Alabama executes Muslim inmate who wanted imam present

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BREAKING: Alabama executes Muslim inmate who argued state wouldn't let his Islamic spiritual adviser be present in death chamber.


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TamerELG So, the person murdered had no rights and the murderer had rights. Wow, as clear as mud.

Best damn news I've seen today

KhaledBeydoun He’s a criminal, the person he murdered didn’t get a choice of who to have by his side before getting killed. Why, then, should this murderer get that choice?

That's life....


Good Lord, what an ignorant headline. This piece of crap will meet a spiritual advisor in hell.


Heh. Good move Alabama.

Was there bacon juice in the injection?

Good! 👍🏻

Good. Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving piece of shit.

Care to mention what he did? Nice editing 👌

He wouldn’t let the spiritual adviser of the girl he killed in when he killed her, sooooo🤷🏻‍♀️

REAL headline: Murderer of little girl wants his rights respected.

Te puedes ir a la mierda con tus peticiones. That.

What if an inmate demands The Pope? Not some Cardinal or Priest but Pontifex himself. Will they hold the execution?


Only way this could be better is if we find out they snuck pork into his last meal.

Dilly Dilly!!!

He had 20 years of spiritual advice and comfort from his muslim spiritual advisor as his legal team fought the death penalty. The 15 year old girl raped and murdered by two men received no comfort and no spiritual advice. Arguing about his rights in this case is bullshit

Hey AP . Why was this jackass's crime not revealed UNTIL THE 12th paragraph The murder & rape of a 15 yr old teenager in 1995 is a BIG THING. NO WONDER MEDIA HAS ZERO CREDIBILITY & ARE THE EnemyOfThePeople. Here's the proof. Humanizing scum on this earth.

The RatBastard should have been hanged decades ago

Don’t worry hell won’t care- they have open borders there.

He murdered that child! Therefore, I don’t care and way to go Alabama!

Worked out just fine then. His victim’s spiritual advisor wasn’t there either

Reading the crime made by this inmate is disgusting. He wanted to be treated like a human being before the execution but the 13yo girl he raped and murdered wasn’t treated like a human being trashed and decomposed on a cotton field. I feel no mercy for this man.

Did the girl he murdered have a priest before he killed her? They should have drowned him in pigs blood.

What was his crime?

He should have check with his advisor before committing murder.

Alabama does not allow spiritual advisers of any denomination present in the execution chamber. FactsMatter

The 15 year old victim couldn’t have her Pastor/Priest/Imam present when her life was taken either. Get over it. This is news? AP is Fakest of the Fake!

Perhaps this wouldn't be necessary had his 'spiritual advisor' been with him when he raped and murdered a 15 yr old girl ?

Shame on you AP, he slit a 15-yr old girls throat, after his self described fun night of raping her!! Who cares about him!?!?!!!

Did he allow his victims spiritual guidance before he murdered them? I was just wondering... I do believe in mercy but I also believe he has not the right to feel mistreated on this point.

Your headlines tell the lie they were intended to tell. FakeNews

I think his spiritual advisor was Lucifer. I wouldn’t let him in either.


I think joerogan and theintercept crowd would have a hard time with this news.

He didn’t follow protocol. It wasn’t about religion. It was about process.

Meet God , then Hell

Headline should include child killer, seems more pertinent to the story than his faith

His heinous crime was presented as almost an afterthought in this article.

Well that’s a start.

Go Bama.

To f'ing bad, not sad.

Damn the lights just went dim for a minute.oh ok cool!

Who cares

Dude is scum!

Why are his crimes buried halfway through the story? He was a monster.

For the first time in Alabama history they did something right..he kidnapped,rap and kill a little girl..

He's going to hell anyway who cares what he didn't get he destroyed many lives he deserves much worse

Too bad

Justice served! 🇺🇸

He gonna be disappointed to find no virgins waiting for him. Just a hole in the ground.

He raped and murdered a 15 yr old child. He doesn't get a puppy to hold while they needle him. He should get a large stick inserted and his throat slashed.

He should have kidnapped, raped and stabbed a child in the face 11 times in a more progressive state.

One down millions to go !!!

Somehow, I get the impression that he converted to Islam while in prison. Either way, it doesn't matter, his victim had no one at her last moments, and it's only fitting that he should go out scared and alone. Pretty sure Satan was in the chamber..waiting.

Sorry. In fucks given. This animal did allow the same comfort to the woman he raped and killed. He should have been taken out back and shot in the face.

It's cool. He's with his Islamic spiritual God now. The devil.

This POS kidnapped raped and killed a little girl all in the name of the religion of peace because she was nothing but an infidel. He got and is getting what he deserves. Read the WHOLE story first Liberals, the inconvenient part about the girl is buried thier

Cool story, god isn't real. This dude should have been killed years ago once it was established beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was the killer. State prisons shouldn't have chaplains. endlethalinjection bringbacktheguillotine

He rapes & murders children. He deserves death, spiritual adviser present or not.

Pretty sure his *spiritual adviser' was standing right beside of him! You know, the one who was urging him to rape and murder innocent people? Yeah....that one!

More race baiting, that's all! Read entire story always, not just the headline.

Murderers don’t have rights!

I dont give a shit. Did he give the girl he raped and murdered a chance to have her spiritual adviser be present?

People sentenced to death should feel lucky they aren’t killed on day one by being fed to dogs.

Only prison employees are allowed in the room. The Chaplain was an employee. The imam wasn't but a few feet away behind glass & the murderer whines b/c he wanted fair treatment, which he never gave to the girl when he murdered her. This execution should have happened 25 yrs ago.

So did he let that child he killed have her spiritual adviser be present? Who gives a F what he wasn’t allowed, he’s going to hell anyway.

BREAKING: Murderer and Rapist of 15 year old got what was coming to him. Prayers for 15 year old and her family. AP, why wasn't the above part of your headline?


Did the little girl he raped and murdered have her spiritual adviser on hand?

WHO really gives a shit!! You SJW bleeding hearts at the would not say a damn word if this guy was a Christian!

say hi to Lucifer for us

He did what? Oh well...

Womp Womp w TF cares!!

They should of let victims family stand over his a**! And offer another type of 'comfort'....GoToHell

Seems like an appropriate response for someone who kidnaps, rapes and then kills children.

If that he means he burns in hell then perfect.

God Bless Alabama

Why in the heck is anybody writing about that monster.

I can’t believe you people are upset because that monster didn’t get him a Islamic psychopath to tell him he was going to get 72 virgins or whatever the crap they say.

Yep, he should have thought twice about kidnaping, raping, murdering girls cares more for starting fear and hate mongering between people than the parents of murdered children. I hope the parents of these violated murdered little girls don’t see this filthy trash in ink

He won't be alone in hell.

Instead of focusing your outrage on the murderer’s ridiculous plight, tell everyone about the young girl he brutally murdered. Her religious advisor wasn’t there when he raped her, slit her throat and dumped her in a corn field.


The squirrel happy progressives won’t get past the headline. This is how media outlets push propaganda. Easy peasy.

I bet the girl would have wanted her mom there.

He’s so lucky, he should have been killed before he made it. Didn’t he rape and kill a 15 yo? Yea wrap him in bacon 🥓

Did the 15 year old girl have a chance to have a pastor there for her while she laid dying? He raped then executed her. Give me a break AP, disgusting.

If you kidnap, rape, & murder young girls, your not at Burger King where you can have it your way Call maybe they will help you, other than that say Hi to Hitler for me; remember there aren’t any ice cubes in Hell.

My opinion Once you take another life, requests & comfort should go out the door....regardless of religion.

It took to 23 years to send this dirt bag to his 72 virgins?

But he didn’t get to have his spiritual advisor 😢...👇🏻

Didn't he rape and murder little girls. Sorry, don't care.

Who gives a shit, the world has one less scumbag in it.

Read the whole article, folks. Did the little girls he brutalised get their companion of choice as they died. Just more ‘let’s protect the killers’ from the liberal press

Love how they always ask for equal treatment when they have murdered a young girl that didn't deserve it. Screw his rights. He didn't care about that 15 yr old's right to life!

He gone. Good riddance.

Simple solution. No one on death row gets to meet with any spiritual adviser.

Bye-bye!! ☠️

Who cares...

A uniform system for use of the Death penalty annually would serve us all well!

Don’t rape and murder girls, maybe? 🤷🏻‍♂️

RevJJackson Zero sympathy. When he committed murder she couldn’t have anyone there for her, why should he be allowed to have anyone there for him

Good. That's what he gets for kidnapping, raping and murdering little girls. He should have been executed years ago.


Awe.. po beebee

Hanging is cheaper

He killed and raped children he didn't deserve to get fed, the hell with him

question , did he allow the person he murder access to their spiritual leader before he slaughtered them?

I do not care about a raping murdering individual not having their choice of spiritual advisor. Pray to your god.

Don't even care.


Did the little girl get a chaplain when she was being murdered?

Yawn, he killed someone.

Who cares...soon enough he’ll be in hell, where he belongs!!! Let him have any ‘advisor’ he wants...🤷🏻‍♂️😂😂😂REDWAVEREVOLUTION

The reason he wasn't allowed to be IN the death chamber is because you have to be qualified to be IN the death chamber during an execution. The Chaplain was and had been since 1997. Alabama may need to qualify an Imam to avoid similar disputes.


Abolish state execution.

nic0lefreese he’s a fuckin murderer on death row... what rights!? Gave those up when he decided to take lives

RevJJackson Shameful!!!

Was his victim given any last wish?... Then who the fuck cares what he wanted.. He should have got a slow painful death! He is not the victim in this story!

No sympathy...

That’s inexcusable.

Roll Tide!

Life for life! That is justice. Denying a humanly wish as the last wish of a dying person is over and above tit for tat i.e., not fair. This shows hatred to the person instead of the act!

That seems a pretty easy thing to allow, and harmless even if it's not 'the Law' to 'have to' do it.

KhaledBeydoun .

RevJJackson Disgusting! So much for freedom of religion!

Well done!

Let’s first say in the Tweet that he RAPED THEN MURDERED A 15 YEAR OLD GIRL.

Is this unusual? I'm not sure I understand the rules in every state.

Excuse me while I don't give a creep.


I got an idea, if you don’t kill someone you will always have the right to a spiritual adviser.


Very difficult for me to utter this phrase. But I will gladly make this one exception. ROLL TIDE! Well done Alabama!

Raped and murdered a 15 yo girl in 1995....23 years on death row.....what is wrong with our legal system....thats ridiculous delay for justice for his victims family....

Ridiculous...and they do this in the name of Faith..bastards.

Breaking no virgins and no Allah..


I thought nobody was allowed in the chamber? They could watch from another room.


State sponsored murder should be abolished

Good, I’m sure the 15yr old girl he murdered didn’t get a choice either

The ones that have an issue with his imam not allowed to be present are the same ones who don’t believe in God to begin with.

One less murderous muslim.

I cannot understand denying anyone of any faith a spiritual advisor at the time of execution. Why such cruelty & hatefulness?


Very “Christian” of them. Republican Christianity of course.

Well you shouldn't be on death row if you want to see your spiritual advisor.

Great news. In hell with his master satan.

Option B: Don’t rape and murder a 15 year old.

... based on his past actions it doesn't look like he used some spiritual guidance to kill the child, too late to start

If he didn't practice peace on the outside, why are the rituals so valuable inside the walls People are weird...and hypocritical.

That poor murderer!! 😭

sad... I don't believe in a death penalty. Where are all the prolife people. They are either all in or they aren't. it can't just be about babies.

He has met his Judge. His story is over on this's time to move on & allow the 15 year old young Ladies family to heal.

Well if you are the type that believe in heaven & hell or whatever.. it doesn't matter who was by his side.

This mofo just got AllahPonDeezNutz .

What an evil thing to do. First the death penalty is evil, second to deny the man spiritual consolation is evil and cruel.

FYI this man killed 3 children.

BURN IN HELL heard it’s hot down there 🔥🔥🔥🔥

Hope he’s rotting in HELL

WHSVnews Awwwwwwwwwww

Was the person he murdered's spiritual adviser present when he murdered them? Oh, no? Then STFU, buddy. Bye. 👋

Ahhhhhh.... poor murderer. Liberalism is a mental disorder. Let's talk about the person he killed

A rapist and murderer didn't get his last wish. Tough.

Don't GAF enough to read about this savage but I'm 99% sure he converted to islam in prison like most muslim inmates do.. Good news is he's with Allah now in either case.. 😏

Not. OK.

He murdered a little girl.... no sympathy from me.

Why does he need any spiritual advisor, he is going straight to Hell!

Criminals who murder are not entitled to dictate how they are punished.

Good Riddance!!

I'm not Muslim myself, but I think any deity wouldn't want anything to do with you after you deadass murder someone

I don’t get it. Why make a big controversy out of this? Let the dead man walking have his spiritual advisor by his side. It cost no one anything.

Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

*Alabama executes convicted murderer. There fixed it for you.

'Ray was sentenced to death for the 1995 rape and murder of a 15-year-old girl. ' I do not give a fuck about his rights. He lived almost 25 years after he violated and murdered someone's daughter, sister, and friend. She didn't die with a religious advisor by her side either.

Oh so sorry. Take your punishment like a man. One more loser taken off the earth. He has no rights.

And? It was a death sentence not a tea party.

I wonder what his last meal was? Pork chops?

Good. Only prison employees allowed in the chamber and that’s the way it should be. The victim this animal killed didn’t have who she wanted by her side. It’s time this country got tougher with prison sentences and on prisoners, they have it too easy.

No more free meals.

Tough shit.

Mohammed would have cut his head off for the crime. He should know that.

He didn't argue 'squat' his court appointed attorney was angling around the appellate courts for a 'delay'

News flash. I don’t give a f...

Burn baby burn

The thug wants sympathy not going to get it.

The imam was in an adjoining witness room and with the prisoner for the last 2 days. He was a security risk in the execution chamber.

I’m proud of Alabama


Now that he is dead, the point is mute.


What’s with all the bleeding hearts? Dude should have had a spiritual advisor BEFORE he slaughtered an innocent person.

Good. Rot in hell

Here’s a quick fix for this: don’t murder children.

Wrong color, wrong God for the Alabama sense of morality.


He raped and slit a young girls throat. He has been delaying justice for 20 years. Justice served.

And I’m supposed to feel sorry for this murderer? 😂. He went to hell anyways

GOOD. Enough already with bowing to these damn muslims. Obama did it BUT his reign is over!

Were the people or person he murdered allowed to have a spiritual adviser present?🤔

The 15 year old girl he raped and killed didn’t get to have hers there either

Who cares. Criminal got his punishment

I love the way people are upset over this guy not getting his so called “rights”. Are you being just as vocal for the rights of the babies you want to kill in the birth canal?

Alabama, no one is surprised

He's an ass. I don't agree with death penalty at all...that's not the point How did Supreme Court vote the way it did.

Did his 15 year old victim get equal treatment?

Did the child he raped and murdered get any last requests?

If he wasnt muslim, it would not have been 'breaking'

Why was he in prison

I’m sure his 15 yr old victim wanted a person of faith next to her as she was raped and killed. Life isn’t fair for everyone.

Poor baby

Would you expect more from Alabama

Oh well see ya later


Criminals don’t call the shots! Execute all mass shooters and killers of police no legal appeals, no excuses.

I’m sure the victim or victims didn’t have any rights either.

Wow 15 year girl, yea strap him down and send him to wherever should have done it years ago like a Charles Bronson move

Did they offer him a BLT sandwich as a last meal?

Lot of good that imam did him!

See ya

Who cares? He raped a 15yr old girl and slit her throat. He got to live 20 more years than she did. He deserved no consideration.

Straight to hell. No gates there

He's a murderer ... Who cares


He was probably planning an escape.

If he’s on death row he deserves whatever he gets

We know his crime was terrible, but so called Christians who commit terrible crimes are allowed spiritual advisors. What planet do some of you people live on.

I hate to see him go. He was such a (15-year old) ladies man. FuckingBastard

Alabama .... where they’ll kill anyone who isn’t white

He knew that wasnt going to happen...he waited to get more time and not wasnt going to happen. Jailbreak thankunext Artists TrendingNow Common realDonaldTrump KimKardashian DeadFiles

ChaseMadar Killing people is not what a civilized nation does. It's horrific.

Did the person he killed get to have thier spiritual adviser by thier side when he killed them? Cry me a river.

Al Qaeda claimed credit for the 'lava bomb' tour boat attack in Hawaii 7/16, for US recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel -and media, including AP SUPPRESSED this. This here 'outrage' is a diversion. Don't fall for it, People.

I can hear him screaming in hell and it's sweet music. He killed a little girl.

Always the South.


Propaganda. This country was founded on Christianity, not Islam. If you come to this country you cannot take it over and you MUST obey the laws. Love it or leave it!

by then only God could help, not man. water under the bridge


So he’s dead then? GOOD.

Have no idea what this mans' crimes were, but I feel he should of been allowed to a religious person of his choice. Feel Alabama, was wrong with this descision.

The fact that they were going to give him a stay of execution was unbelievable. I didn't know clergy if any religion was allowed in the death chamber. But I imagine they would have to clear an Inman first and that takes time. Perhaps they need to clear one and have him on call.

He is paying the ultimate price for his crime why shouldnt he have the wish for his spiritual demise? Are we that twisted and sad?

Ahhh! Wypipo and their selective 'Love' of the Constitution and Bill of Whi...I mean Rights🙉🙈🙊


The argument no longer matters.


5 justices are hypocrites they to are helping David our nation. Now the Republicans hypocrisies are complete. Republican spate of religion and now can never say again they support the 1st amendment to the US Constitution.

Rape/Murder. I'd rather they speed up the process, personally.

No one is in the death chamber other than the condemned and prison employees. Imam can sit in the audience. Like everyone else.

He deserved no favors or consideration. Killing or harming innocents should NEVER be rewarded. I hope he enjoys his next life. Maybe he will make better decisions.

He’s capable of raping and stabbing to death a 15 yr old girl. Do any of you really think he gives a shit about GOD Too bad he can only die once!!!

He didn’t care about the 14 year old, he was found guilty of raping and murdering. Was she allowed to have her clergy present, when she died?

Alabama dont like muslims?! Wow I thought that place was understanding and open to all people. Anyway f him. Alabama gonna Alabama tho.

Hmm😭😭 Is very Sad

So happy that I will never set foot in Alabama.

What was his crime? Must have been brutal to actually get put to death.

Was the teenager he murdered allowed to have her spiritual advisor with her at the time of her death caused by this piece of garbage? No. So, do I care about this piece of human filth? No. Next story.

Has anyone played the race card yet?

“Ray was sentenced to death for the 1995 rape and murder of a 15-year-old girl. Tiffany Harville disappeared from her Selma home on July 15, 1995, and her decomposing body was found one month later in a cotton field.” Nice guy.

This is not fair. Clearly Supreme Court commuted a discrimination crime in this case. As a Muslim, this is very scary.

I have no problem with this.

make no mistake in a dangerous group of peoples minds this was cruel to do to this man. in any healthy person's mind I'm pretty sure 'FU$K HIM' works.

I could give a shit about his rights. I have zero sympathy for anyone that takes the life of another. Zero. I can’t believe the number of people who are disgusted that his rights weren’t honored. What about the girl he killed? Her right to live was stolen from her by a monster

This man violently raped and butchered a 15 year old girl. He murdered two twin boys a few years before that. In my opinion, he deserves no rights. But JUST looking at it in a strict legal sense, he should have had his Imam with him and it’s islamaphobic that he wasn’t allowed

Justice would still have been served if they had honored his request.

Cruelty? To the murderer of a 15 year-old girl ? Boo 'friggin' hoo.

I see that evangelical Christians are getting their money's worth on the Supreme Court.

What do you want the Imam for? When you were commuting the crime did you call the Imam to advise you before you did it?

Lol for what? A muslim doesnt need imam to ask for Allah's forgiveness. You just need to repent & pray to Allah SWT sincerely

I wonder how much 'notice' this killer gave to the 15 yr old child before he and a friend gang raped her and slashed her throat.

It says only employees are allowed in the chamber for security reasons which is understandable. The state agreed that the Chaplain who is an employee would not be in chamber. The Imam was in next room. Seems like they did try to accomodate.

The fact that a developed country like USA (the only one in western world) still punish a crime, with another crime, in simply appalling.

Well.. I don't really care whether he wanted any religious bullcrapper by his side! He committed triple murders so *maybe* he never cared about god! But a country and a state which has crazy 'god-loving' (haha) people not letting an imam by his side is just hypocritical!

Oh shoot. Lol

VoteTraitorsOut Murder is only justified in self defense. State sponsored murder holds no place in a just society.

Just like any other condemned inmate he had his religious leader with him before the execution and in the witness booth. Only the prisoner and state employees are allowed in the chamber itself. Don’t let MSM click bait headlines trundle you down the path of ignorance



so..only “christians” are sentenced ro death? Sounds like a “bible-belt” problem

Headline should read “man who raped and killed teenage girl put to death “

Bye Bye Muzzie

You get no requests, the same that you have the girl you murdered

winning ‼️did they provide him a prayer rug to kneel on during execution 🙄

Don't ever tell me Christians are forgiving. Or tolerant.

Too bad

So he didn’t murder the girl. He raped her. The guy who murdered the girl but implicated this guy gets life and this guy dies? Weird justice.

That's fucked up, no matter what.

Death begets death. The cycle continues.

Well, that was real 'Christian' of them.

I’m sure his victim wanted her Spiritual Counseler when..... Animal

Well, he knows the truth now.


They don't allow anyone but state employees in the death chamber. No clerics of any other religion are allowed in the death chamber. SCOTUS ruling is correct. This appears to be a move by his lawyers to delay his execution & nothing more.

I'm an atheist and I find this reprehensible.

Gotta love Alabama

I think he just wanted more time. If he was such a religious person he wouldn’t have committed this heinous crime. Plus, if he had really repented he wouldn’t need an Imam. God was with him.

He raped and murdered a 15 year old girl.

Utterly barbaric.

~justice served Ray was sentenced to death for the 1995 rape & murder of a 15-year-old girl. Tiffany Harville disappeared from her Selma home on July 15,1995, & her decomposing body was found one month later in a cotton field.

If America is 'The Great Satan' do bad Muslims go to the United States when they die?

Good. This aint Obama's Gitmo anymore.

Say hi to that pedo Mo in Hell!

Hmm murdered a child... Outrage is about having a sponsor of fictional storyteller present... (same response would work for Christian, Jewish, Scientology, Hindi, etc etc. )

They put him down for arguing? Harsh

Way to bury the let’s talk about what actually happened...

evansemily13 Alabama gonna Alabama

Yet they’ll let Roy Moore and Child Molesting priest give a whole sermon in there...

Should have just transferred him to Virginia for an abortion.

Well anything we can do to make his last moments miserable is fine by me

That's nice!

Did anyone take the time to read the full article? Owden said that him AND Ray killed the girl but... “Lawyers say it was not disclosed to the defense team that records from a state psychiatric facility suggested Owden suffered from schizophrenia and delusions.”

That's fine.

Wtf is wrong with Alabama

Not sure what say. No words. The terrorists on 9/11 won. We no longer offer sanctuary for people to excercise religious freedom. We no longer offer asylum. We are nothing or less than it.

susan_dunham Bye

Did he let his victim have their “spiritual advisor” present when he killed?

I think most of Alabama politicians forget our constitutional rights in freedom of religion. Last year Jake Tapper interviewed one that seem to think everyone being sworn into offices have to be sworn in on a Christian bible, but the fact is, it can accommodated any religion

All propaganda...


Did he allow his victims spiritual adviser to be present when he slit her throat?

Wow... the comments here! This isn't about the crime he committed. He paid for that! It was about having the last rights... which were denied him. So many crap on about religious rights but they don't seem to apply if you're black and/or Muslim hey?

The little girl he raped and murdered didn’t get to have her spiritual advisor with her either. Sure, that is biased, unfair, and probably racist. But I feel way worse for the girls family than I do for him.

i suppose he can take it up with his god now, or just be dead... probably the latter

What a ridiculous headline . This man raped and murdered a 15 year old girl in the 90’s. And look at all these idiots posting how this is wrong ! The media is the enemy !

He is being executed, that normally means he has murdered someone in cold blood....did he allow his victims spiritual advisor to attend the murder he committed....

Oh and forgot to mention, racist!

Islamophobia!!!! Good job republicans!

His crime is very heinous and he should rot in hell, but that’s not the point. Christians who commit the same or worse crime get to have a minister if they wish. Why can’t a different religion get the same treatment? Doesn’t seem like religious liberty are for all.

Did he grant his victim a last minute request?

Was his spiritual leader there during the rape and murder of a 15 year old child? No? Then who cares.

You’re really gonna be disappointed when 72 Virgins are nowhere to be found.. lol


Mainstream media wants sympathy for the murderer and nothing for the victims.


Eh just get rid of this whole religious thing for people being executed 🙄

And what about the girl he killed? What a stupid story. He should have been injected years ago! Shameful one sided press. Do you feel a bit sorry for this man? You are all sick!

So much for freedom of religion and of choice.

no pitty for this shitty


Bye Bye !!


The pro-lifers strike again.

This is such a necessary act in our world. We cannot let this human garbage continue to victimize families and our progressive society, by having to feed/house and secure them. When they murder others, they have become less than us, and must be erased.


Hell Is non denominational and I’m sure he will get a good seat

Spiritual advisor for what? He belongs to HELL

'Ray was sentenced to death for the 1995 rape and murder of a 15-year-old girl. ' Then I couldn't care less what he wanted as a last request. No murderer/rapist deserves a goddamn thing. (But death, of course.)


I bet the 15 yr old girl whose throat he cut to murder after he raped her would've like her spiritual leader there with her as well

'who argued'? Would they or wouldn't they?

No sympathy.

Boo tucking hoo...

Reckoning in hell oh spiritual one

No priest or rabbi or rep of any other faith should be present from now on for felons to be executed period ! Scotus is shamefully violating the USA constitution by four judges one of them attempted to rape a high school girl !!this is how low America had become,,,

Think about your point of view as if it was your 15-year old daughter who was slaughtered. Then post your comment.

boo fuckin hoo.

the state george wallace called home. sickening spiritual supremacy.

Sounds like a lawsuit.

They have their rules and they followed the rules. Tough break for a guy who murdered someone.

I’m fine with this

It’s ok, where he’s going, it wouldn’t have done much good

Reads headline: Oh, that seems wrong Reads story: Doesn't seems so wrong anymore, the headlines totally mischaracterize the details of the story.

Sorry bout your luck.

He raped and killed a 15 year old girl. He doesn't get any fucking rights. He's lucky someone didn't kill him in a bathroom in jail. Fuck off

prayers on his behalf, may he rest in peace 🙏

liamstack Religious freedom a thing of the past in America

I am.a mouslim i think 15 years old girl deserved living freely bu this man had no rights after what he did.

That is so wrong.

What if he wanted his spiritual advisor to be his last meal and just decided he wasn't hungry? loophole

Spiritual advisor can watch from outside the death chamber.

Murder is murder is murder is murder.

He wanted his adviser to hold his hand...HE WAS IN THE ELECTRIC CHAIR

Did he allow his victim to have her spiritual advisor present?


The cruelty is the point.

Everything about the death is stupid, from the last meal, to the last rights. It's time to end capital punishment, and challenge the notion of “an eye for an eye”


He's now chatting with Allah so it turned out fine

Do the crime....

My 1st response was it's wrong to deny him that last wish. Then I remembered that he didn't grant the person he murdered their last wish.

Good news. The girl he killed has been dead for a long time now. Too bad his buddy got off with a light sentence.


Brett Kavanaugh for the win!

He was trash deserves nothing but death

A Muslim inmate who complained in a legal challenge that Alabama wouldn’t let his Islamic spiritual adviser be present in the execution chamber was put to death Thursday after the nation’s highest court cleared the way.shamefully


Good riddance

Fake news.

cc KameelahRashad

This seems wrong on every level! Priests /Deacons/Ministers are all allowed to be present for other religions... WTH🥺🤬🙄

He's not bitching anymore.😂😂😂

Hellz yeah

But, religious liberty, right? shameful

Idk hell gives a fook

Oh my!!!! This need to stop!!!!

Don’t kill people



So shameful.

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