NY Gov. Kathy Hochul signs law banning ‘puppy mill’ sales at pet stores

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Law Law Headlines News

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Pet stores will be barred from selling dogs, cats and other animals supplied by breeders under a controversial law approved Thursday by Gov. Kath Hochul.

from selling dogs, cats and other animals supplied by breeders under a new law signed Thursday by Gov. Kathy Hochul.

State lawmakers approved the puppy mill ban by huge bipartisan margins last spring despite efforts by pet stores and their political allies to bury the proposal., though they will now be able to charge animal rescue shelters rent to use their space for adoptions. Gov. Kathy Hochul approved a law that bans pet stores from selling dogs and cats obtained from “puppy mill” breeders.“My thanks to Governor Hochul for standing up for the voiceless loving animals who are members of our families and deserve the respect we’ve shown them today.”

Customers looking for a furry friend will no longer be able to buy one from a pet store, unless it is supplied via an animal rescue/adoption shelter.Pet store operators warned Hochul before she acted that the prohibition on accepting dogs and cats from breeders would force them to close.


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All pet stores sell puppy mill dogs

How was this not illegal already?


But murder and assault are fair game……

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