More schools drop LGBT rights classes

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More Birmingham schools stop LGBT lessons amid protests

Media playback is unsupported on your deviceFour more schools in Birmingham have stopped teaching about LGBT rights following complaints by parents.

Earlier this month the city's Parkfield Community School suspended the lessons after protests were held. Some parents at Parkfield, and the other four schools, claim the classes are inappropriate for young children and the schools' LGBT message contradicts Islam.


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COMPLETELY fucked up? “Campaigner Amir Ahmed said some Muslims felt 'victimized”” As a Muslim, I don’t see how being educated victimizes me? I’m just learning, a VERY important lesson abt respecting other’s rights and beliefs?

All religions have stated that it is a sin to be gay but all religions changed that belief well all apart from Islam

Well considering they stone gays to death, it was never going to go well was it Quran ShariaLaw

With LGBT lessons you are CONDITIONING THE CHILDREN to copy this life styles and behaviours. STAY AWAY FROM OUR KIDS!

If this is causing this much issues, we should have a people’s vote, like a democracy, before it turns into a longstanding battle like brexit

WE Gays & Lesbians are NOT going back in the closet for YOU!! Those in Birmingham who deny the teaching that WE LGBT exist, yet demand tolerance & acceptance for themselves beware! Your stance of dismissing the law of the land with education will be seen for what you are!

Giving into bigots is a slippery slope.

'The LGBT community has introduced slanted narrative of ‘genderless marriage’ and ‘alternative form of family’ based on their claim of genetically predisposed ‘sexual orientation’. They have portrayed themselves as victims of prejudice and discrimi' – OIC

Forget all their bullshit justification. They simply hate the ideas of modern society and want their kids to hate it too

These protests prove why we need such education..race, colour, religion can not be used by anyone as an excuse for bigotry! Keep teaching these values of inclusion and hopefully the children of these people will be better lgbt inclusion


Ridiculous comparison he gave, I think these parents may need to be educated as much as the children. If we teach accepting those with different religions, we must do the same with those who are LGBT. We tolerate all these as long as they don’t inflict pain on others.

Mental that a guy who didn’t want his daughter to do homework , writing about converting to Islam is a bigot but this goes ‘counter to beliefs’.

This is becoming a national scandal and no one seems to be paying any attention to it. This is how Brexit crowds out everything that matters and distracts from the things we should be focused on.

Funny no arrests by the police for hate crimes against the lgbt

He sounds pretty reasonable.

Not less than blatant homophobia.

Well beliefs don't matter, facts do. They are denying the truth. Pathetic and weak. Should be ashamed. Imagine they don't call their kids out on homophobic language either


Britain will become next Saudi Arabia after bowing to Islamists

Very disturbing! Religious beliefs appears to order what can or can not be part of education...

Grrr how dare parents have a choice in what their children are taught! Grrr how dare schools choose what they can or cannot teach children! Grrr schools should be FORCED to teach what I want them to teach based on my own ideology! GRRRRR!

Interesting it’s only Muslims at the front of this story! I am sorry but as a parent of children I should be able to teach my children when it is the right time! I want my children to be children for as long as possible, this is being forced down our throat!

Seems like the parents should be forced to take the class themselves

Disgusting, religion should have no place in schools.

Keep religion out of education. Not just Islam, any religion

Cowards. Giving in to the atavists.

Kids don’t need to know all this! Let them live their normal childhood. Choices will come later on in life there are far far more important matters to discuss

This has to stop! It is enshrined IN LAW that men&men women&women can marry have kids and are EQUAL IN ALL AREAS IN BRITISH LAW! Therefore this is discriminatory behaviour and has to stop!

Peter Hitchens what do you think?

Lessons should be given regardless of opposition to them. If you give into this they will demand something else is stopped as it doesnt align with their beliefs. Religious viewpoints should be kept out of school. End of story They can teach all that shite at home.

LycusOtto But English people don't have the same privilege in their own land. WhiteGenocide

They appear to be using the understandable age appropriate questions as a cover for their own intolerance.

I question whether parents should be able to remove their children from sex ed on religious grounds. Not wishing to sound intolerant but primary school sex ed focuses on puberty and periods - Children go through that regardless of religion.

In the interests of social harmony, and if white people aren't just paying lip service to accepting muslims they must give muslims an exemption. It will only lead to trouble if you don't. Attacks on schools, possibly.

I wonder why this was not introduced eons ago to combat racism. Seems to me LGBT's get more compassion.

They don't want the liberalism where LGBTQ which is a minority thing, something most people aren't on gets treated like it's a mainstream issue when in fact it's not it's bullshit how much attention it gets.

Do they think it's contagious? Honestly, a bit more education for the parents and the kids would be all right.

These people need to be slapped in the face by the long dick of government

WTAF, its 2019...

Maybe they should be teaching useful things?

Hardly surprising considering the muslim communities attitude towards gay people..

Good. Children need to be children. Wankers like Owen Jones can indoctrinate their own children, not those of others.

Whatapict It was only a matter of time before Islam and PC collided. The collision will get infinitely worse as well.

The people thinking being gay is a state of mind are as ignorant as the racists who think all Muslims are terrorists. If your kid grows up and is gay absolutely no external factors played a part in this. I say religion does far more harm imo.

Here we have one group complaining about being victimised, victimising another group who they hold in contempt. Ridiculous

So it's not homophobic to tell kids gay ppl don't exist, but straight ppl do? So it's clear now we know it's not Islamophobic if we decide to tell kids Muslims don't exist but Christian's, Jew's, Hindus and Atheists do! The irony and intolerance of Islam is absolutely baffling!

That is lovely

It’s heartbreaking and damaging to so many LGBT youth to see that we are still caving in to homophobia and religious based bigotry in this country. The simple fact of the matter is children are going to suffer thanks to this hatred. We need to be very vocal and angry about this

Maybe if the BBC, ITV, Sky, CH4 And The Rest Of the MSM Blamed this Outrage on Jeremy Corbyn because he whipped up Hatred for the LGBT Community And Anti Semitic feelings against Jewish LGBT Human Beings Because this Insane Man is a Rabid Racist Gay Hating Anti Semitic Aye Right!

Strictly speaking it’s also against Christianity. But so is disobeying the law of the land. Shouldn’t they be consulting with the Christian communities that are against LGBT lessons and put forward petitions together instead of singling themselves out as victims?

Why would someone mention the middle east as if everyone living in the middle east are evil. If the classes are just about equality then they should be allowed, if they are tied in with sex education then no. Such classes should at high school.

Ridiculous, just because it doesn't follow their backwards way of thinking.

The homophobic language I’ve heard in the corridors of the school I work at demonstrates perfectly why these lessons are necessary: to create a culture of respect. We cannot let this be hijacked by religious extremists (of any nature).

Littlecub647 Surely a clear demonstration of why we need education

Not at Primary school - fat too early

Was Mohammed not gay? I thought he was.

Morality and religion should not be taught together in schools. Islamic morality teaches very specific guidelines, which have no place in a modern world. I know this because my children attend school in an Islamic country.

teddyhuggy Much progress fighting this, stonewalluk ? Much hypocrisy around?

Such tolerance...

I feel sorry for any kid who has been taught that God hates homosexuality. I don’t care what religion that is. I’ve read about too many suicides of LGBT kids. If they’d been taught differently they’d be alive - which in my book makes the parents/educators killers.

British Broadcasting Caliphate 😑

People in this country tolerates everyone, that is how it has always been. People who choose to live here and free, should also tolerate our way of life or just move on.

Sexual orientation is real, God is superstition. Which should be taught in school?

Amazing how fast the left caves to all things Islamic

Lord help those kids if they turn out to be LGBT, serious questions have to be asked whether or not they’ll be safe with their families / communities

When the machines rise up and take over the world, there will be none of this nonsense.

This has nothing to do with LGBT rights and equality. It's everything to do with trying to force Muslims to reject their own morals and the teachings of their own religion.

In primary school I had sex education, religious education, nutrition, health and hygiene lessons and a giraffe in a van that taught us about drugs. The people acting like school is a place for learning maths and science only must've dropped out and gone on job seekers age 6

this is where britain should not hold back! Gender definition is an invention which is none sense in our century!

If I were the protest I would die of shame

There are of examples of lgbt people living happy, healthy lives everywhere now, whether it's people in the real world, social media, YouTube or celebs. Kids these days will learn at some point or another that gay people exist. It's a simple fact of life. Protest all ya want ✌

Told you.

When will certain people understand it is NEVER appropriate to force religious values that have NO EVIDENCE to support them onto a modern education system?

Great, they put a stop to the moral decay.

This is a huge problem. Massive.

Islamic bigotry and homophobia just grows and grows and grows

A schools job includes making children well rounded and understanding individuals,equipped to live in today's world. Not teach them that religious prejudice can be tolerated like this. They claim LGBTQ rights is age inappropriate but the same religion marries girls at 9 yrs old?

Surely good journalism would dictate 'More Muslim schools'?

How can bigots be allowed to intimidate schools into dictating their curriculum? This cannot be allowed to go on.

A bunch of regressive Islamists is what they are

NWO , soon you will have to accept sharia law

jeremycorbyn tom_watson EmilyThornberry jessphillips

I welcome, even request, the muslim hordes to implement Sharia and burn our decadent civilization down to ash.

'Assimilation is our goal' Said no muslim ever

Today on intersectionality bingo, the winner is Islam and lgbt comes in second

Cannot express how disappointed I am as an lgbt person in Birmingham. I could have really used this education at school. It's discrimination against Lgbt students, it's not confusing kids. This is just homophobia and it's awful they are succeeding.

good it is inappropriate. What they do when they are 18 is their own choice and business but leave their innocence alone till then

Tolerence I hear every day and never practiced. The divide is widening.

Why isn't theresa_may getting involved in this. This is an attack on our education system.

Could Sharia be the solution? Should we accept the Muslim horde to wash our decadent civilization away?

I dont give a flying Fu&£ what religion you are but we live in a free society where LGBT’s have the SAME rights as you warped morons who still live on the 17th Century, if a school stopped teaching your religion of whatever persuasion there would be uproar , cretin

Have these moron parents graduated from Oxford & Cambridge university, to be capable enf to tell schools about their curriculum. ironically, always moaning about inclusion & diversity being most intolerant themselves homophobia LGBT is real & respected EqualEducation

Where is the outrage? If this was christians they would be dragged through the streets being abused by the lgbt community

OwenJones84 have you booked a tour of these schools yet? Where is your support for the gay community? Are votes more important?

Good for them.

What a shame that it takes Muslim parents to actually state the bleeding obvious - of course if it was white Anglo Saxons expressing the same views they would be castigated as narrow minded homophobs - hooray for common sense

Imagine the outcry if a school stopped religious education lessons because they thought children were too young and vulnerable to the hatred, brain washing and potential extremism. And yes, that includes all religion.

Well... this is worrying

What mr. Homophobe believes about his religion is irrelevant to his efforts in faith. I grew up in an atheist area where queerbashing would’ve been the norm and there are many as thus. Ignorance has no religion and vice Versa, when properly practiced.

Can’t they just excuse their children from the lesson if they disagree with the content? Oh wait, it’s not actually about their kids.

The lessons should really come with Asshole awareness too, that would truly prepare them for the real world.

We surrender yet again!

How dare they? This makes me so angry. Muslims are doing themselves no favours here. Expect tolerance from others but are unwilling to be tolerant themselves. The hypocrisy. Don't live in Britain if you don't want to assimilate.

I agree with this guy... Legend

Why do we have to lable everything!, we don't have to say to the world, 'Im a hetrosexual', so why have to say what you are?


Funny how the alt right Christians and these muslims share the same view on this

How about a class where we teach kids that people are free to do what they want in their lives whether it be sexual orientation, religion or politics. Further to that, people can disagree with any of those choices but can still be friends with those people.

This must be a perpetual motion machine of political correctness.

Thank God..

These religious fanatics are dangerous to our society. What a disgusting man.

I hope Birmingham don't mind but if its a choice between love & hate then people are going to choose love & turn Birmingham pride up a few notches.

Outrageous...I hope the other parents protest to it being taken off the agenda.

This is terrible news and can’t be lawful.

And we all know the reason they are allowed to stop these lessons is because they are Predominantly MUSLIM schools.

Prosecute the parents.

Hopefully the talk will mean that these lessons can resume once the parents have been reassured. If they can't be reassured then the lessons should resume anyway. Just because the grown-ups are happy to live in ignorance doesn't mean their kids should BeHumanKind x

Slowly slowly British vaiues and cities are dissappearing. God save UK

'Y'know that culture of understanding, tolerance and peace that I have directly benefitted from? I don't want others to benefit from it.' *Sigh*

Should teach about the realities of social life and importance of tolerance and acceptance. This is not only about this group but difference in our society. I would like kids to be taught about positive social relationships not the competitive individualism that dominates.

Can someone tell me why the belief of a minority religion can overthrow state schooling policy? Am I missing something? Here in the UK, acceptance is a core British value. Homophobia is a crime & gay marriage is legal. To blind children from this reality disgraces British culture

Get religion out of education ASAP!

Is this not classed as a hate crime

“Some parents at Parkfield, and the other four schools, claim.......the schools' LGBT message contradicts Islam.” Remember, liberals, tolerance & diversity is a one way street when your religion dictates unswerving bigotry.

This is a disgrace. LGBTQ is a mainstream issue and needs to be incorporated and normalised.

Failure to assimilate. 😟

Schools should NOT have this option...

Wow can't believe the islamophobic comments on this tweet so soon after NZ.

I’m not anti-Muslim/Jew or Christian-blind religious faith has no place in a sectarian society. Homosexuality is a fact and always has existed in humans and animals-ignorant people need to educate their children for real life-not divisive religious ideals-ignorance leads to hate.


All parents have the right to raise their children the way THEY like it not state.

Finally something I can agree with muslim population. Bravo!

If you have to start with “I’m not homophobic but...

Don't want to teach the curriculum, then you don't get any funding from central government. You cannot choose to remove yourselves from society and still expect to benefit from it.

Isn't this the natural conclusion to flooding the U.K. With Muslims? And yet they wonder why everyone hates Islam, you just can't make this stuff up

God I wish people would stop being so fucking stupid. Just for a minute. ‘LGBT relationships are invalid’ = Homophobia, which is not OK ‘Islam is not a valid religion’ = Islamophobia, which is not OK ‘I am not gay’ = FINE ‘I am not a Muslim’ = FINE

Horrific. Ban faith schools and imposing religion on children.

Making children religious is child abuse !

This country is going to the dogs, how can school decide what they can and can’t teach. No wonder the kids are so divided in this country.

Disgusting. The United Kingdom is supposed to be a society of acceptance, regardless of race, gender or creed. There is no room for bigotry of any kind, and shame on you if you use a religion or institution to justify your abhorrent views.

Fjordman1 Britain, welcome to your future. This is only the beginning and it's too late to stop it.

Being Muslim isn’t a choice. Don’t discriminate my religious beliefs

Ignorance is bliss eh? Next they’ll be segregating the girls n boys.

Am not surprised that it's Muslims that's against equality but they expect equality for themselves while going against other people rights

LGBT not OK but Allah ok... Even though he banged a child!

Reading this feels a bit like living in the upside down..but think it's easy to counter because of his incongruent analogy with Islamophobia. If people argued that believing in Islam was immoral, or that it wasn't a valid religion, it would make sense. But as it stands NAH DUDE!

When the minority within a minority influences the education of a majority we need to shout loud. 'The UK is a Democracy' behave accordingly. The attack on our education system by negative religious influence should be outlawed Religion has no place in education.

Is this INTEGRATION ? how hypocrite.

They should have any State funding removed. If they want to spread their spurious crap, they can do so, out of their own pockets.

Tricky mixing islam with LGBT. Who would have thought.

Religion of tolerance and inclusiveness

Let kids be kids they don't need to know about these sort of people yet

There is nothing anyone can say that legitimises discrimination against LGBT people. There is no logic to it. Which makes me think that what they really mean is they don’t like it. If so, then say so.

This is homophobia pure and simple. The Muslim community would welcome the reintroduction of Section 28 or more likely worse if their warped laws permitted.

Caving to the minorities yet again

Definitely not a takeover. TrojanHorse

Very sad.

'Morally we do not accept homosexuality as a valid sexual relationship to have. It's not about being homophobic... that's like saying, if you don't believe in Islam, you're Islamophobic.' No, because I wouldn’t stand outside a school protesting about learning about Islam.

Why are parents dictating to schools? Shouldn’t they respect & trust schools especially as Ofsted have said they are age appropriate.1st the excuse was our children are too young, now it’s “we don’t believe in homosexuality”.This is GB it’s about respect for others including you!

I am not sure saying 'We don't believe in Homosexuality' works as a defence. If the protesters were all white, ginger haired, Northern Irish Unionists it still wouldn't be a defence. Reality is reality.

I watched this man on the news earlier. ‘Homosexuality is not recognised and that isn’t homophobic’. Oh ok. I’ll steal your wallet and car but I’m not a thief. Sod off 🖕

Close the schools. simples.

“Mr Ahmed said his community was 'respectful and tolerant' of British values but now felt victimised.” I think you’ll find that it’s the other way round. There’s a saying here in ENGLAND, “can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen”........

Well the liberals can't think what to do, mustn't piss of the Muslims but what about the gays. Looks like Muslims win no surprise

It's amazing how ppl who normally have no time for Muslims are in full support of this.

This is so wrong. LGBT education should be mandatory.


How about we just ban religion. 2019 FFS.

Is it islamophobic to accuse Muslims of being homophobic ?

Section 28 is returning! They're driving us back into the shadows and our kids into their early graves. these bigots want us hidden and dying like the Thatcher era

I was horrified that this guys comments went unchallenged by . Being LGBT isn’t analogous to being Muslim- it isn’t a set of beliefs to be agreed with or not- its a state of being

So much for following the rules of this country.

Yet again the Muslims aren't happy so everything has to stop/ change as usual. Pathetic country we live in

So we're supposed to respect their religious beliefs but LGBT people get none? Piss off.

I don't care what your reasons are, prejudice against anyone must not be tolerated & there should be no exception made for religions. Bigotry is bigotry.

My mother was born way before 1967 when the sexual offences act made this sexual deviant behaviour legally accepted. Now we here talk about petitions to stop paedophiles being added to this LGBT acronym 🤢 I wonder how long it will take for BESTIALITY to become legally accepted😳

Schools should desist from teaching moral issues if parents object. Children are not property of the state.

Mr Ahmed is a stone cold twat.

Essentially: 'I'm not homophobic but gay relationships are immoral.' Ok. Cool.

Muslims dragging back into the dark ages!!

There should be an LGBT module within Sex Ed. Not a dedicated lesson on it.

Hey piersmorgan what’s the odds that you won’t see those frauds SadiqKhan sajidjavid jeremycorbyn & HackneyAbbott commenting on this! 🤣🤣🤣

So much for freedom of curriculum then! What if Christians objects to Islam being taught in schools? Some parents do and get tagged as racist! Or worst: xenophobic! Disgraceful double standards. Shame on the Headteachers!

Time to stop teaching about Islam in RS then.

Has anyone heard anything from LGBTQ Owen jones. 'NOPE'.

Victimised through education of modern day issues? What if some Islamic children feel part of LGBT? Surely they will be victims of islamic condemnation and ostracism when they have a right to live a life that is their own and not one dictated by ignorant Religious super heroes!

Friggin country and snowflakes!! Can’t do right for doing wrong, Jesus get a life

Parents who believe in the majesty of the Almighty God, the supremacy of his Word and the primacy of sanity should redouble their efforts in fighting moral decay and its youthful champions.

If we've are all supposed to believe in tolerance & not discriminate we should tolerate respect that there are still many who believe that LGBT goes against their faith including Christians, Jews & Muslims. As long as we're all civil and polite with each other, live and let live

stonewalluk LGBTfdn comment please

Good. This insanity must be stopped

Can't see how parents can change the curriculum. If it is part of sexual education, it must be taught. Parents have every right to remove their children from SexEd classes if they feel that is the right thing to do. They then have the responsibility to educate!

This is going to be a tough one for the Left! Islamophilia v LGBT

Things like this are just fodder for the right wing extremists

Must say though. Where’s the Immigrants welcome here bunch now. Nowhere to be seen

Good. Should be dropped nationally. Forcing liberal ideology on our kids. As bad as than forcing religion on them

Huge dilemma here for the politically correct department. 😂😂😂

OwenJones84 the right-wing media whipping up hate here mate

Excellent! Pity the campaign is fronted by a mossie...

Let's hope that none of the children affected by their parents decisions grow up to be LGBT chances are their lifestyle will not be accepted by their parents or worse they will be forced to live a lie.

Where’s old Peter Tatchell his normally jumping up and down over issues like this. Could it be that because it’s Muslim parents he fancy getting involved.

The people who have campaigned for this evidently have a collective intolerance.

They don’t need full lessons on this kind of thing at that age surely? The entirety of a child’s interest in same sex relationships is usually “why does Jo have 2 mummys/daddys” and a parent saying “every family is different sometimes a girl loves a girl or a boy loves a boy”.

I also fear for the futures of any children of these protestors who turn out gay. If you put religion or culture before child welfare you do not deserve children

Nothing like religion to fan the flames of intolerance. Being gay isn't a choice like religion, time to kick region out of schools as it's a private matter for home. Sexuality is something all kids need to understand to cut suicides and reduce religious repression.

Oh I wonder why but better not say anything because you will be branded a right wing racist

Recent events in New Zealand show how dangerous a manifestation of fear and ignorance of other communities and cultures can be... are these people not intelligence enough to acknowledge the irony?!

I'm wondering if the lessons would have been stopped had it been Jews or Christians or Hindus or some other religious group. Thought not.

‘Morally we do not accept homosexuality as a valid sexual relationship to have. It's not about being homophobic’ well it kind of is if you’re stating that a person isn’t allowed to have a relationship because of their sexuality

All religion should be removed from schools and law , it has no place

So if we “miss gender” someone we can be prosecuted but this is ok ?

Why does a minority religion in the U.K. always gets their way?

Should be up to the parents

It should always be the parents choice what should and shouldn't be taught to their children when it comes to sex education, morality & values which are often based on the parents faith or non. But the parents wishes must be respected unless we now live in a fascist state.FT

This individual is against lgbt - th3 community he represents is against British values in a modern age. Education is above all religions.

The best of all is that while no one know if there’s a god we all know there is LGBT


Close the schools. There is no room for this type of selective hypocrisy, ignorance and discrimination in the UK.

Can someone explain to these people that you can't catch it. It's not something your children will become because someone explained what it is to them. Some of your children are LGBT. Get over it. Don't worry the earth won't run out of heterosexual couples.

I'm slowly becoming a Muslim. This kind of story is exactly what they should be doing. This is a massive positive for the Muslims. Fair play

Thanks a lot, shitheads

The double standards in this country are really upsetting. Should be one law for all, but it seems some get a political ‘get out of jail free’ card. It’ll soon be like Indonesia where Muslims get a special ID that gives them real privileges over others

Protests from whom I wonder?

Oh boy.

human categorization, which is what it is tbh, everyone wants their own category vegan, atheist, christian, gay, trans, lesbian, muslim etc....we need to accept that their are two categories the rich and poor, and the poor wont stand up together whilst they are so different!!!

Outrageous !!!

These scumbags have no place in a country with 21st century values and ideas. The rats still think they’re living in the 7th century. No doubt we won’t hear a peep out of the regressive left. Either way, I hope common sense prevails and we ignore the Mongrels afraid of reform.

Isn't that a surprise not. It is about understanding life not religion. This is Britain if you want to believe in backwards ways then live in a country with backwards thinking. That isn't here. If we teach religion then we should teach this.

Another step backwards into the dark ages

Its ironic that people who quite rightly criticise Islam are always labelled bigots & racists yet Muslims r the most racist xenophobic homophobic intolerant bigoted backwards group on planet earth. But then if anyone had actually bothered to read the quaran its not hard 2 see why

Multi-legalism How can a woman be investigated by the police for having a debate on tv yet the school board in Birmingham are caving in to this? People are getting really tired of this shit!

A bit of sense at last

One rule for usual.

So muslims are homophobic and gays are islamophobic and the bbc editors are in the toilet having a cognitive dissonance meltdown. Hey, blame it on whitey, that usually works!

This is Britain. This is 2019. This needs to be stopped immediately. This is exactly why religious schools are a terrible idea.

Good for them- whole thing is just a load of nonsense

Why should children not be taught about British society?

Multicultural society will only work if all cultures accept each other’s opinions, rules, religions, sexual orientation etc etc. No one part of that community has the right to dictate terms. Good luck with this as it’s never happened before.

Promoting tolerance doesn't need to be part of a special lesson every week. It should be a theme in every activity they do. Promoting lgbt just for the sake of it is just wrong, especially to kids!

This must be making the left’s brain hurt

Is anyone still unclear about Muslims ?

Identity politics checkmate for lefties. Beautiful.

Are the Local Authority going to allow THESE PEOPLE to get away with this?!!!!

Lets be fair. Its mostly muslims that need these lessons. Their intolerance is disgusting.

Owen Jones, Kevin Maguire, Afua Hirsch, Dawn Butler, Jeremy Corbyn, Diane Abbott.....

Should kids really be learning this in school or should they be learning stuff that will be useful to them like finance and money management

So much for equality. Disgraceful and cowardly birmingham

Yes, the start of their demands, disruption, mayhem, chaos, division & eventually ANARCHY ... all very predictable. Not as if we werent warned. This Country will be slowly slipping back to the dark ages, with 6th Century attitudes. WHY ARE WE COW-TAILING TO A MINORITY CULT 😡😡😡

This is disastrous for our country. When did religious intolerance take precedence over being decent human beings?

But I thought diversity was our strength

So we ''BEND OVER'' yet again for the few! Then they wonder why there is so much animosity.

This must be a tricky tweet to outraged about if you hate Muslims and LGBT awareness

This is simply wrong . Whoever made this decision should be ashamed . What’s next ... not teaching evolution?


Apart from feeling it’s mainly a parents job to raise a child to be kind and understanding of others. These classes ARE important. BUT as the classes themselves would indicate it’s also important to be respectful of all opinions and try to find a common ground to progress with x

Quite right, totally inappropriate for Primary School children...

In New Zealand the message has been to love ones fellow human beings regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, sexuality! Perhaps the people opposing LGBT lessons should reflect and learn!

Straight people will say LGBTQ+ education is inappropriate but will ask a toddler if they have a girlfriend / boyfriend. I mean.............

This is your doing ShabanaMahmood !

Rather than LGBT lessons, kids should learn about Greek myths instead, like the one with the Trojan Horse

The gentleman interviewed appears to have a rather slender grasp of reasoning, simple logic and logical fallacies, too:

I am ashamed of the West Midlands

But isn't this discrimination and as such illegal? How can a school adopt an illegal stance?

This is awful. What about the kids who need this information and have no other place to hear it?

Are the lessons compulsory for all schools? If they are then NO schools should be allowed to opt out regardless of beliefs or traditions. Seems simple enough to me.

How backward is parts of Birmingham getting...

BBCWorld wow, this is all I'm saying

When will people realise that Islam is a poisonous religion that has no place in an open-minded society? How on earth are people even contemplating bowing down to such ridiculous views? We have spent years arguing for a voice for the gay community & here we are going backwards.

Pretty quiet from the stonewall LGB lot......cowards

Liberals seem a bit quiet on this one! 🙄

Quite right too. Stop confusing children no matter what religion they are.

It’s time all faith schooling was stopped! It has no place in education.

This is a hate crime!

rogersjohn77 Hello musumba martinssempa, straight wins here in Birmingham 💪


The magic man in the sky is not real. The people you can’t talk about are. The magic man in the sky people are bigots.

The lefties must be eating themselves alive over this.


Why? This should not be up to schools. Fail to understand why give in to these demands. Don’t they have lesbian/ gay/bisexual/transgender in their community? This an awareness & understand others like they want us to understand them. Its 1ly ONE way for them.

We need to put a stop to this rubbish

'Morally we do not accept homosexuality as a valid sexual relationship to have. It's not about being homophobic... that's like saying, if you don't believe in Islam, you're Islamophobic.' cannot compare sexuality to religion.

Proud to be a Brummie.....NOT!

What would be the defence if it was Christians doing this?


They can't enrich the culture that refuses to live in enlightenment

When the 1950s get to shape the 21st century before they die.

So everyone has to be LGBT aware, and rightly so, but yet again Religion gets a bye ball and carries on with its medieval doctrine.

So it's fine to discriminate just so long as it's not against 'victimised' Muslims? Seems legit. How do you feel about this guardian readers? LGBT

You interviewed one gay Muslim person for this piece, which isn't enough to address the association your article makes between Muslim identity and homophobia. Just days after an Islamophobic massacre in New Zealand, and British media is still publishing hit pieces like this.

They'll be announcing that Birmingham is exempt from same sex marriage laws next.

I’ve got nothing against lgbt I’m Muslim we live in diverse world which is changing each and everyday so we have to adjust just don’t want my 7 year old learning about this at such young she can’t even tie her own shoe laces yet. Later on from ages 14+ is fine with opt out option

Educating children on LGBT rights has zero disadvantages. More knowledge, more tolerance, less isolation, less bullying. I remember being invited into a Gurdwara when I was 5/6 yo, to this day I have a level of respect and understanding of the Sikh religion and others, 4 example.

'Four more schools in Birmingham have stopped teaching about LGBT rights following complaints by parents.' LGBT have their own set of rights do they ?

About time ridiculous

Always remember that just cos someone is against something, doesnt mean they hate it, it just means they dont think its appropriate for the situation whatever it is.

One rule for one and a different rule for others

Now then. Where are all the liberals that usually come crawling out the woodwork when straight people protest against LGBT brainwashing? How come you're not objecting to this and screaming in their faces?

Burying their lies

Never trust a Bearded Speccy ☝🏼

This is the thin end of the wedge when a religious minority are dictating educational policy based on religious doctrine. It’ll only get worse. amanda_spielman

It's a joke. We live in a new world where children will encounter LGBT in their wonderful life yet some backward thinking parents still backward while enjoying every modern facilities out there including being served by LGBT in different fields of work

Congratulations on your part in this BBC, you have whipped up your fair share of anti LGBT sentiments with your blatant transphobia moral panic BS. Incapable of basic journalistic standards.

Wtf. I love Muslims now 😂😂

This must really confuse SJW's. Like what side do they stick up for?! lol.

'Why won't they let us hate the gays in peace?'

Good stop confusing kids stop making them ill

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