Jerome Corsi sues Mueller, Justice, CIA, FBI, NSA for $350 million

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Jerome Corsi has filed a lawsuit accusing Mueller of blackmailing him to lie about President Trump in the investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election.


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Good for you mr Corsica. No one else has the guts to stand up to mueller

😅😂try to suck up realDonaldTrump for pardon. Jerome

Yes and he thinks the sky is falling. What a fool

So is he saying that he lied to a federal investigator, that's sort of illegal isn't it?

I wonder how much Trump offered to pay him


He even poses like a big time Liar ready to denounce the known Truth.

I am sure Tump put him up to it...just another Trump puppet

Corsi better hope there are no tapes of his interviews.

hardball Who would believe anything he says

Good luck

Lol! 😂🤣😂🤣😂🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽

Lets play a game of ‘who do you think we are going to believe’

Oh Corsi, Go back to the bed you looked like you crawled out of. Mueller asking you questions & expecting truthful answers is NOT against the law.

The closer he gets, the more these people involved start trying to distract the simple minded who only get their news from a quick social media glance.

Offering you a plea deal to testify all of a sudden in this admin means they are telling you to lie? Shut down all the law schools and throw away law degrees because Trump & his supporters have now redefined law to mean lies are truth and truth R lies

They are willing to go down in flames for Trump.

The conspiracist is at it again-making up stuff to get out of jail-


Corsi is a liar.

Dude is in 💩 hip deep and soon to be over his headin 💩💩

Ooh! Can't wait for the discovery on this one

'right wing conspiracy theorist/propagandist Jerome Corsi gets horrible legal advice'


Maybe he could be chief of staff?

Good luck. Another lier caught in the act. The house of cards is crumbling

Buy Corsi. Better get that pine box out because you won't have enough money to bury yourself in a pile of pigsh*t now.


Yeah right. I believe everything this guy says...

You can sue anybody for anything...


Is there a sleazier grease ball in America than Jerome Corsi?

He looks like a frog🤔

Another fool who’s going to jail. Good luck with your frivolous suit. It won’t see the light of day JeromeCorsi

The Radio guy need Diaper

Laughable 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣deflection is not gonna work this time, Mr. Trump things are getting serious 😂😂😂

Old people

Sue him for not telling the truth!

Bwahahahahaha 😂😂😂😂 Blackmailed him? Bwahahahaha snerk cough Excuse me, please. His comment is so ridiculous. 😂😂😂😂😉

It must be absolutely frustrating for Mueller to conduct interviews with delusional nut jobs like Corsi. He hasn’t dealt with reality forever

Some rich old Ugly blobs will try anything to impede this investigation. What's he really got on you blimpy?


Good luck with that.


Who’s paying it?

This fat DC old man is too sad! Believes his own lies. Needs to be fitted, along with pal, Stone with orange jump suit and a straight jacket!


I hope he exposes Mueller for the fraud he has become. Entrapment is still a crime in this country. If they capped is spending he would have been forced to focus on collusion and would have concluded his investigation months ago. Unlimited power and money makes him a dictator


😄you are a sad sad excuse of a so call man

That guy is going to end up in prison with Manafort and Cohen

OFFS ( Oh for F:&! Sake)


Pure desperation.


Did he try to name the CONSTITUTION also?

Good plan muffin man.


He’s crazy

Ugh. That is pure evil. This is what these people are. EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM. These sub-humans don't have a shred of decency or shame. They are a termite infestation that is threatening to crumble the foundations. Garbage. Just vile.

Trying to muddy the waters, deflect focus from what's really happening with Mueller. Follow the money, look for a payoff from Stone. Or from Trump through Stone. Payment to file the lawsuit in an attempt to discredit Mueller & the investigation. It's quite pathetic.

That is a joke. They simply stated what kind of negative repercussions he might face for lying. That is not blackmail. That’s the facts. Pick better associates next time and uou will not have to go to jail for covering up for them.


This will be dismissed with prejudice

Finally!! Someone with the 🏀🏀to tell the truth about what Mueller is doing!! CorruptMueller

hardball This guy is nuts!

Time for the overblown windbag, jerome_corsi , to disappear into wind with his ridiculous bullshit! Like Trump, he is trying to deflect attention away from himself!

I mean who’s gonna believe a lier like this? It’s embarrassing

What a joke

What a nut job

You’re kidding right? This is a joke

Lock him up


But Corsi told us that he was ready to spend the rest of his life in jail for Trump.

Of Corsi you'll lose.

You keep repeating yourself fake news . Lots of good news to report if fake news could get its head out if it’s butt

Dude shut up. You’re the one whose lied been bribed and now has to live with it.



He obviously has more money than brains to file such a laughable suit. Who is his attorney? Rudy Giuliani? Only he would be so dumb to advise this stupid waste of courts' time!

Does Jerome realize that he has to testify under oath when he files a lawsuit?

hardball Blackmailing ? Whats Corsi hidding ?

Whoo boy! Interesting how this pops up now that Trump has been directly linked to criminal activity?!

😂😂😂 what a joke.

Boom!!! MAGA

So your a self confessed liar suing because you say other people lied to you. Hmmmm.....

Oh im sure that'll work out for you.

hardball Would you settle right now for $35

God when will this 💩 be over

So glad I wan't taking a drink when I read this. Below would have happened. The man is bat shit crazy!

conspiracy freak files frivolous lawsuit go figure

That’s why he where is the tire you know so one of these chickens can rest on it. Otherwise it might drop down to his belly.

Distraction and possibly Paid demonstrator?

He looks familiar isn’t he one of the three Chins family?

Lying should be no problem for you Jerome, after all, it was you who was behind the whopper about birtherism. Better not spend a pile on the suit, you will need it for your defense. The smoke and mirrors just won't work with Mueller, you will need facts of undoubted truth. !!!!

Discovery should be fun.

What does Trump have on you? Watch where you pledge your loyalty

Typical trump people logic and attitude! I have a news for ya buddy, crime doesn’t pay!

He’s stalling and wasting his own time and money from going to jail 👋🏽


He's flirting with a very long prison sentence!

Boy, tRump will pay anyone to do anything to make himself look better.

Who would even take this case?

hardball Speak of your frivolous law suits. Wow.

OH, Jerome

What a joke.

About the only lying being done is by Trump. Isn’t Mr. Corsi one of the far rights conspiracy mongers?

Good luck with that. You may get caught up in your on lies.



hardball So even if it is not true, this adds fuel to the fire stoked by the president about a witch hunt

Mr Corsi, Mueller is a Boy Scout and everyone knows it

Good luck with that, just throwing shit trying to see where it sticks😏

Good for you Corsi

Good luck with that!

JeromeCorsi 😂😂😂😂

that man is mental and because of his ideological delusions he lies then lies following his lies --this whole group show the terror they can engender by their mental incapacity to deal with fact and reality- NO U BAFOON THE TRUTH WAS SOUGHT and you chose to lie


A page from Mr. Trump’s playbook. When they are closing in, sue.

This guy... geez

Discovery baby!

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 And I’m not expert in the field of law, but “common sense” reigns within me!! 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣



HA HA. Maybe he can Rudy G. and Cohen to represent him.

LindaOt45535156 Porky is telling porkies

350 million why not 350 beelion.... still getting zero

Desperate times. Desperate measures. I’m so ready for this to be over. When when when. Arrest them all.

hardball Corsi is an idiot!! He’s the one that should be locked up!!

This is so weak and childish but what can we expect from liars like Trump administration. Notice how whenever Trump gets caught he starts accusations about President Obama and Hillary. That's getting old.

He is going to get laughed out of court.

Good luck with that Jerome

So Trumpian! Rich guys just sue and have enough money to keep it in the courts for a long time, isn’t this what Trump does. Still waiting for Trump to sue the accusing ladies.

Hahahahaha LOSER!!!

hardball Another of “Baby 1’s,” lyin’ buddies!

Bet the Trump Cartel put him up to this along with Sean Hannity I can see Corsi not getting a deal and serving time after this stunt and he deserves it LOCK HIM UP


Listen America old habits die hard. Trump has been Crooked his hold life just like his dad an grandfather an great grandfather. Trump has Defrauded Banks since his existence. Why u think no one would do business with trump. Follow the money. Tax returns tell it all. GUILTY

KeitaKay It's amazing some of these guys can sit with the huge balls they're carrying around. Wow. 😄


So, a guy whose whole life is based on fabrications and lies, sues someone for forcing him to tell lies about someone else? Will Corsi file a lawsuit on himself?

Awesome!!!!! That means discovery into Trump's practices to determine whether Corsi was asked to lie. This is great news and it shows just how dumb they are.

Boy, they are really reaching. No one has to lie about trump, he does that all by himself.

Wildest conspiracy theory yet!


Is it me or does this fool look like he could be Mitch McConnell’s brother?

Corsi should know a lie when he sees it...but can't help telling more!!

hardball Someone take Jabba outside and teach him a lesson.

Oh boy!!

Good luck with that Dude Corsi!!

Jabba The Putz...

Sounds about right, the Left will make him disappear

Good it's about time to go after this nut

In California it is a crime to charge a person with a crime when the charging person knows that there was no crime.

Let me guess, pro se.

After they wouldn't give him a plea deal for his LYING, he said he refused a plea deal. Bringing frivolous lawsuits is something the courts look down on and backfire on this crook.

hardball Lololololololol. This is actually funny. This guy should go to jail.

This is unreal! He and his attorney(s) are stone cold crazy !

Laugh out loud this guy is a joke of course he's with the Trump clown show the circus has got to end Robert Mueller lock them up lock them up lock them all up

Mueller and his group of zealots should be charged for their unethical behaviour! Entrapping Trump people and then accusing them of lying about things that were not a crime! You would expect this from Russia, China, North Korea but not the US! Mueller needs to be FIRED!


They all really need a professional psychiatrist. And should be either in jail, or mental institution, not ruining the country.

You are a rich troll!

Corsi is making that up.

Here’s my psychic prediction. Court throws this out.

Hay dud good luck with that.

He’s making me feel as if he’s STUPID !!!


Big deal. These guys sue everyone over everything. 🤨 Need2Impeach

Good luck with that!

Who is this clown


The desperation as the walls close in. Luv it!

I call BS

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Your interview with Ari Melber showed what you are corsi, simply one more member of the TRAITOR trump, LYING two bit thug brigade. PSHAW.🧹⚖️🧹

Yeah. I’ll bet that’s going to go well. 🙄

I would not believe a word this idiot says. I guess his exposure is down and this is good publicity.


Where does he get his money to sue the government? He's the one that leaked his paperwork! Weird! Is this guy for real?

I think that's part of a conspiracy theorist work, to do false legal requests. He will go nowhere, only for entertainment. They don't accept that Trump wasn't elected by the popular vote, that's was won by Hillary.

Last gasp of a traitor caught. Freak Corsi.

That's all Mueller has done in his political hit job masquerading as a probe. He has indicted several people for completely unrelated offenses from the President OR Russian collusion with the only purpose of blackmailing them for accusations on Trump and failed ridiculously.

Jan4USA Good! Anyone else innocent and part of the witch hunt should do the same thing.

Desperate people body makes you say anything unless you have no balls...

EnemyOfThePeople 17 Angry TheDemocrats

hardball Wasn't Corsi the godfather of the birther movement, and also didn't he also push the idea that 9/11 was an inside job? If I am mistaken about the latter claim, I will respectfully stand corrected.

Wow. Blackmailing?!! Let's see how far that goes.

Interesting how, in order to avoid committing perjury, Corsi is calling the truth a lie, since actually lying is what he’d have to do to deny connections to Wikileaks and Stone.

This from a man with absolutely zero credibility.

Two words..... SLIME BALL!

I wonder what he's using as evidence. Just his word is worthless. He's a waste of time.

Good luck with that


“It’s not a lie. It’s my interpretation of the truth” KellyannePolls needs to leave her husband for jeromecorsi - they’re a match made in AlternativeFacts heaven!

Just what Trumpers want to hear so they can say it’s a witch hunt. Poor Donny is being picked on

Well he had to have something to blackmail u with.

Corsi just wants to make a buck$$$.

hardball Why I don't believed this Corsi guy

Corsi isn’t an idiot as all will find out , he has been in the arena a long time .

He may have to do it from prison!

Waste of time move


Holy nutcase batman!

TeamTrump GOP I'm glade Corsi is fighting back against Crooked Mueller. Real sickening that no1 in TheJusticeDept or FBI have any justice fairness. They're all kicking back allowing a FedGov Official beat down on a citizen. We're on our on folks Gov ain't got our backs😡👎


😂 Seriously?

Good! It's an obvious abuse of power by the prosecutors


Not so brave anymore is he

These corrupt people will stoop to every level! Despicable!




He's a well known liar and fabricator. This is no different.

AndruewJamess Wonder what Corsi is trying so hard to hide. Another entitled individual that thinks that he's above the law. A conservative conspiracy theorist, sure someone is watching him all the time & the grand jury is in Mueller's pocket. Get his tin foil hat.

Good luck with all that.

This is all a game to him to try and discredit Mueller and our democracy. The insanity must stop!!!

Good luck, sweetie...

Omg good luck with that one

Tripling down!

His 5 minutes are up.

Now the fun starts, Mueller's witch hunt coming to a stop...his unlawful tactics uncovered.

Did he just on himself up to Discvery

O M G‼️this shit show of people in the White House and their friends can't be gone quick enough for me

Reading these comments I had to make sure the article wasn't about Trump. Now all of a sudden it's a waste of time...smh. hypocrites.

Wonder who is funding his legal team!

A complete and total loser. He doesn’t have a chance with this false lawsuit.


Is it just me, or is there a resemblance?

It will get thown out.

His lawyer must be so dumb.


hardball Your a joke old man!

Where the left outraged about Law Enforcement over reaching its boundaries. Like the Border patrol over reaching and destroying lives. Mueller over reaching? If a Democrat were in Trumps shoes they would be outraged by the DOJ.

hardball Let the bullshit begin or continue...

Hopefully he will be required to pay all attorney fees for this frivolous lawsuit!


Ha!!! He’s running scared

As ridiculous as his attempts at conspiring to lie about Justice JeromeCorsi will go down in the history as an amoral individual whose purpose is to spread lies and line his pockets by making up conspiracy. Get real Corsi we are on to you

Oh no Democratic Mueller will do anything to keep the coverup and corruption so it never reaches the Obama/Clinton Administration. Wrap it up Mueller !

This corruption has gone on for to long

When they here the cell doors slam then the sinning will accrue.



Only $350 million? Sure you don't wanna try for ONE BILLION DOLLARS, Jerome?

Hope that the media doesn’t spend an inordinate time on this!


Take your meds Jerome.

Mr Corsi thinks that hiding behind a law suit will protect him from facing the consequences of his actions. The truth will prevail !!

A good joke for the judge in charge of the case 😂

Winning case, for sure...

Clearly he’ll be the next chief of staff


I am thinking Mueller or the FBI has some type of immunity. Does anyone actually know?

These ppl just get better and better. 😩😩😩🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Good Lordy!! These corrupt individuals will do anything ~ my bet is with Mueller, pretty sure a conspirator doesn’t have a leg to stand on~ made him lie, right!! pathetic LockHimUp

Is this the one where he got the acronyms mixed up, instead of FISA, he used FSIA?

What a clown

This guy needs to get another hobby and maybe use his money for good charitable things.

hardball He’s nuts

Crooks will be crooked.

Oh pls!

LyndaZ Lotsa luck with that. Is your lawyer pro-bono?

Shouldn't there be a law which fines the 'losers' hefty court fees when they file obnoxious & obviously frivolous lawsuits? Corsi would be a good start...

Nice try, you're still going to jail.

Frivolous & w/o merit

Liars lie as naturally as they breathe, blackmailed to lie? Ha! He had two options, tell the truth or don’t and as usual, he made the wrong choice.

JeromeCorsi 'This is collusion illusion' chirps Geraldo Rivera/Jerome and Fox & Friends stay blind to fraud and collusion/Trump-Corsi lies are louder than facts as Trump dons his sparkling tiara/With myriad of stars twinkling deceit and delusion

Lordy, these traitors will concoct any story!!

Don’t cry for him. His continue “theories” and innuendoes finally caught him in his own bad behavior. Go Muller

Haha. Good luck pal....

Now that’s a good one..🤣😂

You lied by choice! You made that decision to take that step to not tell the truth! Just like Trump, pass the buck for your actions on someone else! They made me do it? No YOU DID IT!!!

Corsi needs to take a swift boat to federal prison

hardball Roger Stone crony

Desperate tines......

What a pompous a*. I wouldn’t believe one word Corsi says. He’s a ‘conspiracy theorist’ who’s nuts

Good luck with that

Never heard of Corsi before all of this, never heard he was a grand conspiracy guy when everyone was reporting he was going to flip on Trump. Now that hes suing Mueller he has became a nut job.. funny how that happens in anything Trump.

This guy is weird and deserves to go to jail


The cajones on these greedy corrupt criminals is beyond belief. What chutzpah

Corsi is someone who has lied his way thru life, no one has to blackmail him into lying, it is the truth that makes him uncomfortable.

Soo.. Clinton paid ex England intelligence agent for a fake Russian dossier and gave it to FBI. The FBI/democrats knew it was fake, presented it as real to the courts, obtain a surveillance authorization on an innocent US citizen, liberals say trump is the problem? WTF?

Corsi should team up with Jacob Wohl. He also had a story to tell about Muller. Oh wait, that story didn't quite pan out.

'Just when i think, you couldn't possibly be any dumber...'

I bet this gets sent somewhere like police.

Does he throw actual tantrums, too?

Smh all of these guys tried to cheat the American system, what we are seeing is the American justice system working. This will lead to more charges from the Mueller

Didn’t Corsi admit on the news that he “was guilty” and would “die in prison”?

This is a frivolous lawsuit and will be dismissed out of hand. How can the Special Investigator or the FBI imprison someone who has not been convicted of a crime? He, like individual 1, is delusional.

wow. this unreal. they do anything to stay Trump followers. Really, doesnt sound like someone can force you to lie. You have a choice.

How do I know this is a crock of crap! Don't you go to the police to report the crime of blackmail? He is cutting out the legal investigative part.


Lol. Just what we need, more frivolous lawsuits with no merit

P U B L I C I T Y = C O N T E N T M O N E Y

P U B L I C I T Y!

I'm sueing McDonald's for making my thighs thick.


Want the Mueller probe to end? It ain't over till the fat man sings!


It will be thrown out of court as soon as it hits the docket.

The ultimate conspiracy theory from the Master...

hardball Plea deals agreements (or offers) now blackmail? Where do these lesser life forms find these really terrible lawyers? Some of these attorneys aren't fit to wipe Mueller ' s boots.

He looks a lil backed up..too much Pâté.

Lock his LYING a** up!! Today if possible🤨

Giant Blowhard

🤦🏼‍♀️ He hasn’t learned a thing from watching Manafort and Mueller. He deserves what he gets. Good riddance to all of the frauds and grifters.

hardball Many of us believe that OUR Government is Corrupt! Comey's Continued Grandstanding following testimony, and For a former FBI Director to says He didn't know, Can't recall, and obvious Hate towards Trump- American's need this corruption exposed and people sent to Jail!

Well I’m not surprised. I support Mr Corsi. I believe this has been a railroad job from the bey

Oh please just lock this guy up. He has more stories than a library

C’mon MSNBC? Why give this crap air by even mentioning it? If other news outlets are getting poked for headlining bs you should too.


I wonder if they’ll find that “Smocking Gun”?


I’m sure Mueller and FBI are shaking in their boots.

Who didn't think something like this would happen somewhere along the line. Good luck, Mr. Corsi. I hope you have tapes as evidence. 🙄

hardball OMG!! Do these scumbags have no shame

Corsi is a sad excuse for a human being, even a Republican.

He’s going to jail and his stall tactics won’t work.

Liars always lie...


Any Idiot can File a Lawsuit. This Lawsuit has Cadet Bones Spurs Smell on it! As the Mueller Investigation gets Closer, they’re desperate and throwing all their last Munitions to Muddy the Main Focus of the Primary Case.45 Will not be there to Pardon!

This guy is a menace

hardball Con man

So awesome. Can’t wait til this too blows up in Corsi’s face.

What’s that dog , that snare at people when they are so tiny that no one even care? Was it chihuahua? Teacup Pomeranian ? 😂😂😂😂😂

How much do you want to bet Mueller has all these conversations recorded? He is going to embarrass himself

He doth protest too much. I hope Mueller counter sues.

Oh that’s going to work out

I hope when I’m 72, Is won’t be batshit crazy like Corsi.

Should be a minimum criteria for law suites. The wack job Corsi’s case is going to get pitched after lord knows how many continuances.


Another distraction

hardball And what lawyer would advise him to file such a ridiculous suit?

He must be an attention seeker at all costs like Trump is. Only Trumps' misguided base is going to believe Trump or Corsi over our Intelligence officers.

haha imagine that you actually go to prison for the felonies you commit

You KNOW THAT WAS a BAD idea. Discovery on BOTH ends Leads to more conviction

Good luck. I’m sure his lawyer loves him!


Clearly donald told him to do this. Like he told cohen to file his lawsuit about reporting of the dossier....

Blackmail. Trump associates thing.

O please !

Just what is expected from an alt right conspiracy peddler

Mueeler will do anything to get trump. Jerome corsi is a witness to mueelers police state tactics many others are too.

Good luck with that. One last blast of Cosi diaherria before he goes away. Proof?

This guy looks like all of the evil within is erupting through his skin! 🤮

Frivolous 🙄🔥

hardball This dude is out of his miserable 😩 mind

Corsi is suing because he knows he going to need lots of coin for the prison canteen, and to “pay off” his roommates to protect him while incarcerated.

hardball For gods sake , throw this toad under the jail.

realDonaldTrump KellyannePolls EricTrump

hardball Crazy old man.

Good luck with that!

Ummm he needs better attorneys: it’s called governmental immunity and gee mr. corsi what information did Mueller have on you to blackmail you with? He doesn’t need you to lie — he has your emails you silly old man.

It's going nowhere.

Dream on, Corsi

It's the GOP's version of Battle of the Bulge - on so many levels.

hardball And look who his attorney is.

This should end well🖕🏼😂🖕🏼

'legal coup d'etat seriously Patrick Moore lookalike! This is desperately far reaching. The legal acts of prosecuting criminal behavior such as yours and Trumps’ is no where near a sudden and decisive action resulting in change of government illegally or buy force.

Corsi just opened himself up for a “yuge” fall 🤪



So that is where DT was getting his distorted information.

Good for him. Expose the mueller fraud for what it is.

That should get a big laugh.

‘Lawsuit’ is a mighty generous word for what he filed.


If there are 4 really unhealthy places to use I think he has found them all


This guy should be going to jail in due process where he is trying to milk Mueller with his abusive legal background.

Not surprised seeing as he's completely delusional

😂 hahaha

Hahaha that is hilarious! This guy is a well known for being a pathological liar

Good luck w that, crazy conspiracy theories don’t work in court.

hardball 😂.. You cannot be blackmailed if you have not done something you should not have done ! What an idiot Jerome Corsi really is 😂



Wow! Nothing surprises me the lengths trump supporters will go thru to support captain poopiepants. And blind to his con that he tries dumping on others!

Lol.... he’s a liar being forced to admit he lied and he’s suing bc he’s a liar. In the upside down world 🗺 this works 🤷‍♀️

Mueller to jail?

Thank u, next.

hardball Isn't this the guy who played 'Wormtail' in Harry Potter movies?

Doesn’t he realize that all his interactions are highly documented?

He's a fool.

That won't end well for him.. and it sounds like a trump move..a double dumb move.

hardball Another conspiracy theory started by this inveterate liar, and this time involving himself. Everyone around/supporting Trump deserves long-term mental health care.

deposition time

🙄These crooks will stop at nothing to get away with crimes!


Nice try, old man

Really? Do you honestly think this move is going to muddy the water and save you, Mole Man? Just go to jail and deal with it. All you're doing is making yourself look like a total tool.

🤣🤣🤣 350 million sheeesh

Who’s his lawyer, Alex Jones? I have a standing order with family that I be “put down” before I get that senile.

Lol...Corsi and Stone should take their 2-man comedy team on the Abbott and Costello or Martin and Lewis or even Laurel and Hardy...(Definitely showing my age here) :)

Desperation move

Maybe there are tapes? 🤣

Oh give me a break...

How funny is it that Anyone would have to blackmail a Professional Liar to Lie.Did Trump blackmail Him for the Birther Lie?AATP

Hey can't throw snowballs at a roaring blaze, but you're welcome to try. Crookunt RussianAssets

Lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies

hardball Infowars type legal claim

conspiracy theorists are never responsible for their actions

Claims a conspiracy to get out of Conspiring?

Mueller way to smart for this BS. Send Corsi directly to jail no covete for him !

hardball This man is really going to jail for VonTrump.The republicans have finally found someone dumb enough to lies for them to try an stop this investigation. Wow. Wonder his price is. We know it’s not freedom.

I will be instructing my legal team of Daffy Duck and Woody Woodpecker to file suit in England against Jerome Corsi for being the true hand behind the Guy Fawkes Gunpowder plot.

Good luck sleeeeze bucket

Lol joke

yah, he looks like a honest guy 😂




hardball Like that will fly this guy is as delusional as Trump.

No one cares

This man must be a millionaire to sue so many people.

How did he get an attorney to file this for him? Judge should toss it and sanction his attorney.


What an ASS !

Go get him Corsi! Mueller needs to be reigned in!

Silly boy.

Surprised he didn't just sue the founding fathers for creating this pesky constitution thingy.

hardball Good luck with that!

hardball Glad somebody didn't fall for Muellers trap, and it's doing something about it

President Obama should sue Corsi for the birther conspiracy


Commissary weekly max spending is $60 I think.

Who is paying his legal fees?


Gunning for a few more minutes of fame until the smocking guns getcha.

Omg. The ridiculousness of it all has set a new low.

hardball Maybe he was the smocking gun 😄

hardball lmaoooooo

to be blackmailed there has to be something to be blackmailed about. Second as the SC he is empowered to offer plea deals based on alternatives, meaning it is not blackmail by definition. Corsi needs a real lawyer, not one of Trump's pretenders

Okay, just get ready, you fake news will take you straight to jail for the rest of your life

Bring this man stronger meds and a birth certificate.


Trumps is DESPERATE!!! HA!

Who cares. He's looking for publicity...don't give it to him.

Yea. Sure.

GET EM' jerome_corsi !!

It’ll be great. All the evidence against him will come out at the discovery phase. He has no idea what he just did.

Oh yeah...this is the conspiracy theorist.. Right. Carry on.

So, we now have criminals suing the people prosecuting them? 'How dare you use the RuleOfLaw against me!'? PreetBharara SallyQYates Comey tribelaw Kasparov63 tonyschwartz GeorgeLakoff brianstelter jaketapper maddow Lawrence RBReich MindGames

Piggy backer

From a self professed liar? That's rich lol.

Corsi...must be easy to pay $350 million when it's coming from Putin. Man the time.

Would you buy a used car from Corsi? Lies slide off his tongue in multiples.

Another cancer to waste our f**king time and money on

Where's the laugh button when you need one... 😂😂😂😂

Like his friend, the MORON of Donnie. Good luck with it

A conspiracy theory about a conspiracy theory relating to a conspiracy theory. Another version of 'The Gong Show.'



Someone Smack down this FatAss jelly fish Traitor. They all want to play Gangster until they get caught. Now hes crying talking about suing, please.

It's offensive that the paperwork, filings, whatever... that it will cause a court staffer to spend even 30 seconds of an otherwise busy day wasting time. THAT'S offensive, especially since the stock market has plunged again -500 points.

He wouldn’t make the accusation without evidence lol This investigation is a joke and should be ended ASAP.

Discovery shall be fun.

charlotteky Swampy

“He threatened to treat me like a criminal for my criminal actions! Very unfair.”

Corsi is one of the biggest liars on the planet.


Right before his jail time give him a mental health examination

Corsi...go directly to jail. Do not pass go, and do not collect 350mil.

Apparently Corsi doesn't realize that in filing suit, he opens himself open to discovery. Good times.


He should be deported back to his homeland .. Kenya

I can NOT wait for discovery........

Grasping at straws

This will get tossed. And Corsi should get dinged for bringing a frivolous lawsuit, to boot.

In order to be a victim of blackmail, don't you have to do something that is blackmail-able? So, he's essentially admitting he's done bad things, possibly illegal?

Bunch of BS from a man who is afraid of his upcoming sentence! Get ready buddy to house with those BIG BOYS!

I would how credible this Birther will end up being.

Dream on Corsi.

His lawyer will face sanctions

The ride of this clown car just never ends.

Just another ploy inspired by Nosferatu and Orangutan

The judge will throw this so far out of court, it will hit Miscow!

They live in an alternate world. Foolish

These guys are so effing arrogant and ignorant, they don't know who they are dealing with when it comes to Mueller. Mueller is going to bury them.

Good luck with collecting on it.What a joke of a 🤔

That’ll surely help, WHO? Another numb skull heard from!! I’m sure his interview can be caught, over there at the ole FULL OF SHI- (Fox) network!! NEXT!

LOL; SeemsLegit

Considering the source. . .what a crock. . .

I hope they throw the book at this guy from trying to sully an investigation by lying to the public. Nothing he has ever said has been based on facts or reality.

Corsi is Trump on a steroid. What if he loses the case, will he give that money?

That’s ridiculous! and I saw Corsi’s last interview...He told on himself!

well this is just about the stupidest thing I'll read all week.

lol good luck with that one

Good. One man stands up and says 'that's enough'.

Wow. A literal 'Fool' & 'His Money' situation.

Hahahahahaha. Corsi is fcked.

You mean bargaining a plea

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