Sang chieftaincy clash: Suspect dies in custody, rights group kicks

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Law Law Headlines News

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One of the Sayawa leaders remanded in the Bauchi custodial centre of the Nigerian Correctional Service in connection with the recent communal clash over

chieftaincy tussle in Sang community of Bogoro Local Government Area of Bauchi State, one Yusuf Bala, is reported to have died in detention.

COFAA alleged that the persons it mentioned in a letter it wrote to the governor to draw his attention to Yusuf Bala’s death in custody appeared to be undermining the principles and objectives of the governor’s administration. “We have received a complaint from the relatives of the victims, alleging that two members of your cabinet who serve as Senior Special Advisers conspired with the Commissioner of Police and the Controller of Nigeria Correctional Services to perpetrate acts of gross inhumanity, abuse of power, and murder.

The group stated in the letter that the arrested suspects were informed by the police that their arrest and detention were ordered by the Government House, adding that they were then subjected to severe torture for duration of three days in police custody.


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