Did Justin Trudeau need the controversial Emergencies Act to stop the ‘Freedom Convoy’? A judge will hear the arguments for and against this week

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Over six weeks of public hearings, the inquiry will probe last winter’s protests, and how the federal government responded with special police powers under never-before-used emergency legislation.

OTTAWA — The shock waves — political, legal and historical — from the self-styled “Freedom Convoy” have crashed through Canadian society for more than eight months.

The situation spawned pointed criticism of police, particularly in Ottawa, where convoy truckers camped out for three weeks in the downtown core, with cooking stations and fuel suppliers travelling with seeming impunity amid a local backlash at the disruption and chaos. The public hearings will dredge through all of this, and perhaps more, over six weeks of televised testimony. The witness list — which, as of Friday afternoon remained officially “confidential” — is expected to include Trudeau and possibly other cabinet ministers, as well as local politicians and police leaders involved in the response to the protests.


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Stop asking a stupid question. It was an act of domestic terrorism instigated and supported by foreign interests whose motive was to harm this country and our duly elected federal government Conservatives helped them. Residents of Ottawa were terrorized. Never again.

Get Ford in front of the inquiry. His dereliction of duty was obvious. Was it his fear of perhaps convoy sympathetic police officers in his extended family? Bleeding right wing support in the upcoming prov election? Just let it default to 'woke' PMJT? All of the above?

Should have been implemented on day 3 with the military. To long of a wait for police to arrive. A lesson from 1970…..

Yes but it’s a hand picked liberal judge who’s donated to the party multiple times.

The convoy clowns were connected directly to the Jan.6 clowns! Peewee poliviere was bringing the idiots coffee and doughnuts. Put all them in jail. Cut the head off that snake!

Mendicino LIED.

Why you trying to help them surge? Are you encouraging violence with your rag?

Justin Trudeau did the right thing and I am grateful to him.

How is this even a question at this point, all inquiries have shown Trudeau and his clowns lied yet again. EA was never requested by any law enforcement. TrudeaMustGo TrudeauResign

Clearly, JT should have been forced to resign following his actions.

Of course it wasn’t needed nor was it requested by anyone. Protesting Canadians singing O’Canada is not an emergency obviously. Trudeau should have been forced to resign after he had them all attacked.

Why do you put quotation marks around freedom convoy? Let's try that for 'black' lives matter, black 'lives' matter, black lives 'matter' or refer to them as the self-styled 'black lives matter'. Does that look like neutral journalism to you?

Notice how they’ve all stopped calling it the “so called” freedom convoy? Because it was the most successful human rights protest in recent history

Lick those boots better T S. All of this shows even more Canadians that this so called news source is one sided all the way and will do and say what Trudeau tells them. Sorry bunch

TrudeauMustGo TrudeauForTreason Canadians know NO police jurisdiction requested the act. Canadians know their was an agreement in place between the city of Ottawa and the organizers. Never forget Trudeau’s divisive and discriminatory rhetoric and actions.

No justification at all for the 'Emergencies' (War Measures) Act. It's typical Trudeau tyranny writ large.

The “convoy” was controversial, the EA was not.

I guess even the Star has to milk this nothingburger.

Good grief. Clutch yer pearls TorStar. Clutch yer pearls.

RobAllan4 The Freedom Convoy was the most heartening, joyful event I have ever known as a Canadian. Was SO proud of them, and so grateful. They not only provided hope that our human rights might be restored in Canada, but shone a spotlight on Justin Trudeau's true character for all to see.

Toronto Red Star is against workers

Based on the government logic the next strike shutting down the education system should trigger the emergencies act. Seize teachers bank account and jail their union leaders

Yes, the Emergencies act was required, it made it possible to bring it to an end and relieve the poor citizens of Ottawa. Trudeau revoked the act as soon as possible, he acted rightly.

HonkHonk TrudeauMustGo Fakenews

This is nothing! Wait till he gets charged for all the illegal mandates he performed and lock down restrictions!

If PMJT did not, the rest of us did! The rest of us grew tired of the insurrectionists, the cry babies, the self privileged, the cult members who were saying they represented us. In our opinion the Emergencies Act should have been used much, much earlier and more people charged!

Lockdowns, inflation, war, medical segregation, violations of the Canadian Charter, frozen bank accounts, political imprisonment, job loss, bankruptcy, adverse reactions from the coerced shot, compromised media…the convoy was a source of hope.

ikwilson Trudeau’s Toronto Star along with Trudeau’s CBC et al will be amongst the many bought entities ensuring Trudeau gets seen in a favourable light.

ikwilson I would really like to see a surge crashing on Justin Trudeau's Head! 'Make my Day'!

He did not and we will never forgive him for this aggression against the peaceful.

Simply put, yes he did. The RCMP weren't doing shit to stop the truckers until Trudeau used the Emergencies Act, and it had even gotten to the point where they were blocking critical border crossings used for trade. Trudeau's actions were completely necessary in this instance.

I 💯 support PMJT on this.

The emergency act, is used for situation as convoy Ottawa, where a minority Group, did not want obey the Law and had obstructed the street of City, special the Parlament Building, if we do not have Law, Orden and seguridad, we do not have nothing

Polarization will continue and there will never be unity in Canada. An ideological migration and balkanization will be the least painful path forward. Liberal/NDP types dont have to fight over a government with conservative people. The goal is peace after all

Yes, ask Ottawa residents. Thats is the onlynpeople who matter.

The only issue that I had with the implementation of the Emergencies Act was that it wasn't done much earlier. IStandWithTrudeau

Ok fear monger Toronto Star. Hold your horses.

They’re fascists and traitors. Should all be sent to Baffin Island

You're still going on and on and on and on and on with this? Give it a rest already. You cant keep throwing dry spaghetti at the wall hoping it will stick.

Is Toronto Star among the Legacy Canadian media supported/paid off by Liberal govt to the tune of 1.4 billion plus to support the, as Orwell would say, party line? (Rhetorical question).

So you’re more worried about making the bullies mad? Hmmm.

As an Ottawa resident I am ashamed at all entitled snowflakes. We aren’t all tyrants I promise.

Yes it was needed because OttawaPolice was in on it. And fordnation’s daughter was part of the illegal occupation so he went snowmobiling instead.

Read what the Rouleau Commission has already done in its review of the use of the Emergencies Act.

Stop calling it a Freedom Convoy when all they wanted to do was ruin our very own freedoms. It was a Terrorist Convoy and media needs to start reporting the truth and calling these clowns out. CdnMediaFailed

Your compassion for those cockamamie convoy criminals is contemptible. freedumb ConvoyConsequences

Time to start calling the Liberal Party of Canada by its true name: the Illiberal Party of Canada. TrudeauMustGo

Yes he did

JustinTrudeau only in Canada does this currupt PM use the war time emergency act against his own people Trudeau has no shame he’s disgusting TrudeauDestroyingCanada TrudeauMustGo

Here goes the paid for Libtard far left Toronto star doing everything they can so their employer “ TruCommie “ continues to fund their paycheques. So biased and false news it would make hitler jealous. defundtorontostar TrudeauDestroyingCanada

Nothing will happen... justinTrudeau will not be held accounatble for anything...

Putting 'Freedom Convoy' in quotes, tells me all I need to know. My understanding was the protest wasn't anti-gov., but against government overreach into bodily autonomy, as it was clear the shots weren't stopping transmission. The organizers requested JT hear their concerns.

Ya people against government coercion and their windbag mouthpieces like Toronto shitstar wanted freedom AND WE WERE RIGHT the unvaccinated are still unvaccinated and now 2/3 of canadians have not had the booster The rest - SUDDEN ADULT DEATH BOOSTER

ikwilson No he did nit beed the EA

For all those that feel it was justified. Well I look forward to watching all your heart felt concerns getting shut down and jailed. Don't dare ever bring up your concerns we will not support you.

ikwilson And always remember the statefunded has been complicit in lies and deceit for JustinTrudeau and the liberal_party

ikwilson TrudeaMustGo

In one word: NO!

The vast bulk of Canadians supported the use of the EA this past winter. The Yahoos honking horns and harassing Ottawa citizens knew full well what they were doing, and of course didn't do it in their home towns.

Can't wait until you file for bankruptcy

ikwilson The Trudeau was too lazy to get up off his elite, privileged perch and talk to Canadians.

ikwilson Dictators squash dissidents of their choosing. See enviro protests for comparison.

T_r_a_cyy We are?!

I certainly will not be relying on you for coverage.

All seems evidence heavily weighted against Convoy Party and opposition members, Doug, you too! EA only good for 30 days by legislation, so appropriate.

The government must be held accountable for its lies and abuses of power.


They have ruined every Saturday for hours at a time. I live where they spew their BS. They have interrupted live music, intimidated those that choose to wear masks and pushed a lady in a walker with her dog. I caught her and had to hide with her in a store on Bloor, shaking!

The courts been compromised anyway. Doesn't matter. Justice is already in disrepute.

You're going bankrupt for a good reason, Toronto Star.

Distractions distractions.

Yes he needed to, end of story. Why aren’t you going on non stop about PP tagging women hating, racist nationalists in his videos?

Right-wing anarchists and Freedumbers in trucks terrorized citizens of Ottawa for 3 weeks, breaking every bylaw without police intervening. They demanded the arrest of Trudeau & the govt to be handed over to their mob. Police, OPP, RCMP did nothing till the EA. cdnpoli

The legal threshold to declare an emergency as defined by the act was not met. You may not like the protestors, in fact you may really dislike them, but this does not justify the abuse of power by the government and the terrible precedent that was set.

what garbage is this? Toronto Star is now a tow-rag, no wonder it’s failing

Unequivocal YES

The correct answer is No

The whole situation is a disgusting political stunt by conservatives in a lame attempt to 'stick it to PMJT'!!! It was grossly irresponsible and childish for all levels of policing to be complicity inept in a response to an illegal encampment in our Capitol city!!!

I applaud the TorontoStar for decent journalism compared to the horror shows of the right-wing media in this country (thanks for that btw Stephen Harper). However, in the case of the FreeDumbConvoy YES! Again, YES! Thank you JustinTrudeau.


Oh for god's sake. We're so sick of these people and sick BECAUSE OF these people. What are they on about now? They got everything they wanted and now hospitals are crashing. I don't give a flying fig what else they are whining about. Sit down.

Why don't you turn your energy and reporting on how the CONs across the country at both the provincial and federal level were involved in the convoy instead of harping on about if the EA was needed. Remember the majority of Canadians were against the convoy and wanted it to end.

Did he “need” it? He had no right to interfere in the first place!!! It was lawful and their right! 'Section 2(c) - Freedom of peaceful assembly - Provision 2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: c. freedom of peaceful assembly;' The only unruly were law enforcement!

Place the blame where it belongs - on con premiers who did nothing and Ottawa police who did little, and on cop\ mps and mpps who supported convoy members.

It wasn't Justin but parliament. That's how we roll in a parliamentary democracy.

He needed it at all cost, anything illegal or not. It was showing how much people have not voted for him

He could have just listened to them, instead he insulted them. Trudeau mishandled that situation so terribly.

I support the Emergencies Act...100%

Lol the bouncy castles and old ladies needed to be trampled just because they don’t believe Trudeau pretty sad state of affairs for Canadians if they don’t stop him

Notice how this rag insinuated that the Emergencies Act that ENDED the redneck corn roast replete with vendors vandalism and intimidation across Canada was somehow “controversial”. Most Canadians were WAITING for this! Ontario: vote the next time.

100% needed, probably should’ve been enacted earlier TBH. 👍

A judge who has made 7 donations to the Liberal party a judge appointed by David Lamanetti. liberal_party corruption at its finest along with bought off media collusion. cdnpoli cdnmediafailed EmergenciesAct

This is not the Canada I knew that always stood for freedom and diversity. Trudeau has made a mockery of these deep core values that are essential for the health and wellness-being of humanity.

You spelled FREEDUMB wrong

Of course he did.

Trudeau; mascot of everything that is wrong with the world.He is at the forefront of encouraging every degenerate,radical, gimmicks of tokenism to attempts at creating a culture of politically correct absurdities. Inhale the stench of his hypocrisy & corruption

Yes. They did.

No he needs to govern his country. It's to late for him. Pierre for PM PierrePoilievre

Don’t worry, the Nazi party of Canada will crush them again.

IsisWise yes justin trudeau needed the EA, i am glad justin trudeau used the EA, i celebrated the day that justin trudeau used the EA, i would back justin trudeau from using the EA again if needed. IstandwithTrudeau 💯

Hey headline writers: it’s Prime Minister Trudeau. Show some respect. & yes he used the tools he needed to use to shut down a 3.9 billion $ illegal action. & Why are we not investigating/charging the Premiers who did nothing?

Nobody except the media and maybe the lawless thugs are even talking about it anymore. Most people believe if the Police did their jobs and prevented it from the start, none of this would have happened. I guarantee the Police wouldn't let me put a bouncy castle in the street.

1MikeMorris I Thank GOD everyday Trudeau beat Harper in 2015 (aka P.P.'s BOSS)

lots of trudeau supporters doing their mental gymnastics in the comments i see

It was needed,

arrestTrudeau arrestfreeland banWEF

1MikeMorris YES, it was necessary. As someone who lived beside their King Edward Ave blockade, I absolutely welcomed PMJT’s intervention. Our rights were being violated on a daily basis, the police failed us & Ontario’s Premiere failed us. Three weeks of harassment is more than enough.

I live in Ottawa, so please listen and listen closely. The premier did nothing. The Ottawa Police did nothing. Conservatives supported them, making it PMJT's challenge as he is responsible for Canada. If you were not living in Ottawa, you should not have an opinion, period

The shock and awe of a bouncy castle Lol The cops could have handled this easily without the drama

You forgot to mention this. LiberalDonor

All he needed to do was grow some balls , come out of hiding and address the concerns of the Canadian Citizens gathered in Ottawa, then act on those concerns.

Those who testify at the Commission must sign a confidentiality agreement that prevents them from repeating their testimony & presenting in future any already-presented evidence in any format. It is a tool to memory-hole the Emergencies Act & to prevent the truth from coming out.

When you have a PM that would not drop narcissist attitude and speak to people cause he is self serving. If the Liberal government believes a peaceful protest calls for the emergency act then show me another real emergency. Federal govt is a joke !

The freedumbers would still be terrorizing Canadians if Trudeau hadn't taken decisive action That's what real leaders do

Historic Overreach = Historical Shock Waves. Wasn't enough in my opinion. Justin created Class's of Canadians while openly endorsing, encouraging & enabling pressure & coercion while many Canadians turned a blind eye out of fear of Covid. You find out who you are when tested.

You talk the Iran protests while Trudeau goons trampled an elderly woman with a walker? They could have killed her while they laughed about it

I cannot wait until the Toronto Star bullshit burns to the ground

Short answer: YES HE DID.

I really don’t care what the inquest finds, what the judge says or what anyone thinks. The only issue with enacting the EA was the time they took in deciding to use it … way too long! The occupation should have been broken up on day 3. Fact: Peaceful people go home.

The boy who would be Dictator!! Canadians were lied to and duped into epic government over reach because Trudeau and Frieland would not talk to Canadian Truckers.

Wellington St was legal to block in protest so no. He was just a heavily backed coward.

By the way what happened to the gofundme money?where did it go? That was illegal too! Canadians live in communist country? You can’t donate your money to whom ever you want, according to Trudeau that’s illegal? He’s such a crock!

No he didn’t!

Look at all the lying Liberals on here, making up lies because they know their blackface tyrant hero illegally froze Canadians bank accounts and illegally broke up protests using gun point, including horse stomping an indigenous grandmother.

Yes this is not America, we protect our capital

Grow a pair! Trudeau had to do it because it was not a protest it was an occupation! 😡

He should've went further, every one of those domestic terrorists belong in jail

Is the Star still in business?

I'm on the side of the grassroots worker strikers led by truckers.

if we consider the media and the second largest political party (the official opposition) seemed to be in support of the convoy, it was a coup attempt with some pretty heavy backing, that had no interest in it stopping, and were still attempting to give it credibility?

Simplicity will get lost in a baffle of bullshit. The world is complex. Emergency Act was a gross misuse for a rude block party. It was petulant. Free to protest. I need not agree with the protest. Everyone MUST protect this freedom for it to be called a free society. cdnpoli

Aqualyra 🥱 Here's a thought...🤔 Rather than continue to manufacture sensational and misleading headlines...🤫 Why don't you try reporting on the actual findings of the hearing...🫢

I don’t care , it worked, the convoy left ( eventually ) , who got their feelings hurt ? A few proud boys and minimaga wannabes. Feel free to do it again Mr. Prime Minister

No, but he had the impossible task of listening to their needs.

I remember the G-20 riots in Toronto. Remember how hard and fast the cops came down then? These ****ing wimps got it easy.

I have yet to see the repealing of the emergency act Has it been canceled? No one replies

Just another clown show for clowns

Basically, we shall learn if our justice system is bought and paid for or if there's still hope.

The Freedom Convoy were calling for the execution of the duly elected prime minister. There were nooses in truck windows and placards. Canada believes in peaceful transition of power. It was an aggressive/ hostile mob of people no matter the subterfuge of bouncy castles/hot tubs.


Toronto star ”news”

Of course he didn’t. It was a power grab.

If Trudeau answered questions like in the WE scandel he's in a lot of trouble he deserves to be in jail

Is said Judge in Prime Minister Shitwater's pocket? Nothing will come of it.

Yes. But Not surprised The Star, whose president is an anti-vaxxer, Trumper, would write an article like this

Unwarranted abuse of power

ARE YOU SERIOUSLY KIDDING ME ? How about having your 'investigate journalists' try GRILLING fordnation s ss about this!! 🤬🤬🤬 Oh but dear Premier was too f.c.king busy snowmobiling at his cottage! Hey that might be a BIG story! CdnMediaFailed TRUTHMATTERS

North Korea-like Propaganda is all you spew.🖕

Can we just agree that the progressive establishment in this country got really embarrassed about the unprecedented support the Convoy enjoyed? They will never admit how bad their COVID measures actually were. Let's just all go home. Progressives screwed up, now let's move on

With fordnation lightly wagging his finger at them publicly while patting them on the back, and abrogating his provincial jurisdiction, YES! Necessary!

Oh, and it's not an independent inquiry either. It was put in place by the Privy Council, the president of which is Bill Blair, one of the Ministers being investigated. It is NOT impartial. It's a joke.

He didn't have to invoke the Emergencies Act. It clearly did NOT meet the criteria & was NOT invoked correctly. Only Trudeau & 4 members of his cabinet authorized it. Border blockades were already over. It was a massive power trip on Canadians who disagreed with the Government.

Of course not! He just loves the control, very woke, hideous individual, & I cannot wait until Pierre crucifies him in the general election.

The lack of intelligence from star readers is shocking. Is it really shocking? The ? is about the EA. Of course the convoy should have been removed. 3 weeks is more than enough. But why the EA? Why something so severe? We have had protests for 199 years and never needed it before

Obviously not. If so, they could explain better how the Ontario Emergency powers (successfully used on the Ambassador Bridge) were insufficient.

Yes. Totally necessary. Late, but necessary.

The shock wave? It's more about what caused the storm. Justin refused to listen as Industry wanted mandates reviewed as the world was opening up its borders and reviewing mandates. When wanting honest open debate, Justin stormed out of the house and went into hiding. Cuz covid


No. Since it was neither an occupation or a blockade. Plus it was incredibly peaceful.

It was so unpopular by Canadians he had to have German speaking police/military do his dirty work.

Ask the people who live in Ottawa and suffered through it

I know there's an automatic public inquiry triggered when the Emergency Act is called but do we really need 6 WEEKS of inquiry for something that was in effect for 9 DAYS? What's this going to cost the Canadian taxpayer? Who's getting paid for this inquiry? Waste of time & money.

The inquiry starts this week. I am going to love watching the supporters try to spin the evidence of how corrupt it was. I hope a lot of Canadians watch it closely.

Yes, they were causing a riot!

Beating a dead horse still? 🙄. It saved a city that was under siege. Yes it was needed, those domestic terrorists needed a kick in the ass. So stop, just stop constantly asking the same question, move on to your next click bait please.

The reality is that Ford and Kenney asked Trudeau for help, as did thousands of residents in Ottawa and Toronto. When foreign donations are pouring in to Western separatists to cause problems for the rest of the country, it needs to be shut down immediately. Totally justified.

It blows my mind that people can still support Trudeau, its incredible

The bank accounts of law-abiding canadians were frozen. Trudeau was already high off those authoritarian covid powers, he just kept wanting more

….meanwhile a lone wolf of the far-right is roasting Russian marshmallows over an open fire while listening to a Jordan Peterson podcast, waiting for word from fellow comrades on when “day zero” begins. 🇷🇺 TrudeauMustGo

You love the hateful chaos and continue to promote these conservative hateful goons..shame on you

Gross abuse of power by liberals!!!

Just think about it !! Emergency act used by a government against peaceful freedom demonstration! In Canada!!

Nope, he just needed to be a man, and pick his balls up off the ground, and go have a conversation with the people! He wouldn't even have a conversation. TrudeauHasToGo TrumpCrimeFamily TrudeauDestroyingCanada TrudeauworstPMever NotMyPrimeMinister

Absolutely it was necessary as that was not about Freedoms, it was about trying to overthrow the Government. Not to mention all the illegal activity going on and that annoying honking. It was illegal and an embarrassment.

No. They didn’t need it. I was there. Everyone was peaceful

YES!HE DID! Well done, Prime Minister!

he’s gonna use PayPal , I heard 🤣


No they could of stopped it with the resources they had. Police seemed to be to told to hold back and they allowed it to get that bad.

Jail Trudeau..

Guess your softcore porn centerfolds aren't moving papers so you're just going for desperate titles now

Is Canada a robust representative democracy OR a fascist State disguised as a one? Do we have elected officials speaking for their communities OR rulers who insist (w force) we do their bidding? For last 2+ years (or longer) it has been the latter... Feel free to PROVE me wrong..

If I lived in Ottawa

Totally! Put an end to this nonsense! American inspired garbage!

If they surge Ottawa again I have no problems with Trudeau using the Emergency Act. Got them out of town with barely a whimper, US take heed.

They are gone. I don’t care .

Eight months, is that in dog years? Media: Exaggeration totally intending to deceive!

It shouldn't have been nessecary but the Ottawa mayor, police, and Ford refused to act. The federal government should have tried other political pressures to force them to do something. The EA was a lazy choice in my opinion but potentially justified. The investigation will see

Oh cool, so we're going to continue giving the Nazis a platform to talk. Great work everyone, love it when we keep letting the 'Freedom' Fascists keep talking

Traitor trudeau

Good thing marcomendicino lied in the HOC or there wouldn’t have been and emergency act.

I’m just so happy that the cons are ahead of the libs finally we can get some adults in that know what they are doing. Times up for black face.

We the majority where for it. Your pieces of merda from Alberta don’t like if? Leave. We don’t care. It’s not like your important like Quebec.

Yes he did


These politicians tried to create a coup d’état by having their followers remove a duly elected government.They damaged the Canadian economy by BILLIONS.All of them should be held responsible and removed from office and charged under the CriminalCode of Canada. FreedomConvoy2022

It was absolutely the right thing to do. Doug Ford, the OPP and Ottawa Police, ALL dropped the ball. Whether on purpose or through incompetence, I can't say.

Maybe he should have stayed home, shut the door & let the protest be a free for all. 2 choices - do nothing - do something.


Considering the city of Ottawa was held hostage, their police force was complicit, and Doug Ford was snowmobiling at the cottage, I'd say yes. That doesn't include the impending shootout at Coutts and the billions lost at the Ambassador Bridge.


The question is not whether it was “needed” The questions are: 1. was it lawful, 2. was it appropriately administered, and 3. was it effective Yes to all three Go away

SO SCARY 😳😳😳😳 NOT THE HOCKEY!! TrudeauMustGo

Sooooooooo scary 😳🤣 So needed the EA 🙄🤣 TrudeauMustGo

The FreedomConvoy United TrueNorth Strong and Free Canadians against the TrudeauDictatorship... TrudeauTheTyrant, Go HonkHonk yourself!

The hyperbole from Toronto Star “journalists” is just embarrassing… The only people that think the Convoy “shockwaves” are continuing to crash through Canada are narcissistic liberals that think everyone HAS to agree with them.

They will find it justified, a lot of dirt will probably come out about Conservative party members supporting the illegal blockade and seditionists, and Pierre will see his chance of forming government plummet.

The hearings are a political gong show. Trudeau was happy to go after freedom-loving Canadians. This clown show hearing won’t expose the truth about that.

At least we now definitively know where Trudeau stands on freedom protests, and why he won’t classify Iran’s regime as a terrorist organization. And why he admires china’s “basic dictatorship.” It’s all adding up.

On Thursday, long-anticipated — and delayed — public hearings are set to begin for the independent judicial inquiry tasked with probing what happened during those weeks last winter.

When the Ottawa police did not follow the Parliament’s security direction “ to shut it down” that alone was good reason to call for the “Emergencies Act” . I saw first hand how trucker convoy terrified elementary kids . They were frightened for weeks.

He premeditated the illegal use of the act, threatened compliant Singh with an election, coordinated his entire cabinet to lie repeatedly about it and he did it all for the political purposes of demonizing Canadians.

If you were an honest media, the story would be about a Prime Minister trampling a peaceful protest, seizing bank accounts and assets, and taking political prisoners. But instead you blame peaceful protesters with genuine concerns. You are the enemy of the people.

There’s finally been an awakening of the more or less silent majority and it terrifies the agents in charge of maintaining the status quo. We see that panic manifest every day

CSIS Toronto Office is at 277 Front. St. West. Google “CSIS 277 Front” to confirm.

There's no question: it's quite clear that he didn't, that he and his team seriously vandalized our legal system to avoid political embarrassment. The only question is whether the obvious answer will be whitewashed, and whether the obvious need for consequences will be ignored.

Absolutely needed EA. Thanks to our PM.

Our PM is the ONLY ONE that did anything! Thank goodness for him!

He didn't even the senate said he failed to prove he needed it

An Appointed Liberal Judge....TrudeauShouldBeInJail

Yes it was necessary. The Convoy Party of Canada was angry they lost another election and were holding the citizens of Ottawa hostage and stalling our economy for political gain. The Conservatives cost Canada $3.4 billion. Thug Republican wannabes.

Did Coservatives FreeDumb need to try and overthrow our government and threaten our PMs life? Did they have to terrorize citizens? PM did the right thing protecting citizens.

It did the trick, got rid of the stupid convoy & peacefully. Canadians support what Trudeau did so why waste money going back & rehashing if it was the right decision. Waste of time & taxpayers money.

Of course he did. Too bad it took so long to get around to it. The real emergency in Canada, especially Vancouver, is that the law is basically 'Catch and Release.' Lawbreakers know they'll get away with virtually anything.

TrudeauMustGo TrudeauMustGo TrudeauDestroyingCanada DefundTorontoStar

everyone paying attention to the mess that went on encouraged, supported, and paid for by conservatives, believes that not only was the EA critically needed, it might have come a bit earlier. PierrePoilievre this shameful period in our history sits squarely on your shoulders

Ask people who live in Ottawa please.

The right wing media doesn't want us talking about MGTOW? How about this headline - PP actively tries to hurt women by courting incels. No? Not the conversation you want us to have?

I've been to a few protests in Ottawa over the years, and police full riot gear were already in place before they started. Cops used dogs, horses, tear gas, snipers on the roofs - all on day one. The question is why did they treat these guys with kids gloves for so long?

A judge will say the act was unnecessary and the liberals will still defend it and say it was. That’s what liberals do, they only trust the experts and listen to the facts they want to and get mad at other people when they actually listen to ALL the facts.

The answer is right here...

Well, the local Ottawa police weren’t doing their job. What were the other options? The federal government was the targeted, and the federal government cleared it up.

Nothing like a trucker in his swim suit knocking back beer in hot tub on parliament hill. That's as free as it gets. Unlike $65 million spent on the priminster's guest cabin at now permanent residence of your truly, Trudeau.

Ottawa Council and Ontario Parliament could not do it .... they turned to Ottawa for an answer to the problem. cdnpoli

Hopefully the judge will take into account the fact that fordnation's EA wasn't enforced by the OntarioPCParty, the OPP, WindsorPolice or OttawaPolice!

My question is: can we trust the judge? I’ve lost so much faith in the judicial system and Trudeau has his hands in everyone’s pockets.

If the provincial premiers had done their jobs the PM may not have had to step in and save the situation.

Simple answer YES

It was a political circus with no winners and taxpayers just paying for it again.

'Crush them, they are not Canadians and they are unvaccinated!' The unvaxed Canadians...


Ottawa Police were in cahoots with the Occupiers! City of Ottawa was missing in action except for a few councillors! Doug Ford decided Ottawa was not in Ontario! Without the Emergency Act things would have gotten ugly since residents were being forced to act on their own!

Can we instead investigate which politicians funded the convoy.

Had that been a leftwing protest, surer than shite, riflemen on rooftops an riot squads would have shut it down. The right in this country always gets off lightly and the government abused its power to test its solution for silencing protests in general. Fucktheclownconvoy

Lol no, no he did not.

He could have tried to get the Ottawa Police to do their fucking jobs I guess?

The answer is no, and anybody with a functioning brain can figure that out.

PMJT has the support of Canadians on this. 3 police forces/ 3 levels of gov’t/ the Premier and the Mayor - all failed the citizens of Ottawa. The EA was 100% necessary to get the Terrorists off the streets. PP will never be PM. PMJT🇨🇦2025 NeverVoteConservative

Yes, absolutely. I'm glad our PM took action. It worked too!!

TrudeauMustGo needed it for his vindictive ego. RCMP didn't ask for it.

Completely uncalled for use of emergency act People were protesting due to all the stupid and unnecessary restrictions If Justin just lifted the restrictions they would have left

I'm a lifelong Conservative voter and I voted for Trudeau in 2021 because my party wasn't tough enough on the flat earth anti-vaxxers. And I absolutely will not vote for the vaccine misinformation enabler Poilievre.

Of course it was necessary. Canada-hating thugs were allowed to take over our capital, by sedition-supporting local cops. They were egged-on and supported by Opposition members. Trudeau was absolutely correct. EmergenciesAct IStandWithCanada

Given how politicians and police lost sight of impartial decision making- I say yes

The Emergencies Act let the riot cops move in more quickly and take down the troublemakers. I watched it live on TV and loved it. White supremacist Pat King and fake Metis Tamara Lich each deserve to get 5 years of hard time in overcrowded prisons.

Oh for fu*ks sake!!!

I think yes, he did... now, my itchy question: Did Poilievre really need to meet and greet the convoy rioters?... I am not a diehard fan of Justin's, and as an Iranian I don't agree with his soft approach towards mullahs in my beloved homeland.

The answer is YES - no judge required

Did the Federal government need to use the EA to stop the anti-democracy extremists? YES!

NO! He needed to grow a pair and not hide out when the peaceful protest started. He needed to speak with the protesters as he did with the railroad protesters. He needed to LEAD THE COUNTRY like a GROWN MAN.

Did the leader of the opposition need to embed women hating hashtags into his YouTube videos for the past 5 yrs? Why aren’t you reporting on this?!?!? CdnMediaFailed

No, the Freedumbers should have stayed in ottawa all summer and honk all night

If the court case is sponsored by Pfizer, we already know the results will support global WEF communism.

🇨🇦 92% of Canadians indicate No. 🔗

Counter-protests would have been more effective. Look at Billings Bridge. But of course politicians and police would have and were harder on counter protestors than the Convoy.

Ask the poor citizens of Ottawa that had to live and work within the so called 'freedom convoy' and about their PTSD from those experiences.

I'm sure he will either come down with covid or have gmbutts write his non answers for him.

Trudeau absolutely mishandled covid from day 1. From not closing, quarantine ppl properly on entry of Canada, to the delay of vax... Don't forget talking down to Canadians and creating hate, and of course the protest.

Yes. Those blowup minon castles were too much to handle. He had to hide in his safe place.

Not a question of ‘did he need’…that phrasing tries to protect him, as expected from a 100% partisan Star. The question is did he meet the criteria prescribed by the act…he did not, he knew he did not, and he deliberately proceeded anyway and then lied repeatedly about it.

It was the biggest flex of his life and he probably retells the story to Ger everytime he is high af. 🤣

No he did not. But, like father like son.

No & boycott Toronto star, they're propagandists

Clearly yes..

The real emergency was the Blue Jays blowing an 8-1 lead.

NO! This is taking way too long btw.

Yes he did

Absolutely necessary

No. Trudeau should be in jail. TrudeauMustGo

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