Legal claims shed light on founder of faith group tied to Amy Coney Barrett

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Examination of People of Praise comes as supreme court seems poised to reverse Roe v Wade

The founder of the People of Praise, a secretive charismatic Christian group that counts supreme court justiceas a member, was described in a sworn affidavit filed in the 1990s as exerting almost total control over one of the group’s female members, including making all decisions about her finances and dating relationships.

Cynthia Carnick stated in the documents that she had witnessed Dorothy Ranaghan tie the arms and legs of two of the Ranaghans’ daughters – who were three and five at the time the incidents were allegedly witnessed – to their crib with a necktie. She also said that the Ranaghans allegedly practiced “sexual displays” in front of their children and other adults, such as Dorothy Ranaghan lying with her clothes on and “rocking” on top of Kevin Ranaghan in their TV room.

Humphrey – who now uses a different surname – did not respond to a request for comment left at her residence. A spokesperson representing the Ranaghans sent an emailed statement to the Guardian on behalf of the couple’s six adult children. It said they were “insulted by false and misleading statements about our childhood relationships with our parents from decades ago”. “We are part of a loving family and bringing these preposterous claims up now is hurtful and irresponsible.”

When one alleged victim of sexual abuse, who spoke to the Guardian but asked not to be named, asked about the investigation into her own case, lawyer Diane Doolittle of Quinn Emanuel allegedly told her that at least some of the individuals who had been interviewed about the allegations “didn’t recall the details” and that it had been “difficult” to get information.

calling for reforms within the faith group. The suggested reforms included public acknowledgment that there had been a “systemic failure to protect People of Praise children from abuse”, public naming of all individuals who have been “credibly accused of abuse” or “concealing abuse within People of Praise or its schools”, and placing an equal number of women in the highest leadership positions in the group, and giving them an “equal vote in all of the group’s decisions”.


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Barrett -- the court's newest member -- shows she received a $425,000 advance from the literary agent Javelin Group, to write a book.

billyjcasey Wow

You say Faith group we say Cult

What the actual f

She seems like the last person who should be serving a lifetime term in SCOTUS. She is a person who should not be serving a lifetime term. If you love America she will not be serving a lifetime term. This is a crime against America.

We all spout about The Handmaid’s Tale? This is really as close as you can imagine life imitating art? These are the people with the power to change all our lives with a 5-4 vote! Don’t be fooled 5-4 is an illusion to look close! We know they all lied about settled law!

We have come so low!

Who knew?

Tip of the iceberg


And the GQP says it’s the democrats that are pedophiles. He how places blame is guilty. Talk about grooming, this article is all about grooming 🙄

Interesting read.

So, I guess it's okay for people of praise to either lie under oath or not be forthcoming when asked about religious affiliation. GOP playbook. Lie and deflect. Handmaid I don't trust Barrett to rule without bias on women's rights or LGBTQ cases.


TIL This wasn't obvious to everyone

She is the poster child of when the abused becomes the abuser. And there is no one more dangerous than that.

If you can’t see the crazy in her, you aren’t looking.

Why can't we call a cult a 'cult'?

CindyLo47473437 It’s not Amy Coney Barrett. It’s just Amy Barrett. Remember it was Republicans who HAMMERED Hillary Clinton in the 1990s for including Rodham in her name. Since they didn’t like it then, we shouldn’t give it to them now.

But we're still cool with Muslims, right?... Right?

AmyConeyBarrettHANDMAID for People of Praise. Her job was grooming younger women. Sounds like GhislaineMaxwell

Was obvious that Barrett/other Trump nominees were going to overturn Roe--was one of Trump's campaign promises (to be precise, fact checks find he 'strongly hinted' he would do so). Shameful that Susan Collins claims not to have been aware of this.

‘Faith’ group? You spelled CULT wrong..

I'm going to tell my grandkids that this was Amy Barrett when she was younger.

So fcking what. You want a cookie

As a Republican I watched the Watergate Hearings in 1973. Fox and GOP want to BS the base and convince us NOT to watch the hearings starting on Thursday at 8pm. They are AFRAID for us to see it! Keeping the base “uneducated”.

She became a Supreme Court judge under false pretenses(she must resign) not impartial and a religious fanatic cult member

I think we KNEW this prior to her being SHOVED onto the SC. I seem to recall Republicans screaming something about NOT bringing her religion into the hearings..blah blah blah🤷‍♀️🙄

Makes me wanna DNA test all those kids of hers

A LITTLE LATE NO? We need to expand the court NOW!!!!

I have been mispronouncing her name 'Comey.' To remember her name, I'll picture her with one of those 'cones of shame' around her neck..!

Amy 'Burka' Barrett

Repeat: the 6 con 'justices' are traitors to democracy.

My question is why is this just coming to light? This is just awesome! We have Jimma (Jim) Jones, sitting on the SCOTUS.

Not surprised. I've been worried from the start about the two Haitian children she adopted. Read too many stories about behind door shenanigans. She is not qualified to be on the SC. Biden needs to plant some justices on the SC or we're doomed.

Down in the text it is revealed that ACB was literally a “handmaid.”

Extreme religious fanaticism determined to undermine The Separation of Church & State.

This matters, why? Look at her rulings & explain which ones are based on her religion and not the US Constitution. JFK dealt with bias for his religion, too. He addressed the critics directly:


I'm not defending this family in any which way but some of the things that happened in this household don't even seem that provocative when compared to other cultures ex. Japanese. Just saying.

Cult followers are fanatics.

Jesus (literally) with news reports of her involvement with this christian cult published as far back as 2017--was it even questioned in her confirmation hearings? I mean...she literally held the title 'handmaiden'? woof. 🤨

John Kennedy was smeared for being Catholic when running for President. Critics asked if the Pope would be in charge? The arguments went nowhere because the U.S. has Freedom of Religion. Read her rulings… she justifies her decisions by the US Constitution, not her church.

Every male GOP fantasy…they’re trying to make this reality.

Well color me surprised

Barrett lived in the home of the faith groups founder and leader, as did Barrett’s husband. She lied to get a lifetime position on the Supreme Court. The GOP is corrupt as is the courts these days. The people have the numbers and the power, not the corrupt politicians and judges.

No surprises about Amy conehead Barrett. She is not qualified for SC & has conflicts of interest like Thomas & Cavenaugh. Supreme Court cannot be trusted anymore. Compromised by trump and his horrid choices He stacked it & violated the trust for most Americans for years to come

Don't get me started on the democrats on the Supreme Court!

You should try believing in God! Your soul is empty!

This commands a documentary. It needs a brighter spotlight.

Of course OfJesse Barrett isn’t the real SCOTUS, her husband is. Just like Ginny Thomas is SCOTUS

We all knew this

How stepford


So, in other words, a Cult. Amy Coney Barrett is a member of a cult that disguises itself as a religious group. Ohh, what a novel idea……happens all the time. Why is she on our SCOTUS and how do we correct this?

She also lived with the founders while attending school. amyconeybarrett handmaidstale

Religious groups that are secretive are always doing something illegal. 100%. Guaranteed. End of story. Have we not all learned this lesson already? 1000 times over?

'The Washington Post reported in 2020 that a People of Praise 2010 directory showed Barrett served as a “handmaid”, a female adviser to other female members'

Cloaking sexual perversion under the guise of Christianity and religious doctrine

This was known about her before her confirmation hearings. Why no one asked her about it is a mystery.

American cultural and political dominance is such that countries on the other side of the planet not only know who our associate justices of the Supreme Court are, they know enough about their personalities to engage in deranged conspiracy-mongering.

I’ll admit that I think all religion is ridiculous but hers is insanely ridiculous.

She is one sick pfheck

There’s a special place in hell for people who prey on others in the name of Christianity.

I have no doubt that many of these children were sexually abused, including those of the founder. They want to talk about grooming, what this cult does is grooming.

I do NOT want this lady making decisions that affect me and my daughters.

Not every day you hear your scotus hanging out with religious leaders who like to shower with 10 year old girls. Amy, this your kind of household?


Barrett was pushed through by McTurtle and the Orange man so fast that nobody had sufficient time to fully vette this judge. Her appointment and that of the crybaby Kavannaugh fly in the face of what the Supreme Court SHOULD represent.

Investigate. Impeach if necessary. Our govt & courts have been hijacked

It appears we have one member of the US Supreme Court who was a cult member.

They ARE what they claim about the Democratic Party🤮 Sick disturbed individuals. So now we have 3 judges who clearly don’t have healthy boundaries

'Amy Coney Barrett and the People of Praise have close ties to Betsy DeVos, Koch Industries & Erik Prince. They’re trying to make USA into a Christian Theocracy, we must fight back. Amy Coney Barrett was/still in religious CULT. Dems must increase their majority& expand court.'

1. Please don't call her by 3 names ala RBG. Barrett's 'faith' requires her to be subservient to her husband whose permission, I assume, she had to get to use her maiden name. She's no RBG. 2. She's on an ideological right-wing religious crusade and dangerous to our democracy.

Why didn’t the FBI uncover this in Her Background check!!

Amy Coney-Barrett, a woman who was part of THIS, which frankly sounds cultish & abusive, is making decisions for women and children in America?

Amy Covid Barrett's nomination by an impeached President was a travesty and this along, Kavanagh's nomination as well as refusal to start confirmation process for Judge Garland is when the legitimacy of SC was brought into question/

Anybody gonna pretend to be surprised? Besides Susan Collins?

And McConnell rushed her through so this couldn’t be exposed?

Seems unwise to have a cult member make the laws for 330 million people.

Is people of praise also connected to the Quiverfull cult?


A SCOTUS judge should not be anywhere near this kind of thing. I'm looking at our Republican leaders who voted to confirm her - WHY? Yet SCOTUS has the gall to reprimand us for daring to question the institution now. It's just crazy, BAT SHIT crazy.

fritchee The far right radical, Amy Covid Barrett has no business being on SCOTUS.

I was in a sex club long time ago, I never lied about not being a Christian or faked any of my jobs.

You mean the cult she belongs to?

Now I can believe in the chaos of the show Y, those type of women abs cray cray women do exist

Margaret Atwood LITERALLY wrote a book about them

Pedos of Praise

She has the look of a cult member, crazy in the eyes

Unqualified weirdo

I’m shocked to hear Catholics are being abusive.

It’s ok Guardian, you can say cult

I think some men, such as in the extreme religious right, won't be satisfied until they exert total control over women. handmaidstale is what they want for the future for us VoteThemOut yes, those who are in Congress need to go. !

this is for all the i'm not voting folks.

The Trump appointed Supreme Court Judges were bought and paid for by Trump and McConnell.. the cost..American rights ! Never trust the Trump Supreme Court of the United States

AmyConeyHandmaid Please, make it trend.

Cool story, British-based media outlet. How are you doing on getting the Epstein client list? Just gonna let the Queen sweep Andrew under rug and move on?

“We expect this investigation to be concluded soon, and you can expect to hear more from us,” Statement made over a year ago

They came for the Muslims, ppl shrugged & said 'not me' They came for Immigrants, LBGT, ppl of color. Again 'not me' They came for women, again: 'not me' MAGA believe rich folks care about 'them'. They'll be standing alone when their rights also disappear.

ACB was a fucking HANDMAIDEN. Does anything more need to be said?

Glad we're getting some clarity on the fact that cult members are arbitrating our democracy and about to end equality for American women.

She is not qualified.

FYI ... Faith group = Cult

Cynthia Carnick stated in documents that she had witnessed Dorothy Ranaghan tie the arms and legs of two of the Ranaghans’ daughters, who were three and five at the time, to their crib with a necktie. Also said that the Ranaghans practiced “sexual displays” in front of their kids

BaddCompani and their Trinity School hq is portland Oregon of all places…

morgfair god is not a magician.... there is no way to build an Ark and put all those animals on it.

'Susan Reynolds said in a sworn statement that she lived in the Ranaghan household and that she had at one point been “shocked” to hear that Kevin Ranaghan sometimes showered with two of his daughters, who were ten or eleven at the time.'

🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐 TeresaCCarter2

Neeeeeds to be removed

Founder... 😖

Coney Barrett is an originalist and interprets the constitution as such. I would expect The Guardian to debate her views on a more intellectual level and not some slimey hit job such as this.

“That’s when I brought the story to the New York Times in 2017. As a supreme court justice now, her extreme views may affect upwards of half a billion Americans in her lifetime,” he told the Guardian.”

Cult Group


Time for this door mat to trade in her robe & put on an apron. The pope finally got his way & is inching up your daughter's vagina. Funny how the SPERM DONOR continues to f**k, dump & run, with NO consequences. Hunt him down & castrate him. There won't be any more abortions.

Guardian piece won't DL for me; here's this, from 2 yrs ago. How on earth is this cultist on SCOTUS? The 'handmaid' crap has no place in a SCJ's mind—& is odd; I was in Cath. charismatic movement in early '70s—was not remotely like this, which is a cult.

Sickening how media tries to make people guilty for minor associations

Is she still being told how to behave and what to do. Are her decisions actually hers to make now or does the People of Praise still tell her

Amy Coney Barrett, aka Ofkevin, now Ofjesse Helping to turn this country into Gilead, where women have no rights.

We MUST expand this Supreme Court, which is definitely NOT supreme.

💩💩💩 this fucking bitch 💀🖕🏻

The Grauniad gives away its motive of why it is 'investigating' People of Praise in the title. It's for no other reason than to slime and personally attack ACB because they don't like how she's going to vote on RvW. It's a wonder why no one trusts journalism anymore.

This was known at time of her confirmation hearings, but Democrats avoided topic for fear of being seen as attacking her religion. Ridiculous. This is a cult.

Let's all put on our big surprise face.

Always some dirty ass secret with people in congress. It’s disturbing.

Declaring Jesus to be the son of God is radical misinformation

Yet another cult that has a core pillar of their belief structure built around the male leader convincing parents to let him have sex with all their underage daughters. I'm starting to think 80% of organized religion is just social camouflage for pedophiles.

It’s not like anything will be done. Obviously she is shady.

Can a SCOTUS BE barred ?

danielme1980 You're right. She is unqualified.

StandForBetter Any shock, really?

Gosh damn. She’s all wrong for the scotus


Mitch and his money funders are so eager to take over our DEMOCRCACY

Faith group? Nah. It's a cult.

How many cults can Barrett serve!! I thought cults were supposed to be one at a time?

It appears that the reprehensible GOP has appointed the sleaziest judges possible to the Supreme Court. Who else would go along with the removal of women's rights & those sure to follow? Who else would vote 4 more permissive gun rights, even in light of all the mass murders?

This woman should not be a Supreme Court Justice!

She is so unqualified to be a law maker for this country!

All religion is made up BULLSHIT. AND YES THERE ALL CULTS. The best part is how the religion always coincides with there views..... WIERD

We knew this about her. I know I’ve been saying ever since she was nominated for SCOTUS and her religious extremism was discovered. By the rest of us, that is. It’s why Fed Society shoved her through the ranks. She’s unqualified and in a cult.

Charismatic groups are part of all Catholic churches. you are free to stay or leave as you feel. this is very surprising to me. What was described in this article sounds nothing like a true Catholic Charistmatic group. These groups dedicate their lives to praying for others.

I wonder how a young female law student pays rent to someone owning a mansion…

Amy Conehead Barrett is better suited to be a Judge during the Salem Witch Hunt trials. She thinks the earth is flat, and people walked with Dinosaurs.. amyconeybarrett GOPGunsOverPeople GOPCowards GOPCorruptionOverCountry

Where was this during her questioning before being given a seat on the Supreme Court?

Wendy Byrde

Far, far, far right Catholicism.

'People of Praise' is a secretive Charismatic group (which Barrett's a member) that exerts almost total control over Group’s female members,including making decisions about female's finances & dating relationships. And this should concern all Americans,--as Barrett sits as SCOTUS

Cult member on SCOTUS. Also she didn’t even know the Constitution. I think the only Amendment she knew was 2a

Amy Coney Barrett part of a cult LOL!! you people need mental interdiction.

We've let cults take over America!

amyconeybarrett is a Catholic. The founder of her faith group is Jesus.

ACB’s idea of the perfect world

Amy Coney 'The Handmaid' Barrett

amyconeybarrett lied SCOTUSits2022not1791 soctuscorruption

Wow USSupremeCourt the surpreme court sure does know how to keep secrets about its inappropriate justices. This is disgusting

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