Wife says Pasadena man was depressed and purposely drove family off NorCal cliff: court record

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The wife of a Pasadena man accused of intentionally driving his family off a cliff in Northern California said he was depressed and needed a psychological evaluation, according to a newly unsealed warrant affidavit.

The San Francisco Chronicle reported Wednesday that Neha Patel repeatedly told rescuers that Dharmesh Patel intentionally drove off a San Mateo County cliff on Jan. 2 in a bid to kill her and their two children, ages 4 and 7. All four survived in what one official called an "absolute miracle."

Dharmesh, a radiologist in the Pasadena area, told the California Highway Patrol he pulled off the road to check on a possible flat tire. "He drove off. He's depressed," Neha Patel told a California Highway Patrol officer as she was flown away from the crash site, according to the Chronicle. "He said he was going to drive off the cliff. He purposely drove off."


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