Counter rally planned over women’s rights event in Belfast

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Police say they are liaising with the organisers of an upcoming Belfast event run by a controversial women's rights activist

Marianne Stewart from the organisation in Northern Ireland said the documentary was not hateful.

A spokesperson for the bar said the group had booked a private function room under an individual's own name and their attention had recently been drawn to the content of the documentary.Image caption,The Errigle Inn said it had a proud and long-standing reputation as an inclusive venue where everyone was welcome.

"Mistakes happen, which many of us can understand, however how one chooses to deal with it is what leaves a lasting impression in the court of public opinion."


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She's not controversial. The criminal scum threatening her with violence and their supporters in the corrupt and wholly out of touch media are the controversial ones.

How is saying women don't have a penis 'controversial'?

nice to see britain go back to its roots supporting nazis

Watched cottage on a live YouTube link. All the women speaking were amazing, showing incredible compassion and courage as was KellieJayKeen who facilitated the whole thing.

This is why I hate the BBC

It's 2023 and the BBC thinks a women's rights activist is controversial. Shocking.


What rights don't they have?

She's not anti trans at all, has said all are equal, but only wants women and children to be safe and the acknowledgement that biologically equipped men should be kept out of vulnerable female spaces eg change rooms, out of female sport.

Wanting to prevent men invading women's spaces is hardly controversial. All sane humans want them kept safe. Gender identity isn't wanted in NI. Sex is real. Gender is fantasy and invention.

are not all activist groups 'controversial' therefore why only use in this instance - seem to be editorial bleed

at least you finally reported her as a women's rights campaigner. Id urge you to allow people to actually HEAR what the women say, and allow others to determine whether it is, in fact, controversial. I suspect not which is why they drown her out truth isnt hate

Since when was fighting against misogyny controversial?

It’s so depressing that being a women is seen as ‘controversial’. Anyone would think the patriarchy was trying to subrogare women and girls….

Women’s rights shouldn’t be controversial in 2023 - it’s not the Middle Ages, we can have opinions without being burned at the stake, get over it!

What's the controversy?

I'd predict she'll get run out of town on a rail but there's still a lot of reactionaries in NI. If you're a feminist relying on Orangemen, check your values.

Hmm, I sure do wonder why the government funded organisation decided to side with the anti trans rallyists

Well, someone has to protect women from those who plot to steal their makeup ideas.

Reality is not controversial, however much the BBC tries to make it so. Those who think women talking about their lives are hateful need to check their misogyny. LetWomenSpeakBelfast

Why do you keep giving a positive platform to someone literal Nazis keep turning up to defend?

You can protect the president of another country and his entourage. We expect protecting UK female survivors from friendly chanting protesters against women's rights will be a piece of cake.

There is nothing controversial about it…..

Only controversial to cult drones and corrupt media/polticians

Explain “controversial” please?

She's literally said she's not a feminist. What planet are you on?!?!

It's almost funny that the torfs think this article isn't generous *enough* to their reactionary bullshit

It's not controversial to say men aren't women. istandwithposieparker DefundTheBBC

'women's rights activists' you say? Since when are people who literally cite 'Mein Kampf' considered 'women's rights activists'?🤔

Let Women Speak

The controversy being women speaking freely?

The words you are looking for are 'bigotted neo nazi hate mongering troll' .

it's pathetic that you're trying to claim that nazi rally was just a 'womans rights' event. absolute laughable excuse for journalism. no one can take you seriously

This is the same bbc that labelled abused teenage girls in Rotherham as 'prostitutes'

What’s the alleged controversy ? Clear to clarify?

BBC never ceases to amaze me with how frugal they are with journalistic integrity, it's incredible how every time I think they couldn't get cheaper I find they do! Even when you're sure there's no worth left, inspiring. Brave even.

Describing as 'womens' rights' is blatant bias by BBC as the position of 'activist' re right to healthcare, bodily autonomy, affordable childcare or real safety in public spaces for women shows. Anti-trans campaigns seek to manufacture fear and hatred of trans women. As you know.

DefundTheBBC for supporting violence against women.

Controversial publicly-funded “news” outlet continues to show bias in its coverage of women attempting to speak about harm that has been caused to them by an aggressive men’s rights movement. LetWomenSpeakBelfast LetWomenSpeak

The plods are needed to protect the women from the rabid trans mob. Hope that helps.

Shame on you for labelling women wanting to talk about their sex based rights and needs as controversial. It is the violence of the trans activists that is controversial.

Nothing controversial about their views unless of course you work for BCC truth speak.

Well done for correctly reporting that it is a women's rights rally but there is nothing controversial about KJK, she just sticks up for women

There is nothing controversial about women's rights

There is nothing controversial about women’s rights.

A little better than usual, BBC, but you just can’t help yourselves. You just can’t help lying about women can you? You just can’t bring yourselves to tell the truth.

Fake news she is a Nazi

She's literally said she's not a feminist. It's your job to report the facts and do comprehensive research. You have failed both here.

She's a trojan horse for the far right. Not only has she associated with white supremacists and holocaust deniers and been on their podcasts she also used to have an SS barbie doll as her profile picture. And she recently declared she isn't a feminist. Be objective!!

A women that is anti abortion is NOT a womens rights activist. She litterly wants to take women rights to abortion away. In which way is that fighting for womens rights?

BBC is the worst!

'Women's rights activist' is a bonkers label to give this terrible person. Like the title needs a /s

ThePosieParker At least you got her title right for once although there is nothing controversial about Kellie Jayne unless the BBC believes protecting women's and girls' rights is now controversial. letting women speak is now controversial in what a world we live in.

Get your terminology right. She is not a women's rights activist. If she was, she wouldn't be anti-abortion.

Why is this still up BBC?

This has nothing to do with women’s rights

“Women’s rights activists”

It’s controversial now that women have rights? Have we all been ‘trans’ported back In time.

Women's rights weren't controversial until about 5 years ago...

ThePosieParker Suddenly the rights of women are controversial

Nearly there 'womens rights activist' doesn't need a prefix.

How come you call her a 'womans rights activist' when she only opposes the rights of trans people and neo-nazis are into it?

Women’s rights should not be controversial

BBC, once again, showing how its finger is up its arse, far away from the pulse. Joke of an organisation. DefundTheBBC

Can you call them what they are? Nazi aligned fascists?

ThePosieParker Controversial? A man can’t go into the women’s toilet. This was common sense 15 minutes ago

fascist* Fucking learn to write an accurate tweet, you enablers of bigotry.

Nazis. Call them what they are.

Quite the framing you've got there, to call an anti-trans hate rally a 'women's rights event.' I'll grant that the organizers call it that, but isn't it part of a journalist's mandate to see through those sorts of deceptions and not simply provide stenography for fascists?

Women's rights are 'controversial'? Thanks. Good to know where we stand. Again. 🙄🤬

Nothing controversial about women stating the obvious.

ShE iS a FaSCiSt dErP

She cavorts with neo nazis.

Everyone's moral duty to make sure this fascist gets well and truly souped.

Funny how the photographer managed to find an angle that didn't show the neo-nazis you always see protesting alongside them.

The Men of Belfast must show up to protect these peaceful women from purple haired men in skirts that will use violence to disrupt and intimidate peaceful people expressing their views.

These are nazi fascists not womens rights activists.

She's an anti-trans extremist, not a 'women's rights activist'. What does she advocate for that isn't about attacking trans people? Are you the 'impartial' BBC or anti-trans wackos?

Nothing controversial at all. No wonder nobody trusts the BBC anymore.

ah yes, womens rights activist who wants to kill other women for not fitting their carefullly cradted mold

'Controversial'? For pointing out the absolutely bleeding obvious? For defending Womens' Rights? For being a Voice of Sanity in the face of a Woke onslaught? KingsNewClothes

This nasty bit of work of was driven out of NZ by just as many women as men.

Fascist violent men in lipstick counter rally to stop Real Women speaking. That's the real story.

You spelled Nazi wrong

Not wimens rights activists They are transphobes 99% of them agree with females in the states having lost their right to their own body so Far from women rights actiists

Have a look at where the funding of those logos who object to women speaking comes from maybe? You know- journalism- remember that?

Stop agitating, Its not controversial, It's Stealing Women's Rights that is controversial. LetWomenSpeakBelfast WomenWontWeesht

She is not a women's right activist. She's a right wing activist who seeks to limit women's rights across the board. Awful reporting.

Good. Hopefully they will ensure that the speakers aren't targeted and assaulted by unhinged trans thugs.

'women's right's activist' she is not

She is only controversial to those that are so brainwashed, compliant and woke that they are incapable of common sense..she is the voice of reason, that is very much needed in those times of delusion and lies.

'women's rights activist' is absolutely not wot KKK/KJK is in any shape or form. She's a far right aligned hate monger. But go off. 😒

I love how they focus on this but not grooming gangs

Women’s rights activist

Saying that disabled women need access to single sex intimate care is not controversial LetWomenSpeakBelfast

Why aren't the people who shout, harangue, and physically assault her described as 'controversial?'

What a sorry state we are in when we cant define what a woman is. A woman is a human adult female. It harms both men and women and especially the younger generation.

Why the need for the word “controversial”? She’s just a women’s rights supporter. There’s nothing controversial about it. Showing your misogyny & bias as ever. No wonder you got your arse handed to your ridiculous reporter by elonmusk with this naff biased lying journalism.

she's an anti-trans activist. not a 'women's rights activist.' she sides with anti abortion nazis for fucks sake.

*Nazis not 'women's rights'

What's controversial about women's rights? The controversy is that TRAs don't want to LetWomenSpeak , that they want to erode women's rights to safe single sex spaces and that children are being sterilised and told they were born in the wrong body.

'misogynist's rights activist'

The kitchen table must be a bit tense in KJK’s ‘big mortgage-free house’, what with the support for trans rights expressed by Mr Parker. Almost as if there was some manner of grift going on. 🤔

See the gynophobia and misogyny in some of these comments? If u call a woman or girl who speak up for their rights for same sex spaces, anti-trans, then I will start calling them gynophobes, pedophiles, & misogynists. No reason a man should expose himself in a female locker room

Women's rights are controversial. Welcome to 2023!

It will be amazing when all the world can answer the question “WHAT IS A WOMAN?” Until then, we won’t stop. Light will shine bright and overpower the darkness !

She isn't controversial at all. What's abnormal & controversial is for legacy media, politicians, celebs, doctors, therapists, etc to go along with the lie that men can be women & women can be men. Oh, & genital mutilations disguised as progress. LetWomenSpeak

She's an anti-trans activist,she is not for women's rights. And Nazis support her. Write about that and fix your headline.

It’s a made world when women have to fight for equal rights over men that think they are women

So many words to say that you're covering for anti-trans groups that court literal Nazi support.

How is *letting women speak* controversial? Except among those who want women to shut up already - and are willing to threaten violence, & even commit it, as we saw in Auckland, to make them? LetWomenSpeak LetWomenSpeakBelfast LetWomenSpeakAuckland

Police are friends of fascists, because police are fascists that agree with other fascists, and enact their bias as politically violent 'law enforcement.'

How is she a women's rights activist when she herself says she is not one? She is not a feminist, she is actively fighting feminist what is even journalism anymore...fucking hell

The word you’re looking for is transphobe

ThePosieParker Defender of woman's rights. Zero controversy.

Women’s rights are controversial ?

I love how she's called controversial because she defines women as being adult females. State of this.

She isn't a 'womens rights activist' you dishonest snakes. This is why people don't trust the BBC anymore.

Fascist bigot! Call it what it is!

She is not a women's rights activists, she has, on record said she is not a feminist. Her only goal is the persecution of one group. What is it about this womens views that attracts actual neo nazis to support her events? transphobia misogyny bbc bbcnews offcom

She literally said herself she wasn't a feminist

They’re not for rights, they’re for stripping rights from citizens. Just ask the Nazis who support them when they show up to this rally. I look forward to your follow-up.

Nazis aren't feminists, neither are transphobes. The event wasn't a women's rights event, it was for Kellie to sound off on her vile views of trans people. The Irish News were more accurate in their headline. Her and Graham Linehan should date

Controversial? 😂

Stop lying This is Pro Women LetWomanSpeak Nothing controversial about it, unless you think we don’t deserve to have our voices heard

Please stop framing terf misogyny as women’s rights

Says it all really

Funny how we word things differently here isn’t it

erm she's not a women's rights activist! Please sort your headlines out. She's an anti trans campaingner who says she's not a feminist and uses nazi symbolism.

Controversial? you are pathetic

women having rights is controversial now ? 🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐

Tras are sad now

Parky Poser has no interest in womens' rights, she's just using them as cover for her bigotry.

I’m thanks for changing your language to “women’s rights activist”. That sad thing is that women asking for their rights as a protected class are considered controversial by the BBC

What's controversial is the aggressive, violent trans activists who don't hesitate from hurting women to stop them from speaking. Why don't you emphasize on that?

Controversial Woman's Group? What BBC means is a group that was beaten down by violent men, lied about & refuses to bow to psychotic men in dresses TransWomenAreConMen

How is being a woman controversial?

She’s not controversial you slugs!

A real woman wants to be heard is controversial! How?

They’re anti-trans, not women’s rights. Don’t let them dictate this narrative. They’re bigots, and they always have Nazis show up to these events on their side.

Controversial you say? Please tell us more! I’m sure she has no links to anything Neo nazi, or anti semetic, or white nationalist, nor has she ever suggested armed men should come to women’s spaces to protect women (not sure how that would even work in the first place)

ThePosieParker Controversial for stating the obvious.

showing itself to be misogynistic

I don't understand how women's rights are controversial

Dear It's not controversial to say women's safe spaces should be for women. Any individual stating this is mainstream and reflective of social norms. Grow up and search for your long lost journalistic integrity.

Controversial you say! More controversial than women having pricks & balls, menstruating men and opportunistic Trans Sex Crime specialists targeting the Ladies?

She’s a bigot who hangs out with Nazis, is funded by far right American groups, opposes LGBT rights, opposes abortion rights, and says she is not a feminist.

Kellie-Jay Keen is not a women's rights activist. If she was, nazis would not want to rally with her.

Hi BBC. Do your research. This woman is nothing more than an anti-trans fascist. She does absolutely nothing for women’s rights. Nothing! It’s beyond ridiculous that the media keep stating such garbage.

BBC is a controversial propaganda machine.

She’s a fascist, plain and simple- she’s screams down women who disagree with her……so much for rights….. please give her the title she deserves.. “anti- feminist”

What about controversial and violent far left trans-radical activists?

Not a feminist. Gender fascist.

We need real men out there defending this good lady.

Why is it controversial for a woman to speak about women’s rights .

Why is she controversial

There is NOTHING CONTROVERSIAL about women speaking up for women’s rights. What are you lot on? The controversy (or male violence as we used to call it) is men turning up in makeup to abuse women!! That’s the story. Simple

Why is she Controversial? Because she is standing up for Women's rights. Terrible Headline.

What's controversial about her? She sounds perfectly reasonable.

She is not a rights activist, she is a anti trans, anti LGBTQ+ radical

We dont want a repeat of the violent trans activists like what happened in New Zealand.

Just as well

Is it now considered ‘controversial’ in this brave new world, to say NO to men? 🤔

She is not controversial. End the woke BBC licence fee.

Thanks for admitting she’s a women’s rights activist. Makes a change.

'Controversial' women's rights avtivist

Explain how she is controversial

Anti-trans anti-gay racists far right cult fronted by a bigot grifter

this is literally a nazi rally. there are going to be guys seig heiling

She's not controversial. Forcing women to pretend that men are women is controversial. Violation of women's single sex spaces by men who say they're women, is controversial. Decimation of women's sports by men who say they're women, is controversial. Not KJK.

Being a woman is now controversial.

Imagine living in a world where men dressed as women can physically attack actual women for speaking for women's hard fought for rights and the MS media call the women out for being controversial ! Upside down world 🙃 LetWomenSpeak


Islamo homo trans

Why is fighting for women's rights controversial? The fact that she faces violence in order to speak for and about women is controversial. The BBC is Stonewall indoctrinated and it affects your long gone supposed impartiality.

This is a hate rally. Pls describe it accurately instead of how the transphobic organisers describe it. You wouldn't describe an EDL rally as something 'run by a controversial English rights activist', so don't do that here. The organisers have no interest in supporting my rights

Posie Parker is no 'Women's Activist'. She is a strictly anti-trans speaker who has been joined by Neo-Nazi groups on her campaign to spread hate. She is against the rights of trans women despite claiming to be a feminist. Far-Right hate is not welcome in Belfast.

Wow, accurate reporting by BBC

The Puppet Master is Dr Martine Rothblatt, Head of the 'Trans Movement'. A lawyer and highest earning pharmaceutical CEO in the world. Also founder of 'Trans Religion', Terasem which seeks to take over earth with robots (not joking). Insane CULT.

What's controversial about defending real women's rights? 🤔

What’s controversial about her? The fact she only wants women to speak?

There are no 'transgender rights' to enter single sex spaces. This article is misleading. KJK is not against transexuals not being discriminated in the work place - that is a right. Do try and get your facts straight - you're supposed to be a public broadcaster ffs!


You call yourself a journalist and you don't even realise that she herself said 'I'm not a feminist'. What a pathetic excuse for journalistic research. BBC News NI being a caricature of journalism. My dead nan would make a better journalist than you.

She is not a woman’s rights activist - she admits she is not a feminist, she has Nazis and proud boys at her rallies, she is racist, mysoginist, homophobic and transphobic - you are doing her work for her by pretending she is fighting for the rights of anyone

Stand strong, ladies! Love from the other side of pond ❤️ LetWomenSpeakBelfast

Posie Parker is no more a women's rights activist than Phyllis Schlafly was. This is irresponsible.

Why are women's rights controversial? What the hell happened?

Posie Parker is to women's rights as national socialists are to workers' rights.

You seem keen to dress up anti trans activism as something different to legitimise it. Please don't. She's funded by the far right - CPAC - to push nothing other than anti trans propoganda.

'Controversial' is that like the 'hate speech' your journalist found on his 'for you' feed

As usual the misogynist homophobe TRAs are trying to ShutWomenUpBelfast

'women's rights' yeah right 😂 she hangs out with Nazis, known women-respecters that they are

If she's invited/encouraged Neo Nazi's & extreme right wing men to attend her events she isn't in any way a 'women's rights activist'. Please report accurately. She's anti trans and funded by CPAC

What on earth is 'controversial' about saying biology is real, and that women and girls need protections in life and law due to their biology and role in reproduction?

'women's rights activist'! 🤣 she teams up with anti-abortion and neo-nazi groups on the regular!!

Thank you for showing us that you agree with the MRAs and TRAs trying to take females rights away. There is nothing controversial about females keeping the rights they fought for!

The only controversy here is why men think it’s ok to dress up as women and shout down actual women.

What’s controversial about women’s rights Ffs.

No need for the controversial, or are you BBC folk all he/him's and she/her fuds ?

There’s fuck all controversial about her!!! She’s a woman standin for women. It just so happens there’s a lot of men out there that fuckin hate women speakin or havin opinions 🤷🏻‍♀️

We are creating a space for community, solidarity and joy tomorrow with a whole load of friends and performers.

She’s only controversial to people who think men can become women. The rest of us think they’re the controversial ones. Try not to be so obvious that your LGBT staff are running the show in there.

Women's rights activist? No. Take a look at what the person you're platforming is really like.

This. All day long.

How Irish Media is Presenting this:

Are Womens rights controversial ? Ffs

Why is it controversial that women want to protect their rights from men?

ThePosieParker Hopefully the police want to better understand how to protect everyone at the event from physical violence.

What's 'controversial' about women's rights BBC? What is controversial is putting convicted rapists in women's prisons, which has happened in England and Scotland.

Bbc misreporting facts to fit a narrative. Shock /s

The only controversial event will be the one held by the gender benders and the men who have exposed themselves as haters of women. They don’t want an open and honest debate. They’ll call you a far right fascist if you dare not agree with them.

Who's the women's rights activist? Because Kellie-Jay Keen is quite the opposite of that.

Sticking up for Womens Rights is Controversial No I'd say Drag Queens sticking their bare arses is young childrens faces is what's Fxcking Controversial!!

BBC how many times does your bias towards pervy men need to be exposed? Selling out women and children who deserve to feel safe makes you an accessory to injustice.


Funny how you could change either 'controversial' or 'women's rights activist' for nazi, and it would work in both cases

The Northern Ireland police 'liaising' with fascists? Quelle surprise. Who would have thought that colonizers and Nazis could work together

You realize this tweet can be seen internationally, right? And that the rest of the world knows she is not a women's rights activist, and is in fact a spokesperson for fascists?

She’s the controversial one?

ThePosieParker and we all know which side will be violent those opposing your visit And the media won't cover it

You spelt 'nazi' wrong.

She has literally said she's not a feminist and stands with Nazis at her rallies. What the actual f*** is wrong with you lot?


At least you've switched from anti trans activist.. and there's nothing controversial about womens rights. Try highlighting the violent, aggressive anti women protestors who turn up to cause trouble. Why will these people not let women speak? Are they afraid of the truth?

Because she’s a god damn fascist that’s why

Posie Parker is a fascist who hates trans people so much she'd willingly see women's rights set back literal centuries if it meant getting to see trans people lynched in the streets.

They are not women's rights activists

She’s a fascist

She's a fascist, not a women's rights activist. Anti-trans bigotry is not 'feminism'.

What do you call a counter rally to letwomanspeak ? Answer -silencing women. This has been male tactic for centuries from scolds bridle to institutionalising women to denial of education, vote, legal status. songsforsolidarity are making a lot of noise to try to silence women.

When the BBC says 'a controversial women's rights activist,' they really mean 'a hateful transphobic bigot.'

You spelled 'anti-trans rights' wrong there.

She wants to annihilate women like me, happily watches her security assault women, wants men to patrol toilets and asserts she isn't a feminist but you go on describing her as a womens rights activist. She's focused on trans women and occasionally Muslim men. That's it.

Yes, LetWomenSpeak is controversial to women haters.

She’s not a women’s rights activist. She’s a Nazi.

It’s unbelievable that you’re describing this as a ‘women’s rights’ protest.

Women's rights activist? She's a fucking fascist, stop this BBC. We know you're the voice of the UK Gov but at least make it a little less obvious.

Let's hope the police do their job properly, the women are protected and can speak freely. LetWomenSpeak

the BBC and other british news media are the only ones in the world who would call this *actual nazi* a women's rights activist lmao

Police! Please do your job! Protect women who are just speaking from violent trans men! Do not let a repeat of the violence inflicted on women in NZ be repeated!

*Counter rally planned over neo nazi and white supremacists event in Belfast Fixed your headline BBC. You're welcome 🤗

It would be nice if the big media could send some reporters to these events to not only cover the message - which is keep women and girls safe - but to actually and honestly showcase the abuse that women face from that community. Why is keeping females safe such an evil thing?

At least you managed to describe PP as a women's rights campaigner so thank u for not using inflammatory language. Can u see how crazy the world is now, when a woman's rights campaigner is seen as controversial for knowing what a woman is & for defending women's single sex spaces

Unmask each and every one of them. Make violent TIMs and TRAs afraid again.

Fascists are liaising with fascist organizer

You mean this person? Nazi Barbie?

Fascist transphobe, there's no need to beat around the bush.

She is not controversial, she is a bigot. She is not supporting women's rights, she is a bigot. BBC, do better.

complaint filed

“Womens rights activist”?

Bit of a typo in the headline. Nazi. She’s a Nazi.

ThePosieParker Send in the TERF‘s

BBC reports that a child safety organization has introduced a new entrance to its famed St. Peters Basilica.

This is *not* a women’s right event. It is purely anti-trans. Please do better

She’s not a women’s rights activist she’s a hate campaigner.

She's a fascist, BBC.

What’s “controversial” about women’s rights, BBCNews?

ThePosieParker Yeah, women’s rights are so controversial 🙄

The phrase you're looking for is anti trans activist.

She has repeatedly voiced that she's not a feminist. The Australian media called out this group for what they were, and it's anything but a women's rights group. You have the responsibility to accurately report this to the general public.

Well, women's rights *are* 'controversial' as far as woman-haters and child abusers are concerned.

LetWomenSpeak LetWomenSpeakBelfast

Please stop calling her a “women’s rights activist”. She takes funding from the far right, anti abortion lobby. She is a white supremicist who calls for the genocide of trans people. She is no representative for women’s rights and it’s dangerous for you to portray her as such.

Can't forget the guest of honour!

She literally says she isn't a feminist

She isn’t a “women’s rights” activist, lads. She dgaf about our access to abortion or about marriage equality for queer women or literally ANYTHING but hate. Her ENTIRE GRIFT is being the Barbie-fied face of rabid Transphobia, flogging her merch & advocating men commit violence


Well done for an accurate headline. She is a women’s rights activist.

At least you describe her as a women's rights activist. There is nothing controversial about that, unless you think women's rights are controversial?

Women's rights activist?

Women’s rights are now ‘controversial’ because women have the temerity to say ‘no’ to entitled, narcissistic men who think their feelings are the centre of the universe.

I guess this makes me a controversial women's rights activist as well even though I have fought against feminism for 50 years as it has done more damage than good to women and children.

Women's rights, sponsored by anti-feminist, ultraconservative think tank The Heritage Foundation... Sure.

What she's hosting is a Nazi rally

She states, herself, that she isn't a feminist while openly using Nazi imagery. Get a grip of yourselves.

'There were chaotic scenes during a Let Women Speak event in Australia last month.' is quite an understatement

Finally, the BBC getting terminology correct. Bravo.

It's not about women's rights. Parker is not a feminist, she makes that very clear. She's also against abortion and contraception.

It's not about women's rights. Parker is not a feminist, she makes that very clear. She's also against abortion and contraception.

More lies. She is actively against women’s rights and wants to remove existing women’s rights. She is an anti-trans hate preacher, and you are simply lying to cover for her rather than do your job.

More lies. She is actively against women’s rights and wants to remove existing women’s rights. She is an anti-trans hate preacher, and you are simply lying to cover for her rather than do your job.

that pitiful excuse for a women's rights activist has no interest in women's rights. police are involved because her politics and those of her supporters are tending towards fascism - as evidenced by actual nazis turning up for her trans hate campaign

She's not controversial at all. She defends women's rights. She's attacked by men who pretend to be women. What do these men know about women rights? Nothing.

lol, they're not women's rights activists, theyre deranged anti-trans lunatics that every feminist, LGBTQI, and human rights group has called out, who staged events in Australia and New Zealand with literal Nazis marching alongside.

It’s so controversial to LetWomanSpeak

New Zealand media managed to report on her accurately, why are you doing her propaganda for her and calling her a 'women's rights activist'? All her 'activism' is to strip trans people of their rights.

'it's a woman activist, so she must be a women's rights activist!' 🤡🤡🤡


You mean by Nazi loving Nazilover Posie Parker? You know. The woman who asks Nazis to come to her rallies. Applauds Nazis at her rallies that attack women. What a feminist that Posie Parker who openly attacks all women who don't share her fascist views.

Ah the BBC again only seeing what it wants to, ignoring the truth which is there for all to see.

So the bbc are all for womens rights as long as they are men. Yep makes sense.

The topic is controversial- Kellie isn’t. She speaks common sense. Awful activist “journalism” keeps fuelling misinformation and puts these women at risk. It’s why people now mostly hate the BBC and don’t trust you.

So, the BBC challenge for you film this controversial rally, and you will find there is absolutely no controversy in women speaking up on the erosion of their rights . It's women like your mum, sister, wife, daughter, or grandmother to protect their rights and safeguard kids.

Yes, it’s very controversial when women center themselves & deny men’s demands, isn’t it?

Report evenly. 'A senator was apparently thrown to yhe ground trying to confront Keen' Also mention the 76 year old woman punched in the face receiving a broken jaw from a male protestor.

Women’s rights activist? Hasn’t she openly denied being a feminist?

Opposes abortion rights Says she is not a feminist Funded by 🇺🇸 Republican CPAC Says women who oppose her will be 'annihilated' Other news outlets have managed to report her truthfully, why can't you?

Not women's rights BBC, KjK brought nothing but pain and suffering to our country.

She isn’t a woman’s rights activist. She a Nazi-supported fascist who spreads hate speech. Call her what she is you fucking cowards

Hey BBC. She's a nazi.

Good job white washing a fascist scumbag. Really glad the public has to pay to support this level of 'journalism'

Controversial? In what planet?

ThePosieParker Womens rights are now controversial .. ?!

She’s a nazi funded by anti womens rights groups

this is like calling tommy robinson a 'civil rights activist'.

Her only stance is being anti-trans, and to stir up hatred for other human beings. Its disingenuous to refer to her as a women’s rights activist.

Could you elaborate on the ‘controversial’ bit? What specifically do you consider controversial about womens rights?

It is not controversial to say that biological sex is real. The BBC has lost its way on these matters, and it is painfully obvious that as an organisation its staff have been ideologically captured.

You claim this is a women's right event but they're funded by people who want to block abortion access.

Imagine organising a protest against something called LET WOMEN SPEAK.

not a woman’s rights activist. the word is anti-trans.

It's not a women's rights event, it's an anti-trans rally, fronted by a woman that, in her own words, is not a feminist, funded by the American Fundamentalist Christian Right that is also opposing abortion access and other women's rights worldwide. Of course the BBC launder it.

She's a neo-nazi promoting nazi ideals and the concept of the Aryan woman in 2023.

Multiple women were beaten by gender critical thugs during her Aus / NZ tour, which was funded by CPAC. She invited a Nazi to speak at her Miami event. Nazis turned up to support her in Australia, & sieg heiled while gender critical ‘feminists’ giggled & took selfies with them.

She’s not controversial.

Why the heck have you called her a women's rights activist? She works with the far-right and shouted 'I'm not a feminist' in response to counter-protestors in Tasmania the other week. She's just an anti-trans hate speaker. To call her anything else is disinformation.

Calling that disgusting white supremacist a ‘women’s rights activist’ is an insult to women and feminism.

she's a nazi, not an activist

Why can't these angry misogynistic men just let women speak? Is that too much to ask?

Stop calling her a women’s rights activist. Keen has repeatedly said she is not a feminist. She has actively opposed contraception and abortion rights. She associates with neo-Nazis.

ThePosieParker Men can get pregnant too..

She's a Nazi.

Not a women's rights activist but an anti-trans fascist.

She’s a hate preacher.

ThePosieParker doesn't care about women's right, she only cares about her transphobia. She said herself she is not a feminist. She lets other anti trans quote Mein Kampfs to talk about trans people.

Name one thing that Nazis have done to merit their being called a “women’s rights” movement.

Which re**r* wrote this: 'Keen is previously reported as saying the idea that transgender women are women is 'preposterous'.' *Not controversial* 'A senator was allegedly thrown to the ground' *she tried to assault Keen* *BBC did not even pretend to be impartial.*

Yes Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull is controversial & very dangerous, as this lady is a WOMAN! Muppets like the queer WEF puppets at the BBC need to approach her with extreme caution, as she is armed with double X chromosomes, motherly love and intelligence. God bless her 😃🕊

This is not a woman’s rights activist, she’s a predatory far-right authoritarian bigot, intent on destroying minority communities and hurting lgbtq+ children.

ThePosieParker You just labelled the VAST majority of women Far Right for sticking up for our sex.

She's a fascist. Not a rights activist. She's said with her own words that she isn't a feminist!

She’s a Nazi

Why are you legitimising this ultra right wing anti-trans activist who is supported by Nazis and the American religious right by calling her a Women’s rights activist? The BBC is meant to be impartial!

What's 'controversial' about dictionary definition of woman=adult human female? At least you correctly say that she's a women's rights activist. Glad PSNIBelfast won't allow LetWomenSpeakBelfast turn into LetWomenSpeakAuckland. TransTerrorism must be stopped


ThePosieParker 'Controversial' why?

Kellie Jay is a woman's rights campaigner. She lets women air their experiences.. now tell me which part of that is 'controversial' ?

It's not a 'women's rights rally' at all. She's not standing to protect anyone at all, only to attack others, including women.

They are not women's rights they just far right bigots

Controversial - women’s rights are now controversial! 😳

New Zealand media called her the Trojan Horse of the far right. I agree with them.

This is one of many examples that shows how much the BBC hates trans people. 'Women's rights activist' she is a fascist! A literal fascist. Name one time she has ever cared about a real women issue. This is pathetic BBC

Dear BBC, You mean anti-trans activist. You're welcome.

Controversial? Did she suggest some people are ambivalent to marmite?

Why is fighting to retain women’s existing legal sex-based rights ‘controversial’?

The BBC are filthy liars. kjk says she is not a feminist.

Ffs! She's not in the slightest bit controversial 🙄

You misspelled 'Nazi' there

From the dishonest and captured BBC 👎👎👎

Great to see this properly referred to as a women’s rights event.

ThePosieParker Its all the clowns that show up and protest womans rights that are the issue

ThePosieParker Women's rights are controversial? 😂😂😂 Free speech is controversial, so why not? 😂

Anti-abortion Anti birth control Works with the far-right 'I'm not a feminist' Any of these things sound pro-women's rights?

Not a woman's rights advocate

women's rights is when you hang out with known serial abusers, nazis, and other scum ig?

she is an anti-trans activist. that's how other media outlets had the courage to call her in Ireland, Australia and New Zealand....grow some balls BBC...

She's not a 'women's right's activist'. For those asking why she's 'controversial': she's an anti-trans hate preacher, who uses Nazi imagery and repeatedly associates with white supremacists, neo-Nazis and other fascists. She has wished harm and death on minority groups.

It is NOT a 'womens rights' event - it is a HATE RALLY. That woman is funded through CPAC & The Heritage Foundation. She courts neo nazis and laughs when women are abused, she would throw any woman under the bus for her twisted agenda.

Absolutely nothing to do with WomensRights but everything to do with neo Nazis bullshit

ThePosieParker Women’s rights are not controversial it is that simple an explanation.

Suddenly women's rights are controversial for BBC. What's next? Will you call Dylan Mulvaney, man in a drag, a woman of The Year?

How on earth can rape crisis ni attend the counter protest on this shame on them.

Posie Parker is an anti-trans activist. That's all she does: campaign against trans people.

Only controversy is that men have othered these women so much so they can justify violence against them - why don’t you cover that!?

When I think of women's rights I think of the woman who said men with guns should go into women's bathrooms to make sure there aren't trans people there

She’s a Nazi

ThePosieParker Women's rights shouldn't ever be 'controversial' Men pretending to be women and demanding they know better than women should be 'controversial'

Since when has the truth been 'controversial ' another lefty buzzword the discredit normal rational thought and behavior , in favour of left wing lunacy.

She is controversial because she is a Nazi.

What makes her controversial? She encourages women to gather and speak. She empowers women.

That's all we need, more Neo Nazis assisting these people 😜

For those crying about the BBCs' use of 'controversial' the truth is they haven't gone anywhere near hard enough. She says she not a feminist, Nazis regularly show support for her, she's praised Tommy Robinson and other far-right leaders. The BBC is being too uncritical of her.

Anyone who aligns themselves with people like Tommy Robinson, praises Tucker Carlson & has neo-Nazis join her events is NOT on anyone’s side but their own. She is vile and dangerous.

ThePosieParker At least they are correctly calling KJK a Women’s Rights Activist, unlike the Kiwi media who mendaciously called her Anti-Trans.

ThePosieParker Controversial!? How the hell is Posie Parker ‘controversial’!?.. Letting woman speak is now ‘controversial’!? BBC wth!?

ThePosieParker Controversial? Standing up for womens rights! You deem that controversial? Are we going back in time?

She's literally said multiple times that she is not a feminist...

She proves very costly. Is the BBC content to omit the Nazis who turned up to support her in Aus? The white supremacists in NZ? The removal of Rainbow flags, the silencing of women who support trans women, the bragging of her own wealth, the cosying up to violent cis men?

She is not controversial for wanting to protect real womens rights

Posie Parker isn’t a “ women’s rights activist” and outright states she isn’t a feminist. You shouldn’t be misleading the public about Nazis

Fascists, the term you should use is Fascist.

ThePosieParker rtenews will you be covering this?

Neo nazi event. Call it what it is.

Her benefactors.

...with their Nazi supporters*

Let’s hope they do a better job this time

That woman is a fascist and no feminist. This is not a woman's rights gig.

ThePosieParker What's controversial about Women, human female? It's a word used to differentiate human females from other species of female! Just as we use Man to highlight we are talking of human males and not ovine males! Nothing controversial in defining the natural world's reality!

Vile that you call this 'womens rights'. Feminism is the removal of glass ceilings, not reinstating them. Misogynists are not Feminists. Neither are transphobes. Pah-The-Tic!

She is openly anti women's rights as well as trans rights. Neo Nazis keep showing up to support her, that would never happen to a women's rights activist. Change this ridiculous headline

They're Nazis, guys.

ThePosieParker Standing up for women's rights is not controversial, call yourself journalists, shame on you. If you believe a man can be a woman you will believe anything.

She literally says herself that she is not a feminist. She is not a women's rights activist.

ThePosieParker What part of woman's rights is controversial?

Women don’t have penises. Men don’t have vaginas. When did it become “controversial” to point this out?

What’s controversial about women’s rights?

ThePosieParker Woman speaking is ‘controversial’ but violent race riots in June ‘20 were ‘mostly peaceful’ BBC is a joke.

How are women's rights controversial? Asking for a friend, my wife.

Not as controversial as the statue of the pedophile and (child and dog) rapist Eric Gill, that fronts the BBC HQ in London, is it!

The use and meaning of words like controversial, racist, far right, weather, woman .... being redefined by regressive liberal media.

ThePosieParker What makes it controversial hmm?

What's controversial about letting women speak?

ThePosieParker “Controversial” lol the worlds gone mad ,

How “controversial” would you say SimonFanshawe is? Under Equality Act ss 7, 11 & 212 we’ve 1. Men 2. Women 3. Transexual persons A woman is “a female of any age” (s. 212(1)) There’s no such thing as a “trans woman”: only transexual persons (s. 7(3))

The protesters will be there for the sole aim of stopping women speaking. LetWomenSpeakBelfast

This enabling centre should have been closed down long ago savile

ThePosieParker Controversial Why, because she stands up against those perverted men who pretend they're women?

Looks like the BBC alphabet, higher than average employed people, have been writing again ……….

The only thing controversial is the unhinged reaction liberals have to any messengers of elementary biology.

It’s only controversial if you don’t believe that sex and gender are two different things. One is variable and one is immutable. Sex can’t be changed.

Bacon and egg sarnie for me this morning. The egg controversially laid by a female chicken.

ThePosieParker I cannot understand why men do not attend these protests to protect their women from being assaulted by men. The tendency for police to stand idly by as violent acts are committed with impunity can no longer be tolerated. The right to protest must be for all or banned entirely.

The biggest controversy here is the BBC outing themselves as an anti woman misogynistic, state funded organisation.

You mean they are trying to cancel her!

ThePosieParker Sex denialism is controversial.

Controversial? You reveal yourselves.

She's cool. More power to women!

She's not controversial. The BBC is. And divisive.

ThePosieParker She is NOT controversial .... BBCnireland is!!

ThePosieParker How is she controversial?

ThePosieParker Police in NZ said they were dealing with the organisers...then didn't turn up. Let's see what the Irish cops are made of.

Ya right!! A woman is a woman?

A women's event where men need to show up to keep the violent TRA's from attacking them, police need to do their jobs and keep these women safe.

Sticking up for women's rights is not controversial.

Can you explain your headline please. How, when and why did standing for women's rights become controversial? Incase you are not aware the meeting is for people to peacefully speak about safe spaces and fair sport for women that does not include men.

Rishi Sunak has just agreed with her that No Woman has a Penis. Are you labelling him Controversial Prime Minister?

ThePosieParker Calling Posie a women’s rights activist is the only accurate part of this article. “Chaotic scenes” in NZ to describe the violence of the TRA’s.

Why would a women's rights activist be controversial? Controversial in the eyes of the BBC maybe?

ThePosieParker How is she controversial. What she talks about is scientifically, and biologically correct. Real women have a womb and ovaries end of.

Women's rights are controversial now?

ThePosieParker Why is it controversial? It’s just women expressing their opinion and standing up for their rights

Getting there with baby steps. Women's rights ✅️ controversial ❌️

ThePosieParker Thank you for acknowledging and reporting 'women's rights' instead of the usual 'anti-trans' nonsense

What's controversial about womans rights..? They have the right to protest them selfs against extreme feminist and liberalism

WAIT what's controversial about Kellie-Jay Keen? she is quite rightly pointing out the serious issues surrounding trans gender ideology. I tell you what is controversial, men going into women's toilets, maybe you should wright about that.

When did women asking for males to stay out of female single-sex facilities, opportunities and sports become 'controversial'?

British bullshit corporation at its finest

ThePosieParker You have our support Kellie see you there 😃

Because rights for women and girls is SO controversial

ThePosieParker Why is it controversial to be against the sterilization of children, not to cut healthy body parts of boys & girls, not to drug them? BBC what is wrong with you? That is not controversial!

Only 'controversial' to reprobate minds in clown world! 🤡

I love how the BBC label perfectly reasonable arguments and people as “controversial” in a attempt at delegitimising them.

stop platforming bigots

ThePosieParker A ‘woman’ fighting for woman’s rights is once again classed as ‘controversial’ by the BBC. Talk about going backwards.

DefundTheBBC Not a government funded 'news' organisation again getting the language wrong. What's controversial about women's rights?

If you go to ThePosieParker you'll see details of protest groups expected. According to the Belfast Newsletter a group from Dublin are attending, their derogatory slogan is 'no terfs on our turf' and Rape Crisis NI intend to stage a protest too, somewhat ironic.

ThePosieParker Controversial How so?

ThePosieParker Jeeeses, could they be any more biased. And they end the article with the vile closing prayer mantra of the TRA 🤬

When it is finally realised that yes indeed women and girls require sex-based protection, privacy and dignity, their own sports categories, safety in prisons and refuges, their own voice as people who are born female, then your use of the word 'controversial' will be remembered.

ThePosieParker What's controversial?

ThePosieParker It's good to see that old word 'controversial' again. It makes a nice change from 'far-right'.

ThePosieParker Why would you consider her to be “controversial”?

ThePosieParker Why don’t you just start campaigning to revoke that pesky right to vote that you gave us while you’re at it.

So, counter to something is against something? I'm I right in thinking that, as in an extra rally but the other one will be against women's rights. And people cheer for this? Fked up world.

ThePosieParker She’s just asking for single sex spaces because women are scared to share their spaces with men due to an 8000 year history of violence towards them at the hands of men

Can someone explain me why Kelly JK is far right or controversial ?

Adult Human Female. Controversial as hell

What's controversial about a woman who believes in protecting the rights of women and girls and the safguarding children? LetWomenSpeak

2023....called controversial for trying to protect women and girls rights, utter insanity. The BBC are pathetic, no one should be paying the TV licence (which is completely fraudulent), take a stand againist the corrupt corporation.

ThePosieParker is not controversial! She's pro women's rights, which even the must think is a good thing?

ThePosieParker She isn’t “controversial”, she is a woman in her right mind.

How come people are only controversial when you don't agree with them?

I’m sorry, I don’t quite understand this……….. ‘women’ word What does ‘women’ mean…?

Nothing controversial about standing for women's rights. Let women speak.

ThePosieParker Explain your use of the word 'controversial' here. Where's the controversy exactly?

ThePosieParker Just for your ignorant mindset. This is a woman who stands with women so they can speak about the eradication of women’s rights. Stop lying.

ThePosieParker Counter rally ? You mean Women Hating violent thugs counter rally get your facts right BBC

ThePosieParker Imagine counter protesting a woman’s rights event 😂


The controversy is that she and the other women are being counter-protested. Anti-women activists are violent, totalitarian, and unhinged.

There notting controversial about being a women this is ridiculous this woke shit is getting out of hand now

ThePosieParker BBC promotes violence against women wanting to vspeak.

ThePosieParker That sounds very Islamic bbc. Is this the new left now? First rape gangs were normalized now oppressing women's rights?

Gu3Wh0 Wow, break through in accurate framing. Maybe getting its ass handed to BBC by Musk has given it a smidge more desire to have integrity. Hope springs eternal.

Being a woman is now controversial!! Well we all know which side the BBC are on ?

ThePosieParker There is t anything controversial about women’s rights

When did discussing women’s rights & fighting efforts to silence women become ‘controversial’ ? The only thing controversial is the BBC

ThePosieParker Controversial? ScumMedia

ThePosieParker Why are they “controversial”? What a daft adjective to use… this alone would stir up trouble..

shirleysascot She needs police protection because extreme trans activism is violent. These women haters want men in women's spaces. Straight men with a fetish like cross dressing or AGP.

ThePosieParker Well done BBC news saying she is a woman’s rights activist Can you come done any take over the TV in New Zealand please as they all said she was a trans-activist

Controversial?... To who?

At least you said women's rights and not anti trans

ThePosieParker BBCNews can you explain why theey are considered controversial?

ThePosieParker What makes her controversial? The fact that she’s openly highlighting the threat of the transgender movement to women’s rights which are continually being eroded? Hopefully people are gradually waking up to BBC’s subtle propaganda tactics.

ThePosieParker Nothing controversial about her The BBC is a state-funded propaganda machine

ThePosieParker Why is it controversial to stand up for women’s rights ?

Marching for Women's rights in 2017 was not 'controversial' , so what changed BBC?

ThePosieParker Controversial? Do you need a dictionary?

ThePosieParker BBC hate women

ThePosieParker What is controversial about this lady. 🤔

ThePosieParker You failed to mention the counter protests being stoked by a serving member of NI police force. A serving police officer who publicly requested a repeat of the misogynistic violence displayed in New Zealand. Nothing controversial about women’s rights to safety & single sex spaces

ThePosieParker At least you are reporting on the event but is there any need for ‘controversial’?

ThePosieParker On what planet is woman's rights controversial? It is both controversial and anti science to think that people can change sex. You need to revise your official vocabulary book.

ThePosieParker The BBC aren’t supposed to find women’s rights controversial. Is ThePosieParker the wrong sort of woman for you?

ThePosieParker please explain why ThePosieParker is controversial for stating a biological fact-a woman is an adult human female. Confected anger/grievance being fermented by MSM against biological women is misogynistic. All trans men and women deserve real respect not this sideshow

ThePosieParker Why aren’t more women getting involved?

How is wanting men out of women's spaces and wanting to protect children from permanent mutilation controversial?

Finally! Women's rights activist.

ThePosieParker 👀 DefundBBC

Nothing controversial about her, unlike the blokes masquerading as women who will turn up full of hate to try and silence her.

ThePosieParker The only thing controversial is your reporting. Transwomen are NOT women. Get a grip of yourselves.

ThePosieParker Controversial .. kin muppets

ThePosieParker Terrible reporting. What’s “controversial” about women’s rights.

What on earth is controversial about women being allowed to speak?

She just opposes men going in female spaces and men taking women's places in sport or ballet. Fair campaign, if you think about it.

Controversial? GIVE OWER

ThePosieParker So an amazing women, speaking up for women is controversial ? She speaks for all sane real women

ThePosieParker How is she controversial exactly?

ThePosieParker We need to clear out the woke from our media and institutions. They are a vile disease.

ThePosieParker Controversial my aunt! Women’s rights is not a controversial issue! The controversial people who try to attack us are in a weird bubble. Women are under attack

Is women's rights considered controversial?

She isnt contraversial its just some Men dont like Women talking

ThePosieParker 😅 Controversial women’s rights activist? Is that what you call someone who speaks common sense

ThePosieParker Good on her, get behind her Irish women !

ThePosieParker Women don't have dicks 🙄

ThePosieParker Fk off

ThePosieParker Thank goodness you framed it correctly. She is indeed a women's rights activist.

ThePosieParker Why is she controversial just for being a woman?

She isn't controversial.

Yes. Womens rights are controversial. 🙄

So ThePosieParker is deemed 'controversial' for speaking the truth and stating the facts? The suffragettes must be spinning in their graves at how far we've regressed concerning women's rights.

This isn’t controversial. Quite the opposite.

Only on the BBC is she the controversial one

Always defended the bbc when friends described you as biased and deliberately misleading. Looks like they were correct all along. Shameful phrasing

“Controversial” 😂 she literally just says “woman: adult human female”. Some folks seriously need Jesus

It should be the counter protest which is being heavily policed and disbanded to allow the Let Women Speak rally take place and acknowledge the real women and their rights (2)

Typical LGBT ( ABCDEFG ) being protected at all costs whenever women’s rights are being severely threatened by this so called ‘movement’. Trans rights are not the issue, it’s the way it’s being forced by mainstream media like you lot and attacking kids innocence which is (1)

Here's a good introduction to ThePosieParker if you're wondering what all the fuss is about. Trust me, you'll love her ❤️

Here's a link to the 'transphobic' documentary - judge for yourself if there's anything remotely controversial in it

What's controversial about being a woman? What's controversial about standing up for basic human rights, women's rights? Women are being pushed out of their own space by transgendered people, who's rights seem to be the only rights that matter, even though they make up 1% of pop

Women's rights are human rights. Men can never be women, they don't know what it feels like to be female no matter how much make-up they put on.

Jesus, BBC NI! What a comment to throw out there and stir the pot. Women will not be silenced in Northern Ireland. Women nor children are safe, and will not be brainwashed by the BBC or any other corporation that diminishes the rights of women and development of children.

Controversial? Let's take the vote back off them and their right to speak ffs

Misrepresentation here. Not a rights activist. Quite the opposite!

Nothing but trouble , the whole world is fighting each other over things that are total nonsense. Burn baby burn .

Controversial 😂 women's rights should not have to be discarded, ignored and downright disrespected by people who are not females!

The protests asked for and supported by Constable Paul Bloomer, PSNI. Are you now drumming up overtime re his actions This must be addressed and stopped.

Women’s rights now controversial what clown wrote this article

Controversial? Standing up for women. How far have we came as a society when standing up for Women's rights is now seen as Controversial. Baffling.


Does she have the right to take out the bins?

Biology is controversial now

Unbelievable wording, but not surprisingly from the non government funded BBC

Will milkshakes be on sale nearby?

This will certainly attract every whacko and right wing conspiracy theorist in the country. The rest of us can point and laugh at them.

There's absolutely nothing controversial about her, she's standing up for the rights of women! Jesus!!!

There’s nothing controversial about it. I BBC are turning into an anti woman organisation.

*Nazi-sympathizing, anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQ activist

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