The Latest: Cop cleared in fatal shooting of black teen

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BREAKING: Jury acquits white former police officer who shot and killed unarmed black teen outside Pittsburgh.

PITTSBURGH — The Latest on the homicide trial of a white Pennsylvania police officer in the shooting of an unarmed black 17-year-old :A jury has acquitted a white former police officer who fatally shot an unarmed black teenager outside Pittsburgh.

Jurors informed the court Friday night they have reached a verdict. They can convict Rosfeld of murder or manslaughter, or return an acquittal. Rosfeld shot Rose in the back, arm and side of the face as he ran from a traffic stop. Rose had been riding in a car that Rosfeld pulled over because he correctly suspected it was involved in a drive-by shooting.Closing arguments have been delivered in the homicide trial of a white former police officer charged with killing an unarmed black teenager outside Pittsburgh last summer.

Rosfeld shot Rose in the back, arm and side of the face as he ran from a traffic stop. Rose had been riding in a car that Rosfeld pulled over because he correctly suspected it was involved in a drive-by shooting.An attorney for the family of Antwon Rose II says a jury should conclude that the unarmed black teenager was “murdered” by a white police officer last summer.

Rosfeld told jurors that he thought Rose or another fleeing suspect had pointed a gun at him. Neither teen had a weapon on him at the time.The defense has rested its case in the homicide trial of a white police officer charged with shooting and killing an unarmed black teenager near Pittsburgh. Judge Alexander Bicket lifted the gag order he imposed on parties in the case Friday at the request of the defense. Defense attorney Patrick Thomassey says while he and prosecutors have abided by the judge’s order, the attorney for Antwon Rose II’s family has made comments to the media.Former East Pittsburgh Police Officer Michael Rosfeld is on trial for homicide after gunning down the 17-year-old Rose last summer. Rose was riding in a car that had been involved in a drive-by shooting.


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So...where are all the 'good cops'

Justice is for WHITES. It's going to be a long time before justice is equal for ALL.

No respect for law and order in this thread. Pathetic losers with no moral compass commenting. That kid received consequences DIRECTLY related to his actions. Sorry not sorry. backtheblue

Fake narritive much?

Probably all white jury.

Here we go with identity politics in lieu of facts.

No justice for minority’s! Truly shameful. 🤨

Why cant it be aquits cop who shoots teen? Wanna push more racial divide

I have friends and family who are police officers who agree with the DA. There was many ways he could of handle the situation without bloodshed.


You ppl are so clueless

I have so many thoughts on many. Reserving those thoughts and comments for another time...

This is what's wrong with our society today it is always white blame black, black blame white , hispanic blame the same and so on it is people on people color does not have anything to do with it and alot has to do with where you were raised and what your mind set is.

2 many of this type of shooting, of unarmed people, by police, everywhere!

Good way to leave out the details behind the story

“... Rosfeld pulled the car over and shot Rose in the back, arm and side of the face as the teen ran away.”

'White' police officer. Yeah let's not make everything about race... unless it makes white people look like the bad guys. Joke. Like he didn't just shoot at people

OMG! PoliceBrutality disgusting verdict.

The justice system will never fail, those who is was never designed to protect.

So, will this help the next officers get cooperation with anyone they pull over? Kids are dumb when they're afraid, they run when they're afraid, and the rules of engagement have NEVER allowed officers to shoot someone in the back running away.

wbaltv11 The key word of your headline is not “white” “black” or “unarmed” it’s JURY smh


BeauWTAE Wow, way to twist the headline to fire people up. What about the fact that he was in a car that did a drive by and ran from the cops.

Yes... but what we're their genders I feel we're potentially missing the real story here.

Yep keep stoking the race baiting AP

Another bloody disgrace - America sort yourselves out - you are loosing any respect.

Another KillerCop gets away with murder. Pittsburgh j

Judge, jury, executioner. In police practice, it's all allowed. Everytime this is not held accountable it undermines goodcops. All the community outreach in the world does not make this ok.

And they say black lives matter, the black community is where the votes need to be won, reparations, etc!


What is the point of all this? It appears the Police have been given carte blanche to get away with murder.

The hunt is on.

Seems like a weird picture to post for that headline lol

Supergasssy polarizing headline. Just say ‘racist attack’

As a Pittsburgher, I'm livid. Local news coverage is👎Prosecuting attorney stated TONIGHT this boy was a murderer. Lies! No pushback. AG agreed they got this wrong. Mayor is supporting the family. Meanwhile, the Commonwealth couldn't even be bothered to call an expert witness. 🤬

It’s now the blacks that are the racist against the whites, and it’s ok with everyone it seems especially liberal media.

He was so guilty that 3 black jurors acquitted him after seeing the video....


Only in America. Damn shame.

Lmao, Libs gettin hit hard tonight

If anyone is surprised, you haven't been paying attention and are woefully uninformed about this nation's history,

Only In America. 🤔🤔

Cops don’t go to jail ... smh wake up lol

Quelle surprise.

HonkHonkler88 Good.

Of course! It’s called white privileges.

Of course it does.


This is a travesty. That young man was murdered.

So, has anyone seen the footage? I mean, I’m totally against police brutality, but I haven’t seen the footage. I’d be jumping to conclusions if I gave an opinion and I hadn’t.


I want to try something different, so tomorrow I am going to call my representatives and demand that they get behind re-writting police training manuals / guidelines so officers cannot hide behind that defense in the future.

'Complexion for the protection'

Gotta love how nobody in this thread gives a shit about evidence but knows this guy should've gone to jail.

Unlicensed taxi that was involved in a drive next time your 17 year old steps into a taxi check his license and step out you could end up dead made to be the bad black kid he shot out of fear. Why no opportunity to be apprehended and given his day in court!


And it's always going to be like this you know why because they know America is willing to deal with it American will not rise up against it

Goyim, repeat after me: white man bad!!

Pretty simple, the police order you to get on the ground, then do it. If you don't you better accept the consequences of split second decisions that can have fatal consequences. Where are the parents teaching these kids the basics of life?

Can’t blame ppl who have been taught to dehumanize black men. The system was installed to imprison/enslave, murder, and capitalizes off of us. They were just being “patriotic” . The judicial system is the law. According to law the cop did his job. Hmmmm🤔. Sounds like amerikkka

How does one fear for his life and shoot someone in the back? Come on people of the jury


Don’t commit a drive-by shooting then.

All the kid and the other passenger would had to of done is to have slowly gotten out of the vehicle, complied with the officer’s commands and everybody could’ve gone home safe and sound that night, but nooooo… They had to run… 🤦🏼‍♀️

Wow. The cop shot ths guy in the back as he ran away unarmed. Cop claims he thought the guy had a gun pointed at him. bs. You can’t mistake a guy running away with his back to you with him pointing a gun at you. Nope. He murdered that guy & then realized what he “had to fear.”


At this point policy and legislation should be targeted. Accountability needs to be written and enforced. Nothing will change until it is reflected in writing.

It’s not illegal to execute black people in the street in America.

'Jury acquits former police officer who shot and killed unarmed teen outside Pittsburgh.' Fixed it for you race baiting hacks.

He was innocent because he was black..🙄🤔


brooklynmarie Of course they did.

The here you give f*s everybody

Must be Friday.

Was the jury white?

So the kid was running exactly was the officer in danger?. No wonder the AA community feels persecuted. Another white officer using black kids for target practice & walking away. People can police effectively without drawing guns...bloody cowards

Has anyone seen the video? Did the jury see the video? Did it look like the Black man turned and raised his arm in a pointing motion while running away? No? Then another mockery of justice.

Rosefeld stopped a 3-passenger vehicle riddled with bullet holes which had its rear windshield shot out. Rose fled despite LEO orders. Drive-by vic later identified Rose as the shooter.

Black people kill each other all the time and nobody gives a shit. 2 black males murdered 3 white people and set them on fire in Georgia last week and nobody cares.

Is this phenomenon of White acquittals the,'OJ' backlash?!

Surprise, surprise.

I'm surprised that we are still surprised by this outcome. SMH


White privilege the way your headline associates the story...What about the 2 Police officers acquitted in Liberal California?

Pitt is a very liberal city. Liberals are supposedly for the black community yet , in every liberal city, young black youths have it the worst. Tired of these lying ass politicians who will say anything to get my vote.

Of course they did, does that surprise anyone

Area racists, hucklebucks, and closet klan of all types are celebrating not just this verdict but the murder of a black kid. Pittsburgh likes to think it’s progressive, but it’s just as backward and ugly as the rest of the country.

now this is a national Emergency. Imagine a Venezuela policeman shooting someone ...the uproar by us in USA would be massive, sanctions, asset freezing, until that dont work and we would bomb them

Legalized killing by police continues

The man should never be hired by another police department EVER! 🤬😡🤬

Of course they did. Why even have a trial! 🤬 Kaepernick7

way to calm down the masses to offer WHITE cop..... in the headlines

Absolutely despicable

Another Nazi cheats !

Same story, day after day after day - murderers with a badge running roughshod over the very definition of justice, our corrupted legal system working in the way it was built to. When will this ever change?

AP-try reporting all facts at front end of story. None of us are surprised. MSM only makes us think this cop had NO reason to protect himself! You are still unsuccessful to start race war!

My anger disguised as sarcasm.

Make sure we know both of their races. Inflammatory race-baiter =

yet some still think it's a good idea to flee the police...

This is bullshit


wbaltv11 🤬🤬🤬


If a shooting isn't shot video from the very start of the situation till the end will never be convicted. Remember the murder of WalterScott by officer Michael Slager. It was almost entirely filmed. Shoot a man running away from an officer. Officer never ran, he unloaded 20yrs.

Maybe Jury were white supporters in wrong way

Not surprised

Good. It was BS politics that had him charged to begin with

Black life don't matter in America very sad news 🙁☹️

Of course it did! Unbelievable!

My question is why did he run? Why didn’t he just listen to the cop?

And by stoic, you mean “not surprised”

He didn’t have a weapon because left it in the car as he started to run. He did bring the clip from the drive by shooting though. Race baiters and racists suck.

No justice... No piece BlackLivesMatter

Really AP, do you think you could report the news without race baiting?

Jury acquits white former police officer Michael Rosfeld who shot and killed unarmed black teen outside Pittsburgh Twitter Court Knew this would happen- but only Twitter court can DECIDE if this is wrong or right. so Blacktwitter BlackLivesMatter WHAT SAY YOU?

Our policeman have a tough job, risking their and more and more...their freedom

Maybe put time stamps on them so we know which ones are different.

Judges need to start treating police officers as they would any other litigants, without fear or favor.

So what ?

Anybody know the racial breakdown of the jury?


Do you realize your title/lead in is in-sighting?!!! So ridiculous

Keep this up, juries, and people are going to snap

Of course they do

Justice my ass

Well yea. Cops cant murder. Its a rule.

5-0 getting away with murder. Nothing new.

H to the izz-O...V to izza-A

Why do they always get off?This is shameful 😡😡😡

He was immediately hired by mall security

Don't stop at this misleading headline you dummies

Anything else would have been a surprised.

If you can't see a pattern in all of this, try to imagine the opposite headline. 'Jury aquits black former police officer who shot and killed unarmed white teen outside Pittsburgh.' You can't imagine such a headline? Neither can I. 🙄

This is not a breaking news breaking heart news

If you want to murder black folks without consequences .. just become a cop. It also helps if you're white.

opening this hoping to see “guilty” like

Kid dindunuffin he wuz da gud boi

Well this is just HORRIBLE. May this young White 'cop' BURN IN HELL

Of course they did

White an injustice, but not surprised!!


Another reason for democrats to think the entire country is racist

He was killed because he was a black and black have no rights to live

Don’t ride in cars involved in drive-by shootings...

Enough with the misleading headline! FakeNews over and over. Ever read the story about the boy who cried wolf?

Do people with vitiligo get shot in the white parts too? Depends on how good his aiming is.

He got that complexion for the protection.

Our society sucks c*ck.

BREAKING: America still racist

It’s now an open invitation for a white supremacist to join law enforcement and kill unarmed blacks with impunity. No repercussions of any kind. Sad.

Told you so...

Wonder who sat in for the jury...

BREAKING NEWS: white cop, black kid - no one is surprised

Please investigators what are the stats for cops being found guilty of any crimes they commit?


Absolutely sickening

Those are the worst ears I’ve ever seen

Well, he was black. Needed to be shot. Genocide. We more of this type of ‘protect and serve ‘ on every police force...

What are the stats of such disturbances happening in affluent neighborhoods? Numbers matter......

What is wrong with this jury? What is going on? BlackLivesMatter

Hey can you start just putting “AGAIN” in all these articles? We see what it is.... 😡 JusticeIsntBlindShesRacist

I’m beyond sick and disgusted by the injustice of the killings of the African American boys and men and other men of color. Trump and his administration, I believe, have caused the normalization and acceptance of racism, hatred and violence.

Thanks god there are no white privileges.

What kind of Article is that AP? Proper Police procedure to shoot someone running away from you three times and the cop felt he was in danger? Wait? I’m confused 🤷🏼‍♀️ Why is the cop a former cop?

OF COURSE. There's no real justice if your a POC.

Not good enough !.

Of course they did. White privilege wins every single time, fuck justice.

This has to stop. 🤬

Seems about white

Blacks are to be killed

asking a serious question..please investigate... what are the stats on guilty verdicts when cops fatally shoot white persons.... race matters as much as class/economics....

Amazing how predictable these things are when it involves a white LE

The Country, “shamefully” is getting to use to these murders

3 jurors were black - maybe race wasn’t a factor.

The kid was involved in a felony drive by shooting, thug Life thug death

Keeps happening

This isn’t breaking news...white cops get away with this crap every day. Sad society we live in. Doesn’t matter what the jury instructions were, those jurors should be ashamed

For those of you whom think it was the wrong decision, consider this. He was completely acquitted, not a mistrial. This means the jury, which included 3 blacks, saw all the evidence and determined he did nothing wrong. It’s amazing the AP didn’t report the jury makeup here. Hmmmm


you know...he does look white in the photo you included. are you sure he's white?

The American justice system is a failure.

Everything is awful

Justice denied again. 😡

What a sad F’n joke. The young man deserved justice.

Of course they did

Of course

No way...first time this happens

This is America. Planes leave every day.

Everyone is going to focus on the cop yet no one cares why the kid was involved in a drive by shooting. Communities need to be fixed so they aren’t putting themselves in this position

You expected this to be different?

3 black jurors found the white cop not guilty... guess that doesn’t fit the narrative.. 🤷‍♂️

Once again ... Good ol' boy white male priveledge reaes its ugly head ! No surprise here. I expect more of the same as 45RacistnChief GOP have stacked the courts with like minded judges to uphold their agendas.

Why do almost ALL of these guys get off?

Let me say this again; BLUE KLUX KLAN, Thats what they are the effing BKK. 😈


Breaking: judge finds two Black men not guilty of raping White woman in Portland.

No one surprised.

FTP 🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷


Seems about white 🤷🏻‍♂️


Im about to quit social media this trash pisses me off

BlackLivesMatter AntwonRose

Of course it did. Shame on them.

At this point we should all put money on it- since it would be a guaranteed cashflow- and just give it to the victims family-

This has me so pissed

It’s a shame but

Sounds about white

So, this is an argument of why citizens shouldn't be armed? Cops are seeing fucking guns everywhere. Not condemning every officer or supporting every citizen, but when cops are seeing NONEXISTENT GUNS, we need change.

Nobody is surprised. Let me guess, he shot him in the back because he was afraid for his life.

Surprise, surprise!

Imagine that! Such BS!

Don’t run from the cops... oh well prob save the tax payers some free housing and food for this soon to be thug

More white men are shot by white cops than black men being shot by white cops. The statistics DO NOT lie. Stop with the nonsense! In OK just last week an innocent white man was shot by a white cop....NOTHING in the media 🤷🏿‍♂️

wbaltv11 Forget the trials. Everyone's apparently innocent.

Welcome to this shithead’s America

Everyone kneel

Of course they did.

yeah ok how about you tell us if this ever doesn't happen, because that will be news

But of course , strike another blow against Racism 😠


Officers shouldn’t be above the law, yet they continue to get away with murder

Yup........ We needed to hear this fuckery today........



Nothing is new black people never receive justice


When will Trump invite him to the White House?

That’s why we kneel

Justice was served. Thank you to the diverse group of jurors who made this happen. knew that😡😠


When’s the parade?

White privilege.

'Rosfeld testified that he thought Rose or another passenger in the car had a gun pointed at him.' Isn't this what all white racist cops say? ***** Stop slaughtering young black men. ***** BlackLivesMatter ACLU HouseDemocrats AOC KamalaHarris

That's not race baiting. Good job 🖕

I wonder if Pittsburgh is controllef by an aggressive white supremacist establishment. Might explain something about the Tree of Life synagogue massacre.


If you do what police ask you to do I'm pretty sure you won't get shot. Just saying!

This isn’t “breaking news” AP! Everyone already knows that the corrupt judicial system doesn’t put white cops away for murdering unarmed black kids. Hell, cops probably have a fantasy football type game they play for how many minorities they can murder.

It’s pretty simple... if you don’t run you don’t get shot. What a novel idea 🤦🏻‍♂️ obey the law

Gonna leave this one here.

But yet....keep questioning why people kneel for the national anthem.

Of course 😡

Yes no more racism towards Whites Maga thankstrump realDonaldTrump

Of course they did 😡

Tennessee vs. Garner

naturally. Cops are never held accountable

Tired of badcops with gold horse shoes up their butts

Cops kill about 1,000 Americans per year. From 2005-2017 (12,000 killings) only 35 were convicted. It’s shameful.

You all know that whites get killed by police all the time, right? We just say, 'probably deserved it' and go about our lives

What’s new? It’s America, isn’t it?👇🤔

This is the normal outcome these days...Sacramento JusticeForClark

the cop was just a misunderstood kid. Great decision by the jury.


why is it race matters more than facts to you?

not fucking surprised.

What do people need to do to hold these idiots accountable? When will enough be enough


Just comply and obey, don’t act like a thug if you don’t want a slug, easy folks.

this is a form letter where you just swap the names in and out for each new murderer that gets acquitted.

Is it that hard to not ride in a car that does a drive by and then run from the cops?

Ok why does this have to be about the tint of your skin? Just because i insult someone or something of another color doesnt means its cause their another shade! Its because they are acting a fool or ignorant etc. But this RACE crap is being abused.

Hey AP leave race out of it

Shot him in the fucking back.

Take a MF knee!!!!!!!!!


Why even bother with these trials? 😥


Of course they did.

Of course.

How surprising.

Nothing new!!

If you’re white, it’s alright!

What a surprise



If the glove does not fit, you must acquit

US cops are thugs that get away with murder.

just got back in town.... where we protesting folks?

Another day in white America and people wonder why black people despise this justice system smh.

Hard to believe


Sounds about white

Of course they did. America 2019. Yep.


Needs more race in the title.

Idk why they even have trials for police officers at this point hell!! Smfh

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