Trump Administration Moves to Block Return of U.S.-Born Woman Who Joined Islamic State

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The Trump administration won’t allow a U.S.-born woman who joined Islamic State in Syria to return to the U.S., arguing that she isn’t an American citizen


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She’s a terrorist DOS can strip your citizenship for being an enemy combatant ,years on the internet recruiting attacks on America prove is terrorism

I agree that she should not be allowed back. She's a traitor. She was the child of a diplomat. She made a decision as an adult to take up with our enemies.

She made the choice not the U.S. For once let's allow someone to live with their consequences.

Doesn't our constitution have this covered? It's not even POTUS' call. Something about taking up arms, or renouncing citizenship?

She isn't, she's a citizen of Yemen.

Fine! What does her home state say? Not declaring or ruling, just supporting States Rights. No. We do not need her. But, not my call.

Born in the U.S. to diplomat parents--an important distinction. That's one of the few exceptions to jus soli. We should have taken her back and then sent her to Guantanamo Bay though.

Please read the United Nations mandated statue concerning those who leave their lands to take up arms in any way shape or form against any especially any formerly or currently supported by her previous country. It is called, 'International Terrorism' By statue of the U.N.

So he should. Just as if you want a person like that returning to your Country. She has forfeited any rights she had when she joined Islamic State. The worst Terrorists the World has had for Centuries.

A quick read up on the dept. of state website makes things quite clear. If she participated in any way in the military, it's possible that she committed an expatriating act

Regardless..nope..suffer where you decided to be!

He’s just making sure everyone knows he still hates women.

YES!! The only reason she stated that she left ISIS is coming they were starving.... Sounds like a avowed terrorist wants to live well, to later do the same...

We need to let her come back!!! Please.. she is an America she is allow to come back if she wants to!! But then send her ass to Guantanamo and extract info!!

Not letting her return is a good thing. There should be consequences for her actions. What reason is there to let her return? She will most likely become part of the welfare state.



If she was a citizen it is now Forfeit along with her life for joining Enemies of the United States. She's a living actual Traitor.

If you leave a country to take up arms in any form of any kind against another country you risk backlash, this is such and as well a type of backlash. So states the US amendments & articles of confederation, which govern the perception of US Laws in effect to maintain socialorder

You can forfeit your citizenship.

It's treason. And by that account, Trump is too. Send him to Syria.

When Britain did it, it was 'Britain won't allow...' Now it's 'Trump Administration'


Hope the left and the right can agree that she should stay the fuck out the U.S.

And the problem is .....?

She made her bed, let her sleep in it!

So what’s your point WSJ? She should NOT be allowed back!

Good! She made her bed, now lie in it. She gave up her rights when she joined the enemy.

The smile of a killer she called for attacks on America here amd abroad bye bye

Yeah I think we’re all fine with this one

Doesn’t matter where you are born. You join a terrorist organisation you lose your rights of citizenship!

Let it be a lesson to any others that are contemplating used to carry a death penalty.

Why should she be allowed to come back?

She is a knowing traitor to this country and should not be allowed to return.

did u see the people 's responseThats the pulse of the people for u..If realDonaldTrump has support 2day its bcos of his stance on such issues.People r fed up of terrorism&terror apologists.Leaders espousing nationalism r becoming popular in countries affected by terror.

As an American citizen, she would be charged with treason and hung. She can play along or keep pushing to get in the US. justice will be served either way.

The day you go to a foreign country to fight against America and promote killing of American soldiers is the day you relinquish your citizenship.... she made the choice

I agree with Trump if you look at her statements from the past she did nothing but wish death and destruction on Christians and Americans

she is a terrorist...keep her out of the USA

Thank you, President Trump!

She’s an enemy combatant and if she wins her court case should be sent to Guantanamo

Thank you POTUS Trump!

I too agree with that

Why would we allow an enemy of the State into the United States. I would suspect that she means to do us harm. Although Trump saying no while he has private meetings with Putin is the pot calling the kettle black. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

She gave aid and comfort to an enemy. I don't see the problem here.

Why not let her back and greet her with a firing squad for her treason?

Dahhhhh, really, you want her back?

Sometimes that 1 decision made in life changes EVERYTHING. justsaying

She would be s traitor would she not joining the enemy.

Block This Traitor For Life💩👹👀

Not with realDonaldTrump on many issues but he is correct on this one!

Better than throwing her in jail

This is a hard one. I know we should give people a chance to right their wrongs. But at the same time, I’m scared of ISIS and wouldn’t want to let someone who had left to go support them back into my country

She lost her citizenship when she joined ISIS. End of story. Stop portraying terrorists as victims!

Im pretty sure this is something both sides can agree on ... We dont wants anyone who has joined the Islamic State back in our country

Are you kidding me... death sentence NOW

The moment that she joined forces with ISIS, she lost her rights to the U.S. There is no returning. ♀️

I literally hate trump, but I agree she shouldn’t be allowed to return. There a varying levels of mistakes. Joining a terrorist group would classify as a monumental one. Isis brainwash people, god only knows what screws are loose in that head.

She was an adult and made a choice ! Live up to the consequences!

Good! Keep the treasonous woman out of the USA.

Her decision to aide and abet the enemy and to join an org that killed its prisoners by sawing people’s heads off as a terror tactic, comes with consequences. Don’t bother trying to return to the USA you Traitor.

Good. Sounds correct!!!

This will end up in courts

If they could Nancy and chuck would send a private plane for her one more vote for them then tell us what a hero she is

She should be banned. She is a traitor. She gave up her citizenship to commit murder of innocents and espouse a hateful and racist ideology

She joined the enemy...supported them...and took up arms against us...she is a traitor and is not worthy of American citizenship

At least she's alive... Unlike Anwar al-Alwaki. 🤷

Yes. UK is doing the same with others. They made their choice!

Do NOT let her back in. She is a traitor!

Are you trying to have sympathy with a terrorist just to hammer 🔨 realDonaldTrump ? what a trash media?

Keep her out!

She should be hung for treason. That's my argument.

Regardless of her treason, she IS a US citizen, and Pompeo and Trump's other thugs are not above the law. Bring her back and try her for any purported crimes. We are a nation of laws, not whims of a Russian puppet.

I agree with about 1% of what Trump does. This is in that 1%. She shouldn't be allowed back, ever. She forfeited her US citizenship, IMO.

As they should. There are consequences what what you do

aoc - You will take her into your home, right? She will cut your head off while you sleep but at least she will have your home.

That should be the way

She must be a spy that's why she wants to come back

Right thing to do. Choices have consequences.

Sucks but I understand

Terrorist sympathizer much? US born? Alabama woman? Try again.


Treason = Death

And I agree

Be safe send her back to Syria, your children and their families will thank you.

Sweet new home Syria


Good, end of story good day to you

She left and became a terrorist. We are not in the business of importing terrorism.

The trump administration is right

The prison in Cuba still open

Why would anyone allow a person who posses a high risk chance of conducting a terrorist act into their country? This is only a ploy so she can come back to complete a terrorist mission. Would ISIS really allow a person to defect their cause and not be punished or killed?

IlhanMN RashidaTlaib quick impeach the mother.......

Stay gone

US BORN 1th responsible is USA It's all about Education All party's involved Read this

في الإنجيل ، يشير النبي عيسى إلى النبي محمد على أنه روح 'الحقيقة' أو الصادق باللغة العربية أو زادوك / زيديك باللغة العبرية. الملك صادق هو عنوان يسوع الذي سيعود محمد.

Who cares!

I say let her come back and arrest her for aiding the enemy and send her to gitmo

Great News!! She finally realised why Muslims flee the shithole she is trying to escape. Now she wants to return to the special treatment the West provided to her after she joined ISIS cowards to kill us. Bye bye.

She should inform Trump that she will make anti-ISIS propaganda.

Wow, just wow. And the media loves to say they provide, fair, ubiased news... Nice headline and sneak-peak blurb WSJ...

She shouldn’t have gone in the first place. I agree with Trump Administration.

God bless the president

I am with President Trump on this one!


Good, it’s the right decision.

Allahbama doesn't want her back either.

Good !

I agree she shouldn't return bc she is/was a ISIS member! I dislike trump but agree that I don't want any terrorists here.

The hypocrisy I see here is you want to force Europe to accept their citizens who joined ISIS

Good god. Agreed that she should not be allowed to return but do not spin lies saying she’s not a citizen when she was BORN in the US. Give an actual reason such as treason / terrorism

Check section 369 of the I & N Act. She is not allowed back!

Well done.USA. If it was Democrats was in power, would welcoming her back.

Was she the one who was shown burning her US passport?

Who's the father of her child

So her child was born here in the US doesn't she know the laws with having the child

Don’t think the responses to this article are going quite the way WSJ planned...

Actions, I’d like to introduce you to Consequences.

Did she renounce her US citizenship to take up new life abroad?

Good. Strip the traitor of her citizenship. Let her live with her decision.

Keep her out!!

RandyHulcy Lynch mob alert. Last I checked being an ex wife of a terrorist, or even an ex member of a terrorist organization, isn't a crime. Who did she kill? What bombs did she make? I also heard you're innocent until proven guilty. So much for freedom. Let her back in.

WHO is real American? Nobody. What kind of democracy understands Mr. Trump? In the same time force Europe to take real 800 terrorist? Hoda Muthana is not terrorist, not killed anyone and citizen of U.S.A !!!!

Good!!! She should bloody stay in that sodden hate filled country.

That seems hypocritical when the Trump Administration is simultaneously demanding that Germany and the UK take back more than 800 of their citizens who joined I.S.I.S. and were captured in Syria.

She can apply for amnesty

This women filmed anti-America video's and called for the killing of veterans & patriots. There are consequences to your actions.

Wall Street journal thinks they're slick calling it 'Islamic State in Syria', don't forget it's ISIS; the group that was beheading Americans a couple years back


She literally joined ISIS. Where's the problem

Let her return then convict her of being a traitor and imprison her for life... or better, hang her in a public square.

Great political move - the dems will rise to her defense, showing again that the dems embrace the bad guys, while ignoring law abiding citizens.

Terrorists cannot be admitted in. So what is she was born here. So she has to be tried using tax payers money! No thanks

Why not ask the next of kin of the journalists that were beheaded ? Or families of service members who gave their lives? Don’t ask us. Send her to Saudi Arabia. Never to b seen again I personally think she should be sent to prison

She could come home to a nice tight noose. We're at war with ISIS and they consider themselves a caliphate. War time treason

She’s not an American citizen and was part of ISIS.

Betrayal of the homeland in such a heinous can she ever be trusted in the future? I believe in forgiveness but this is serious treason. She made a choice to disavow her gift of citizenship to the greatest country in the world

WSJ no better than Fake News CNN!

I agree she needs to stay out-London doesn’t want her either.

Treason comes to it?

He’s right 👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼

Besides. (enter guy on the street voice) 'Man, once you go ISIS black, you never go back.'

This whole 'story' sounds like a propaganda campaign to CONDITION American taxpayers to see 'the usurious COST of our involvement' as some 'necessary component to fighting ISIS' vs. an intractable, 'un-winnable' 1400 YEAR OLD RELIGIOUS CIVIL WAR which drives Defense profits.

Since she aided our enemy and denounced her citizenship isn’t that treason? Welcome her back and prosecute to the fullest? Life in prison Death penalty? I’d say banning her is the nice thing to do

She is a traitor. If she should be allowed back on she should go directly to jail and be tried for treason.

In a different scenario, if someone is coming from a family that wants to kill your family, would you forgive and let it go?

Let’s not forget this wonderful quote of hers from Twitter... “Go on drivebys, and spill all of their blood, or rent a big truck and drive all over them. Veterans, Patriots, Memorial, etc day… Kill them.”

Right decision, no mercy to murderers.

He is absolutely correct in doing so.

If your intentions are to destroy the very fabric of democracy by betraying your nation for personal gain or mass murder; then you should be kept out and/or charged with Treason!!!! Ring a bell Trump?! 🤔 Your day is coming Comrade Trumpski....deportation back to the Kremlin!!!


Why would any sane society allow this woman, who turned her back on America and aided our enemies in killing American soldiers, to return. She CHOSE Isis & terrorism. Now, she must stay with her terrorist 'family' and face the consequences of her actions.

Is she an American citizen, does she have a passport? If she is, does then due process should be afforded to her. She potentially committed a crime....not a popular opinion I’m sure- even idiots deserve a day in Court

CIA should lock her her up in some shitbole black site in the 3rd world.

If she’s truly a citizen, she needs to charged appropriately. If she’s not a citizen then she made a very bad decision and she and her child will live with it. I have no sympathy for her.


Punishment for treason is death

The holier than thou been talking extremism, they're worse! Revenge and anger seems to be a way of life, they preach what they don't practice, Doesn't the US trust it's justice system? The US has a human dustbin 'Guantanamo' deposit her there.


Can anyone guarantee that she will not become a suicide bomber?

You lie she was not a citizen.

Good Trump

Don’t you have to renounce your American citizenship to join isis? Then she is no longer a citizen.

is trying soooooo hard to make people care about this. Clearly nobody gives a crap about her predicament. Thanks.

That’s one thing I’ll agree with trump on

Good just because the demon treasonous hag smiles and says please, the only thing in America that should be waiting for her is life in prison.

Dictator Trump is overstepping his authority again. She should be allowed to re-enter and then face any appropriate consequences.

Even if she was a US citizen that is revoked the day she left for ISIS land.

Drop a bomb on her head

May be the only decision of his I support.

I agree with Trump on this one, she's a terrorist!

But the hypocrite pontificated two days ago, demanding othe countries must take back their people. Either he has senile dementia or he thinks only he has wisdom. The idiot shames a once great country.

Right call

She should not be allowed back into the USA.

👏👏👏👏👏👏and appropriately so. She lost those rights when she chose terrorism. Actions have consequences!😡 I commend this decision!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Let her deal with her decisions. Everyone else in life does... she aligned with monsters, and did terrible things. She chose to live there, so be it!

She is a US citizen. She should be allowed back arrested at the airport and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. That is our system of due process.

Sorry, choices come with consequences

Well if she wants to come face trial for Terrorism and Treason - I say welcome her. EnemyCombatant NoBacksies

Wait, you mean actions have consequences now?

She should be treated as a US citizen and charged for any fault made

frozehappy Thank god. She gave up that right when she left here to fight in a terror organization.


Sorry .. out is not the new in! SeeYa ... or not... ever!

Not Red Rover...blood spilling doesn’t allow for “do overs” maybe 2nd chances in Syria or Iran. Not here...

Totally agree - ban her from the country as a terrorist!

I hate to agree with the adm. But, why is isis letting her even ask? Being who they are and all, seems like they wouldn't allow this

GITMO might have a spot open.

Some people have to learn that decisions have consequences. She chose to abandon her citizenship and support ISIS and act in a treasonous way against us, supporting terrorism. Now she wants to come back? No.

I mean....

As I tell my kids. We as parents hope our children don't make a mistake you can't take back.

Um. Who cares? She's a traitor and possibly a terrorist. Not sure where she should go but it sure as shit shouldn't be the US. I can't read the article so if I'm wrong, sorry :(

She made her bed. Now lie in it.

I'd give her a bed at Gitmo, but no more.

She has a right to come back and get arrested. Still a citizen.

If she runs against Trump in 2020, I might seriously consider voting 3rd-party


Yeah sorry, we all fuckin agree with him on this one!


One less vote for Democrats

She should be allowed back in and placed in a prision as a terrorist. Also if she took citizenship from another country the USA can legally refuse to acknowledge her US citizenship status. Why put a viper into your bed?

Let’s have our bad seeds remain in other countries so that our approach is consistent with how we handle refugees.

Let her come, and throw her in jail for treason or war crimes


Thank you, Mr. President

Sounds like you are whining about it.

FYI the Islamic State is the anti-American state, by definition Islam

Don’t let her come back... She chose to leave

DYK that Nazis soldiers ( wives and children) including Hitlers family (descendents) were given safe havens and entire territories in the U.S. along with Holocaust survivors.

She isn't , she was born here but daughter of a diplomatic and that's one of the exception on the birthright bill

You know you're on the wrong side of the story

As despicable as she is, will this be a new legal precedent for any U.S. born citizen for X reason? ...she should be brought back to face justice for atrocities.

She wanted AMERICANS dead ! She was born to a diplomat and hence does not get citizenship privileges by birth like others . Trump is doing the right things . WSJ has Morons on their editorial staff

Don’t think about allowing her to come back!

Return to the U.S. with her children and do what... raise them to be mall shooters and suicide bombers?

She was not a citizen. She was not born here.

한국 상황; 태블릿PC 조작 -박근혜대통령탄핵-손석희 -오원춘=문창극 승! 자유한국당 ;김진태-오원춘=문창극 승-뉴스타운, 퍼퍼먼스팀, 국회의원 자리 약속. 518 유공자 [20년 전] 명단 발표-국회의원 제외한 [달랑, 문재인, 이해찬].. 박근혜대통령님 석방 복귀 못하게 하려고 짜고치는고스톱

Good. It’s called accomplice to terror and murder. Of Americans.

Children of foreign diplomats are not citizens just because they are born here. Check the law.

Bring her back to Guantanamo if anything!!

She left and joined the enemy. That makes her the enemy. She's outta here.

Sounds about right! She made her bed with ISIS, literally, she can stay in Syria.


MAGA. Let her rot in the choice she made.

Dear America, I am really sorry I left and supported stabbing you in the back. I really wanted you dead, but now my life is awful. Can I come back? Signed Really Sad Dear Sad, We are sorry your life is awful, but we don't trust you. You can't come back. Signed America

Smiling picture now, a month ago sleeping with the enemy

Congratulations, US.

Reap what you sew...... stay in Syria

so it's totally cool to join the U.S. military and go kill for Uncle Sam but not ISIS 🤔

What’s there to argue?

Excellent move by our President!

Trump is 100% in the right on this.

Secretary of State Pompeo says Islamic State Muslima can’t return to USA, fully support,!!! this jihadi Ho Bag, let her rot in hell, you know what will happen as soon she is back, she will apply for benefits for herself & son, and taxpayer foot the bill. Beside the trust.

Na she made her bed, now she has to sleep in it. bye

It's a shame we didn't happen to get her in the process of taking out ISIS

What does the Constitution say?

She said on Twitter death for our military.

Why even say anything? Just come to the US illegally and disappear. Now everyone knows who she is.


Ok. Keep her out

Lock her up

“Making America Great Again” means ridding our country of filth.

If a murderer says he wants to repent and should be released from prison, would you agree to it? No, right..she made a choice of joining terrorist organisation, who knows she might still be associated and wants to go to USA as a make a choice, you need to live with it!

Yes she married the enemy, simple.


She betrayed her country! Therefore she forfeited all rights to the freedom and hope this country provides to all its citizens. Best of Luck, try Iran... Freedom Liberty JusticeForAll YouAreATraitor

You join isis you renounce any citizenship you may have had. Sorry no dice

Why doesn't she just walk across the border like everyone else

Bring her home and have her face the music

She rebuked her citizenship. Bye Felicia!

I don't think she should be allowed back because of her denouncement of the US when involved with IS...she could be a spy...

There is a chance that she might kill Americans.This might be something to consider ....

Trump tells European countries to take back IS fighters

Good, choices have consequences

Let her back in on two planes, just like her victims...head on one, body on another. justice


Good. Off with her head.

I actually agree. She committed treason. If she returns, she needs to face consequences if her actions.

Even she is a US citizen, she is a traitor.

i d say it ll be safer for all of us to let her go back she should be trialed for treason and sent to the electric chair showing her burning to a crisp for all the US and CAN lives that she took she is a widow maker

Send her to Gitmo if wants back.....Nicholson take care of her

No need to spend tax $$ for trial.

She is a Trojan Horse

She turned her back on America, spat on us, and joined those who wanted to kill us. No, she should never come back.

She is not an American citizen, nor was she ever a citizen of the United States. Possibly a Legal Permanent Resident based on the information I’ve gathered, i.e. a terrorist with a green card.

This from a man who may be a RUSSIAN ASSET.

I’m cool with this.

She’s not allowed back to the US because she’s an asshole, the US citizenship thing is besides the point.

I agree with him...why would she be allow to come back

There should not be question here. She made a reckless choice and decision. On top of the fact, that group brainwashed

I don't give a sh*t if she is or isn't an American citizen, she hooked up with some nuts, i wouldn't trust her as far as i could see her.

I agree, this young lady did a stupid thing when she was 16 years old- what did she know about Terrorists? Nothing. She has paid for her stupity living in squalor and two of her children have died from neglectful conditions. All these hysterical Liberals should protest for her.

Good. Alight next.

She is kind of hot though...

Hit the road jack....

Keep garbage out!

The Birther In Chief strikes again. SHE WAS BORN IN HACKENSACK NJ! She’s an American citizen and is being used as red meat for his base. Meanwhile the white nationalist Coast Guardsman planned a terrorist attack on his own.


We should be sending in Delta Force to snag her ass and send her to Gitmo - FOR LIFE

No - she is an American citizen. You don’t decide - the Constitution has decided - the day she was born here . You Trumpski folks are much more - Un- American- than she could ever be . Your Un Constitutional acts and policies are worse than any of her - “ treasonous “ behaviors.

She knew full well what she was getting herself into. Her cry for brainwash is debunked by her self admitted research. Have fun in Syria!


Leaving US born citizens in hostile areas could cause terrorist activity from their offspring. Maybe incarcerate them.

She AND her innocent child are citizens. If necessary, charge her appropriately, but the President doesn't get to singlehandedly decide who has citizenship.

She shouldn’t be allowed back! She made her choice, now she can live with it!

Good news

She’s a traitor and should be hung in Times Square , duh

She deserves due process. She’s a citizen who should be tried for treason.

After what she did she should not be allowed to return...but if she does get to come back she should be prosecuted to the fullest extent allowable by law...!!!

I can’t believe I agree with presidentMoron on this one. Please don’t tell anybody🤫

I guess in this case it is best to side with caution because we can't be sure she is 'sorry' to start a teristic attack

She’s not, or at least she shouldn’t be.

Draft dodger says what?

Guess if she snuck across the southern border and asked for asylum it would be alright then 😏

How do you trust someone in this country who pledge their allegiance to ISIS? …she can’t be trusted, what if she were to come back and become a sleeper.... it’s the right call!

She is unquestionably a citizen. She was born here. She needs to return and be tried. State and Trump have no power to revoke citizenship.

No problem with this one.

So what’s the problem?

How about she is a traitor?

Make poor choices, face the consequences

So good to here these hateful pigs have no right to come back. Maybe in jail.

She’ll probably get back through Canada. But we knew they would all return one day after thei feast of death and hate.


Let her come home!🇨🇦

She voluntarily gave up her US citizenship to live in a country of a US enemy. Thanks should disqualify her without question

Return her and file charges if they are warranted. I think there is legal (case) precedent for that.

sounds good to me, beside that's treason so it's probally better for her too

And he is correct with most Americans agreeing with him.

She joined a terrorist organization— I have sympathy for the British girl who was a young teenager — I can’t say she was fully cognizant of her actions since she was a child but Houda, sorry no terrorists!

US soldiers waiting for her and the husband to come out of the cave..


This is absolutely a great thing She went to fight the enemy and is a traitor

Kinda OK with this one

Good. Desert your country, no going back.

“Arguing “? She’s not a citizen

Good they should not return what is the story

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