Republicans defend Trump amid brewing legal storm

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On NBC News, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) played down the alleged campaign finance violations detailed by prosecutors. Meanwhile, Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) was cautious on the issue of impeachment.


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Try hard as they can, but trump is not going to get away with money laundering, kick from foreign governments.

...PLEASE repost! If CONGRESS continues obstructing, forcing the government to SHUT DOWN NOW, STOP THEIR PAY CHECKS IMMEDIATELY. Don't restored UNTIL they fund the government! (They NEVER suffer financially THEMSELVES when they pull this.) Only the lower people do!😠

Of course they are!

There's no legal storm brewing. It's all a fabricated bunch of bullshit by WAPO and others in the MSM who read and repeat the Democrat talking points (i.e. lies of the day) for a living.

Because there IS no legal storm. Trump2020

America is at the cross roads for selection of money and morals! The character of nation will be determined by what it values most! Excessive tendency for money preference is the root cause of fraud, favoritism and corruption!

They defended pedofile candidates so republicans gop have lost all credibility when it comes to defending crooks.

I have been wondering for a while why they defend. I realize they can convince him to give them what they are drooling for. Same with Christian's wanting their super conservative judges so they can tell women what to do while they say they want less Government.

I don’t understand why the Republican party isn’t standing up and saying enough is enough with Donald Trump’s behavior and all the crimes that he’s done it’s only going to hurt them in the long run they have no credibility as it is

o y'all find this surprising?well welcome to the real world 🤗

Republicans are not good Americans

Sound like someone told them I get you some Russian money

Republicans are stupid... they elect criminals ..think about this..Trump acted like he has always acted his whole life... cheats to win - lies and denies- and in the business world he got away with in the real world doesn’t work that way..and his family is involved too

Republicans have become rotten criminals.

2 years later and still GOP haven't learned...or perhaps continue to turn blind eyes to show appeasement to POTUS and save face ...for just a few more weeks before havoc descends(?)🤔

Though in no way admirable nor noble as the band on the Titanic, they provide entertaining interludes of depravity while the mighty Ship of State 45 begins the metallic sounds of cracking and stress, as the waves of Mueller pull it deeper under the sea of criminality and prison.

LOL ... You're gonna take another hit ...... Jeffy has to pay taxes ..... Watch out for yellow vests ... they do not like the cockroach media

Indefensible from foolish nitwits trying to protect their dear Lord and Master.

Once you, The Republicans, prostrated yourselves to a liar like trump it appears there is nothing else you won’t do just like the moneygrubbers you’ve yourselves out to. Remember always trump lies

If Trump goes down, they go with him

“... believes the Republican Party is a Party when in fact it’s a mindset. Like Hitler Youth, based on hatred—religious hatred, racial hatred. When you foreigners hear the word ‘conservative’ you think of kindly old men hunting foxes. They’re not. They’re fascists.” —Gore V

You meant to say repootlicans

GOP as cynical as ever. Amazing.


Why They are as corrupt as Trump! Wow!🙄🙄

...Still brewing.... ...Still brewing... ...Brewing still... ... Is it done, yet? ...Still brewing.

Of course. He has been unfairly treated, very one knows this and that is why anything out of Mueller investigation will be meaningless. Most of the investigators should be in jail or fired.

Due to how Hillary was let off, misuse FISA, DOJ, the minor infractions of Trump should not energy be an issue.

Of course they do. They can care less about the country or the citizens. They care only about themselves. Our leaders are the least patriotic people in the country

Once the Clinton investigations gets close to being done you will truly see everything. Please make sure to question everything and don’t be an npc and believe what media says. It shouldn’t have to be like this but it’s a war...... a war on REAL info

GOP dose not see America any more.

Must be waiting for Trump to shoot someone on 5th Avenue.

I thought they were mostly defending him to salvage the midterms, but they got crushed in the midterms, so now I don't really know what their motivation is for hurting democracy.

Man these shills are going to look stupid as more and more details about the corruption and illegal activity comes out. MAGA - more like kill the GOP for their slavish devotion to the odious Trump White House.

This is unamerican!

Guttless party.

CORRUPT TRUMP 36 indicted. How is it possible he has taken over the Republican party.

They literally have no other choice. They hitched their carts to the Trump train a long time ago and must ride it out. Buckle up!

GOP is broken


Don't get the republicans strategy to stand behind Trump whose crimes and character are becoming worse each day. Wouldn't it be better to stay far away from his unsavory dealings?

Rubio and Paul...bought by the NRA then defeated by Trump, Russia, and money sent by Russia through the NRA. Yet, they still stand by him. Ignorance is bliss

Why in God’s green earth would you defend a sinking ship. Swim the other way and go against the fold in hopes to save your party for future generations?!?

Look at him his face tells you how guilty he is so crooked

gop is a criminal enterprise...from election rigging to taking bribes from foreign countries...they should be investigated under RICO statutes

Can’t wait for this train to crash and the whole GOP go down!

Gee, I wonder why

2019 will be a wonderful year. With all the members of the Trump crime family being hauled into the Democratic House! They all are liars & Mr. Mueller knows it! I hope SDNY is their undoing, in the 'pardon free' district! VoteGOPOut Criminals!

If they want to hitch their wagon to a falling star that is their choice.

No surprise

GOP has chosen Trump over prayer. Trump refuses to pray at Bush funeral. Trump refuses visa for a Guatemalan father (of a murdered North Carolina girl) to attend her funeral and pray for her.

He didn't downplay it as much as he just stated it for exactly what it was. ..Obviously a sign of support, right?

and Republicans GOP can all go to HELL with him realDonaldTrump

Which ones defend him? Those are the ones who are complicit in his bad dealings

Of course they will defend him. Most of them lack ethics, integrity, spines, and balls. Why would we expect anything else of them?

They’re all in Putin’s pocket. Wonder what Russians learned when they hacked RNC?

Defending him should be considered accessory to the crimes. Spineless congress is the worst in all times. This is towing the party line no matter who they hurt including their constituents. NRA owns most of them.

The Brewmaster in Chief....

Why I am no longer a Republican.

Make RandPaul explain EVERYTHING he did&got,during his Russia/Moscow/Kiss-Putin's-ass trips last year first. He ASKED FOR&got intro letter fm Trump to Putin Met Putin Came back as a 100%'I love Russia'puppet WTF HAPPENED? WHAT did he get? Money?Kompromat? SOMETHING happened!

America is being witness to the fall of the democratic party never before has the hate and insanity been so dishonorable .

And they'll all go down together.

The Republicans think they are going to be in power forever... WE WILL REMEMBER!

For most people on the planet, they’re wasting their breath. The stench is obvious to everyone now.

What bunch of useless members of our government. Silent as this guy rapes America of a our values. The GOP should ALL go to jail for such a pathetic stand to support this corrupt criminal of a president.

They’re complicit in his crimes.

We the people will be there for the POTUS as well!

water is wet

Unbelievable... going down like the Titanic.

I guess the Republicans just like taking a punch.

Let the Republicans go down the drain along with Trump & kin.

To this Republican Party: Might want to exhibit some caution in supporting a president guilty of criminal behavior (see actual evidence). American voters are turning their backs on your lying lies and are politically informed. Here comes 2020. Ouch.

That’s because they are Trumpublicans that’s why!!

Isn’t it time for today’s GOP to be voted out of office? Their actions continue to prove they really could care less about our country and the people that reside here.

Continued support by Republican Party for realDonaldTrump is similar to blind support the “Party” gave Hitler in 1930/40’s totalitarianism seldom ends well. Is it Republicans over country or country over Republicans Or is it just the lack human morality in USA leadership today!

Will they all go down together?

This is why America is the way it is. Damn republicans call a spade a spade.

Seriously Republicans still haven’t reached their moral limit with assface-in-chief yet ?


This 1 Best Selling book is great. Lots of factual information. Looks like Hillary may be indicted after all.

Amazing how the Washington Post, CNN, and other non-supportive democratic MSM agencies are talking smack about what they think the republicans are thinking. No names. No proof. Absolutely BS. realDonaldTrump will be fine.

SenateGOP gop HouseGOP

Good , let the corrupted follow the corrupt over the cliff like lemmings

They have found more lying in this investigation than ANY Hillary email investigation. Oh and more indictments too. But let’s lock her up, not him.

Shut up Rand Paul, continuing to embarrass the great state of Kentucky

complicit GOP

FTAO Dear Mr. President, Your experience as a civil construction contractor, makes you a world expert in the field of bricks and mortars Please leave the climate change to climatologists and to science As the saying goes: 'Every monkey on his own branch' Mankind Thanks Rgds

How can anybody defend trump! Proof us proof! WHAT DOES TRUMP HAVE ON YOU REPORT

How could anyone defend Trumps actions or lack there of. He does not even pretend to learn the law. He figures if there is a law he udders “it may be the law but it does not pertain to me”.

Shame on Republicans!

Yep. There’s a brewing storm leftists...Ready ?

Yeah, sadly, the GOP is determined to go under with Trump. Accessories before and after the fact. We CANNOT have the GOP continue to hold on to the Senate or While House. The GOP is a thoroughly corrupt organization now. It needs a major enema.

We stand & support our POTUS regardless of how the MSM wants to SPIN or LIE on its coverage!

...and someday they'll pay a stiff price!

Rand Paul is a sick joke.

Of course they don’t want to lose power weak jelly back GOP SUCKS

Gotta be faithful to the Don... if he goes down, the henchmen will follow.

No not all, Rubio wasn't this morning, Just Paul, so don't report that! Now back to Football!!!

There is no defense for Trump!


Yeah it is never about country and what is right with republicans. They didn’t learn anything from the blue wave. If They keep it up they’ll pay a price 2020!!

Of course they would, they're as stupid, ignorant & immature as he is ! VOTE THEM OUT, VOTE THEM OUT, VOTE THEM THE HELL OUT, COME 2020 !!

So what do Democrats say? The non-corrupt party?

They have made their bed. They are Trumpers now. Like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz, they are going to have to ride the coming storms out. And the Wizard will be of no help.


The more the GOP defends Trump the more damage they inflict on their “party”. It might be too late for them anyway.

the media & the left who are crazy about Russia probe, now switch about money, so the bottom line all just to knock Trump out.

Republicans remain complicit amid Trump’s brewing legal storm*

Another WAPO pipe dream to destroy the President because you didn't like or accept the election results.

What is the most mystifying thing about Donald Trump?

Thats because the GOP has become the defenders of criminals, traitors, racist, and child molesters. Just look at the group of deplorables they backed during the last election cycle. Roy Moore was just the being. What has happened to the Republican party?

very game of thrones

The GOP is so determined to hang on to power and move their agenda that they will turn a blind eye to Trump's unethical and illegal activity. Supporting Trump is only delaying efforts to pass effective legislation on the many issues faced by our nation.

Why not defend him? Trump is 100% above the law. He's never going to face consequences for any of this.

The Republicans are in so deep at this point they can do nothing but defend the president. It's too late for them to cut and run.

There's no legal storm. There's nada or nothing. Give it up!

Democrats need to let trump hang himself. MAGA will remember his martyrdom if Brutus puts the knife in Caesar.

WitchHunt fakeNews

GOP is morally bankrupt and a threat to our democracy. EnemiesOfThePeople GOP

Are you really a journalist? What horseshit.

We need to find who they are and remove them along w/ Trump

All you Democrats should remember it is Christmas and forgive thy neighbor

Republicans have you no shame? How low can you go?

Are they keeping cyanide capsules nearby?

Abolish the GOP

Who will join me and tell our representatives to investigate Democratic crimes! They're more corrupt than any Republican politician I know.

We will remember the names of his enablers and they will be held accountable.

Swamp people defend Trump amid his criminal activity.

Indyria57Maria Repubs defend Trump when they shouldnt its strange. Like the stepford men. Walking talking Koch Bros. robots. I call loyalists. They say the same things, they dress the same way, hair cut, its just weird, weird, scary weird.

About time and nearly two years late. Gutless R

There is no storm

Frag is a

They are all complicit! They are old white racists and they are as despicable as their crime boss!

It is amazing to me that republicans can defend someone like Trump! Why is it hard to admit you'all Fucked up! You are damaging your party by continuing to clean up this person's messes! Just saying..

It's time to Republicansenators stop defending someone that breaks the law, just shows how illegal you folks are in the Senate if it's OK with him to do it then you are at the mindset that you can do it. You should all be fired

Republicans prove why they should be voted out every day. America

The gop is more loyal to Russia then usa

They sold their souls to trump, which is worth that selling it to the DISGUSTING.

The breaking of campaign finance laws....are the Mickey Mouse part of ALL this how Mueller is just dripping this out!!!

Republicans choosing party over country is par for the course. America deserves better. The American people deserve better. Trump Democrats

They have to because they don’t have balls. Trump’s poodles making easy for Democrats to destroy them next election. It’s going to be bigger blue tsunami then last one.

Maybe republicans didn’t get the memo or have been sleeping for years, but you know he lies constantly and denies everything.

The hate and inability to accept the defeat of Hillary, is eating away at the very fabric of our constitution and national stability. DJT is doing a great job as president, which just add fuel to the anger. For our own well being we need to stop the hate, and work together.

When Robert (Bob) Woodward steps up to mic then I'll start to believe!

Of course.

Exactly why Republicans aren't fit to govern. It is clear they put themselves and politics first before the Nation.

The GOP has been blindly following Trump like lambs for the past two years. When are they going to stop supporting his actions. Country over party; principle above party

And are stuck in the swamp....of eternal stench!


Republicans only hurt themselves by siding with a known criminal in donald trump. the country will add their lies to his and they will never be able to get out of the gutter.

We need to let President Trump do his job and get this country back in shape!

Republicans by continuing to defend Trump have condemned GOP into oblivion a fate well deserved by a party filled with corrupt, criminal, Traitors

Hope they continue to support each other while they are imprisoned. May some aliens take all this trash and dump them in a black hole

At their own peril! Wait til 2020 election-

What has happened to the soul of the GOP ?

I wish I was Rand Paul's neighbor.

Blah blah....Trump hasn't done a damn thing.

GOP is so spineless! No respect for them anymore. They have sold their souls and whatever integrity they might have had. They work for us, not Trump! Pathetic.

Republicans will go down with trump

Like rats on a sinking ship. They should cut their losses now before he completely ruins the party.

Of course they do. The GOP is entirely complicit and has sold out to enrich themselves. They are all in with this clown show.

Well, he will be taking them all down with him, sad but true.😊

Rand “Mr flip flop” Paul.

They will follow him until the end.

GOP morally bankrupt

Could only imagine their different story if it was Obama. Party of hypocrites

Dems defend Hillary when evidence shows she should be in jail with her email violations and tampering with the evidence in regards to the case.

Well, there’s a surprise. 🙄

Of course they do. We will build a wall, and it will contain the names of all the complicit GOP Congress persons and staff who defended a criminal in the whitehouse.

Unless the voter's hold them accountable why wouldn't they?

Ride or die! And the ride is ending really badly. Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of folks!

Satan has more morals than this GOP

Which republcans are defending trump? Grifters, intolerant religious zealots, fascists, red capped morons or some combination of the aforementioned? Just asking ....

If it looks like Schiff, sounds like Schiff, smells like Schiff, then it probably, is a load of Schiff.

Truly did anyone expect the GOP NOT to defend him?They were quiet a few days while they crafted the spin of the latest atrocity. Its too damn late to hop off the trump train; yet when he’s gone, they will pretend they never supported him. However, ppl won’t forget or forgive!

Let them build a resumé of deplorability where they can lose the next election.

They need to discern their consciences and do what is right!!

Every Republican that defends and covers up for this president should be held as obstructionist!!!!!!!!!

Biggest mistake ever. Trumpforprison2019

Going down with the ship

There are exactly *two* Republicans quoted in this article supporting Trump, Rand Paul (who's always out in left field) and Rubio, and Rubio's quote was very limp support. Be more accurate in your headlines.

Schiff along with Nadler are two good reasons democrats should not be in the majority... if anyone takes anything corrupt shifty Adam says to heart then they need their head examined.

Of course they will..sad

Um...Question for you WPO - who was the last politician jailed for a campaign finance violation? I remember a lot of fines being doled out, and the news swept under the rug - but JAIL? A Felony? 🤔

But, for how long?

Take them out with him .

Get used to that look.

GOP have you *no* honor? (never mind, that was rhetorical)

Translation: Muller has no Russian Collusion with POTUS, but plenty with the DNC and Clinton...but we won't get into any of that!

Russian Rand will always support one of his fellow traitors.

Of course they do. They’re the party of swamp people.

ANYONE who supports this loser of a POTUS should be ashamed and embarrassed.

Gang Of Punks continues to violate constitution and its people. No news here.

The gop has given up on democracy. Turkey’s Erdoğan once relayed the mantra of dictators, “Democracy is a like a train, you get off once you get to your destination.” The GOP has reached its destination and is doing everything it can (legally and illegally) to stop the train

Yes. Keep doubling down and wait until you get wiped out completely in 2020. Tick tock.

Republicans: stop defending Donny & start remembering Honest Abe

News...News... Collusion isn’t even a crime. Mueller has not one Russian collusion case despite almost 2 yrs of investigation to find a crime(which isn’t the way it should be done). Shameful media trying to twist words in order to make sense out of this special counsel

They need to save themselves

Are they any different or worse than the campaign issues Maxine Waters has? You know, the ones which the Democratic District Attorneys in California ignore?

Being an old fart I remember Watergate & some GOP senators cried as they vote yay to impeach. I hope if it gets to that point these new GOP senators will put country first-at least if they value their careers. There will be life after trump that they will have to deal with

WHY ! Are You Compromised by Putin too ?

Republicans defending their man as they should, no different than the Dems defending Hillary and Obama.

So be it. wrongsideofhistory wrongsideoflaw

Hottest regards from spain Qen

Why should anyone be surprised! Obviously the new GOP is the new world order of organized crime , In plain sight! Thank God for the “Cohen recordings” other than that. Most would still be blind to the actual facts current to present day.

It's like the 80s except today is Sex lies and hotel rooms.

They support him ONLY as a spectacle so no one notices all the policy they are passing through to take away as much from the American people as possible. GOP corruption

Because they are cheating crooks just like Trump

Hmm, Wapo want to cover Hillary’s brewing storm?!

mystical0404 What is really sad is that Repubs are forced to spend their time defending DJT instead of finding a way to work with the Dems and improve the lives of all Americans. It is such a colossal waste of our precious nation. Infrastructure, health care, pollution, economy all ignored

This is terrifying. Let’s all call and write to them. Make it impossible to ignore the facts.

If CNN can defend Acosta after his childish display then the republicans will do more

the gop is nothing more than a criminal organization. period.

I hate what Trump has done to the GOP. They’re now defending a lying criminal conspirator, adulterer( & possible traitor?). The fact that many GOP defended him after Helsinki blew my mind. I wonder if they know the party is so screwed from Trump, that it’s all or nothing now.

It's funny that the republicans used to be the law and order party and the family values party. Things quickly or maybe they were just lying all the time.

Our democracy is at stake!!!

This is why the Republican party is imploding. First, they were willing to toss their “good Christian” values to back Trump as he rampaged, saying horrid things and being as unchristian like as possible. Then they tossed their fiscal responsibility to back him. Utter garbage.

HOW ? HOW DEFEND? a lying, tax evading, self serving, shit head! Sorry for name calling but Tr👿mp loves this behavior.

Hopefully, they’ll continue doing just that up to the 2020 elections !

Huh, there is no there, and you ppl are completely unethical feeding your base this crap!!! Should be laws against the media lying to their readers. You liberal have not ethics or souls

gop needs to get on board or admit they like having a dictator - trump defenders sound like defenders of every other dictator in the world

Campaign finance violation, not exactly being locked up for that.


Still? ComplicitGOP

Fake news

Like Winston Churchill, I think it's remarkable when rats swim toward a sinking ship.

Elected officials are not doing their job.

Craven RandPaul was unable to 'tackle' the issue of Dotard's personal enrichment by SaudiArabia despite clips being played to refresh his little mind. chucktodd

WAPO WAPO WAPO The Used Tampon of the Liberal DemoScum!

They'll defend him UNTIL they look at their own internal polling and see they're going to get wiped out in 2020.


No other choice for them but defend. Ill minds

Another MSM fake news storm in a teacup .

Congratulations president M.D. income support program company owner big son ADVOCATE MAQBOOL.

Fuk the republicans. I’m so sick of their complicity.

If there’s nothing wrong with Trump doing business with Russia during the campaign, why did he lie about it RandPaul ? Also I don’t think the problem with the Daniels’ pmt was a failure to file paperwork. If it were, why lie rather than just fix problem?

They will go down one by one clutching their Rubles.

I would give more support to the congressman who stand up and hold him accountable. Republican or Democrat. It’s time to remove the nepotistic lying showman from office

If you don’t listen then what is the alternative you leave for those seeking a solution. Removing you!

The next time we have a Democratic POTUS, they will have no grounds for any complaints without being hypocrites to the extreme. All this will hopefully come back to bite them big time in future elections and Dem administrations

They sold their souls so what can do but defend him. Party is destroyed so probably feel try to salvage what they can even if it means their own morals and legacies

They know that anything obtained by fraud can be revoked ⚖️

Paul & Rubio = 2

I’d expect nothing less of those boot lickers

And water flows downhill

The GOP need their stooge in office kicking up dust and chaos to confuse everyone while they steal elections and push legislation that works only for the 1% who fund their campaigns and line their pockets.

seriously. What the fuck


What legal storm? 😂 keep trying though

Yes, please, keep doubling down gop, the Country will call your bluff and stands ready to hold enablers accountable, both at the ballot box and under the rule of law.

Of course they do, the past couple of weeks have shown that GOP is the most corrupt organization in America. NC, WI, MI, Trump & family & Org committing crimes to highjack WH, Krushner saying murder of journalist is just “bad PR” etc.

Of course..having a criminal for president is no big deal

All you liberals in here were totally cool when Obama had 2 million in campaign violations. 🤔

GOP history and your constituents won’t be kind. Legacy is up to you.

The Republicans have booked a ticket on the RMS Titanic with Trump as their captain. Enjoy your voyage. PS, there are no lifeboats. GOPEnablers GOPHypocrisy

Those defenders are more sickening than Trump.

GOP are criminals

Republican options appear to be either 1.) defend Trump against Mueller & SDNY findings or 2.) silence. Will the GOP ever rise to defend the law & doing the right thing?

This will end the GOP.

Well they would, wouldn’t they...?

The argument Russia got nothing for the hotel is BS. They got the GOP platform changed in regard to Ukraine.

Are all Republicans crooks, or just the one’s in power ?

That 'Storm' has been brewing a while... lol.

I'm $orry But ANYONE voting republican these days has been DUPED, FLIM FLAMMED, HOODWINKED, BAMBOOZLED, CONNED, GRIFTED and $old a Bill of Goods!!! By the Aiders, Abettors and PERPETRATORS of Crime!!!

Brewing legal storm? Been 2+ yrs of investigations & remains zero evidence of Trump Russia Collusion. What we do know is Clinton/DNC hired foreigners( Steele/Russians) to create fake dossier FBI then used knowing it was unvetted to obtain illegal FISA warrant to spy on Trump

A crow doesn't eat a crow.

Because I’m sure they would feel the same if Hillary did this while POTUS.


We do not have a strong Republican Congress like we did when Nixon resigned. This Individual 1 should have been held accountable back in January of 2017, but this Congress won't do the right thing. Very ineffective and should be expelled from office.

GOP is complicit in the crimes of realDonaldTrump

It's by your hands Trump for your handsome..

Those who defend are suspects.

GOP Betrays USA Expel them from office. SavetheCountry

Wapo= Democrats talking points.


They gotta go

Of course they do

When s the GOP going to stop clinging to power and throw him under the bus? My guess is, there are some that are compromised and never will, the rest will but only when he has hit rock bottom. And we see no sign of that, the sub-basement always has a sub-basement.

Showing their intelligence right there....The storm is going to be a big one! BIG, HUUUGE, and trump will be out when it is done, as will be those that stood with him.

Republicans have become a threat to democracy.

RandPaul is turning himself into a historical joke. People will know his name, and it won't be flattering.

This is a contender for Least Surprising Headline of the Week.

Right. Wtf...

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