United Nations Kick Iran Off Women’s Rights Panel

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Iran should have never been anywhere near the women’s rights panel.

Then again, the United Nations is a joke. FromA U.S.-led effort to push Iran off a United Nations panel that promotes women’s rights succeeded on Wednesday, the latest move in a broader Western effort to punish Iran for its crackdown on widespread protests.

The resolution to oust Iran from the Commission on the Status of Women passed with 29 votes in favor and eight against, and overall it is a win for the Biden administration against a long-time adversary. Yet of the 54 countries eligible to vote, at least 16 abstained — a sign of the wariness about setting a precedent of the U.S. dictating who’s deserving of U.N. panel memberships.

Nonetheless, the overall vote was the latest international embarrassment for Iran’s Islamist regime as it has faced an extraordinary challenge to its rule. Iranians erupted after Mahsa Amini died in the custody of the regime’s morality police in September. They


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