Injunction against teacher who opposes 'they' pronoun

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Law Law Headlines News

Injunction secured against teacher who opposes 'they' pronoun

A secondary school has secured a temporary High Court injunction preventing a teacher who opposes addressing a student with the pronoun"they" from either attending at its premises or from teaching any classes at the school while he remains suspended from his position.

The school, represented in court by Rosemary Mallon instructed by Mason, Hayes and Curran solicitors, sought the injunction because it fears the teacher's refusal to abide by the terms of its decision may be very disruptive. Mr Burke, it is claimed, objected to this; has questioned the school's position; says that a belief system is being forced on students; and claims that the school's request amounts to a breach of constitutional rights.The school said that it is focusing on the needs and welfare of its students and is affirming its policy in accordance with the 2000 Equal Status Act of not discriminating against any student.

It is claimed that Mr Burke interrupted the service and said that the school's principal, Niamh McShane, should withdraw the earlier demand regarding the transitioning of the student, that he could not agree with transgenderism, and said it went against the school's ethos and the teaching of the Church of Ireland.

The school claims that she said she would speak to Mr Burke at an appropriate time and place, and walked away from him.Other people stood between them to prevent the continuation of his questioning, it is further claimed. When approached by a senior staff member at the school, Mr Burke said that"I am here to work" and"I am here to attend a meeting".It is alleged that if the complaints against Mr Burke are upheld, his presence at the school could adversely affect the school.


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Hello. Police. I'd like to report a Hate Crime.

Whatever about the Burkes stance on homosexuality in the past, Enoch is dead right to make a stand against this pronoun rubbish. LGB youth (many of them autistic) are being force fed lies in the tiktok-universe convincing them they were 'born in the wrong body'. He's in the right

Arrested for accosting the headmaster at an event and refusing to keep away from the school as per the instructions. Not for 'Not using a student's pronouns.' What an irresponsible headline.

The world has gone to pot

That’s one hell of a misleading headline

Begging and pleading with literally anyone to actually read some articles instead of just headlines for once in their life, it's not about 'free speech' it's about an absolute waste of air humiliating a student in public, and then harassing his colleagues and violating suspension

You forgot to mention that actually he gatecrashed an anniversary dinner that had nothing to do with it, and show up being beligerent, harassing the principal and other staff, uninvited.

Sad that so many swallowed the Koolaid ,I wonder what the schools founders would say ..

The Blue Shirts now fly the Rainbow Flag

the injunction is because he keeps showing up to work after having been suspended basically he thinks the rules don't apply to him

Very proud of my former school WHS supporting this student 👏 also very misleading headline, he harassed the school principal and came onto school grounds when he shouldn't have, maybe lead with that 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷‍♀️

bro was told to respect students and parents' wishes and went 'absolutely not. unacceptable.' and proceeded to ignore his boss's orders and show up, and then harassing her for a change of decision when she said they'd discuss it at a later date. he deserves to be fired

You need to correct your headline. It is misleading. I'm sure you don't want to be misleading.

Shocking - they are prosecuting people for telling the truth.

Bad journalism

This man looks like evil Russell Tovey.

He should clean his room.

“The school denied to Mr Burke in correspondence that anyone is being 'forced' to do anything.” The hypocrisy & gaslighting is just mind blowing.

Who'da thunk it? Anti-LGBT beliefs from a religious cultist fanatic?

I love the disingenuous headline. Is it because they oppose they as a pronoun or something is it because he chased the headmaster around after being told to stoop having a temper fit at an assembly

This is journalistic malpractice

I feel like their tendency to trespass is a bit more relevant to the story the their preference on pronouns

Nice misleading headline. A teacher was not suspended for refusing to use the “they” pronoun for a pupil. He was suspended for gatecrashing an anniversary dinner to publicly harass the principal over being requested to use the “they”pronoun for a pupil.

If I was a teacher and I didn’t like a kid’s name I’d just refuse to call them their actual name and only call them Frank

he looks exactly how I thought he'd look

Do you never feel bad about blatantly lying to stoke up hate against a marginalised group?


Here’s another, good on them.

This is not why he was suspended. Please be better than this

He was suspended for hassling the head teacher and publically embarrasing a pupil.

Rape and kill the student

'War waged against Austrian painter who promotes vegetarianism'

I refuse to use the word . they . Its either he or she . Society is going crazy . I support him 100% . And im not one bit religious or even believe in a god . Pandering to nutters . Absolute insanity. ffs

How dare he not play along. 🤔

Why are you leaving out that he physically harassed other school employees?

You can't honestly see our version of the Westboro baptists act like this and pretend like they have a point? This man was harassing children and disrupting the school environment. He shouldn't be access to children frankly

josrz “neonach iomlan”!

Would be nice to see those teachers in this school who agree with him to take a stand in support of him

Misspelled harassing staff.

Before you click this tripe, he wasn't suspended for not wanting use the word they. They (ooh such a scary word 😱🙄) suspended him because he harassed his principal during an anniversary dinner outside of work, for being asked to use the word they. He acted a fool.

good he sounds like he hates his students

But not FOR the refusal. Misleading headline.

Delete this.

Lotta people here falling for this rage bait headline when that isn't actually why the injunction happened lol

What a wonderful click bait headline…no mention of the fact that his suspension wasnt about refusing to use “they” but rather for abuse & harassment. A+ journalism

Irresponsible headline. WHY was the injunction sought? The real answer is in the story, but the headline implies a more sensational one.

That’s not why they got an injunction though is it? He was disruptive at a school event and turned up at the school while in administrative leave. The injunction is to stop him doing this.

I feel like perhaps the part where he loudly accosted school officials at a public religious service in the school chapel, and then again at the following dinner, might have had some effect here.

bad journalism. he is suspended for attacking and harassing the principal at a school function because he was reprimanded, and only THEN was he suspended pending an injunction.

Tell the whole story, cowards

So, throwing a fit during a service & dinner to rant about your bad opinion, chasing down the principal to continue ranting about it, and disrupting teaching to continue your martyr act nets you an RTÉ headline of 'opposes 'they' pronoun'. Journalist malpractice barely cuts it.

Injunction for harassment - misleading headline intentional? I'd bet so 😉 Change it to religious radical Bully gets injunction or something. More accurate.

You're misrepresenting your own article which states that the injunction is due to the teacher violating a suspension over behaviour and fears of the student and their family, not a pronoun.

Don't just rely on this article to give you the full picture. The actual truth to why this has happened is noticeably different.

'Religious extremist suspended for inappropriate and aggressive behaviour refuses to stay away from school' Dead easy fix.

lol what an absolute pissbaby

Injunction secured against teacher who repeatedly, loudly, and publically harassed student

Maybe the harassment of staff, interruption of a school service to rant about 'transgenderism', continuing to attend school after being placed on administive leave might have more to do with the injunction than just opposing they/them pronouns

Are you sure there isn't some additional, relevant context you're leaving out here?

The article is unclear, was he suspended for refusing to use the word ‘they’ or for his disruptive conduct at the anniversary meeting?

I applaud him for standing his ground. This is tyranny. People are being force to go against their personal and religious beliefs to accommodate other's mental illnesses. We need to fight back.

You're liars and complicit in the danger faced by the LGBTQ community

stop lying.

Misleading headline, as per the article, suspended with pay for behaviour at a school event in the chapel & at the dinner after. It wasn't his belief it was how he chose to convey those to a large gathering of people & then again to the principal in a very public manner.

Wow. You fail journalism forever with that headline.

There seems to be some vital information missing from the headline

He has an issue with the ideology of one’s preferred pronoun yet he identifies as Christian Fundamentalist who’s ideology is Divinely inspired from a god he has never seen or met.

Guess nobody has a problem with him aggressively challenging his boss & undermining her position. Guy is a bully & probably misogynistic if that’s how he treats his employer.

And the award for most misleading tweet of the year goes to...

That’s hardly all he does, now is it.

Quite a deceptive headline, but that's RTE for you

I bet there's more to it than the headline suggests.

RTE - you've missed the context. Behave yourselves and act like real journalists.

The teacher is right here. No to the gender cult.

'They' pronoun is wrong to use when describing a person and you demand a TEACHER to use it? A teacher out of anyone should know how wrong it is.

The world has gone mad.

This is misleading and wrong headline/tweet. The injunction is because he publicly harassed the principal and student in question and refuses to adhere to the requirement to stay away from the school during his administrative leave.

Woke brigade out in force!

I couldn’t imagine this bullshit even 10 years ago…

What a joke this whole them they me you is total bull and society needs to step back and stop this nonsense now. Get that teacher back to work

What else did he do?

Well done, a man that has the balls to remain true to his beliefs and won't be bullied by the gender ideology crazies that're trying to dictate how we speak now!

We have reached peak Animal Farm

I expected better from the RTE. Correct the headline of this article please.

The injunction is for harassment, not pronoun use.

Misleading Headline is Misleading Shocker.

He also publicly humiliated the student and then chased a fellow member of staff when they asked him to behave more appropriately.

I find this assault on the English language offensive. This nonsense is seriously confusing. I saw a musician being referred to as 'they' recently and it took me ages to figure out of it was one person or a band.

I think that gate crashing an event to harass your boss would get you suspended no matter what the reason was

'Man on administrative leave pending disciplinary proceedings refuses to stay away from school', fixed the headline for you

I hope he wins. What a ridiculous state of affairs

BanPronounsNow We didn't need them before and we don't need them now. Wake up people.

Seems like this teacher actually has some common sense in the face of ideological delusion!

'injunction against known bigot who started screaming at a school meeting', fixed it ' report accurately and stop the dog whistles

what a sick and insane world we are in - shut that school down and stop everyone involved in this mad decision from ever working in education again - this teacher is a truth teller

if you're opposed to pronouns you probably shouldn't be teaching *mutes thread*

Singular they has existed longer than terf boy has been alive. Longer than his ideology has been a Thing. So. Nothing of value lost.

This is completely back to front. The student who’s insisting he be called some bullshit term should be out on his arse. These students need to learn that the world doesn’t revolve around them.

Most people don't address anyone as 'they' ... its about referring to them!

Ridiculous- so his religious beliefs have been noted but he’s being forced to speak against those beliefs and his conscience? Awful!

He’s hot too

knows that's not the reason for the injunction. Misleading headline designed to get clicks. Generating extra traffic that will fuel anger towards trans and nonbinary ppl. RTÉ are casually causing harm for profit.

The parents of the trans child should be in prison. The teacher is a hero.

Shouldn't they uphold the science. Let those who believe in fairy stories start their own hogwarts schools and fund them

Seems like the school had to take action in the face of some egregious behaviour.

He should've just referred the kid as 'Tit' & 'Twat' as that is what the kids real pronouns are

Like him

Most kids/teens struggle with finding identity and feeling comfortable in their own skin, changing pronouns, taking puberty blockers and getting carved up by a surgeon is not the answer.

If seems that no one knows the meaning of forced, anymore. If you are punished by losing your job, your reputation, your career for not following absurd rules, that is being forced. The same with the vaccines. What’s next? Jail unless you agree?

This headline has as much accuracy as 'Injunction secured against man who eats toast'.

irresponsible and misleading title journalism is in a sorry state indeed

Fair play to him for stickin to his guns. I hope the parents of that school rise up and bring about change. A school is a place for teaching facts. Not pan handling to the mentally ill attention seekers.

politic18753739 Why is this teacher being compelled to lie. And to use bad grammar.

Bet lots of religious schools will be glad to hire him .

I asked my teacher the other day to call me by my pronouns: Big/D**k/Energy. He refused! Those who think I am joking: shame on you. Big/D**k/Energy is my identity (although not, unfortunately, my lived experience). Nothing wrong with compelled speech, it's very Irish!

Remove this misleading headline.

Why do they always look like that?

Was only a matter of time until the ideologues in looney leftist ireland proper kicked off.

Is this that Fake News I keep hearing so much about

If I behaved this way at my job, suspension would be getting off light.

He was suspended for harassing staff. This headline is misleading

Context buried deep within the article on what he actually did to get suspended (gatecrashed a dinner so he could have a big rant about how much he opposes students being allowed to be trans)-

Proper little tosser....

Not what the injuction was for

Have a feeling he will be FineGael general election candidate in Mayo at some stage

Injunction secured against teacher 'who continued to harass staff after being placed on leave after yelling at Principal at private function'

Funny how you've buried the actual reasons he was suspended in the article. Pretty sure anyone behaving like that would be suspended regardless of their ideology

You have a typo here - 'Injunction secured against teacher who showed up on campus to harass school principal and then continued to show up on school grounds despite not being permitted to do so due to the disciplinary proceedings he is ignoring'.

Funny observation, but almost everyone against this man has either 🇪🇺 🏳️‍⚧️ or 🏳️‍🌈 in their profiles…. These are also people who strive for inclusion, equality supposed fairness. But cross their theories and these qualities don’t include you. Yet we’re the religious zealots🤔🤔

Nic21121970 We are living in absolute madness. What does it take for people to wake up out of this slumber? Do people think that if they're not a teacher then this madness will pass them by? They could not be more wrong. What world will you pass on to your children?

No singular person should be referred to as 'they'. Punishing a teacher for not using terrible grammar would have been unthinkable 5 years ago.

I can see it from both sides the teacher may feel this is compelled speech the student has a preference for they/them or their preferred name , most sane rantional people would show respect for their fellow human and call them by their preferred pronoun or name 🤔

WokeCulturalTakeDown 🤡🌍

The minute teachers bow down to this woke bull**** we are screwed this is only the start . Our government & schools are being infiltrated by a woke sinister agenda to corrupt young children's minds ,it's bad enough it's happening on social media .

Good, clearly inadequate for their job. Singular 'they' has been part of the English language since before Shakespeare.

That student needs a kick up the hole & a hard days work!

This is nonsense. Just proves that this pronouns shite is celebraty created and on social media. Where did a 16 year old get the idea of been 2 people at the same time

these stories about terfs are always the same. the headline is like 'pronouns' and when you read it they're a lunatic stalker type who, after multiple warnings, wouldn't leave ppl alone.

Ah, this'll be a good comment section to block transphobes

Trans ideology, just like other ideologies, needs to be self validating. It cannot be imposed on everyone else in a tolerant Democracy. We are given names at birth to identify us legally which are quite sufficient for our day to day interactions with other people.

terfs have no lives so they create a things to get mad about. this guy is pathetic.

Mammy Burke had made her kids unemployable. They simply cannot act like normal people in the workplace and think rules don't apply to them. Hope they enjoy unemployment for the rest of their bigoted lives

He's dead right, no one should be addressed as 'they' unless your referring to more than one physical being. Would the school ever request a teacher to never use the word 'fat' again because a child in the school suffered from anorexia?

Ridiculous carry on.. using a plural pronoun for a single overweight girl with purple hair..

Do you think you should maybe rethink that headline?

So he's essentially been sacked because some spoiled wee prick wants to be called they. Pathetic. Hope he sticks to his principles.

All teachers should back him up Crazy 😝

So a guy gets suspended standing up for his principles which goes against an other persons principles. So it's only 1 persons principles that matter.

Well done Enoch. Stay strong and stay true to your principles. EnochBurke We applaud you and stand by you. 👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏📿📿

Why didn’t you include the harassment of the principal in your headline. ‘And harrasses the principal’

I’m open minded and fairly liberal. This word should not be used to describe trans. Incorrect use of English language. What do English scholars say?

Ah, The Burkes at it again!

Not this p**** again

Time was if a person identified as Napolian Bonoparte, they'd be certified as being mentally unwell, nowadays we have to recognise them as Napolian Bonaparte.

Imagine how many teachers over the centuries didn't use 'they' pronouns for students who didn't even realise they were non binary because that fashion didn't exist yet! Amazing to think how many hate crimes have been committed in maths classes up and down the lands.

You can't compel speech in Ireland.

It is ridiculous to use a singular 'they' as its grammatically absurd. He is a teacher and his performance as a teacher is the only matter at hand. However if a child wants to be called a different name just use the name.

Good on him! Mr. Burke should set up a crowd funder which I'm sure many many parents in Ireland would donate to. Affirmation of delusions is not a neutral therapeutic approach.

I hope they take their injunction seriously

Ridiculous. Compelled speech should be outlawed

Wel down to the teacher

Quibilah1 If you don't even know how English works then you probably shouldn't be a teacher lol

Evidently the child or more likely the parents have a problem in not being able to decide what gender the child should be. A psychological and not an educational issue.

It he or she full stop, pandering to this crap is a nonsense.

The school spokesman said: 'no-one is being forced to do anything' but they suspended him for refusing to they/them a student?

Good for that tescherichia, May they win their case.

Who is this clown and he is supposed to be a teacher wouldn’t want a fool like this near my kids

Total fruitcakes but they're dead right, no pronouns used for these attention seekers. Use childrens surnames to address them, removes all of this bollox.

He claims a belief system is being imposed on the children....isn't he trying to do the same thing? 😂 the Bible bashers aren't the sharpish tools in the shed. Irelands westboro baptist Church it seems

Good for him. Does he need any help from us? An army is behind him.

Good for him!

RoseCoffey645 I'm sick to death of this family

This teacher is right. You cannot ‘become’ another gender-you can only dress up as the other sex and kid yourself you’ve ‘transitioned’. And if you go as far as mutilating your body, you’ll soon know for sure you cannot ‘become’ another gender. Gender dysphoria.

In my day, the self identifying non binary individual in question would have been dragged from the classroom by their ears and beaten up and down the corridors by an angry Christian Brother.

Stop pupils ( and their parents ) bullying teachers

I believe everyone should be given respect and should be aloud make whatever choices they want. But in all fairness, rewind 5 years this stuff wasn’t even a thought in kids heads, it’s becoming so common now because it’s almost forced down their throats.

A madness is taking over. Moreover, Mr Burke is a TEACHER. A teacher does not teach bad grammar, as in 'they has a problem' just because a student with a problem wants to be referred to using a plural pronoun.

Really mad stuff he is 100% right. It's a bad as calling children kids all the time they are not baby goats

Sounds like he has common sense to me, get yourself out of that job that’s now reserved for the mentally Ill and groomers. Promote home schooling or become a private tutor.

These pronoun folks need a good dig to the bake

Too much time off, sort it out

And off we got down the rabbit-hole…

It’s a sad day for Ireland. He should be promoted. What a load of rot

They is for referencing a group of people, not an individual. This is a basic and simple grammar rule. School used to be about education!

Is this the first case of compelled speech in Ireland?

The growing evidence against social transitioning, ‘affirmative only’ care is by now deafening. It has almost always led to puberty blockers. The dangers of blockers are now clear. The model also tends to overlook other issues a child may have; it’s negligent

Good for him opposing. I hope he gets a lot of support.

what did they expect when they employed a person from this certain family in castlebar

fair play to him. that school is useless anyway, academically and socially....its somewhere for rich farmer kids to waste a few years

Well done Mr Burke !!

He wasn’t put on leave for refusing to use ‘They’. His discipline comes from his behavior. Disturbing school functions. Intimidating co workers. Just look up him and his crazy family. He actually ruined his valid argument by his behaviour. The guy is a Wank of the highest order.

World need to cop on. How can one person be purial

This is a story that should belong in 'The Onion.' The people who agree with this are crackpots.

He can’t be forced he has his religious believes

Head teacher must be sued

Wise up ! World has gone bad! My daughter is she and my son is he! Calling them they is just down right rude! If either wish to be called anything else he or she will voice it.

Yis rather buried the lede there. The suspension was for some pretty egregious behaviour that would get anyone suspended, let alone someone working with kids. The injunction was for showing up while suspended & refusing to acknowledge it.

Your headline should be 'teacher refuses to back down to school attempting to change reality'.

the headline makes it seem like the injunction was secured because of his views, but the article reveals it's because he was acting like an attention seeking gowl at a school event. You're the national broadcaster, not a tabloid - cut the clickbait.

There is one brave teacher out there

The sooner we adopt ONE universally applicable singular pronoun with no reference to the sex or 'gender' of the individual, the sooner this idiotic waste of time and resources goes away.

Glad this teacher is standing his ground against these narcissists, authoritarians, & sychophants. No-one shld be compelled to lie, or affirm a sexist, vacuous ideology. Trying to force ppl to suspend material reality & be a validation prop is outrageous.

Here go the Burkes from Castlebar again. I see he’s being followed around by his solicitor sister who has her own battles to fight

Whatever your personal feelings are about jordanbpeterson he did warn us all this sinister worldview was coming...

The Irish branch of the Westboro Baptist Church are at it again

They pronoun is called mental illness and should be opposed.

Boy oh boy. The Burke family really need a new hobby other than trying to piss people off.

Stick your pronouns where the sun don't shine, boy or girl, male or female!!!

Good, I hope more people stand up to this insanity.

I suspect the HR in this school no more than the law firm in Dublin with another family member didn't do a lot of research!

Litigation follows this family with remarkable regularlity. Their arrogance and sense of entitlement never seizes to amaze

2015: we just want same sex marriage 2022: we just want gender neutral pronouns 2030: we just want..

I support 100%. This is utterly outrageous

This is why we’re not colonizing Mars


Get the f**k out of here with that stonewalluk pronoun quackery.

So he have to move to Russia, where those kind of values are accepted?

You don’t *address* someone with a third person pronoun, be that pronoun singular or nonsensical plural. You *refer to them* with that pronoun. Fucking shoddy journalism.

No teacher shortage yet I’m guessing. Keep this crap up and that will be your next issue trying to find enough woke teachers to put up with your government BS. They. He she it who really gives a crap. While your playing these stupid games the Chinese are learning calculus.

If the wind changes his face will stay like that 🤷‍♀️

Very bad reporting.... 'the school fears...' the school said... ' my goodness, buildings can talk now..

The Principal should have employed the power of Google ...

The Irish version of the Phelp family. They're never out of court.

The state of this bollix. I can just imagine if I had told my teacher to refer to me as a 'they'

The world has gone fecking mad ! wokefascism pronounfascism

Outrageous, zero back-up from RTE as usual. We’ve had enough. We are the 99.9%

The teacher is correct - he's insisting on using the correct language, to describe the pupil, ffs. What's next, dismiss a teacher who won't refer to a pupil as a chair? I'm so sick of this nonsense 🙄😡

This bollox has gone far enough

there's the Burkes, Burking all around the place in the most Burkingest way possible

Oh please

This teacher is doing the right thing. Parents shouldn’t expect their school to go along with a cult or to go along with a a very mentally sick child’s delusions. This child needs help and instead has a school going along with Gender Ideology and it’s life long damage. Criminal.

Well done to that teacher for taking a stand against this nonsense 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Well done this man, this wokeness is gone way to far

This gender shit has gone too far driven by celebs looking for publicity and attention. Parents are worse to allow their kids to be influenced and as for this schools well the mind boggles. They, fluid, binary absolute crap talk

Dead Poets Society à rebours

Where are his colleagues, why are they not standing with this teacher who is standing up against this rubbish.

who even invented those pronouns? 🙄 Causing nothing but troubles and more divisions. This teacher is right, the pronouns are a nonsense.

Odd. It’s almost as though the judiciary will have to rewrite a lot of their own output.

Is they not plural a d so given there is only 1 individual involved how about shim.

There will be confusion if he calls the whole class 'they' and the other 'they' puts his/her hand up.

It isn't kind or compassionate to play along with the pseudoscientific delusions of autistic teenagers. Biological reality isn't bigotry. We should all be legally protected against having to play along with this insane craze.

Perhaps you can enlighten us about what being 'non-binary' entails? As its of such crucial importance to society that good teachers are being persecuted for not complying with non-binary demands.

ShaunaghG this dose

Good luck to him.

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” ― George Orwell, 1984

There are still men teaching in Irish schools?

If a child wants to believe that they are a different gender then the one they are born.If the parents or friends want to believe this to be true. That’s up to them. But forcing other to participate in their pantomime is going way to far. We are all entitled to our own beliefs

Well done to him!


They is plural. How can a person be plural and how can a teacher be fired for that?

Compelled speech. Controlled thinking. Disgraceful decision by school.

Western society is heading for the abyss

Typical thing for rte to report on. You lot will go bust soon,1 sided,wef supporting, fake news,lying shower of vile pissbags. I hate you. And an awful lot of us feel the same. You useless bunch of overpaid puppets. Should be ashamed. Be gone you 🐍🐍🐍 🤢🤢🤢🤡🤡🤡❄️❄️❄️🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪

Mental, get you kids out of these training camps that used to be called schools.

What a waste of legal time and energy.

There is only two Genders. Male and Female

What a sensible man. A sane response to an insane situation.

The man is right, but he will be savaged by the perpetually offended LGBYO5E!NFX3 brigade and especially so because of his family etc

There's only one word for the weaklings who faint at the thought of someone having a contrary opinion to them and try to suppress it...that word is fascist. This needs to be appealed asap! Where's the Irish council of civil liberties?

Entertaining to watch 'progressive' society, guided by the 'my right to choose' ideology, tearing itself apart as it sinks deeper into absurdity. It was easy 2b anti-Catholic so long as people could ignore 'what will we put in its place?' Now question can no longer be ignored.

Things don't go the trans way and there's suspensions and court cases. That's what we're dealing with, a world gone mad.

This guy went to college with my missus and got a full time contract before her. This school is reaping what they are sewing by hiring him to start with

The replies to this article deeply saddened me and made me realise that we are still so behind in regards to acceptance and gender issues.

Stop grooming children into BS gender idiology, please!

Nice to see the schools are laser-focused on the real problem.

Had I been allowed to enforce teachers to call be by a chosen pronoun

I wouldn't give in to that shite

The Burkes putting the mental in fundamental

Absolutely ridiculous.

Isn't this about respect? His lack of it for his students, for his principal. Also, who is hurt in this? From what I can see it is the young person and their family. That is where my sympathy lies.

Head Teacher needs to be taken to Court

good. disrespecting children should not be allowed in a school.

And he will win his case

Ah FFS 🤣 stupid nonsense. I'd say Enoch is off on full pay, legend.

Craziness... the world is gone mad. Identity crisis and personality disorders are mental illnesses and should be treated as such.

‘The school fears that despite its decision, Mr Burke will continue to try to teach his classes.’ Good one. Fears that somebody tries to teach at school 😂😂

Misleading, click bait headline. He stood up during the end of year ceremony and abused the school principal. He is suspended while there is an attempt to resolve the issue, which he has REFUSED TO RECOGNISE, and has continued to enter the school and teach despite his status.

Imagine being stuck in room with this wet wipe for any length of time! Regailing with Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson's greatest hits and telling you how women don't like 'nice guys'.

Yawn. Did anyone notice the grass is growing particularly slowly at the moment. This is absolutely pathetic.

Pronouns are like masks …they help to identify quickly those who cannot think for themselves.

This is laughable.. so the man was suspended because they want to force him to speak a certain way, nobody thinks this is ridiculous? Also why is a child transitinin?

Enoch Burke is a hero.

I don't like how 'who wishes to transition' is used more than once in such a nonchalant way here.

Gender ideology is sick and regressive, and inherently homophobic.

Knew it would be one of the Burkes of course

It's all about testicles. 'They' can cause awful trouble.

So if the child's decides to identify as a cat (there are 2 in Athlone) would he be forced to call them *kitty* or *puss*? It's all so dumb. Not a chance in hell would I bend to their pronoun nonsense

Who would hire that lad to teach kids?

Enoch is the classic example of prickish behavior. Only interested in himself rather than assisting the growing up process of young adults. Shouldn't be in teaching. The end.

A 30 second google search by management and he’d never have secured a position.

The head on him ,it's a good boot up the hole he needs . More issues than vogue magazine 🙄

I know the school and the family. Great school...

Amazing how someone can get to be an English teacher without the understanding of the use of ‘they’ in a singular form

Here’s what’s happening to kids. They are getting accused of transphobia and hate crimes for saying what they see is biologically true.

Let's hope it never happens in Tipperary. We can't pronounce our 'th' s at all.

What an awful move by the school. They should be ashamed of themselves. Compelled speech has no place in a civil society. This gender ideology is wreaking havoc all over the world and needs to stop!😤😡

Finally a teacher with a set of balls. When you address someone is it not rude to use a pronoun instead of their name. I would be insulted if he called me 'her'.

There are kids in a secondary school near me who identify as cats, yes, correct. Yet this is where schools are focusing their attention.

Christ, we're going for the American talking points so?

That's Enoch Burke, of the lunatic fringe barking mad Burke family 🤣🤣🤣

That’s totally absurd, whether we like it or not , personal pronouns are part of every spoken language , it’s to avoid repetition. Does this sound good ? “Tom and Mary live in Dublin “ “Tom and Mary play tennis “ “Tom and Mary love pronouns”

He wants to be Jordan Peterson when he grows up

I don’t know why people actually say they won’t use the pronouns. Just use the persons name. No matter what. You don’t have to announce your intentions.

The irony of one of the Burkes objecting to a 'belief system being forced on children'

The paedo's still running Ireland, I see. 3rd world, irrelevant nation for a reason!

What’s a singular “they”?

This shit needs to stop..

He is right


Good luck, Mr Burke.

He should have called the student “it”

A positive move by the school, 4 sure. All children need & deserve a safe, caring, respectful classroom environment to have a prospect of learning & thriving. Also what loving, decent, right-thinking parents wd name their son 'Enoch'? The teacher may be the issue of Powell fans!

So anyone can now request to use a different name in school than the actual name? I hope he wins but I don't see much chance of that

Definitely English language grammar butchered when one person alone h as to be referred as 'they'.Let the Hiberian English speakers come up with a new word. Must be word to address a person in a state of transition. What about Tua derived from Irish word for you? Problem solved?

Will these weirdos ever just give it up, like.

He sounds great. A teacher with real principles, refusing to be bullied by the gender cult.

Compelled speech... Imagine if someone tried to compel via threat a member of one religion to praise the god of another..

Like as regards his sister the solicitor, what nobody has said is that Arthur Cox,one of the biggest firms in this country graded her good enough to employ as a trainee for 2 years followed by a further 3 years as a qualified solicitor and then a 2 minute clash and they fire her?

Why are we letting the bug eyed regressives taking over?

Jaysus, think we’re going to need to red states (Counties) and blue states (Counties) in Ireland! Woke-19 is more transmissible than previously thought. R number of 2. Vaccines currently being developed by rational people.

Country gone fucking mad. But it’s our own fault for allowing it too

Who opposes incorrect use of pronouns, who supports correct use of English Language Grammar Rules, which every Teacher should. People have personalities, some people choose Gender Identities. Can I choose to be Batman? Ireland is going Woke, which is idiotic, destructive nonsense

I feel sorry for this family in Ireland in 2022…..they are bright intelligent Christian people who are being absolutely persecuted

So having an opinion (the correct opinion) can get you fired and brought to court? Time for the Irish rebellion part 2


Well this is batshit crazy. This compelled speech lunacy has gone WAY too far and the backlash is going to be epic once the tipping point of sane and rational outrage is reached. Even the kids are starting to reject the social contagion of gender ideology, fortunately.

The C of I always thought it was above everyone else and still does. Our Pope has only ever used Papal infallibility twice. These prods think they're infallible every time 'they' open 'their' mouth.

More power to him!!

He’s right. Well done to him for sticking to reality 👏

HJoyceGender when ideologies clash with ideologies.

Zero empathy for the child or family. Why did he go into teaching

That’s just insane. This pronoun/gender identity fad needs to end

11th Commandent: Thou shall not transition

doesn't this pronoun shite contradict compelled speech rules ?

Good for him

This is outrageous. Mr Burke is my new hero. We will loose the values in school if we allow this to happen. Shame on the court, shame on the school

The headline here is misleading. He is suspended from work because of refusing to use the pronoun “they” and the injunction against him is because he’s turned up at work while suspended.

Can we please refer to this “teacher” by the correct pronoun? That being what an absolute wanker!

Its more the manner in which he decided to announce his opposition. Make a big theatrical scene at a big school event. Did he ever voice his opposition prior to his attention seeking stunt I wonder. The article doesnt say.

Sack the eejit

Pronouns are a proof of an adherence to a belief system. As far as I know, in a democracy, people should not be compelled to believe anything they don't want to or to profess such belief. This is eerily Orwellian. I grew up in USSR. I know. Protect FreedomOfSpeech

Good for him. Pretending a child is neither male or female, is ridiculous and wrong.

That family are a Human pox. He'll not get hired again, full time Bible basher now.

Isn't he only talking to one person?

So a student has the right to use the pronoun 'they' to describe themselves but the teacher has no rights to say he doesn't want to use the pronoun to describe that is the students rights more important here then?

I think the welfare of the student is most important.

politic18753739 Excellent! Give that man a medal. Fair play to him for standing up to this utter horseshit.

I hope he wins this. We have got to stop with this pronoun nonsense.

That's disgraceful and discrimination on the grounds of his religion and an affront to reality.

What an admirable man... refusing to cave to utter nonsense & lies. He gets my 100% backing. The parents of these children are very lucky to have such a man as part of the teaching staff. The principal sounds a half-wit.

Terrible. Good on him for standing up to this crap

DJBMCMXCIII Pull the other one, this can't be real!

Non binary is nothing but goth and emo

We hadn’t heard for a while, it was just a matter of time. They can’t help themselves

Fight it right to the bitter end! It is in fact an ideology/theology forced on non-believers.

What a legend! Gotta love the Burkes. Fair dues to Enoch for standing his ground and refusing to go along with that absolute nonsense EnochBurke 💪👨‍⚖️

The man clearly has certain beliefs and principles he wishes to stand by and he clearly sees where all this nonsense is heading. The pronoun issue should not be forced on people. If someone want to be known as ‘they’ so be it but this man’s beliefs should be respected too imo

Good on him. Don’t indulge mentally ill narcissists. All sane people out there must stand together against the normalising of genital mutilation in Irish schools and all other gender ideology imported from America.

“Injunction secured against teacher who has hair” since apparently we’re not bothering with the actual reason in the headline 🙄

We are not told which way the student is transitioning. There are only two ways. Yet when a teacher addresses a student they usual use their name. They don't refer to them as 'he'or 'she'.The problem can be solved by the teacher using the student's name and forget about ' they'.

What are the chances Enoch Burke still turns up at the school with his mother? 😬🤡

Many questions… what is being taught in biology class in this school? Can we compel people to use our own chosen adjectives to describe us? Can people identify as other ages and ethnicities? If yes, I’m going with 21 and Hispanic and I’m totally ok with this making sh1t up.


fedup42Mn Injunction secured ? this case is a lie to set precedence THEY have no authority over what you say or your world view ~ do not be fooled by this

Only the Burkes can save Ireland!

This is bloody insanity !!

The now infamous Burkes are entitled to their private “beliefs”, however the school has a duty to ensure ALL their pupils are treated with respect and not subjected to abuse, ridicule and othering, in accordance with their and the parents wishes. Quite simple.

Great to see the leadership of Wilson’s Hospital School prioritize the welfare of the child. Makes a glorious change 👏🏾 Totally inappropriate for a suspended staff member to be roaming the school grounds 🤦🏾‍♀️

clash of the religions

Who's this weenie ? EnochBurke

Now, I know world definitely gone mad.

Have to copy the yanks. Always. Could have just called them trousers but no. They're pants. As is this decision.

The poor child is in a state at the centre of all this. I don’t agree with gender change for anyone whose brain hasn’t yet fully developed & who does not have capacity to give informed consent for it. But the behaviour of this teacher IS MAKING THINGS EVEN WORSE FOR THE CHILD.

nOt UnHiNgEd

Imagine coming on here to defend a school who suspends an employee for refusing to validate a desperate cry for attention. I assume you'd support my right to have my work colleagues suspended for refusing to address me as my chosen adjective? No, didn't think so.

We should have a referendum

Good luck to him 👍this professor won his case in the states


my day if i told the teacher to call me 'they' a slap of the duster across the knuckles i would have its the teacher who gets in trouble for a student being a tool.Ireland is fecked.

Is he a relation to the campaigner Burkes also from Mayo? Looks like one.


You don't refer to a persons prononoun when they are in your presence, and if you do, it's considered rude. So the little pleb and his ghastly parents won't know what pronoun is being used anyway....what's the difference...

Herecomes the militant woke brigade...📯

Before I even read the article I knew it was one of the Westboro Baptist Burke’s! 🙄

The Burkes of Castlebar were all home-schooled. Anybody know where that ranks them on the Definitive Aoife Grace Moore Scale of Childhood Privilege?

Imho in this case the teacher is seeking to force his belief system ons the student. He's not being asked to refer to himself as he/him or whatever (i don’t keep up with this stuff) but is being asked to address someone else according to their preference. Whats the problem?

right job - he can find another post in a school somewhere else that's stuck in the dark ages.

Enoch: antediluvian, it says here:

Nice! Telling off Nazis is a good idea

Did my Honours Irish exam in Wilson's Hospital. Sad to know that they'd take a member of that family as a member of staff.

I salute him 👏

You'd only have to look at him to know he's a Burke 🤣

In fairness he learned what teachers are supposed to be like from his mother.

I'm a lifelong educator and I agree with him - the singular 'they' is infuriating on a number of levels.

A teacher with a bit of cop on.

Him and his entire family are nothing more than vexatious religious bigots!

🙄 two genders.

Country’s fucked

He is right, no the pronoun bullshit, no to compelled speech

The travelling circus hits Westmeath

Joke waist of courts time and taking the piss out of this man say the students are having a great laugh over this I know I would have

Not much of a teacher if they don't understand pronouns.

Which law states it’s illegal not to have pronouns?

Can’t we just focus on educating our children and not pandering to the woke mob? Much like your religion, keep your pronouns to yourself. You and your pronouns do not need to be the central character in everyone’s life.

Good on that school for supporting their student, this teacher wants to make that kid’s life more difficult than it has to be

Interesting headline, considering he was harassing people.

'They' is a plural. Check this out with a member of the English Department. What a storm in a teacup. Everyone in this school needs their heads examined for any evidence of residual common sense.

He can’t be disciplined because of his religious beliefs. One of the few bases you absolutely cannot be discriminated on. He is a brave and decent teacher. We need more like that to stand up and be counted instead of paralysed due to the fear of speaking out against the woke.

Wouldn’t have been an issue 30 ago as the teacher would have beat the manners into the narcissistic little pups

What school in their right mind would employ any of that family. They appear to cause problems wherever they go.

Very happy to see this school supporting their student and refusing to be intimidated, they’re leading the way. 👏🏳️‍⚧️

And if the school has a child who wishes, with their parents, to be addressed as a cat, does the same thing pertain? What are the criteria here?

Open back up the Asylums...

What a bellend…..

Sounds like they fucked up

And dead right too!

I’m not sure they know what they’re at, were they paying attention in English class at all

Clash of 2 religious beliefs there, one as daft as the other.

Sad that people can not just let other people be happy. If it is not their preference, fine, but why go out of your way to hurt others? If someone wants to be addressed in a certain way then surely that is their right.

So he found a way to avoid work, yeah him.

How does a non-binary ninja kill people? They/Them..

That teacher is 100% right, the school is 100% insane.

Sad attention seeking little freak

We cannot afford to lose The Burke's as teachers. They are very good at court, the school will likely cave.

Mr. Burke should tell the school, given the advent of fluid pronoun usage, in order not to offend, he will be assigning a number to each student and will be referring to the students by the designated number. Each number will be unique as each student is unique.

Why not call the pupil by name?

Good. It's a linguistic nonsense.

The teacher made the correct decision. Singular not plural they. Reinstate the man.

More liberal LGBTQ etc etc nonsense. Orwell is alive and well.

Far-play to him, the more people that stop pandering to woke nonsense the batter.

This pronoun crap is complete and utter shit. Id say there was way more than that tbh for a school to go that far. Hardly think that schools that still do classes on sky fairies would have advanced to pronouns this fast.

the new religion is flexing its power in the new theocracy

Absolutely dead right fair play to him for standing up to this nonsense. Maybe if the rest of us had as much balls as this lad we'd change the woke culture and stop this bs..

I mean - he's a well known langball. Why did they hire him in the first place?

People get offended when I call my female dog my bitch

Are they ever not at it?

tessyursine He should set up his own non-woke school. I’m sure it would be full to brimming!

World has gone absolutely mad!

The tail is definitely wagging the unicorn at this point 🤣🤣🤣

A school opposes proper grammar. What a clown show this place has become. Suspended for refusing to partake in fantasy

Compelled speech is wrong, this guy is 100% right, enough of this crap

Dislikable family who I don't agree with but on this matter legally he can't be forced to do this, ironically like his own religious beliefs, trans is a belief system not based on science

fedup42Mn The world continues to show us it's fucked

Ah here, ffs....

He interrupted a school service to voice his views. A service where the current school students were in attendance. So unacceptable.

Who the fuck employed a Burke? Surely the name ‘Enoch’ rang some warning bells?

Scrap the English lessons so.

Let’s get this civil war over with

The Woke agenda been forced on our education system and if you don't agree find another career.


Has this man no right to freedom of speech?

Serious clickbait going on with that headline. He’s suspended (as far as I can tell from the article) because he didn’t address the issue appropriately, not because he opposes the use of that pronoun. He was right to take the position he took but he was wrong in how he did it.

erskinechilders Tolerant Ireland, never change.

He’s right.

tessyursine Why is it schools are the first for liberal woke nonsense? Of course indoctrination of the next generation. Imagine having to remember everyone’s pronoun it’s ludicrous.

A minority of a minority do not get to pick their own pronouns. Have all the psychiatrists retired?

'Man objects to frequently used word'

Absolutely ridiculous! The country is gone mad if this is allowed to stand. The teacher should be immediately reinstated.

Complete family are difficult, to put it mildly

Moreorlessmad you wouldn’t get away with some of the stuff you called us back in the day 😂😂

When I was a kid teachers could cane our hands with a hard ruler. I don’t want those days back but I don’t want pupils running the schools either.

My full 100% support to the man! Stand up to the bullies although for Ireland it's too late.

What the F! Should he not have used It!

This man is a true patriot 🇮🇪

The burke family. Of course it is. Ireland's Budget westboro church

They gave a job to one of the Burke cult from Castlebar? The guy is completely unsuitable. His family, every last manjack of them, are Christian fundamentalist who pursue a litigious relationship with everyone they encounter.

Burke by name Burke by nature.

I just refuse to acknowledge anybody with pronouns, just ignore THEM

First victim of the American imported trans agenda.

Hate to break it to you folks but there is only two genders in this world, male or female, if you think otherwise then your also probably flying a Ukraine flag in your profile!

Prescribed speech is not free speech

Do you think he bangs his sister to the sound of the Angelus?

They is for plural only

I suppose if we assume that the people who are wrong on this (and other things) are as wrong on this as the people who aren't wrong on this are either right or wrong too, we might get to a consensus that its always wrong not to be right, or vice versa... *weary of twitter*

The school is supposed to offer an education. They might aswell do away with the English class.

Makes you wonder if the school did a background check on this guy before hiring him.

The pronoun fruitloops vs the religious fruitloops. Both are a pair of plebs. People like Burke should not be allowed teach anyone.

Maybe a compromise would work. Some teachers can call the pupil by his/her real name and pronouns, and the others can use the made up stuff. Doesn't seem right to force people into changing their beliefs.

If the student is not happy with being referred to as a 'he' or a 'she' then the only gramatical alternative is 'it' which it entirely gender neutral. 'They' is plural and always will be

Good god! What is happening to my beloved england

What kind of nonsense is going on in this country

The absolute mortification of this. All over a request to refer to someone in a certain way. Children wouldn't act like this. And the saddos down below sticking up for him.

Is the teacher correct? “They” is plural and cannot be used to address one person? What do the English teachers in the school think of this?

NoonanJoe I'd say he's great craic at a party.

No such pronoun as they

Ah the Burkes. Never not at it for attention

“They”to me is plural. Unless he’s talking to more than 1 person he’s right.

Enoch Burke and his siblings were banned for life from all student societies at NUIG. A family of Christian troublemakers.

2022 and these people are infecting our schools and majority wishes - flush out religion from our schools now - let them run Sunday school for whoever’s interested in their cult

The fundamentalist Christian sect are at it again 🙄

fedup42Mn Remember the days when teachers got paid to teach kids various subjects, now they have to contend with this nonsense.

Woke versus religion, what could go wrong?

How about a, teacher that teaches kids not to say 'Turty Tree' 33 'and' Ting' thing 😂😂

The circus again, never not at it 😂

People still name their kids 'Enoch'?

'The school denied to Mr Burke in correspondence that anyone is being 'forced' to do anything.' Evidently he is being forced!

I hear there's three types of bread in their house - white, brown and in.

He's from a family of toss pots but on this one ya wud have to agree with him

I would have thought that the 2000 Equality act, which doesn't mention 'gender identity', could only be used in the context that the school is using it here if the pupil has obtained a Gender Recognition Certificate.

How do they justify suspending a person over a child playing make believe?

Why indulge nonsense

Better off being a pedo in this country. Nobody seems to mind that.

This is a disgrace. This gender tripe needs kept out of schools. A person's pronouns are dictated by birth sex. They're not something to be chosen. No wonder teachers are leaving the profession.

The Burke family from Castlebar, again and again and again and again....... they've been in court more times than Judge Judy at this stage 🙄

This yoke has form....

1984 called and is looking for its nonsense back.

Sounds like this guy has gone completely off the beam. Whether or not this issue is the one that sent him I don't see him being able to continue teaching.

The trans cult are out and out bullies.

That teachers or anyone else should be held to account for someone's indulgence is getting to the point of being ridiculous. What next

This gender ideology bullshit needs to stop. Humans cannot change sex and gender is just made up claptrap!

Terrible that this teacher is being punished by the 'woke' for going against the gender-theory madness.

fedup42Mn The pronoun mafia are a dangerous cult.

What a dose of man. Get over yourself

Fair play to him for not giving into that pronoun nonsense

I had a teacher and for 3 years not once did he use a pronoun and was partial to calling us by the names of various flowers on occasion

Ffs let’s go back to the 90s

It's the compelled speech thing. Jordan Peterson got sacked over that I think. Fuck this woke school. I hope Mr Burke finds somewhere else

Maybe he should just get over himself

You must comply.

fedup42Mn Appalling.

First they came for the grammar.


Well now here we are, injunctions against workers who have their own opinion on what male and female are. We're seriously fucked up.

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