The case for impeaching Justice Clarence Thomas

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“Impeachment would correct the original sin of Thomas’ 1991 confirmation”: Mehdi Hasan examines the case for impeaching Justice Clarence Thomas.


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Corrupt Democrats about impeaching corrupt Biden, Harris, and top dozen dem Senators and Congressman.

I didn’t agree with that 1991 confirmation or anything else thomas has done since. Anita Hill did not want to testify and got subpoenaed by congress. Given the content of her testimony it’s high time for an impeachment.

Obviously a black conservative on the court never sat well with you.

Impeach I believed Anita Hill Now you should!!!

Hey, what’s a little graft? Everybody has a price, right? There are but few honest people like Cheney and the honorable Raffensperger of Georgia In politics and the justice system.

Never going to happen.

You want to do something now? 32 years later give me a break

I'd love to hear that my 'case' has been corrected.

Have Democrats ever let go of their plantation? They never let go of race, they opposed every civil rights legislation unanimously, and every successful black man is somehow a white supremacist, Uncle Tom, racist lol The mental hula hoops they go thru to spin their lies.

Propaganda news network.

You guys are racist.

Impeach Biden and Harris!

It’s because he’s black, right? That’s his “original sin”?

Isn’t Mehdi a plagiarist

There was no 'sin' in 1991. Anita Hill contradicted herself repeatedly. She contradicted her sole fresh complaint witness. She lied about asking to keep her accusation anonymous (which would make no sense - if he'd done it, then he'd know who was accusing him).

Can't get a legit seat on the court, then try and steal one. Impeaching that man is not going to fly

Wouldn’t hurt my feelings any. He’s been useless since he started. Not smart enough to know he’s being used and made a fool of for the world to see

now who is the racist?

Thomas is tragic.

MSNBC trying to get that “boy” back in line.

Oh just get lost. It is not happening ever!

Why doesn't MSNBC send its woke reporters to Ukraines front lines so we can really see what is happening. 120,000 plus Ukraines kids are laying dead on Ukraines battlefields and Americans are to blame. MSNBC is junk News.

You just can't be balanced anymore can you?

that’s not gonna get far and you can’t impeach people for the past that you don’t like

He’s never been a fair justice and now we know why….undisclosed…expensive vacations and failure to report land deals…all to donors…come on impeach him already

Dems create race wars... 100s of black youth mob, burn, loot in DT Chicago... Chase white woman, and beat the Fuc out of her!

MSNBC is all in for removal of Clarence. Why? Because Clarence counters their master’s agenda at every turn.

Oh stop. This is all about getting another liberal in there.


Bad look, msdnc

I’m sure Republicans will get right on that article.

Democrats don’t have control of the house. So dream on libs…

What does it actually take to impeach a president?

What Democrats hate more than anything else in the world is a black man who refuses to stay on the plantation. Its always been this way, and it’ll never change. Clarence Thomas didn’t break any laws, but the Biden family on the other hand sure has.

The Democrats can’t even get the votes in the senate to appoint federal judges much less impeach a Supreme Court justice.

There is not a case

Original sin - being a black man who is not liberal

Oh wow so much racism just out in the open with this headline.

Democrats are STILL the party of the kkk and Jim Crow. They only hate Thomas because he's a black man that won't repeat what they believe black people should be saying.

He's a black conservative. That the case. lol

Anyone else remember that time when the Left tried to convince everyone that a conservative justice was corrupt while completely not even mentioning the democrat senator currently under federal investigation for corruption and kickbacks?

Liberals acting like liberals. They hate him because he doesn’t think the way they think black people should think.

Thomas isn’t going anywhere.

So someone treating Clarence Thomas to a nice vacation is going to make Clarence Thomas more of a conservative than he already is?! “It’s wrong” says the MSNBC anchor as they board the luxury cruise ship.

Clarence is a true American hero. Good luck with your faux bullshit.

Get a rope - MSNBC wants to lynch Justice Thomas !

No shot incase msnbc uses facts If a majority of the members of the United States House of Representatives vote to impeach, the impeachment is referred to the United States Senate for an impeachment trial. A conviction requires a two-thirds vote in the Senate.

The racist Communist Democrats are doing what they do, and the racist Democrat State run media is doing what they do.

Lol if he was confirmed by a Democrat and gave rulings the Lefties like he'd the Best. Justice. Evarrrr...

Let’s have the case for impeaching Biden first you lying propagandist. Letting this 👇🏾take us to war.

Democrats are relentless in fulfilling their hate and vitriol. Thomas, a constitutionalist, strong intellectual and professional is everything the left despises in black men. Media Hasan is a sensationalist thriving on hyperbole over substance. An absolute embarassment.

Mehdi Hasan is a fucking idiot.

The dems have just devolved to the Soviet philosophy of 'show me the man and I'll show you the crime.' Their accusations mean nothing.

biden should also be impeached for taking millions $$$$ from China, Ukraine and Russia. Hunter's Laptop From Hell has the evidence of their criminal activities.

I don’t know why you even talk about this. Because Nothing is going to be done to Clarence Thomas. I never liked him from the beginning. He is not a good man.


Democrats don’t have rules, aren’t you guys just going to pack the court?

He needs to be impeached. He is BOUGHT and PAID for! The Supreme Court was always a court to look up to. trump tainted the Court, by putting people in that aren't honest people!No integrity to this Court!

Notice it is ALWAYS the black man they are attacking. It never fails. Consistently for 20 plus years. Why? Because he is the uppity one.

MSNBC Fantasyland. Nothing will happen to Clarence. Mehdi knows that, but he must bloviate to maintain his brand. He has to play to the lefty marks who live in the MSNBC bubble.

original sin? Just say you're racist

Leftists HATE black people. This is obviously a movement to finish the lynching Joe Biden started of Clarence Thomas.

Biden has been after Clarence Thomas since 1991.

Democrats support Jim Crow laws for Supreme Court Justices.

The Plantstion Democrats at it again , Kkkeep those who don't agree in chains

This guy is PM of Canada. This cool guys?

Shame on you MSNBC

= FakeNews!

Why does Medhi Hassan hate black men? Will no one call him out for his racism?

Mehdi subscribes to the bucket of crabs ideology. Keep pulling the one trying to escape back down into his bucket of apathy.

Muslims don't believe in original sin, mehdirhasan, and people who aren't bigots don't consider the confirmation of the second black American to the Court to be sinful in any way. You really are a shameless partisan stooge.

I am really surprised that he has last this long on the court in that he lied to get the position in the first place!!! Your lies eventually catch up with you no matter who you are!!! The laws of gravity still exist on this Earth!!!

Unbridled racism from mehdirhasan Do better


Ah, mob rule.

Hasan really is an ignorant racist, as well as being a confirmed homophobe and supporter of Muslim terrorism.

Dear God, you printed this


Why does msnbc hate black people?

mehdirhasan going with the 91 racist confirmation process he had to endure. 😳😳😳😳 well atleast the left is sticking to the grounds of if it’s a conservative black person they can be subjected to racist shit. You guys are consistent on that part

The anchors at MSNBC make more money than Clarence Thomas could ever dream of and I’ll bet the Networks give some of them great vacation perks. They probably get vacations most people could only dream about.. just more low lying fruit to grab.

Because he doesn't vote your way. HYPOCRITES

I’ve never cared for Judge Clarence Thomas, but seriously are we supposed start going after people now because they had an awesome vacation? What’s going on with everyone ? !

That’s racist as fuck.

You racists really hate Black men that don't march to your fife.

Wow if that’s the case biden should resign immediately.

A lot of racist on here really need to check their white privilege at the door before insulting the most successful black judge in American history.

Finally Mehdi comes out as full blown racist. Took him long enough.

The Ds and the media always hate a black man who's not a D and can think for himself.

'Original Sin of Thomas' confirmation' Tremendous work, it's both Racist and Heretical.

The Senate Judiciary Committee should launch an immediate investigation, impeach him if warranted... and mandate a Supreme Court ethics code. ⚖️ SupremeCourtEthicsCode


So when the Repbs get in power they can start impeaching some of the Liberal justice.. This is such a stupid way to get power

Exactly! He shouldn’t have been there in the first place!!!!

blatant racism

WeThePeople aren’t interested in your far-left ideological games but we’re very concerned with CHINA’s operating in USA as if they’re in own country.Stop your games or stay home. NBCUniversal comcast

Only in your pathetic mind.


If Clarence Thomas was a Democrat, the Republicans would be screaming for his impeachment every day! Dems wake the Hell up!

This is racist

Impeach biden

Now you're playing God? Pathetically Political & obvious

Doesn’t the GOP House have to start the impeachment? They are such low lifes it will never happen. Meanwhile, this man is sitting on the highest bench in the country making decisions that affect us all. He and his horrible wife are laughing all the way to the bank.

It's obvious the media is corrupt. Putting out a hit pieces on a person to help a political party try to fix supreme court. Buden cant stack the courts so they need one out and you ate helping with hit pieces that all politicians are doing.

Y'all got a hard on for Justice Thomas. Little do liberals know, there is no chance in hell he gets impeached.

We should instead impeach Joe Biden.

Leftist Liberals on another lynching campaign. How dare this black man not conform!

Thomas had a target on his back since he was confirmed. It's another attempt by Democrats to force Thomas out and nominate another liberal to the court. This is what it's about.

the 'original sin' you mean a false rape allegation that Democrats concocted?

It’s time for African Americans everywhere to walk away from the plantation of the Democratic Party and thieves like TheRevAl & BLM that steal from them! They haven’t done 💩 for them but take their $ and hold them down! dnc

Liberals and trying to keep black men down. Same story for 200 years.

No... his judgements need to be vacated. It would impact U.S. law.



Mehdi, the GOP House is NOT going to impeach Thomas. I'd love to see it, but it's just not going to happen.

You have to be kidding me.

She tried AnitaHill

Racists attempted to keep Thomas off the courts, now racists attempting to remove him from SCOTUS.

Wow. Racist much


Thomas, like the 🍊🤡, have flaunted laws and norms for so long, they thought they had gotten away with it! Their day of reckoning has arrived!

Y’all been trying to lynch this man for 30 years.

It’s never too late to correct a wrong when you still have a chance to do so. It’s time Clarence Thomas faces the Justice he escaped! He was a criminal then and has continued on that path…Scrutiny will expose more corruption from him no doubt!


The Democrats I’ve always hated Thomas and will do everything in your power to destroy him to take over the supreme court. MS NBC once again is line for the Democrats. Thomas will be fine he’s not broken the law.

Not happening

Why is msnbc so racist?

Time to clean it up.

Waaaaaaa clean up your own side of the street

Why he represents me

I hope this man sues you. Every hour you are on here pushing his impeachment. Only because he is black.

Racist liberal tactics. It's obvious to everyone they will do and say anything to win.

Right to jail along side Chump!

Proves MSNBC is racist.

Biden stored classified documents at his home that he rented to his son for $50k a month with money he got from China. Start with that impeachment.

Y'all talk about Republicans being socialists, and then you threaten judges at their home and now want to impeach one. Give me a break.

I guess there's something about to be ruled on that the Leftist don't want his vote on. I guess he couldnt be bought, bribed or blackmailed.

I've asked multiple times....which decision did Thomas participate in that Harlan benefited from. Noone is able to say....

509ShawnG If democrat donor give money Elena kegan republicans will call hearings immediately but seems democrats weak and cowards

leakEpsteinsclientlist 🤡🤡🤡

Can we impeach ketanji Brown for not knowing what a woman is


How many times are you going to try this man for the same bs?

Now do the corrupt JoeBiden Family.

Democrats put on their KKK hoods for ClarenceThomas ! The racist left just can't deal with a black man being on the supreme Court! Sad

MSLSD bashing a Black American only happens when they happen to be conservative Otherwise they'll use Race to divide us.

Wait! Aren't you state funded?

So biden influence peddles to China, and others for family, also recieves money from china, has classofied docs in a garage with a vette, blew up russian pipelines, has droves of military aged men coming across a wide open border and they want C.Thomas to be impeaced. Gtfoh

Nothing says liberalism like removing a black man from power

Nothing will be done regarding Justice Thomas… NOTHING! SupremeCourt

Fox News is being sued because of opinion hosts, Justice Thomas should sue MSNDC for smears by opinion hacks like Hasan.

Impeachment of China Joe would be most appropriate for selling America out to the CCP.

supports pedophilia, sources say

Democrats hate conservative black men.

In this country, people always think in terms of REVENGE. I don’t like Thomas and wife’s politics, but MSNBC and most democrats think in revenge against Thomas and OJ Simpson: Simpson walked free from his old crimes THEREFORE we must GET HIM sooner or later. New York Post chart


I remember watching those hearings. He should have NEVER been seated.

So many racist liberals.

Keep dreaming.

That's racism.

He just looks guilty.

helencaddes This must be done, but nothing can reverse the decades of damage that this cretinous criminal committed against our nation.

You will be sued. I can bet on it. Just keep up on the good job y'all are doing being racist, sources say. 🤣

Says the racist of all news media. is so racist it makes CNN look barely racist 🤣🤣. is the most racist news media sources say start with Joy Reid, lmao !

Impeachment? More like imprisonment

Isn't America pathetic. Woke DAs, Justices that can't define who a woman is; gets all the appraisals. A presidency plagued with scandals and crimes begging to be impeached, gets all the protection. America is on it's knees internationally. Make it more clearer!!!

This man’s only sin is that he happens to be black while a conservative.

Not happening

Believe Anita Believe Christine Believe women!!!!

How can any Billion not ever have business before the court. Thomas was the same sell out when he worked for EEOC, brought to you by none other than Ronald Corrupt Reagan, as he is now. Always siding with big business over workers. He showed us who he was then.

Yeah...MSNBC wanting to cancel ANOTHER black person. You continue to show you're still a part of the KKK and the south.

End Supreme Court leniency,.. for obvious reasons. How many times do Thomas's get a pass? Hello Ethics Act! 👋 A moral judge with zero morals.

No you can’t go back to impeach and implying so is designed to muddy the waters into legitimate claims of wrongdoing by Thomas current day.

Judge Thomas has no credibility whatsoever left in this country, its time for him to go home, NOT to mention his wife basically works undercover for Donald Trump.

He Is A Broken Window And Cannot Be Repaired

It's the best decision for the solvency of the supreme court... but it's NEVER going to happen. EVER!

ROFL. Piss off, lefties.

Another Democrat witch hunt that dates back to 1991 when than Senator Joe Biden and his witch hunt committee tried to prevent a blackman from being appointed to the supreme court .... Watch Thomas give these senators a well deserved verbal beat down

Do Biden first!!!!

Notice how all the lame Republican virgins replying all pay for twitter. Losers

MehdiHasanShow trying to start a new Russia hoax.....fuel by the usual MSNBC irresponsible speculation....

Keep dreaming! Keep posting! Keep looking like a foolish media company!

haha!! no

I keep saying MSNBC is full of racist and bigoted clowns

Definitely need to impeach him for taken all the Chinese money along with all the other corrupt countries he has worked with over the years! …Wait that’s not Justice Thomas that’s President Biden!

Justice Thomas’s response 🖕🖕

As if that is going to happen with a gop house

Are you seriously still lying about Justice Thomas, msnbc? mehdirhasan? Why are you always about deception? Just BE HONEST with people!

Lmao if Republicans were saying this about a black justice, demo and liberals would be screaming racism

Enough of this sick Mud Duck

Pervo dirtbag has been the most pedophilia child sex abuser friendly SCOTUS in history. SCOTUS

Mehdi Hasan is a hack and a liar, not a journalist. Matt Taibbi showed this in his MSNBC interview with Hasan.

The original sin of being black & being a conservative constitutionalist & not another black rubber stamp activist judge. Liberals & blacks are ignorant of their own history

The best part about federally corporate run media is the absence of aptitude.

He forgot after he sworn in as Supreme Court Justices, that he thought he is above the King , no body can remove him from office.

There are much bigger problems than Clarence Thomas. Republicans are plotting as we speak to destroy democracy! Let’s pay attention to what the Republicans are doing all over this country. Stop focusing on Clarence Thomas and focus on the Republicans, and Fox News.


Let's start with BRANDON FIRST!

Mehdi (North Tower) Hasan needs to stay out of my people's politics. Go home and push your garbage there.

Not a good news agency to make claims

Dear MSNBC, this is the sheer political and partician purpose narative. Every body receives gifts small and large. They arn't bribes and or kickbacks behind made to America bureaucratic officials currently. You should know yourself this is shameful story.

Add federal judges, Congress, Supreme Court judges and anyone else not working under the rules of The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) be added to fall under the basic rules with disciplinary actions under (OPM) that should solve the ethical problems and any other problems.


Cover some real news fake msdnc covers for corrupt liberals THE CROOKED ASS HELL BIDENS

Best not to tie the two together -- it'll confuse the issue at hand. He's done enough unethical, corrupt stuff since being on the bench to impeach him. Focus on that.

He has not violated any laws. Dems again are making up BS to try and gain control of the Supreme Court. But Thomas hasn’t violated any laws. We don’t give a damn what dems think about anyone.

No impeachment’s on him. Dems just want full control over the Supreme Court. Did you hear one dem call out Schumer when he threatened the lives of two justices? Hell no. How about the sitting president being paid by the communist government of China?

Remember when Harry Reid F’ed up when he meddled with Federal Judges. You want to lynch SCOTUS well two can play that game.

Yes Thomas should be impeached

MSNBC FAKE COMMUNIST NEWS NETWORK!!! Can’t beat your political opponents Make something up and have them arrested

Not going to happen the best you can hope is that a Republican wins in 2024 and Justice Thomas retires.

you just mad cuz you losin

Impeaching Biden would correct the rigged election in 2020

Cmon black people can not do any wrong in our new woke society

Good luck with that, you clowns

There is no case for impeaching Justice Thomas. Not even the appearance of one. Liberals simply hate him because he is a conservative thinker. Nothing else is involved here. Just hate.

The Last democRAT Judge could not even define what a WOMAN is?

Wow you people are racist

They desperately want Biden to appoint a leftist to fill his spot because they're making their gun control agenda a pain in the ass for them. Watch your back Thomas. If they can't impeach you assassination isn't beneath them.

There is no case. The racists will stop at nothing

The racists will stop at nothing.

Won’t happen.

Can you stop trying to impeach a black man from from the Supreme Court because he is conservative. Racist.

The world would burn if people like you were left in charge and on your own devices.

Government sponsored propaganda network

Aaaa...more political tasteless and shallow.

Sure as soon as Biden, Mayorkas and Garland are done.

Sounds racist.. Typical leftists.

Liberals have always hated conservative blacks.

Impeachment of one bad apple might cause the others to come to Jesus, so to speak

It would be Justice for Anita Hill. She stood up to ridicule for Republicans to tarnish her credibility. They are professional character assassins.

Why are you targeting the black scotus justice but not the white ones?

How dare a Black man leave the Democrat plantation!

Really cause it looks pretty racist. With Biden bilking millions from CCP, Ukraine, Russia and rest. MSNBC going after conservative black guy. MSNBC hasn’t asked one question about lies Biden has told about Ukraine. Do your job! You’re lazy.

Sounds like a lynching is going on at the Supreme Court. the Democrats’ KKK roots are showing.

Tell me you're a racist without telling me you're a racist. Just kidding... you totally just told me you're a racist.

“the original sin of Thomas’ 1991 confirmation.” The hate is strong with the leftists….

You racist

Msnbc just hates black people. Clarence Thomas, Aunt Jemima, Rick Scott, Uncle Benny, Larry Eldar etc. the list goes on. Black people are not allowed to be successful. Such a bigoted and fascist network.

How racist Democrats truly are when a black man refuses to live in their plantation.

Trump 2024 Biden go to jail for taking millions from a communist country USA is watching

Why have you conspired to defame and cancel Justice Thomas? He is a good man. Oh, wait, that's why.

Do we know if other judges did the same? What if it’s just Thomas that has been discovered?

Let’s get it done! SCOTUSIsCompromised ClarenceThomasHasNoEthics ImpeachClarenceThomas

Liberals are so racist

And complete cancellation of MSNBC would be a Godsend!

Need not worry, MSNBC has zero credibility any longer.

Just because the black man is in the highest court in the land and is not a Democrat that's why y'all want him teaching. Y'all are disgusting

Democrats hate having a black conservative on the Supreme Court

Liberial lunatic logic

Let’s do it.

You just want him gone so the baby murders can continue. That is the only reason why you are cherry picking his life while turning a blind eye to the liberals that do the exact same thing.

The original sin of being conservative while black.

Another witch hunt. The left can't handle even a couple years of constitutionally correct rulings. This is a real threat to our democracy.

Commie network trying to be relevant

The government’s media reporting.


LEALaine7 We are not the same. Let us separate from each other in peace. This will not be a Northern brutality on us, like the last time. We can shut off your water, your electricity, your food. Your pets would be eating you within 3 days. Let us separate from each other in peace.

a good president


This should be a fair and balanced story.

There's nothing Democrats detest more than a Black man who steps out of line and doesn't obey. True to their KKK, slavery, segregation, and Jim Crow roots, they will chase down and totally destroy any Black person that escapes their Democrat plantation.

Medhi? Dude is a know liar.

They just want another crazy Liberal.

Yeah right libs. Try harder :)

Biden Crime Family should go first! I am sorry they were democrats and they get a pass as they make the rules!

The Supreme Court needs to dump lawyers. Lawyers have wasted centuries twisting every letter of the Constitution. Maybe it’s time for normal folk to tell them what the damn thing says. Face it, Supreme Court “justices” are political pawns. Senile too.

Targeting a judge to get an appointment for Biden's handlers before he loses the Whitehouse.

Another soviet style show trial.

Gee, you had nothing to say when you were gushing over RBG in your interviews.

As Head of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Biden could have blocked Thomas’ appointment in light of Anita Hill’s testimony. Now the entire reputation of the SCOTUS is at stake.

Uncle Clare must go.

No thanks

Going a little over board about a vacation aren't you? Scream a little louder, we know you hiding something.

“Original sin”? Haha. Stay mad lefties.

I think that he is innocent until proven guilty that is the law. I think that if it is proven he has taken bribes from people then yes under the law he should be impeached and removed but until the evidence comes in then all the public can do is wait and see

Impeach the 🐷

please for the love of god put down the crack pipe.

The law states that you do not have to disclosure if you sold a personal resident.

Yes impeach

Here's the racist msnbc attacking Clarence Thomas. Meanwhile, MSNBC cheered on the appointment of Brown Jackson - a proponent of pedophilia in the Democrat party. Typical disgusting Democrats

Your racism is showing.

Can everyone stop with the impeachment talk. There is not 67 senators who can agree on anything

The democrats still think they own black people and for Thomas to become a SCJ without their blessing still eats at them.

Would upi then have to revisit all the cases he sided with the majority be it for conservative or liberal ruling.

Democrats are Evil

So a racist network wanting to takedown a black man’s success. ✅

Why so racist msnbc?

Right can't have a man of color be successful that isn't a democrat or had the help of a democrat

Impeachment would correct this too.

BS. Poor leftists are so 🤣. Fake news.


All of his votes on SCOTUS cases should be rendered null-and-void and all his opinions expunged from the records.

Democrats despise no one more than a black Republican. And they call Republicans 'racists'.

MehdiHasanShow engaging in Jim Crow bigotry Thomas hasn't broken any laws or ethical codes.

State run media is never to be trusted

Remember when?

Biden chaired the hearing, making a mockery out things. fearwomen ABC cnnbrk CBSNews

I would love to see him impeached. Get him to wipe that smug look on his face!

The human brain is amazing. It works 24/7, night and day, from before you’re born, and doesn’t stop until the moment you turn on MSNBC.

Frankly the first thing that should happen is he should lose his license to practice law. A state court judge would be off the bench and a lot worse for the kind of behavior Thomas engaged in. How can he sit in judgment without knowing the difference between right and wrong?

He did nothing wrong, illegal, or unethical. This nothing more then what the liberal democrats have been trying to do for decades... get a conservative black man off the bench. He does not fit the stereotype of how they want to portray the black community.

Democrats racist attacks towards Justice Thomas has got to stop.

msdnc is a joke.

Beginning to think your racist going after the only black man on the court.

The democrats hate minorities especially successful ones

If Democrats can't get it done by the books, they concoct brain dead plots to 'get' political opponents - all which have failed spectacularly (with the exception of the ballot stuffing in 2020).

When they couldn’t stack the court this was the next best thing. Democrats need to give it up. Attacking a black conservative is this racist as can be!! Dems are sickening

Darn racist coming out of the woodwork to attack a black man. Typical democrat!

Well, mehdirhasan is a racist, so no surprise

Who the eff is this guy playing attorney? He's an MSNBC 🤡

Fired now.

Why does the Left always attack people of color who disagree with them?

Do Biden next.

Unfortunately will never happen

Your entire network is propaganda. True journalism is dead

It has been amusing to watch you guys take up this banner. Justice Thomas will remain on high court. And you are powerless to do anything about it. Deal with that.

You people really are completely Frozen in anger at the fact a black man is not only succeeding in life but doing so off of the Democrat plantation.

Finally, we have a Supreme Court that stands for America 🇺🇸

Impeachment of our pedo president would be better for the rest of the world

So going after Thomas is what the left is doing now. I guess with a failing Biden presidency you need a distraction. And no wonder why “journalism” is dead.

Why do you hate successful black men?

Nothing Burger!!

It’s funny, impeachment for the competent just but no care in the world about the man with dementia in the Oval Office. Maybe address that before another political impeachment.

'Impeachment is not a remedy for private wrongs; its a method of removing someone whose continued presence in office would cause grave danger to the nation.' Charles Ruff

More bullshhit from MSDNC

It’s easy now to believe AnitaHill’s 1991 accusations on JusticeThomas67 conduct, if there was any doubt.

Wow, openly racist msnbc can't help them selves. Unbelievable!

Nice sentiment. Nothing will happen! Ever!

you do know that’s not gonna happen, right? because *I* know you’ve raised a fake issue to garner likes.

Yes, go after Thomas and all others engaging is nefarious acts, to include all of Congress associated with insider-trading, past and present.

NO WAY!! Biden should be impeached, not Thomas.

There is no case........just the racist left going after a black conservative........ it's that simple....... funny how the left puts there racism out there for everyone to see

rather have the department of Justice do what they need to do but you are not going to go anywhere with an impeachment..... never ever will you have a two-thirds majority voting on that in the Senate.

Liberals and Democrats will never stop attacking Republicans in the SCOTUS until there is a majority of Liberals on the court. Democrats are like spoiled brats who do anything to get their way. Compromise is not in their vocabulary.

You’re racist

Impeach Brandon and all of his administration instead.



Damn. The elites really hate seeing a black man succeed.

Lots more just like him

one solution everybody in the government should only serve one term and no pensions this is not suppose to be a career job

How about you democrats try doing something for the other 87% of Americans who actually pay taxes, own land and have upstanding respect in their communities? You know, instead of the endless attacks and desperate over reaches against your fellow countrymen. You'll pay dearly too.

You disgusting Fascists are REALLY GETTING DESPERATE! 😂😂😂

Thomas had been the most reliable and best Justice in my lifetime. There is no Justice that sticjs to the Constitution more that Thomas. He's a national treasure and the country will be worse off when he retires.

Dems being racist against black people again they always are

Msnbc isn’t even try to hide their racism. Should be KKKnbc

Still trying to linch this judge just like Biden leave him alone doing this to try and scare black conservatives

They're just mad he supports the constitution and Second Amendment

The judge is a criminal- send him to jail with traitor trump

Original sin? He was attacked by the leftist libs even then. The sin is the dem left who attack conservatives because they view them as a threat to their ungodly agenda and who advocate and condone the slaughter of millions of innocent unborn.

Get rid of the BUM

So now is the racist propaganda network, wanting to 'lynch the uppity n....r' because he doesn't decide along the Socialist Party lines. The oarty of pre-Civil War slavery, Jim Crowe, anti ERA and Hillary's 'mentor' - KKK leader Sen. ROBERT BYRD.


Brown guy hates a black man. 🤣🤣🤣

He looks like he enjoys bdsm

Leftists really do hate any black person that rises above their station.

Hasan is clearly a racist

This is a pipe dream.

Another political hit job in the making. Thomas broke no rules or laws .

Communists! We’re on to you!

So now here is his argument: 'Let's get him, who cares wht'

Y’all are racist

There is no case. You guys are terrified.

How about we start by impeaching JoeBiden and SecMayorkas first.

More DemoKKKrat Authoritarian Marxists trying to oust anyone they see as a political foe!

More proof that democrats are racists

“The original sin” wow MSNBC openly hater black success.

They don’t and won’t have the votes. Period.


Any news on the Hunter Biden China collusion story?

Thomas lied to get on the court. Turns out to be the most corrupt judge ever to serve on the court.

Just another example of how progressives cannot keep their racism in check.

That is quite a hill to climb. One justice, Samuel Chase, with impeached but not convicted and Abe Fortis resigned before the articles of impeachment were passed. Less than 20 federal judges have ever been impeached and only 8 of those were removed in our entire history.

Never seen the left go so hard against a black man maybe the media needs to check their white privilege and white suprmacy tendencies

Bunch of racists and MSNBC !

Surely you cannot be serious. I call on you all to walk out and go to Fox Nation.

Conservative persecution!!!!

Racist Dems can’t stand a brilliant black man who thinks for himself. Please address the huge conflicts of interest & corruption involving Biden that are common knowledge (except for MSNBC viewers) before you go after Thomas for something that had no influence on his rulings

How about the Biden crime family taking millions from China How pathetic NBC intends to ignore a compromised POTUS. News NOT propaganda 🤡

Man you guys really hate that this black conservative man is so successful. You never really hide your racism.

Another high tech lynching from corporate media. Aka the democrats.

Always controversy with him and the court. Shameful. How far they have fallen



Original sin. More biblical references recently in msm than the Bible, almost ? 🤫

True. It was a mistake to confirm a black man to the Court.

Nooooo getting him on the court was one of Joe Biden's major congressional accomplishments, we can't disrepect good smart person Joeseoh Robocop Biden

Yall hate some niggas.

Clarence Thomas is above the law so he can do anything and he would not be held accountable.😡😡👎🤡😱

Racist network with white privileged

How Fascism Took Hold In Germany | Hitler: Germany's Fatal Attraction Fu... via YouTube

Sounds racist.

Impeaching Thomas is only a first step. The SC as it stands is a failed institution.

The hate you have for black people who disagree with you is unreal lmao

How about impeaching biden for letting in 7 million unvented unvaccated illegals in 2 years?

Democrats are trying to destroy America's last line of defense against their agenda of total control.

If he broke a law then charge him and impeach him. If he only used the existing guidelines then stop. Like Dems saying the rich don't pay taxes. If they don't then charge them. This has got to stop. Vote Out All Incumbents. VOAI.

They don’t have 67 votes

Original sin? What the hell is wrong with you people

About time

You gotta keep those successful black men down

Why do you hate black men?

Sounds racist

Garbage “news” analysis like this is precisely why the National Enquirer is lauded as many times more trustworthy than MSNBC.


Why do Democrats, the creators of the KKK, lynching and Jim Crow, hate black people so much?

M. Hasan is hilarious- “original sin.” The Left simply dislikes intelligent and independent Black people. For example, the Left despises Larry Elder, T. Sowell, C. Owens, et al. Remember how the Left vilified C. Rice. The Left loves S. Rice though, for she is on the Blue team.

no republican would vote to impeach so it’s an exercise in jerking off … serves no useful purpose

LOL I am certain that GOP Senators will convict and remove a SCOTUS Justice so Dementia Joe can appoint a Leftist. Where are we on the virtue-signaling card - a minority Alphabet People Justice with 11 toes & a heroin addiction?


MSNBC should be covering the real story.....who is behind the Thomas story? Who is funding this?

Trying to keep a black man down smh

Trump 2024 🇺🇸🇲🇽🏳️‍🌈✊🏽✊🏻✊🏿

They Left's racist attacks on Clarence Thomas are disgusting.

Keep writing. It will never happen.

You’re blind if you don’t see this network as anything other than marketing for the Democrat party

Lol...55555...hit job, like folks Bill got a a BJ in the oval office from a intern and you dems did absolutely nothing...worse than that, you protected him!!! Too funny...

Sorry, but there has to be a better reason than that… and of course there are many. Even if OJ Simpson did kill his wife and her boyfriend, it doesn’t mean what finally sent him to prison wasn’t a setup and was somehow justified. We’re better than that.

Just look at this. Half the people under this comment will never survive if a 32-year-old false allegation is weaponized to haunt them.

It’s a stupid case

You people are troublingly racist.

hates Justice Thomas because he is black. All of the tweets of hate for him are all from racist bigots. The tweets against Justice Thomas come from white liberals rooted in their racist and violent views. It’s time the left gets called out for their bigotry!!!

Man you're just so cut up about a black man succeeding at life lol

Of course this is the left’s ultimate goal and has been since they started reporting on these aging Thomas news that are meaningless at this point. They finally realized what a mess packing the court would be.

Agreed! Uncle Thomas told us who he is back then & we failed to believe him! It’s time to correct that mistake!

Plus we really need that seat!!

Is it because he’s black ? 😎

Just impeach the sexual predator already we all know Anita was telling the truth

This is beyond impeachment. This has criminal implications. Refer to DOJ, please.

The Left is un-American

The impeachacrats are active...

I love when media outlets put out moral and political advice! I read Twitters anger, fingerpointing and attempted ethical teachings whenever I need a good chuckle. Keep up the fantastic effort!

Still going for that lynching that Biden started in the 90s. Democrats are STILL the party of KKK

msnbc racists

But this is okay for all of you hypocrites…

Hey how about charging the people on epstein’s list.

The Far-Left hates Conservative Blacks and want to persecute them! Proof that the Far-Left are pure evil!

Screw impeachment. Indict him.

This article and idea of impeachment is absolute nonsense! Shame on you racist swine!

Man, the left hates successful black conservatives.

Yes he should be impeached and the other justices that Trump appointed should be investigated to make sure that they're still not putting Trump's political agendas first and foremost


You dont unseat a judge because you don’t like him. The SC is 1/3 of our three branches of government and let’s not destabilize it.

You’re racist for picking on a black American. What’s good for the goose is good for the, you know, the thing.

He has had his ruin on the Highest Court in the Land! So why don't he step aside and resign and not go through all that will be uncovered?

Meet the face of corruption and greed

You’re obviously a racist.

Democrats will do anything to get a Supreme Court nomination.

This man is Justice. This is an injustice to even say he should be impeached.

Liberals are so predictable. You think We the people can’t see right through your bully tactics. It may have worked on Breyer but it will not work on JT. He knows you just want his seat

This is the worst kind of nonsense.

Democrats are racist

Why are the democrats hell bent on removing a black justice? Sounds like racism to me

😂 ok

Keep going after everyone you don’t agree with and indicting presidential candidates. It’s the Fascist thing to do.

If this guy gets away with everything imagine the rest of the group what they will do .

Yes Impeachment of Joe Biden NOW. Vacation Joe must GO.


Thomas did nothing wrong. is nothing but leftist propaganda. Ex: Russia collusion, superspreader events, Ukraine phone call, mostly peaceful protests, Etc.

What about Ketanji Jackson? who is a woman yet she can’t describe what a woman is because she’s not a biologist 🧐 think about that. I guess every day when she gets up in her biological woman body, she doesn’t know what it is you people are disgusting.

MSDNC you are now showing your true racist colors. I thought you were for Black people apparently not.


The first black justice in modern history…why is msdnc attacking a black man.

Harvard1988 He was guilty, oh so guilty, in Anita Hill hearings. Come on. He and his wife should be convicted and feel the same loss of rights/punishment as anyone else would. He's trying to punish or just get back at women for being humiliated for harassment.

Oh my !! Ang tagal….😩😊

Leave SCOTUS Alone! Another Liberal Attempt to Steal What They Can't Win Honestly! VoteOutALLDems



Man, your CIA/Biden Inc handlers are working overtime on you lately!!!!

Impeach PEDO JOE BIDEN and the Ukrainians Operatives in our Government stealing from Americans.

His a worthless pick for a supreme court judge. Do nothing and get paid. LaY.

He's got to go! And his wife should be indicted!

Keep wishing!

It was a sin to confirm the first African American to the Supreme Court? Allow me to sit back and watch you unpack this.

MSNBC & CNN repeat tweets to appear as though they are involved in breaking news and opinions of value or deep thought. What’s worse, is that individuals making similar comments against them get screened and questioned by Twitter analysts, due to verbiage: sin, suicide, killed…

If he was white and a Democrat MSNBC would be silent. Black people are only political pawns to white led corporations like those that own NBC. Judge Thomas was just getting his due reparations for years of American oppression of the Black people.

Impeachment will be the word and it won’t be for Clarence Thomas .


MSDNC is a racist organization 🤬

Msnbc please stop hiding your racism

Anita Hill was always right. The leopard doesn’t change its spots.

Daaaaang. Look at the Blue Team News going after this poor black man. Must be racist or something.

Liberals hate smart black men.

Who will impeach a corrupt Republican judge? A MAGA Republican House?

Talk about an exercise in futility. Corrupt Republicans in Congress would never allow Thomas to be removed, no matter what he's done. Well, as long as he doesn't come out as trans-friendly, at least.

Racist bigots at

Clarence Thomas committed the ultimate sin. He escaped from the democrat plantation. Liberals will have none of that! They’ve got their hounds tracking him down now.

The rage is preposterous.

MSNBC opinion……

We don't need to impeach him. We need to impeach and remove Biden! By the way, I thought liberals loved blacks? Guess that doesn't count if they are conservative.

Unfortunately it will never happen even though it should.

And who would do that?

Sounds racist to go after the only Black man on the court for something EVERYONE in government does.


Are we a nations of laws or not. Especially judges fk that!

Why do you hate black people so much?

Liberal white racists are the absolute worst.

In Clarence Thomas own words, ' a high-tech lynching'!

MSNBC just casually linking Thomas to slavery. How disgusting are these people?

Democrats dawning there KKK hoods again wanting to lynch a uppity black man.

See yah! Trump absolutely drained the swamp! All are floating to the top. I can say, for his Presidentency this was a good thing!

Correct. But is only possible in our dreams. Not enough votes.

To white liberals his sin is being a free thinking black man 😎

What about the blvk judge that can’t describe what a woman is?! 😂😂😂

He’s not black, Biden said so…

Can’t stand a smart strong conservative Black man that doesn’t play victim can you.

original sin? Wtf do democrats know about original sin? The party of baby killers using the words of original sin is absolutely hilarious. It’s actually priceless.

OK yellow journalism- fake news. Nothing can stop what is coming? and what is coming? JUSTICE!

Democrats play dirty and that’s why I oppose them


Now do Biden

Poetry: Thomas impeached. Hill appointed.

Free family vacations are OK if your a democrat.

Oh, so many butthurt triggered MAGAs this morning.

23 years later Joe Biden and the Democrats are still attacking Justic Thomas.

If Thomas was a liberal this article would have never been written. This is all about destroying an ideological opponent.

Excellent work by mehdirhasan summing up the case to ImpeachClarenceThomas. Attn. to those who represent me in Congress - RepDonBeyer timkaine MarkWarner - it’s time to call out this elephant in the room. The integrity of our court system is at stake.


It’ll never make it through Congress. This is nothing but political hay making.

MS, NBC, the liberal media of lies that lies for the Democrats every day. They are exaggerating, this Clarence Thomas vacation. Big-time! Once again lying to the American people.

Our nation is under attack.

ImpeachClarenceThomas 11 for SCOTUS pls.

There is no case . Stop trying to manipulate what voters want. The elected President chooses , not a pretend journalist !

I agree we should impeach Biden asap as we all know he broke the law with classified docs and money being paid to him through his family for favors to China and Russia. Time to act is now.

Make no mistake, the party of slavery and segregation has been going after this man for one reason only: as a free black man he stands for himself and does not bow to their racist victimhood mentality. So they’ll hunt him down until they bring him back to their plantation.

The RACIST left want to remove African American Supreme Court justice.


His ass is grassed …..

If these tactics don’t work democrats will move onto violence against conservative justices


Democrat racists

This is all about racism

You are asking for problems, that Man will stand up for himself.

Ole Mehdi has a history of racist comments

Sheisty Uncle Tom

Every election has winners and losers. That’s hiw a Constitutional Republic works. Get over it. If I can live with Sotomeyor, you can live with Thomas

High-tech lynching. Joe Biden: 'You ain't black unless you vote democrat.'

While you're at it... Garland, Mayorkas, Biden, Pelosi, Schiff, and a slew of others.... but I get it... only conservatives need be impeached!!

Impeach Clarence Thomas

What about the Disclosure Act? Doesn't it apply?

I still believe Anita Hill.

Do people really think that there is any chance Thomas is impeached and removed so Biden can name his replacement?

Mehdi says that he will never resign. remember that never is a very long time ☮️

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