Schiff: House Intel will subpoena Mueller if necessary

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House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff says his panel is willing to subpoena special counsel Robert Mueller to obtain a clearer picture of the contents of his final report

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff said on Friday that his panel was willing to subpoena special counsel Robert Mueller, if needed, in order to obtain a clearer picture of the contents of his final report.

"This began as a counterintelligence investigation by the FBI. It began as the same in our committee, and we have a right to be informed and we will demand to be informed about it," he added. There’s a larger number of staffers with President Trump in Palm Beach this weekend than normal, sources tell CNN.

Several say they were surprised that Attorney General William Barr said he could provide information about the report “as soon as this weekend,” but feel it signals good news for the White House.From CNN's Lauren Fox and Kristin Wilson The press outside the garage was buzzing for the first time all day. About 10 minutes later a woman in a compact car drove out saying,"He's coming, he's coming." Then, the silver Ford expedition drove out of the building.All clues point to yes because this car was likely used this morning, at about 7:11 a.m., to bring in Mueller.


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This is very crazy, so this guy can get to have a more and clearer views on the reports than The Supreme Court The United States of America? What exactly did the US Democrats and their cronies predetermined to be the outcome of this report? I think these guys have mental issues.

Right, lets spend more tax payer money on your witch hunt.

You are the most media propagated bulshit news channel on Earth what happened to you. Deleting your crap

Yes yes go for it please

And now it is Adam Schiff who is going to need investigating. Tell us CNN, what is it like to be wrong yet AGAIN with your preconceived “news coverage”...😂😂😂😂

There’s more of my tax $$ wasted..... if schiff wants to continue his vendetta, I think he should pay for it himself.

Continue the lies. Sorry it was bogus to begin and now we get to watch the sickening spin put on it with more Lying.

CNN your fake news media is about to take a huge ratings drop, do you see ankles breaking while everyone jumps off your bandwagon!!

The United States voters want you expulsed!


The left spin begins..


Trump family is not free and clear yet !!! Investigations are on their way!

This weasel is a liar and corrupt. Their saviour didn’t deliver what they wanted so now they’re going to subpoena him. This is going to backfire big time on the democrats and it will be fun to watch their annihilation in 2020.

Lisa Page stated that Loretta Lynch Ordered Hillary Clinton be cleared of her crimes, but Adam Schift works toward Democrat scheme for a political coup of the government!

Adam Schift dreaming up more lies about the President after Mueller clears President Trump.

How much clearer do you require. No indictments. Period. End of story.

Give it up Schifty!!!!!


For those who wish to know how much the mueller investigation cost it is estimated around 25 million taxpayers dollars 👍🏼 thanks liberals for wasting all that money that we could have spent trying to Help our country in many different ways

Give it up Schiff- you lose

Read the report- you don’t need more

Shift should be subpoenaed

I bet Mueller will appreciate that!! If they have a hearing, I hope it’s on TV!!!🤣

Well let’s get cracked big guy!

Fool knows how they went all in on this joke of an accusation. And the Feds were allowed to investigate anything at thier leisure.Complete criminals investigating criminal claims.They wantedTrump soooo bad. But got a handful of crap...gratifying. What will the sheep eat now?😢

Give it up Mr. shifty you lost

Good Christ what do you want? It’s all on paper...but you don’t like the contents so you’re going to keep poking with a stick until the results go your way. You’re a child.

Keep on Schiff, you have wasted lots of our money for this nonsenses. If you don’t know what else to do, jus shut up and collect that big paycheck every month. No body will bother you, we just consider those are welfare checks for you. Just shut up

Sounds like subpoena, manipulate to get the answer we want. Then blame someone else for the wasted millions.


To those at CNN you and Adam Schiff cannot save face. You have lied to the United States of America for your own benefits. You have disgraced journalism. Your boss should be “ Your Fired” for having aloud such despicable behavior. Shame is yours to bear

'To clarify the report' and hasn't even seen it. A true jerk

You mean the Soros water boy.

Loser Schiff can't let it go

Shifforbrains needs to worry about his own problems

How long until killerary gets involved and Mueller 'commits suicide'? coverup wheretheressmoketheresfire

Hahaha what a jokester screaming better let Mueller finish now doesn't like the ending so wants to usurp the rule of law , shitty schiff runs the Dems doomsday cult ,

washingtonpost nytimes wolfblitzer maddow NicolleDWallace Every day I am thankful that the Democrats took over the House. Just think if the GOP won the midterms we would know nothing.

You'd think people would be happy that it's unlikely that the U.S. President is a Russian agent.

House Intelligence Committee has got to be an oxymoron! I don't think there is any intelligence amongst them! Maybe half right, it is chaired by a moron.

Didn't the Dems go GaGa over Robert Muller, they don't trust him now? Because it didn't go their way? Now that President is inncocent in Russian/Trump 2016 interference. Just like Hillary said, she will except thePresidential election outcome.Bullshit. CRYpower Hungry Thieves

CNN is up Schiff's creek

This guy won't be content till he ruins the whole country and to think he works us the citizens of the United States sounds like he,s self-employed to me

Good you better get busy because Barr is a partisan hack and will cover it up citing DOJ policies. 37 indictments is not enough, the american people need to know if Trump is compromised by Russia and is a national security risk. Get the subpoena's out asap.

Yawn MuellerReport

In other words, “I don’t need facts to support what I believe”. The essence of every liberal argument.

Lmao NO indictment Commy News just made this crap up to hurt Trump Communist News would never dare to bash The Clumptons Commy News too scared lol

RepAdamSchiff Adam Schitt should be investigated actually - lot of skeletons in his 'closet'

Schiff is a loser why continue to investigate when its obviously your not finding nothing Schiff is about to find himself working at a Mcdonalds or Walmart as a door greeter

Lmao, two years of nothing. Just a distraction to what’s really going on in this world. Like that nice nuclear toy russia has created called the Poseidon which is a 100 megaton torpedo that can travel deeper than a submarine, so it’s undetectable. 🤦🏾‍♂️

I think someone needs a J-O-B

It is now sadly clear that a preponderance of so-called “news” coming from America’s mainstream media outlets is unvarnished biased drivel. They have aided and abetted the disgruntled Democrats’ unholy jihad against this President. They are truly the EnemyOfThePeople Russiagate

His panel will be the 3 Amigas.

The Demwits and the Liberal Media Especially CNNSUCKS have been wrong since !!!! Hillary will win by a Landslide ! America is Back ! Economy is Back ! Jobs are Back ! Our Military is Back ! Thank God when Liberals are Wrong everyone is better ! TRUMP2020 DemocratsHateAmerica

The Warlock wants to keep the Witchunt going.


Unnamed Sources have confirmed, Mueller’s Report Will Prove, realDonaldTrump is GUILTY, of being the Only One Who NEVER Colluded With Russia! 😆

Does this dude ever do anything else?

Little Schitttt...You have to give him credit, autistic people are like that.

No need. I'm sure realDonaldTrump Will have lots declassified after a relaxing victory weekend!

trump was a liar and crook before Russia involvment, more to come from other investiatgions. trump won't win popular vote in 2020 nor the eletoral college. he will join the one timers like Carter, Ford, and Bush Sr. Still waiting for details of Mueller report here.

Tick tock Schiff for Brains. Now that Mueller wrapped up the Russia Hoax with NO related indictments, Trump is free to take out the conspirators. WWG1WGA

All you dems selective outrage sure got a nice kick in the ass today! Do us a favor and delete your account if you posted about collusion

The fine art of wasting time & money.

TwitterSupport TwitterSafety twitter needs to ban for spreading fake news and information the past 2 years. This is against your TOS

Well that sounds like a schitt idea


Because he's stupid

Keep digging. You’ll find the real collusion with Clinton and the democrats

Now that the report has been delivered...It may be the time to subpoena Barr for the complete report. The sooner the better, so Barr will be very careful about what he says about it. His reputation will be on the line. MichaelAvenatti

Can’t any of them read?

That's right Democrats, keep up the attacks with no proof, keep looking for a crime you don't even know exists and I can't wait for your absolute punishment at the polls for your criminal behavior!

Can Trump also initiate a special committee to see what part was played by democrats and the Steele dossier? He should not be the only having to answer questions.

Shifty Schiff probably should be investigating you.

Or you could read it.

See dead horse. Beat.

Grow up it's over, 4 more years Mr Trump my president. Thank God.



Schiff should be recalled

Go to hell shfty!

CNN it's over.

MillerStream Here it is for you Schiffy Boy. No Russian Collusion!! None. None hidden and none in plain sight. None. You played and you lost. Good day sir, I said Good Day!!!

What happened to all you liberals that kept saying “tick tock Mueller is coming soon, Trump will be in jail soon “? I have one word for all of you... Bwaaaahahahaha!

You should be embarrassed to even interview this clown, but since you are also clowns......

Pencil neck needs to find something productive to do.

Eggs in your face....


Hillary Clinton and the Entire Democratic Party Lost Again!

Need to investigate Adam Schiff and the rest of Congress

Oh please! Get over it people. You lost!

Two years playing with a BS investigation, costing US tax payers and keeping Gov. from doing their jobs. AdamSchiff ,HillaryClinton , Comey and others need to be held accountable. MAGA2020

I’ll laugh my ass off when that backfires and Frankenstein’s (DNC) monster turns on the doctor (Schiff)

This really erodes my confidence in the Dept of Justice. Hillary was exposed but 45 is protected. Whack!

Have they considered reading it

Fake news CNN promoted this hoax and can never be trusted again.

The Russia collusion lie managed to start a new Cold war so congrats on that

He’s as sharp as a marble

...Nerves can't hold up any longer huh?

Mueller needs to tell the Democraps: “Get a life !!”

REAL Breaking News: Democrats and their corrupt FBI and DOJ buddies and CNN pundits FALSELY accused President Donald J. Trump and his family of collusion with the Russians. You just helped re-elect Trump!

What happened to the big lie Russia Russia Russia Lol 25 million wasted

LOL. That’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard

Ever see a more slimy guy?

What a desperate, dishonest, manipulative, and wasteful act....expect nothing less from someone as desperate, dishonest, manipulative, and wasteful as Adam Schiff



Read it you always have Websters to explain any words you may not understand. RepAdamSchiff

Mueller and the democrats should pay all the money wasted of this spiritual illusive collusion and apologize to the public for this hoax

Schiff and a number of CNN talking heads have lied and mislead; people stupid enough to watch them over the last two years about the President. Both these channels should be turned off!

Rep Schiff cares nothing about the US citizens. Rep Schiff will continue to find anything he can to impeach the Pres. Schiff is part of an ongoing coup to overturn the 2016 election. He is part of the Washington establishment insurance plan. The investigation is the coverup.

For the last two years the Democrats have told us to all wait for the Mueller report..has if it was to be the word of let it be written so let it be done..NOW they tell us we can't trust Mueller or his report Why? because once again if it doesn't fit their agenda...

Russiagate has already gone down in history. Should rightfully cost the left the 2020 election

Spy into it, alter it or change the content to what you want? Or even set up a 'bias-tigation' committee to re write, rearrange or disappear all you did not intend?😂😂😂😆😆😆

Fake new CNN i cant wait till DNC & NEWS NETWORKS r tied in as 1 and charged with dividing the country and spreading lies, remember my name cause ill b filing in Massachusetts. And watch the Trump numbers for approval rate rise you guys get the assist on that one keep up the hate

Quit wasting our tax dollars !! TRUMP 2020 strong !!

Go get'em shifty Schiff, you loved, adored, and protected Mueller six months ago and today you've turned on your own. You're wearing your party's true color, HYPOCRITES!!!!

Somebody will have to read it to Schiff and explain it with really short words. Same is true for CNN & its staff of mindless rookies. Maybe a 4th grader on spring break can help them.

The latest progress on the Russia investigation.


RepAdamSchiff CNN cnni y’all got anymore of dat collusion?

Will he get a participation trophy even though he lost?

CNN.. Liars. Two years of bullshit and they’re trying to keep it going.

Apologies accepted!! FakeNews!! MSNBC_Breaking CNBC

Haha, if there’s anybody in this world that lacks the balls to subpoena Mueller it’s Mr. Mackey, there.... mmmmmkay?

Give it up!!

Apologize CNN! Two years of fake Russian Collusion News!!!!!

THE RUSSIANS TRIED AND the Russians FAILED . THEY MADE A COUPLE ATTEMPTS but THEY WERE UNSUCCESSFUL. The DOCUMENTS were LEAKED. Now you would expect these words came from POTUS but it wasn’t him who said it. Those words came from RepAdamSchiff 🤫

Hows that big nothingburger tasting on the russiacollusion i hope every one of you choke on it after you took a bite, have some more cnn koolaid to wash it down with your bignothingburger muellerreport


For go on vacation Schiff..forever


Why can't he just read it? The guy is a ring sausage.

Stop beating a dead horse. The Witch hunt is over....

Stop the redicious acts and act like an American! Remember what that's like?

can't give up the conspiracy huh. smh poor fool. maybe we could investigate you just a tad bit. enjoy that 7.8 million adam?

Adam please try and do something positive and stop bashing Trump. You said he would fire Muellar! Guess what he didn’t and you don’t like the results


Just more proof that these hypocrites and liars are NEVER going to be satisfied with the truth. Pencilneck Schiff is just one example of the far left not being about governing but simply a bunch of spoiled children who are unable to accept that Queen Hillary lost in 2016.

Schiff is a total arrse hole who was leaking information illegally from the committee from day one . The sleezy sob needs to be indicted and removed from office

It’s so pitiful and embarrassing for the democrats...Their pipe dream of collusion is shattered...Now they’ll cry and try to come up with some other hoax...

BTW CNN we are waiting for your apology on this whole Russia collusion story that you pushed with little if no research done to verify the facts.

Adam, once you get the “clearer picture “, will you be going after the true criminals :

He can't read? Won't it be in the report? Or does he have to drag this on for a couple more years to show the American public how deranged the Dems have become?

He knows, and it’s very clear, no indictments means no Russian collusion. To go past this means he is misusing committee power for political gain. knows this as well and should have challenged him on his statement but did not. Why?

AdamSchiff you are proven disgraced liar, who should be ashamed of himself. You must resign! Draintheswamp!! MAGA

You want a clear picture? Here it is:

This is bullSchiff...

This fool is still at it. What clearer picture to do want he has submitted his report and you want a clearer picture

The election is over. Trump won. Get over it and end the impeachment game. The Perjury Trap failed. No process crimes on Trump. Suck it CNN & Adam Schiff!

They can’t read?

They can’t be bothered to read it?

Would not be surprised if Schiff is investigated? Stay tuned.

Good because once again the White House will lie about what really happened

A fool calling on a snake.

Trump is still your President. ✔️

During investigation.. 'we must act to protect Mueller, I trust Mueller and his team to do a fair and accurate investigation into Trump/Russia collusion.' After Mueller turns in his results. 'We MUST subpoena Robert Mueller!!'... Ole Schiffy is comic gold.

So that’s the play. Mueller gets to be a straight arrow on paper but ole Schifty will give Mueller time to spin on camera. Democrats are gross.

Trump the walking dead. Impeach.

Dems after no collusion: I want Mueller subpoenaed! I want his wife subpoenaed! I want his kids subpoenaed! I want his dog subpoenaed!

“ Is willing” should be: Will subpoena.

'You didn't find collusion!!' SUBPOENA!!!!

Trump 2020 MAGA!! Bye crazy Dems!!! See you crazy people on the other side of the wall soon!!!

Would you like a therapy dog, oh wait i think you beed some tissues, you crying baby boy

It's not even about subpoena, he has to appear at the appropriate time if invited because it is necessary. We don't think he will decline considering his will to democracy and rule of law.


😂🤣😭🤣 so worth ALL THE LIES AND BULLSHIT for this day😂🤣😂

So schiff has finished writing the mueller report.

So what attacks will the devil's allies, the leftists, conceive of next against Trump after finding no collusion?


Adam will not be in office by end of week. We call for his arrest

FOR TWO YEARS YOU LIED you pushed propaganda on the people of the United States, you divided, you caused animosity & hate. People have been hurt, blood has been shed ALL BECAUSE YOU COLLUDED WITH THE DEMOCRATS AND WERE PISSED HILLARY THE SLURM QUEEN LOST THE ELECTION DESPICABLE

Let's see what we got for a 2-1/2 year, 40 million dollar Investigation Any person close to Trump went broke defending themselves 1 ID theft 1 Income tax case 3 Bus Fraud Cases 6 Making False Statement No Russian Collusion Except 23 Unknown Russians, who will NEVER go to trial

Schiff is schmuck. Pound sand and move on to more important matters to our country.

For f - - k sake, release the damn report already & let the shit show begin.

Dems ready to walk away from democratic party yet? If you have eyes an ears you can see clearly what's goin on! Congress mostly dems but some republicans have been projecting their crimes onto our president!

It’s over! No “collusion” was found. No evidence was found.. all a big scam against Trump. If Schiff asks for another “investigation”, it shows the Dems are sore losers..

Please disclose how much money was wasted on this witch hunt- it’s like the second coming of Hillary Loses the election- lol

Now that the SC investigation is over, there is no reason RepAdamSchiff can't make public the direct evidence of Trump collusion he claims to have. Well, other than he's always been full of it.

Eat it schiff a really big sausage


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Freakin Schiffhead went from cupping Mueller to criticizing Mueller. These people are insane for power, treasonous, and will stop at nothing.

McCarthyism ain't got nothin' on Schiffism.

Let it go!!!


CNN and JEFF ZUCKER must be held accountable for their fake news, propaganda channel aiding and abetting the FAKE COLLUSION bullshit! REPARATIONS FOR THE WASTED $3 MILLION!!! 😡

Mueller should investigate this criminal.

CNN and Schiff are liers!!!

Of course he is! No collusion! It’s time to accept Trump as President

Stop! You are embarrassing yourself and America on the world stage. My foreign family think you have 3 heads, and they’re probably right. Enough! RepAdamSchiff

😆You do that AdamSchiff .

Give it a rest already- admit you’re wrong, say you are sorry you got caught in all the lies, fire anyone that has been spewing nonsense for 2 years. Find a back bone and some respect.....

Why bore us more with this?

You haven't even seen it yet. Are your reading and comprehension skills that poor? Rhetorical question. We all know the answer.

This is ridiculous. But...if the dems want to hand over the 2020 election to Trump by their continued stupidity then so be it. Trump2020

I swear I hope he does!!!! Trump is gonna be after him for his major part in this Russian collusion hoax! You all might get some ratings if you show a little humility and say well we were wrong yes he still sucks as a human but we were all lied to by these politicians!


This jerk needs to go home and stay there

With all due respect would you all stop talking about what may or may not happen? You know what will happen. I’ve hated it from day 1 and nothing will happen to him. It, you all have made me so sick. Talk about what we can do together to end this hell.

What a maroon...

How deep is the shit THIS guy is in? His animosity is to the point of being irrational, based on the evidence (or lack of any), which he is in a better position than most to be aware of if it existed. There is more to it than makes sense. Those who squeal the most...

I’m sick of hearing about this

I didn’t know Schiff was illiterate. Let me help. NoCollusion

Schifty Schiff. Soon to be GTMO bound.

Trump wins 2.0

Please do... we will have to unlock ALL of it! This guy has no idea the can he will open when he starts 'investigating.' He might single-handedly take down the Democratic party.

You told us that it was proven Donald Jr lied to the investigators. That’s supposed to be automatic jail time. Now ur saying no new indictments.. we can not stand for that.

Shiesty Schiff needs to be quiet and hide in his office till the backlash of this disaster investigation blows over. Dude your done! Pack your Bags!

Trump just won the elections 2020 funny 😄 isn’t

You should be ashamed.

If he (they) dare to, mueller will make him (them) look like even stupider buffoons.

Little Adam Schitt goes on and on down a beaten path.

What's the matter, the fuckhead doesn't know how to read?

AdamSchiff lullaby sleep tight, the hoax is over... 💤💤

Nice. Just keep wasting money

AdamSchiff is fighting for his life. They have life in prison dirt on him and he is dancing to their beat. StandardHotel

The desperation is palpable.

You all owe our great President Trump an apology. POTUS

He needs to move on to the....


Did it occur to FakeNewsCNN To ask Adam Schiff why he decided to subpoena Robert Mueller before he even read the report?

Why? What did Bob Mueller do? 😆😂🤣🤣😅🤣😄😁😂😂😆🤣😅🤣😆😁😂😅😄🤣😅😆🤣😂😁😁🤣😅😅😄😅😅😅🤣😆😂😁😂🤣😆😅😅😄😆😆😆😆🤣🤣😅😄😂😆🤣😁😁😂🤣😅😄😅🤣


cnn still beating the dead horse FakeNews

ENOUGH! 🤦🏻‍♀️

He just can’t give it up!! He has made a career out of investigating Trump! Surely he was elected for something else.

Would your team be kind enough to put together a 4 hour montage of the ridiculous comments that have been made by hosts & guests for more than 18 months on CNN regarding Russia collusion. Than please can we return to balanced reporting rather than OP research for the resistance.

This insanity is gong to go on, and on, and on. The greatest country, in the history of our world, The United States Of America. The current leaders, fail to realize the truth of her purpose. Our leaders are Destroyers. Creativity is the purpose of our creator.

Lmao. I hope he tells this criminal who leaked classified intel, to shove it up his .....

If Schiff was on fire I wouldn't piss on him to put it out!

LOL 😂 😂😂 When are you going to understand ITS OVER NO Collusion!!!! LOVE OUR PRESIDENT ❤️

Is there a bigger a hole in politics then Adam Schiff.

Hoping Mueller sends a fresh 19yr old male intern

Liar you know what they can say and what they can't put out on that report by law.Just another distraction to keep the public to see exactly what you guys have done in the past couple years. Time to resign

wow he really continues to make a fool of himself

Adam Schiff? What a joke? He knew everything he was saying was lies. He owes a lot of apologies to a lot of people. No credibility!

CNN and Schiff you look so smart today.

Schiff where is all the evidence you talked about. You should be removed from your seat.

Schiff needs to be investigated first to the same standard, then either vindicated or equal justice applied....serious allegations have been made of him ....

IngGuthrie I don’t think he would mind.

Be careful what you wish for.

Ha ha upturn on the Dimms the truth is coming out and some will be charged as needed

Paint RepAdamSchiff face red, stick horns his and tail up his backside anyou got SonOfSatin



This whole thing is a hoax and this idiot wants to spend more tax dollars even after the final report?! Trump 2020 to clean the damn swamp! These guys have to go. They are the threat to American freedom. Fake allegations fake investigation and huge waste of tens of millions.

The want Trump to be getting investigated when election day comes so he wont win because that's why Hilary lost.

Completely Clueless

Because Muller didn’t induct Trump.

Grasping at straws. Each time to pick one, you end up looking more pathetic.

“Ah, but the strawberries!”

Now about your connections to Ukranians...

How we doing?

FACT: No American citizen has been charged with collusion.

It will be interesting to see if tRump has a meltdown on Twitter this weekend .worrying about the fallout from Mueller's report. Will it be paranoia or guilty conscious that gets to him first? The weirdest thing he could do tho,is not tweet at all!

Hey Adam! He's STILL your President!

Is this guy for real, total drama with a capital D

Schiff is the little dog CNN throws treats to.

Will schiff spend 20 hrs prepping him beforehand? He really is a joke.

MillerStream 😂😂😂😂😂

Give it up CNN and Schiff . . . You are a laughing stock already!


Schiff is a sad, sad husk of a man.

Cause GoldStandard Shifty AdamSchiff ? 😂😂😂😂😂 RussianBot

Can you smell the desperation?


Breaking news Adam shit may have Russian collusion.

Now that’s one heck of a good!

Desperation Sicko Delusional NotWorthy

Let's investigate Adam just for the fun of it ...we need some extra taxpayers dollars to do something productive

Democrats are going down !!

Poor guy

Now it’s time to shut up and fix the disaster known as Obamacare

MillerStream Please stop

House Intelligence Committee = Oxymoron.

All of a sudden the Mueller report isn't good enough! The left has no excuses left🤣❄️😂

You all are beating a dead horse, there was no collusion, and this whole thing was a witch hunt from day one. Get over it, time to move on. 50 million dollars, what a disgrace.

RepAdamSchiff your turn to be investigated.

And the threats of harassment continue from the biggest liar in Congress.

Cnn puts people on that said they had evidence like that lying pos Adam shift. They all knew they had no evidence. Only fool watch cnn, fools.

Let it go, you all look like 🤡

Does Schiff not know how to read? Nothing like having tax payers pay for Mueller to read it for him. 😡 MuellerReport Fail

One would logically conclude that Schiffty is petrified that now the Truth will continue to move forward and he will be undicted. He will be because of his involvement in Standard Hotel Human Trafficking, sexual misconduct payments, missile assassination attempts, 7.3 milluon...

Y'all gonna come to Justice.

I suppose you could read the report. If reading is t your thing, maybe see if James Earl Jones is available to do an audible version? It still will end up with no indictments or collusion, but his voice is dreamy. Make help the pill go down more smoothly.

AdamSchiff realDonaldTrump DonaldJTrumpJr Adam Schitt should be tried for treason

How many millions have we already spent? Why more? NoCollusion

'Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad.'

MillerStream 🤣🤣🤣, much like the 2016 election nothing is EVER enough for these people


Why? Schiff said he has enough evidence already. Lol.

Hahaha, in other words “why didn’t you manufacture evidence (ex. dossier) and indict POTUS?” The meltdown will be fun to watch while assuring a 2020 win for Trump.

Let it go...Mueller Time has come and turned out to be a Mueller Lite! MAGA

ok, now you can go after the real party of corruption. The Democratic Party..

Obviously this guy can’t read!!

No collusion, CNN is Fake News!!!

Mueller has been corrupted by Putin! What does Putin have on Mueller!

Change your underwear, and give it a rest. Try actually doing your job.

MillerStream Schiff is such a joke. But so is 90% of their party and just think, half the country votes for them.

Rep. Schiff is getting more and more unstable everyday. He could be psycho.

Clearer picture of what? Ain't you democrats tired of being defeated?

The subpoena needs to go to CNN.

That was Quick. Get ready folks: 'B-b-but, Mueller was a Republican, so he was covering up for Trump...' The 180 on Mueller's integrity will be so fast, you'll get whiplash.


So long you and RepAdamSchiff are truly an embarrassment to decent American citizens.

Do it now! Timid Mueller needs a shoulder-shaking!

Smh 🤦🏼‍♀️

Schiff is a liberal lap dog. Tiring....

Schiff doesn't trust Mueller's probe now after calling for legislation to protect Mueller's probe...ha


What an empty suited, biased tool QUiff is


Shifty shift is already clutching at straws and floundering as he sinks below the surface of the DC swamp!

Bwahahahaha! 😂😂😂😂🤮

You gotta be kidding! Can you not read it and comprehend any of it?No intelligence ability whatsoever? Oh, what a shame to have you as a representative in our government.

Televise it,.too. More free Trump campaign ads.

The joke that never ends and cnn is 100% behind it

Hey CNN try to be real journalists and find out how Schiff is connected to the Standard Hotel scandal

Zzzzz nobody care about this anymore! President is do an awesome job for America, report on that!

You have ZERO Schiff the whole thing was a scam and the taxpayer paid millions thanks to you and your corrupt colleagues!!!

Read it first. Dip shift...

Y'all are nuts man

Adam Schiff should get a REAL job!!!!

Congressman, please just stop already. You passed the point of embarrassment a long time ago.

👏👏👏.. The White House / Barr can’t BS the truth then 😎👍🇺🇸

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Break a leg!!

Pencil neck can’t stand it that no collusion exists! Neither can the liberal MSM!

Make sure we get the truth

Funny, where are the cry babies. Oh, that's right they're too busy screaming at the sky with their pu**y hats on. Time to serve them their sh**t sandwiches.

Now we KNOW there's nothing in the Mueller report!

Rephrase. “Panel is willing to subpeosna muellerto continue this crap show for at least two more years”

So the report don't go your way and u open a new investigation! Will this liars tantrum ever stop?

Time to subpoena the Dems

This whole investigation was propaganda that Democrats Hoped would lingerie into 2020 to have smoke on the president. These people hate the president more than they love this country.

It’s hilarious how shifty Schiff thinks that he can find something when Mueller, his Trump hating crew, $30m and 2 years didn’t.

In other words, the liberal narrative that cost this country millions of dollars imploded and they can’t deal!

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Fool 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

At some point AdamSchiff needs to turn his focus on doing work the American people elected him to do instead of continuing to obsess over his hatred for the 45th POTUS. His premature threats are a slap in the face to Mueller - who is an experienced investigator.



Schiff is scared Schittless. He maybe should be. Oh yeah... and he’s a flaming liar. There’s this👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼


Wikileaks, if your listening, I hope you're able to find the entire unredacted Mueller report.

RepAdamSchiff fisa warrant abuse. There should be a subpoena for you. realDonaldTrump


Intelligence Committee? Dude can't read?

Can’t intelligence committee read, or just too damn lazy?

If you have evidence of collusion, why didn't you give it over to Mueller? You sir are a liar. Watch out for karma! It catches up to you......eventually



Why would he need to subpoena him? Just ask him nicely to come in for a chat.....



Give it up dude


The clown show rolls on.

You want to know the clearer picture? I can tell you: Tens of millions of taxpayers dollars dumped to find NOTHING!!!!!!!! And Hillary Clinton is free!...

CNN ( Cartoon News Network ) and PMSnbc are in a very sad state now. For two years they had proof and had a bunch of 🤡's on with proof of RUSSIAN COLLUSION and now there is none. Covered this 24/7 and now what are the jokers going to cover?👌 🖖🇺🇸🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈

Hey schitt you lost again how many more times does it take

Omg, this guy needs to get a life! He acts like a child that's full of hate and tevenge. So sad. Karma

Really want to know the ending of this show

Why don't you stop all the BS. No Collusion no indictment Stop wasting our tax dollars you baffon. We don't care what he did unless he committed a crime. We also don't care what he did 20 years ago. Stop the investigations. Wish you were in my district so I could vote you out

fullofschiff is a clown and a liar who should be indicted.

Imagine how many children have been horrified by this monsters face?

Oh my God this guy. Give it up, get a life, get to work, and get off TV.

I want my 675 days of my elected president back! You people are liars.

Shifty Schiff is an embarrassment to the Congress and the country. Your reporting this witch hunt is FAKE NEWS and Schiff is a disgrace. Digging his own hole deeper in front of the American people. You guys will pay the price for stupidity

hey why don't you tell this clown to go ahead and go after Hillary Clinton and Obama for the illegal things they did and for Benghazi what a joke the silent majority is listening clowns

Who voted him in a government position?

Schiff is Shiffin his pants....What a laughing stock!

I wish this clown would use the money for these investigations to fix the roads help the homeless and worry about doing something for the good of America instead of getting revenge from losing what a clown

PPFA AbortionIsMurder

Mueller better watch out.... Democrats 'eat their young'.

What the back is with Adam SMH

NOT!!!!!!!!!! This guy is a ratings killer Run CNN Run!

Adam Schiff speaking...

MillerStream Sit down somewhere because the American people are done!

Enough! Move on! Start governing this country and earn your paycheck, for an example, make laws....

Adam has nothing positive to do for infrastructure or our borders. He would rather browbeat Americans...preferably Anyone other than a Democrat.

Bwahahahahahahasnortgiggle Desperation sets in for little Mr. Schiffforbrains Time for you to show down Adam. Enjoy!

He don't have the stones but would love to see it. Lol

What an idiot AdamSchiff is

Bwahahahaha. two years later and all you have is a belly full of razor blades. You know.... you suffer from HATE. It has consumed your life and destroyed the quality of your existence. You need an intervention. Daddy is going to send you to rehab. two years and 40mil wasted

🤣🤣🤣This should make the snowflakes happy

Sounds like we live in a political state where governmental agencies are politicized against their political enemies

Not to worry: you will get a report to go over line. Thankfully a lot of the deep State has been exposed and hopefully there will be a full investigation to put many of these people behind bars. Hillary willlk great in orange!

Just raise the white flag already. Geez

Lol. You lost, no collusion. Asshats.

When he said he had seen the evidence on numerous occasion, right ?RepAdamSchiff said he had seen the evidence ! So is RepAdamSchiff blind in some way or has he been involved in trying to overthrow a duly elected president ? You know the answer. It begins with a t , ends in n

Yeah! 🙄🙄🙄🙄 Big Bad Schiffy! 😂😂😂 Sorry TIMES UP, get your donkey & RIDE LIKE THE WIND!

Herr Mueller had zilch on Trump...ZILCH. Great reporting....frauds and liars.

You guys really came out stink in here and I’m glad how are you going to make this right with the country or you just gonna push it under the rug and act like it never happened you guys just suck take them Ignorant Democrats with you

Let the crow eating begin!!! 👏🏻👏🏻

BahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHAHA!!!! He’s got 10 tons of egg on his face.... as does CNN. LIARS... all of you. EXPOSED!!!

You poor poor liberals swung for the upper deck and struck out BAHAHAHAHAH


Meaning they don’t understand how this could have happened. Schiff is gonna start an investigation of the investigations that Mueller did. 🤣🤣🤣

Adam Schiff needs to be recalled.

Schiff sucks then swallows. Investigate ADam

He can subpoena EVERYONE! Nothing there! How much more money will the Democrats throw in the toilet?

He’s embarrassing his whole country.

CNN is complicit in lying to the American people feeding them nothing but lies, hate and propaganda.

Lol! Just in! CNN and BSNBC suspends all programming tonight so their FAKE NEWS goons can get falling-down drunk as realDonaldTrump not indicted & Adam Schiff, for 1st time in 2 yrs NOT available to be in front of camera, but spotted at park wearing trench coat & sobbing.



Only the mentally ill are Dems.


You’re all alone. Nobody cares anymore.

How we find out why he had a meeting at a ski resort!!!!

There is nuthin' there Schifty, just like we knew all along

Read the report BEFORE opening and running your mouth.

CNN this just proves that u are the enemy of the people. U deliberately misled people. Ur garbage.

Maybe Adam Schiff has something to hide and he wants to make sure it isn't in the Mueller report.

Schiff is an embarrassment

Give it up silly man.

AdamSchiff I’m sure you will now tell everyone the Russians colluding with Mueller to make sure the investigation showed no collusion. Next shitty Schiff will want a new investigation into Mueller!

Creepy eye Schiff is crying lol i love it

If he can’t read the report and glean a clear picture he may need his reading comprehension tested.

Hi My name is Adam and I’m gonna make up a bunch of lies

Sniff 😂😂😂😂


Russian Collusion!!! They got him!!!! oops. How can this f**ckwit be entrusted to be leading the house intelligence committee? He's lied time and time again.

Adam Schiff is embarrassing the Democrats even more! And Anderson Cooper looks like he’s gonna cry!

A clearer picture, they wrote it down ffs.

He's just too lazy to read it. lol


Nothing on Colusion ha he wasted Millions of our Tax Dollars and The Clinton’s started all of this crap yet nothing mentioned about them lol

It’s always nice to see Mr. shifty still hard at work

LEARN TO LOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

'clearer picture' 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 wasn't Schiff the one who guaranteed there was evidence of collusion? Idiots

FakeNews cnn CNN LOOKING STUPID! RepAdamSchiff is a fitting scapegoat.

How does this guy still have a job

You didnt read it yet but you need it clarified? Just face it, you lost, again.

Smoke screen alert! When things are redacted for national security purposes, the Dems and MSM will claim it’s a coverup.

The words 'Adam Schiff' and 'Intellignece' should never be used in the same paragraph.

I would be pissed if I was CNN and got suckerd by these Democrats politicians, and literally put all their eggs in the Muller report.

NoMoreIndictments 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻NoRussianCollusion🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻TheWitchHuntIsOver 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

What SchiffHead completely fullofschiff!

Give it up bubba. Your embarrassing yourself

What for? You are already a proven liar? This is just a waste of time? This just secured Trump’s re-election.

Clearer picture? Does that mean Schiff can’t read?

Eating crow tonight

Let’s supenoa schiff

Schiff and Brennan are on suicide watch right now. This whole is exactly what Trump said it was. A Witch Hunt. Now it's time to look into WHO was behind this HOAX. I think it rhymes with 'Schillary Benton'. 🤣

Desperation is showing its ugly head at CNN

Can’t wait for the REAL Russia collision to be exposed -bye bye schiff

Let's obtain the final settlement of the 19 year old boy you had sex with..


Can't he read?...........I would've thought it should be fairly concise given it's been more than 2 years in the making.

Hey Schiff, when are you getting your hands on Mueller's high school yearbook?

Oh good lord get a grip Schiff and CNN. We’re all sick of you.

Are you kidding? They want to subpoena Muller now?

Ya lost get over it

I guess reading it once available will be too hard to comprehend?

Please get that clown off the stage.

How about you just read the report?

Wow, they (CNN) can't believe they were wrong! 'There's gotta be something we can charge Trump with, pleeeeease!' FakeNewsCnn

2 YEARS OF LIES.... sad

RepAdamSchiff perpetuating the Great American Hoax. Not one person indicted 40 million spent. Democrats are done! NO COLLUSION!

Adam Schiff is a squirrel! Crazy Liar!

What country do the dems blame next for collusion after this one What a waste of time. And if i was Trump the retaliation would be enormous.

'I... I... I need to grasp SOMETHING!! WHERE ARE ALL THE STRAWS?!?!' 😄😄😄 Its called 'lying in the bed you made'. Deal with it liar. fullofschiff

CNN, hold your pants on boys, after 675 days, Mueller’s people hands over the report to the Attorney General’s people at 5 o’clock on a Friday night. Put your hands on the front of your pants boys, and pacify yourself

Yes, let’s just keep wasting time on this!! And money!!

The clown News Network failed again

The MSM LIED to the people of this country. The MSM has injected a POISON into this country and I truly hope that you will ALL be held accountable.

Wtf is he smoking 🙄

Intelligence and Schiff in the Same Sentence?

Give it up RepAdamSchiff it’s over. No collusion. Stop spending our money on these fake investigations

The media and everyone who promoted the ‘Russia collusion’ for the last two years owes an apology to all.

It’s over! The coup attempt failed. EnoughAlready

AdamSchiff is an embarrassment to this country and it's people. He is unfit to be in Congress and especially the Intelligence Committee. You lied intentionally to the American people, you perticipated in the coup to takedown our president. I hope you are jailed for your lies.


it is what it is--DEAL WITH IT

Old shitface can't READ!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 BWHAHAHAHA

Yawn But hey lets throw more time and money away Why don't the Dem/Libs try working on things that are really important and stop chasing their tail

DragonsDie1230 I’ll save you the trouble RepAdamSchiff

Here’s the report

Try investigating Hillary about the fake report she made, and her e-mails

Shitty schiff needs to be investigated.

I knew that Schiff couldn't read!

Isn’t clear enough for Schiffty? 🙄😂😂

It’s called Reading....

They have to know that he can't really answer any questions, right

The Dems hired him now don’t like what he ended up with.

Let it go for Goodness sakes. Enough already!

That would be a waste of time

Seriously Shiff for Brains

Please make sure you do that. Any obstruction by Barr must be dealt with

More import., begin impeachmt proceedings for AdamSchiff & all Dems in Congress who've lied consistently to Amer. people peddling THEIR wishful crimes committed by POTUS based on as phony a premise as the HilaryClinton & DNC produced dossier composed of fairy dust.

How about a new pay plan for congress. They get hourly rate for every hour attending session on the floor.

The poster child for term limits.

The more he speaks, the less chance he will ever run for POTUS

You want a clearer picture? Okay. I'll say it slow: NO....... COLLUSION....... Any questions?

Stop the madness and the spending of the millions of tax dollars for this WITCH HUNT

When will your network apologise for all your hateful lies and fake reporting?

Adam, read Adam, read! Don’t just open your mouth!! R E A D

Trump must have seen the Report yesterday, because he changed his tune yesterday & said. Yes, the public should see the Mueller Report!!!

Take the L!

Give it up Adam Shits. There is no there there. You seem to be the only one that sees evidence of Russian collusion when even Muller and the angry Democrats found nothing. Time to go after the real criminals, the Obama administration.

😂 lol! Shifty


The Democrat Plantation lynch mob is now looking to hang Mueller for not hanging Trump.

Kids, please behave in the sandbox...

You know it Adam !! If the White House or Barr hold back, Robert Mueller will jump at the chance to be subpoenaed. There is still so much to come out. Trump is still in a whole load of trouble. And this doesn't even have anything to do with the SDNY.

Of course he did 🙄

Lol this guy is relentless

MuellerVTrump The public has the right to see the full, unadulterated Mueller report! We don't trust A.G. Barr, who may be another of realDonaldTrump's puppets!

I wonder how much more Democrats are willing to spend of OUR money in a desperate search for something Schiff knows isn’t there?

G9 for it! If that is allowed, it may be the only way for Congress to ever learn what is in it.

Perhaps a special council investigation of the special council investigation is in order. AdamSchiff Mueller

fullofschiff is grasping at straws.

This clown just can't stop flapping his gums.

Give it a rest AH. It’s over.

You promised collusion, a frog-marched president, and trials for treason and all they got was a debunked dossier. Way to flush your credibility down the toilet CNN !!

Poor Adam... he's getting desperate.

99 % off !

I smell justice in the air for those involved in the coup

This has all become laughable....

Maybe someone should subpoena schiff for a change.


Chill Rep Adam Schiff. We all waited for so long. Let the process take its course.

Trump is not out of the woods yet. What is impeachable or irretrievably damning may yet not be indictable.

He should just subpoena Vlad and Alexei. They have the truth

MuellerReport MuellerTime ReleaseTheReport ReleaseTheReport ReleaseTheReport ReleaseTheReport ReleaseTheReport ReleaseTheReport ReleaseTheReport ReleaseTheReport ReleaseTheReport ReleaseTheReport TrumpRussia PutinsPuppet

Great, now we can ask him about the real collusion.

OMG.. Now he's the big cheese in town Omg

Why don't you quit beating a dead horse.

MillerStream Translation: Adam Schiff is willing to spend however much of your tax money he wants to in order to follow his political vendettas.

Can’t he read?

This guy should face the firing squad.

How is it possible that Donald Trump Jr was not charged? He said the meeting with the Russians was about adoptions, it wasn't, he lied to congress.

Democrats now want to desperately sift through every word in every document - there must be a crime there somewhere

Yes, absolutely! Do it! We need the unedited TRUTH from Mueller's lips. Excuse me for not believing that the full Mueller report will be revealed to the public....or even to Congress by AG Bill Barr who is a Trump loyalist.

How much clearer do you need it Schiffty?

Hey RepAdamSchiff? Please suck it, ok?


MillerStream And Mueller has a legal responsibility to not respond.

Schiff is a total fool!!! There was nothing illegal done by President Trump!!! But the democrats! Fixed elections, lied, bullied and paid people to do the dirty work! Aka Las Vegas shooter

Enough already. Let it go. As an independent I’m tired of u wasting tax payers money for your frivolous allegations against our President

Never ending assortment of clowns in the tent I see PATHETIC

Maybe a 'picture' in crayon would help the dumbshit

Adam Schiff is a joke should be removed from public office forever

Ha! Maga!


THIS MAN lied to you for 2 years, he knowingly told you false & dangerous information for political purposes, he cannot be trusted.

Chanting Witch-hunt Witch-hunt Witch-hunt

It’s written in English - it will be very clear

Fucking clown liberals hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahah

Liberals already turning on mueller for failing to deliever the impossible

Lol that means the report shows nothing

idiot politicalhack

Did Mueller write it in Klingon?



Let the games begin.....

The ratings will be Yuge!

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