Florida charges against Spanevelo dropped in Cassie Carli case, but Alabama may take over

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Florida prosecutors drop charges against Spanevelo in Cassie Carli case

) - Prosecutors in Florida have dropped charges against Marcus Spanevelo in the Cassie Carli case, court records show.

However, a court document indicates authorities in Alabama may yet prosecute a case against Spanevelo in the disappearance and death of Carli. The trial of Spanevelo, who was Carli’s ex-boyfriend, had been set to begin Monday, but now court records show the case against him in Florida has been dropped.

Investigators in Santa Rosa County said Carli was last seen with Spanevelo as they met in Navarre Beach to exchange custody of their daughter. Carli was found a week laterThe case has been under investigation by law enforcement agencies in both Florida and Alabama. A court filing by Florida Asst.


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