances supporting Palestinians and hosted events featuring controversial speakers.

Mangi, whose area of practice largely focuses on false advertising, trade secrets, and intellectual property, became affiliated with the AFJ after helping a family referred to him by the group secure a $5 million settlement over the 2015 deathIn 2017 and 2018, Mangi successfully represented a group of Muslims who sued Bayonne, N.J.,, over the city’s zoning board’s denial of an application to build a mosque.


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