Peru's new government imposes 30-day state of emergency as protests rage | CBC News

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Law Law Headlines News

Law Law Latest News,Law Law Headlines

Peru’s new government declared a national emergency Wednesday amid violent protests over the ouster of President Pedro Castillo, suspending the rights of “personal security and freedom” across the Andean nation for 30 days.

Peru's new government imposed a police state Wednesday in response to violent protests following the ouster of president Pedro Castillo. The 30-day national emergency declaration suspends the rights of "personal security and freedom" across the Andean country.

The declaration suspends the rights of assembly and freedom of movement and empowers the police, supported by Peru's military, to search people's homes without permission or judicial order. Otarola said it has not been determined whether a curfew will be imposed. He estimated the total number of people "causing this disturbance" at no more than 8,000 countrywide.

"Peru cannot overflow with blood," she said earlier Wednesday. Answering demands for immediate elections, she suggested they could be held a year from now, four months before her earlier proposal, which placated no one.Boluarte floated the possibility of scheduling general elections for December 2023 to reporters, just before a hearing to determine whether Castillo will remain jailed for 18 months while authorities build a rebellion case against him.


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Trudeau has taught them the ways of a fascist dictator 😢

*over the US supported right wing coup of president Pedro Castillo Where are all the pro-freedom and democracy Ukraine and Taiwan flags now?


Did they call JustinTrudeau for advice on how to crush protests? Maybe uses horses to ride over a few of them.

Remember, you have no 'rights'. If someone can take them away they are only temporary privileges.

Trudeau is impressed

Is what is happening in Peru a concern?

Trudeau’s wet dream

Always entertaining predicting what side CBC picks in a protest.

Let me guess. CBC are no longer pro Government tyranny right? DefundTheCBC

Maybe the government should freeze their bank accounts for protesting

8000?I call bs.Especially if they need a country wide national emergency for less than 1% of the population supposedly causing the protests.What I truly think is there are way more protesting and the gov needs to shut it down before their lies are revealed!Commoners are waking up

I wonder if they were honking horns?

Elon Musk Just EXPOSED Justin Trudeau's Corruption! JustinTrudeau the tyrant your numbers up! If we can’t get you to stop being a dictator elonmusk will!

Trudeau approves

This will not end well.

In Canada they don’t even need violence to declare a « national emergency »… Imagine the kind of subhumans supporting this! Not pretty…

Didn't Canada support the coup? Again... 👀

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