Lara Trump tells federal workers that their missed paychecks are sacrifices for the ‘future of our country’

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Lara Trump tells federal workers their missed paychecks are sacrifices for the 'future of our country'


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Thats simply being ARROGANT.

Sick of seeing our Coutry Disgraced by these Cowards

TG17153017 That so wrong in so many ways..

Must be easy to say from the gold plated tower

Just another lackey. No genuine thoughts or ideas. Lives a lavish life. She can’t relate or say anything meaningful to justify this shutdown. The actual working people are pawns. This lady needs to go sit down and shut up.

What a misguided entitled human being. If you can call her that. Clueless

What hole did she crawl out of?

briantaff6abc I don't see Laura Trump taking any kind of pay delay

You are just hanging on by a thread to the trump wagon sad woman.

Trump people dont make sacrifices for our country. CadetBoneSpurs TraitorTrump RussianPOTUS

History has already chosen how to 'paint' the tRump criminal family...and it is far, far from favorable

POTUS How can this be Legal? MAGA AmericaFirst BuildTheWall Followthewhiterabbit POTUS DrainTheSwamp Qanon Merica AllLivesMatter MAGA 8chan Midterms2018 Wikileaks marijuana Cannabis DrainTheSwamp WeThePeople Drive NationalBeerDay

What has LaraLeaTrump Sacrificed?

Sounds like the USA is fighting a civil war

What Looks as if see going to eat. SHUT UP

Good to see that she has taken seriously being a true Trump by being just as ignorant as they are. I am sure your father in law is impressed.

A little bit of pain? Going without strabucks for a month is a little bit of pain. Do u know what living paycheck to paycheck means? It means without a paycheck you can’t LIVE! Does that sound like a little pain?Shut your mouth on things you know NOTHING about.

The US can eliminate its deficit if LaraLeaTrump would forego her annual spend on Botox, juvederm and cool sculpting boredrichnobody

WTF she’s married to Eric. Certainly not the brightest bulb

Watch Lara sacrifice for her country. 🤣🤣🤣🤣👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

Then she can WIRK FOR FREE TOO!

What would SHE know of personal sacrifice? Oh right, she married the dumbest Trump. How about her family giving up all of its money now for a month or so and live off of Spam sandwiches.

What dreamworld are these Trumps in?


She can kiss ass

We the people are relied by both the rich elite and the poor for their survival, and she says that, what a pompous ass. But don’t get it twisted You trump person our country will survive your family.

This statement is exactly why we as just human beings cannot yield our rights as Americans to the so called elite. They don’t think as we do, don’t know what it’s like to have to work everyday to keep food, and utilities going and a shelter.


Then in that case, why don't you sacrifice your check to those sacrificing their check.

out of touch b*tch

Seriously, it would be a different story if you had no money to pay your bills or put food on the table. Try it you may change your disgusting comment.

How about all the Trump clan scarifice their Russian bank accounts to help those beneath them. While the hypocrite CowardGOP sit quietly like mice

That’s easy for her to say. She’s never been hungry, cold or in danger of being homeless. She privileged and has plenty of money. Who is she to talk

The last time someone in power said such elitist “let them eat cake” nonsense, heads rolled and there was a change in government

Pretty sure the ‘let them eat came’ mentality has ended badly for one particular Monarch.

What is your sacrifice Laura?

A full freak show of politics a cousin of Australia's full freak show of unaccountable, divisive, failed political system populated in great numbers by the weirdest rejects you imagine

she is pathetic

And what are you sacrificing, Lara? Trying putting yourself in their shoes. You wouldn’t last a day

Give us one sacrifice that SHE makes!

Spoken truly like the upper crust that has NO understanding of what normal people go through. Vote GOP out of office. They only care about the rich!!

What an insensitive, ignorant women who has no idea what the average American is going through. It's good for HER that Trump can pay HER bills!

Dumb blonde.

Special place in HELL FOR PEOPLE LIKE HER Looks like anorexia so she doesn’t have to worry about eating sad and I use the term loosely human sad do you do that or she skinny because of nerves living with that family trumps they are very sick people the head is the worst

C’mon. Her struggles are just as real as yours. It’s chilly peeing on solid gold toilets.

Wonder what Lara sacrificed?

Get a muzzle for this one

I’m sure that’s what she said Wapo. Please excuse me if I have to fact check your stories. How many in the past week have had to be walked back? When Trump does that you call him a liar. What do we call you? FakeNewsMedia

I’ll lay out a future for you and your criminal family...!!! You can be sure it won’t include getting any manicures!

You wanna make a “sacrifice for the future of our country”? Tell your father-in-law to resign!


Shut up LaraLeaTrump

I don't even have words for the tunnel vision of this.

Trump’s are all horrid people.

Oh please Lara do tell us all about the sacrifices others should make! reallyoutoftouch

Another Trump showing that the Trump ignorance runs deep.

Stop using hardworking loyal fed employees as hostages for political leverage! Intro legis to ban gov shutdown!!! End Shutdown NOW!!!

True ! They'll get back pay.

I’d say let’s have a rally on the national mall against the shutdown, to show just how much it is affecting people,but the permit office is closed BECAUSE of the shitdown I mean shutdown.

And.... her last name is Trump.... So she knows NOTHING about earning money!!!

I truly don’t understand who cares what another Trump thinks about any subject none of them were elected to the White House fairly

Thanks Lara as you rush off to your next mani/pedi.

What does she know about missing a paycheck

This is exactly what rich people say....

Lara who

A certain Marie Antoinette said something similar back in the day........

what was your sacrifice again lara?

In case we needed more evidence that the Trumps are pure assholes....

Maybe she will get to go to jail with the others.

What are the Trumps sacrificing? Have any of them ever sacrificed anything, especially for the good of anyone else? Why can’t he just sacrifice his ego to open government, allow federal employees to do their jobs and get pay deserved, while cont’d talks.

Delayed paychecks...that will be paid back in full by law that passes every time this happens.

What a crock! Keep Congress' checks and pay everyone else's!! This is why we need term limits!!

Looks like she is as dumb as her husband.

The missed paychecks are sacrifices for Trump's ill-conceived wall promise. Lara is another Trump who is out of touch with real people's lives.


Good grief.. she wouldn't know what a day without money even feels like. I seriously hate hearing from wealthy people to 'suck it up' when times get bad.

She has to go to jail


BacksweetBranch Yeah. This woman is an expert on people’s personal lives? The future won’t happen if the federal workers aren’t paid. This IS A MAJOR PROBLEM. THIS IS THE HUMANITARIAN CRISIS.

So Sad! What have we become? What does that mean? It sounds like the voice of privilege. I wonder what she will sacrifice?

She is out of touch...and not very bright! Hey, look who she married!?

AOC tells Lara Trump that 70% marginal income tax rate is a sacrifice for the “future of our country.”

How about we cut off all her money

Isn’t she a sweetheart? or is it sweatheart ? Set her to cleaning toilets in Trump Towers NYC and DC. Add Mar-Al-Lago and WH. Then don’t pay her, no extra cheese ir crackers. Tell herbyo buy her own water and Tampax. NOW . . . does she GET IT!?

Out of touch.

I don’t care what she has to say.

How would Lara Trump like it if she had and her family had no food to eat, no roof over her head! The Trumps are a disgrace to the US!! How much lover will they go to completely destroy USA?

Wow! And how about the food that will be missed on their table?

She hasn’t missed a trump paycheck from the looks of her residences. Has no clue.

She married Eric Trump, she’s got a track record of bad decisions.

LaraLeaTrump Let’s take away all of your money. Go get a minimum wage job. Wait a few months for your paycheck while you work for free in the meantime. Then you can talk about sacrifice. LetThemEatCake

Like any of the trumps would make this “sacrifice“ lol

This doesn't make sense. Why should the people suffer any pain for Trump's wall? There is no immigration crisis. The only crisis in the U.S. is having Trump as the POTUS.

Like we care what you think or say

I actually saw this interview in which she essentially said that the wall was more important than one person’s pain, suggesting they are sacrificing for the good of the country or something. It’s not a sacrifice when you are being forced to do it. RELEASE the FED Hostages!

And what exactly as LaraLeaTrump sacrificed? All of the Trumps needs to get out of DC

So the old Let them eat cake. You know how that ended.

What is she sacrificing?


Is Lara going to help them with their bills and food MitchTrumpShutDown Basta

Maybe she should sacrifice some of her paychecks for the future of our country

with each and every missed paycheck I see a Democrat guaranteed as 2020 POTUS

Aaah bet you couldn’t wait to post that one

Girl, please. Your privilege is showing .

Ask NancyPelosy and SenSchumer for the paycheck.

I thought she and Baby Donny are separated. True? Not true?

EricTrump LaraLeaTrump Seriously? The future and safety of the country is being sacrificed everyday Trumps are in the WH. So what food bank do you feed your family from?

Hopefully all of America will be able to sacrifice when you, your family & its entirety have their citizenships revoked for collusion to treason & corruption of America. Take Trumpski with you & enjoy potatos in Russia.

LaraLeaTrump what are you “sacrificing”. Quit talking, you do not matter.

This from one who has sacrificed her humanity and out of touch with those whose backs are used for American prosperity

'let them eat cake'

Elitists don’t care what you think of them. TrumpShutDown lauratrump SecretaryRoss Flotus WhiteHouseCEA realDonaldTrump KEVINHASSET

WTF? Sacrifices she and her family will not make. This is the definition of swamp.

And Lara. Where is your sacrifice

Shut up lara

Make a donation, if that’s how you think it works, Lulu.

And yet another out of touch billionaire. Bet she isn't worried about whether or not she can feed her children tonight or whether she'll have to choose between insulin or rent.

impeachPence ImpeachTrump

Roll out the guillotines

This people that are against rich people. Why aren’t they smart enough to be rich. Why haven’t they worked their butts off to be rich instead they are jealous of people who have worked hard to get rich like Trump does. Trump takes NO PAY CHECK.

Easy to say when you're not affected.

Please, let this be over soon.

Someone tell them they have no idea what sacrifice means. I wish her entire family would show the whole world what true sacrifice was and leave the government and the country. Now that would be the best sacrifice ever.

Funny, the country was doing great before the TrumpCrimeFamily ImpeachTheMF TrumpShutdown

MANUFACTURED Shutdown EFFECTS Crises Pathetic Liberal Lies

She's an air head....can't wait till the whole family broke

You and hubby sacrifice your money then. So sick of their self righteous bull

briantaff6abc Maybe you could go without

What has her family sacrificed? How in the he-- does she think people will thank this moron for causing them unnecessary pain? What has her children been deprived of? She showed not only that she's incapable of compassion; but, she's also ignorant of real life America.

Tell her to shut her trap. The privilege and heartlessness of this family infuriates me.

Let them eat cake

Wondering how Lara, Ivanka, Eric, Donald Jr. (and their children) will thank them after TRUMP NAME gets removed from buildings and becomes synonymous with theft, fake luxury and being a loser? Also after Trump Family money Donald Sr inherited from his daddy's squandered and gone?

This is a great comeback when her hubby and the rest of his family end up in jail Just go get a loan!!

Only those who voted for Trump deserves this hunger strike. As long as Trump's family is not effected country will be fine, this is what they voted for. A psycho in the White House.

Lara Trump is disconnected from reality. Like the other members of her family. They should not make front news. Looking forward to the day I don’t not hear from them anymore.

What exactly is she sacrificing again?

MMcFaddenWNDU As usual the headline is deceptive, read the whole story

Oh Barf! What is Ms. Laura sacrificing? High Tea?

this sound like a dictator would speak

Because her contribution to society is

Shut up that’s rude I know but please think with your heart before your mouth opens

LaraLeaTrump where’s your sacrifice?Are you in danger of losing your home, car, credit rating?Are you worried about how you are going to feed your kids todayAre you rationing your meditation to just to stay alive TODAY?! What is your sacrifice as you live in the lap of luxury?

She is just an elitist arm candy. She has no relevancy to anyone. She just loves in her world of caviar, champagne, limos and chauffers, life in the Hamptons. What does she know about real working people, trying to feed their families?

This is from a woman married to a trump that has money you have no clue Lady to be poor so keep your thoughts to yourself

You’ve got a nerve. What are you sacrificing for our country?🤬

A comedian once said the way to end hunger is to eat the hungry.

So are my missed rent payments I suppose.

The left are using these government works!

As she trots out in a $1,500 dress and $700 shoes.

Sounds like a Marie Antoinette moment, “Let them eat cake.”


Does anyone in that horrible family have any empathy or are they all just narcissistic?!

Why would anyone give two shits what she says or thinks? But at least it’s not lil’ Eric talking 😣

Is lara trump out of her 'f*ing mind, it's the rich always telling the poor that they should always sacrifice for the good. Well I have a saying for her and people like her' take it and shut up' you sacrifice for the good of the country we need to get paid.

Putin’s puppets.

Because she knows all about sacrificing.... ugh


Those are mistakes past leaders made too

While the rich get massive tax cuts

LaraLeaTrump Marie Antoinette (google her) called, she wants her rich entitlement back

A government advisor dictating to citizens what they must give up for the collective good... Sounds familiar...

Lara about you spend the remainder of the shutdown serving our country by lending a hand at the food banks and donating to those who are going to experience extreme financial difficulty because of the STUPID SHUTDOWN.


Federal workers tell Lara Trump to take her privilege and shove it where the sun don’t shine.

Lara about you spend your the remainder of the shutdown serving our country by lending a hand at the foods banks and donating to those who are going to experience extreme financial difficulty because of the STUPID SHUTDOWN.

Yeah, being evicted, having your credit destroyed, going hungry for a month...I guess that could be defined as 'a little bit of pain.' What a completely out of touch twit. She's likely never missed a meal or wanted for anything in her life. My question is...Eric? Really?

What’s been her sacrifice?

And what about their current life situation with no pay? Asking for a friend🤷🏽‍♀️

Oh for Christ sake, she married Eric Trump. What do you expect from her?


what future? she can easily say money enough. the whole family trump has no sense of reality

Hey LaraLeaTrump how about you give up daddies money and live off nothing then talk about sacrifice! Don’t preach to people when you have no idea about sacrifice!

Stop giving these low life's time in the media. She's nothing, nothing and has no empathy for anyone who works for a living. STOP IT!

What we are sacrificing is suffering by not caving in to an immoral Trump who colluded and stole the Presidency. I'd rather suffer than give side with fraudster Trump. Justice will prevail.

What is LaraLeaTrump sacrificing?

What exactly is she sacrificing? What are any of the trumps sacrificing? NOT A THING!! How many of GOP congress are NOT taking their paycheck during AndYetAnotherTrumpShutdown? How many have been 2 foodbanks & talked w/actual people being HURT by them? TrumpDestroyedGOP4ever!

Definitely as smart and classy as daddy

This is what this Administration is reduced to for the next two-years. Nepotism and cronyism. Unqualified and conflicted people making decisions for our country.

Who is she?

You miss a paycheck b*tch

Tell Laura Trump when she has to go to a food bank or go without medication maybe we could take her seriously, she’s a monster !

I want to see LaraTrump on a bread line, living on the street, in rags. Then she can talk about other’s sacrifices!

What misguided dolt's are Republicans...sad

I guess her marriage to the dumb Trump brother was her sacrifice to win a life of luxury and be able to say stupid things with no consequences.

She is really a Trump.They never know when to shut up.We do not want to hear from any of them. We are disgusted with this family and can’t wait to see the back of them.This chick can’t even fake empathy.Does she think we care what she thinks? She knows nothing about sacrifices

What does this c*nt know about sacrifice, other than sacrificing her dignity by marrying into such a gross family?

So out of touch! Disgusting

Stop talking is what she needs to do...keeps dropping her brains when she does open her mouth...

Oh boy - there are no words to respond to the total ignorance of this statement! What are YOU sacrificing?!?😡

She needs to shut up

Not too bright

I heard her say “Let them eat cake, or a tRump”

I wonder what sacrifices she’s willing to make for her country?

The arrogance of the privileged is beyond belief. The most this child of the rich has sacrificed is her nail appointment; she does not relate to or care about the working men and women of this country

Alrightythen I'm sure we'll be seeing your paycheck being donated to our future as well, right? Crickets. That's what I thought.

She has sacrificed, too. Look at her mole-faced husband. Would YOU touch that thing?


Now that's rich... These folks are begging to be set upon by mobs of midwestern rubes.

maybe all her maids, nannies, gardeners, etc, should walk off the job...then see what she has to say about sacrifice...

Omg. This family is way lower than deplorable. There are no words.

You have to be kidding - what has ANY Trump had to sacrifice!!!

= LetThemEatCake. Deplorable was and continues to be the correct term.

People like this need to go away. They care nothing for those impacted. Entitled princess.

Out to lunch. Don't know how these people look at themselves in the mirror. CNN WhiteHouse

A 6 billion dollar wall that will do nothing.

Wonder what Lara Trump is sacrificing for the future of our children

“Let them eat cake.” -also Lara Trump.

Clueless Trumps never quit.

Tower trash

The disconnected over-privileged fools like her who don’t live in the real world need to SHUT UP! What does she know about the plight of the average American?!?

It’s easy to talk about sacrifices when you have never made one, been handed everything on a silver platter, and your worries on a day to day basis consist of whether you’ll shop at Gucci today or Chanel.


People will lose their homes and this entitled twit doesn’t care.

This is loathesome. Try telling that to a federal worker who is having their home foreclosed and can’t put food on the table!

She’s just another delusional Trump ..

Rich gal that never went without, she has no clue about struggling to survive therefore, like the rest of the Trump clan, she has no sympathy for those who are now losing everything! She couldn't care any less !

Twitter needs a grrrrr icon

When is the Government going after her? Taped trying to buy Omarosa silence? She may not be my favorite person but she proved smarter than the Trump clan who were stupid enough to be vulnerable to her.

Just STFU Lara!

Coming from someone who doesn’t have to worry about a paycheck.

Disgusting. Yet another let them eat cake moment.

Only an numbskull would agree with a spit in ones face comment. Then again, we are dealing with the Trumps.



How about her families assets are frozen and her families paychecks are donated to these families and she can try this on for size! Why is that the poor must make all the sacrifices for the greater good but these rich mofos sit back and watch they bank accounts fatten up? 🤬

She has a point. It will ensure these criminals are kicked out of Washington for good. Go to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200


Who’s Lara Trump ?

We tell our soldiers that ....

So Lara Trump what are you sacrificing for the future of the country?

Good Lord. With people like this who needs enemies

Out of touch

These are the people you are defending. They don’t care about you or anyone outside of their mob family. What would do without a pay check for a month? missy1992_irwin

A “sacrifice” they didn’t ask to make and for something they don’t want... Also a “sacrifice” Congress doesn’t seem to need to be making, including those that want the wall and are helping cause this.

And I'm quite sure that in solidarity with the federal workers who are making such huge sacrifices, Lara has also pledged to eat beans on toast and forgo all the luxuries at her disposal 😠

A member of the clueless Trump clan

Fake news Wapo. Inciting hate again?

Poor girl.

A 'sacrifice' is something that an individual makes; it's THEIR decision, not yours, not the President's, or anyone else. This isn't a 'sacrifice', it's punishment because Donnie is having a temper tantrum.

You do realize, this shutdown was not volunteer. Right? You do realize that they didn't volunteer, to give their check right? So, why are you out there thanking these workers as if, they did? Don't come out here patronizing, these people for a made up emergency! that struggling

Marie-Antoinette Trump. 🐜

This is the most tone deaf statement. They didn’t ask for their jobs to be sacrificed.

What sacrifices is this LaraLeaTrump making for the cause? While Fed workers can’t buy food, medicine or pay rent/mortgages she’s still well glammed up. Maybe she can sacrifice that.

I know 1thing I respect our vets, and federal workers,but their not the only one effected by the shut down.!!! Nobody is talking about the poor,lower class citizens. Not main media local news no one.cause as usual They don't give a flying F.

Why she doesn't sacrifice some money and help this people out then so she can embrace the sacrifice the people are making . Easy to talk when they have all this money but her father is playing with the people's money just to please his base. MEXICO WAS GOING TO PAY 💯.

What has 'Lara' done? What is her sacrifice?

erictrump, realDonaldTrump Just let us know when someone with the last name Trump is ready and willing to give up their money for the good of the country. Seems talk is easy as long as both your stomach and bank accounts are full.

Her knowledge and insite is so comfortable knowing that all the trumps are living in a Russian funded bubble ,you had the munsters in the 50's now you have the trumpsters

Prove it’s for the future is our country. Where’s are the facts? Where’s the recommendations from any security agency? Where are the follow up questions press corps?

File under- what family of a dictator would say.

If Drump resigned today that would be a “little pain” now for the “future of our country” OK? 🔥😡

Who the fuck is Lara? She clearly doesn’t understand what sacrifice means.

That crazy (B) saying that cause she's rich that's all I got too say.


She’s the one married to the dumbest kid, right?

Let them eat cake!

When was the last time you missed. Paycheck?

Real salt of the earth people, this lot.

Their inability to feed their kids or cover medical expenses is worth it, …. to her, proof that the Trump idiots don't marry anyone with a higher IQ than themselves,realDonaldTrump and his entire family have become a metaphor for all things stupid, dishonest and selfish.

I have no idea who Lara Trump is, but lose the 'let them eat cake' attitude.

Who the F is Lara Trump? Are there any more that we don't know about?

all the trump men's women look like dudes. and jared is really a female. WTF was going on in the trumperd household in the 80s?

Go figure, another Trump with no compassion or sense of the world outside her bubble.

What has she sacrificed?

Another bright bulb in the Family circus

And what is her sacrifice?

What sacrifice has this woman made for our country? Has she ever been homeless? Has she ever unintentionally missed a meal? Has she ever worried about taking care of the needs of her family? She obviously has a severe case of Marie Antoinette Syndrome.

and what the fuck has 'she' sacrificed?

So true....

Who the hell is she and why would anyone care what Lara Trump said

Not surprising they take out parts of her comments, so what she said looks like something else.

And she’s right

It’s her “ let them eat cake!” Moment ! B*tch!

LaraTrump Even if you have no clue, you can have compassion. These zombies should be sent directly to minimum wage land without passing Go. And then made to live there ever after. TrumpShutdown

Hmmmm wonder what she has sacrificed. Living in her large home with her money from family laundering enterprise. Some people LaraLeaTrump don’t marry money and have to work hard to make a living.

Or the modern day take: Let them eat cake!👸

I'm really trying not to let this annoy me, but I can feel the rage inside me for this statement bubbling up to the surface. 🤬

If anyone knows about living with a little bit of pain, it's her. Look who she's married to.

We are all sacrificing for our country right now putting up with the likes of Nancy Pelosi and her illness of tardive Dyskinesia. We wish her well in prayer and the hopes of her resignation for the benefit of all.

Rich people make no sacrifices no matter hard it gets for anyone else

says the rich woman and walks away. She has no idea what she is talking about.


Love the empathy from the top 1%.

Yes, losing your home and being unable to provide for your family is good for the future!

She is letting them 'eat cake.'

Just like Wilbur Ross the RICH will NEVER understand what it's like to live in the real world and not from a perch.

Why should anyone care what LaraLeaTrump says and why do you even bother reporting on the blatherings of a woman stupid enough to marry anyone named tRUmp, much less the dumbest one, EricTrump.

What does SHE know about sacrificing?!!! Breaking a nail opening a jar of caviar?!

Unless “our country” is Russia, I don’t think so, LaraLeaTrump. And you and your family’s “let them eat cake” responses will not be forgotten. People are suffering because realDonaldTrump refuses to end the TrumpShutdown. Over a fictional, “magic wall”. Sad.

Seriously!! This family has to go!

MiriamRoseMc Exactly right! But click bait WaPo 🙄 Let the Socialist Freaks have at it 😂🍿

What is Lara Trump sacrificing?

Strange that her billionairre father in law wont cut a personal check to cover lost wages of employees or the steel fencing for the benefit of the country. Every single one of this clan has majored in tone deaf communications

As your family continues to appropriate money without reason.

No their missed paychecks are bc of the childish Democrats and Pelosi refusing to even try to negotiate

The future of our country should NOT be a sacrifice for the middle class and the poor. If ANYONE should sacrifice, it should be the millionaires and billionaires who have cheated the American public out of the 'AMERICAN DREAM!' Workers don't have NO BENEFITS at all in this USA!

Deplorable was far too kind

How many homes do you have, LaraLeaTrump ? Maybe, “for the future of our country”, you could donate one as a homeless shelter for the many families your corrupt realDonaldTrump will be leaving destitute. After all, what’s “ a little bit of pain”, if it’s shared by all of us?

I love how the media strategically uses quotation marks. Like take any quote and then throw anything around it. Ex. Washington Post says slavery was 'Good for the Economy'.

LaraLeaTrump is a media and television whore. Why anyone is giving her a single sound bite or the time of day is beyond me. She is no one politically. Should not even be commenting.

I’m sure they appreciate it.

This family is abhorrent...

Good example of why family members of prior presidents were smart enough to separate the president’s work from their individual inability to view things from an objective perspective. Not a bad choice-especially when the risk of misspeak is so great

connielipnick Because no one understands sacrifice like LaraLeaTrump

Lara trump should help out by donating to the government employees effected by her father’s ridiculous stance. She should be helping in soup kitchens instead of making erroneous comments

That’s what good leaders do; ask others to do what they won’t do for their country

Have the T-rumps donated to food banks?

They really are unbelievable

These ppl are disgraceful!! What sacrifices has she or her family made as they count the billions they’re making from the most corrupt Administration in our history.

I think the word feckless c... apply here

While she doesn’t have to miss a meal or pay for her kids expenses, shut the hell up witch.

So sad and disgusting!

Being a Federal Employee comes with the 'shutdown' hazard. When it is over, they will be paid for lost wages. No other job in the United States provides such an assurance! It's a short term sacrifice. That's it!

That’s true, liberals want open borders, in a few years the country will be out of control. Then what? Btw, what’s the point of fighting jihadists in the Middle East if they can waltz through an open border here?

What is your your sacrifice LaraLeaTrump ?


Americans shouldn't have to sacrifice their lives for Trump's pride

What's her sacrifice, being married to Eric? OK that's a fair trade agreement.

... is she Marie Antoinette ?

she is the C word with a Capitial C

I swear I can hear the sound of tumbrels rolling over cobblestones whenever one of these filthy rich, completely clueless assh*les divests themselves of another of these turds of wisdom.

Take their money away from them for 2 months. Where they cant afford anything and see the attitude change. Its not for the greater good of a country. Its to put money into something we don't want.

She married a teratoma of Don Jr so her future can’t be bright.

What it is is a new low, and new precedent, and illegal

Laura Trump married to the son of a billionaire and Wilbur Ross (net worth $2.9 billion) never had to live on a budget and can't relate to the 'average person's' money concerns. Same swamp different tailors (Italian).DrainTheSwamp

Well. I don’t like the future she & her crime family envision for our country! crimefamily Oh, and it doesn’t hurt a little bit! It hurts a lot. My husband & I don’t even agree with the wall, yet we’re being used by Trump to demand one! DidTrumpOpenGovernmentYet TrumpShutdown

She should show her willingness to sacrifice by paying the mortgage and rent payments for federal workers.


À la lanterne!

(coldly) 'Give the peasants their tartar sauce.' - Montgomery Burns, 'The Simpsons'

I’ll tell you what Ojeda said a couple weeks ago about the poor riding up and eating the rich might not be too far off. So out of touch, sad part is there is people with money that totally get it and aren’t morons.

It's the weekend night in my country. I was ready to hear light jokes. But not for this...

Glad to see Lara Trump is making huge sacrifices for her country, oh wait...

I bet she’s never had to go without a paycheck. This is gross.

Please explain why they have to sacrifice and what sacrifices you and the Congressional families are having! It is so easy to say this when you aren’t face with how you going to pay the mortgage or the car payment or for fuel. Gas or food! Absolutely no understanding or empathy!

“Um, and, uh, your lapsed mortgage payments are the backbone of this great nation!” 🇺🇸

Easy to talk when you’re not the one sacrificing anything. 🤨

She could just as well have said 'Let them eat cake.'

'Let them eat cake.' Famous last words from the Queen of France. HeadsWillRoll MuellerIsComing

That’s bull.

You are married with a Trump. I think this is your sacrifice Lara.

Why did your Dad Trump use his own money to build the WALL course the American People and the dead ones from creation will thank they say Apple did not fall too far from the tree !!!

Thanks Larry. Super important to hear that from the like of you. Soothing

Just to add, that in China a bag of rice fell down

Fun fact: Lara Trump is a direct descendant of Marie Antoinette’s beheaded corpse. 🍰

LaraLeaTrump what exactly has the first crime family sacrificed for this country. TrumpMcConnellShutdownDay32 laratrumpisclueless

And here I was thinking that Trump supporters were a death cult. I only hope she uttered those banalities with her mouth stuffed full of caviar.

Federal workers have been offered interest free loans till they rec back pay by Fed Credit Union. So what is the hardship. It’s an extended paid vac on taxpayers dime. This is Union and Media propaganda

Thanks, Marie Antoinette.

The ignorance and lack of empathy never stops amazing

Certainly she is a person in touch with reality! She must be speaking from experience.

Why does the news even cover this twit?

“Let them eat cake”

And. . .she would know what about sacrifice? shutdown

Who the f-ck is she? Now Qusay’s future ex-wife gets to tell us about the future of our Country? I don’t think so. LaraLeaTrump EricTrump

Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses? Pfft, like she's ever had to worry about her next meal.

idiot daughter law said what

WOW! Why not putting her kids in cages, her in a prison cell next door to her husband, her father in law, sister in law, brother in law......basically almost everybody from this disgusting mob family?

And WHAT is HER sacrifice

Who cares what LaraLeaTrump thinks? Anyone at all? Another pointless Trump thinking their opinion matters. EndTheTrumpShutdownMitch

It should not be lost on anyone that she keeps his checkbook and makes the strategy and decisions. She is fiercely loyal, like a lover.

She is obviously not starving & having to survive pay check to pay check

Who the ruck is she and do I give a hoot?

Gawwwwwwwd these people are clueless.

What is she sacrificing?

Soviet Union money still...enough

Not exactly, but close enough for fake news

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